#hasan is so incredibly creepy
Ok, tell me something you are passionate about. Books, tv series, podcasts. I want to expand my horizons~
Coraline by Neil Gaiman, incredible book, and an incredible understanding of the mind of a child. It has some of my favorite quotes of all time such as:
“I don't want whatever I want. Nobody does. Not really.”
“Now you people have names. That's because you don't know who you are. We know who we are, so we don't need names.”
“‘Because,' she said, 'when you're scared but you still do it anyway, that’s brave.’”
There are many more but if I continue I’ll never stop.
A TV show I love is Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. It’s so underrated and it got cancelled after two seasons but what’s left is still, so damn good. I love it and you should too.
I also love Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj. If you aren’t watching it, you’re missing out. It’s the funniest thing ever and like the only ‘late night’ show I actually like. He’s great and engaging and talks about actually important issues.
I don’t listen to many podcasts but the one I do is And That’s Why We Drink. It’s two friends who tell each other creepy stories. One does the ghosty stuff and the other does true crime. So much fun to listen to. I’m gonna start listening to David Tennant’s podcast soon because I’ve heard it’s really good and we could all use a bit more of that Scotsman in our life.
Send me an ask for TMI Tuesday!
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b0amagination · 3 years
Hasan and Declan - 13
Series masterlist
Content warnings: restrained, sound torture, dirty talking (no, it’s not sexual. yes, that’s the only way I can describe this), description of medieval torture and recorded/broadcasted whump, mention of noncon kiss. 
I have to encourage listening along to the audio for this chapter because it’s so much better for it, especially with the heavy dialogue focus, and it was such an experience to record. However, I do have to warn that the reason it’s so effective is because it’s creepy as all hell. So, you know. Listen at your personal discretion. 
I had to split up the audio file for this chapter so click here for (RECORDING PART 2)
Declan felt really weird when he woke up.
Which was saying something, considering his kidnapping predicament.
He opened his eyes to darkness. Okay. Normal. He pulled his arm back to roll over and sit up. It caught on the bar of the cot. Not normal.
Both his legs and arms were tied to the bars holding his shitty cot together. The pressure against his head should have been bandages wrapping around it, but it felt too tight. When he muttered a curse to himself, the sound was muffled to his ears and ricocheted in his head instead. Something sticky pressed against his forehead and nape, winding around his head in the same way the duct tape had when Hasan gagged him.
Over his ears were what felt to be padded headphones, and that was all too much for having just woken up. It must have been the middle of the night. He settled as comfortably as he could and let unconsciousness claim him once more. Hasan’s presence would wake him when necessary.
And wake him it did.
Blaring vocals with a driving guitar and drums flowed directly into his ears.
“Yesterday I heard you say your lust for life has gone away! It got me thinking: I think I feel a similar way and that’s sad (that’s sad, that’s sad!)”
“Fuck! Fuck off!” Declan yelled, a newfound understanding of his situation dawning upon him. “Thank you for less 2000’s love proposals! But that doesn’t mean I’m down for this bullshit! And it still sounds like half of a love proposal! Or an offering to join a cult!”
The song was only halfway through once an awful headache set in. The left side of his head was still in misery, only amplified by the joy of Hasan’s music taste introducing itself.
And when it finally ended, their voice was there to console him.
“Well well well, good morning my darling! You just heard The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience! I hope I didn’t frighten you. Or that I did. As much as I do so much wish I were there with you, my self control has kept me my job thus far.
“I’ll fill you in on some basics: Yes, you are tied to that cot aren’t you? Tough, unyielding ropes holding you down, just the same as last night. Do squirm and wish for escape, won’t you? I expect to see some gorgeous, irritated red skin by the time I’m home.”
“Yeah sure,” Declan grunted. “And I’ll hope you got mugged or something.”
“Second of all, I know it sure is tempting, but you are not to touch these headphones. They’re taped in place for a reason. I promise that even if you take them off, the volume is far too loud to block out in any meaningful way.”
“Fuck youuu, that’s stupid.”
“They’re very not stupid. Otherwise you’d spend another day left to your own thoughts instead of my lovely guidance. Wouldn’t that be a shame?”
“No.” Declan rolled his eyes.
“I’m not asking for your input because that was rhetorical.”
“Are you fucking listening to me?! Bitch, is this live radio?!”
“I feel like I should have something else to say, but I’ve forgotten. Perhaps you’ll hear it in a later session as I check in with you throughout the day. I leave you with 2012 by Will Wood and his since redacted tapeworms,” they said.
Another song picked up lightly before the vocalist shouted “FUCK!” directly into his ears. Ow. At least it was relatable.
The silence once it fizzled out was eerie, but entirely more pleasant than being deafened or monologued at. He felt entirely too awake, but there was nothing else to do but sleep and try to ignore his grumbling stomach and parched throat.
He wasn’t especially surprised to be woken out of a listless state with another song. Just mildly disappointed.
“You know what, I’m doing part of this tonight and part of it on my lunch break tomorrow, and I’m ecstatic about it. It’s like recording a podcast episode, but I know my viewer and I get to talk directly to them. 
“By the way, I’ve got this lovely microphone so when I lean closer and whisper… I can imagine the shiver that just went down your spine.” They leaned back and laughed.
“Anyway, this is the segment where I give you a rant on medieval torture techniques!”
“Gee, I sure hope you don’t ever make a podcast because that’s an awful segment,” Declan muttered.
“See, when one is looking for torture, they’re often looking to keep someone alive and see them suffer, yes? At least these days. There are so many medieval torture devices simply meant to maim or kill.”
“I’m done listening to this bullshit. Wake me up when it’s over.”
“Have you heard of the rack, for example? Right, the one they used during religious inquisitions to force a confession. But the only other option with the rack is to rend someone limb from limb! Each shoulder and hip is dislocated, then knees and elbows, wrists and ankles, so on and so forth until the body is unsalvageable! It’s tragic!
“Did you know they used to hang people upside down and saw them in half? Imagine just how exhausting that’d be! Yes, Gwenython, hoist him on up, hasty now, and Johnson and I will saw on down through all his bones and watch his innards spill. No, no, it won’t be more effort than it’s worth, and certainly won’t be a massive pain in the ass to clean up… ugh. Not to mention there’s no way he wouldn’t already be dead by the middle of it. It’s just too effective in every wrong way.
“And they all go on and on like that! Yes, they cause extreme suffering, but they also result in death! It’s all so fucking counterproductive! 
“Anyway, my darling, if you happen to know any useful torture methods that will not maim or kill you, do be sure to let me know.”
Finally their voice left him and he got his outro song. He almost rolled his eyes at the lyrics.
“Welcome to the panic room… where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you (come for you). Welcome to the panic room… You’ll know I wasn’t jokin’ when you see them too.”
Uh huh, rub it in, and keep avoiding subtlety so I have to understand your sick jokes, Hasan.
And that’s how Declan kept himself sane as the rest of the day continued similarly. He backtalked or tuned them out. The rest of his time was spent falling in and out of sleep, or putting incredible focus into far happier daydreams.
He was jolted out of a particularly nice one by rock music that was just delightful at maximum volume. His ears were ringing by the time Hasan’s voice tuned back in.
“And for this segment, I’m going to describe one of my many fantasies in excruciating detail,” they grinned audibly.
“Cool! So the past however many hours of this horrendous radioplay, then!” he shouted.
“I know you’re being overdramatic right now and it’s really for naut. I just want to tell you about…” They paused, breathing into the microphone as they grew closer. “I can’t stop thinking about logging into your Twitch account.”
“You and every hacker ever.”
“Getting the password out of you, no matter how long it takes you to give it, and having all the power in my hands.”
“And now you sound like a shitty Batman villain or something.” He rolled his eyes. Nothing like his kidnapper getting into more of his social media accounts.
“I wish I could have you speak to your audience, but I fear you’d be all too tempted to doxx me, which is so unfortunate. And I’m sure you’d hate to spend such a long time gagged, but it’d be a lovely opportunity to try out more on you.”
“You’re right and you should shut the fuck up now.” But Hasan kept on, and Declan’s defiance was slowly devoured by terror.
“The ring gag would be lovely to hear your screams through, but I should acquaint you with the rest of my collection as well. Variety is the spice of life, after all.
“I wonder… How many of your loyal fans would stay to watch? How many of them have dreamt of this all along, and how many of them are about to discover a few new kinks? How many new fans are going to find and follow your account because of this new direction you’re taking? And how many of them would stare in horror? Try to contact you? Attempt to find any clues they can? 
“And I’d have to mask my identity, of course, but the thrill of all those people- It would be so fun to interact with chat, maybe even take a few requests, and, of course, make you bleed for them.
“But my favorite part is your reaction. I imagine I’d get this set up while you watch on, try to guess what I’m doing, and oh… god, when you realize? When you beg me not to? When you cry? When I kiss away those tears and tell you it’s going to happen anyway?
“I want to watch the fear fill your eyes as you stare into the camera. I want to slap you and tell you to keep your attention on me. I want to kick you and beat you and humiliate you in front of that audience. I want to spit on you and tell you that you deserve it. I want to grind my heel into the back of your neck and hear you choke against the floor.
“And when the camera is off, I’ll cradle you in my arms and tell you I was only being mean for their enjoyment, that I don’t think any of those things, and you’ll be too tired to tell me how much you hate me.”
“I’ll see you soon, darling. I love you.”
That segment didn’t end with a song. Even with headphones over his ears, Declan heard his breaths hitch and shake. He closed his eyes against the vast nothingness and tried to calm down. They hadn’t done anything like that yet except for… photographing him. And taking a video to send to their friends. 
But there were too many legal risks with streaming. Declan always had to watch his own steps, for heaven’s sake. There was no way literal torture would be allowed to stay up.
Just hearing what they wanted was chilling enough. 
“Hey! I know you just heard a broadcast, but I thought I’d let you know that I’m on my way back for you now! See you soon, dearest.”
“See you never, dumbass,” he retorted to nothing, letting out a world weary sigh.
He felt nauseous with discomfort in almost every way. It was interesting in an awful sense, how any other torture Hasan inflicted upon him would feel worse, yet he was about to go insane sitting around like this. There had to be some way to get water, at least.
Declan tensed his muscles and threw his body to the left, scooting the cot ever so slightly. Doing it again got the same result, and he’d almost worked up a sweat by the time he felt one side stop moving against the corner of something. If he could get his hands close enough to check what it was…
Leaning his body weight to one side of the cot, he attempted to tilt it so he could reach, but he overestimated his range. With nothing to catch himself on once the cot tilted off balance, it followed through and Declan crashed down on his front.
“Shit! Fuck!” he grunted, trying to adjust himself before remembering his limbs were still affixed to the bars.
Thankfully the cot wasn’t heavy, but the floor was cool even without its pressure and he desperately adjusted so that less of his bare skin was touching it. He might as well see if the box he’d gone for even had water in it in the first place.
He wiggled his fingers near enough to find… not water. Crinkly plastic packaging met his hand and he sighed. He didn’t trust himself to open any packaging right now, but especially not some dry snack he’d choke on without liquid.
Declan was busy feeling around for anything else when he thought he heard a door. 
“You know, Dec, I’ve actually got confidence in you today,” Hasan admitted. “I believe that there is no way you could have fucked me or yourself over in your position. Or at least no major way. I sure would be impressed if you’d made any progress at all-” The lights flicked on and the narration only paused for a second before laughter filled his ears.
“You’re such a loon! You’re actually mad!” He turned his head toward Hasan as they approached and tried to give an effective scowl as the light burned his eyes. “In what world,” they crouched down, “was that going to work?”
Their words, which came through clearly at first, seemed to echo and jumble together as they leaned closer, phone in hand. It got so bad that the frequency pitched up to an unbearable amount and he let out a shriek which, in turn, also built in frequency.
“I’m not being that rude am I? You’re the stupid one here,” they said, but it clearly didn’t reach him. In leaning their head closer, they found out why. They also hoped that one day wasn’t enough to cause permanent hearing loss. They clicked down the volume on their phone. “Can you hear me now?”
Declan nodded, breathlessly.
“Lovely. Seems I forgot to turn your microphone off,” they smiled, their voice amplified in his ears. 
“Yes. The microphone attached to your headphones, obviously.” They pointed at a protruding piece that Declan hadn’t felt before then. “I thought it might be fun to hear what you said to yourself and me all day, and might I mention that I’m generously striking your heinous comments from the record.”
“Fuck you, you can’t listen to me like that!”
“Why not? I’m well within my right to keep tabs on my slippery little captive.” They ran a teasing finger down his nose and flicked it.
“I thought I was alone.”
“Oh, I would never leave you alone for a second if I had a choice in the matter.” 
“I feel like that’s a hyperbole- aaAAAH!! No- fuck!”
Hasan held back a giggle as they clicked up their phone volume and Declan screwed himself over. They turned it back down to ask “Are you done?” and only got a huff of frustration from Declan. 
“Alright. I’ve only got one more question before I take this off of you, and that is: what in the hell did you do to capsize my lovingly provided bed?”
“I… would like to abstain from answering that,” he grimaced.
“Would you really? Because my immediate assumption is that you attempted to escape once again, and I will click up the volume on this if you try any more nonsense.”
“Ughh. I was thirsty and I tried to grab some water. It didn’t work. Obviously. Are you happy? You sure look happy.”
“That’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard. But that is you actively trying to take care of yourself, so I’m already more confident than I was yesterday,” they smiled, and the wretched thing almost took on a fond tone. “Come on. Let’s get you taken care of.”
Tag list: @suspicious-whumping-egg, @as-a-matter-of-whump, @hurting-fictional-people
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