#has ying yang finally been voted off???
multifandom-rambler · 11 months
cabby’s files were like a kinda interesting flaw
..and then they made it a disability thing 🤨
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heymeowmao · 5 years
[Full] Our Song _ E11 (Last in rankings today (fourth place) will leave. Last episode next week.)
4:17 - MC: Na-jie is back with the team, and XZ can finally breathe a breath of relief. He finally let Na-jie come back and has withstood the challenges without her, right? But right now we have a different situation, which is that they haven’t met for a while. Tonight is an important match. XZ, you won’t let Na-jie only come back this once and then not again, right?  XZ: Of course not! Na-jie and I have not felt the passing of time at all, we’re still as compatible as ever! NY: I have communicated through phone, and I always ask him how the song selections are going.  
5:30 - MC: In order to pick our order today, we all went shooting. The only person to shoot a 10 was... /one day earlier/ MC: When you (XZ) film, you should have practiced this, right? XZ: Yep. NY: Ge, let me tell you. You might not win over him (XZ). While filming he’s been learning how to shoot. FYQ: Oh, he has experience? NY: Yes, yes. Be careful! XZ: Playing blind~
6:44 - WOW, Fei Yuqing shoots a 10 AND made it look so easy. 7:15 - XZ: NA-JIEEEEEE!!!! /shoots a 4/ oTL [total 18 points] 7:26 - FYQ getting ready... /Na-jie starts singing/ He misses. FYQ: Who was singing??! ZHJ: You definitely influenced him. 7:51 - NY: Let me sing another song. FYQ: /misses again/ [total 10 points]
8:32 - MC: Because FYQ’s skill is very good, he can give the #1 spot to another team. FYQ: Ah, number 1.... Who was it that sang “The Evening Bell of Nanping”? NY: /oops/ FYQ: Who sang “One Plum Blossom”? NY: HAHAHA
9:14 - MC: Team Na-Zhan will be the first to sing tonight. They’ll be fulfilling two expectations. The first is that Na-jie is back! What sort of stage will their collaboration bring to us this time? The second is that they had prepared this song a while ago but didn’t get the chance to sing (bc they passed into the next round already), and at the time I had asked XZ to sing a few lines. Since that time, the audience has been asking non-stop when we would hear the song in its entirety. Everyone. That time is now.
9:54 - XZ: Na-jie!!!! NY: What is this? We’re matching again today, too. XZ: Come quick, come quick! XZ: I really missed you. NY: You missed me? How did it go? XZ: Pretty good. I need to report to you my results. NY: I thought it was a payroll. XZ: LOL. This is our record for the past weeks. We got third place twice, but last time we got second. Pretty good. NY: Very good!
Na Ying x Xiao Zhan -  被风吹过的夏天 (Bei Feng Chui Guo De Xia Tian)
16:07 - XZ: /confused baby takes the fish from Na-jie/ NY: I’m sorry. MC: Na-jie. I’m sure in all your years on stage and in your life, you’ve never been gifted a bag of fish before, have you? NY: /giggling/ XZ: /still confused/ NY: You didn’t see, did you? XZ: ? NY: I dropped the fish. XZ: /WHAT?/ A: If he had seen I bet he also would have laughed. XZ: If I had seen I wouldn’t have been able to sing the last verse either
16:45 - NY: When we were practicing, XZ would only be holding an ID card. Look at this thing- all wet, and REAL fish. With water. I didn’t hold it properly and when I was walking behind you I dropped it. At that time- my heart shattered. NY: And then when I was sitting here, I held up the fish and then I remembered how I dropped them and I COULD NOT sing anymore.
17:15 - XZ: I didn’t know what happened. I thought I sang wrong, Na-jie! NY: You were great. You kept on singing until the end. XZ: I didn’t have any other choice
17:26 - NY: I’m really glad you didn’t see that. I really need to tell you I’m sorry. XZ: No, no, no, no. It’s his fault (the fish). It’s you. /pokes the fish/ 17:38 - A: We were laughing ourselves silly down here. I saw Huajian-dage over there... ZHJ: I knew it could definitely influence them, but I get more screen-time.
17:51 - MC: Let me ask HJ, do you think it’s alright to make mistakes on a live stage? ZHJ: Of course! In this world, who can compare to me in terms of making mistakes on stage? JYQ: Big Bro “Forgetting the Lyrics”  ZHJ: Not only forgetting the lyrics. I’ve written a whole new song before.  ZHJ: This has to be said though, Xiao Zhan has improved a lot.
Hacken Lee x Zhou Shen -  大会堂演奏厅 (Da Hui Tang Yan Zou Ting)
30:06 - MC: Hacken wrote the lyrics for this song in 1988, when he was just 21 years old. A lot of people know his songs, but I must let everyone know that he’s written lyrics for more than 80 songs.
Fei Yuqing x Ayanga -  新鸳鸯·蝴蝶梦 (Xin Yuan Yang - Hu Die Meng) + Ayanga in a Pikachu sweater. Never thought I’d see it.
37:55 - MC: I need to say, from my standpoint, the one I could see the most clearly was Xiao Zhan. It looked like there was something shining from deep within his eyes. XZ: I feel very touched. I felt like I could hear in the song a hopeful feeling. It was divine, and made me see “hope” and the “future”. It’s very abstract, but I liked it a lot. NY: As soon as FYQ opened his mouth, I felt (indescribable). I realized that in the music industry, he’s too superior.  -- NY: I’ve been thinking to myself- how could FYQ not continue to sing anymore.[FYQ is retiring, after this show is over, he will not be singing professionally anymore.] At the very last moment, now here is Ayanga. When he stood there singing I came to realize that even when Xiao Ge doesn’t sing anymore, he could be relieved that Ayanga is there to sing in his place. 
Zhou Huajian x Jiang Yiqiao -  虎口脱险 (Hu Kou Tuo Xian)
Na Ying x Xiao Zhan -  恼人的秋风 (Nao Ren De Qiu Feng)
1:00:20 - MC: Hold on! We need to confirm something first. Could the female singer please say a few words? (/confirm it is really Na Yin XD/) NY: He’ll talk first. Him first. MC: I really do not dare believe this is our Na-jie! Audience: Team Na-Zhan! x10000 NY: What about us? Audience: You’re great!!! NY: Do you think we can turn this around (win another round)? Audience: /cheering/ MC: XZ, tell me. Whose idea was this? XZ: Actutally, it was Na-jie. She said she wanted to pay tribute. MC: ??? NY: It’s because previously we heard Hacken and Zhou Shen sing the “Ye Lang Disco”. After I saw that I thought that we also should sing a song like that. I wanted to pay tribute to my 80′s. MC: XZ. When you heard about the song, did you not even hesitate for a second? NY: He ignored me for a whole day! XZ: No, Na-jie! I really was working! I wouldn’t dare (ignore you)! NY: I was thinking “Oh shoot. He probably doesn’t like it.” MC: Or maybe he got scared.  XZ: Honestly I did hesitate at first. I didn’t think I would be able to control it. But Na-jie said she wanted it retro, and she explained her vision to me, and I was convinced. I said if we’re going to do it, let’s [go big or go home]. So we tried a retro style.
1:02:05 - MC: You know, with Na-jie.. it’s very rare that we have the chance to see you sing AND dance on stage.  ZHJ: And she danced very well! NY: I really need to thank XZ for practicing the steps with me all the time. When we were sitting there, too, he was counting the beats for me. You all know that even when I walk normally I’m a little uncoordinated. So this (dance) was really hard for me. You may not have seen, but up there where the lyrics are, the choreographer was there, showing me the steps. 
1:02:53 - MC: Let me tell you, ever since we started battling in teams, this is the first time that FYQ forgot to hold his pen and paper.  1:03:44 - ZHJ: I know you are all very happy, but have you thought about how we feel? (ZHJ x JYQ, who have to sing next). You two... do you have to be so cruel? NY: In this music competition, you HAVE TO be this cruel.  ZHJ: If we could vote, I’d vote for you to win.  ZHJ: I’m really happy and thankful to have made it this far in the competition. It doesn’t even feel like one at this point. We���re all here to appreciate each other. I really want to thank the two of you for letting us open our eyes and ears. Especially Na-jie. NY: This is not easy for me. ZHJ: You’re obviously someone who can just rely on your face... why do you have to sing so well? And why do you have to have such a nice figure? NY: Do you know how much I’ve suffered off this stage? I can’t eat all the good foods! YOU can eat a bowl of noodles, but I can only eat three strands! XZ: !! NY: And then I have to work out. I think if you still want to stand on stage, you have to maintain a healthy mind/body.  ZHJ: We will still work hard! Watch out for us!
Zhou Huajian x Jiang Yiqiao -  其实不想走 (Qi Shi Bu Xiang Zou | Don’t Want to Go)
1:05:11 - NY: This title makes my heart hurt. ZHJ: We can only play the sympathy card now.
1:12:24 - MC: When I was conversing with HJ before, he had told me that there was a singer that he always wanted to sing with- that singer is Na-jie. NY: ?! Audience: /sing sth!/
1:13:13 - ZHJ: Work with me here, is there any of my songs that you’ve heard? NY: I can sing any/all of your songs. MC: Can I request one? Because the two of your teams.... only one will continue in the competition, and now you have to part ways. So the only thing I can think of is “ 让我欢喜让我忧” (Make Me Happy Make Me Worry)
多想說聲我真的愛妳 I want to say I really love you 多想說聲對不起妳 I want to say I’m sorry to you 妳哭著說情緣已盡 You cry and say the relationship is over 難再續 難再續 It’s too hard to continue, too hard to continue
就請妳給我多一點點時間 再多一點點問候 Just please give me just a little more time, just a little more greetings 不要一切都帶走 Don’t take everything and go 就請妳給我多一點點空間 再多一點點溫柔 Just please give me just a little more space, just a little more tenderness 不要讓我如此難受  Don’t make me so uncomfortable
ZHJ: Wait, there’s more I have to sing
妳���樣一個女人 讓我歡喜讓我(+們)憂 A woman like you, makes me happy and makes US worry (he changed the lyrics from “me” to “us”) 讓我甘心為了妳付出我(+們)所有 Let me be happy for you, give US everything
1:16:39 - MC: I’ve been listening to a song recently that I really like, and I’ve written down a few of the lyrics to share with you. I think it suits this stage and everyone’s thinking. We say that this society runs too fast sometimes. So how fast is it? [Lyrics to Zhou Huajian’s most recent release “少年” Shao Nian (Youth)]
有时候来不及沉淀 岁月总是跑在灵魂的前面 Sometimes it’s too late to rush, years go by passing faster than the soul 好在还有一点信念 陪我们完成每一天 Fortunately I still have a little faith to accompany us to complete the day 别忘记心中的少年 狂奔的勇敢的 Don’t forget the youth still in your heart, hasty, brave 最初的少年 The youth you were at first
MC: We’ve been waiting six years for a new song from Huajian. Could you tell us about this song? ZHJ: Let me speak directly. For people my age, it’s hard to walk into a record shop... it’s highly likely that there aren’t many songs we can choose to listen to. That’s not to say that the current music of the youth isn’t good, it’s just that when you reach a certain age, there’s inevitably going to be that generational gap. I wanted to be able to give people in my generation a choice. For the past six years I’ve been thinking about this, and it’s only in the past year that I realized that after having written eight songs I was always talking about the past, when I was young. That’s how I thought of the theme, the title- “shao nian.” When I finished making the song I found it interesting. I used the word “youth” to look at the faces of everyone around me. The people I know now, the people I’ve known for years, the people I am getting to know. There’s a youth inside all of us. No matter what age you are now, whether 60 or 70, there’s a youth inside you. Don’t hide them. Let them out. 
Goodbye to Zhou Huajian and Jiang Yiqiao :’(
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Omi Analysis Dump
I was talking recently with @rendellstreet about the events of “Juding Omi” and how Omi might have past traumas and triggers based on how the boy reacted to seeing his friends being tickle tortured.  I thought Omi assumed his friends and the Ticklebot were laughing at him, this is after Omi teamed up with evil villain Chase to save them all.  If Omi being laughed at is a trigger for the boy, then that means he was ruthlessly laughed at and made fun of before the new students joined the Temple.  This is why Omi works so hard to be perfect in his martial arts forms, and also why Omi laughs when others don’t master forms on the first try.  In Omi’s mind, if he’s not doing his best he has failed everyone.  Rendell asked who would be laughing at or making fun of Omi.  In XS it’s not really clear, but in XC I would assume other students from before Clay, Kimiko, and Raimundo joined.  If there are other students in XC, why not XS?  But one thing always bugged me about Omi’s speech right before he joins Chase.
Kimiko, going to hug Omi after his return from the Ying-Yang World: Anyway Omi, it’s sure good to have you back. Omi: But I am not back.  I am not coming back. Raimundo: C’mon dude, if this is about before we’re really sorry. Omi, looking into a fire: When I tried to lead, none of you would follow.  When I tried to talk, none of you would listen.  Only one person stood by me, believed in me, and trusted me.  That is where I choose to go.
But is any of that true?  At the top of the episode, Master Fung announces that “only One will rise to the rank of Wudai Warrior.”  Everyone tries to get Dojo to tell them who will be advancing, but Dojo honestly has no idea.  All four Monks misinterpret Dojo’s body language and cues to mean that they are the chosen one.  Dojo, realizing that all the Monks misunderstood, refuses to accompany the kids on their next Wu hunt.  While battling Jack and his new “army of evil,” Omi announces that he knows Master Fung picked him to advance, and he is oh so sorry that it wasn’t one of his friends.  Everyone realizes that Dojo lied to them and go to confront him as soon as they return to the temple, never mind that Jack got the Wu.  This is when there’s a sudden attack and Master Fung is kidnapped.  The Monks’ focus shifts to rescuing their Master.
The first thing that happens is that Kimiko insists on checking the vault, to ensure that no Wu are missing.  Every time Jack has attacked in the past it was to steal Shen Gong Wu.  When all Wu are accounted for Omi is the first to blame Jack, despite the lack of evidence.  Clay points out that it could not have been Jack; this isn’t the evil boy genius’ MO.  Rai asks Omi, who has seen the secret to destroying evil, use his knowledge to help them.  Maybe what Omi has learned can help them find Master Fung, Kimiko adds.  Omi refuses to share, citing his promise to Chase as a Xiaolin Warrior that he would not share that knowledge.  Raimundo questions why Omi should bother keeping his word “to an evil villain” like Chase.  Omi, still salty about Rai defecting to Wuya and the Heylin side almost a year ago, says that “I take my word as a Xiaolin Monk very seriously, unlike [Rai]! ... Honor is what separates us from evil.”  With a looming stalemate, Clay suggests that they all start putting things to vote.  Kimiko adds that Dojo will be the tiebreaker.  Dojo doesn’t want the added responsibility.  Annoyed, Omi says that he wants no part of this “delicacy” and storms out to spy on Jack.
A good leader listens to their comrades, takes in all that they have to say, and then makes an informed decision that is the best course of action so that the most people are happy and benefit from the decison.  A great problem solver offers solutions instead of saying “no” or “I can’t.”  Instead of listening to his friends and comrades, Omi jumps to conclusions based on evidence that isn’t there, then shuts down all attempts to change his course of action.  In Omi’s mind, Jack Spicer is the only culprit and if his fellow Monks can’t see that, then he’ll just have to go and spy on Jack to get some hard evidence they can act upon.  Unfortunately Omi walks in on Jack and company planning to take over the Xiaolin Temple.
After a narrow escape, Omi rushes to warn his friends of the incoming attack, but arrives too late.  The temple has been taken over by Jack’s army of evil, and his friends are all strapped into a tickle-torture machine that looks more like a doom’s day device.  So what does Omi do?  Goes to Chase’s lair to ask for help.  Chase makes a final plea for Omi to join the side of evil.
Chase: Remember Omi, there is always a place for you here at my side. Omi: I could never join the dark forces. Chase: Never say never.  The world is a complex place.  Sometimes our destiny is determined by events that are out of our control.
Through the magic of television both Chase, Omi, and Chase’s army of cats arrive back at the Temple, to the captured Monks crying from laughter.  Off screen Raimundo says “I’m tired of laughing” to drive the point home.  Presented with Jack’s army of evil, Chase transforms his cat army into warriors and destroys Jack’s team effortlessly.  Most of the warriors destroy or defeat their opponents by doing nothing at all or in a single hit.  This isn’t even child’s play to them.  Chase and Omi preform Tai Chi moves in unison to destroy the remaining Jackbots.  Both catch their breath as debris burns around them.  Omi approaches the laughing Monks, clearly shook.  The Ticklebot turns and laughs at Omi too.  Angry, Omi destroys the bot, then frees his relieved friends.  While that happens, Chase literally shakes Jack down for the Ying Yo-yo, then presents his find to Omi.  Raimundo starts to question the situation.
Raimundo: Hey!  Why is [Chase] helping us? Omi: I will explain everything later, but first we must rescue Master Fung. Clay: Whoa, whoa, whoa there partner.  We don’t know hooie about this Ying-Yang place. Rai: I vote we talk to Dojo first. Kimiko: I agree.  We should think about what we’re getting into. Omi: A true warrior acts first and worries later.
Again, all the Monks are asking Omi what is going on, they want him to talk to them; tell them what is going on.  Omi glosses over everything--all that matters to him is rescuing Master Fung.  Screw the consequences and fall out, that’s for near-future Omi to deal with!  Upon returning from the Ying-Yang World, his good Chi sealed away, Evil!Omi makes his speech.
“When I tried to lead, none of you would follow.  When I tried to talk, none of you would listen.  Only one person stood by me, believed in me, and trusted me.”
Not once did Omi try to lead effectively.  It was always his way or no way at all.  Omi never wanted to talk, he did not listen to his so-called friends even once.  Though he is unaware of it at the time, Chase “supporting” Omi’s decisions is just Chase going along with his own plan.  While Chase believes in Omi, trusting Omi would mean that Chase wouldn’t have had to orchestrate this entire event to get Omi to join the dark forces.  Omi acted alone and played right into Chase’s hands.  The only person Omi should have trusted was himself.  That actually might have been more climactic than whatever the rest of the “___ing Omi” arc was.
But why was Omi, filled with both his Chi, so focused and consumed by saving Master Fung?  Not even Dojo--who is notorious for being unable to function correctly if the Master was missing--is terribly distraught.  What’s so special about the old man to Omi?
Master Fung and Dojo are Omi’s first and only family before the new students arrived.  The two effectively raised Omi since he was a baby; Master Fung is Omi’s entire world for a majority of the young boy’s life.  Anyone would act recklessly if they lost their entire world.  Especially a child that knew they could save their adoptive parent.  If you knew you could save someone who meant the world to you, but friends that you had come to rely on as family said, “no, we need to stop and think about things,” naturally you’d be upset and try to accomplish the task yourself, right?
While that explains Omi’s actions, it also somewhat disproves my suggestion of Omi having “people laughing at him” as a trigger.  He destroyed the Ticklebot out of anger, rather than fear.  And if being laughed at was so triggering, why laugh at others who are in the same situation he was in that caused the traumatic event?  It’s an interesting thought, but not plausible given the evidence.
One last point, if Heylin!Omi made an entire speech that was a lie, and together Omi is brutally honest, if not to a fault, doesn’t that mean that Heylin!Omi can only tell lies to a certain degree?  Not even good lies; lies that are blatant as a stain on a white sheet.  His defecting speech was actually an apology.
When I tried to lead, none of you would follow.  When I tried to talk, none of you would listen.  Only one person stood by me, believed in me, and trusted me.
When you tried to lead, I did not follow.  When you tried to talk, I did not listen.  All of you stood by me, believed in me, and trusted me.
Joining Chase is effectively a self-imposed punishment.
Further on in the next episode, Chase notices that Heylin!Omi only wants to fight all the time; there isn’t very much substance to the young one’s evil chi.  Chase agrees to fight Heylin!Omi on the grounds that Omi swear his loyalty to the Heylin Warrior.  “I do swear my loyalty to you.”  If Heylin!Omi only tells lies, then “I don’t swear my loyalty to you,” is more likely what he did mean.  However, the memory is all that’s needed to keep a wholly restored Omi at Chase’s side for the big finale.  This opposite talk of sorts would also mean that Heylin!Omi actually got slang right for once.  “Bring it off/on--same difference.”  And if that ain’t the most opposite thing of Omi, then there must be something wrong with the writers.
Disproved: Omi’s trigger is people laughing at him.  This is why he tries hard to be perfect at everything he does.
Omi’s speech before defecting to Chase in “Judging Omi” is a lie.  Everything Omi claims the others did is what he himself did in a blind and reckless ploy to save Master Fung.
Master Fung is really, really important to Omi.  The old man is Omi’s first and only family... until the others join in.
What if Heylin!Omi can only tell lies as a contrast to Good/Whole Omi only telling (brutal) honest truths?  The speech he made before joining Chase is effectively an apology.
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seven--secrets · 3 years
Shrine of Retribution || Chapter 1 Trial
Your places are easy enough to find due to the placards spread about the room, shimmering in gold with your names in English and kana. For anyone who has any difficulty finding their seat, they feel a subtle pull from their class ring that directs them to the proper place. The large desks and benches are not the most comfortable, but they are easy enough to get settled into.
Once what remains of the class has sat themselves down, you hear more creaking and then a weighted thud! as the doors to the room closes with finality. Were you looking to run, it appears that your opportunity has passed. With everyone together, your caped guide stretches out their open palm with a 10 yen coin inside. You witness as the coin twirls upwards over their head and stops as multiple disembodied, glowing hiragana letters shine above their place on the bench.
With that, they begin, “You will h-have limited time for your discussion, but I have been given instructions as to how to proceed. It is vital that you pay attention.”
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“T-The task laid before you i-is... relatively straightforward to explain. You have all gathered evidence and now you must determine who has killed your classmate, Miyu Inaba. For this... ‘trial’, you may present verbal and or physical evidence to support your arguments. The hosts will not interfere to confirm the truth o-or call out someone’s lie. Though I will know if you do.”
Rei’s voice somehow sounds even colder and more distant than before as their eye stays focused on the ying-yang symbol etched into the floor.
“You are permitted to converse with your peers through whispers, t-though it may come off as... suspicious if done for prolonged periods of time. Y-You are also allowed to navigate the room, but if too many of you are wandering about I will ask you to return to your seats… or force you, should the need arise.”
With a sweeping gesture from their hand, their eye finally falls onto the fifteen of you.
“Inside your desk drawers a-are passports, each of them printed with your individual photos. There is one for each of you, including Miyu Inaba. T-There is also a rubber stamp with your name and an inkpad. Please check that y-you have them.” They take a deep breath as they wait.
“Once you have decided your vote, you will stamp your name over the photo o-of the... student who you believe to be most guilty of the crime. You may revoke your vote by stamping another passport and keeping the previous one, but once you have stamped someone’s passport, it will be reflected as you having voted for that person at some point in time. We will remember.”
“Please... also be aware that you may not stamp another’s set of passports, but you may convince your peers to vote verbally. Once the trial has concluded, I-I will collect your votes and display the results. Whoever has garnered the most votes will be considered your class’s final answer.”
Rei’s gaze travels around the room to examine each individual present, in an attempt to further hammer in the finality of your choices.
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“If you vote correctly... then the responsible party w-will face... retributive justice and will be punished for their crimes.” They clench their jaw for a moment, as they seem to listen to something no one else can hear. “But i-if you reach an incorrect verdict... a random individual will instead receive their punishment, for your failure to deliver justice for the fallen.”
Turning their head, Rei stares at the currently unmoving kokkuri board behind them, as if daring your captor to say something of their own, before finally relaxing their shoulders.
“Fine... If you have no pertinent questions, then y-you may begin your discussion. For any clarifications on rules or the like, you may ask me or any of the other two by the door... You have as long as the onryō decides to come to a resolution.” Their expression softens. “...G-Good luck.”
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luxaurorarpg · 4 years
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AMELIA BONES, aka THE PRODIGY is 26 years old and a HALF-BLOOD alumni of RAVENCLAW. Her allegiance is NEUTRAL, and she is currently OPEN. Potential faceclaims include Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Brittany O’Grady, Aisha Dee. *Amelia must be Black*
a pen tapping against a table, the sound of shoes clicking against the sidewalk, power suits, tightly secured buns, methodical sketches, silk pillowcases, grey skies, competitive studying, marble floors, tight smiles, baby pink nails, silver jewelry, the sound of rain, healing baths, balancing on a tightrope, unyielding, rose water, the power of neutrals, metal rimmed glasses, geometric shapes
Even at eleven, Amelia started making a name for herself at Hogwarts. Her grades were the top in her year and she had a competitive streak a mile long. Most of her competition was with herself, but she still wanted to be the best. Amelia was a natural born leader, despite the fact that she was the middle child in her family. She had a presence about her that made people listen and a temperament that made people respect her. It was a skill she cultivated further throughout her life because even at eleven, she understood that diplomacy was what solved problems. 
The summer before she went back to Hogwarts for her fourth year, tragedy bestowed her family. It was an innocent game of hide and seek, one that was meant to fill her sister with good memories whilst she and Edgar were away at school. However, it all went wrong when she heard her sister scream with a ferocity she had never quite experienced. Without thinking, she was running towards the noise and it wasn’t long before she was in sync with her older brother. By the time they got there, Olivia was alone with nothing but a vicious bite mark to show for her pain. Edgar went to pick her up and Amelia sprinted ahead, knowing that her parents needed to be informed and ready when they got back. Her heart was in her throat, and even at eleven she knew that her little sister’s life was changed forever. 
When she turned seventeen, she had to decide what she wanted her fate to be. Amelia wanted to stand by her little sister. She wanted her to know that she would always fight for her and that she believes that she deserves just as many rights as everyone else. However, Amelia has never been a soldier, and despite the fact that she supports the Order, she knew she could better help them from inside the Ministry than from the streets. Amelia also knew she wanted to go into law making, and she knew that she could change things from the inside out by playing neutrality to get what she wanted. Seventeen and Amelia decided to chase after her career, knowing damn well that it would lead to her making real change. 
Twenty six and she finally has a seat at the table. Taking up a position in Wizengamot gave her the authority to start writing and suggesting laws that she thought ought to be in place. She had a voice and a vote on which ones shouldn’t, and Amelia was able to start putting her persuasive skills to the test. The leader in her wanted to change the world over night, but she was patient and she knew how to play her cards right. Amelia knows that now that she’s gotten this position, it means everything she’s worked for is going to pay off. Now that scales of justice have tipped, Amelia will do everything in her power to balance them back out. Even if it means attempting to block the more oppressive legislation coming from their new minister.
SIBLINGS - When it comes to her siblings, there’s no one Amelia loves and trusts more. While her relationship with them differs, she loves them with the same ferocity. When it comes to Edgar, they function more like best friends, equals even in how they care for one another. With Olivia, she’s always been a little more protective, especially after she was bitten. Although her sister has always been fiercely independent and capable, that’s never stopped Amelia from wanting to keep her safe. 
ASTRAEA ROWLE - While she and Astraea started as work friends, the other woman was someone Amelia grew to respect and enjoy being around. She was intelligent, driven, and had a cleverness about her that Amelia both admired and found amusing. Their fast friendship was quickly becoming something of importance to the middle Bones child.
MOLLY PREWETT - Her best friend since Hogwarts, Molly is undoubtedly the person that knows her best. The ying to her yang, they balance each other out perfectly. Amelia has always been the calm to Molly’s storm and Molly has always been the flames to her fire. They work in ways that most people wouldn’t expect, but she knew Molly was the one person she could go to for anything. 
KINGSLEY SHACKLEBOLT - When it comes to Kingsley, she’s always admired his ability to mold words and persuade people. They’ve worked together on many things, but one of the biggest was his campaign. The long hours they pulled together created a bond that win or lose they had decided they were in this for the long haul and together.
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nerdgurl22 · 8 years
Election Night 92′ - Part 1
Okay this is my first fanfic and it is 15 chapters and I will post the first one here and I hope that you all enjoy it.  I do not have a AO3 account so all chapters will be posted here.  Thank you all for reading and I really hope you enjoy.
It was 5am on the morning of November 3rd, 1992, Bill and Hillary had just gotten off the campaign plane after a marathon of campaign stops before heading back to Little Rock for Election Night and to vote themselves.  Both ready to collapse ascending the stairs from the plane, Bill reaches down to grab Hillary's hand and when he does Hillary turns her head to look at him and smile.  They didn't have to say it out loud but they were certainly glad to be back home in Little Rock and now the fate of Bill's future was in the hands of the American people.  
Bill helped Hillary into the car for the journey back to the governors mansion, Chelsea was with her grandparents that night so that her parents would not wake her up when they got home.  They loved their daughter very much but every now and then it was nice to have some quality quiet time, as exhausted as they were from the crazy last 24 hours they truly needed this time together.  Because after today if Bill wins it will be a long time before they get the chance to really have that quality quiet time together that they both so desperately crave.  Every so often while they were on the trail Bill would sneak Hillary into an area behind the curtains and flags to passionately kiss his extremely beautiful wife, a romantic action that would always drive Hillary wild.  The campaign schedule over the final 2 weeks had been non-stop, trying to meet and talk to as many voters as Bill could.  It was as if Bill needed to look into the eyes of every voter to connect with them so they could see the sincerity he had in his heart for the message he was delivering.  He believed he had the right foundation to help turn the country around, he believed that by giving the voter a glimpse into his soul they would see that he wasn't just another empty handed politician.  His feet were throbbing in his loafers, his legs felt like jelly and his hands were so sore from the now millions of handshakes he had given.  
Hillary told him after he lost his re-election for Governor in 1980, that the only way to come back stronger was to get back in touch with the people.  No one knew the people of Arkansas like Bill Clinton, no one loved the people of Arkansas more than Bill Clinton, he didn't always get things right but the people of the state knew he was trying and doing the best he could to help them.   When he ran again in 1982, Hillary was right, getting back in touch with the people was more important.  It is often said that Hillary is the brains while Bill is the charismatic politician, but that is how the media has painted this couple.  Both are extremely intelligent, Bill a graduate of Georgetown University, a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, a Fulbright Scholar and a Yale Law School graduate, while Hillary graduated from Wellesley and Yale Law School.  As the media paints them as the brain and brawn they fail to see that they are so connected by a much deeper force.  Bill needs her like he needs air, it's like how Superman needs the sun to charge himself back up; Hillary is Bill's sun.  
They are each other's greatest strength and their greatest weakness, one cannot function without the other, they are ying and yang.  Bill Clinton had dated so many different kinds of woman, but when he saw her... the blue eyed girl in class with thick glasses something washed over him in an instant flash that he just simply could not explain.  He needed to know who she was but at the last second before he reached his arm out to tap her shoulder... he stopped himself, an act he still to this day doesn't know why he did.  A few days later there she was in the law library, reading and she just radiated to him and he found himself unable to look away.  She glanced up and saw this bushy haired (Admittedly cute.) guy staring at her, she tried to dismiss it but when she looked up from her book again there he was still staring at her.  Now she was blushing and she was getting extremely impatient waiting for him to get up and come over, when she determined he wasn't getting up she didn't even think... she placed her book down on the table and she stood up now walking toward him.  He panicked, Oh my god she is coming over here, he thought in his head, he tried to act cool when she approached.  Her whispered voice was like a harp playing in his ear, every single letter of every word was a gentle pluck on it's strings... "You know if you keep looking at me and I am going to keep looking back at you, we should at least know each others names, I'm Hillary Rodham, who are you?"  Bill was still savoring the sound of the harp playing in his ear when he drew a blank... Oh damn it what the hell is my name? His thoughts and voice escaped him, she literally took his voice, thoughts and breath away.  She stood there just deeply looking into his eyes when finally it came to him, "My name is Bill, Bill Clinton."  His southern twang was prevalent, and she loved how it sounded.
Bill and Hillary arrive at the Governor's mansion and they immediately head upstairs to try and catch a bit of a power nap before they have to get up and go vote in front of the cheering crowds and TV cameras.  Some young staffers helped bring their bags up to the room and when they were done Bill took them into the hall and told the youngsters he was so grateful for their help and he hoped to see them later tonight at the victory party at the mansion.  Bill made sure the staffers were gone, he walked into their bedroom and shut the door and there was his wife trying to undress but she just looked so exhausted. "Hillary, my love can I help you?", Bill said with a smile on his face.  "Honey would you please, I can barely lift my arms anymore.", Hillary responded with a giggle at the end.  Bill was helping undress Hillary, her hair was ever so gently touching her soft skin on her neck.  And no matter what Bill tried to do to ignore this simple innocent seduction that Hillary didn't even realize she was doing, it just wasn't working.  He was using all his strength not to lean his head down to kiss her neck, he knew how tired she was and he knew that she needed her rest, "Bill are you alright." Hillary said sensing he was wandering away. "Yes sweetie I am fine, I got a little lost there for a moment.", Bill replied and with a slight smirk.
After 17 years of marriage Hillary knew when he was wandering and what it meant, this time was no different, she could also feel his breath getting heavier and heavier.  She turned around to face him after he had ran his soft fingertips down the high of her shoulder then to the center of her back to unbuckle her bra, she loves his soft, gentle hands.  They are very strong but for some reason she can't get enough of the touch of his fingertips, it will send chills through her whole body.  Bill knows this and he may have emphasized touching her like this knowing that Hillary couldn't resist his gentle soft touch, when she turned to face him her arms were pressed against her naked breasts her eyes were chest level to him.  He gently reached for her chin and ever so gently pushed on the underside of her chin, upward so that her sapphire crystal blue eyes met his.  He smiled at her and he knew he had sparkles in his eyes and very quietly Hillary spoke, "Bill, kiss me."  He wrapped his arms around her and he placed his lips upon hers, she could feel chills running through her body, and before she could even process the butterflies he was giving her in her stomach he, that quickly scooped her up into his arms.  "Oh Bill", she whispered in his arms now. Her arms now wrapped around his neck, "Where are you taking me?" she knew the answer but it didn't stop her from asking.  Bill again looked deep into her piercing blue eyes and he said, "I'm taking my beautiful wife to bed."
-- Part 2 I will post either later tonight or tomorrow.  Thank you so much for reading.
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