#has to restrain myself from getting il postino'd again due to writing this ask and perceiving him
volfoss · 2 years
ugh brunos great. is it ok if i ask for some bruno hcs? also i just realized your pfp is my fav pic of ghiacchio (from the anime anyways) i love it
of course! im gonna put it under a cut bc idk how long its gonna get <3 and apyr ghiaccio my best friend <333 also sorry for not answering it right away i wanted to do it justice <3
He makes dinner with the rest of the group on the weekends whenever there's time, although it normally ends with his small apartments kitchen being absolutely destroyed and messy (if ur not thinking about the "you know how it is with spaghetti" and them cooking ur simply wrong)
He loves having the windows open and idk why i just am convinced he has these like soft blue curtains that are somewhat sheer around his kitchen window
It took him a while to be more confident in the kitchen since when he was young his dad did a lot of the cooking although Bruno helped, but he really enjoys the feeling of being in the kitchen and how peaceful it is (when hes cooking alone or with Leone)
I feel he really treasures the silence when he's alone but will sometimes have jazz on quietly as just a way to fill the space
Likes the smell of old books and I can see him sitting on a bench by the ocean reading a hardback book in his downtime
For some reason I know that he has a quilt on his bed and its a kind of small one from when he was a kid, and it's folded up by the foot of his bed, but its smth that means a lot to him
I see him wearing a lot of flowy clothes around the house, like a lot of linen and cotton, just stuff that's loose and comfortable. Also for some reason, see slippers but not socks w them, for when it gets colder
I see him as the type of guy that simultaneously clings onto the past and tries to move on from it (idk if that makes sense but uh take it ig?)
I see him as the type to be more into small gestures of PDA with his partner, like not super obvious about it, but the sort of thing where touches linger a bit too long
I think if he had time for learning an instrument, he would be really good at the piano or saxophone.
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