harrysrealgf · 2 years
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soccer!harry x popular!reader
summary: Harrys a soccer player who would absolutely die for you. You’re a popular pretty girl who gets all the attention and Harry doesn’t like it. You end up talking with the cute new kid and one thing leads to another.
i apologize in advance, i cannot write smut
You was practically a soccer mom to Harry.
You were at all of his games and took pictures of him like he was your own child. You loved taking care of people but people thought you were so mean because you’re one of the most popular kids in the school. you absolutely loved the attention people gave you, but harry doesn’t at all.
You guys were laying on Harrys bed, Harry was laying on his back and you were laying on his stomach.
“Y’coming to m’next game?” He randomly asks.
“Course i am. Who else is gonna take cute pictures and videos? When is it?” You looked at him and smiled sweetly.
“Its in two days. Y’know how pretty you look today?” He looked in her eyes. They both sat up.
“Oh so im not pretty any other day?” You joked around.
“N-no what i meant was-“
“Sounds like someone wants to fight,” You smiled.
“Oh c’mon honey, y’know id win in a heartbeat.” He smirked.
“Oh yeah?” You put your hair up.
“Mhm. Come on baby fight me then.” He smirked he really just wanted you on top of him
They wrestled/fought for a little bit until you won.
“I let y’beat me.” Harry smirked.
“You’re just saying that. You’d never be that nice.” They were silent for a little bit. “H?”
“Can i give you a hug?” You refused to make eye contact.
“Of course baby. Y’okay?” He nudged her closer to him and she got in his arms
“Yeah im good. I just love your hugs.” You smiled into his chest. cringy. i hate being single
At school you just wanted to be with Harry already. Everyday all you looked forward to is seeing him and watching his practices and going to his games.
You raised your hand to go to the bathroom.(to go on her phone and text H)
In the bathroom you pulled out your phone.
Y/n: baby i miss youuuuu
H: wanna leave during lunch?
Y/n: yessssss
You turned off your phone and went back to class.
Lunch was coming in a couple minutes. You just wanted to leave. You hated being at school with all the fake people.
“Hey.” This guy who sat next to her said.
“Oh. Hi.” You said blankly.
“Do you have the answer to number 6?” He asked
“Oh- um.. No i don’t. Whats your name? I don’t think i’ve seen you around.” You laughed nervously.
“Lucas. And yeah im new here. But… could you answer this question for me…” He wrote down on his paper real fast.
He pushed the paper in-front of you and it read, Will you go on a date with me?
“Listen— um Lucas was it?” He nodded “You’re really sweet, and i know you’re new so you don’t know but… i have a boyfriend and were pretty committed so… No.” You said nervously.
“Oh. Im sorry i didnt know.”
“its okay,” The bell rings for lunch. “Ill see you later Lucas.” You went to your locker and after you put all your stuff away, you go to find Harry, only to see him talking to a girl from your class.
You walks up to them “Hey H.” He gives you a side eye and then turns to you.
“Ill see you later.” The girl says after walking away.
“Can we talk?” Oh God.
“Lets go to my car.”
In Harrys car you couldn’t help but think he was gonna break up with you.
“Are y’cheating on me? If y’are just say it now.” He looks straight in-front of him.
Ok not what you thought at all.
“No? Where did that come from?” You question weirdly.
“Briana Mccormick told me some guy asked y’out on a date, and y’said yes. I don’t want to believe her but please, just tell me. I wont be mad.” He said sternly.
“Briana Mccormick has the biggest crush on you H. Of course shes gonna try and break us up. But if you must know, he did ask me out on a date but i told him i had a boyfriend. So no H. Im not cheating on you.” You said with almost a duh tone.
“Okay. I believe y’honey. Sorry ‘bout tha’.” He blushed and looked at you.
“Its okay! If you want to talk about anything, please tell me. Okay?”
“I love you baby.” He reached over and kissed you deeply. He rubs his hand up and down your thigh going dangerously close to your clothed core.
“Lets go somewhere more private.” You guys pull into an abandoned parking lot.
He reclined his seat back and moved it back.
“Cmon baby.” He patted his lap. You went and sat on his lap and kissed him more, grinding slightly.
“H… Take it off.” You moaned quietly. “Please.”
“Anything for m’pretty girl.” He slid his pants down and then his boxers. You slid your pants and underwear down.
“Who’s cunt is this?” He says playing with your hole with his fingers.
“Yours. Its all yours.” You closed your eyes.
“Damn right.” He moaned at the sight of you.
He pulled his fingers out and licked his fingers clean. He pushed his cock inside of you slowly.
“Faster please.” You rode him a little bit.
He went faster and faster.
“Fuck honey, m’gonna cum. Y’cunt feel s’nice.” He moaned
“M-me too.” She moaned as she came. He came right after.
“One day m’gonna breed that fuckin’ cunt.” He bit his lip and kissed her. bc
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