jilyarchive · 7 years
Could you recommend anymore Lily/Sirius brotp stories? I’ve read everything from the tag 😅
Here are some newer ones we haven’t recommended for Sirius & Lily friendship before!
Title: PowerPointAuthor: elanev91Rating: GGenre(s): Romance, Humour, Muggle AUChapters: 1Word Count: 3,835Summary: People have been trying to convince Lily Evans to give James Potter a chance since freshman year. Sirius finally decides that embarrassing them in the middle of their writing seminar is the best way to go about convincing her.
Title: The UndergroundAuthor: elanev91Rating: MGenre(s): Romance, Humour, Muggle AU, Modern AUChapters: 12Word Count: 91,923Summary: James and Lily are doing the fluffy things. Muggle AU, Mass Transit AU (lol not a thing?), Coffee Shop AU. This was supposed to be a one-shot, but my best friend is annoyingly convincing (and also I'm complete Jily trash). Now it's a multi-chap.
Title: help! (i've fallen and i can't get up)Author: bleuboxesRating: UnratedGenre(s): Romance, Humour, Muggle AU, Modern AUChapters: 1Word Count: 2,562Summary: In which Lily Evans buys a fancy pair of shoes, and everything changes.
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prongsno · 7 years
I’m sorry, prongsno can’t come to the phone right now. Why?..... Cuz she’s dead 💀... Look what jily made Gracie do 🌚
has anything ever been more true though???
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read-a-hinny-fic · 7 years
Do you know any fanfics where hinny goes to Disneyland/Disneyworld?
Not I. But here’s one where they go to another amusement park
A Day To Remember By Pink Lizard
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 7 years
Maddie you told me to search up gay hangouts for people my age (underaged people) because I wanted to hook up with a girl. Yesterday the was a csd gathering in a town near me but I wasn't allowed to go with my friends because I fought with my mum about something. What I'm trying to ask is a csd gathering good for hook up with teens my age "? (15-16)? I wanted to prepare myself for next year
First of all I’m sorry your mom didn’t let you go to Pride.
Tbh I’m not sure if it’s the right place to hook up with people when being a teenager. I mean... a lot of the grown ups do exactly that at Pride and I think it depends on what kind of person you are. But if it’s your first time hookinh up with someone this whole thing being crowded and full of drunk and partying people may not be the perfect situation to feel comfortable and at ease.
I’d rather recommend you try and find something like a queer youth club and make queer friends online that you could meet in real life (taking all precautions of course that are necessary when meeting someone you met online).
Also most of the teenagers I’ve seen at Pride events are pretty shy - some are there with their parents and friends.... I don’t know if they’d be in the right headspace to go about snogging other people lol
But I don’t know... I’ve never been to Pride as a teenager so I don’t know how it is.
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girlswillbeboys11 · 7 years
So I have some friends who are against homosexuality. They are generally nice people and I try to explain to them that there is no difference between gay and straight. 2 of them are very religious and are siblings. But some are religious but don't like homosexuality because of different reasons. My friend is gay and the whole class knows and once they (the siblings) made her cry because they were talking shit about the LGBT community. I kind of feel guilty being friends with them. :/
I am not going to sugar coat this there’s a difference between respecting your friends political views and actively ignoring the fact that they bully someone else you care about. You need to figure out which relationship you value more. It’s not fair for you to except friendship from someone and then go hang out with someone who actively harasses them. Maybe either choose to leave your homophobic friends or choose not to be passive when they speak such hate and stand up against it, because if you just sit by and watch it happen that’s like saying it’s okay and then you will lose your friend. 
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jaimelanniser · 7 years
14 for jily? ❤️
14. “hey, i’m with you, okay? always.”sorry this took so long! hope u enjoy c:
It was stupid to be crying, she knew that, and yet, she couldn’t seem to stop. Perhaps it was the pregnancy hormones. Correction, it was definitely the pregnancy hormones. And, you know, the fact that her sister had just told her she’d rather die than go to her freak wedding.
Lily Evans was not weak. She didn’t burst into tears at a minor inconvenience. The invitation had been a formality; she’d told herself this time and again, because of course Petunia wouldn’t want to show up; she had made her feelings about it abundantly clear the first time she’d brought up James at a family dinner.
So why did it hurt so much?
“It’s okay!” Lily called out quickly, wiping at her eyes as James rushed into the room at the sight of her tears. “I’m okay, I’m being silly, nothing’s wrong.”
“C’mon, Evans, give me a bit more credit than that,” he murmured, taking a seat beside her on the couch and summoning a tissue to dab at her eyes. Oh, right. Magic. “What is it?”
She took a deep breath to steady herself and let it out slowly, giving herself a metaphorical pat on the back when it didn’t come out shaky. She even managed a small (probably pathetic) smile in his direction. “Petunia’s not coming to the wedding, that’s all.”
Before he could answer, she tacked on hurriedly, “I mean, of course she’s not. I told you she wouldn’t come! I said we might as well not even bother with the invitation, because she’d send it back unanswered so really, it’s nothing, I’m just--”
Her words cut out as James hugged her, tight against his chest, burying his face into her neck and holding her, quietly. The man who had all the answers and all the quips, who could have perfectly well said “Your sister can piss off” or “We’re better off without her anyway” -- he simply hugged her.
So could she really be blamed when the tears came flooding back to her eyes?
Lily cried it out after that, but it somehow hurt a little less with his arms around her. It somehow felt a little more like everything really would be okay. The sting of the betrayal, of the sealing of their relationship that it meant that Tuney wouldn’t show up to her wedding, it felt a little more muted when she wept about it into his shoulder.
Because it wasn’t okay and she wasn’t okay, and he made her feel like that was okay.
James kissed her, softly, and Lily’s heart surged with love. “Hey, I’m with you okay?” he whispered with a small smile, tucking her hair behind her ears. “Always.”
send me a pairing and a number
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liiilyevans · 8 years
Can you do nr. 20 for hinny please? :)
I sure can!
20. “You look incredible in that.”
Harry hadn’t meant to stare. In fact, he wasn’t supposed to be staring at all. Ginny wasn’t his girlfriend anymore so he didn’t have the right to ogle her. Another reason was he wanted to kill any man who looked her way. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to get back together with her after the Battle. It was just that they never found time. Sure, there was that summer before she went back to school when they’d skirted around being something more than friends, but neither of them had taken that leap. Then Harry had started his training and Ginny had gone off to school then to the Hollyhead Harpies. They hadn’t really seen much of each other since.
But now, two years later, her team was in the running for the Quidditch Cup and he somehow found himself invited to a pregame ball. Of course, the night before the game wasn’t exactly pregame, but that was what he and Ron and chosen to call it. 
“I swear to Merlin,” Ron muttered as he tucked at his collar. “If brushes her arse one more time-”
“You touch my arse all the time and no one stops you,” Hermione shot back.
“You don’t have any brothers,” Ron retorted, obviously annoyed with his girlfriend.
“Fine, I’ll just have to tell your mother the next time you do it,” Hermione said, crossing her arms. “That’ll put a stop to it.”
Ron sputtered while Harry smirked into his drink. The mum card always worked on Ron. Come to think of it, it worked on all the Weasleys. Shaking his head, Harry took a sip of his wine.
“You go stop him, Harry,” Ron suggested. 
Harry choked on his drink.
“You’re going to kill poor Harry,” Hermione muttered as she patted his back. “Honestly, Ron.”
“She’ll get mad if I go over there,” Ron exclaimed. “She’ll know exactly what I’m trying to do. She won’t get mad at Harry.”
“How do you know she won’t see right through me?” Harry said when he cleared his airways. “She’s not stupid, you know. She’ll know you sent me and then I’ll get a hexed. I don’t want bats coming out of nose, Ron.”
“But she likes you,” Ron protested.
“You’re her brother!” Harry whisper shouted. “She likes you better than me.”
“Not at the moment,” Ron muttered.
“I’m not following,” he said.
“Ron stopped his sister from, how do boys say it, getting laid,” Hermione explained, glaring at Ron. “I told him not to go in that room, but he wouldn’t listen to me.”
Harry’s blood felt like it was on fire in his veins. After straightening his robes, Harry marched over to where Ginny was. By the time he got there, the man who Ron had wanted to murder was gone.
She smiled when she saw him. “Harry, it’s been ages.”
“Not really. You saw me about an hour ago,” he replied, running a hand through his hair.
Ginny rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. I barely got to talk to you before some old women whisked you off. It seems that you’re in popular demand these days. Even with the older ladies.”
Harry tried very hard not to blush. He failed.
“Well, you know how it goes,” he muttered. “You sign a few autographs now and then and try to make the best of it.”
“I do know how it goes,” she said. “I was actually surprised to see you here.”
“Why’s that?” he asked. Did she not want him to come? Oh, Merlin, coming over here had been a horrible idea.
“Every time I talk to Ron he tells me you’re always swamped trying to catch former Death Eaters,” she explained, as her brow furrowed in concern. “He says you work too hard.”
Harry shrugged. “Ron overreacts.”
Ginny snorted. “I’ll say.” 
As she took a sip of her champagne, Harry tried to think of something to say. Talking to Ginny had been easy once. Things had changed it had seemed. Now he was the one fumbling around her instead of the other way around.
“Do you want to dance?” Harry asked.
Ginny laughed. “Harry, you don’t dance. No, wait, you can’t dance.”
“I’ve improved,” Harry muttered, slightly offended. He wasn’t that horrible.
“When did you ever practice?” she asked in disbelief. 
“Just trust me ok?” he sighed as he took her drink from her hand and sat it on the table.
“Fine, but if you injure me in any way, I’m going to kill you with my bare hands,” Ginny told him as he took her hand.
They reached the dance floor, and on the inside, Harry panicked. What had gotten into him? This was ridiculous. Ginny was going to kill him because he hadn’t gotten any better at dancing since he was fourteen years old. This was a ludicrous idea, and he should march back off this dance floor before he ended up wounding his pride. But Ginny was smirking at him and waiting for him mess up so he couldn’t back down now.
He could do this, he told himself. He just had to keep his cool. Gently, he laid a hand on waist and tried very hard not to notice the heat that seeped through the martial of her dress. 
“You look incredible in that, by the way,” Harry said as he nodded to her dress.
Ginny smiled. “Thank you. Angelina helped me pick it out and-”
“Angelina Johnson?” Harry interrupted her. “George’s girlfriend?”
Ginny snorted. “She’s not his girlfriend; they’re just sleeping together. Or so I’ve been told. Honestly, George just needs to peck up some courage and ask her out. They’re crazy about each other. Harry, are you paying attention to what I’m saying?”
“What? Of course,” Harry quickly replied.
“Then why were you looking at our feet?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “I thought you said you’d improved?”
“I have,” he said defensively. “I didn’t say I’d improved a lot.”
Ginny laughed loudly then. Harry began to feel a bit sullen as she continued to do so. Then she rested her forehead on his chest and Harry forgot to be sullen. 
“Honestly, Harry, what am I going to do with you?” she muttered.
“Well, at least I’m better than Ron,” he said, trying very hard to keep the excitement out of his voice.
“You are, aren’t you?” she said as she moved ever so closer to him, tucking her head under his chin. “Well, at least you have good timing.”
Harry grinned. “As opposed to Ron walking in on you?”
Ginny pulled back to look at him. “Ron what? I’m sorry I’m not following.”
Harry glanced over her head to where Hermione and Ron were standing. He glared at them. Hermione only smiled brightly and gave a small wave in response. Ron was too busy talking to Oliver Wood to notice him. 
They’d lied to him.
“What’s going on?” Ginny asked as turned slightly to see who he was looking at.
“Nothing, Gin,” Harry answered darkly before spun her under his arm. Apparently, the key to dancing was not worrying too much about how to dance.
“Alright,” she muttered. “And don’t you dare try to dip me. I don’t trust your dancing skills that much.”
Harry grinned down at her. “I told you, I’ve gotten better.”
“Shut up and keep dancing, Potter.”
send me one?
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mccall-appreciation · 8 years
Oh can you please write more scallison headcanons? :)
sure! no problem! i love scallison.
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gryffindormischief · 7 years
“I’ve sent a selfie of me in the tub” for hinny please? Could you make Ginny be the one in the tub? :)
I did it here!  I had 2 requests for this one!  And you do get Ginny in the bathtub!
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prongsno · 7 years
Lily telling Sirius that Mary hates the muggle song 'Old MacDonald had a farm' and Sirius constantly teasing her with this song. Mary pretends to be annoyed but secretly loves it when Sirius sings it
The first time Sirius hears that song is when Lily is scribbling down on some parchment in the common room. She’s tucked in on one of the big, comfy arm-chairs right by the fire with a few other students scattered around.
For once he’s actually reading a school book, which is shocking but he really does wants to do well on this assignment and he knows at least some effort is needed (even if it is just staring blankly at a page for twenty minutes before saying that’s enough). 
Sirius is that person who needs absolute silence when he studies; he finds it so hard to pay attention normally that he needs the sound of nothing but peace and quiet to even think about what he needs to do before he even does it. And for a while all he can hear is the warming crackle of the fire and the scribble of quills against parchments, but then he hears a hum. 
It’s Lily who’s making it and he sends her a little glare to which she either fails to see or ignores deviously, as suddenly she starts stringing these strange words together. 
When she starts singing about a ‘moo moo here and a moo moo there’ he throws down his quill, scrunches up a bit of his parchment and brings the ball to his face. Then, with one eye closed so he can make it a cleaner hit, he throws it with such pristine concentration that it hits his target straight in the bulls-eye. 
Lily looks up in shock, the ball hitting her square in the face. 
“Why are you singing about cows, Evans? I’m trying to work.” 
“Sorry,” She quips, tapping her quill against her mouth as she tries to hide a slight smile. “Once it’s in my head it takes a while for that bloody song to leave. I shouldn’t even be singing it, Mary hates it.”
Sirius feels a shiver go up his spine at the mention of her name. “What?” He tries not to be obvious, he shuffles his feet and wipes them against the rug. 
“The song,” He hears Lily laughs, although all he can focus on is how a certain person looked utterly divine during Divination. “She’s never hated her surname more since every muggle-born student keeps asking if she knows Old Macdonald.”
“Sirius, I said stop.”
“And on that farm he had a…” He trails off, smirking at the little blush that’s slowly creeping onto her cheeks. She looks mortified and he wishes he could just bend down and place feathery kisses all over her skin. He can almost feel his body moving before he stops hastily. He blinks.
“Dog… e-i-e-i-o.” She’s none the wiser of his almost mishap and he sighs a little in relief. 
She’s rolling her eyes but she has the biggest smile on her face; it grows even more when Sirius starts doing the noises and before she knows it she’s laughing. 
“Admit it,” Sirius grins down at her and runs a hand through his hair. “You love that song.”
“Nope, still hate it.” She pushes his arm playfully, not being able to contain the giggles that bubble up again as Sirius sings the song, this time operatically (or tries to, at least).
It’s times like these, when the two are doubled over and in stitches, that the world feels endless like there’s no limit. He’s grinning and brushing away the hair that’s fallen into her eyes when time just seems to freeze. 
It’s times like these when anything is possible. And Mary Macdonald supposes she doesn’t quite hate that song as much as she used to. And it’s all thanks to Sirius Black.
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gryffindormischief · 7 years
Your hinny proposal fic link won't work because I'm on mobile 😩 Can you link it again please?
It does this weird thing on mobile where you have to hold down on those links like I did (for me anyway. which is rlly annoying because it’s a link to the tumblr post and I just want to open it in the app but *shrug*).
But in case that’s not working (which has happened to me too hah) here is the actual link spelled out http://gryffindormischief.tumblr.com/post/142547971650/practice
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jilyarchive · 7 years
Could you please post the link again where Lily and Sirius are on an order mission and Lily gets kidnapped? I can't find it anymore :(
This seems like the one you’re thinking of.  If not and you think of more specifics about the plot, let us know!
Title: Nabbed Author: lizardcookieRating: MGenre(s): Drama, AngstChapters: 5Word Count: 17,264Summary: Working for the Order had always been a risk. Members disappeared or were killed more often than not, but James Potter and Lily Evans had managed to escape the worst of it. That is, until a simple mission from Dumbledore goes horribly wrong. Trigger warning for torture, abuse, rape.
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prongsno · 7 years
Gracie I have to wait until tomorrow to watch Riverdale because I have to watch it on Netflix 😩😩😩
ahhh i’ve not seen it yet!! been super busy so far and i’m gonna be pretty busy from now on so idk when i’ll have time D:
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shinychopshopwizar · 8 years
So you know in the movie newt said he was friends with some girl , whose last name was lestrange. I really want to know their background history, how they became friends. Do you think they dated?
As much as I would really like to say they didn’t, it’s most likely they did dated, for me. What Queenie said to Newt about givers and takers sounded pretty intimate for it to be just a friendly relationship.
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prongsno · 7 years
What would happen to Harry on parents evening? I'm curious 😫😫
Petunia coming with him, completely distant the entire time but then as soon as they enter the school she puts on a smile. There are so many happy families all around him; children who hold onto their parents hands and swing in their arms, laughing and talking like families should. The teacher shows some of Harry's best work and says that he's a good kid but quite quiet in class and that she wishes he would speak out more. Imagine when the kids have to do a family tree activity and all of his classmates are chattering excitedly about their dad's granddads mum who was a nurse in the war. And Harry just stares at his blank piece of paper, not even knowing what he could put.
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jilyarchive · 7 years
Could you recommend some angsty Lily/Sirius brotp one shots please? :)
Check these out!  There are more in the Lily & Sirius tag, but these are specifically angsty:
Title: Drink For Both of Us Author: primelimes Rating: K+Genre(s): Friendship, FamilyChapters: 1Word Count: 913Summary: Lily looked down at the glass Sirius had placed in front of her, and pushed it firmly back over the table so that it sat next to his drink. She met his questioning look with a flap of her hand and a quick shake of her head. “They’re both for you. You’re going to drink for both of us, and trust me, I need one.” Oneshot. Lily comes to Sirius for advice. Lily/James
Title: The Pregnancy Scare Author: livy bearRating: TGenre(s): Angst, Hurt, ComfortChapters: 2Word Count: 4,758Summary: What if Lily had a pregnancy scare in seventh year? What if she told Sirius? Written per request on tumblr, but also because I’ve wanted this for a long time.
Title: Of Secrets Tears and Sirius’ Avoidance of Sentiment Author: theimpetuousbluesRating: K+Genre(s): Friendship, Hurt, ComfortChapters: 1Word Count:1,174Summary: While James is away on a mission for the Order, Lily confides in Sirius. 
Title: One HandAuthor: thearcherballetRating: KGenre(s): Friendship, AngstChapters: 1Word Count:1,237Summary: Sirius Black trusts people. Biggest lie ever. Sirius Black can literally count with just one hand the people he trusts: James, Remus, Peter, and Lily. Even that list seemed questionable at best to him.
Title: ProgressionAuthor: SunshineDaisiesWindmills Rating: K+Genre(s): Friendship, FamilyChapters: 1Word Count: 2,541Summary: Sirius Black and Lily Potter were not friends. They never had been, nor would they ever be. They had never hated each other, certainly, but were never enticed by the other’s friendship. No, Sirius Black and Lily Potter were never friends.
Title: Pax Author: ohprongsRating: MGenre(s): Angst, FriendshipChapters: 1Word Count: 1,582Summary: “What’s it like, having it all?” she says, and he’s still mystified. He raises an eyebrow. She blinks at him and sighs. Finally: “Being a Pureblood.” Sirius lets out a bitter laugh. “I’m not sure having pure blood equates to having it all, Evans,” he scorns, but she doesn’t cower under his words. Pairing: L/J.
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