gumballavocadoharry · 2 years
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Class begins:
Yn's knee bounced up and down unrestrained due to the immense pressure she had as she waited to be interviewed by the school she was dearly hoping to get into to. It wasn't a prestigious school, just a regular elementary with average little kids instead of the little snooty genius's that talked down to her as if she was some stupid little cat that didn't know it's tail from behind.
She didn't hate them, they were just kids. She loved kids. It was their parents that she couldn't stand. About how they always made excuses for their insubordinate supercilious little 'angels' in the most condescending tone and patronizing language as if she were in the wrong for pointing out an obvious flaw in their parenting.
Long story short, she left that school and had sent in a resume for another one. Idolridge elementary. It was perfect on paper and the internet, so she only hoped it would be just as good if she were to be hired.
"Yn?" The secretary called. Yn anxiously, yet externally confidently stood from her chair and walked to the office where the board of education was. Yn just prayed her meeting with them would go well. She had dressed to the point, and had all the necessary paperwork ready in her portfolio.
She took a deep breath and began her interview.
Yn woke up to an email that was sent by the board of education. She had been officially hired and was praised for her exceptional accreditation in her skills as a competent educator. The first day on the job was nerve wracking for the young woman. She tiptoed quietly through the hall, as the superintendent was showing her around the school, starting with the cafeteria, the gym, the library, nurses office, principal's office and etc of all four floors.
Then the most anticipated part was being shown to her very own classroom that she could decorate however she saw fit. The superintendent gave her the keys before leaving her to her own devices. Starting next week, she would be the new kindergarten teacher. Summer break was coming to a halt and so that meant, there would be new kids, new parents and teachers, new and old who would be coming in as well. Her class was located on the second floor along with two other kindergarten classes.
Yn scanned the nameplate imprinted on the doors of the classrooms. Hers remained empty, but one next door to her said 'Ms. Monroe' and the other across from her said 'Mr. Styles.' That name interested her more than it should've. His name was so elegant, roll of the tongue kinda sounding. She liked the way it bounced excitement off her tongue every time she pronounced it. She grew curious as to what he looked like. Was he tall? Was he short? Was he a young body builder type twenty year old guy? Or some feeble old man that was either a kindhearted wise man, or a rigid bitter man who chafed at any excitement to life?
In a week her questions would be answered. In the meantime, yn had to go to the store and decorate her classroom in homey and comfortable setting to make her junior newcomers feel relaxed and at ease to learn new things that she was all to eager to show them.
At her old school, the other teachers had a very brash way of teaching the students which only added to their frustrations and as a result, none of the kids learned anything except how to be cocksure and impudent.
Yn skipped to her car happily as she was excited to start her new job as a teacher to her kindergarten class. She could barely wait to see all the fresh and sweet little 5 year old faces that would be entering her class. She was set to have 23 students so that meant, yn would have to pull a hefty amount to buy crayons and other school supplies just in case someone was without.
She drove off from the parking lot and went to the nearest store to collect the needed items for her classroom come Thursday morning.
Yn had made sure to dress with civility, as she donned a sleeveless cardigan and tasteful skinny brown jean with wedged sandals. Her special touch was the bohemian fluttery blouse with a leaf necklace and matching dangling earrings and a bracelet. Yn tied her hair in a ponytail and dabbed on some lipstick with eye shadow before walking out the door with her book bag and driving to the school to greet the kids.
Yn took a deep breathe before walking into the school, this time packed with teachers and members of the PTA. She was greeted by some teachers and parents who had realized she was the new teacher that was being talked about among word around the school. Her cheeks blushed with pride as she had a jaunty presence with all the admiration she was receiving. Although she tried to swallow the thought, what if everyone thought it was because she had worked at a fancy private school and that she was somehow 'special' because of it?
Her gut became irrational at the thought, but she was determined not to let her personal fantasies influence her good start at school.
She walked into her lavender painted classroom that accented in black and white as a theme. The black rug with the clover print on it, the last minute posters she hung on the wall, the small tables and chairs that varied from blue, pink, purple and white, and the cute mini cubby holders that stored supplies and of course the kids backpacks and jackets.
On each desk, yn laid out a piece of candy each for her students as a pleasant surprise when they entered the room. Yn opened her door so once the bell rang, the kids would come pouring in. But as she glanced outside she couldn't help but notice the room across from hers was now open. Mr. Styles's class.
205 was his door, 203 was her's and 204 was across from her. Ms. Monroe looked to be in her 30's only a few years older than yn, with shoulder length ash colored blonde hair and ambitious icy blue eyes with red stained lipstick lips. She was very kind and seemed to have a patient demeanor with children which the young teacher admired. Her classroom was decorated in a beach theme which seemed to bring appreciation into yn's eyes.
She looked over towards Mr. Styles whose classroom was decorated with a big 'Time to be kind' wording on the top wall. His class had colors of mostly teal, pink and black with splashes of green and yellow. The chairs and desks were arranged neatly and yn could see big bags full of candy and other sugary sweets like cupcakes and cookies that he must've baked from home.
He had lots of encouraging posters on his wall and also had some goodie bags on the desks of his students. He walked into the classroom, enough for yn to get a glimpse of him which was more than enough to make her mouth drop open in awe at the young man with brunette curls, and verdant beddable green eyes.
His dimpled friendly smiled flashed at yn, as he was going into his classroom preparing for his class to enter. The lanky body was bent over, making sure the chairs were in tip-top shape so no accidents would happen on the first day. Yn could tell just by the way he interacted with the teachers and the parents, that he had some experience up his belt. He handled the ludicrous hard-nosed parents with tranquility and cogent.
The same applied for the teachers. Especially one I heard of...Ms. Grigg. She was a illiberal draconian dragon with a blonde bun that grey streaks ran through. Venom spilled from her tongue when she spoke to her third grade students. She was a very rigid with instructions and always demanded blind obedience from her miserable class. Of course, that was the last thing she received from them as they would often shoot spitballs or even throw papers openly in her classroom.
They couldn't care less about rules, let alone her's. But it was the gall she to be uppity to the other teachers and parents about their children or students, while her class was completely out of control due to the way she teaches them. Everyone shied away from her as she could be brutal with her words and actions.
Other teachers gossiped about her in the teacher's lounge about how her husband left her for someone else due to his not being able to tolerate the marriage anymore.
But it was only Yn's first day......
Anyway, yn continued setting up, while occasionally glancing at the cute next door neighbor that she became infatuated with at first glance despite how he barely noticed her. Yn kicked herself to stay focused. Today was about the kids, not yn's abortive love life.
8:00 struck....
The kids came in by the 10's. Some sniffles and cuddles, mostly from the parents...the kids greeted yn with hugs and happy faces from seeing the candy on their desks. Yn made goodie bags full of different candies, (an idea she got from Mr. Styles) and watched as the kids munched on their candies while the other kids came in until all 23 were in her class, sitting at their seats ready to learn.
Yn talked to the concerned parents, reassuring them of their safety and their sure education. Yn glanced over to see Mr. Styles reassuring worried parents, gently calming them down and making friends with the kids before going into class by giving high fives and hugs.
"We're gonna have some fun!" He said as the kids cheered in response. Yn smirked, cheeks burning red for some reason.
She introduced herself to the class before going around and asking her students their names, and then having a dance party to get things started on a fun note.
Most of the day, the kids spent coloring or eating cookies while practicing writing their names. During the bathroom break, Mr. Styles class was already waiting for some students who were still using the restroom. "Okay kids, two at a time." You said as a boy and a girl from the line went into the stalls. Yn couldn't help but look over at the well behaved kids standing patiently in line as they waited for their classmates.
"Your kids are so well behaved." She stated hoping to start a conversation. "Thank you very much. As are your's." The young teacher replied, smiling benignly. Flutters filled yn's heart as his eyes locked with hers. He noticed the crescent twinkle in her eyes that only sparkled when she looked at him. As much as yn wanted this teacher to notice her, she still wanted to keep professional for her kids.
Mr. Styles kids, finished up with their bathroom break and then left back to their classroom. Yn followed pursuit with her class after the bathroom break and continued on with her class until lunch.
"Alright guys, form a single file line and head towards the cafeteria." Yn instructed her students before leading them. She made sure the little ones got their lunches, whether packed or handed in the lunch line, before making their way to the cafeteria for lunch.
Yn escorted herself to the teacher's lounge with her packed lunch from home. A cheese sandwich with a fruit salad and some chips and to top it all off, a bottle of iced tea. Yn sat down at an empty table and started eating her lunch while looking at her phone.
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Mr. Styles, Ms. Monroe and a few other teachers joined in, chatting away with each other. Yn kinda felt as if she were an outcast, the new kid that was vunrable to enemy attacks. But she didn't wanna see it as that. She was an adult, a 24 year old that was capable of fending for herself. Mr. Styles inadvertently took a seat next to yn. Her hands began to sweat and her heart began to race.
He pulled out a burrito wrap with a bunch of veggies to the side and a bottled water. Health nut yn thought as he neatly placed his napkin on his lap. Gosh it was getting hot in the teacher's lounge suddenly. Yn tried hard to concentrate on her phone, but it was so hard with the bountiful dapper an sitting next to her, elbow to elbow.
What was I thinking? Yn bluntly thought, shifting out of daydream gaze. You can't date a co-worker! She cleared her throat and continued eating her lunch, occasionally ricocheting at the door. Eventually her eye caught the same blonde bun and grey streaks teacher that popped her head in before snapping herself in as to amerce everyone in the room.
Ms. Grigg. The most hated teacher of all Idolridge elementary. She took a seat at a lone table and started eating some wheat crackers with her venomous prune juice. She met eyes with and scoffed before turning back to her lunch.
"You know, phones are usually not recommended during school hours." She said with a condescending hiss to her tone.
Neither are sod attitudes yn thought with grouse to her thoughts. She set her phone aside and continued eating. "It's okay she's new." Yn looked over to hear a sweet accent speak on her behalf. It was Mr. Styles who was up from his chair, making sure his protest was heard loud enough for the she-devil to hear. "Well..those are the rules." She barked back with a condescending voice.
"And not everyone knows them cretin." Yn heard the lad say under his frustrated breath. After he took his seat again, yn leaned over and thanked the young male teacher for speaking up. "No problem. You're new, you deserve a break," He finished his burrito.
"Pay no mind to her, she's just bitter." Yn nodded getting the message she was already aware of. Although despite the respectful converse Mr. Styles kept in the conversation, she realized he wasn't much older than her if at all. He looked to be in his twenties as well and yet was full of confidence to defend someone in need. Insecurity sparked inside of her as she wished she could find a voice and speak assertively for herself.
But instead, she suffocated the thought and continued through lunch.
Yn finished through the school day, happily clapping for the students who were leaving their first day, and joining their ecstatic parents who were overjoyed to see them after spending the entire day without them. Or at least 6 hours. After all the kids were reunited with their families, yn took the liberty to clean up around her classroom and look through any work that needed to be done.
As she was finally locking up her classroom door, she saw Mr. Styles doing the same as he turned his key to the classroom door. He spotted yn and flashed her an easy smile. "Quitting time right?" He said carelessly. She giggled and agreed. "First day, it was fun." She said engaging in his amiable manner. He chuckled. "Been doing this for 3 years so far. This year's class has a lot of kids, 24 I believe,"
"That's one more student than my class," Yn said smiling deeply, showcasing her rosy cheeks and deep dimples. Mr. Styles seemed to take notice to this. "Wow, and it's your first day? You're a champ!" He said winking and giving her the thumbs up.
"Thank you." She said shyly. She gazed down at her portfolio not paying attention to where she was looking, and the abruptly bumping into a wall and spilling the papers everywhere. Her crimson cheeks became more pronounced as she was soon bending down, picking up the scattered papers.
"Here I got ya." Mr. Styles swooped in and helped yn put her papers back neatly into her folder. "Thank you so much." She said, blushing deeply having once again an awkward encounter with him like she did at lunchtime. "You're welcome, enjoy your day and I'll see you tomorrow." He said leaving after handing her the well organized he had taken the time to do.
"Thank you, you too." She smiled before seeing him turn around and leave. Yn stumbled out of the school and settled into her car, before seeing Mr. Styles gather into his blue chevy and drive away. Yn waited before pulling out of her parking space and driving away to her apartment.
She settled herself inside and then finally letting her bulky bag drop from her shoulders and strapping off the sandals and laying herself on the couch.
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She turned on her TV as she settled in before deciding that she was too tired to cook. She grabbed her cell phone and dialed for pizza delivery with a side salad and bread-sticks. Oh and let's not forget the bottle of wine she had stored away in her fridge.
Once her delivery had arrived, yn sat back thinking ardently about her students, her new job and....Mr. Styles.
She was excited about what was to come in the following day.
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