#harry styles fanfcitions
kissme-hs · 7 years
Harry recording you giving him and blowjob 🙈
Ohhh lala!! Hope you like it !!____You peeked through your eyelashes up at Harry as you pumped Harry's thick shaft. His eyes closed tight as his head thrown back in pleasure. One of his hand in your hair and the other holding up the camera as laid back supporting himself up with his elbows so that he wasn't lying down completely."Oh fuck so big you are" you groaned licking up his hard shaft from back to top before kissing the pre-cum that leaked from the top. Your mouth watered because of the sight you had in front of your eyes with Harry naked, all worked up-panting begging for you to take him already.He looked gorgeous but his cock took your breath away.Hard and red. Ready for you to take him already "Cmon pet!! Take me yeah?? Take daddy in that pretty little mouth of yours." Harry panted looking down at you and brought the camera near to your face once you had him in your mouth. You deepened it and felt him hitting the back of your throat.It was Harry's idea to record you blowing him off as he was about to leave again and wanted to have something that'd help him to get off. Though he always imagined you while jerking off but he wanted something different, visual. So here he was with a camera in his hand.His groans and moans filled the room while you continued to suck him and rolled his balls in your palm. You felt his cock twitch in your mouth within mere seconds and you knew he was close.Such a shame for him that you could make him cum so early."Gonna cum gonna cum y/n!!! Jeez! Fuck fuck y/n!!! So good baby" Harry kept repeating that like a mantra. Your name rolled off his tongue with a throaty sexy moan and he was done. His warm orgasm filling your mouth as you swallowed the warm liquid before wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and laid on his chest covered with sweat.You took the camera from his hand and rolled off to lay beside him. Harry was quick enough to pull you back on him and looked at you with an evil grin."I think we should record something for you too." Harry whispered with with a smirk."Like?""I eating that gorgeous pussy of yours"
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writersblog1d · 3 years
White Lilies - Harry Styles One-Shot
*Uni-Harry AU
It seemed fit, at the time of choosing, to have lilies for the ceremony. Harry thought it was hilarious and Y/N, ‘yes, Harry, I have a tattoo after the flower, that I got while drunk’, couldn’t help but roll her eyes and accept, after all, there was little they wouldn’t do to make each other smile. So, if having lilies as the decoration made Harry happy, she would make sure to bloom a thousand for him.
In hindsight, Y/N had to give it to Harry. The white lilies, red dahlias, and red tulips, all came together quite nicely in small bouquets spread across the field. They were placed in a string connecting the chairs on the end of the rows, they were on the ground, and top of some other surfaces.
And one would stop to think about the meaning behind the flowers… Well, it just made it all even more fitting.
It was a small ceremony, nothing too fancy or too dramatic. Something just for the ones Y/N and Harry would consider family, the ones they loved and loved them back.
Y/N could see her best friend, Marie, sitting on the second row, hands intertwined with her girlfriend. She could see Harry’s sister, Gemma, in the first row, wearing a tailored suit that had a pin that looked suspiciously like a deer on it. She could also see Harry’s parents, crying.
She could see everyone.
And they were, mostly, looking at her, expecting her to say something. Because that’s what she was supposed to do now, wasn’t it? The priest had given his cue and now it was her time to speak. So why couldn’t she?
Her eyes scanned the small crown once more, before settling on Harry. She didn’t know if she should cry or smile, so she cleared her throat and closed her eyes tightly, before beginning.
“I remember the first time I said yes to going out with you. Mind you, I had turned you down so many times by them, it was a miracle you were still asking when most would’ve let it go so long before.” Y/N began, a soft smile on her face. “We met in school, but I thought you were a pretentious douchebag at first and your constant nagging about wanting to take me on a date didn’t help. But eventually, your jokes and how you would flirt with me when we crossed paths in school, started to annoy me less and less. In fact, I started to look forward to it. To this day, I don’t know what made you change your posture towards me, but I will give it to your maturity, because I am generous like that, and say that what really made me start to enjoy your company, was how with time I stopped being this ‘Y/N-flower’ construct and began to be your friend. You no longer saw me through rose-colored glasses and that changed it all.”
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
The graduation day seemed so far away, months from actually happening, but Y/N couldn’t help but stress. Rationally speaking, there was no reason for her to be stressing as nearly as she was. Y/N had been staying on top of her classes during her whole academy path and she was up to date on everything the professors had given the students this semester.
So really, it was fine.
Except, as much as Y/N liked to think of herself as a rational person, she knew that she wasn’t being one at that time, because there she was, sitting on the bench near her latest class and stressing about essays she didn’t have to write for another few weeks. Besides, any rational person would not be blushing under Harry’ stare and would definitely not be thinking about how nice his hands felt around hers.
Sure, Y/N had been figuring out that Harry was not as horrible as she made him out to be, before, but this was too much.
“Hey, Y/N?” she heard him calling her out of her thoughts, “Lost you there for a minute.”
Cheeks turning red, Y/N quickly moved away from Harry, taking her hands from his. “S-sorry. I guess I have been stressing too much about exams and our graduation, I just lost myself for a bit.” She pushed her hair behind her ear and turned to Harry, “Thank you for checking on me.”
“Are you serious?” He exclaimed, “You were nearly having a panic attack, there was no way I was gonna just keep on walking. That’s not what friends do.” he told her, smiling as he went. “And if my silly jokes and infinity chatter about sports could help? Well, then I am really glad I was the one to found you here.”
“I was too,” she said, quietly, trying to prevent him from seeing her blush.
“Well then, I am glad to see you better, but I kinda have to go to my next class. The Professor doesn’t take too well to tardiness, y’know?” he asked, getting up and ready to leave. “I am really glad you are smiling again, Y/N.”
“Thanks, I suppose I own you one for this.” She replied, her pinks a permanent pink.
“No, not for this.” He said seriously, turning his body in the direction of his class while still facing Y/N. “I will see you, okay? You know where to find me if you need me. Take care, Y/N.”
But before Harry could take more than two steps away from her, Y/N found words coming out of her mouth without thinking it twice. “Not even gonna ask me on a date this time? I mean, you did save me for having a breakdown just there, and you have asked me out for less before!” she exclaimed, getting up.
Her hands were sweaty, and she could swear that her heart was about to explode, but she kept her fake confidence, while Harry just seemed shocked out of words. That is until he shook his head and looked at her smiling.
“I don’t want to take you on a date because I saved you from a panic attack, Y/N, I want to do it because you want to go out with me.” He said, still smiling at her. Not his usual smirk or that stupid, yet a good type of stupid, smile he had when he thought she did something amazing; just a simple smile.
“And what if I want to?” she inquired, tilting her head and letting her hair cover her scarlet-tinted face.
“Do you?” he pressed; eyes bright with hope.
“Yes,” she whispered, “I do.”
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
Laughing to herself, as she recalled the memory, Y/N went on, “You took me out for a drink and you got me a box of chocolates, ‘cause you said you didn’t know what flowers to get.” She chuckled, “And we had an amazing time. We laughed, and we shared stories and by the end of the night you had me saying yes to another date.” She recalled. “I’m still not sure what made me say yes the first time, but I am so glad I did because that led to so many other ‘yeses’ that ultimately led us here.”
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
They had done a variety of things together, they had a picnic once, they had a nice dinner the other day and Harry had taken to show her all about his favorite sport lately. But this was different, more private in some way, even if they were out in the public.
It felt nice to be sitting on the grass, looking at the stars and the somewhat view. Harry wasn’t big on astronomy, but Y/N was set on showing him all of her favorite constellations she could see.
“This is nice.” Harry voiced, echoing what she had been thinking. His hand had long settled on top of hers and she was more than happy to let it there, even going as far as turning her hand around to take his on it.
“Yeah, it is.” She smiled, adjusting herself as she felt Harry sitting up.
“Y/N.” He called, making her stare and him. “Sorry, this is rather nerve-wracking.” He laughed, before scratching his throat and seemly settling. “I suppose what I want to say, or rather ask, is if you might want to consider being my girlfriend?” he rushed out, cheeks red even in the dark of night.
Squeezing his hand, Y/N replied. “Yes, I think I would like to be your girlfriend.”
Harry seemed to be in a state of shock, not quite grasping that Y/N had said yes to be being his girlfriend after so many failed attempts before. And Y/N wasn’t much better, not understanding how it had come to this, but not complaining either.
Either way, Harry seemed to regain his surroundings rather quickly, as he got closer to Y/N, smiling like a fool before putting one hand on her cheek.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered. “Girlfriend.”
And Y/N decided that answer was better given in the form of the kiss itself.
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
Tears roamed free down Y/N’s face, but she didn’t care. Those were happy memories, happy times, so she continued, “Saying yes to being your girlfriend, was one of the easiest choices, even if I came across differently to you. And our first kiss led to so many others, our friends even came to a point where they threatened to make a ‘kiss-jar’.” She laughed. “And time went on and suddenly, we were graduated, celebrating our first anniversary and I couldn’t imagine myself without you anymore. So, obviously, you decided it was time for another big question.”
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
Y/N had taken to work full-time in the bookstore as soon as she graduated while trying to figure out what she actually wanted to do with her life, after all, she couldn’t stay living with her parents forever. Harry, on the other hand, wasn’t having the same problems, as not only he had scored a pretty good job right out of school, even if he was just a trainee for now, but he also came from money and living with his parents was more of a comfort than a necessity.
Neither house was exactly near their workplaces, but they made it work, even if it meant out of their ways to spend just a little more time together.
They were both sitting on Harry’ bed, backs against the wall, hands intertwined, as Y/N rested her head against his shoulder. It was domestic, it was simple, but that moment it was theirs, even if they were too tired to fully appreciate it, sometimes.
“You know, I was thinking…” Harry began, being interrupted by Y/N laughing softly.
“Be careful not to hurt yourself” she added.
“Yes, very funny, love.” He rolled his eyes, gently shoving Y/N with his shoulder and earning a laugh out of her. “Anyway, I was thinking, and I have come to the conclusion that we, like you and me, should get a flat together. Somewhere in the middle of our way to work, you know?! This way we won’t have to leave as early, and we will get to see each other every day.” He rambled. “I reckon that with what I am earning, what you earn, and more what my parents set aside for me for when I graduated, we could find a nice place.”
She could see he was nervous, by the way, the hand holding hers was shaking and his talking faster and faster. She couldn’t help but find it anything but endearing.
“Harry…” she tried, but he was on a rampage.
“I know you hate when I pay for dinner or give you extravagant presents, because I know you keep telling yourself I am somehow gonna think you are only with me because of my money, which is ridiculous because I am the one wanting to do these things, I know you don’t expect me to.” Harry ranted, “But I made the math and with my parent’s money, well I suppose it is mine now, we can pay for a few months of rent in advance for a nice place, which will mean I can save up my salary for future rents and we can use your salary for food and bills, or the other way around.”
“Harry…” she said again, to no avail.
“Look, it is a solid plan, okay? I really thought this through, and I want nothing more than to do this with you.” He squeezed her hand, looking at her. “So, what do you say? Wanna move in with me?”
And throwing herself at him, making her lay on top of him in bed, she exclaimed, “Yes!”.
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
Breathing deeply and cleaning her tears away, Y/N picked up, “Moving in with you seemed like the natural next step, but we have to agree that moving day was a disaster.” She shook her head fondly at the memory, “For someone that practiced sports his whole life, you were a terrible help on moving the boxes inside and sorting them out. You were an even worst help when we had to take everything out of the boxes and actually arrange them in their places. I was so stressed and keen on making sure the house would be all sorted out and perfect and you just kept distracting me with kisses and music.” She smiled brightly.
Sneaking a glance at the crowd, Y/N could Harry’ mom crying, although she couldn’t be sure if it was her speech or the situation. These ceremonies do tend to make people emotional, after all.
“Unfortunately, not everything was perfect. We had disagreements some days, I think it would be impossible not to, and other days we would fight so bad that it always left us questioning everything, from why we were even fighting to if it was worth fighting. Sometimes fighting for us, others for what we believed.” Y/N’s voice was somber now, but still firm, even if the tears wouldn’t stop coming.
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
After six months of living together, Y/N decided that it was time for her to get a different job, one in the area she wanted to have a career in. As much as she loved the bookstore, Y/N loved the thought of working somewhere else more.
Therefore, she did what one would do when wanting to change jobs and went searching. Whatever job opportunity she found, not that there were many, she applied to.
It wasn’t until a few other months, that Y/N received a letter saying she had been accepted into an apprenticeship. To say she was over the moon was an understatement, and surely, she would have to talk this over with Harry, but maybe she could keep working on the bookstore part-time, while she waited for the apprenticeship to become a real job.
In retrospect, Y/N should’ve known this was how Harry would react to her news, especially when he found out Nate would be taking on this apprenticeship alongside her, but she couldn’t help but feel justified in her anger at that moment. Couldn’t help but wonder how little Harry trusted her.
“So what? I am going to have to see Nate a few days a week, it’s not a bit deal!” Y/N exclaimed, getting out of their room and moving to the living room, frustrated. “It’s not like we still managed to date and have zero problems with this before when I had classes with him during last year.” She remarked, sarcastically. “Oh, wait. We did!”
“Yes, but you didn’t have much of a choice back then!” Harry shouted back, following her. “Now you are deliberately choosing to work with him, to spend time with him. So, excuse me, if I don’t feel comfortable having my girlfriend spend hours with a guy that we know for sure has had a crush on her for the biggest time!” he threw his hands in the air, frustrated. “Plus, he hates me, and you know it!”
Turning to glare at Harry, Y/N felt so close to snapping. All she could think was about how Harry was exaggerating and being unfair. “Oh, so this is about you!” she accused, continuing mockingly “You just don’t want me close to someone that dislikes you, because heaven’s forbidden people to have a somewhat negative view of you, Saint Harry.”
Harry made a noise to protest, visibly angry at being accused by Y/N, however, she quickly shut him down. “Is either that or you don’t trust me enough to be in the same place as someone who might have feelings for me.”
“Of course, I trust you, Y/N!” he protested fiercely. “I just don’t trust Nate.”
“Are you fucking serious?” Y/N exploded. “You are gonna give me that crap? There is no need to trust Nate, because if you trust me, then that should be more than enough for you to know that nothing will happen between us! And you can go fuck yourself if you don’t agree.” she had started to cry somewhere along with the fight, and now that she had snapped, the tears lay heavy on her face.
For a minute the pair was quiet, Y/N’s quiet sobs and Harry’ heavy breathing echoing on the walls of their home. And then Harry was hugging Y/N, whispering reassurances, his cheek resting on top of her head.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, “You are right. I trust you and that is enough. I’m sorry.”
Y/N wanted to be mad, she had so many things she had yet to say to him. She didn’t want this problem to be shoved under a rug, didn’t want to pretend she wasn’t hurt by the fight, and that Harry wasn’t hurt, even if Y/N couldn’t quite see why he would be. But as he wrapped her in a warm embrace, calming her down, Y/N didn’t have the strength to keep fighting.
Not at that moment.
“Please, forgive me.” He begged, separating enough from her so that he could look at her eyes. “Will you stay?”
“Yeah.” She sighed.
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
If she stopped to pay attention, Y/N thought she could hear more people crying now. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Michal holding tight to Gemma’ hand, maybe even shedding a tear or two, he had always been one of the biggest supporters of their love, after all.
“Some fights were harder on us than others, but we got through them, eventually. You told me you read it wasn’t good to sleep on a fight, so that meant not sleeping sometimes.” She said halfheartedly. “I think we overcame a lot as individuals and we grew so much, into ourselves and our roles in each other lives. So, when you blurted that you wanted to marry me, interrupting my lovely story about the crazy lady at the supermarket, who by the way was asking to get hit by something, my only answer could be ‘yes’.” She giggles. “After I stopped laughing at your ridiculously red face, of course.”
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
It had become a tradition after Y/N moved in closer to Marie’s house and they started to see each other more again, to go out for tea and gossip every Wednesday. It just happened, that this time, Y/N had come bearing the biggest gossip of the year, in her eyes.
“No way!” the girl exclaimed, not worried about the glares she got from the other client at the café. “Let me see it!”
Giggling like a teenager, Y/N showed Marie her hand, the ring Harry gave her wrapping her finger gracefully. “Mind you, the ring came after the actual proposal, but I am not complaining.”
“I would hit you if you were.” Marie threatened. “It’s beautiful.”
And it was.
“Harry said that Gemma tried to convince him to get a large, gold band, with a red rock on the middle, but he knew I would like something simpler,” Y/N explained, bringing her hand close to her face and looking at the ring once more. “I find it that he was right.”
“Harry knows you,” Marie stated simply, “which is why I don’t understand why he thought a big proposal would be a good idea. And why I am grateful he is a dumbass who is too in love with you and ruined his plans.”
Both girls laughed and Y/N raised her cup to the air, “Cheers to that!”
The conversation moved along after that, with both girls enjoying their drinks and chatting about life. Marie told Y/N about this new job opportunity she had, and in exchange, Y/N confessed she had been offered the full-time job, she would no longer be an apprentice.
“So how is the planning coming along?” Marie asked as they were getting ready to leave.
“Not coming at all,” Y/N replied. “I mean, we haven’t been engaged for not even a week yet.”
“True.” She noted. “But still, when you do start planning, you know I will love to help you, right?”
Smiling fondly at her friend, Y/N replied. “Yeah, I know that.”
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
The flowers, the food that would be served after the ceremony, the pin holding her hair back. It had all been planned, chosen, carefully picked, to ensure the perfect day.
“You insisted on white lilies for the wedding, despite my many warnings of the flower’s meaning. You were so set on making them work with other, somewhat more cheerful, flowers, that I had no choice but to let it be.” Y/N recalled, her eyes trailing over the flowers as she spoke. “I am very glad that I let you run with your silly joke about lilies, they do look amazing.”
She could taste the salty tears on her face, and she was sure that her makeup was running down her cheeks, but Y/N didn’t let that stop her. She had, after all, a speech to finish, a vow to make.
“You also insisted on seeing my wedding dress before the actual wedding date.” She rolled her eyes fondly, “Multiple times, may I add. But I wanted to surprise you, so I just told you to suck it up and wait, remember? I am pretty sure you laughed and called me bossy, but what Harryers is that you accepted it you wouldn’t see the dress before the wedding.” She said.
“That didn’t mean you didn’t pester me constantly about wanting a sneak peek on the dress.” She chuckled, “But it was fine, because to each day that you bothered me about the damn dress, it was one day we were closer to the wedding until less than 24 hours were left before you could see it.”
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
Everything in their relationship had been pretty traditional, some would call, so it made sense for them to spend their last night before the marriage separated.
Harry had insisted that Y/N stayed at the flat and called some of her friends, maybe even her mom, to stay with her; while he would stay with Gemma and Michal for the night. She hadn’t argued much, honestly, knowing that Harry loved his sleepovers, even if he refused to call it that way.
And soon, Y/N found herself without Harry on their flat, with Marie and a lovely glass of wine to keep her company.
The plan for the night wasn’t a complicated one. Y/N would stay in, laughing and drinking with Marie, working on finishing writing her vows and trying not to freak out, because “what if Harry decides he doesn’t want to be with me anymore”. To which Marie had quickly worked to assure her that no Harryer how many fights they had, or how many curses they threw at each other, there would not be a day where Harry didn’t want to be with Y/N.
So, when Y/N’s phone rang not long after Marie decided to cook them dinner and Y/N had started to polish her vows, she didn’t think much of it when picking it up.
What followed were a series of shouts and curses, that eventually led to Y/N begging for it all to be a joke. “No, I am not hearing this, because we are getting married tomorrow! We are! And if this is a joke, it is a terrible one, Harry.” Y/N cried on the phone, “Just stop and tell me it is a joke.”
And surely it was a joke because all Y/N can remember after that is falling asleep to the sound of Harry’ voice. “I will see you tomorrow, Y/N-flower. I will be the one wearing black.”
-------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------
“And as I write this vow, I am hoping the dress was everything you had envisioned, Harry. Although I am not sure why you were so obsessed with the dress in the first place.” Y/N smiled, trying to keep her voice from breaking. “And because I know people must be tired of hearing our love story, I am going to wrap this up.” She cleared her throat. “I vow to adore and cherish you forever; to not give your things up, no Harryer how old or neglected they are; to do my best to understand what game is playing and who I should be cheering for; to never go to bed in the middle of a fight; to always let you choose dessert because you always let me choose the main course; to protect our kid from your naming skills and to never, ever, stop loving you.”
It was like all the cries Y/N had heard before, all the sniffling and heavy breaths she knew had been coming from the small crowd, stopped. Suddenly, it was just her and her tears, and it was wrong. It was so wrong.
A beat passed in silence, then a sigh, and after, a muffled sob, before Y/N mastered the courage to keep talking. She wasn’t done yet, there was so much to say and so little time.
“And if fate had decided differently, those vows would have stayed with us forever. As it is, however, life decided that after so many firsts together, after so many questions and so many answers, I would be deprived of saying this particular ‘yes’.” She bitterly complained. “But Harry, you have to know, I would have said yes. There was nothing I would rather be doing more now, than standing in front of everyone we love and saying yes to be your wife.” She confessed. “But I can’t. So, I will settle on saying this: you once told me I was your first love, so I wanna thank you for letting me be your last as well.” She stated, through her tears and hiccups.
Y/N walked towards his grave, with a single white Y/N in one hand, and theirs “would have been” wedding bands on the other. She kneeled, and with a kiss to the flower, threw the objects on the ground.
“You won’t be here for me to do good on my other vows, but I do promise to never forget you and to always love you.” She whispered. “I’m gonna miss you, Harry. I love you.”
It seemed fit, at the time of choosing, to have lilies for the ceremony. Harry thought it was hilarious and Y/N caved in quickly. It seemed even more fit to keep the choice despite the change in the nature of the event, as lilies were deemed to be funeral flowers. And if Y/N had been ready to bloom a full garden of lilies for the wedding, before, now she was just as set, if not more, to make sure that Harry’ grave would always be sporting a bouquet of them, a symbol of an eternal love that was hidden behind jokes and silly nicknames. A symbol of what could have been, but wasn’t.
A symbol of them.
*Hello, it’s been forever huh? I truly hope everyone has been keeping safe and well, or as much as we can in the current situation. I wanna thank everyone for the constant likes for my stories even if it has been forever since I posted one. I’m not sure how I feel about this one, so let me know your thoughts!! Hopefully I will have made at least one person cry 😂 Love you all ❤️
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hs-devote · 4 years
ii. láthi: the touch
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Moodboard * Content * Masterlist
All characters and situation in this story are fictitious. Resemblance to any person living or dead is only God knows.
chapter i. láthi: the myth
ii. the touch
Selene came home not long after their sexual intercourse. The sex mind-blowing, for sure. Their sex always blowing Harry's mind, they know how to please each other at the most.  And it always boosts his ego when he makes his partner come many times. 
Later that night, around ten when the sky is very dark with stars and the full moon shining brightly, the God decides to visit the ocean. Well, he wants to meet something there. To ask for a little insight into his mission. Because until now, he hasn't been able to find someone he's looking for. He can't even feel the missing Goddess' presence, and he's a little pissed off about it. Well, it seems as if something has been distracting his mind, and Harry is well aware. Who, and why.
The beach is obviously clear from the visitor. There’s nothing as far as his eyes can see except the rocks and endless expanse of ocean. He slowly walks closer, letting the calm water wet his feet. His legs continue to take him deeper into the water until reaches his waist. Then, he closes his eyes, focused on who he is and calls out the one he wants to meet. 
His adrenaline is getting higher when he feels the waves getting wilder and the ocean breeze slapping his face and body. He inhales and exhales. Repeatedly. He feels surrounded by stars bow to him, and the moon exactly right in front of him. He feels his power, he regains his power more and more. 
She's here... 
She’s close 
Don’t worry, Your Majesty. You will have children 
Your lover will bear the children 
Sooner or later 
Your children to the throne 
But, only if you didn’t do anything wrong 
Or, the mistake will carry your children away 
  He doesn’t even flinch when the wild waves hitting his whole body, swallow his relaxed body without dragging him from the shore. It happens several times when he’s communicating with the ocean, which became one of the gates to Centauri. The ocean that blessed by Centauri’s Gods and Goddesses in the previous centuries, and he’s here to find the vision. 
But, which he doesn’t know, Y/N has been looking at him from the distance. She saw him when she had just come home from work and intends to go home along the beach. However, her steps stopped when she saw someone seemed just standing in the water with eyes closing. At first, she thought the stranger wanted to kill himself. Yet, after he got closer, she recognised that man.  
She feels odd when seeing the ocean looks like bowing to him. The way he doesn't seem to care when the waves hit his body making her wonder. What does he do? He can't possibly want to kill himself, can he? 
She’s more and more worried when he doesn’t move from there while the wind is getting stronger like a storm is about to break. Then it hits her. Waves as high as three meters crashing into his body and making the man disappear immediately caused her to scream. Her body trembling violently when the ocean returns to calm without Harry’s presence in his standing place earlier. 
Where is he? 
Did the waves wash him away? 
She just saw he commit suicide. 
But why?
She can't think straightly. She feels guilty because she knows she could stop him. 
Turning her body around, she screams again to see him standing right before her. His body and clothes aren't soaked at all, dry as if he hadn't been exposed to water. He looks at her with a confused look. She blinks repeatedly, making sure she's not seeing wrong. 
“Y/N?” Harry arches his eyebrow, “What are you doing here?” 
How come he’s here? A fraction of a second earlier she had seen the man being swallow by the waves. There was no way he needed only a few seconds to run over here. 
“I saw.. saw you there!” she stammers while pointing the ocean, “You were swallowed up by the waves! And.. and you disappeared. How.. how come?” 
"What do you mean? I don't understand." he lies, scrunching his face. In the bottom of his heart, he doesn't deny it. For an obvious reason, he can't say yes. If he says it, he swears the girl in front of him will pass out. 
“You were suicide commit earlier!” she cried out, “And now you’re here.” 
Harry just let out a humorous laugh, shaking his head to her confession. Y/N staring at him like a confused toddler, her brain digests what she just said. There's nothing wrong with what she said, right? 
"It's almost midnight, Y/N. I think you were just sleepy so you were hallucinating." he argues, "Have you eaten yet?" 
“Just lunch today.” she squeaks, telling him the truth. Today customers were awfully much, making her come home late and didn’t have time to eat properly. Maybe it’s true what Harry just said, she’s already sleepy and hungry, she planned to cook something for her dinner after she got home. 
“Then, I’ll treat you dinner.” he offers, “I think there are still restaurant open at this hour.” 
"Uh, I'm fine, H.” she refused politely, “It's okay. Besides, I believe my granny is waiting for me at home." 
"I don't want you to go home with a grumbling stomach, Y/N. You can call your grandmother and tell her you to go to eat first, I think she will understand." 
“C’mon. The sooner we go, the sooner you go home.” Harry insists when Y/N says nothing. He has to make her think what she saw was only her hallucinations, and on the other hand he knows she hasn’t eaten because he can feel it. 
“If only we split the bill,” she bids, “I can’t let you keep paying my food.” 
“Fine then.” he relents, then offering his hand for her to take, “Let’s go.” 
And of course, Y/N shyly grabs his hand.  
Harry takes her to the trattoria down the street, which the only one dining that’s still open. The place isn’t too crowded making it easier for them to talk. While he has made his meal choice, Y/N looks confused while looking at the menu book. She isn’t confused, no. It’s just that the food is quite pricey even though it’s only a trattoria, and she doesn’t want to spend her money just for a dinner. 
“I'll have spaghetti aglio e olio, I guess.” she shrugs, choosing the least priced meal. 
“That’s all?” 
“Yup. And mineral water for the drink,” she confirms, “What would you have?” 
"Err, I will go with the salads." then, he adds "I'm a pescatarian so I'm pretty picky about what I eat." 
“How does it feel?” she enquires after the Harry called the waiter for taking their order, “Being pescatarian and all. I once thought about going vegan but I haven’t gotten started yet.” 
“I feel like it makes my body better, plus I can’t bear to eat.. animals because I love them.” he begins, “I still eat seafood but I think I’ll reduce it.” 
“How wise of you.” 
“I know,” he smirks, “Have you told your grandmother that you’ll be home late?” 
“I have. I just texted her that I’ll be home late.” 
“So, Y/N. Is that correct that you only live with your grandmother?” 
Harry remembers the day when Y/N told him she just lives with her grandmother in Syracuse and somehow it makes him curious. There was a spark of wonder that tickled him to know more about her. They're friends now, there's nothing wrong if he wants to know, right? 
“Yes,” she exhales, “Granny asked me to move to Italy from England after the death of my parents. She didn’t want me to be sad if I stay in London and remember the incident that.. killed them.” 
"How did they.. gone?" he says quietly, "It's okay if you don't answer that. I just curious because the last time you told me, you were eight back then. You were still quite young when they died." 
"It's okay," she mumbles, "They were killed in a car accident after dinner, their car was badly damaged and they couldn't be saved. What makes me sad sometimes is that the crash site is only ten minutes from our home. Yet, they didn't go home. Instead, they went home to heaven. I didn't believe their goodbye that night was their last goodbye for me." 
Seeing the woman in front of him looking sad, Harry cannot do anything except taking her hands to his and caress them as a sign of comfort. He knows Y/N forced herself to tell him about that and he felt grateful that she trusted him enough for being open with her life. 
“Even I’m not her granddaughter by blood, I’m very lucky to have her in my life. And I love her dearly.”   
Harry raises his eyebrow, doesn't think she would speak far enough. He just found out that her grandmother isn't her real grandmother. But, he chooses to remain silent to respect her. He won’t ask any further unless if she’s the one who starts it. 
“My granny adopted my father when he was ten since she didn’t have any children. She loved him so much and never treated him as if he wasn’t her own flesh and blood. Then, she got happier when my father met my mother, then they got married and had me. She said we’re a blessing from the universe.” 
“She sounded like a very kind and wise woman.” 
“Very much.” 
He just nods, with his hands still stroking her hands. They don't utter a word until a few minutes later, busy with their own thought. Harry immediately let go of their joining hands when the waiter come with their food, and it makes Y/N a little sad. Somehow Harry was able to make her feel better and put a smile on her face, and it seems she has started to depend on it. 
Who isn't attracted to him? 
He’s more than handsome to describe. 
He’s more than charming to tell.  
“I think I would like to meet your grandmother one day,” he says out of nowhere, “I’m curious about someone as extraordinary as her.” 
"Oh, you're going to love her!" she gushes, "And I think she will love you. I mean, she loves a handsome man." 
“Well, you’re thinking I’m handsome, huh?” 
Y/N's face flushed with embarrassment, cursing her stupidity for saying that. She quickly shakes it off, playing it cool but still embarrassed by the man in front of her. 
She speaks confidently, “Of course. Why should I deny it?” 
“It makes the second compliment you said to me, you know?” he laughs, “But, thank you.” 
"Take it as a compliment," she shrugs, then starts eating her food, "What about you?" 
“Mhm. I’ve been honest with you as a friend. We’re friends, aren’t we?” 
 Harry clears his throat, sipping his drink before answering her. "As I've told you, I'm here for work and I love.. history. My parents also died several years ago from old age. I have no siblings, though." 
He isn’t lying. 
His parents indeed passed away from old age, just before he took the throne. He did have no siblings, it always himself alone in the family line, except his parents, until one day Selene became a part of the royal family. 
“Where were you before coming here?” 
Well, he doesn’t expect that kind of question. 
“Err, England.” he lies uncomfortably. He feels bad because her eyes sparkling, looking excited when she heard the man in front of him also came from England. 
“You didn’t tell me before.” she beams, “Which part of England?” 
And Harry doesn’t know, his lie tonight will lead into another lie. 
. . . .
Harry is increasingly coming to visit Y/N at her work, whether to buy the flowers or just to meet her, and it seems to be his undoubted routine activities. He knows this sounds cliché and pathetic, yet he can't just go one day without seeing her. The woman has a charm of her own that makes him think about her all the time. It feels like she has a magnet that keeps him from getting away from her. He always has a reason when Y/N or her co-worker questions his visit, especially when he doesn't want to shop. Even he blatantly flirts at Y/N, which he had never done before as a God. Not even with Selene.  
How did Y/N react? 
As someone who has never dated and got such attention from a male, she doesn't deny the feelings of flattery and shy. No man ever openly shows interest in her – or someone perhaps but she was insensitive. She's overwhelmed with the attention, fluttering hearts and many more. Too much indescribable feelings.  
“Thank you for waiting for me until my shift is finished. You didn't have to do that.” Y/N shares a smile when Harry picking her up from work after he spent three hours waiting for her to finish her shift. She doesn't know Harry will wait until she's done because he usually stopped by for a moment. 
"It's okay, Y/N. I don't have any work right now so I have free time for a while." Harry shrugs, looking at the girl who walks next to him. It's obvious that he offers a ride home to her, which often he does when the opportunity arose. 
“And that's mean I owe you a lot, you know? You gave me a few treats and drove me home but I haven't repaid your kindness, yet.” she chuckles, shaking her head. “How about, you're coming home with me so I can cook something for you? I know it will be different than those fancy restaurant but if you don't mind– ” 
“I would love to.” 
"Yeah?" she grins, the way her eyes flickering an excitement makes Harry's heart throbbing. In fact, this small gesture makes this girl look so happy. He just smiles in return, patting her head affectionately before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, guides her to walk a little bit faster. 
“C'mon then. I'm quite hungry right now.” 
She just giggles, letting he drags him to where he parked his car. Yet, she furrows her eyebrow when she doesn't see his car there. She could quickly recognise Harry's car because it was vintage, and this time her eyes don't see any vintage cars there. 
“I know what you're thinking but I don't drive the vintage one today.” he says, walking to a black Maserati and opens the door for her, “That beauty needs her routine check-ups.” 
“Thank you.” mumbles her while examining the expensive car, “This is fancy.” 
“Mhm.” he agrees, “Get in, love. Watch your head.” 
The first pet name he says to her. Well, he's being kind and friendly, isn't he?  
"Ah, yes. I'm sorry."  she shakes her head and climbs into the car, "I don't know your job can afford this kind of car." 
"Been saving for years." he answers after he sits on the driver seat, "Saving allows me to get two cars for now." 
"I bet your vintage car costs a fortune too?" 
“Much likely.” 
He lies. Absolutely lies. Being a God, let alone a ruler of a realm means to be surrounded with a lot of wealth and definitely rich. He only needed to bring golds to sell and make money here since gold is like currency for Centauri. Centauri's gold is undoubtful and very valuable. Of course, he has to be careful when selling gold.
 Both of them arrive at Y/N's house after fifteen minutes drive. Her house isn't big, more modern than Harry's cottage. The combination of white paint on the walls and wooden materials create a homey and modest atmosphere. In front of the terrace, there are many pots filled with beautiful blooming flowers. 
"Welcome to my home," Y/N speaks softly and opening the door for both of them to enter, "My granny probably still outside. Make yourself comfortable, H." 
He slightly nods, carefully to steps forward while looking at his surrounding. Unlike his cottage, her house interior is mostly covered by wallpaper with a small area of the painted wall. According to Y/N, this house has two bedrooms with two bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and dining room, and a function room to do the laundry and small garden for her granny to plant a few flowers since their pots in the terrace no longer fits anymore. But then, his eyes catching a few pictures on the hallway. 
“I like it here.” he mumbles, eyes raking through the frame hanging on the wall. Most of them are pictures of little Y/N, her parents, or the family portrait. It always the three of them; the father, the mother, and her. Where's her grandmother? 
"My granny always took the pictures, so there's no picture of four of us. Plus, my granny doesn't like being photographed." she laughs, joining him who still staring the family pictures. The small family looks so happy and radiant, smiling widely to the camera. 
“What's your grandmother name?” 
“Her name is Ilitia.” 
“You look so cute in here,” he points at the picture where little Y/N was standing on her feet and being held with her mother, “I bet this was your first step?” 
“Supposed to be.” she nods, “Anyway, what kind of food do you want? Do you want Italian? Or maybe English cuisine?” 
“Anything is fine for me.” 
“Unless it's meat..” 
“Unless it's meat, yes.” 
“Okay. I'll be in the kitchen for another few minutes. Just call me if you need something, and if you want a drink just open the fridge, okay?” 
Harry nods as she disappears to the kitchen, starting to make whatever she wanted. He doesn't care if its Italian or even English dish she makes, the only thing he cares about the time they spend together. 
Twenty minutes passed, Y/N still in the kitchen and Harry begin to curious. He waited patiently while watching the television that had been turned on by her previously. Yet, he grows impatient as he smells the food aroma that tickles his nose, making him almost drool over its delicious smell, and he decides to walk to the kitchen. 
"Smells delicious." he praises, looking at the still cooking food from Y/N's shoulder. Good thing she acknowledges his presence and doesn't flinch when he speaks from behind. She just shrugs while her hand still on the pan. 
“Thank you.” she hums, “Go sit down, this will be ready in ten minutes.” 
Harry just obeys, moving to a chair in the dining room. His hand supported his chin while his eyes watching Y/N turn off the stove and ready to serve him. During his godly life, it was always servant who made food for him, except his mother if she wasn't busy while she was still alive, but when he lives with Selene, his wife never made him a meal or let her hands do such paltry work – like this. 
“Here you go.” 
He closes his eyes, letting the delicious scent of food in front of him fill his sense of smell. The delicious of freshly cooked food reminds him of the smell of bread that his mother had just taken out of the woodfire when he was kid, instantly making him miss his late mother. Meanwhile, Y/N take a seat next to him to make her little easier to study his face expression. He looks cute while closing his eyes, smiling so fondly until his dimples are full force. 
"Go give them a try." 
She bites her lips as Harry opens his eyes, and taking a full bite of the food. She squints her eyes while he chews, letting his tongue digest the rich flavour of the Italian simple dishes. Y/N just hope Harry to like it, and if he likes it, she probably makes some more for him someday. 
"The aroma doesn't lie," he speaks with a mouth full, "... è delizioso. Mi piace molto.” 
“Felice di sentirlo. puoi portarne un po 'a casa se vuoi.” 
“Mia cara?” 
She gasps when hearing her granny's voice as the door opened softly, happy that the old lady comes in perfect time. Excusing herself from Harry, she walks out to find the woman who raised her until now. The only family she has. Not long after, she returns with someone whose Harry assumes is Ilitia, her beloved grandmother. Yet, he's quite surprised that Ilitia doesn't look like a sixty or seventy years old, she looks so much younger. With her golden hair, sharp yet friendly eyes, she gives him small smile. 
“Hello, I'm Harry. Nice to meet you, ma'am.” he politely shakes her hand after getting up from the chair, making the best impression for Y/N's family. 
“Hi, Harry. I'm Ilitia.” she nods, “I don't know my granddaughter has a company today?” then she averts her gaze to Y/N. 
“I promised to cook something for Harry and he happened to stop by,” she answers, “I made Mushroom Bruschetta!” 
Harry grins, “Trust me your granddaughter is a great cook. I just ate one when you came, and it's phenomenal.” 
“Of course she is! She's just like her mother who loves and great at cook.” Ilitia beams, “Do you spare one for this old lady, Mia Cara?” 
“I made a lot, don't worry.” Y/N laughs, “I'm sure Harry can also take it home if he wants.” 
Being the gentleman he is, Harry pulls the chair for Ilitia to sit before he returns to his chair. Sometimes he glances at Ilitia and Y/N who are now sitting next to each other and staring at the two women. If he didn't know Ilitia is her grandmother, he would think Ilitia is her mother or even her sister. Even Ilitia isn't Y/N grandmother by blood, the two of them is still look alike. 
“How did you two know each other?” Ilitia asks them both, a bit glaring towards Harry. Her sharp yet warm glare makes him a little uncomfortable but he tries to shake the feeling away. He doesn't know, but there's something about the grandmother that he can't put a finger on it. 
"I met her in her work and I'm her regular customer if you can say." he shortly answers, "And we became friends." 
"He always comes every day to buy flowers." Y/N giggles, "Literally every day!" 
Ilitia raises her eyebrow, "Oh, I've never known a man who likes flower very much." 
“I am,” Harry laughs. 
"You're truly a different kind then, young man."  
The rest of the night they spend talking while Harry is more of a listener to Y/N and Ilitia. He also gets to know Y/N even more when her grandmother told him about her childhood. He finally decides to go home since it's getting late, feeling uncomfortable if he stays any longer and he's sure they both need rest, especially Ilitia. 
"Thank you for stopping by, H." Y/N thanks him while escorting him to his car, "I can tell my granny likes you." 
“Is that so?” 
She nods, “If she doesn't like you, she won't probably want to talk to you.” 
"Good then. She's a nice woman." he grins, "And again, thank you for the Bruschetta and thank you for packing some for me to take home." 
Y/N peeking at the small box on his hand, “No problem, H.” 
Giving her his signature smile, Harry takes a step closer and landing a soft peck on her cheek. Letting the reddish shy blossoming and heated her skin, only for him finding her too cute for blushing. 
“Good night, love.” 
"... good night, H." she whispers after a moment while her eyes trailing where his car disappears from her sight. She can't believe it. Harry just kissed her, on the cheek. That was not his first time to make a move on her. He once put his arms around her, held her hand, but this time.. it makes her heart bursting with happiness. A different kind of happiness that she's not sure what it is. Slowly, her palm creeps into the skin where the man had just kissed. Like an idiot, she smiles as she rubs her cheek. Not wanting her neighbour sees her being an idiot, she rushed inside. 
“You're blushing.” Ilitia teases her when Y/N closes the door, “You really like him, aren't you?” 
“Is that obvious, granny?” she mumbles, sitting next to Ilitia who's watching television. 
Ilitia rolls her eyes playfully, "Even my old eyes can see that crystal clear, mia cara..” 
“He's very nice, granny. He's very sweet, funny..” she trails off, “And.. beautiful.” 
“Handsome isn't enough for him. His ethereal beauty is unmatched.” 
Ilitia just laughs, shaking her head while looking at her granddaughter who's still stunned with whatever happened between them earlier. 
“This old lady doesn't know anything about love, mia cara. But, just be careful. I don't want you to get upset and heartbroken.” 
. . . .
A kiss on the other night leads Harry to venture into more physical contact with Y/N. He dared to embrace her, holding her hand, and steal the opportunity to give her a little kiss or quick peck on the cheek – and it's been going on for a quite a while. Y/N doesn't know where they stand, Harry has never spoken about their relationship, yet he admits he likes her a lot but doesn't officially say they're a boyfriend-girlfriend thing. 
Does she care? 
Not really. 
What she cares about is, her feeling isn't one-sided.  
“Harry, Harry, please!” 
Both of them are in his cottage, spending the weekend together with baking and cooking as they planned before. They're now covered with flour, thanks to Harry who first threw the powder at her playfully and ended up spending a sack wasted. 
"Our Croissants will never be finished!" she shouts, shielding her face away with both hands. Harry who's standing feet away from her, just laughing at her who had given up. 
“Okay, okay. I'm sorry, love.” he giggles, “Here, let me help you.” 
Y/N pouts as Harry put the sack on the counter, then helps her to brush her hair from the sprinkling flour. Luckily it's not overcovered her hair fully. 
“I have to take a shower to get rid this off of me,” she mumbles, sweeping the flour from her shirt. 
“No, you don't.” he denies, “You still look beautiful if you wanna know.” 
She snorts, pinching his arm jokingly to cover her now hot and pinkish cheeks. While the man in front of him still brushing the white particles off of her, Y/N has her eyes stuck on him – studying every inch of his perfect face. She brings her hand dancing on his porcelain skin, feeling her fingertips pulsating in every layer of her skin. 
“Now, why are you staring at me?” Harry hums, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ears. 
“You're so pretty.” 
He squinted, “Am I?” 
“Yes.” she breathes as he's now staring deeply at her. The pair don't exchange a word, just enjoying looking at each other with thousand meaning behind their gaze. Slowly, and very carefully, Harry leans in and cradles her jaw with his large palm. 
And for the next millisecond, their lips joined together, dancing in the same rhythm. Y/N was shocked at first, then she closes her eyes feeling the softness of his plump lips on her. She never kissed someone nor being kissed. She just hopes she doesn't disappoint him for being the first time. This is her first time being intimate with someone after all. 
She moans as the pleasure hits her, feeling the goosebumps tingles her skin. The way his hot lips ghosting down her throat, leaving wet kisses all around her skin and some bite marks blossoming into reddish. 
They both pull back as their gaping for breath, but Harry quickly feels her lips on him in a second. He likes the way her lips tastes like honey and soft like the winter snowflake, yet his fingers travelling around her side, squeezing her hips only to makes her moans louder. 
He smirks as he feels her hands fumbling with his shirt's button, he shushes her as he held her wandering hands, breaking their linked mouth for a moment. 
“So eager,” he pants, touching their foreheads together. 
“You're the one who initiated it first.” she huffs, placing her hands on his chest. 
Their swollen lips meet each other again for the umpteenth time. Both of them smiling into the kiss then turns into a steamy make-out session when Harry begins undoing her jeans button. Effortless, he makes her jump and latching her legs around his hips, then brings her into his bedroom. 
They didn't break the kiss until they got to Harry's room. He softly drops her body into his mattress, hovering her with his strong body as they stare at each other. He notices how flushed she is, with red-swollen lips, and few bites mark spreading around her jaw and neck. He wastes no time to kiss her as his hand unzipped her blouse and tossing it away. Then, he finished unbuttoning her jeans. Leaving the girl only on her bra and knicker. 
"Beautiful." he whispers while his eyes wandering up and down her delicate body, "How pretty," he adds while kissing her now bare stomach. 
Y/N sighed as he licks her hips, blowing a deep breath into her belly button. Suddenly, she becomes nervous. She has never done this before, and if she's going to do this for the first time, with Harry, she doesn't want to upset him. She has to be honest with him and she knows he really appreciates whatever she's going to say. 
“What is it, love?” he lifts his head after nicking her skin, “Tell me if this is too much.” 
He frowns when the girl beneath him doesn't say anything, “Or, you don't want to do this? We can stop it now if you're not sure.” 
“No, no. It's not like that. I.. I do want this. It's just...” 
Does she really need to do this? 
“I want this, H. I really do. But, I've never done this before.” she timidly says, “I'm afraid–” 
"Hey, hey. None of that." he cuts her off, "I don't care if you haven't done this if you have done this. I don't care if you're virgin or not. What all I care about is your feelings, concern, certainty." 
"I'm one hundred percent sure, H." she confirms, "I'm sure to want to do this with you." 
“No second thoughts? We still have much time if you want to– ” 
“Harry...” she whines, “Please, I need you.”  
That's it. 
It was his sign to continue whatever they have on mind. He breathes in relief before kissing her again and letting her hands help him take off his clothes. Once they discarded clothes joining each other's, Harry waste no time to fuck her no mercy until the only words leaving her lips are his name in moaning pleasure.
that was.. fast. what do ya think?
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Day 43 - Perfect Storm
Author : cherrystreet
Tumblr media
Summary : 
What do you do when your best friend asks you and your (now) ex to be the best men at his destination wedding? You can either tell him the truth, tell him you’re not together anymore, and deal with the consequences, or you can pretend you’re still together and roll with it, just pray you don’t spiral. Fake it ‘til you make it. You know, for the sake of the wedding.
Harry and Louis choose the latter.
Warnings : Explicit
On ao3
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httpsfelicity · 4 years
“In a black dress, she’s such an actress” - Harry Styles × Model Reader AU
Summary - Harry meets a model downtown and falls for her quickly, leading the public to think that it’s a pr stunt. Unsure of what to think, the reader plays along, not knowing that Harry is unaware of the rumours.
For @cruizmanadu, @stephaniemalvie!, @kissessfordraco Xx
A/N - Third and final chapter! Wow! Thank you for the support on this. I apologize for it being shorter than the other chapters. Sadly it’s the end of this story, but if you click here you’ll find my master list and you can request things here. Thank you so so much for everything! I hope you enjoy!
Part one HERE
Part two HERE
Harry jolted awake from beside you. "Hi, y/n. What's up?"
"You tell me what's up."
"Um... well, I was just asleep. And now, I'm awake. What about you...?"
"Just wondering why I'm here."
Harry sat up and turned on a lamp. "What? Do you want to go home? I can call you a cab. Pass me my phone. You should've just said."
"No, not 'Why I'm here' as in your apartment here, but as in -" You motioned to the two of you quickly "-here, you know?"
"Oh," Harry put his face in his hands. "I must've misinterpreted something along the way. Oh."
"No, just..." You sighed. How were you supposed to explain this? You racked your brain for an answer to this seemingly impossible question. "Am I some sort of publicity stunt? Or beard? Like, a fake girlfriend?"
Harry raised his eyebrows. "What? What makes you think that?"
"Well, I don't know. It just feels that way. It doesn't feel that way with you, per say, but people online and in the news think that I'm just with you for a bit of good TV."
Harry shook his head, his curls falling into his eyes unintentionally. "That's one hundred percent not the reason why you're 'here', y/n. Not at all."
You turned your head to the side, allowing him to continue on.
Harry just shook his head again. "I- I'm sort of out-of-the-loop on this whole situation. I don't use social media much... can you fill me in?"
You nodded. "Well, we met, obviously. That's where it started."
Harry laughed a little, then waited for you to keep on talking.
"And then after - well, during our first date, or first outing, or whatever, people saw us and took photos and posted them. And that's where it all kicked off."
Harry nodded understandingly.
"Then yesterday, people took loads of photos, and the press and the general public must be starting to get impatient or whatever, because they're really mad. They want to know if I'm a PR stunt or not."
"Yes, but you know you're not one, so what's the worry for?"
You looked down and took a deep breath. "Well, we've only been out twice, and both times the paps found us. Both times we were in a really public place, and a fancy one, too."
"But if you were, wouldn't I have told you? And if not me, someone important from management?"
"My management doesn't tell me much. I thought it could be a bit of a possibility."
"Trust me, y/n. I'm here right now because I am genuinely interested in you. Not because some intern told me to be. I would never, ever keep a secret that big from you. Or any secret, actually. None. I'm sorry you feel that way. I wish you would've told me sooner. I could've arranged a different date, er, whatever."
"Yeah, date," you confirmed. Might as well call it that now. "But I just... well, I guess that's all, really," you laughed.
"So... are we gonna keep doing...-" Harry motioned between the two of you like you had done earlier, "-this?"
"Well, I mean, I can't see why not. I still like you. And you..."
"I obviously still like you. Don't be silly!"
"Okay, and you still like me," you blushed. You felt embarrassed because seriously, blushing? are you 14 again?, but at the same time you were over the moon.
"We can definitely make this whole everyone-thinks-we're-fake thing work. We can just go on, um, dates in private. Like, I can probably get a special reservation..."
"No, no, don't go through all that work. I don't really care what anyone else thinks. And if it gets too bad, do you know what we do?"
You quickly grabbed his phone and opened up the camera. "Say cheese!"
The both of you smiled obnoxiously as you hit the capture button.
"That's so cute," Harry laughed as he admired it from his camera roll. "Can I post it?"
"I thought you said you didn't use social media?"
"I'll make an exception for you," he said, kissing your shoulder fondly.
You laughed, then rolled over. "Sorry for bringing this up at the ripe ol' time of three AM."
Harry layed down and held you close. "Don't worry about it. I'm glad you said it when you did."
"Cheers to communication."
"We aren't drinking anything, though."
*Photo of you and Harry from that night, in black and white with the caption ':)'. Posted by @HarryStyles*
@harrysenchiladas: OMG IT'S OFFICIAL OMG OMG OMG OMG
@camillesluvbird: omg, i remember when i used to stan harry. so glad to see him dating someone so talented. wishing the best to the two of you cuties x
@purple.y/n.mf : Is this the confirmation we've been waiting for?
@haroldgucci69420ahhh: ugh.
@Junkookie1 replying to @BTSboyscouts_: Armyyyyyy
@katiesummer: Ew. Nope. Unstanning.
@directiondiana: Wait, it's not officially confirmed yet though. It's just a pic. Idk.
@t0x1ch3nr13: KILL URSELF BB. ;)
@Sarahsmile.s replying to @t0x1ch3nr13: Okay chill out plz
@LiamPayne: Congrats mate! :)
@Laylaz replying to @LiamPayne: omg GET OUTTTTT NO WAY NO WAT NO ADIOISHDIUERH
@Princesspark222 replying to @LiamPayne: HI LEEYUM
@y/ncherrypit replying to @LiamPayne: IT'S CONFIRMED
@HarryStyles replying to @LiamPayne: Thanks mate :)x
@directiondiana replying to @HarryStyles: NO FREAKING WAYYYDUFHSDU
@paynoisthebest replying to @HarryStyles: I'M CRYING RN
@julie25drew replying to @HarryStyles: THIS IS THE BEST POSSIBLE COMEBACK OF ALL TIME I STG
You leaned over Harry's shoulder to try and get a better look at his phone screen. It was early morning - around eight, you assumed, and you were looking through instagram comments together. Harry had secretly posted the photo while he was taking a pee break in the middle of the night, and the entire internet was in shambles.
"Show me! I wanna read some."
"I'm reading them all!"
"You're skipping the mean ones on purpose. I know you are."
"No I'm not! I swear!"
"Yeah, sure."
"What about that one about how I should cut my hair? That one was pretty mean," he said as he pouted and ran a hand through his chocolate brown bed head.
"Mean ones about me, Harry. There's barely any for you, but me, on the other hand..."
"Wow, self centered much?"
"Sorry, sorry. You know that I'm not funny by now."
"Read them."
"There's none."
"Give me your phone." You reached over and grabbed it from his hands, noticing the many rings on his fingers. You wondered if he slept with them on or just slipped them on as soon as he woke up. You decided to ask him later.
Harry watched as you scrolled through thousands, if not millions, of comments in awe. You were surprised to see that he was right - there we little to no negative comments compared to last time.
"Believe me now?"
You nodded silently.
"Told ya I would never lie."
You rolled into him lazily and grinned.
"Want me to make breakfast?"
Harry jumped up, and you followed him to the kitchen. It was only when you sat down at the table when you realized you were wearing Harry's clothes.
"Oh my god," you muttered, inspecting your shirt.
"What?" He asked half-heartedly, rooting through his SmartFridge for some eggs. Of course this man had a SmartFridge.
"Just looking at my pink Gucci shirt that I'm just magically wearing right now. And... are these sweatpants Gucci, too?"
"They're just spare clothes I hadn't opened yet. Don't worry, there's no cooties or anything."
"How do you just have spare Gucci clothes lying around?"
Harry shrugged as he shut the door and walked over to the oven. "You can keep them. They suit you better."
"Oh. Well, thanks."
"No problem!"
"Want any help with breakfast?"
"I can make toast."
"No, I've got it."
"I want to."
"The bread is in the breadbox."
You walked over, took out a (homemade) loaf, and began to cut it. "When did I put these clothes on?"
"After I drug you home from the restaurant."
"You don't remember, do you?"
"...No. Can't say that I do."
"Oh, wow. I knew you were drunk, but not that drunk."
"I didn't embarrass myself, did I?"
"No, of course not."
"Oh, thank goodness. I would've cried."
"Well, there was that one time..."
"I'm just kidding."
"Never pursue a career in stand-up comedy."
"Wasn't planning on it!"
You popped the bread into the toaster and sighed.
"Are you tired?" Harry asked.
"No, but I do want to run to the washroom."
"Okay, I'll be out here if ya need me."
"Where... is it?"
"You don't remember?"
"Clearly no."
"Down that hall, third door on the right. It's the one with the toilet in it."
Harry doubled over at his own joke while you suppressed a smile that eventually cracked. You walked down his fancy apartment hall and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you.
It wasn't until you saw his makeup wipes when you remembered a tiny bit of last night - he had makeup. He had makeup because he had makeup wipes, which he offered to you. After that you went to the kitchen and drank something, and then you woke up with Disney+ paused asking him why you were there and confronting him. Suddenly, memories of being confused came rushing back to you. You grabbed a towel and shook your head, smiling - you were glad that drama fest was over.
You walked back into the kitchen and saw Harry laying out eggs and toast carefully, then standing back and admiring his own work. You smiled; he hadn't noticed you walk in, and he was being cute. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and he jumped a little.
"Didn't see you there."
"Bon appetite."
"Why, thank you!"
"Do you know what I was thinking? O should do your makeup after breakfast."
You smiled.
"Do you remember that?"
"I actually did back in the washroom."
You smiled as you watched him dig into his eggs. "You're good at keeping promises."
"Thank you!"
You grinned and took a bite.
You could get used to this.
Get used to him.
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littledreamybeth · 5 years
Sneak peek
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“Harry Styles.” Y/N repeated again with a trembling voice. Tears were brimming her eyes already and she could hardly maintain her emotions. “P-please, t-tell me w-where I can f-find h-him.”
The lady nodded her head, then turned to type something on the computer. The soft klicks of the keyboards gave Y/N a little moment of calmness. Her heart was beating so hard in her chest that the beats had reached her ear drums, too.
Once the lady had given her the information to Harry’s location, Y/N thanked her and then sprinted all the way to her destination without any stops. She would often bump into someone - especially on the stairs, since she refused to use the elevators because they were a waste of time- only apologizing with a quick ‘sorry’. The closer she to Harry’s room, the more anxious she became. And then finally, she stood right in front of his door with heavy breaths leaving her lips. Her shaky fingers clasped the door handle tightly and with every inch that the door was opened, her heartbeat increased. Y/N swallowed hard, then entered the room.
What she saw in there ripped her apart.
Any assumptions?
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inspirehazari · 6 years
Dear all non-British fanfic writers...
No offence but I can legit start getting so into a fanfic but then as soon as people try and sound out Harry’s accent, I’m out. You’re making him sound like he dribbles every two seconds!!! Write like a normal person please, I beg!!!
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ravewood · 7 years
Enemies Turn to Lovers
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Zaden Voss, extremely hot, somewhat smart, even funny in a way. Ever girl's perfect guy. But not for Nova, an average girl with bad anxiety problems. Zaden Voss has been Nova's tormentor since her first steps. Since their mothers have been best friends they are forced to see each other ever single day. Zaden loved to pick her nerves and she hated him. Sophomore year he got sent to military school, but what if he comes back and wont leave Nova's side for anything.
Now available on amazon kindle
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babymyharry · 8 years
the morning after
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about five of my friends and i were just casually chilling around the coffee table @ 3 am last night (morning) talking about what we would do if any of us ever hooked up with harry. don't ask, idk either. but that’s how this got thrown together. i should be doing homework right now btw. i hate harry styles a lot (jk i love that bitch) 
WARNINGS :: a lot of this is literally just “texts” but you know i like to think i have a sense of humor so :-) like i said this is what i, ME PERSONALLY, would do if i ever hooked up with harold (lol) soooooo keep that in mind lmfao. 
don’t know how i feel about this one (questions my entire thought process) but hey! it’s something and i haven't posted in a while :) enjoy (;
O V E R V I E W 
“Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets or summat like tha’?”
He gets a playful shove and the roll of her eyes as she tries not to laugh at that. What a fuckin’ dork (which, in truth, just makes him all the more perfect to Y/N.)
“You’re a comedic lad, aren’t ya?”
She didn’t get crushes very easily, but it seems Harry was just the right amount of charming to have her falling faster than Alice did chasing after that damn rabbit.
Y/N doesn’t do one night stands and Harry truly and honestly believes she’s a proper angel or something. 
It was the light streaming in through the enormous glass window that woke Y/N up from her slumber. She felt completely at peace, the atmosphere she was in creating the perfect ambiance for her restless early morning thoughts. 
That is, until she realized where she was. Well, not that she really knew exactly where the fuck she was. Because this house is definitely not her tiny studio apartment and there’s no baby Siberian husky at her feet that usually kept her company during the night and made sure to wake her with a slobbery kiss and there was no (annoying) roommate to wake her with the sounds of God knows what. 
Needless to say, Y/N had no idea what she was doing here. 
She vaguely remembers what even happened last night, if she’s being quite honest. Something about an award show her boss (whom she was an assistant for) dragged her to and a whole lot of famous people. 
And that’s exactly what makes her eyes widen and her eyes dart over to the sleeping man next to her. His bare back was facing her but she knows those tattoos from anywhere and - oh shit, he’s rolling over! 
Y/N doesn't mean for her mouth to drop in pure shock when her guess of who was next to her turns out to be accurate. 
Holy fuck, I hooked up with Harry Styles. 
His eyes were still shut tight and she really doesn't think she’s ever seen any boy look so peaceful in her whole damn life. He looks beautifully fucked out and Y/N smiles a sly smile with the remembrance that she’s the one that did that to him. 
Yet, that doesn't stop the adrenaline coursing through her and her mind raising a mile a minute. She really hopes he’s a deep sleeper when she tip toes over to her forgotten purse. She rolls her eyes when she spots her undies quite literally hanging from the lamp sitting in the corner of his bedroom. 
Y/N wasn’t always one for one night stands. She had always gone with the boyfriend route. Any boy who was ever interested in her knew you had to make her feel like a princess much before any clothes would be coming off. And so they did that. She’s had over 5 boyfriends in the past 2 years and maybe it was her fault she kept falling for assholes but Y/N really think she has the words “hurt me” and “break my heart” tattooed on her damn forehead or summat. Because none of them ever worked out. The longest relationship she’s ever been in was three months and that ended about 2 weeks ago when Y/N caught him cheating on her with her roommate (she also needed to seriously look for a new roommate). 
Her best friend Celeste told her the easiest way to forget about a dude was by getting another dudes attention. 
Maybe that’s exactly what Y/N was doing. 
She peers back at the bed with, sure enough, a knocked out Harry Styles still very much asleep. She grabs her phone out of the small clutch she had brought to the event with her last night and texts Celeste with emotions she doesn't know how to describe raising through her. 
to Celeste girl, please tell me you're awake!!!! need some girl help asap
from Celeste what's shakin??
to Celeste okay no time to explain but i took your advice and ventured out and kinda hooked up with a guy??? and he's sound asleep next to me and idk what to do i've neVER BEEN IN THIS SITUATION?? should i like leave or is that bad or will he be annoyed if i stay GIRL HELP ME
from Celeste okok so he's sleeping right??
to Celeste like a baby
from Celeste yeah plz stay omg
to Celeste stay? should i act like i'm sleeping or something when he wakes up or?????
from Celeste i mean sure but regardless DONT LEAVE THAT HOUSE
to Celeste OK GOTCHA see this is why we're friends
from Celeste so i can give you hoe advice?
to Celeste precisely.
from Celeste yo is he hot lmao
to Celeste girl he's a dream. not only that he's such a gentleman
from Celeste MARRY HIM
to Celeste stfu i'm still freaking out
from Celeste what is this boy's name i need details
to Celeste you wouldn't believe me if i told you
from Celeste wait so i know him??
to Celeste uhm!! kinda ig omg
to Celeste my lips are sealed
from Celeste ugh you whore Y/N's finally got some dick after lame ass dude from film school and he's so hot she can't even name him. will we ever find out mr dreamy's name?? we'll just have to wait and see. you know i'm always watching. xoxo, gossip girl
to Celeste LMFAO STOPP IT ADKJSF srsly Celeste i'm freaking out i don't know how he's gonna react when he wakes up
from Celeste i'm going to be so honest bc we're best friends. he may be a rly nice ass dude and i'm hoping to God but if he's an ass and asks you to leave i don't want your lil heart to hurt okay? some guys are like that and i don't want you to get your hopes up
to Celeste i won't i won't he was just a hot hookup, yeah?
from Celeste for now at least yeah but hey maybe mr dreamy is rly who you say he is and you end up dating or some shit that would be rad as hell but for now UNLEASH THE INNER HOE
And so with the roll of her eyes and a smile on her lips, Y/N swiftly makes her way back over to the bed, so quietly you might question if she was supposed to be some sort of spy in a different life. 
It’s about three minutes later when his eyes start fluttering that she puts on her best acting impression of someone who totally didn't just text her best friend asking about hook up advice. 
Harry’s hands go to his eyes and he’s blinking and wiping the sleep away when he gets a glimpse of the mile long legs next to his. There’s a brief flashback of last night where those same legs were wrapped around his hips in the car on the way to his flat after - fuck, what event even was that? Her tantalizing physique making it nearly impossible for him to wait to just fucking rip the fabric of the dress off. 
He shakes his head of the memory, glancing to the right angel next to him. 
Her hair was draped perfectly around her face resembling a halo or summat and Harry really doesn’t know what to call the emotions coursing through him. 
She’s beautiful, he decides. Completely and irrevocably beautiful. Harry’s heart does a weird twist and he has no fucking idea what it means but he can’t find a reason to dislike whatever was happening. He quite likes the feeling, actually. 
He doesn't know what the fuck to do, though. Wake her? Let her sleep? 
If only Harry knew she was in the exact same situation minutes ago. 
He opts for leaning over and cuddling into her with a lingering kiss to her cheek. (Y/N was quite the actress, wasn't she?) 
Her eyes slowly blink open as if she’s been asleep for a decade and then they meet with his. 
Her eyes roam from his eyes to his lips, from his eyes to his lips, from his eyes to his lips....
The next thing Harry knows is that they’re kissing. Much less fervent than last night but the drive is still there and he was over the moon about it. Her giggle causes the dimples to shine through as she broke the kiss. 
They probably just stared at each other for a good couple of seconds before he muttered the first sober words, “Mornin’, love.” 
Maybe they were both dissociating the fact they were proper strangers. Proper giggling like they’d been dating or something - how absurd. But neither Harry or Y/N really seem to have a care in the world about that. 
His voice was thick and raspy and Y/N never knew British accents were her thing till now. She could get used to this. 
But then realty sunk in. 
He’s Harry Styles. He’s a multi-milonaire with enough female attention to have a one night stand every night for the rest of his life and then some, if it did fancy him. Y/N couldn't be anything special to him. Right? 
“I should.. I should probably go, right?” 
His eyebrows furrow and those dimples are no where to be found when her question is asked. Maybe Harry was wrong, maybe she didn't feel the same way. 
But God. He doesn't think anyone has ever successfully made him feel this fucked out in a long time and the fact her beauty had him proper stuttering over the next thing he said to her was proof enough of how he felt. 
“What’s the rush?” The way his words come out so very somber (replicating a wounded little puppy dog, and Y/N’s heart almost breaks) causes Y/N to put a hand to his cheek as her eyes go wild in panic. 
“Didn't- didn’t mean it like tha’! Swear. Sorry, I’m just.. not really used to this kinda thing.” 
Harry’s eyes shine at that as lips turn upwards, “Whatcha mean by tha’?” 
“Like,” she motions between the two of them, “I don't hook up.” 
Harry wouldn't admit that actually makes him all the more attracted to her. She definitely wasn’t inexperienced, that he already knew. Far from that, if he’s being frank. But it might've tickled his tulips a bit too much with the information that she hadn’t accompanied too many blokes in their bedroom affairs and he’s seriously relieved about that. Not that he has any room to be jealous of her past lovers... but he is. 
“Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets or summat like tha’?” 
He gets a playful shove and the roll of her eyes as she tries not to laugh at that. What a fuckin’ dork (which, in truth, just makes him all the more perfect to Y/N.)
“You’re a comedic lad, aren’t ya?” 
Y/N really wants to kiss those dimples and stay wrapped in his arms forever. She didn’t get crushes very easily, but it seems Harry was just the right amount of charming to have her falling faster than Alice did chasing after that damn rabbit. 
The hand that was resting on her hip squeezes playfully as he chuckles a very boyish laugh that makes him look years younger. Y/N is a bit too enamored with how pretty she thinks he is. How long ago did they meet again? 
“I try, my darling,” There’s a flash in his eyes and it seems he wants to say so much but settles with holding his hand out for her to shake and she’s confused till he speaks. 
She grins with realization and Harry decides every time she smiles an angel defiently gets their wings. “Y/N.” 
And so they shake hands with eyes full of a lustful kind of love and hearts full of gold. 
“Nice to meet yeh, love.” 
hope you enjoyed :) 
send me feedback 
my other writings 
all the fucking love,
- amanda xx
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kissme-hs · 7 years
It ain’t me
Hey loves!!! How’re you all? Lol I’m sure y'all are just as blessed with Harry as much I am XD. Anyways, it’s a one shot based on the song ‘It ain’t me’ by Selena Gomez. It’s a short one. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think about it :)
Goodbye. It all ended with one simple word which held thousand emotions behind it. It held a thousands of heart ache. It held lot of pain. It held a lot of tears. But to him, like others—was just a simple word that could be found in dictionary.
You hated how he could end it so easily, so easily that within a bling of an eye he was out of the door. Out of your world. And all you could do was unthinkable laugh rather than go after him. Laugh at yourself for being so madly in love with him that you couldn’t even see the reason behind his presence with you was.
You found it out when you went to visit him after he returned back from tour. He was back in London for two days and you were more than excited to spend the complete two days with him but when you saw him naked—panting over a woman’s body, all your happiness faded way with a heavy weight pressed upon your check. You felt disgusted when the moans of the man you loved filled your ears, the same moans that gave you pleasure where ripping your chest apart now.
Turning back on your heels you prowled down the stairs not in the mood to third wheel the scene going on upstairs. You were dumbfound, never ever you thought Harry would do this to you. Yet he did. With tears strained cheeks, a duffle bag on your shoulder—filled with the stuff you brought to stay with him you walked back to home.
The other day he came, came and told you the truth. Reality shattered you more. You were being preyed—hunted by him for nothing but publicity and he didn’t minded when his management placed this idea of him dating his best friend in front of him. He was more than okay with it.
He thought he’d tell you but when he saw the love and affection in your eyes when he told you 'I love you’ coated with lies, he just couldn’t open his mouth and blabber out the truth. He kept it with him—that’s the mistake he made. When he went on tour, he met up with Camille. And since after that they started hooking up. He decides he’d tell you, but—before that you found out.
It all came upon you like a wave of complete destruction enough to take up everything from your life from its roots. Your heart that once you thought was secure within Harry's—crushed into million pieces. You were never bold enough to wear your heart on sleeve but when you met Harry, you did because you always believe that he’d never break you. Stupid you were.
You felt like an idiot standing in front of him who had a role of an entertainer in his life. Whom he used to gather some more fans. It was so irony how you always gave everything of yours into the friendship that you had once and in return, taking you granted—took everything of yours.
“I’m sorry.” Harry said when you found him standing on your porch wet from rain. His teeth chattered and skin pale. His eyes were mixed with teardrops and drops of rain.
“For what?” You asked stepping aside and letting him enter your warm heart? Your warm building of a cold person.
“For using you. For leaving you. For lying to you! Fuck for everything I did!” He pleaded holding up your hands in his. And just like the other day, you laughed in his face taking him back in shock. It was funny how he came back. After kicking you away like a pebble on the road—used for nothing but fun till it rolls with us.
“Why Harry? Oh let me tell you! Because you’re new girlfriend doesn’t gives you all what you need? Doesn’t acts like the world revolve around you? Oh well bad for you Harry. ” you spat with hate and agony. A little glimpse of sadness could be seen in your eyes in the form of tears.
“Now you’re thinking huh? Who’s gonna rock you to sleep? Who’ll take care of you when you’re sick? Who’ll drive you home when you’re drunk off your ass? Who’ll be there for you?—love you?” You whispered the last part. Your eyes were burning red, tears down your cheeks. Oh dear only if he knew how much it hurt you to say all that. Only if he knew how much you still loved him even though his words were just made up of lies.
“This time, it ain’t me” you said ripping his hand off yours.
“It ain’t me anymore Harry. You can leave now”
The truth was told. It wasn’t you anymore whom he could rely on. You weren’t whose world revolved around him. He was faded for you now. He was gone.
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kissme-hs · 7 years
Black Butterflies 6
Hello! how're you doing ? I’m sorry for holding up this part for so long. I haven’t been really well so yeah but now here it is. Hope you like it :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Word Count :: 4369
The breath around you was suffocating you as you stayed on the ground on your knees crying. Your hands in a fist pressed up against your chest as you tried to collect yourself as you much as you could. The feeling was terrible. The word, marriage reminded you of all the good times you had while you still were Mrs. Styles but now the circumstances weren’t the same as before. You were a divorced woman with a single parent of two kids. 
Mitch’s word echoed through you ears banging in your brain. He was getting married. He was completely over you. His letter, his words, everything was a lie. You’re relationship with him a lie too. It all was a lie and you poor thing never understood how he did it. How it was easy for him to get over a person he’s been with from a long time where you were still stuck on the same page of your life. Whenever you tried to move forward something always brought you back from where you started.
Though you pretended that you were very strong and were doing fine, you always found yourself in the middle of the night staring at some old photos of you and Harry together. The smile, the adorn face dripping with sweet innocent love the couple shared in the photo made you wonder, question yourself, was it really you and Harry? Did you actually smiled and looked that beautiful? Did your cheeks actually hurt from all the laughter Harry’s joke made you have. Did your lips actually, once used to have a taste of Harry’s raspberry ones?
Your cries became louder as you kept crying on the ground getting weird stares from the strangers passing by but none of them had the courtesy to ask you if you were okay. No doubt humanity was vanished from this world long back. But then you felt two hands pulling you up, encouraging you to stand up on your feet. You turned around without even looking who it was and started sobbing against their chest. It was a lady and her petite arms were rubbing your back. You sniffed and pulled away wiping your tears embarrassingly. 
You inner self calmed down a bit when you were met by blonde hair and a sympathetic look of Gemma. Her own cheeks were strained with tears. Her eyes were dull and her breath calm. She blinked away the tears and reached for your hand that was cold. Your whole body was ice cold. You were sure that if you stayed for a bit in the cold shivering breeze of London, then you would’ve suffered from hypothermia. 
“Cmon, lets get you home” she said rubbing the back of your cold hand with her thumb. Her soft hands were warmed as you look down to see her soothing gesture. Her nails were painted black and her skin looked pale in the grey weather.
Without saying a word, you nodded and followed her inside the car. You buckled the seat belt and stared out of the window as she ignited the engine and started the car. You saw the trees pass by. Tears rolled down from the corned of your eyes, sliding down your cheek tickling the skin. You felt warm air of the heater that Gemma turned on and you decided to break the silence still keeping your gaze on the colorless weather of winter.
“Why’re you crying?” you asked.
“I-idk” she said sniffing. You turned your head to look at her and you could see tears were down her cheek too. You sat up straight and held her hand. You eyes filling up again.
“seeing you crying reminded me of the time when mum and dad divorced, your situation is just like her, weak and vulnerable. I remember how she used to cry alone afraid that we might see and cry too. I couldn’t believe that a strong woman like her could break too but she did. And now all the black faded memories refreshed again. God you’re very strong y/n. I can’t even imagine how you feel right now.” she finished wiping her cheeks with the back of hand.
“Let me tell you, it’s terrible” you said swallowing the saliva in trying to get rid of the lump in your throat. You felt sore and your voice was raspy and heavy.
“Harry always told me how you reminded him of mum. And I-” she laughed sarcastically through tears before continuing.
“I never believed him, but now I realize that he was right. But love, I can see how you’re falling apart and need to be fixed.” She said pulling in front of your house.
“c-come in Gem? Have a cup of tea?” You asked and tried of pass her a small gentle smile.
You vulnerable and petite state filled with so much of pain. Your eyes red and nose puffy, your body drained out of blood and lips that were being forced into a smile. Gemma knew you were broken. With a sob she pulled you in for a hug and cried along you. She rubbed your back as you too let your emotions flow. You clutched her coat tightly and cried in it.
“go talk to him” she said and your breath hitched.
“what?” you said amused. She really said that. Harry was the least person you wanted to see that time.
“babe, i know you’re hurt and probably don’t even wanna see him but believe me, you need to have a talk to him.” She said and you nodded before getting out of her car and walking inside of your house. You knew the you acted extremely rude and cold but you also knew that she understood it. 
You laid awake in bed not being able to sleep. The memories once again haunted you and tears dried up now, now tears left in your body to cry. They drained out. You got up from the bed and walked to the open window. Cold wind roaring in the night. You white curtains blowing up with the wind. You padded on the ice cold wooden floor and sat on the window frame that was big enough for you to sit on it. You picked up the photo frame that you had preserved from a long time. You turned it and saw it was a picture of you and harry the minute after you both got married. Though there wasn’t any point in saving the things that only hurt you but you did. It was something you wanted to cherish forever not matter what the situation was.
You were smiling so wide in the photo and Harry’s raspberry lips put in a out and wide big green eyes. His beautiful face was enlightened up with golden sun rays of 5 pm and arms around your neck.
“Finally!” You breathed out as Harry held you in his arms walking down the aisle after kissing you , sealing his wedding with a ‘I do’. Your veil hanging down, covering harry’s arms partially. Everyone's eyes glued to you both adoringly but you were already somewhere in your own bubble. Your giggled filling his ears as he  carried you outside. 
“yes volley!!” he said and spin you around. The sweet scent of lavenders filled with the flowery fragrance of spring made you happier than ever. You were married and your dream was a reality now. 
He set you down softly on your feet and cupped your face. His eyes fixed on yours. You to glistened in the golden light. You white dress shone and your face looked angelic. His eyes filled with tears as he brought your face to his and rest his forehead against your yours. His thumb rubbed the apple of your flushed cheeks. His breath fanning upon your lips.
“god I can’t believe it” he breathed out. 
“So can’t I. But baby we are married!!!” you squealed pulling away holding his hands that cupped your cheeks. He chuckled and leaned in to kiss you. His soft lips tasted delicious and his tongue worked amazingly upon yours. His hands around your waist gripping the skin and pulling your close. You both were busy in each other when you heard Gemma chirped.
“do what you want in the night. but right now, smile for the camera.” you turned around and saw er holding the camera. Instantly Harry wrapped his arm around your neck and the other around your waist, pulling your to his chest.
“I can’t wait to make love to you already.”
“ohh shh. Smile now” you giggled elbowing him, hearing a ‘ouch’ from him before smiled for your sister in law who stood holding the camera for you both.
A tear drop fell on the acrylic glass covering the photo as you went back in the flashback of the time when you both exchanged your ‘I do’s’. A sob left past your lips as your muffled it with your hand. There was a lot of questions that needed to be answered. You realized that what Harry was doing wasn’t healthy. You could feel it. You knew deep down, that Harry too didn’t wanted to get married. Or maybe that was just another wrong gut feeling.
You took a deep breath walking up the porch of the huge huge house of Harry. You heart was beating, thumping loudly. You legs were trebling as your pulled the coast tightly around your body fighting the freezing flurry of air mixed with small, feathery snow falls. Small cotton like snow rested upon your hair as you knocked on the hard wooden door.
“open up” yo u mumbled to self and oped that he’d open up soon. You fiddled with the rings on your finger. You still had it on. Your wedding ring.
“hey” your head shot up from your hand and you saw Harry standing in black sweatpants and a grey tee. His hair done neatly and fluffy. His face shaved and a warming smile on his face. You felt like a candle lit inside of you warming you up, the cold breeze long forgotten the moment you saw his face. Your inner self lightened up but your heart ached. Ached with the realization of how happy he actually was.
“uh hey” you said smiling a bi, rubbing your sides.
“come inside” he stepped aside a bit so that you could walk inside. Home. You were home. After months you were home.The house still smelt the same. Vanilla and cinnamon. Everything was same except the person inside it.
You smiled to self staring at the house that you and Harry both decorated together with love and made the empty house of four walls a home.
“Felling home?” he asked.
“uh yeah. Just brings a lot of memories of kids and-” you stopped not wanting to say further. The huge house was silent. Probably because Kristine wasn’t home or you thought so.
“ And....?” Harry asked clearly aware of what you wanted to say and he wanted to hear that.
“and us” you finished and looked away. You eyes were already flooded wit tears. All that you’ve done this year was cry. Cry all the time and you were fucking sick of it. You wanted to live again and smile again. You wanted to love again and to be loved again.
You turned around to face hi, when you were replied with nothing but complete and utter silence.
“Is it true that you’re getting married?” you asked. You voice a mixture of angst and pain. You eyes were red and tired. Harry turned his head, keeping his gaze on the ground. Once again complete silence.
And weren’t here for the silence. Gripping his harm, you turned him around harshly.
“tell  me Harry! answer me” your voice raised. You searched on his face, his eyes for an answer but got nothing. His face was completely blank. His eyes were dropping down. You let his arm go when you accepted the reality. All this time you were hoping for it to be a some kind of a joke but Harry’s silence said it all.
You fumbled back and sat on the couch. Tears breaking through your eyes and you felt numb. Wholly numb. Unavailable to feel more pain. You wanted to die. Die because of the pain you got that wasn’t even deserved by you.
Your limbs fell to your eyes and heart stopped beating for a second before you broke into a fist of cries. Your loud cries echoed through the house as you cried. You were a felling a lot of pain and it wasn’t fair to you. Whatever was coming wasn’t fair for you. You chest was heavy as you clutched you tee in a fist. Your emotions were breaking through their wall.
“oh my god no no” Harry came rushing to you and pulled you to his chest. Your nostrils filled up with his mustard scent, you skin burned with his touch. But you cared less, you wanted to burn. You wrapped your arms around him and cried in his chest. You felt like home but a home filled with thrones that only caused you pain.
‘why” you cried. You tears damping his grey tee and you felt his own tears on the top of your head. You wanted nothing more but to die in his arms crying. His huge hands rubbing the small back of yours. He placed his head on top of yours, with his cheeks resting on your head rocking your bodies. He knew you were hurting and seeing you cry wasn’t hurting him less.
“shhh i’m sorry” he whispered pecking your hairline. His tears slide down his cheeks and dropped on your hair as he spoke.
“you can’t! You can’t get married while i still love you! I am always gonna love you” you shouted in his chest. You wanted to punch him for doing this. You wanted to scream out loud and cry and cry but isn’t that what you’ve been actually doing from past time?
“what?” Harry asked pulling away to have a look of your face. You hair were sticking to your wet face and eyes were red and puffy.
“i love you harry” you whispered cupping his face but he stood up and looked away not believing your words.
“no you can’t you don’t” he groaned pulling on his hair in frustration.
“you can’t just come and say this not when I’m gonna get married soon.” he said you heard his voice cracked a bit at the end. You walked to him and stood in front of him. His eyes held a broken emotion.
“say that you love me” you pleaded.
“please Harry” you cried hoping he would return the words that you  craved for. 
“I don’t. I love Kristine and I am marrying her Y/n” he said blankly. His lips could lie words but his eyes, they were the most pure thing ever, they never lied. You saw the expression his eyes had. The truth was to be told but he wasn’t willing to. You turned on your heels and started walking towards the door.
“I hope you’ll come to wish me luck and will be a part of the wedding” he spoke through tears. You squeezed your eyes shut trying to hold on the water and ran out as fast as you could.
Harry’s tall, lanky body fell on the ground on his knees as soon as you left his house. Only he knows how he tried to hold those three words back. How he wanted to scream it to the world, how much he loved you. He wanted to hold you their forever and kiss you and make it right. He wanted to call his kids home and apologize to them for being a bad daddy and spoil them rotten. He wanted to sleep on one bed with his family. He wanted to have those sunday special raosts
He wanted to say it all. He wanted to feel it all but he was helpless. Helpless because the girl he thought he loved was evil. She threatened him how she’d go to the police and file a case against him if he don’t marry her and take responsibility of her and the baby that he made with her. 
He regretted all what happened. He wished she could go back the night he decided to cheat on you and instead talked to you. Only if that all could happen.
But it was too late.
“mommy why aren’t you coming?” Rose asked as you crouched in front of her and wrapped her pink muffler around her neck.
“Because mommy has work” you said holding back your sadness. 
Today was the day. Harry was getting married. He sent you an invitation just the day after you talked to him, more like cried to him. You hands trembled as you held the wedding invitation. How were you suppose to attend the wedding of the person you had yourself to? How were you suppose to collect yourself and go to the wedding. You couldn’t. That’s why you decided to send the kids with Anne to the wedding. Kids were not happy with the fact that his father was marrying someone whom they never liked. But for you they were going. You asked them so it for you and promised them, after this you’ll move to the States, away from Harry. Far away.
“i love you mommy. There is no one like you” Rose said rubbing your cheeks softly with her hands.You smiled and took her small hands in yours and kissed the palm of it.
“I love you too Rose bud. Now go and have fun. Take care of Noah yeah?” You said and pecked her forehead. The sound of the front door bell snapped your head as you saw Noah running to open it. You giggled and walked to the door lifting him up and setting on your hip.
“nana’s here” you announced opening the door. Anne smiled at you wearing a beautiful cream dress and a blue coat over it.
“hello darling” she said coming inside and engulfing you in a motherly hug. Noah smiled and reached towards her and Anne obliged his wish taking him in her arms.
“ready to go?” he asked him and rose who walked to you both and hugged Anne’s leg. Her face was sad. Putting Noah down, she crouched to be face to face with her and rubbed her chin with her thumb.
“what’s wrong baby??”
“I don’t want him to get married” she said and her chin wobbled. At such a young age, she experienced the most sensitive topics and matured a lot. Anne’s face softened and tears filled in eyes of both of you and hers.
“it’s gonna be okay. Remember I told you how strong god is and how we should always trust him?” Anne said and rose hugged her. Her baby cheeks dressed against on her shoulder, squished on the blue coat. 
“everything happens for a reason” Rose mumbled finishing up what Anne told her. Being a grandmother she always tried to tie the kids with good manners and important aspects of life and it was one of them. She always told Rose how everything has a reason behind it and not in a very matured way but in a way that her 5 year old self could understand.
“That’s m’girl. Now go and wear your shoes.” Anne said pulling away,letting the girl go and wear her pink sandals.
“you doing good sweetheart??” Anne asked.
“Yeah. These kids are my everything and I am happy with what I have right now.” you said honestly. Rose and Noah were the only thing you had after harry and you had to make them your strength.
“You’re so strong darling, god is not being fair to you” she said pecking your forehead. You heart warmed up with her motherly gesture.
“i know mum”
“but good days are gonna come sweetheart” she said before pecking your forehead once again and leaving you alone in the house. You were once again met with complete silence.
Your feet carried you inside of the huge church. St Paul’s Cathedral. One of the most beautiful churches in London and the place where you and Harry exchanged your vows. The walls of the church brought back a lot of memories from your wedding day. The day you were finally his.You sat down on your knees and joining your hand together. You checked your watch, it was half past 4 PM and you knew Harry was married by now. 
Your cheeks wobbled thinking of what he must’ve said to her. You were anxious to know about that. You wanted to know whom he loved more. You or her. Obviously her. If he loved you enough then he wouldn't have left you at the first place. You breathed in and exhaled trying to stable your shivering self. 
God’s place is the place where a man comes after all of his hopes are dead and that’s what you did. You had no idea why you were there but you just were. You wanted to plead to him to stop playing around with you and make this nightmare go away. It was lat already. He was a married man now and you had no right to have eyes on a person who’s already married. At least that’s what your parents taught you, never to wreck someone’s house.
“I hope he’s happy” you said. Tears rolled down your cheeks and rested on your lips. You could taste the salty water in your mouth as you spoke.
“I trust you god But I deserve an explanation. I know I am no one to question your will, but I am hurting. Oh lord I am hurting bad” you cried in your hands. 
“Please make it right. Please” you pleaded and snapped your head back when a squeal caught your attention. It sounded like Noah’s. You got up and turned to face the end of the aisle and there he came running. He ran to you and clutched to your leg, followed by rose.
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked down at them.
“babies... what’re you doing here? Where’s nana?” You asked rubbing the back of Noah’s head who happily kept latching on your leg.
“mommy look!” rose exclaimed and pointed to where they came. You broke your gaze from them and looked up. Your eyes widen and breath sucked from your lungs when you saw harry walking towards you. You thought you were dreaming.
Rose pulled Noah back to her and you walked towards him. He looked gorgeous, dressed in  a black tuxedo and hair pushed back perfectly. His face looked beautiful and his lips kissable. He stopped when he reached to you and took in the beauty of your face.
Your hair were in a lose ponytail and few strands of hair falling down your face. You eyes big and cheeks flushed. Your hair had some snowflakes on them probably due to the snowfall outside. You looked so cozy and cuddly wrapped up in his sweater. He reached out and brushed off the white snow off your hair.
“y-you didn't got married?” you asked looking at him with gobsmacked wide eyes.
“nah” he said scrunching up his nose and shook his head.
“loved someone else dearly much”he said. A wave of life ran through your body and you jumped on him wrapping your arms around his neck. You couldn’t feel alive anymore. You felt like you heart was lighted up and it started working again. All the jammed nerves cleared out rushing blood through your body.
You pulled away and looked at admired him. You missed this man standing upon you.
“she wasn’t pregnant baby. It was trick of hers to make me marry her. Thanks to god I found out the last minute” he said and exhaled breath of relief.
"How'd you find me?"
"This was our place. Thought to have a look. Wanted to talk to Jesus as well but i guess now i dont have to"
Your face was glowing up with love as you tried to absorb the happiness. 
“I’m so sorry I-” harry stuttered only to be cut of by you pressing your lips against his. His arms wrapped immediately around your waist as his lips kissed your with all they had. His tears resting on your lips as he pulled away the moment of love. You were breathing.
He knelt down on one knee and held your hand in his. Your eyes filling up with pride and love.
“will you marry me again? I promise to love you and cherish you and fix all the mistakes I’ve made in past” he spoke. His eyes hoping for a eyes that they got when you nodded your head and he pulled you in for a tight hug. Your body melting in his arms.
“I’m so sorry. I Promise I won’t do it again. I can’t lose you again.I don’t wanna be dead again” harry spoke against your forehead. You kept your face pressed in against his chest. You pulled away this time and hit his arm.
“well I’m glad you came home” you giggled through tears making him smiles. Both of you head turning when you heard a small sniff. There Rose stood holding Noah to her wiping her tears. She was happy to see her parents back together.
“come here bubba” Harry said getting down on his knees opening his arms. Both of the kids ran and hugged their father for the first time in months. Harry’s eyes crying tears that showed how much happy he was as he embraced his little loves in a fatherly hug.
“god I missed y’all” he said and you knelt joining their hug.
“So did we”
Alas everything was okay. Black butterflies were gone replaced with sparkle and love.
Here I wrap up the series and conclude it with love. Thank y’all for supporting me. Hope you enjoyed. Don’t forget the feedback.
Ria xx
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kissme-hs · 7 years
Black Butterflies - 3
Here it is, much awaited part 3. Don’t forget to give me feedback. Plus re-blog and recommend others my blog if you liked it so far :) And the base of flashback has been borrowed from @secret-rendezvous1d I did some editing here and there. Thanks to her !
Part - 1
Part - 2
Word count :: 2507
Harry thew his head back in pleasure as he rolled his hips against Kristine. They still were at Disneyland with kids and didn’t get time to catch up with each other. So after putting his kids to bed, he started it all by kissing her. His lips trailing kisses down her neck, leaving purple marks on her neck. 
‘fuck Harry do something.” Kristine whimpered beneath her. Her chest rising with every breath she took pressing it against his. His silver chain hanging from his neck as he hovered her and slowly pushed himself inside her. Her wetness making it easy for harry to slide his thick shaft inside her in a one swift motion.  Her hands coming in contact with his muscular back as she dragged her nails along it.
The next hour was spent making love fucking.
Harry rolled off her after reaching his heights and laid beside her. She smiled and rested her head on his chest. 
He didn’t felt right. The feeling was foreign for him. She felt unfamiliar. Soon her soft snores filled the room. and Harry found himself awake in bed staring blankly at the ceiling. His mind was going crazy with a chaos of thoughts. Why was he feeling like this? He himself din’t know. The feeling was making him sick making him questioning himself what was going on.
He started question, did he actually loved Kristine or was it just a illusion. Shaking his head, brushing the thoughts away he pulled her sleeping figure close to his chest.
“Of course I love her” he mumbled and closed his eyes.
You hissed to self as blood gushed out of your finger that you cut while chopping the veggies. You opened the tap and put it under the cool running water. The cool sensation giving relief to you as you padded to the front door to open it where Anne stood carrying a bag with her.
“Elo darling” She said cheerfully pulling you in a tight hug. Her warm affection warming your cold body up. You smiled at her cheerful spirit before pulling away.
“Come inside mum.” You said.
Mum. The very first time you met her and called Mrs. Twist she asked you to call her mum instead. She said that you too were like Gemma to her and calling her Mrs. Twist would embarrass her hearing it from her daughter.
Anne was much of a best friend to you than a mother-in-law. She was always there when you needed her. Whenever you and Harry fought, you’d always ask her for help and knowing his son well, she’d help you. You told her everything. And having her as a mother made you feel lucky
“So, how’re yeh doin’?” She asked rubbing th back of your hand with her thumb sitting on the couch with you as you both sipped on your tea.
“Very well. Thank you. What about you?” You asked putting your cup down on the coffee table.
“I’m good. How’re yeh ?” She asked again.
“i uh i said I’m good”
“I asked you how’re yeh?” She asked once again and there was no backing up from it now. Tears welled up in your eyes and you looked down and sniffed.
“Not good mum. I’m breaking inside. God I feel dead “ You sobbed and were pulled inside the arms of that lovely lady.
“There it is baby. Let it out sweet. Cry all yeh want” she cooed. Her soft voice made weep  as you wrapped your arms around her crying your heart out.
“I feel yeh “ She said and after a few minutes of good crying, you pulled away. You noticed her navy blue tee had a damp spot from your tears. You wiped your tears and nose with the back of your hand. And it did helped you. Crying out did help you made feel better.
“I am disgusted with my son right now. Never expected him to do this. I’m sorry he caused you so much pain” she said sympathetically cupping your right cheek.
“He just chose to leave instead of fighting. That’s all mum” You cried softly.
“I feel yeh love. I’ve been at your place before” She said. And she wasn’t lying. The only difference was that their decision of separation was mutual unlike you guys.
“I can’t believe he’d do something like that. He always told me how much he loved you”
“It’s okay mum. Love fades away” 
“You really love her, don’t you?”
He looks across to his mother as she nurses her cup of tea, cosied up into Robin’s side, with a smile on her face. The lamps around the room giving her face a gentle glow, shadows forming from her features as Harry’s fingers drag up his your arm softly.
“I really do,” he whispers, nodding softly, “absolutely smitten with her, I am.”
“I think the feeling is very much mutual,” she smiles, leaning forward and setting her mug on a coaster on the coffee table, reaching over to grab his free hand and perching on the armrest beside her son, “she’s wonderful. She really is. I’ve never seen you with such a huge smile on your face before. She’s what you need. Someone to keep you grounded and to stop you from swimming off and getting too crazy.”
 “dropping her coffee over my shoes that day was what got us here today. I love her. I really do. She’s changed my life over the last 8 months, mum, and I realised that I’ve never been so crazy for someone before. I love her. It makes me so happy that you like her, as well,” he smiles, looking down at you and pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I think I’m going to take her to bed. I’m going to take her off into Holmes Chapel tomorrow and show her everything I used to get up to. You’re welcome to join us if you want to come.”
“Oh, no. No, you have some time together. We’ve spent all day with you,” Anne smiles, cupping his face in her hand and pressing a kiss to his forehead, “I’ll have a nice breakfast set out for you both tomorrow. Be up for 8, okay?”
He nods, adjusting his arms around you lifting you to his chest, standing to his feet and bidding a goodnight before he’s making his way up the stairs.
Anne felt her heart aching as she remembered the memories of Harry bringing you to their house for the first time. His lips were spread in a wide grin. She loved how happy he looked and knew you were the one. But now she felt broken. She never expected any of her kid to have divorce in future as she taught them that single thing can destroy many lives.
Thinking of her daughter-in-law brought tears to her eyes. She knew how hard the situation was for her and she felt vulnerable because there’s nothing she could do ease the pain of the poor girl. Nothing but pray to god.
“Eat” Kristine ordered bringing the spoon full of porridge to Noah’s mouth. Harry was in the bathroom and asked Kristine to feed Noah. And without denying she nodded and sat little toddler on baby chair and started feeding her. But he didn’t seem to like her attitude.Since the say Harry brought kids along with Kristine, she felt that Harry payed more attention to kids than her. Once she even wore short exposing clothes to arouse Harry, but instead of getting turned on, Harry grabbed her by her elbow gently and took inside the room only to scold her not to wear such clothes around kids It only flamed the fire inside Kristine more for his kids.
She tried feeding Noah forcefully when he suddenly pushed her away, spilling porridge all over her t-shirt and some on her hair.
“What’ve you done?!?!” she roared scaring Noah. Hearing his cries, Rose came running from the other room and started calming down his brother. But when her eyes fell on Kristine, he couldn’t help but let out a laugh seeing porridge sticking to her hair. Kristine’s eyes flared up with anger as she stood up and hovered Rose. Her hand rising up in the air.
Poor girl’s eyes filled with fear sensing what 
“you little piece of s-” she spat when suddenly rose ran and stuck to fer father’s leg crying.
“Daddy!!!” she cried as harry picked her up.
“Wha’s wrong poppet?” Harry asked rubbing her back.
“Kr-Kristine was going to hit me” she sobbed in his neck. Harry pulled away, his eyebrows furrowed as he set her down.
“What? I could never do that to you” Kristine cooed changing herself like a chameleon crouching beside Harry, in front of Rose. She pushed her hand away when Kristine tried to touch her.
“You lie!” Rose cried.
“Sh-she even was saying the S word” Rose cried.
“Oh god. “ Kristine said covering her mouth as tears fell down her eyes. Harry instantly wrapped his arms around her pulling her to him. 
“Apologize to kris” Harry old rose rubbing the small back of Kristine.
“No” Rose refused shaking her head showing Harry attitude.
“Don’ Rose. I said apologize” Harry warned and once again Rose denied. It set Harry off the verge. Harry stood up and took a breath trying not to explode on her daughter but he was helpless.
“GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!” He shouted, making everyone in the room flinch. His loud voice making Noah to burst in tear once again. Rose’s breath hitched in as tears flooded her eyes.
“I hate you” she mumbled ever so softly before helping his brother down the chair and running to her room with him.
After coming back to his senses. He felt hurt. He felt disgusted for scaring his little girl like that. His own eyes getting wet as he sat on the ground with his head in his hands sobbing quietly. Kristine took the chance and brought him to her chest rubbing his back.
“Shhh baby. It’s okay”
As soon as Rose finished up telling you what happened to them on vacation, Y/n stomped out of her house and drove to their Harry’s house. Unfortunately, he wasn’t their and you were greeted by none other than his girlfriend, who was dressed in nothing but a pair of panties and his t-shirt.
“Oh hi. Come inside” she said  stepping aside for y/n to come in and she gladly did. Seeing Kristine was making his blood boil. Especially when she was wearing the ring in her necklace that you gifted Harry. You felt sick thinking about how stupid you were to fall for a guys like that.
“Stop” Y/n said trying to be calm. She didn’t wanted any foreplay.
“What?” Kristine asked innocently clearly aware as to why y/n was there.
“Stop being so two faced.And how dare you talk to my kids like that?!” Y/n shouted.
“Oh really? But you husband, oops i mean my boyfriend doesn’t seems to be bothered about it. And about your kids, it’ll be better f you keep them to yourself.” she said standing with her hands on her hips.
“Harry is their father! They have the whole right to be with him! And oh my god I cannot believe he actually likes a bitch like you!”
“Oh please darling he loves me. Probably because I’m not ugly,fat and emotional mess like you. When he spent that night with me, he told me how much he regretted marrying you and voila I helped him every night. All the time he said he was out, he was with me, inside me actually” she laughed
“and you know what? He’s smitten over me” She said. You let out a sob as her words hit you like a knife but you had to be strong, for your kids.
“God. He’s an Idiot. Never knew he fuck buddy would turn out to be someone like you” You spat hatefully.
“Wha’ do ya mean” Said a heavy voice. You turned around and saw Harry standing at the porch, Kristine wasted no time running to him and crying fake tears.
“shh baby. “ Harry said kissing her head before making his way to you. Your heart beat fastened as you took in to his face. He looked mesmerizing. So pure and gentle. He looked so good and it was clear that the divorce wasn’t affecting him where you looked completed opposite but he was too blinded to see how much you were hurting.
“I-I can’t believe you yelled at Rose” you stammered as he hovered you.
“Had to do that t’ teach her some manners. And wha’ did yeh by fuck buddy huh? I love her! Ge’ this fucking thing in your brain.” he said. He was getting red with every word he said.
“It’s alright Haz. I’m okay” Kristine said clutching to his arm sounding so poor and petite. All you wanted to do was to punch her straight in the face.
“No Kris! Nobody talks to m’love like that” He said eyeing you. His eyes dug in you were burning you. You felt naked and wrapped your arms around yourself but the time wasn’t to be. It was to fight.
“I didn’t said anything wrong Harry styles! She’s nothing but a slut, a fuck buddy whom you fucked every night, you spent every night with her moaning where I sat at home, awake the whole night wondering if you’re okay! While you’re kids kept asking for you!”
“And did you ever asked meh why was I? Let me tell yeh because you never were enough! Seeing your face disgusted me!” He yelled. His voice echoed in the house while every word he said.
Your heart clenched. Your chest felt heavy again as a tear rolled down your cheek. Never in a million years you thought he’d say something like this, but he did.
“You are the biggest regret of  my life” You whispered.
“If you’re done, I’d like you to leave” He said looking away. 
“didn’t you hear him Y/n?” Kristine said her tears all gone now replaced by happiness of you crying. You knew she was trying to evoke you and damn it did work. 
“Shut up you bit-” And before you could finish the whole sentence, Harry grabbed you my your elbow harshly and dragged to the porch.
“Get the fuck outta my house!”
Oh well well. I’ve started hating Harry while writing this. Feedback please!
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kissme-hs · 7 years
Black Butterflies - 2
Oh my god I felt so emotional writing this. I literally cried. I’d recommend to listen to this while reading it.
Adele - Someone like you (Live at Albert Hall)
Part - 1
Word count :: 1440
After that night, when Rose told you that she saw Harry kissing someone called Kristine you couldn’t help but go and ask Harry whether it was true or not. And what you feared the most happened. He accepted the fact that he was with a girl called Kristine but he denied that she was the reason the divorce.
“It’s no’ her love. I feel like I am suffocating yeh keeping with meh. Wan’ yeh happy” He explained. Tears filled your eyes as you kept your gaze on the ground of the house that you once called yours.
“Does she makes you happy?”
“Does she makes you happy H?” You asked a little louder this time.
“Yes. Very happy”
And that was enough for you to leave him. Walk out of his life. If he was happy then you had to be happy for him. Even if it costed a lot to you.
It’s been four week, a month since you both filed for a divorce. The pain was dreadful. It kept eating you alive day by day. It wasn’t easy. How could be? How could it be when your husband found someone else, when he gave up on the knot that held you both together. You tried so hard to smile for your kids, to explain them how you always were gonna be with him but ever hope was dead. Rose and Noah kept asking you why Harry and you are living separately.  All you cloud reply was, ‘because god wants that peaches’. And they both stopped the questions when they saw tears in your eyes. They matured.
Ever night was spent crying and you wondered how long are you gonna continue doing it? Maybe till the end.
Today Harry was coming over at your house. Rental house actually. You had asked for a full custody of your kids as you clearly couldn’t trust the man who left you for someone else, would be able to take care of your kids. He wanted to take kids to Disney land before you guys clear the divorce. He wanted to have them all by himself for a week and you couldn’t deny. Kids missed him and were jumping up and down when they heard that their father wanted to see them. But Rose noticed the tears in your eyes and walked to you.
“We won’t go if you don’t want us to” she said wiping your. Your little girl grew a lot in these few months since yours and harry’s marriage started falling. She was always there with you when you needed someone. She was a lot in a five years old body.
You shook your head and kissed the palm of her hand.
“Go sweetheart,” You said and pulled her in a hug and smiled through tears when Noah joined. It was just you three now. Rose and Noah were all you had.
You wiped your hand with a towel and made your way to the front door. He was here. After a month you’d see him face to face. Taking a deep breath you opened the door, but the breath you took in  stuck in your throat when you saw he wasn’t alone. She was with him.
She had long beautiful brunette hair, her eyes hazel and glossy. she was much younger than you and harry. Her body was perfect. She was absolutely breathtaking. You felt inferior in front of her.
Stepping aside you let the couple in. Couple. The word made you sick, the same word that you had pride on whenever someone used it for you both in past.
“This is Kristine and baby this is Y/n. My wi- ex wife” Harry said blinking a few times before wrapping his arms around Kristine’s petite body. She smiled at you which you returned with a small one.
“Thought t’make yeh meet her. Maybe talk?” Harry said rubbing back of his neck.
“Talk about what?!”
You didn’t meant to come out this hard making Kristine flinch. Harry noticed and you could see anger in his eyes but as he opened his mouth to speak, you turned your back to him and walked upstairs to get the kids. Walking quickly in your room, you closed the door and slide down leaning on it with a hand on your mouth to muffle your cries. Your heart was thumping with pain and your chest felt heavy. You could hear the conversation going on.
“Im sorry baby. She huh i’ll ask her t’apologize” Harry sounded angry.
“It’s okay sweet. She’s hurt” She said. Her voice was so soft and sweet. You couldn’t help but cry at her kindness. You regretted not being like her. You wished, if you were like her then you would’ve been at her place. After crying for good 20 minutes, you washed your face and grabbed the bags. Walking down the alley, you heard a soft voice coming from Noah’s room. You stood at the door where Kristine sat. Her back facing you with Noah sitting on ground with his toys sprawled all over the floor.
"You look exactly like your father, with a mixture of your mommy. You have you father's handsome looks but innocent eyes of your mommy" She said admiring Noah. He noticed you standing and ran straight in your arms. You lifted him up and set on your hip. Kristine turned back and got up as soon as she saw you and walked to you.
"You have beautiful kid. Just like you" She said rubbing back of Noah's head. You nodded and passed her a gentle smile.
"I-I am sorry Y/n"
"No it's alright. It's not your fault. Things fall apart when one isn't willing to fight. " With that you made your way downstairs. Padding down the wooden stairs, loud shrieks and giggles of Rose filled your heart. You felt your heart warming up for like first time in ages. You missed the laughs of your daughter. There was a time when the house was always filled with love and giggles but with time it faded away. And you were happy that Harry was bringing the love for his kids back.
"Mommy look!!!!" Rose that in excitement. Her face was illuminated like a candle. Her face was pink because of his happiness. You missed seeing her like this. She ran to you and showed you the princess watch her daddy got her. Seeing his father, Noah too immediately ran to him and hugged his leg. You were busy listening to Rose when loud cries of Noah grabbed your attention.
"Oh my god wha's wrong man?" Harry asked picking the little toddler to was latched to his leg crying. Noah instantly wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and continued sobbing.
"i miss dadda" he cried. Seeing him so emotional brought tears to both of yours and harry's eyes. Harry pulled Noah and sniffed,
"Dadda missed yeh too baby"
--------- "Okay so don't forget to give them warm milk before going to bed." You said handing Harry their bag.
"I know love, they're my kids too" He chuckled taking the bag. You bite you tongue back from saying something that might ruin his day. Ignoring his words, you leaned down and pecked your kids head.
"Be good for mommy yeah? Don't trouble Kristine" You said pulling them in a hug as they mumble a 'i love you'.
"They can call her mommy" Harry said interfering and it was enough.
"I am their mommy. They can call her aunty but not a mom" you snapped and stood up. Harry's eyes reflected your angry image as he stared at you for a moment before going out and tucking the kids in car.
"Nobody can take your place Y/n. You're their mommy and will always be. I'm gonna take care of them like my own, don't you worry" Kristine said turning to you.
"I'd appreciate. Thank you very much" You said keeping your gaze ahead on the car that had your kids.
"You're very strong. I can't imagine begin at your place." She said. Her voice cracking at the end.
"I pray to god you never have to" You said blinking the tear away finally looking at her. Her red eyes searched your for any emotion but all they got was pain. The loud car horn snapping her to reality as she made her way to the car.
"I pray you never have to" You whispered.
Sad innit? Did you like Kristine?
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kissme-hs · 7 years
I’m glad you guys enjoyed my latest writing Black Butterflies. If you haven’t read it yet then go and and give me feedbacks :) This one was requested long ago by @placeholderforstyles. Thank you sweetheart for being so patient. Hope you like it :)
what do you love most Shaved Harry or clean Harry?(Idk why I said clean lol)
For me it depends on my mood. Sometimes I like his scruff sometimes i don’t.
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You checked Harry out from head to toe pulling your shades off and setting them on your head. He was having his days off and insisted you to go with him on a family vacation on a yacht. You’ve been dating from past two years and in these mere years you learnt a lot about him. His little quirks sometimes got you mad and sometimes made you love him even more. 
Harry is known for his kindness and gentleness and it wasn’t wrong. He was very gracious and kindhearted. Oh yeah and cheeky too. He enjoyed teasing you and annoying. He loved the way your nose scrunches whenever he made a terrible joke or the way you stuck your tongue out at him and sung ‘ewwwww’ when he licked your tongue.
No doubt you loved that. You loved when he played with you. With him you never had to worry about how you are. You just were you. And he was he. The cute and cheeky handsome with whom you fell in love with two year ago.
“Like wha’ yeh see huh?” he said taking a seat on the pool beside you. You nodded and laid back on the chair. 
“you’re hot. What can i do about it now?” You said looking at him.
“Ge’ up?” He smirked standing beside your chair and you did with furrowed eyebrows. He laid on the chair and pulled you on him. Your naked tummy coming in contact with his and chest pressed up together making you moan.
“hmm wha’ was that?” He smirked. You rolled your eyes and rested your head on his chest. Slowly you felt something untying the straps of your bikini top. Lifting your head up, you saw Harry staring at you with hungry eyes.
“Harold! “ you squealed sitting up, straddling him. With one hand holding your boobs up you reached with other behind your back trying to tie the black strips back.
“what are you doing dork?!?! Your parents are here!” 
“Love..yeh’re wearing a lo’of clothes.” he said caressing your chest with the back of his hand. The cold metals of his rings coming in contact with your skin, sending chills down your spine.
“Harry stop.” You warned him. His naked body covered by nothing but a navy blue towel was turning you on. His toned muscles made you crave to lick them. His scent rushed through your veins like adrenaline.
“Hmm else wha’?” he challenged. His dimples popping up as he pulled you down to him by your waist. His lips ghosting upon yours wanting to be kissed as you did. You placed your lips on his hungrily, sucking in the tender-plump skin. He tastes like a tropical drink. His tongues gliding in your mouth with a one swift motion as his hands roamed around your body. Cupping your bum, he started rolling his hips against yours.
“god fuck” you groaned dropping your head on his shoulder. Soon you were picked up by two arms. Wrapping your legs around his waist your began kissing his neck. His sweaty neck felt delicious under your lips. Your tongue swirling around the flesh leaving hickeys.
Walking inside the cabin, Harry wasted no time in throwing you on bed. He hovered you within second and his own lips started working on your neck. His peachy scruff rubbing against your neck. You loved the feeling of the poky hair on your skin. His hands reached down to get rid of his towel which he threw somewhere in the room. His face once again tucked inside your neck when he groaned and pull away.
“fuck! Forgot t’bring a condom” He grumbled dropping his head on your shoulder. You giggled and ran your fingers through his hair.
“It’s alright, let’s have naked cuddle” He nodded and laid beside you pulling you to his chest. He kissed your forehead.
“Cant believe you forget such important thing though”
“oh shut up”
I know it’s shit. I’m sorry. It’s just my dad ruined my day and I’m feeling really low right now. My apologies.
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kissme-hs · 7 years
Harry, the missus, and the kids visiting his mum's house in London (:
"Cmon little ones, get your bum in the car now." Harry said patting the bums of his little toddlers Rose and Noah as you carried little new born Snow in your arms. It was Saturday and you both decided to enjoy the weekend at Anne's house who wanted to have some fun with her grandchildren. "Calm down H" you giggled tucking snow carefully in her baby seat before sitting in the front seat joined by Harry in the driver's."I'm just very excited! Mum is very happy you know" he said before igniting the engine and driving off. Anne's happiness meant the world to Harry and seeing her happy was all he could ask for. She's been through a lot in the past and all Harry wanted to do was give the happiness of the world to her. She raised him up just perfectly.Plus you missed her too. She's always been there for you when you needed her. She even came to stay with you while Harry was on tour as you were pregnant with snow. She was your second mother. "'Elo mum!" Harry said kissing her cheek softly before going inside placing the bags in the bedroom."Nana!!!" Came the kids running and latched to the wait her leg of her. Anne giggled before picking them up and placing multiple kisses on their plummy cheeks and set them down to run and greet and Gemma who too came over. "Hi sweetheart" Anne cooed walking over to you and caresses snow's cheek softly."Oh precious baby" she said before taking the newborn from your arms and pecks your forehead."How're you ?" She asked"I'm good mum. And you?""Now that you all are here, I'm amazing"
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kissme-hs · 7 years
Thank you!! Like, you could show how they started dating, and what he told her. Can't wait to read it!!!
Yeah plus all the fluffly moments they had and all of a sudden he does that to her!! There will be lots of angst!!_Im gonna write my latest text imagine as a whole one shot!! Send in points you'd like me to add :)
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