#harry holland x reader fluff
moodymarie · 6 months
Reading fanfics with y/l/n is such a struggle as a european
Like they would never be able to pronounce my last name 😭😭😭
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
TikTok Prank Preference: Stuck Tampon
Description: blurb preference with the characters/people below based on the viral TikTok prank where the person pretend they have a tampon stuck and need their partner to help them to see how they react.
Warnings: mentions of period related items and topics, minimally suggestive words, otherwise fluff
Characters/people for this preference: Tom Holland, Peter Parker, Harry Holland, Sam Holland, Harrison Osterfield, Freddy Carter, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Cardan Greenbriar, Aaron Warner Anderson, Pin Hawthorne, and Austin Butler
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Tom Holland
“Tomm…” y/n mumbled.
Tom peaked his head into the bathroom, eyes meeting her’s instantly.
“I… uhhh…. I have an issue” she whispered.
Tom raised his eyebrow at her and stepped into their bathroom, closing the door behind him
“What’s happening love?” He asked, grabbing her hand.
“So… uhh… I’m on my period…” y/n explained slowly.
Tom nodded, “did you need me to go to the store?”
Y/n smiled at how sweet he was but shook her head, looking away.
“Okay, then what is it darling?” He asked, using his thumb to lift her head back up to look at him.
“I… my tampon is… stuck” she said, looking out the corner of her eyes nervously.
“Oh” Tom said breathlessly but quickly pulled himself together, “okay. Let’s figure this out”.
“Wait, what?” Y/n asked, looking back at him with sad eyes.
“Love, it’s alright” he cooed, stroking her cheek, “we’ll get it out hmm?”
She gave him a thankful smile to which he responded by kissing her forehead delicately and lifting her onto the bathroom counter.
“So… just talk me through it yeah?” He asked shyly.
“Tom” she blushed, reaching forward to stop him.
“Darling, nothing to be shy about, I’ve seen it all before, and it’s not your fault it’s stuck” he encouraged.
Y/n giggled, burying her head into his shoulder.
She pulled back and pointed to her camera, “it’s a TikTok prank babe”.
Tom huffed, his cheeks reddening as he lifted her back to the ground.
“I couldn’t resist, but you were so sweet” she smiled, kissing his cheek.
Tom blushed more, wrapping his arm around her waist, “just as long as you know you can come to me if that really happened”.
Peter Parker
“Ummmm Peter?” Y/n called, walking into their apartment’s living room.
Peter looked up from his laptop and gave her a bright smile and nodded.
“So I uhh… Nevermind I’ll ask MJ” she rambled, looking down and playing with her hands.
Peter sighed, quickly setting his laptop to the side and walking to his girlfriend.
“Why MJ?” He frowned, pulling her to him.
Y/n laughed nervously, “it’s.. a girl thing Peter”.
“Oh” he whispered, his cheek warming up as it rested on her shoulder.
“Well maybe I can still help?” He offered, drawing shapes on her back through his sweatshirt she was wearing.
“Oh, thank you Peter” she said, squeezing him, “but I don’t think you’re going to want to do that”.
“Sure I do!” Peter gasped, pulling back to show his offended facial expressions.
Y/n bit her lip, “Peter…”
Peter’s frown deepened as he whined, “please let me help?”
“Peter-“ y/n began slowly.
“Please, I’ll do my best! I w-“ He argued.
“Peter, my tampon is stuck!” She blurted, cutting him off.
Peter’s eyes widened and his cheeks turned so red they’d have blended in with his Spider-Man suit if he had it on.
“Oh… okaay… umm…” Peter rambled anxiously.
“I’ll just call MJ and -“ y/n suggested.
Peter shook his head rapidly, “no, no. I’ll figure this out. Let me research this”.
“What?! What’re you looking up?” Y/n gasped as Peter rushed to his computer.
“The best way to help get a stuck tampon out” Peter said simply, typing away.
“Babe” y/n giggled, resting her hand on his over the keyboard.
“This article says I can simply use my hand, so-“ Peter began, reading off the instruction from the website he clicked on.
“Peter” y/n said, kissing his cheek, “it was a prank”.
“What?” He asked, turning to face her.
“It is a TikTok trend Pete; if it helps, you passed” y/n shrugs with a smile.
Peter shook his head, “of course I did, I wasn’t going to just leave it in there”.
Y/n laughed and pulled him to her for a hug.
Harry Holland
“Baz! Can you come here please?” Y/n shouted.
Harry knocked before slowly opening the bathroom door, “love?”
“I need your help” she stated, causing an instant wave of confusion to take over his features.
Harry rubbed the back of his neck, “with?”
Y/n looked away from him as she slowly sat on the closed toilet lid, “my tampon is stuck Baz”
Harry froze, staring at her in shock as he opened and closed his mouth silently.
Y/n looked up as he started to exit the bathroom, “are you just leaving me here?”
“Don’t be dramatic” Harry scoffed, “I’m getting reinforcements “.
Y/n jumped up, grabbing her phone and running to catch up with him, “reinforcements?!”
“Love I don’t know what to do, but I’m sure mum does” Harry explained, grabbing his phone from where he abandoned it on the couch moments ago.
“No!” Y/n laughed, taking the phone from his hand.
“Y/n, I’m clueless on this” Harry groaned, reaching for his phone.
“That’s fine cause it’s a prank” y/n informed him, giving him a cheesy grin.
Harry stared at her, trying to see if she was lying or not.
He smirked, grabbing his phone back from her, “you can never be too sure”.
“Holland don’t you dare!” Y/n gasped, putting her phone down as she chased her boyfriend around their flat.
Sam Holland
“Darling?” Sam called, knocking on their bathroom door.
Y/n had intentionally sat in the bathroom for far longer than normal, waiting to see if he noticed.
“I… I’ll be out soon” y/n breathily laughed.
Sam sighed softly, “are you okay?”
Y/n bit her lip as she took one last deep breath to compose herself for the prank.
“Y-yeah Sammy. I’ll be out soon.. okay?” She asked quietly.
“Y/n, can I come in?” He asked, resting his hand on the door handle.
“Why?” She asked with a fake panic.
Sam laughed nervously, “because you’re scaring me honey, can I please come in?”
“Umm one sec” y/n shouted, making a lot of noise and running the sink.
She held a towel in her hands as she opened the door for her boyfriend with a sheepish smile.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked, surveying the bathroom for clues.
“Nothing” she said, looking away as she hung the towel up.
“Darling,” Sam warned softly, grabbing her hand.
She sighed, peering up into his eyes, “my tampon is… stuck”.
Sam’s mouth opened slightly before he nodded.
“How do I help? Should I get ummm” he rambled, his eyes darting around the room, “ooh! Tongs?”
“No! You’re not using tongs down there Sam!” Y/n gasped, laughing.
Sam thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement, “Turkey baster?”
Y/N’s jaw dropped, “what?!”
“You know… the suction? It could pull it out” Sam shrugged.
“No kitchen utensils!” Y/n sighed, rubbing her head.
Sam bit his lip, “okay, well I’m coming up with ideas, you tell me one then”.
“Sam your ideas all involve medieval torture” y/n joked, “thank god it was a prank!”
Sam let out a sigh of relief before crossing his arms over his chest, “you were pranking me?”
Y/n giggled shyly and nodded, “good thing too cause now I know who not to come to!”
Haz (Harrison) Osterfield
“Okay, okay, go” y/n giggled, shoving Charlotte back to their living room, “he’ll be home soon”.
Charlotte laughed and raced back, throwing herself on her brother’s couch to wait.
Y/n set up her phone’s camera in the corner between their towel rack and toothbrush holder.
“Darling?” Harrison called out, “Charlotte says you’ve been in there a while”.
Y/n suppressed her laughter over the fact Charlotte wasn’t supposed to even say anything but was clearly eager.
“Ummm yeah, sorry” y/n sighed, making Harrison knock on the door.
“I’ll be out. I just… need a minute “ y/n lied.
“I’m coming in love” Harrison said, slowly opening the door so she had the chance to stop him.
Harrison walked to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, “are you just hanging out in here?”
Y/n laughed and slapped his arm playfully, “of course not”.
“Well, you’re completely dressed and standing alone in the bathroom, what else am I to expect?” Harrison teased, brushing some hair from her eyes.
Y/n rolled her eyes, “it’s not that”.
“Then what is it?” Harrison asked, his voice sounding concerned again.
“Do you really want to know?” Y/n asked as she bit her lip.
Harrison looked and ensured the bathroom door was shut before nodding, “of course”.
“My… tampon… is… well, it’s stuck” y/n muttered.
“In you?” Harrison blurted without thinking.
Y/n laughed and sighed, “yeah, duh”.
Harrison shook his head to focus, quickly stepping back and grabbing her shoulders, “okay… let me think”.
“It’s okay, I -“ y/n began but he shook his head.
Harrison’s eyes snapped to her’s as an idea formed in his mind, “okay, I got it”.
Y/n raised an eyebrow questioningly at him.
“Sit here” he said, pressing onto the wall of the bathtub.
“Umm what?” Y/n asked quietly, doing as he said.
“I will kneel down and we’ll get this fixed” he offered.
Y/n grinned, leaning forward and kissing him, “I love you Haz, but that’s not needed”.
Harrison rolled his eyes, “it’s not a big deal, just-“
She laughed, cupping his cheek with her hand, “it’s a TikTok prank baby”.
Harrison looked around for the camera, noticing it just as y/n pointed it out.
“You’re lucky I love you” he teased, grabbing the camera.
“Clearly” she grinned, making him blush.
Freddy Carter
“Love, I got your text, where are you?” Freddy asked as he entered their flat, setting the groceries on the floor by the front door.
“Bathroom” y/n mumbled, Freddy noticing the shyness in her voice.
“You said you need help?” He asked, knocking on the door.
“Come in please Freddy” she whispered.
Freddy opened the door, walking to her and grabbing her hand, “what’s happening?”
Y/n giggled, rubbing a hand over her face in embarrassment, “I managed to get my tampon… stuck”.
Freddy bit his lip as he watched her look up at him innocently.
She sighed with a smile, “I know”.
Freddy laughed softly, “good, well done love”.
Y/n rolled her eyes at his typical line when she made a fool of herself, and crossed her arms.
“Alright, alright “ he said, composing himself, “it’s no longer funny. How can I help love?”
Y/n bit her lip and shrugged, “it’s really stuck. I’ve tried for like twenty before texting you”.
“Pretty girl, why didn’t you call me? I would’ve come faster to help” Freddy sighed, guiding her to the toilet.
“It’s awkward” y/n mumbled.
Freddy delicately pushed her to sit down, kissing the top of her head, “no it’s not, now I’m going to need you to lower your trousers and then -“
“Freddy-“ y/n said, grabbing his hand.
Freddy looked down at her and nodded as he waited for an explanation for her hesitation.
“I really appreciate you baby, but it’s just a TikTok prank, Amita suggested it” y/n giggled, squeezing his hand.
Freddy paused for a moment, “alright, so you’re okay?”
Y/n stood up before him, kissing his cheek, “yeah, thank you”.
Freddy laughed and shook his head, “good, now help me with the groceries?”
Kaz Brekker
“Inej, no” y/n sighed, annoyed that in her drunken state Jesper convinced her to have you prank Kaz.
“Why?” Inej whined.
“Because you know how he is with touch” y/n argued firmly.
“He doesn’t have to actually touch tou, just see how he’d try to help or if he’d ignore it “ she pressed.
“Inej, no” y/n repeated, standing up and walking to Kaz’s room.
She frowned upon seeing the room was empty but she sat down at his desk anyways and grabbed the book next to her.
When Kaz entered his room, he hesitated for a moment, seeing y/n resting her head in a book on his desk.
He tried to tell himself that while her posture showed she was uncomfortable it was due to her position not what Inej told him.
Kaz wasn’t sure why Inej had told him such a personal matter in the first place, but he knew she was unusually drunk.
As y/n seemed to notice his presence, she shifted in her seat to stretch and loosen her muscles from the bad position she was in.
But Kaz took it as a sign that Inej was correct.
He sighed, slowly walking to y/n as she smiled at him.
Kaz paused just before her and his eyes ran up and down her body as he tried to think of a plan to help her without touching her.
He knew it was futile but he couldn’t ignore it either, especially after Inej went into vigorous detail about what could happen if the tampon was left inside y/n too long.
“Kaz?” Y/n asked, noticing his higher than normal level of apprehension.
“I… I don’t think I can do it y/n” Kaz sighed, his eyes on his gloved hands.
“Do, what?” She pressed, staring at him in confusion.
“Help you” he sighed, his jaw clenching in frustration with himself, “I’m not there yet”.
Y/n tilted her head to the side as she examined his eyes for any clue as to what was going on, “Kaz, I-“.
He shook his head, gripping his cane tighter, “I cannot. Inej is of no use at the moment. I will get Nina”.
She watched as Kaz turned abruptly towards his door.
“Kaz, I don’t need Nina. What are you talking about?” She asked, standing up behind him.
“Your… disposition. Inej informed me” Kaz stated, his back to her.
“My..-? Oh, Kaz, ignore her” y/n said as she caught on.
Kaz turned back to y/n, “I will not. You need help. I may not be able to but I can make sure Nina does”.
Y/n smiled and walked to him, slowly setting her hand over his on his cane to allow him the chance to pull away or stop her.
“Inej wanted me to prank you. I told her no. I guess she took it upon herself” y/n explained, smiling sympathetically at him.
“You are not at risk of poor health then?” Kaz clarified, the concern showing in his eyes.
“I mean, we live in Ketterdam so that’s a constant possibility, but no, I don’t have a tampon stuck, and no I’m not at any increased health risk Kaz” she promised.
Kaz turned his hand over to hold her’s for a moment as he nodded and let his features relax.
Y/n smiled and lead him back to his desk so he could sit.
While she wasn’t pleased Inej pushed it, she was proud of her boyfriend for finding his own way to help her.
Jesper Fahey
“You what?” Jesper asked, setting his whiskey down.
“Don’t make me repeat it” y/n groaned.
Jesper laughed and dropped his arm around her shoulders, “then let’s go”.
“Where?” She asked as he lead her through the crowd that had entered the crow’s club that night.
“To the restroom to take care of this” he shrugged.
“And how exactly are you planning on doing that Jesper?” Y/n laughed.
“Darling, you should know I’m well skilled with my hands” Jesper winked.
“Jes!” She gasped, smacking his arm.
“What?!” He feigned innocence, “you’ve seen me take apart my guns to clean them. This is not much different”.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she knew that was not what he was referring to mere seconds before.
“It is very different, thank you very much!” She argued.
Jesper smirked and shrugged as he pushed the bathroom door open after no one responded when he knocked, “you know I’m always gentle”.
Y/n grumbled, “I hate you”.
Jesper laughed, “if you say so, now stand here”.
“Jesper, stop” y/n laughed, pushing him back.
He sighed, looking into her eyes, “I’ll stop joking, but we do need to fix this”.
Y/n smiled, “it was a prank Jes”.
Jesper frowned, “you mean..”
She nodded, kissing his cheek, “thanks for helping me win the bet though!”
Jesper groaned as he followed her back out into the club, “you better split the winnings with me!”
Cardan Greenbriar
“Yes my sweet nemesis?” Cardan mumbles, glancing up from his slouched position on his lounge chair in his bedroom.
“I could use some assistance” y/n whispered.
“With?” He asks, setting his gold rimmed chalice down before standing.
“You may not be interested..” she sighs, looking away.
“I beg your pardon, you cannot truly think I would chose to not assist you” Cardan scoffs, lifting y/N’s hand to his stained lips.
“Cardan… it’s just… my tampon is stuck” y/n explains slowly.
“This is a mortal thing yes?” Cardan questions with a slight tilt of his head, the tip of his ear peaking through the curtain of his loose hair.
She nods, “which is why, I think you may need to get my sist-“.
Cardan cuts y/n off with a gentle kiss to her lips, “I understand the summation, but my Queen, I plead you let me try first on my own”.
“You’re willing to…” y/n trailed off, staring into his kind eyes.
“You need not act as if that is anything new my dear” he smirked, pulling her hand towards their adjoined bathroom.
“Cardan” She giggles, tugging him back, “it’s a prank”.
“A… prank?” He questions, staring at her.
“Basically a joke or trick for comedic purposes” y/n explains with a smile.
Cardan’s eyes darken slightly as he shakes his head, “ever the trickster aren’t you my beautiful y/n”.
She blushes as she watches him flop back onto the lounge chair and resume his drinking.
Aaron Warner (Anderson)
“Honey, I’m going to need some help in here” y/n said, knowing Aaron would rush right in.
Just as suspected, her boyfriend busted into the bathroom within seconds.
“How can I help you love?” He asked, scanning her for any injuries.
“So… ummm” she mumbled, biting her lip.
Aaron sighed tenderly, “love, don’t be shy. Not with me”.
He was being so gentle she felt bad for pranking him, but she needed to beat Kenji.
“I got a tampon stuck” she told him, eyes wide as she looked into his green eyes.
“Not a problem love,” he stated, picking her up and setting her on the bench next to the counter.
“Aaron-“ she giggled, grabbing his hand.
“It’s okay gorgeous, just lift your hips for me love” he instructed, reaching for her waistband.
“Babe, stop” She whispered, smiling at him “ it was a prank”.
Aaron furrowed his eyebrows as he stepped back and gave her a questioning look.
She bit her lip and shrugged innocently, “Kenji said that no guy would ever-“.
“You did this to prove a point to Kenji?” Aaron asked teasingly.
She nodded with a shy smile, “oops?”
Aaron chuckled and shook his head, scooping her into his arms as he began tickling her, “you’re going to pay for that my love”.
Pin Hawthorne
“I can’t right now Pin” y/n sighed, walking out of the restroom.
“Why?” He sighed, leaning against the doorframe, “it’ll be short and we’ll have dinner after”.
“I have to umm.. hang out here for a bit” She explained.
Pin squinted at her, “everyone’s left, unless you’re the horse thief I’m not sure why you’d stick around”.
Y/n scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she playfully glared at him.
“I’m kidding” Pin grinned, putting his palms up in the air, “but why are you staying here?”
“I have to take care of something” y/n muttered, trying to not look over at her camera she’d hidden earlier.
The girls had all agreed to try the viral tampon prank on their boyfriends this weekend and y/n decided to get it over with first.
“I own the stables y/n, I assure you that whatever Mia has you staying late for can wait” Pin sighed, expecting Mia to be the cause again this time, “regardless, I can help”.
“Not with this” She giggled nervously.
Pin pushed himself off the doorframe and walked to his girlfriend, gently interlacing their hands, “why not?”
“Pin…it’s embarrassing” She pouted.
He shrugged, “I’ve embarrassed myself countless times before you. I promise you can tell me anything”.
Y/n beamed as she looked into his warm brown eyes, “I know…”
“Then what is the matter?” He pressed hesitantly.
“My tampon is stuck” she groaned.
Pin’s cheeks flushed a crimson red color as he sucked in his bottom lip.
He forced a stiff nod, “I see”.
“Like I said, you can’t help. I tried several times and I can’t get it myself” y/n told him.
Pin raised his eyebrows as he slowly let out his bottom lip, “if you can’t reach it… perhaps… umm… perhaps I can. If you’re okay with that of course! I mean, I know I’ve only worked on horses but I think I understand the general task and I-“
Y/n giggled, reaching up to run her hand through his hair, “Pin, babe, breathe”.
Pin nodded and took a deep breath, “okay, so-“.
“No, really, baby it was a prank, I’m sorry” she explained, playing with his hair to relax him.
“What?” He whispered in shock.
“I’m sorry” she sighed, tenderly scratching his scalp, “it was Jade’s idea. It’s a TikTok trend people do with their boyfriends”.
Pin closed his eyes for a second as he suppressed a large grin, but his dimples face him away, “boyfriend”.
Y/n giggled, cuddling up against him, “yes Pin, boyfriend”.
Austin Butler
“Ugh” y/n griped as she stomped through her and Austin’s house.
Austin set his script aside as he started questioningly at his girlfriend.
He waited to see if she’d explain why she was having a fit but as she began digging in her purse while still muttering he gave up.
“Angel? What’s going on? Why are you so grumpy?” He smirked, standing up to walk to her.
“I’m not grumpy Austin” She argued, rolling her eyes.
“Mmm okay” He laughed, “tell that to the pen you threw”.
She groaned, running a hand down her face as she plopped into the dining room chair next to her.
“Y/n/n, angel come on, talk to me” Austin requested, kneeling next to her.
She shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself.
Austin sighed and pulled her chair leg slowly to bring her closer, “please”.
“I can’t” she mumbled.
“Love, we talked about communication” He reminded her, his hand resting on her knee.
She let out a loud sigh before nodding and looking at him, “my tampon is stuck Austin “.
Austin laughed making her shove him playfully as she pouted .
He shook his head, cupping her face in his hands, “angel, that’s an easy fix. You had me worried”.
Y/N’s eyes widened, “I already tried though, I can’t get it”.
Austin nodded, pulling her head delicately to him as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, “that’s where I step in”.
She smiled and shook her head, looking to the camera against the planter.
“Angel, I know it might be awkward but it’s gotta come out” Austin said, squeezing her hand encouragingly.
“Aus” She giggled, pointing to the camera resting on their planter, “it was just a TikTok prank!”
Austin laughed loudly as he helped y/n stand up and pulled her to him, “I’ll get you back for that you know”.
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Tom Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Peter Parker Navigation/Masterlist
Harry Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Sam Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Harrison Osterfield Navigation/Masterlist
Freddy Carter Navigation/Masterlist
Kaz Brekker Navigation/Masterlist
Jesper Fahey Navigation/Masterlist
Six of Crows Navigation/Masterlist
Grishaverse Navigation/Masterlist
Cardan Greenbriar Navigation/Masterlist
Aaron Warner Anderson Navigation/Masterlist
Shatter Me Navigation/Masterlist
Pin Hawthorne Navigation/Masterlist
Austin Butler Navigation/Masterlist
Main Navigation/Masterlist (All my works)
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Combined tag lists:
@galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifey @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @laylasbunbunny @natswife-marvelicious @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r
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582 notes · View notes
maevesheart · 1 year
let’s make a deal
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ she-devil (02)
summary: slapping peter parker has its consequences. but mr stark and your father make sure that this “community service” will work out in both of their favors. but that means asking things neither you nor peter may be able to do.
WC: 2k
TW: swearing
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“what?!” your loud voice cuts through the tension in the small office of your principal.
your father’s face is hard and stern, and he hasn’t spoken a word the whole time.
he is sat to your left, peter is to your right, and peter’s aunt may is on his other side.
“there is no way i’m doing that,” you laugh, shaking your head.
“excuse me, mr morita, could you repeat that?” you father asks, raising an eyebrow.
he is just as upset as you are. this is pointless. as far as he can see; you stood up for yourself.
“of course, mr griswold. here at midtown, we do not condone violence of any kinds. miss griswold’s harassment of mr parker today in the cafeteria violates our school rules. since i am the principal, and i am in charge of keeping our school safe, i must give miss griswold a punishment.”
he finishes, looking at the four of you.
peter and you are sat as far away from each other as possible. his aunt has an anxious look on her face, and you feel sort of bad.
maybe you shouldn’t have slapped him…
no! y/n shut up! he spread lies about you! you are in the right, not him.
“i understand, mr morita, but i’m sure a weeks suspension is a little dramatic,” your father put on his work voice, demanding and frightening.
you found yourself wincing at his words. he was the only person you were ever scared of.
“my father’s right, sir, i only stood up for myself,” you defended, putting on your puppy-dog eyes.
“i’m sorry, miss griswold, but if you wish to change your punishment, you must go to the board of education.”
you sigh, pretty much accepting the defeat.
wait! this is peter’s fault, so why shouldn’t he go down too?
“mr morita, if i may,” you start,
“of course,”
“like i said, i was only standing up for myself. i felt attacked by peter’s cruel words and he was spreading lies about me. lies that include activities which i did not partake in. he is practically sexualizing me, which if i’m not wrong, goes against rule 142 of school conduct. surely he should receive some sort of punishment as well.” you reasoned, planting a sweet tone and a charming smile.
you watched the corners of your fathers mouth twitch into a smirk.
“you are right, miss. i suppose mr parker has broken rules as well. two weeks of community service for the both of you. that’s all.” he dismissed the four of you with the wave of his hand, and you and your father exited with grins on the both of your faces.
when your matte black mclaren pulls up into the parking lot where you’re meeting peter, you immediately don’t want to be there.
after you left the school yesterday, peter had given you his number so you two could communicate on where to work. mr morita said the only way he would let you both back was if you did the work together.
you were dreading it.
the minutes felt like hours, so when peter finally walked up to you, you thought you had been sitting there for seven hours.
he eyed you, and raised an eyebrow at your outfit.
you were wearing black tights, a burberry skirt, a white turtleneck sweater, and knee-high black chanel boots. what was so wrong with your outfit?
you gave him a look and crossed your arms over your chest. normally you didn’t care what people thought of you…
“god this sucks!” you breathed out, throwing your head back.
peter rolled his eyes, and sat down next to you.
“listen, y/n, i’m sorry about what you think i did, but i suggest that we somehow find a way to work together to get this over with,” he spoke, watching you out of the corner of his eye.
“whatever, peter, i don’t really care!”
he shook his head and stood up, walking over to the woman with the clipboard.
you watched him walk away and huffed, he was getting on your nerves way more than you expected.
deep down, you knew that he didn’t say the things harry said he did. harry was like that though; he loved drama, and usually started it on his own.
once peter came back, he was carrying two black trash bags, and two metal sticks.
“what are those?” you asked, reluctantly taking them from him.
“our community service. now stand up,”
“peter! i’m tired. can we rest?” you pleaded, watching him pick up crushed soda cans.
“fine. but only five minutes,” he sighed, shaking his head at your laziness.
he had done all the work, the only thing you could really said you did was complain.
sighing as he slumped down next to you, his head shot up as you squealed next to him.
“gregor!” you jumped up, running to the black bentley that pulled up next to the gazebo the two of you were seated at.
he stood up and hesitantly followed you, unsure of this strange man.
gregor — the man you ran to — offered peter a smile as he got out of the backseat, and extended his hand once peter was within reach.
“doctor gregor mathers. you must be peter parker, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
peter examined the man before giving his hand.
they shook hands for a slight moment before you started practically climbing doctor mathers.
“pleaseee tell me you’ve come to save me! i need to get out of here!” you begged, inching closer and closer to the car door.
“yes, i have actually. the both of you. your father wishes to meet with you both.” gregor said sternly, motioning towards the car.
you climbed in immediately, gregor slid in next to you, and then when peter got in, he was across.
gregor told the driver to head for gris-rise, the building that held griswold tech, the company your father owned.
gregor had heard of peter’s internship at stark industries — the competition for your fathers company — so he was hesitant when your father announced he wanted both you and peter to come to his office.
one thing was for sure, gregor would be keeping an eye on peter.
the elevator ride up to your father’s office was quiet and tense.
peter awkwardly stood opposite of you and gregor, and continuously shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
he watched you carefully as you applied lipstick using the long mirrors along the whole elevator. gregor stood closely next to you, keeping an eye on peter.
the doors chimed and opened wide, presenting your fathers completely glass office. 50 foot walls lined the entire room, completely dark grey glass windows.
his dark mahogany desk sat in the middle, with two grey plush chairs across from it.
your heeled boots clicked on the marble floor as you waltzed up to your father, who was faced away from you, standing up and staring out one of his many windows.
“hi, daddy,” you smiled, giving him a peck on the cheek as he turned around. “hello, darling,” he spoke back, turning around and facing peter and gregor with a glimmering smirk.
“welcome to gristech, peter parker.”
peter’s chest tightened as he lightly squinted, taking in your fathers smile. his teeth glinted white in the bright office, and he looked almost sinister.
peter lightly nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat, next to gregor.
“gregor you’re free to go, my biggest thank yous.” your dad smiled, giving gregor a squeeze on the shoulder.
“of course, ken. i’ll be back shortly,” gregor said, giving you a tight lipped smile and nodding to peter as he walked past him.
the sound of his expensive dress shoes echoed in the open room as you and peter were ushered to your fathers desk.
peter reluctantly sat down next to you, uneasily looking around and trying to find the quickest way to escape.
“i’m very happy you agreed to come here, mr parker. i’m kennedy griswold, ceo and president at gristech, but please just call me ken.” a bright smile once again exposed itself on your fathers face.
“of course, sir.” peter said, lightly bowing his head.
“now, i spoke to midtown, and principal morita agreed to let me bend the conditions of your community service just a bit. i figured you two would quickly tire of the slaving away they had you both doing. so instead, i’ve had both of you transferred here. to be my interns for these 2 weeks.”
tony’s fingers pressed into his temples, listening to peter jabber about what ken griswold had told him.
gristech was stark industries biggest competitor. obviously, tony wasn’t happy, but he figured that this could be used to his advantage.
“listen kid,” tony started, placing a hand on peters shoulder, “ken griswold is no dummy. in fact he might almost be as smart as me. there’s definitely a reason he’s doing this, and it’s not for his daughter; lord knows he’s never cared about his family. especially after what he did to his wife… but that’s besides the point.”
peter gave tony a confused look, wondering where he could be going with this.
“i want you to keep a close eye on ken griswold. see his next moves, what he’s making now. then come tell me. we will always be a step ahead.”
“sir, i don’t know if i’m cut out for it. you know i’m clumsy and sometimes stupid and,” peter awkwardly laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“you’re smart, parker. you’ll do what’s right, you think with your heart. just don’t trust the girl, she’s beautiful, yes, but she’s a little devil. i’ve heard the things she’s done.”
tony was talking about you, of course.
“make her fall for you. make her trust you. make her feel like she can tell you anything. get her to tell you everything. we need this information to get ahead, parker.”
peter shook his head. he wasn’t cut out for that. how could tony expect him to fake feelings for you when he’s loved you for years? how would he live with himself?
“mr stark…”
“i’m counting on you, kid. don’t let me down.” tony gave him a rough pat on the back, and left the room, leaving peter alone with his thoughts.
his jumbled, twisted thoughts. thoughts that were going to eat him alive.
“no! i absolutely will not be doing that!” you screeched, appalled that your father thought you would ever associated yourself with peter parker.
“y/n arabella griswold. this is not me asking. this is me demanding. you will get peter parker to trust you, and you will get peter parker to tell you everything he knows about stark industries. i do not care what it takes. want a new chanel? consider it done.”
“daddy! i don’t want to! i hate peter parker! how can you make me do this after those things he said about me?” you we’re shocked. your father was a bad man, you knew this, but he wasn’t evil.
this was out of character of him.
yet, as always, you complied. you would do anything for your fathers approval, something you had been seeking all your life.
you never had a problem getting approval from your mother. she was beautiful, and kind. like a ray of sunshine. your father was dark and gloomy like a thunderstorm. they balanced each other out.
ever since your mothers death when you were a mere child, things hadn’t been the same. your father turned dark and cold and shut you and georgie out.
so of course, if it meant you had to make peter parker fall in love with you to make your father proud, you’d do it.
it can’t be that hard, can it?
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cherrycheridarling · 1 year
main masterlist
a/n: please don't repost any of my work without permission<3 you can reblog and all that jazz :)
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tom holland masterlist
harry styles masterlist
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positivelyholland · 2 years
The Fight For Our Lives
pairing: tom holland x sister!reader
genre: fluff 
warnings: so much talk of taylor swift, bad writing
summary: i don't wanna ruin the plot twist but just read it please 
A/N no one asked for this and I have a million requests in my inbox that i'm working on so just enjoy this short little thing while i work on everything else
Everyone was so close to a mental breakdown, especially you. And at this point, you felt the need to go back in time and warn your past self. Tell her it's a terrible idea and she definitely shouldn't do it. If you could, you would've never put yourself in this situation in the first place. 
You needed to rewind time and tell Y/N from 45 minutes ago that this was going to end in disaster. 
And Tom felt the exact same way.
If only he wouldn't have accepted the job from his parents to do this. If only he would've thought thing through, then he wouldn't currently be on the verge of committing a crime. 
It was the moment that everyone had been dreading for 15 years. The task that everyone pushed off as a future problem, but now was the moment they had to face their biggest fear....
Teaching Y/N Holland how to drive. 
Tom had been stupid enough to accept the job that his parents offered him, and now he knows exactly why his parents didn't want to do it themselves. 
"Tom, I have a really important chore for you" Nicki started. 
"Ok...." tom responded, putting his phone down.
"Someone needs to teach y/n how to drive, and god knows you're the only one with enough patience to do so"
"ok i'll do it! how hard can it be?" tom laughed at his moms dramatics. 
Oh how naive he was to think that his mom was exaggerating how bad this was going to be, for both Tom and you. 
It had started off pretty smoothly, with only one curb getting hit and almost running over a couple of pedestrians. Although Tom wasn't too worried during those moments, he soon began to fear for his life and sanity. 
You got distracted because of the fact that you listening to Taylor Swift while you drove, so Tom tried to turn off the music after you almost ran a red light because of this. However, you were not pleased with your eldest brother disrupting your jamming session, so you instantly became very irritated. 
You tried to turn it back on, as you insisted that it helped you drive better, but due to the fact that any other person on this earth would disagree with your statement, Tom immediately slapped your hand away from the button that turns your music back on. 
"DONT TOUCH ME I'M LISTENING TO TAYLOR SWIFT" you practically screamed at him. 
"WELL I'M SORRY THAT I WANT TO SURVIVE THIS DRIVE" Tom said, matching your volume. 
"BUT WILDEST DREAMS (taylor's version) HELPS ME KEEP US ALIVE" you said, to which Tom rolled his eyes. 
"you literally missed 3 turns in a row because you were rambling about how good the bridge of this song would mix with 13 of her other songs" Tom started to calm down, but unfortunately for him, you had a point to make. 
"YOU'RE JUST BEING A HATER, AND I'M JUST GONNA SHAKE IT OFF BECAUSE I CAN DRIVE" you were so proud of that comeback that your little smirk accidentally showed through, which angered  your brother even more. 
"Y/N EYES ON THE ROAD" he was overreacting at this point. Everyone knows you can defend Taylor Swift and drive at the same time. You can practically do anything while fulfilling your swiftie duties. 
"I. NEED. TAYLOR. SWIFT." you weren't giving up on this anytime soon, so Tom decided to just let you win this argument. 
That doesn't mean he wasn't scared for his life though.
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spideyssunshine · 9 months
new era starts now.
can we please leave the past in the past. i overshared years ago and overwhelmed myself in the process. i miss being a writer on here. i miss all of mutuals and the creation of my works. so please, let me have a fresh start on here.
IM BACK! spideyssunshine is now open for business. please send me requests so i can start writing again or come chat with me! i missed you all so much and love you all always.
chris :)
going to tag some of my old friends from my taglist below!
@hotforharrison @spideyspeaches @can-i-callyou-tonight @voguesir @parkerxreader @teti-menchon0604 @lillucyandthejets @parkers-gal @justafangirlduh @quacksonholland @thehumanistsdiary @theliterarymess @clara-licht @the-fan-18 @reptaysgf @writetorace @lmaotshollandd @megnotfound @itsbieberxholland @givebuckyhisplum @thirstiestpotato @lil-eesii-ye @0nico6 @piscesparker @aidinniram @heyafellows @ayooooooooooo @peterparkers-bad-youtube-apology @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @lovehollandy12 @bigassnocash @prancerrparkerr @agbspidey @belovedholland
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
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Make-outs || Tom Holland
Pairing: Teenage! Tom x reader
Warning: Make-outs
Summary: You and Tom thought you was home alone, until you was caught making out in his room by his parents
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?” My boyfriend, Tom, told me once again.
I was at his house, his parents nor siblings were not home. They didn’t know about me and Tom. To them we are just ‘Friends’, we just liked to keep it that way. We’re only sixteen and if we told them both our parents might go mad at us. They probably won’t ever let us have sleep overs anymore or even do day to day things together.
“Stoppp” I blush, hands coming up to cover my face. Tom always has had that affect on me, I mean we have been friends since we were six, but even before we were dating he used to make me blush.
“Don’t cover your cute face” He told me, removing my hands from my face. We were laying on his already made bed in his room, the door closed, facing each other. “You hungry?” He asked knowing you both hadn’t had any diner yet.
“Yeah a little, you?” You reply running your hand through his curls.
“Wanna order some food? It’s 8:42p.m and I don’t think my parents will be back” He smiled opening the delivery app on his phone. “Yes! wait tell me why again you didn’t go see your aunt too?” You question. His parents and all his brothers had gone to see his aunt who lived a bit far away, but he hadn’t gone.
“Told them I was going out for a little while. I’m not gonna miss a chance where me and my girl get the house to our selfs” He winks not bothering to ask what I would want as he knew what to order anyways.
“Aww you shouldn’t have, Tommy” You smile at your cute boyfriend.
“Love, I wanted to have the day to ourselves, the whole day it was just me and you. I love you” He pecked your lips.
“I love you too, and it was an amazing day”
We ate our food about an hour ago, we’re now laying on his bed cuddling under a throw over blanket he had. It wasn’t too cold tonight so we decided not to get under the covers yet. My leg was wrapped around Toms body, his hand resting on my leg. He was stroking my bare skin softly, getting higher each time.
Today I decided to wear a small, cute tight black skirt. It was just a cute basic outfit, well that’s what I thought. But for Tom he felt turned on by my little skirt. I wasn’t wearing any tights or anything under and as my legs being wrapped in his made it ride up a little, showing a little bit of my ass.
Eventually I realised his hand being under my skirt, I look up at him to see him innocently looking at the tv. I smirk as Tom caresses my ass, his hand giving it a little squeeze. That’s when I had enough, I sit up looking at him in the eyes.
“What’s wrong, darling?” He tried so hard not to smirk. I didn’t answer, instead I peeled the small blanket off myself and him moving it on the bed somewhere. I move so both my legs are each sides of his hips, straddling him. We were now in the middle of his bed, me on top of his lap.
He smirked bringing his hands to rest on my hips, I could feel his bulge in his joggers. “Kiss me then” Is all I have to say for him to smash our lips together. It was slow at first, lips moved in sync as tongues teased. The kiss got heated pretty quickly and without realising I started to grind slowly into his clothed erection.
“ahh. Don’t tease me baby” He pulled away with a little moan as he started to attack my neck hungrily.
“Tommy” I moan as he sucked on my skin leaving purple marks. He then pulled me back into his lips, his hands lifting my skirt up a little as he squeezed it again. His fingers touching my black laced thong. Tom waisted no time to slide his tongue into my mouth making the kiss more hard and rough then slow.
He then flipped us over him now hovering above me. My legs were now loosely wrapped around his waist as my arms went to the back of his neck. He slowly started to grind down into me, my skirt being lifted all the way up so you could fully see my thong. He groaned at the friction of our clothed areas.
I kissed him again taking off his shirt and grinding up which made me moan. “Fuck, baby. I need more” I tell him and he stops his actions.
“You sure?” He asks wanting my consent, I nod to him. “Words, princess” He smirked as I grinned saying ‘Yes’. However as soon as our lips met again for another deep kiss, Toms bedroom door opened. We didn’t hear the knock, the tv was playing in the background and we didn’t care about nothing else.
Nikki, his mother, and his father, Dom, entered the room. There eyes grew wide as they saw the two of our grinding into each other, panting whilst deeply kissing one another. This was so unexpected by them as the relationship was unknown.
“What the fuck!” Nikki raised her voice, our actions stopping as both our heads turn to see his parents with wide eyes. Panic rose in us, I quickly pulled my skirt down hiding my underwear from his parents. Tom jumped off me, grabbing his shirt that was on the floor.
“I-erm it’s not what it looks like!” Tom said as his brothers came into the room.
“Oh shit, did you finally get caught” Harry laughed pointing at us, our cheeks growing red.
“Right, out, out. You got this?” Dom pushed Harry and the other two out the room as Nikki nodded her head. I sat up a little more as Nikki looked at us both.
She sighs before speaking, “So your both dating?” She asked.
“How long?”
“6 months” Tom answers.
“Well I’m not mad your dating, your just both so young. And like I understand you have these feelings that are sexual for one another but your only sixteen.” She says. “Thomas I don’t want you to make her pregnant” She blurts out.
“W-we use protection” Tom tells her.
“Okay, that’s fine I guess. Just please next time lock the door and be carful. I love y/n like a daughter i’ve never had so don’t rush it” She smiles.
Wow, didn’t expect that.
“Thank you Nikki” I smile at her as she walks out.
“Phew. Okay. She took that surprisingly well” Tom breathed out sitting next to you.
“I know, that was scary” I laugh.
“Now where was we” Tom smirked leaning into me.
“Oh I forgot door stays open” Nikki walks back in opening the door.
“Fuck sakes” Tom mutters making me giggle.
This is so bad.
Any Requests?
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swiftsrqmantic · 2 years
late night talking | p.p.
pairing : peter parker x fem!reader
summary : you decide to do one of those infamous lyric tricks on peter, which totally works.
a/n : ok so clearly i don’t know how to write summaries 😭 and this is probably the shittest thing ever but i tried
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literally this was the first thing i have ever written nonetheless posted soooo i really hope someone likes it 😭
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marvelgirlstories · 1 year
Hi, I hope you like this one. I love the Holland Family so much. I did this one so that you were dating Tom, but if I should do it with another brother let me know. 💞😘
Meet the Fam
Tom Holland x reader
Warnings: None (I think)
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You were nervous as you got into the car, waiting for Tom. Today was the day. You were meeting his family for the first time. Of course, you had met them before at premieres and events, but you only had a little conversation before you had to go do some interviews. Besides that was before you were dating. Tom got in the driver's seat. "Nervous?", he asked, taking your hand. "Yes.", you replied,"Very" "Don't worry. They will love you. Anyways you had already met Harry" "And? What about everyone else? ", you asked. "Hey, look at me.", he softly instructed. You did what he wanted. "They will love you and even if they don't, it won't change how much I love you! Ok?" "Ok.", you answered,"I love you" "Love you too"
After about half an hours drive, you finally pulled up on the drive. You felt like throwing up, a hundred different scenarios running through your head as you got out of the car. "You ready?", Tom asked. "Yeah", you answered, even though you felt the exact opposite. He took your hand and kissed your forehead before ringing the bell.
Nikki answered the door. "Hi. It's so nice to meet you. Tom has told me so much about you.", she said. "Thank you. It's so nice to meet you too.", you replied. "Come in. Can I just say, you look stunning.", she said as she lead you into the hall. You blushed at the compliment. "It good to see you again too mum.", Tom said jokingly. You both laughed at this. "Hi, sweetheart", she said as she pulled him in for a hug. Suddenly Dom appeared. "Hi Y/N, it's nice to see you in person for once" You laughed at this. "I could say the same", you replied. "Where are the boys?", Tom asked, wondering why they didn't come running to introduce themselves. "They are out playing golf. They weren't supposed to be this late, but they should be here soon.", Dom answered. "What! Golfing without me!", Tom said, acting annoyed. You laughed at this. "Anyways come into the living room", Nikki said,"Y/N would you like some tea?" "Yes, please", you answered as entered the pretty room.
Tom and you sat down on one sofa, Dom on the other. You started some small talk and Nikki brought in the tea. Suddenly a lot of noise was heard, coming from the hall. "Boys, leave your clubs outside", Dom shouted as he got up to make sure they have done that. They came in one by one. "Hey, boys!", Tom said,"this is Y/N" "It's nice to see you again.", Harry said,"This is Sam" "Hi!" "And I'm Paddy", Paddy added, eager to get a word in. "And you already know Harrison", Tom said. "It's nice to meet you all. How was golf?", you replied. "Yeah. Who won?", Tom wanted to know. "I did.", said Harrison.
"Lunch!", Nikki suddenly called from the kitchen. Tom took your hand and lead you into the dining room. Over lunch, you told them lots about yourself and they told you lots in return. You laughed a lot and they made you feel at ease.
When everyone was finished, you offered to help wash dishes but Nikki refused. So instead you, Tom, Harry, Sam and Paddy played the game of life. It took a really long time, because everyone had so much fun messing around, but no one cared. You were entertained every minute, they loved you just as Tom said and it made him proud, that you got along with your his family so well.
You stayed the whole day, before Tom finally said: "Well, I think we better go." "Yes. It was so nice to see you all", you added, seeing how he wanted to go. You and Tom stood up, giving hugs and saying goodbyes. That took a while, but you finally left with about half of the leftovers from lunch.
"See I told you.", Tom said when you were in the car. "I guess, you were right. Your family are really nice.", you replied. "Yes, and they loved you.", he added as he started the car. "Hmm", you said before taking his free hand. After about ten minutes, you fell asleep. Tom smiled. "God, I love you.", he said softly and gave you a kiss on your forehead.
I hope you like it! 💕I know I said I wanted to post Stole my heart Part 3 today, but I couldn't find the time to. It is summer holidays in Germany at the moment, so it's a bit harder to plan out the time. 🧡🧡🧡 I will try to get my shit together soon.
See you soon ♥️
@felicitylemon @kandis-mom
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0oolookitsme · 2 years
A Day Made Better
Type- Blurb
Verse- Marvel-Actress!Y/n x Marvel-Actor!Harry and Marvel-Actor!Tom Holland
Warnings- None that I can see, but please do tell me if there's any I should put!
Word Count- 912
A/N- I'm slipping back into writing a lot now. Like, I've literally got two more fics saved up and ready to be posted in my drafts and I'm onto working another one. You believe me now? Good. I hope you enjoy reading this <3
Description- Y/n isn't having the best day of her life, Tom can't seem to stop falling and Harry is just too good at making people happy with his little jokes.
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It'll be a lie if they were to say that they 'didn't even try' to keep Harry from joining the duo of Tom and Y/n.
Cause they did, they really did try their best. Alas, sweat broke on their foreheads as they lost the unconfirmed battle. But that doesn't mean they are at peace now, oh that's such a no. Perhaps that's why they were gatekeeping Harry, to save them from any greater number of chaotic plans plotted against them.
Every morning, Harry is the first to arrive at the set. Followed by eating-something-Y/n and then a disheveled Tom. And everyone loves their presence but somedays they want nothing more than to tie the three up and throw them in some random deep pit.
Today, majority of the marvel actors are on the set because of some random interview filming which apparently required to them to be on the set. This made the lot who wasn't in the camera view feel annoyed- not sure with the interviewers or with the ones who are being interviewed.
Whatever the option, Y/n is most definitely annoyed with both.
She's been asked to come on set at 5am in the morning, since the last two weeks. Well, everyone has been. But today wasn't like just any other days, no. She had gotten her periods last night, which she blames to make her cry last night. In the morning when she woke up, she was met with her unpleasantly puffed-up eyes, causing her to cry almost again especially when her hair wouldn't get in a proper braid.
At the end, she washed her face with cold once again, looked away from the mirror and threw her hair in a hand curated bun. And, as expected, it looked better than anything.
Then when she arrives on set, she sees Tom on the ground looking like an embarrassed five-year-old, and Harry who's standing right behind him, clutching his stomach and laughing his lungs out while providing his friend with his arm for support.
That did turn the corner of her lips up a tad bit. But when she was told how there wasn't going to be any shooting done today because of interview she and the other two are not a part of, she felt like ripping her hair off her scalp.
She had asked if they could go back then, but the answer she received might be the reason she's sitting in a corner as she registers the fact that this day was going to go down the sink of moodiness.
"Let me tell you a joke," Harry came to sit down beside her, his thigh touching with hers and y/n's not sure if it's because his love language is physical touch or just an unintentional thing. Either thought makes her smile a little. "But you'd have to participate in this one- just once!"
"So, a papa tomato, a mummy tomato and a baby tomato were walking down the street. The baby tomato was walking too slow and got a little behind the parent tomatoes. That made papa tomato mad, and he squished the baby tomato, telling him to: 'ketchup!'" Harry shrieked at the last word and started giggling himself before fixing his eyes on y/n's mouth to see if it made her smile even.
It's like she's laughing, but she doesn't want to laugh- like she wanted to remain sad. Which makes Harry bump his shoulder with hers and laugh along.
Y/n feels something brush on her back before the third musketeer's voice follows. "What's so funny, eh?" He asks as he tries his best to sit down in his kinda tight skinny jeans. "Tell me too, my day hasn't been very heartful either. It's been rather hurtful," he continues himself, squeezing out an unexpected laugh by the other two.
"He's been falling on his ass all morning long," Harry tells y/n as he calms down, still giggling every once in a minute. Though when he sees y/n frown in amusement, he goes on full tryna-convince-her mode. "Like literally!"
"I've fallen what, three times? And what did you do about it, other than wheezing huh?" Tom defends himself from the other side.
"What else could you expect me to do? Massage your arse??"
This snatched a wheeze from y/n's lungs as her body shrinks down. Clutching her stomach, she rises back up and starts to clap while still laughing hysterically.
"Shut up," Tom mumbles, the tops of his cheeks reddening as if someone pinched them.
Harry sputters out laughs as y/n and Tom tell him more about the pranks they have pulled on the rest of the cast members before. But none of them pulls a laugh as loud as the can toppled over Tom's head does.
"Should I throw the other two too, or are you guys coming here to get them?" Sebastian shouts from quite afar with two more cans in his hands.
"No wait! We're coming!" Y/n manages to string the words together in the middle of another wheel of laughter, all while Harry helps her up and Tom cusses out Sebastian.
With the cans finally in their hands, they come back to sit back at their spots. The time followed by goes like that, Y/n spilling her drink as she opens her can, Tom almost slipping over the same drink as he stands up to enact a scene from his favourite movie he was describing and Harry throwing lame jokes here and there.
Tagging- @onecrazydirectioner @tatehuxley222 (you both requested for a part 2 :)) | @marvel1dhp @eloquentree (you both asked to be tagged in all the works <3)
Feel free to reply under any of my original posts or send in an ask requesting to be added in the tag list <3
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bunnyweasley23 · 1 year
If you have Wattpad please read my latest MCU x Harry Potter crossover!!!
This book is for you if you like:
-Dumbledore Slander
-Wolfstar as parents
-Nice!Snape (sort of)
-Black OC!
-The Avengers as basically one big happy family!
-Fred, Loki, Pietro, Tony etc NOT *💀🪦*
-Ron x OC
Small Excerpt from a random Chapter below:
"Excuse me, Miss Romanoff have you seen the Weasley twins?"Umbrige asked sweetly, considering she's been trying to get back on my good side for the past week and a half.
"Sorry, haven't seen them since the last time I saw them." I said with a smile before taking a drink on my hot chocolate and looking down at my phone when I saw Steve got another word.
"And when was that?"Umbrigde asked confused.
"When was what?"I asked with mock confusion as I looked up at her.
"The last time you saw them of course."Umbrige said becoming slightly irritated.
"Saw who?" I asked innocently.
"Fred and George Weasley."Umbrige said firmly an I pretended to think about it for a moment. Like I didn't see them walk past me with Ron and Draco five minutes ago, carrying empty glitter containers and prank kits.
"Can't say those names ring any bells I'm afraid. However if you're looking for the Weasley twins they went that way." I mumbled looking down at my phone.
"Which way? Left or right?"Umbrigde asked frantically looking around.
"I don't know, that's what I'm asking you. Right or wrong? Up or down, you know? Do you think I'll grow more, I've recently become very insecure about my height. I feel like I'm not tall enough? But what if I'm too tall? I'm 5'9 but that could mean anything. Did you know brown cows don't make chocolate milk? Do you think the sky knows it's blue? Why do people have limbs? I'll tell you why, because of evaluation! Not to be confused with revolutions because those are bad. Speaking of revolutions, have you ever owned a unicorn? I've been thinking of starting a butterfly farm but I can't because I won't have time to take them for walks everyday. Do you think cats know that they're cat-" I asked rambling various nonsense questions with a look of concern painted on my face.
"That's enough! I'll find them myself!" Umbrigde yelled cutting me off.
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heytherejulia · 2 years
Happy birthday my love ~ H.H.
pairing: harry holland x reader
summary: it's your boyfriend's birthday
warnings: pregnancy, swearing
word count: 1,4k+
Happy birthday Harry and Sam!
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It wasn’t another normal Tuesday, although it kind of felt like it. However it was not only valentine’s day but also your boyfriend Harry and his twin Sam’s 24th birthday. Harry was out of town as usual working with Tom so there wasn’t that much partying and celebrating besides facetime dinner with all of the Hollands, best friends and partners and maybe a facetime date with Harry later that night if you’ll be lucky. 
You wanted to visit him but your shitty boss didn’t give you your well deserved week off so the best you could do was a video call and forcing Tom into giving Harry the gift you bought for him months before. 
It really bugged you that you couldn’t be with Harry on such a special day but it was beyond your powers, so you decided to do anything you could to make his day at least enjoyable. 
You called him first thing in the morning with wishes and spent around two hours just talking and catching up on the last few days when you weren’t exactly able to talk that much because of Harry’s busy schedule. 
‘I really wish I could be there with you, I’m sorry I didn’t make it babe.’
‘It’s not your fault love, we’re gonna make it up when I'm back.’ 
His smile wasn’t the brightest but you still could see the sparkles in his eyes. It made you both happy and sad, you really missed your baby.
‘I really hope you’re gonna have fun with Tom today, and don’t forget about the facetime dinner with all of us, your mum and dad really look forward to it.’ 
‘Yeah, I remember, look I gotta go now, we’re gonna talk later right?’ 
‘Of course, have fun tonight. I love you.’ 
‘I know, I love you too. See you at dinner’
Before you could say anything the line went silent. Harry’s voice stayed with you for the whole day. Why did he say ‘see you at dinner’? Did he mean over the phone or was it just a misspoke? Either way you spent your day helping Nikki with the dinner and getting ready. Harry wasn’t going to be there but you still wanted to be dressed nicely for the occasion. 
Right before the dinner you heard a doorbell. Everyone stopped in their tracks because you haven’t expected anyone else besides Harrison and Grace and Sam’s girlfriend, Clark who were already at your place. 
You went to the door with the feeling it’s just your neighbor who needed to borrow some sugar. You opened the door and indeed saw your neighbor Milly. 
‘You need to borrow some more sugar?’ 
She looked embarrassed. The thing about her was that she baked when her anxiety was kicking in and always forgot to buy extra pack of sugar or any other sweetener. 
‘If you don’t mind’ 
‘No, of course not, let me just grab it real quick.’
You came to the kitchen and saw the hope in everyone’s eyes. You felt terrible to crush it. 
‘My neighbor needs some sugar.’ 
You saw the sadness filling the room. 
‘Hey, maybe try to call them already, I’ll be back in a minute.’
Sam took his phone out and you went towards the door. 
‘Here’s the su-’
‘Hi darling.’
And here outside of your door stood not only Milly but also Tom and your beloved boyfriend. 
You flung towards him and hugged him tightly. 
‘You’re here, your family is going to be so happy. C’mon guys.’ 
You greeted Tom and rushed them into the living room. You heard happy screams and your heart swelled. He was home for his birthday with his family, it was all you wanted since the beginning. Your eyes filled with happy tears. 
You handed Milly the pack. 
‘Let me know if the cake turns out good.’
‘You got it. And have fun!’ 
When you entered the kitchen to finish cooking you sighed deeply. For some reason your mind went into panic mode. Your second present for Harry was still in your bottom drawer waiting for the right time but now the closer it got, the more nervous you were.
You heard footsteps and felt someone’s presence behind you. You turned around just to peek at whoever came in. 
‘Tom. Why aren’t you with your fam?’
‘Wanted to talk to you.’
‘Are you okay?’
‘Yeah, everything’s fine, I’m just slightly nervous about the dinner.’
‘I’m not talking about this. You know what I mean. When do you want to tell him? When it’s out there?’ 
‘Cut it, Holland. It’s none of your business.’ 
‘Of course it is. It’s my brother and you’re like a sister to me. I’m just looking after you all’
‘I’m not ready, okay? It's a big thing, I don’t want to throw it on him on his birthday especially now that he’s so stressed with work.’
‘Do you really think that you will find a better time? There’s not gonna be the perfect one. Just think about it.’
He squeezed your shoulder and came back to the living room. You finished at the kitchen and brought all of the food to the table. 
‘Come on, let’s eat.’ 
The dinner was really nice, talking, joking, telling stories about the twins when they were kids, catching up. You remained quiet most of the time enjoying the happiness of your loved ones. Yet the closer it’s been getting to the moment you stay alone with Harry, the more stressed you’ve become. 
Around midnight all of your guests started to head out. You bid your farewell and went back inside to clean up a mess after the dinner. After a few minutes you heard Harry entering the kitchen. You were doing the dishes when he came behind you and wrapped his hands around your tummy. 
‘Hi darling.’ 
‘C’mon. Let’s go to bed. It’s been a long day for both of us.’
‘I can’t, I need to clean this up.’ 
‘No no no no. WE can’t clean this up tomorrow after we spend our well deserved time together.’ 
‘Technically it’s already tomorrow, baby.’
‘Imma force you to come with me if you won’t do that voluntarily.’ 
He squeezed you harder and tried to lift you but you stopped him. 
‘Don’t do that.’ 
‘Why? What’s wrong?’
‘Nothing, just please don’t.’ 
‘Okay, love. Can we go to bed now?’ 
You nodded and followed him into your room. You both got ready to bed and got under the duvet. You were lying on your back and Harry was on his side playing with your hair. There were a few minutes of silence between you two when he spoke up. 
‘Is everything alright love? You’ve been quite distant today. Are you sure you’re okay?’ 
‘Yeah I just… I’ve got you a present.’ 
He smiled adorably at you. 
‘You know you didn’t have to, right?’ 
‘I do but you mean so much to me and deserve a world. Happy birthday and I love you.’ 
‘I love you too. C'mere.’ 
He sat you on his lap while opening the box. It was just a camera equipment you knew he wanted and you saw the pure adoration of his eyes when he looked up at you. 
‘Thank you, my love.’ 
He leaned in and kissed you gently but soon the kiss started to be way more passionate. His hands roamed around your body settling them on your waist under your (his) shirt. You pushed his lips out of your neck. He looked at you with concern. 
‘I’ve got something else for you.’ 
You reached for a small box in your drawer and handed it to him. 
‘What’s that?’ 
‘Just open it.’ 
He did as you told and opened the box. Inside was a positive pregnancy test. Your positive pregnancy test. His face was blank and you couldn’t read any emotions which made you even more nervous. 
‘Is this real or is this just a prank?’ 
‘It’s real.’ 
‘Look if you don’t want this you don’t have to stick around, I know it’s shitty timing but I figured you at least deserve to know.’ 
You were terrified. You’d rather prefer him to get mad and yell at you than the silence and uncertainty what next. 
You looked at him. 
‘I want this. With you. I love you and I’m not giving up on neither of you.’ 
Your eyes filled with tears. 
‘Hey, don’t cry, baby. It’s okay, come here.’ 
He held you close while you silently talked about your pregnancy. Some time after you both lied down. Harry spooned you and kept his hand on your still flat stomach. 
‘I’m scared Harry.’ 
‘I know. I’m scared too. But it’s okay, we’ll figure it out. Seriously, we’ll be fine. Get some sleep, sweetheart, it’s been one hell of a day huh?’
‘Yeah. Good night, baby.’ 
He kissed the back of your head. 
‘Night, love’ 
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betzabobababi · 2 years
Third Times the Charm
Hello Hello! This is by far one of my favorite things I have written! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Please don't hesitate to like, comment or reblog. It means so much to authors. It also gives them feedback. Anyways without further ado!
Tom Holland x Reader *Y/n Y/ln*
Warnings: Mentions of a fire. Calling 911. Weddings. Proposing
Summary: Tom tries repeatedly to pop the question.
Type: Fluff <3
Tom had been trying to pop the question for months now. He asked for your father's blessing; he told his mum. He even asked Zendaya, your sister, and some of your other close friends for help on picking the ring, date, and place.
So when the day finally came for him to get down on one knee and ask for your hand in marriage, you had to postpone your date because your sister went into an early labor.
Tom reluctantly delayed the occasion and planned another date. This date was in a small family owned Vineyard somewhere in napa. The sun had started to set and just as you were about to turn around (Tom was already on his knee) you spotted that a part of the grape Vines had caught on fire. Hurriedly you called 911. At this point Tom had already gotten up and started to pack up your stuff so you could get out of there safely.
Exasperated by his multiple failed attempts to ask for your hand in marriage he decided that he would try one last time and if it didn't work he would wait a while longer. He thought "maybe the universe is purposefully trying to sabotage my plans because it's not time yet" 
So the third time he tried to pop the question, he set a date in which he made sure you both had no plans or meetings going on. He drove you to a park somewhere downtown and he had a picnic set up.
 He was very nervous, “What if she says no?” or “what if i mess up the speech?” “Third times the charm-Third times the charm-Third times the charm” he kept repeating to himself. If it didn't work out it was ok. But he just really wanted it to work out.  Around an hour into the picnic he mentally psyched himself up one more time and as nervous as he was finally decided to pop the question.
“Y/n Y/l/n *you got this tom!* you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I love you more than anything in this world. I can guarantee there’ll be tough times.*he gets down on one knee* I guarantee that at some point one or both of us are gonna want to get out of this. *reaches into pocket* But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine *takes out the ring* I'll regret it for the rest of my life because I know in my heart you are the only one for me. Be with me now and forever?” At the end of his speech Tom’s whole face was flushed a bright red. Breathing heavily he looked into your eyes, looking, searching for any sign of rejection. But when he looked at you all he could see were the tears that were threatening to spill. He could only see your wide smile.
And as if the world suddenly stops, he sees your mouth opening. “YES YES OH MY GOD YES A MILLION TIMES YES!” you said nearly shouting. You were screaming, but at a reasonable level for a person who just got asked for their hand in marriage. Tom let out a sigh of relief finally being able to breathe again. You lunged at Tom and wrapped your arms around his neck, trapping him in a tight hug. When you both finally let go you saw Tom’s family and yours emerging from the trees surrounding both of you. Harry had a camera in hand and was clicking away. Nicki and Dom were in tears. Your sister was carrying her newborn, looking at you with one of the biggest smiles you have ever seen on her face. Her husband followed close behind. And your father beside him. Paddy walked in between his parents. Sam walked next to Harry, carrying a tray of delicious looking desserts. As they reach you and Tom, one by one congratulate you and engulfed you in big hugs. After giving them their love they talked with you guys. Both you and Tom explained your hopes and wishes for the wedding.
“Hey Tom?” you said to him as you were walking back to the car. “Yes Love?” “How many times did you try to propose?” Tom chuckled at the question. Eyes shining with love. “Believe it or not, I only tried three times.” Tom responded. “You know what they say Tommy, Third Times the Charm.”
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maevesheart · 1 year
you… perv?
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ she-devil (01)
note: georgie griswold is reader’s twin brother :) both are 17 and juniors at midtown!!
summary: harry’s important “news” pisses you off, so you go straight to the source yourself. except when he doesn’t give you answers, you just sort of… slap it out of him.
WC: 1.8k
TW: violence (a slap), swearing
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even as a child, you had been kept out of the public eye.
your last name being one of the most recognized in the world, your father tried his hardest to prevent you and your brother from a childhood of cameras and zero privacy.
that only worked for so long, and eventually the two of you were placed in the best private school your father could find, midtown high.
when the two of you transferred your freshman year, all eyes were on you. It didn’t matter how long the both of you had been there, immediately you two became the most popular two in all of the school.
money, grades, status, and beauty? every girl wanted to be you and every guy wanted to date you. it was no secret either.
so when you woke up on monday morning, prepared for another perfect day in your perfect life, the last thing you expected was to get suspended that same afternoon.
“miss griswold?” a quiet voice squeaked from your bedroom’s door.
you groaned in response, pushing the pillow over your ear in hopes to drown out the noise.
“it’s monday, miss. school starts in an hour.” the voice became closer, and before you knew it, cold hands were on the exposed portion of your arm.
you let out a hiss and turned to see the newest maid, daliah, looking at you with wide eyes.
“yes, i know. now please go away. ugh!”
she nodded quickly and then rushed to the door, probably going to cry or something. you didn’t really care either way.
sitting up in your king sized bed, you stretched and took off the eye mask that sat on your forehead.
sighing, your feet touched the carpeted floors and you padded into the cool bathroom.
after a twenty minute and incredibly organized skincare routine, you made your way back into your extremely large bedroom, and waltzed into the walk in closet.
the walls were lined with expensive and beautiful clothing, but of course, since you went to the most boring and bland school in existence, you were forced to wear a fugly yellow and blue uniform.
you quickly put your hair up in a sleek ponytail, and had jaela, your makeup artist, do a simple makeup look
slipping your feet into your black tom ford pumps, and grabbing your celine backpack from the floor, you made your way out of the closet, and then out of your bedroom, into the tall and long marble hall that held two rooms; yours and your brothers.
you walked down the extensive hall to the curved matching marble staircase, and trailed your perfectly polished black nails on the gold railing as you made your way down.
sara, your maid since you were a child, was waiting at the bottom, and you greeted her with a smile.
“good morning, miss.”
“morning, sara. where’s dad?”
“he’s already at work, but breakfast is prepared.” she gave you a ‘sorry’ look, but you were used to your father never showing. ever since your mother passed he never seemed to make an effort with your brother or you.
taking a seat across from georgie, you watched as he smiled down to his phone.
“texting gwen?” you smiled, happy that your best friend and twin were finally together.
“no. betty, actually.” he awkwardly looked up.
your eyebrows narrowed, and the corners of your mouth went downwards.
“betty brant?” you asked accusingly, causing georgie to give you a look.
“please, g, spare me the jokes,” you laughed, expecting him to confess he was kidding.
“no. y/n/n, i’m seeing betty.”
“this is ruining my morning. stop talking.” you ordered, pushing away from the table and rushing to the elevator. georgie followed after you.
though he stood at 6’3, and had much longer legs, he could never match your pace when you were angry.
“y/n, cmon. don’t be a bitch.”
“georgie! i just really don’t want to speak about this.” you said, very sternly. he winced and tucked his arms into the pockets of his khakis, standing awkwardly next to you.
“let’s forget this happened, yeah? i’ll pretend betty brant’s name never left your mouth, and we will be the perfect twins that we always are.” you smiled your sickly sweet smile at him, and he rolled his eyes before agreeing.
“fine. whatever.”
the day passed as slow as it possibly could. that was until lunch, of course, and then it seemed your life couldn’t get any worse.
you sat down with gwen, liz, and harry, like you always did, and the four of you giggled loudly and gossiped like no one could hear.
the four of you made up the school’s most popular and desirable friend group. some called you “the elites”, and others just referred to you guys as spoiled assholes.
liz was the brains, harry was the gossip, you were the face, and gwen was the glue. she kept you all from falling apart.
obviously, when there was any friend group filled with four, gossip obsessed, narcissistic, beautiful teenagers, there was sure to be drama. gwen made sure that drama never let your friendships dwindle.
people would still be jealous, even if you mentioned their names or not.
your idiot brother sat with brad and flash, even though you often voiced your disgust for the both of them.
brad being your first — and only — boyfriend, decided to dump you the summer before your junior year.
the two of you avoided each other all year, and you had zero intent of speaking to him as the year came to a close.
you watched georgie smile down at his phone as it lit up with messages, and hoped deep down that he was joking. even though your mind screamed that he wasn’t.
harry’s loud “psssst!” broke you out of your absorbing thoughts, and you snapped your head to his direction.
“parker’s been spreading some good goss.”
gwen and liz both leaned in, also wanting to hear what your groups notorious big mouth had to say.
“wait,” all heads turned to you.
“who is peter parker?”
liz giggled and harry rolled his eyes. “the weird nerd who was obsessed with liz last year!” harry whisper-yelled, obviously wanting to tell his story.
“alright, go on,” you urged.
“supposedly, parker told ned leeds that he took your virginity last weekend at flash’s party…” harry shyly smiled, waiting for your response.
instead of answering with words, liz, gwen, and harry watched as your lips turned down to a scowl and your eyes narrowed into slits.
“i’m gonna cut off his dick!” you exclaimed, jumping up from your seat and rushing to the back of the cafeteria, where parker sat with his loner friends.
once harry had told you who parker was, you could picture him perfectly in your head.
brown curls, deep brown eyes, and a jawline that could cut diamonds. he was sort of cute….. no! y/n stop it! you scolded yourself.
this boy was spreading lies about you and your most special thing. how dare he? who did he think he was?
marching straight up to the boy who sat laughing with his two nerd friends, you stopped short in front of him, and crossed your arms.
you heard gwen suck in a breath behind you, and harry skidded to a stop on your left.
“parker…” he nodded, as peter’s head shot up.
ned grinned, never even imagining that the elites would walk up to him.
peter looked at the four of you in suspicion. was this about liz? he thought that ended months ago.
but once he saw your face, he knew this wasn’t about liz.
you stared at him with slits for eyes. he thought yoy looked like a lion staring at it’s prey.
you were beautiful, yet terrifying.
“h-hey,” he stuttered, watching gwen awkwardly rub her arm, and harry nudge liz’s side.
“get. up.” you seethed, still burning holes into peter’s eyes.
if looks could kill, peter would be six feet under.
he looked back at mj, who stared blankly at you, and ned, who was bursting at the seams with excitement.
“i said, get the fuck up!”
his eyes widened again, and he abruptly stood up, smoothing down his wrinkled uniform.
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” you seethed.
“i- what?” he murmured, shaking his head.
liz turned around and tried not to watch, she couldn’t help but feel bad for the boy.
gwen stood right behind you, ready to pull you away in case it got too intense.
harry, on the other hand, watched with wide eyes, acting as if this was a movie that he got early access to.
“don’t play dumb with me. and also, don’t be a douche. i cant believe your nerve!”
he shook his head again, trying to understand what you were so pissed off about.
“i’m confused,” he breathed out, awkwardly laughing, which just set you off more.
your shoulders went up and down as you took in a deep breath.
after around ten seconds of no one speaking, you smiled at peter.
not a genuine smile, though. a smile that said, “you really expect me to believe your bullshit?”
peter smiled back. and you couldn’t stand that.
usually you weren’t one to resort to violence, but when a nobody is telling half the school that he took your virginity, when he didn’t, you don’t know what else to turn to.
you turned around, as if you were leaving, before spinning back around on the balls of your feet and leaving a huge red mark on the side of peter’s cheek.
his head turned with the impact, and gwen let out a shriek behind you.
“what?” liz questioned, turning around to see your hand raised in the air, and peter holding his cheek while his eyes lit with fire.
harry sucked in a breath, watching your eyes widen, and peter’s shoulder rise and fall with his angry breaths.
ned’s mouth hung open, and mj’s eyebrows hit her hairline.
the entire cafeteria watched. the golden girl? slapping someone? it was unbelievable.
no matter how rude or spoiled you acted, nobody had ever seen you be violent.
not even the occasional into-the-locker-shove.
georgie rushed over and pushed harry out of the way. he placed a hand on your shoulder, and tried to lead you away.
you stood frozen, and breathed out the first words spoken since the slap.
“oh my go-“
“griswold! parker! my office, NOW!” principal morita bellowed from across the cafeteria.
you looked at him, and then your still raised arm, and tucked it into your side, your head falling into your chest from embarrassment.
your father would not be happy.
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eunoiaflow3r · 3 months
hey guys i’m back from my yearly hiatus lolll! send in some harry potter/marvel requests!! my computer comes in tomorrow and i want to write!
love you!
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sweetestficrecs · 6 months
hello! this is my sideblog where i reblog writings (and sometimes other stuff) i enjoy!!
multifandom but mostly harry styles, steve harrington, and top gun 🤠 (i tag every post with the names of whoever they’re about sooo just search my blog if you’re looking for someone in specific)
if you have any fics you want to recommend, ask me to reblog, or have any questions my asks and/or messages are always open :)
and last but not least.... remember to support fic writers! 💌
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