#harry geithner
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xian-moriarty · 2 years ago
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El Zorro, la espada y la rosa. 2007 1 saison 122 épisodes.
Synopsis : Don Diego de la Vega s'oppose aux tyrans corrompus de la Californie espagnole en tant qu'épéiste masqué, Zorro.
Casting : Christian Meier, Marlene Favela, Arturo Peniche, Osvaldo Ríos, Héctor Suárez Gomís, Andrea López, Harry Geithner, Jorge Cao, Adriana Campos, Raúl Gutiérrez, Andrea Montenegro
Plaisir de visionnage : Une télénovela très axée sur les relations inter-personnages. Des rebondissements scénaristiques à foison, parfois WTF. Mais ensemble très appréciable. Pitié, changez le générique ! Note : 4 chats.
Historicité : Si on accepte que la Californie c'est la Colombie (lieu de tournage), avec des amazones et des cannibales (oui, des cannibales), ca peut passer… ou pas… Note : 1 chat.
Disponibilité : Existe en DVD, mais en import uniquement. A été disponible sur PlutoTV (avec VPN).
Point Bonus Chat : Y a pas de chat. Snif.
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crissgeithner · 2 months ago
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Merry Christmas 🎄 Harry Geithner Alegrías y bendiciones juntos! @crissgeithner
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movienized-com · 7 months ago
El amor no tiene receta
El amor no tiene receta (Serie 2024) #ClaudiaMartín #DanielElbittar #AltairJarabo #AzelaRobinson #NicolaPorcella #CocoMáxima Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2024- (Februar) Genre: Drama / Romantik Hauptrollen: Claudia Martín, Daniel Elbittar, Altair Jarabo, Azela Robinson, Nicola Porcella, Coco Máxima, Beatriz Moreno, Isabella Tena, Andrés Vázquez, Juan Carlos Barreto, Hugo Catalán, Sabrina Seara , Tiago Correa, Luz Ramos, Liz Gallardo, Harry Geithner, Raúl Coronado, Santiago Emiliano, Nino Torres, Mauricio Pimentel, Moisés Zurman, Jai…
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claudiaramirezgifs · 3 years ago
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realchauhoang · 3 years ago
*Kristi Lynn Noem* [R]: *Secretary of 66A*
- from State of South Dakota
*Timothy Franz Geithner* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York
*Kenneth Leonard Wainstein* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York and Virginia
*Nikki Rahdhawa Haley* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of South Carolina
*Elise Marie Stefanik* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York
*Nikki Marie Brust* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*Evan Maureen Ryan* [D]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*DeAnna Lorraine Tesoriero* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of California
*Pamela Ashley Brown* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*Christopher William “Chris” Wallace* [D]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from District of Columbia
*Michele Marie Bachmann* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Minnesota
*Thomas Hawley Tuberville* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Alabama
*Barbara Jean Comstock* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*Ronna Romney McDaniel* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Michigan
*Kelly Lynn Loeffler* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Georgia
*Sean Thomas Connaughton* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*Gerald Edward Connolly* [D]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*Abby Haight “Abigail” Livingston* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Connecticut
*Adam Daniel Kinzinger* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Illinois
*Erielle Roodman Reshef* [D]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York
*Renee Kathleen Zellweger* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York and Virginia
*William Harrison Frist* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Tennessee
*Martha Bowes MacCallum* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New Jersey
*Stacey Lauretta Dash* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York
*Ronald Dion DeSantis* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Florida
*Eva Martinez Guzman* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Texas
*Martha Dubina Roby* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Alabama
*Ryan Edward Hansan* [D]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Virginia
*Michael Richard Pompeo* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Kansas
*Harris Kimberley Faulkner* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of New Jersey
*Kymberly Kalil Fichtner* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of California
*Mary Joe Matalin* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Virginia
*Vicky Jo Hartzler* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Missouri
*Kelly Marie Schulz* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Maryland
*Brett Michael Kavanaugh* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from District of Columbia
*Rex Wayne Tillerson* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of Texas
*Kathleen Laura Kraninger* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from District of Columbia
*Betsy Sue Aidem* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of Florida
*Stephen Edward Biegun* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of Virginia
*Michelle Eunjoo Steel* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of California
*Albert Arnold “Al” Gore* [D]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of Virginia
*Melinda Ruth “Mindy” Koeninger* [D]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of Virginia
Secretary of 66A: *Carole Simpson Marshall*
- from State of Massachusetts
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Amy Coney Barrett*
- from State of Indiana
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Jessica Norann Stump*
- from State of Virginia
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Susan Ashton Thornton*
- from State of Maine
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Bernadette Michelle Meehan*
- from District of Columbia
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Barbara Anne Leaf*
- from District of Columbia
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Sarah Hull Cleveland*
- from District of Columbia
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Rena Elizabeth Bitter*
- from District of Columbia
Under Secretary of 66A: *Patricia Anna “Trish” Schneider*
- from State of Florida
Under Secretary of 66A: *Kimberley Marie Wyman*
- from State of Washington
Under Secretary of 66A: *Lauren Britney Sisler*
- from State of Alabama
Under Secretary of 66A: *Christine Elizabeth Stanwood*
- from State of Oklahoma
Under Secretary of 66A: *Jennifer O’Malley Dillion*
- from State of Maryland
Under Secretary of 66A: *Christy Marie Perry*
- from State of Idaho
Under Secretary of 66A: *Edward Chase “Ned” Price*
- from State of Virginia
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Kristin Anne Fisher*
- from District of Columbia
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Janice Kyes McGeachin*
- from State of Idaho
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Elaine Goodman Luria*
- from State of Virginia
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Ellie Leah Altshuler*
- from State of California
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Olympia Jean Snowe*
- from State of Maine
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Danielle Jenna Genet*
- from State of New York
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Julia Janelle Letlow*
- from State of Louisiana
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entrepalabrasmx · 3 years ago
Con buenos resultados, se realizó segunda parte d del Atlixco Film Festival
Se realizó del 27 al 29 de agosto en el Ayuntamiento de Atlixco, Puebla
Gerardo Tort recibió un homenaje presencial, y protagonizó un documental
Estuvieron presentes Ana Becker, Harry Geithner, Juan Carlos Blanco y Marina Stavenhagen
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A pesar der continuar atravesando a nivel nacional de la presencia de la contingencia sanitaria, a consecuencia de la Covid19, del 27 al 29 de agosto se llevó con buenos resultados la segunda parte del Atlixco Film Festival, teniendo como escenario espacios emblemáticos de ese municipio poblano, como su Zócalo y Centro Histórico y la presencia de varios invitados especiales, entre ellos el director Gerardo Tort, quien fue objeto de un homenaje.
“Pese a la adversidad por la que estamos atravesando en todo el país y en el mundo, esta segunda parte del festival dejó muy buenos resultados entre todos los organizadores, contando también con el apoyo y presencia de la gente, quienes tenían antecedentes de la edición anterior y varios esperaban que esta segunda parte se llevara a cabo”, dijo Marco Ruiz, director del Atlixco Film Festival.
“La gente nos acompañó durante los tres días que duró el festival, a pesar de que no contamos con un buen clima, pues en algunas exhibiciones hubo brizna. Pero eso no impidió que la gente se quedará, estando en todo momento dispuesta, relajada y disfrutando de las cintas que se exhibieron”, agregó.
La segunda parte del Atlixco Film Festival inició en punto de las seis de la tarde del viernes 27 de agosto, con la exhibición de la cinta De la calle, ópera prima del realizador homenajeado, de origen poblano Gerardo Tort, quien a pesar de la brisa constante de lluvia, no dudó en compartir con el público al final de la exhibición, parte de sus experiencias y anécdotas durante la filmación de la cinta, filmada en 2001, contando con las actuaciones de Luis Fernando Peña, Maya Zapata y Armando Hernández; siendo acreedora a varios premios, lo mismo nacionales como internacionales.
La película, además del resto de las exhibidas en el festival, fue exhibida a través del proyecto de Cine Combi, brindando a todo el público asistente una excelente calidad audiovisual; mencionando también que la programación de la segunda parte del Atlixco Film Festival, pudo ser vista en línea, a través de la página oficial del Ayuntamiento de Atlixco.
Además de recibir un merecido homenaje y los premios emblemáticos del festival, El Mezcal de Oro y El Mezcal de Plata, de manos de la Maestra Silvia Chavarría Rocha, Secretaria del Bien Común del Ayuntamiento de Atlixco, Gerardo Tort recibió un video muy emotivo, de parte de la actriz Cassandra Ciangherotti, quien lució hermosa, estando a punto de dar a luz.
De igual manera, durante su estancia en Atlixco, el realizador de La guerrilla y la esperanza: Lucio Cabañas, protagonizó el mini documental De poblano a poblano, una plática de cine con Arturo Tay, realizado por este productor, también Presidente de la Delegación Puebla de la Cámara Nacional de la Industria Cinematográfica (Canacine), con quien recorrió varios puntos emblemáticos de ese municipio.
De igual manera, Gerardo Tort estuvo presente, el sábado 28 de agosto, en la proyección de su película Viaje redondo, estando acompañado de la guionista de la misma, Marina Stavenhagen.
“Gerardo Tort estuvo muy contento durante su estadía en el festival. Además de que tenía varios años de no visitar Atlixco, lo cual le dio la oportunidad de reencontrarse con su gente y lugares emblemáticos”, agregó Marco Ruiz.
La empresa Cinemagic Atlixco fungió como sede del Atlixco Film Festival, proyectando el programa de cortometrajes, además de la película Un rescate de huevitos; además de la película Desde el más allá, de Juan Carlos Blanco quien estuvo presente, al igual que lo hizo durante la edición anterior, presentado en ese entonces su película Cena para 3.
La actriz Ana Becker también estuvo presente para recibir el El Mezcal de Oro por la película Focos rojos, del director y actor Harry Geithner, quien además de realizar videos para las redes sobre su visita a Atlixco, presentó el corto estudiantil que produjo, El rencuentro, dirigido por John Alexander y protagonizado por Becker.
Otro proyecto que tuvo buena respuesta en el público fue el cortometraje Hierba mala, del también poblano Carlos Trujano, quien no pudo asistir, pues iniciará en breve la filmación de su opera prima.
“Esperamos que para 2022, podamos tener una tercera parte del festival más en forma que en esta ocasión, obviamente contando con las mismas medidas sanitarias y de cuidado, tanto para el público, como para nuestros invitados, que esperamos también sean más, entre realizadores, actores, creativos y público de todas partes de México y el mundo.
“Además de que esperamos que, también el año que viene, la industria nacional esté mucho más activa que en esta ocasión”, concluyó Marco Ruiz, director del Atlixco Film Festival.
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madamlaydebug · 7 years ago
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Committee of300 Abdullah II King of Jordan Roman Abramovich Josef Ackermann Edward Adeane Marcus Agius Martti Ahtisaari Daniel Akerson Albert II King of Belgium Alexander Crown Prince of Yugoslavia Giuliano Amato Carl A. Anderson Giulio Andreotti Andrew Duke of York Anne Princess Royal Nick Anstee Timothy Garton Ash William Waldorf Astor Pyotr Aven Jan Peter Balkenende Steve Ballmer Ed Balls Jose Manuel Barroso Beatrix Queen of the Netherlands Marek Belka C. Fred Bergsten Silvio Berlusconi Ben Bernanke Nils Bernstein Donald Berwick Carl Bildt Sir Winfried Bischoff Tony Blair Lloyd Blankfein Leonard Blavatnik Michael Bloomberg Frits Bolkestein Hassanal Bolkiah Michael C Bonello Emma Bonino David L. Boren Borwin Duke of Mecklenburg  Charles Bronfman Edgar Jr. Bronfman John Bruton Zbigniew Brzezinski Robin Budenberg Warren Buffett George HW Bush David Cameron Camilla Duchess of Cornwall Fernando Henrique Cardoso Peter Carington Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden Carlos Duke of Parma Mark Carney Cynthia Carroll Jaime Caruana Sir William Castell Anson Chan Margaret Chan Norman Chan Charles Prince of Wales Richard Chartres Stefano Delle Chiaie Dr John Chipman Patokh Chodiev Christoph Prince of Schleswig-Holstein Fabrizio Cicchitto Wesley Clark Kenneth Clarke Nick Clegg Bill Clinton Abby Joseph Cohen Ronald Cohen Gary Cohn Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano Duke of Paliano Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano Duke of Paliano Constantijn Prince of the Netherlands Constantine II King of Greece David Cooksey Brian Cowen Sir John Craven Andrew Crockett Uri Dadush Tony D'Aloisio Alistair Darling Sir Howard Davies Etienne Davignon David Davis Benjamin de Rothschild David Rene de Rothschild Evelyn de Rothschild Leopold de Rothschild Joseph Deiss Oleg Deripaska Michael Dobson Mario Draghi Jan Du Plessis William C. Dudley Wim Duisenberg Edward Duke of Kent Edward Earl of Wessex Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom John Elkann Vittorio Emanuele Prince of Naples Ernst August Prince of Hanover Martin Feldstein Matthew Festing François Fillon Heinz Fischer Joschka Fischer Stanley Fischer Niall FitzGerald Franz Duke of Bavaria Mikhail Fridman Friso Prince of Orange-Nassau Bill Gates Christopher Geidt Timothy Geithner Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia Dr Chris Gibson-Smith Mikhail Gorbachev Al Gore Allan Gotlieb Stephen Green Alan Greenspan Gerald Grosvenor 6th Duke of Westminster Jose Angel Gurria William Hague Sir Philip Hampton Hans-Adam II Prince of Liechtenstein Harald V King of Norway Stephen Harper François Heisbourg Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg Philipp Hildebrand Carla Anderson Hills Richard Holbrooke Patrick Honohan Alan Howard Alijan Ibragimov Stefan Ingves Walter Isaacson Juan Carlos King of Spain Kenneth M. Jacobs DeAnne Julius Jean-Claude Juncker Peter Kenen John Kerry Mervyn King Glenys Kinnock Henry Kissinger Malcolm Knight William H. Koon II Paul Krugman John Kufuor Giovanni Lajolo Anthony Lake Richard Lambert Pascal Lamy Jean-Pierre Landau Timothy Laurence   Arthur Levitt Michael Levy Joe Lieberman Ian Livingston Lee Hsien Loong Lorenz of Belgium Glenys Kinnock Henry Kissinger Malcolm Knight William H. Koon II Paul Krugman John Kufuor Giovanni Lajolo Anthony Lake Richard Lambert Pascal Lamy Jean-Pierre Landau Timothy Laurence James Leigh-Pemberton Leka Crown Prince of Albania Mark Leonard Peter Levene Lev Leviev Arthur Levitt Michael Levy Joe Lieberman Ian Livingston Lee Hsien Loong Lorenz of Belgium Archduke of Austria-Este Louis Alphonse Duke of Anjou Gerard Louis-Dreyfus Mabel Princess of Orange-Nassau Peter Mandelson Sir David Manning Margherita Archduchess of Austria-Este Margrethe II Queen of Denmark Guillermo Ortiz Martinez Alexander Mashkevitch Stefano Massimo Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio Prince of Arsoli and Triggiano William Joseph McDonough Mack McLarty Yves Mersch Michael Prince of Kent Michael King of Romania David Miliband Ed Miliband Lakshmi Mittal Glen Moreno Moritz Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel Rupert Murdoch Charles Napoleon Jacques Nasser Robin Niblett Vincent Nichols Adolfo Nicolas Christian Noyer Sammy Ofer Alexandra Ogilvy Lady Ogilvy David Ogilvy 13th Earl of Airlie Jorma Ollila Nicky Oppenheimer George Osborne Frederic Oudea Sir John Parker Chris Patten Michel Pebereau Gareth Penny Shimon Peres Philip Duke of Edinburgh Dom Duarte Pio Duke of Braganza Karl Otto Pohl Colin Powell Mikhail Prokhorov Guy Quaden Anders Fogh Rasmussen Joseph Alois Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) David Reuben Simon Reuben William R. Rhodes Susan Rice Richard Duke of Gloucester Sir Malcolm Rifkind Sir John Ritblat Stephen S. Roach Mary Robinson David Rockefeller Jr. David Rockefeller Sr. Nicholas Rockefeller Javier Echevarria Rodriguez Kenneth Rogoff Jean-Pierre Roth Jacob Rothschild David Rubenstein Robert Rubin Francesco Ruspoli 10th Prince of Cerveteri Joseph Safra Moises Safra Peter Sands Nicolas Sarkozy Isaac Sassoon James Sassoon Sir Robert John Sawers Marjorie Scardino Klaus Schwab Karel Schwarzenberg Stephen A. Schwarzman Sidney Shapiro Nigel Sheinwald Sigismund Grand Duke of Tuscany Archduke of Austria Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Olympia Snowe Sofia Queen of Spain George Soros Arlen Specter Ernest Stern Dennis Stevenson Tom Steyer Joseph Stiglitz Dominique Strauss-Kahn Jack Straw Peter Sutherland Mary Tanner Ettore Gotti Tedeschi Mark Thompson Dr. James Thomson  Hans Tietmeyer Jean-Claude Trichet Paul Tucker Herman Van Rompuy Alvaro Uribe Velez Alfons Verplaetse Kaspar Villiger Maria Vladimirovna Grand Duchess of Russia Paul Volcker Otto von Habsburg Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah Sultan of Brunei Sir David Walker Jacob Wallenberg John Walsh Max Warburg Axel Alfred Weber Michael David Weill Nout Wellink Marina von Neumann Whitman Willem-Alexander Prince of Orange William Prince of Wales Dr Rowan Williams Shirley Williams David Wilson James Wolfensohn Neal S. Wolin Harry Woolf R. James Jr. Woolsey Sir Robert Worcester Sarah Wu Robert Zoellick Most of the names listed above are of Jewish lineage 
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go-redgirl · 4 years ago
Obama Officials Who Helped Slash Pensions for Delphi Workers Shower Joe Biden with Campaign Cash
Former Obama administration officials, linked to the slashing of pensions for 20,000 Delphi workers, are showering Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden with campaign cash to oust President Trump from office.
In 2009, as part of the Obama-Biden administration’s taxpayer-funded bailout of General Motors (GM), the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) terminated the pension plans of about 20,0000 non-unionized Delphi workers. In some cases, workers had their pensions gutted by as much as 75 percent.
A federal report in 2013 detailed that the Delphi workers would likely have their pensions cut by an estimated $440 million. Meanwhile, GM topped off unionized Delphi workers’ pensions at a cost of about $1 billion.
In 2012, federal documents unveiled how the Obama-Biden administration’s Treasury Department worked to gut the pensions of the Delphi workers. In other emails, PBGC officials indicated they had the green light from the Obama-Biden administration to slash the pensions.
Trump officials have said the president is working on an executive plan to restore the Delphi pension after more than a decade of no help from the Obama administration.
A number of Obama officials directly involved with the auto bailout deal that slashed the pensions are now banking on a Biden victory on November 3 — pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into the former vice president’s campaign with Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).
Among those officials involved in the deal were former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who reportedly contributed $150,000 to the Biden Action Fund in August. As previously noted, emails in 2012 detailed how Geithner’s agency at the time “was the driving force behind terminating the pensions of 20,000 salaried retirees at the Delphi auto parts manufacturing company.”
Geithner was said to have delegated out responsibility for the Delphi pensions to a select team of Obama officials, though insiders have said he was pushed to help the workers but did not lift a finger.
Likewise, Obama official Steven Rattner has contributed a total of $5,600 to Biden’s campaign last year and this year. Rattner was at the center of the Delphi pensions slashing scheme, as noted in the 2013 federal report previously mentioned:
According to Auto Team leader Rattner, pensions were another area where the Auto Team “encouraged” GM to cut costs. GM had a pay-as-you-go pension plan for salaried employees that was not funded and GM salaried employees and retirees wanted their full pensions, but Mr. Rattner told SIGTARP that the Auto Team wanted cuts to those benefits. [Emphasis added]
Auto Team leader Rattner told SIGTARP that GM came to the Auto Team because “GM wanted to do something for the [Delphi] salaried retirees.” Mr. Rattner discussed it with then-GM CEO Henderson. Although Mr. Rattner could not remember the specifics of the conversation, he told SIGTARP that he thought there was nothing defensible from a commercial standpoint that could be done for the Delphi salaried retirees. Mr. Rattner told SIGTARP, “We didn’t think there was anything defensible. We felt bad, but we didn’t think it was justifiable.” [Emphasis added]
Ron Bloom, another Obama official, has given $2,800 to Biden’s campaign. Bloom is named in the 2013 federal report regarding the Delphi pension slashing scheme, which notes his direct involvement:
Although Delphi salaried retirees had asked Auto Team official Bloom to consider preserving the pensions out of fairness, Auto Team official Bloom told SIGTARP that GM “did not provide a top-up to the salaried guys because I think [GM] concluded there was not a commercially reasonable reason to do it.” Mr. Bloom added that GM’s automotive parts suppliers “received a hundred cents on the dollar,” the UAW’s retirees received a number “less than a hundred, but more than the bondholders,” and some got less than the bondholders. Mr. Bloom told SIGTARP that they could not make everyone whole and “That’s not to say that people didn’t lose a lot or [were] hurt or were treated in a way that – sort of in a human way you would say that’s unfair. I don’t think that anybody thinks bankruptcy is fair. It is what it is, though.” [Emphasis added]
Matthew Feldman, who had potentially more involvement in the Delphi pension slashing scheme than any other Obama official aside from Rattner, has not made contributions to Biden. Members of Feldman’s firm, Willkie Farr & Gallagher, where he is co-chairman, have donated tens of thousands to Biden.
It is unclear how many Obama officials who are linked to the Delphi pension slashing scheme are eyeing jobs in a Biden White House should he win on November 3. Biden is considering a number of former Obama officials for top-level jobs, many under the mantle of “diversity.”
Delphi, which has since split into Aptiv and Delphi Technologies, announced in 2006 that it would shutter 21 of its 29 plants in the United States — offshoring some 20,000 U.S. jobs to Mexico, China, and other foreign countries.
At the time, Delphi employed nearly 50,000 Americans, who earned about $30 an hour on the assembly line. Now, workers in Mexico for the company earn about $1 an hour.
2020 Election Economy Politics American workers auto bailout Delphi Delphi workers General Motors Joe Biden Obama off shoring Tim Geithner
OPINION:  The Democrats are the worst ‘crooks’ in our country.  They use the voters to sham them in voting for democrats and the Democrats turn around use them like baits and through them to curve like ‘dogs’.
Its a shame that the Democrats are allowed to do such ‘evil’ things to their voters and the cities and states that they live in.
Let the truth be told!
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sandrabuloc · 4 years ago
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maria-vania · 4 years ago
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crissgeithner · 2 months ago
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Merry Christmas 🎄 Harry Geithner Alegrías y bendiciones juntos! @crissgeithner
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jennielim · 4 years ago
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claudiaramirezgifs · 3 years ago
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poinblank · 4 years ago
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realchauhoang · 3 years ago
*Kristi Lynn Noem* [R]: *Secretary of 66A*
- from State of South Dakota
*Timothy Franz Geithner* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York
*Kenneth Leonard Wainstein* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York and Virginia
*Nikki Rahdhawa Haley* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of South Carolina
*Elise Marie Stefanik* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York
*Nikki Marie Brust* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*Evan Maureen Ryan* [D]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*DeAnna Lorraine Tesoriero* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of California
*Pamela Ashley Brown* [R]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*Christopher William “Chris” Wallace* [D]: *Deputy Secretary of 66A*
- from District of Columbia
*Michele Marie Bachmann* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Minnesota
*Thomas Hawley Tuberville* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Alabama
*Barbara Jean Comstock* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*Ronna Romney McDaniel* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Michigan
*Kelly Lynn Loeffler* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Georgia
*Sean Thomas Connaughton* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*Gerald Edward Connolly* [D]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Virginia
*Abby Haight “Abigail” Livingston* [R]: *Associate Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Connecticut
*Adam Daniel Kinzinger* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Illinois
*Erielle Roodman Reshef* [D]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York
*Renee Kathleen Zellweger* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York and Virginia
*William Harrison Frist* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Tennessee
*Martha Bowes MacCallum* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New Jersey
*Stacey Lauretta Dash* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of New York
*Ronald Dion DeSantis* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Florida
*Eva Martinez Guzman* [R]: *Lieutenant Secretary of 66A*
- from State of Texas
*Martha Dubina Roby* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Alabama
*Ryan Edward Hansan* [D]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Virginia
*Michael Richard Pompeo* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Kansas
*Harris Kimberley Faulkner* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of New Jersey
*Kymberly Kalil Fichtner* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of California
*Mary Joe Matalin* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Virginia
*Vicky Jo Hartzler* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Missouri
*Kelly Marie Schulz* [R]: Deputy Lieutenant Secretary of 66A
- from State of Maryland
*Brett Michael Kavanaugh* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from District of Columbia
*Rex Wayne Tillerson* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of Texas
*Kathleen Laura Kraninger* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from District of Columbia
*Betsy Sue Aidem* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of Florida
*Stephen Edward Biegun* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of Virginia
*Michelle Eunjoo Steel* [R]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of California
*Albert Arnold “Al” Gore* [D]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of Virginia
*Melinda Ruth “Mindy” Koeninger* [D]: Deputy Secretary of 66A of Mental Health
- from State of Virginia
Secretary of 66A: *Carole Simpson Marshall*
- from State of Massachusetts
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Amy Coney Barrett*
- from State of Indiana
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Jessica Norann Stump*
- from State of Virginia
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Susan Ashton Thornton*
- from State of Maine
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Bernadette Michelle Meehan*
- from District of Columbia
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Barbara Anne Leaf*
- from District of Columbia
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Sarah Hull Cleveland*
- from District of Columbia
Deputy Secretary of 66A: *Rena Elizabeth Bitter*
- from District of Columbia
Under Secretary of 66A: *Patricia Anna “Trish” Schneider*
- from State of Florida
Under Secretary of 66A: *Kimberley Marie Wyman*
- from State of Washington
Under Secretary of 66A: *Lauren Britney Sisler*
- from State of Alabama
Under Secretary of 66A: *Christine Elizabeth Stanwood*
- from State of Oklahoma
Under Secretary of 66A: *Jennifer O’Malley Dillion*
- from State of Maryland
Under Secretary of 66A: *Christy Marie Perry*
- from State of Idaho
Under Secretary of 66A: *Edward Chase “Ned” Price*
- from State of Virginia
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Kristin Anne Fisher*
- from District of Columbia
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Janice Kyes McGeachin*
- from State of Idaho
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Elaine Goodman Luria*
- from State of Virginia
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Ellie Leah Altshuler*
- from State of California
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Olympia Jean Snowe*
- from State of Maine
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Danielle Jenna Genet*
- from State of New York
Lieutenant Secretary of 66A: *Julia Janelle Letlow*
- from State of Louisiana
0 notes
dianaluis008 · 4 years ago
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