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meanitwithlove · 4 months ago
Hardworking women are the backbone of countless communities, demonstrating unwavering dedication and resilience in their personal and professional lives, often juggling multiple roles with grace and determination despite facing societal challenges. They are the mothers, teachers, entrepreneurs, doctors, engineers, and leaders who push boundaries, break stereotypes, and pave the way for future generations.
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oldtownsanclemente · 1 year ago
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So thankful to all you workers out there. This world can't run without you in it! 🤠
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irinashaykus · 3 years ago
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ohhsillybrii · 4 years ago
Chapter Three
Chapter Three! Journey with me into my third decade. Here is out it begins.
Journey with me… Life has a funny way of teaching/showing you things on time so you can prepare yourself. Not everything is promised to prepare you. It’s cray what bullets I’ve missed on this journey — I am so grateful. For life is precious and any sudden move can change your direction. I am blessed and I am thankful! There has been so much going on, I have been all sorts of all over the place.…
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shwinnieanioce · 5 years ago
An Efficient Woman
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Vik Muniz 2008 Woman Ironing, from the series “Pictures of Garbage”
5 new facts about this artwork:
(a)  The artist, Vik Muniz, is Brazilian
(b) The goal was to project the lives of urban laborers
(c) The theme was inspired by Picasso’s painting
(d) This painting is very recent, 2008
(e) The clutter represents a recycling picker
The way I thought about the art did not change. I immediately assumed the woman in the picture was doing something that caused her to work hard. The way she seemed to be focused on the task gave an image that she was into it and putting great effort with her hands. The clutter in the background portrays that she is overwhelmingly occupied with things to do. Even though she is cluttered with things, she still does her work efficiently.
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gerardoillanez · 5 years ago
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🚀#juevesdejuegodetendencias No.41 🚀🤩 #marketingonline 😎 #DayWorkCafe 🥰 #hardworkingwomen 🤓 #negociosonline 👌🇲🇽 RESULTADOS EN TIEMPO REAL La razón, por la que los gigantes del Internet enfrentan tantas demandas, és... Texto en: http://dayworkcafe.com/blog/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B8PdkG1F5bf/?igshid=rjubqv6t9ibx
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buymartian · 3 years ago
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#ClickLinkInMyBio 👽✌🏽🛸 Buy Martian Merch ™ : www.BuyMartian.com  All the haps : www.linqapp.com/comp735 © comp735 ™ LLC. All Rights Reserved. Shareable On Social Media. Unauthorized use not permitted. #motivatedmonday #hustlewithheart #hardworkingwoman💪 #hustleandheart #hustlemodeactivated💯 #hustlemodeactivated💥 #grindseason #hustleandgrind #hustlelife #motivatedaf #hustlewithease #grinditout #hardworkingwomen #hardworkingman #hustlequeen #motivationfriday #hustleloyaltyrespect #motivationtuesday #hustleandbustle #hustlemodeactivated💰 #motivationvideos #grindeveryday #feelingmotivated #hustlemodeactivated #hustletime #hardworkingwoman #motivatedtosucceed #hustleking #LifeOfAPhoenix https://www.instagram.com/p/CdHu6_Bjzfa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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heatherholty · 4 years ago
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Happy International Women’s Day to all you hard-working women out there who’ve been working your asses off to tell your stories, from your perspectives. Women, whom swell and bleed and cramp to sometimes intolerable levels every month, and in spite of this, show up. Cheers to our aging skin, our wrinkles and our chin hairs that seem to be more abundant by the day, and even still, rejoicing in our changing beauty. And, cheers to fighting through the countless times we’ve been bullied, harassed or demeaned when it comes to technical knowledge or skill. From these trials, we’ve emerged as diamonds. 💎 . . 📸 by @dnellls taken on set for a music video for an incredibly badass woman @sarabareilles . . #happyinternationalwomensday #female #women #filmmakers #directors #hardworkingwomen #filmmaking #equalfooting #badasswomen https://www.instagram.com/p/CMNYaSKJtEy/?igshid=ekb6x5vkz2zg
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ravisukirtiverma-official · 4 years ago
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We are trying to help people to give them good content and motivate them for better successful life. You can follow us for more posts and videos Follow @ravikverma_official Follow @ravikverma_official Follow @ravikverma_official #hardwork #hardworkpaysoffs #hardworking #hardworker #hardworkbeatstalent #hardworkpayingoff #hardworkpaidoff #hardworkingwomen #hardworkalwayspaysoff #hardworkanddedication #success #successtips #successmindset #successsecrets #successcoach #successfulmindset #successmotivation #successformula #successgoals #successhabits #successprinciples #successclub #successaddict #successiskey #successstorycontinues #hahardwork #hahardworking #hahardworkers #hahardworker #hahardworksunday (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMAKlA9hcal/?igshid=a3b9y63ayjes
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buymartian · 3 years ago
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#ClickLinkInMyBio 👽✌🏽🛸 Buy Martian Merch ™ : www.BuyMartian.com  All the haps : www.linqapp.com/comp735 © comp735 ™ LLC. All Rights Reserved. Shareable On Social Media. Unauthorized use not permitted. #motivatedmonday #hustlewithheart #hardworkingwoman💪 #hustleandheart #hustlemodeactivated💯 #hustlemodeactivated💥 #grindseason #hustleandgrind #hustlelife #motivatedaf #hustlewithease #grinditout #hardworkingwomen #hardworkingman #hustlequeen #motivationfriday #hustleloyaltyrespect #motivationtuesday #hustleandbustle #hustlemodeactivated💰 #motivationvideos #grindeveryday #feelingmotivated #hustlemodeactivated #hustletime #hardworkingwoman #motivatedtosucceed #hustleking #LifeOfAPhoenix (at Planet Mars) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdHiH1Oj669/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bigbluelogox · 4 years ago
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We make hard working tools for hard working people around the world like @noah_reanna in Canada, all manufactured right here in the USA. 👍🏼🇺🇸🇨🇦🌳 #TeamLogOX 📸• @noah_reanna I'm not gonna say anything about how beautiful the weather has been lately! If I do, it'll turn -30° tomorrow! It was 0° yesterday, -1° this morning. It makes me wonder why we did all our roofing out in Watson when it was -32. We could've just waited a month for this spring weather! I guess roofing in extreme weather builds character...right? - - - - #choppingwood #choppingfirewood #firewood #firewoodstorage #firewoodprocessor #firewoodfordays #firewoodshed #burningwood #cuttingfirewood #firewoods #burningfirewood #axe #woodaxe #axes #axethrowing #choppingwoodlookinggood #springweather #springworkout #hardworkingwomen #armworkout #axewomen #woodworker #woodsplitter #teamlogox #logox #bigbluelogox #chainsaw #callousedhandsclub #callousedhands (at White Horse Yukon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKRdqC4hzwY/?igshid=sj0078utz54j
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cookingwithkimberly · 4 years ago
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I know people out there have been offended or aggravated by me not calling, texting or visiting. I have been hard at work & under pressure to get this done before the cold set in. I don't think any of you wanted to move 10 tons of soil with me, or 9 tons of rock, concrete slabs, installing chicken wire, or any of the other tough jobs needed to accomplish what I had to for my business. I was certainly not ignoring you, and will get back with you, when I am able. #mamasgottawork #determinedwomen #successinmind #goals #deadlines #hardworkingwomen #dreambig #achievements https://www.instagram.com/p/CFZnILbDnn2/?igshid=1xgj27wf3jygv
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irinashaykus · 3 years ago
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pickteam · 5 years ago
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#1 in SE FLORIDA🎉 21 Years of consistent performance, dedication, passion, skill, care, diligence. #blessed Thank you to all our clients for your friendship, loyalty and business, we appreciate you💕 Thank you also to my dynamite team @sheryl_realtor1 sheryl_realtor1 and @janiceccrealtor - you ladies are simply the best! ❤️ #thepickteam #coldwellbanker #1 #awardwinning #hardworking #hardworkingwomen #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #team #teamwork @coldwellbankerwestonfl (at Weston, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjq-B0ADTD/?igshid=gwvrnwr050tr
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entrepreneur-field11 · 5 years ago
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Do you agree with it ?? If yes then like , share , comment and do WORK HARD. MAKE MONEY. HAVE FUN. . . @prilaga #hardworking #hardworkspiritandsoul #hardworkingmom #hardworkquotes #hardworkpaidoff #hardworkalwayspaysoff #prilaga #hardwork #hardworkingman #hardworkin #hardworkpayoff #hardworkpapai #hardworkspaysoff #hardworkwork #hardworkpaysof #hardworkpaysoffs #hardworkout #hardworkingwomen #hardworkpays #hardworkingwoman #hardworkpaysoff💪 #hardworkbeatstalent #hardworkworks #hardworker #hardworkdedication #hardworkwillpayoff #hardworkanddedication #hardworkers https://www.instagram.com/p/CDbdSU4nVy-/?igshid=mrnm49et3dte
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buymartian · 3 years ago
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#ClickLinkInMyBio 👽✌🏽🛸 Buy Martian Merch ™ : www.BuyMartian.com  All the haps : www.linqapp.com/comp735 © comp735 ™ LLC. All Rights Reserved. Shareable On Social Media. Unauthorized use not permitted. #motivatedmonday #hustlewithheart #hardworkingwoman💪 #hustleandheart #hustlemodeactivated💯 #hustlemodeactivated💥 #grindseason #hustleandgrind #hustlelife #motivatedaf #hustlewithease #grinditout #hardworkingwomen #hardworkingman #hustlequeen #motivationfriday #hustleloyaltyrespect #motivationtuesday #hustleandbustle #hustlemodeactivated💰 #motivationvideos #grindeveryday #feelingmotivated #hustlemodeactivated #hustletime #hardworkingwoman #motivatedtosucceed #hustleking #LifeOfAPhoenix https://www.instagram.com/p/CdHSu-wrJNS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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