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Vriska Serket, Aradia Megido
Act 5, page 2144
arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling apocalypseArisen [AA]
AG: Araaaaaaaadiiiiiiiia!
AA: 0h b0y thats way t00 many of the same letter in a r0w twice
AG: I know!
AG: So we're a8out to get started right?
AG: Have you tricked Sollux yet?
AG: Do you have Mr. Two Eyes all 8efuddled and flustered in your we8 of lies?
AG: Or Mr. Four Eyes?
AG: Hmmmmmmmmm.
AG: I don't know. Which nickname do you think would 8e suita8ly derogatory in this case Aradia?
AA: h0w ab0ut
AA: eight eyes
AA: minus seven
AG: ::::P
AA: i didnt trick him
AA: its n0t like that
AG: Ok, whatever. The point is.
AG: Once you have pulled the finely woven silken mesh over his dum8 different colored eyes, you and I will start playing the game and 8e the 8lue team leaders.
AG: That's how this will work right????????
AG: Wait do you mind if we are co-leaders? I forgot to ask! I just assumed it was ok with you.
AA: i d0nt care
AG: Great. That's the spirit!
AG: And when I 8ring you into the game, whatever the hell that means, then we can send each other stuff right? That is how this works right?
AA: yes
AG: Awesome!
AG: 8ecause I have a present for you. It's a surprise, and it's going to 8e great. From me to you.
AG: Just from me. From me alone and no8ody else.
AG: I can't wait to see the look on your face when you see.
AA: 0k well im sure it will be very th0ughtful
AG: Hey speaking of which, what will the name of our team 8e?
AA: uh
AA: the blue team
AG: No no no no no. I know that.
AG: I mean the name of OUR team. You and me. Just uuuuuuuus.
AG: ::::)
AA: i havent given it any th0ught
AA: n0r did i think such a thing was up f0r c0nsiderati0n
AA: but if y0u want t0 pretend we b0th have a separate team t0gether
AA: and name that team
AA: then kn0ck y0urself 0ut
AG: I just thought it would 8e really fitting.
AG: Kind of like a fresh start, you know?
AG: I don't know, what are our shared interests? I guess I never really thought a8out this! I guess I'm used to thinking of you as the enemy. There must 8e some overlap in profiles.
AG: Come oooooooon, let's 8rainstorm!
AA: 0_0
AG: Man, it'll 8e great. We'll 8e unstoppa8le. Surely you must admit it will 8e nice to re8ound from the Team Charge de8acle!
AA: i never think ab0ut that anym0re
AG: Oh maaaaaaaan, I'm so dum8! Here I am running my mouth and opening up old wounds, while at the very same time trying to make amends! What an idiot.
AA: its 0k
AG: Hey speaking of which, that loser isn't going to 8e on the 8lue team is he?
AA: which l0ser
AG: Your old team 8uddy!
AA: n0
AG: Oh thank fucking goodness! Talk a8out dead weight. You made the right choice, leader! I mean co-leader.
AA: i didnt exclude him f0r that reas0n
AA: 0r at all
AA: y0ure just n0t getting it
AA: y0u never listen
AG: Man, now I've got this huge 8eefgrub lodged in my nook just thinking a8out him.
AG: I'm going to go give him a hard time.
AG: Let me know when you're live! Later.
arachnidsGrip [AG] ceased trolling apocalypseArisen [AA]
AA: d0nt d0 that its really childish
AA: uh w0w
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> Aradia + Sollux: Discuss Pressing Priorities
apicultured hey 1 have a press1ng quest10n why d1d y0u make an alter eg0 w1th a last name y0u cant/w0nt pr0n0unce just w0nder1ng, as 0ne d0es Last Thursday at 11:26 PM
biolacis ii've been thiinkiing about that a lot thii2 afternoon, and ii thiink ii've developed a hypothe2ii2. you 2ee, ii'm 2tupiid.
apicultured a1ght fa1r en0ugh
apicultured u 0k btw
biolacis hungover.
biolacis ii'm feeliing regret twoniight iin thii2 triilii'2.
apicultured blech! d1d y0u dr1nk c0ffee 0r eat s0meth1ng yet?
biolacis ii got liike, two gla22e2 of watered down 2cotch and almo2t blew iit. why diidn't anyone ever tell me ii turned iintwo a hoe when ii driink. ii'll get 2omethiing.
apicultured d1d y0u try t0 put the m0ves 0n karkat
biolacis no ii diid NOT. ii ju2t. yknow. got friiendly wiith everyone.
biolacis nothiing weiird about iit.
apicultured 0h s0 y0u put the m0ves 0n every0ne?
biolacis no AA ii diidn't put the move2 on everyone.
apicultured darn s0 y0u tr1ed t0 what, hug pe0ple? '1111 L00VE Y0U BRAHHHHHHH' pe0ple? because hahahaha 0h my g0d at least y0u d1dnt l0se y0ur glasses
biolacis that'2 what *you're* liike when you driink, fool.
apicultured hey hey,
apicultured theres n0 need f0r th1s, 1m like that /s0ber/
biolacis that'2 true. anyway2 yeah thank the god2 below ii 2tiill have my gla22e2.
apicultured y0u cant drag me 1f 1 can drag me better yeah
biolacis iif ii lo2t them ii'm pretty 2ure NP would've 2uperglued them two my face. god.
apicultured y eha
apicultured the l1sp came cl0se but ykn0w hell th1nk 0f s0meth1ng plaus1ble
biolacis ii don't thiink he 2u2pected anythiing. he 2eem2 two thiink ii wa2 ju2t embarra22ed about iit.
biolacis god how diid ii thiink ii wouldn't have two 2ay my full name at 2ome poiint.
apicultured d1d y0u p1ck 1t 0r d1d npe *nepeta als0 hey 1t happens t0 the best 0f us, and 1n th1s, 1t seems, we are n0t the best 0f us why b0ther h1d1ng the l1sp th0ugh? 1ts n0t l1ke y0ure the 0nly tr0ll w1th 1t
biolacis ii diid. ii fiigured 2iince ii'm named after 2tar2 iit would be ea2y two piick more 2tar2 for an oh that'2. that'2 a diirect correlatiion. AA.
biolacis ii'm goiing two diie a 2wiift and merciile22 death 2ome day 2oon and ii want you two wriite on my grave2tone "totally had iit comiing." anyway2 ii wa2 only tryiing two hiide iit from hiim.
biolacis ii diidn't want another rea2on for hiim two be 2u2piiciiou2.
apicultured that 1s actually a d1rect c0rrelat10n wh1ch 1s amaz1ng 0f c0urse 0ur sense 0f theatr1cs w0nt be 1mpeded by th1ngs like "c0mm0n sense" h0wever 1ts n0t l1ke "hey this weird tealblood IS SECRETLY THE HEIR BECAUSE THEY HAVE SIMILAR NAMES" 1s a th0ught th0ught by pe0ple 0f the sane persuas10n s0 1 th1nk 1t sh0uld be f1ne!
apicultured als0 karkat 1s waaaay t00 l0g1cal and clear m1nded t0 ever catch w1nd 0f the stup1d absurd bullsh1t we are d01ng, lets be real
apicultured l1ke, wh0 even d0es th1s
biolacis 2orry, ii wa2 out wiith NP for awhiile and when ii came back ii dove iintwo a call and ii can't ii heard hiim cryiing AA. ii don't know what happened but ii heard hiim cryiing, ii couldn't even a2k what wa2 wrong, ii.
biolacis do we have two even do thii2, why can't we ju2t tell hiim.
apicultured 1 d0nt kn0w - remember 1 sa1d the exact same th1ng? 1 th1nk 1ts y0ur secret t0 tell and 0n the pract1cal s1de h1s res0urces can 0nly help us help us d0....whatever the fuck were d01ng 1 guess d0 y0u kn0w why he was cry1ng? 0n0
biolacis my re2pon2e two all of the2e thiing2: ii don't know. ii acciidentally came iin on what ii thiink wa2 a priivate conver2atiion and he wa2 drunk and kept apologiiziing for not beiing compo2ed.
apicultured 0n0
biolacis the other per2on wa2 drunk two and wa2 about two tell me what happened after he went two bed but iit felt weiird and creepy two let them tell me wiithout hii2 knowledge.
apicultured thats true...wh0 were they?
biolacis iidk, 2omebody named liil.
biolacis iit wa2 weiird and ii feel liike a real creep about the whole thiing.
apicultured 1ts n0t l1ke y0u eavesdr0pped 0n purp0se 0r s0meth1ng
apicultured 1 als0 feel k1nda bad f0r keep1ng 1t a secret fr0m h1m... he t00k y0ur death really hard s0 d1d we all really, but espec1ally h1m
biolacis yeah. ii'm. 2tiill 2orry, AA.
apicultured 1t wasnt y0ur fault 1t happened, sh1td1ngus n0ne 0f 1t 1s.
biolacis part of iit wa2, cockwea2el. but ii'm 2orry for the griief iit cau2ed you. whether iit wa2 my fault or not, iit 2tiill hurt you and everyone el2e.
apicultured bppthtphpbpthpthph hey, d0nt w0rry ab0ut 1t
apicultured 1m just glad y0ure back and 1m n0t dead
biolacis me: (actiively worryiing about iit) cool ii won't worry about iit. ii'm glad we're both here two.
apicultured wh0 even k1dnapped y0u 1ll make the1r tech strangle them 0r s0meth1nf fuck yeah be1ng here 1 1nv1ted karkat f0r a m0v1e 0r game marath0n th0 he hasnt answered heads up s0 y0u kn0w 1f y0u can be there 0r n0t 1f he says yes
apicultured th0ugh 1 v0te f0r tell1ng h1m because 1 d0nt really kn0w what r1sk c0uld 1t be
biolacis 2ome douchebag named eriidan. he call2 hiim2elf "rope2" but iit'2 2o 2tupiid that he can't get anyone el2e two call hiim that.
biolacis al2o thank2 for the head2 up, ii'm. not really 2ure what ii'm goiing two do yet.
biolacis NP thiink2 he'2 a huge liiabiiliity becau2e of hii2 2hiit wiith the paparazzii, whiich ii can 2ee, but.
apicultured . . . . . .1 th1nk 1 kn0w h1m fr0m fvrrp. he kept h1tt1ng 0n me and 1 kept ru1n1ng h1s tech. well, hed rather d1e than betray y0ur secret, s0 all y0ud have t0 d0 1s n0t be 0verly cl1ngy 1n public 1 guess?
biolacis what the fuck. and ii thought he wa2 a creep two me lmao, of cour2e the guy hiit2 on dii2iintere2ted people onliine.
biolacis ii got two punch hiim iin the face when NP broke me out 2o that wa2 pretty 2weet. ii 2hould've hiit hiim extra hard iin your honor. and 🤷♀️. me not beiing overly-cliingy, ii have been told, ii2 iimpo22iible, but ii'll try talkiing two NP about iit agaiin. ii want u2 all two be able to hang out twogether. ii don't want thii2 two be a weiird thiing between all four of u2, no le22.
apicultured hahaha, d1d y0u kn0ck a t00th 0ut?
apicultured hahaha g0dd 1 kept awaken1ng h1s b10tech's wh1thered breed1ng subr0ut1nes s0 h1s c0mputer w0uld try t0 hump h1m 0r anyth1ng nearest and h0nestly 1m st1ll pr0ud 0f that well, 0nly 1n publ1c! wrap ar0und h1m 1n pr1vate as much as y0u want my guy, 1ts n0t l1ke 1 havent bas1cally d0ne that t0 every0ne s1nce my ressurect10n 1...1 want us all t0 hang 0ut and have fun t00.
biolacis ooooh my gooood.
biolacis that'2 fuckiing hiilariiou2. ii would have paiid my own weiight iimperiial2 two 2ee that 2lobberiing liittle ba2tard get t-bagged by hii2 own computer. iif ii ever 2ee hiim agaiin (let'2 hope not) ii'll ab2olutely 2nag a tooth for you.
biolacis 2iigh. ii. ju2t want u2 two be able two all catch up on the tiime we've mii22ed out on each other all the2e 2weep2. ii wii2h we diidn't have two do iit 2eparately. or 2neakiily. you and KK alway2 got two 2pend tiime twogether, and KK and ii diid two, but never the three of u2. ii alway2 really wanted that. hopefully. hopefully iit won't alway2 be liike thii2.
apicultured 1f he tr1es t0 get at y0u aga1n y0ull see a rerun 0f the 0le t-bag v1rus, but yeah lets av01d h1m 0n0 1t w1ll happen! y0u w0nt h1de away f0rever. cm0n lets ask nep
biolacis ehehe. ii'll have two a2k you for the 2criipt for that one. alriight.
biolacis rub2 face.
apicultured 1ll gladly share 0u0 we can talk t0 her t0gether 1f y0u l1ke als0 we can play v1de0games bef0re talk1ng t0 her 0r s0meth1ng, 1 dunn0 well get thr0ugh th1s, s0llux, we g0t th1s
biolacis iif we play viideo game2 then you have two promii2e not two kiick my a22 at lea2t one tiime. iit'2 alriight. ii can do iit, unle22 you wanna talk two her two.
apicultured hahahahah weeeaaak
biolacis we'll be okay.
apicultured but 0kay, scrubl0rd
apicultured and yeah sure mental backup and sh1t hell yeah we w1ll
biolacis ii *am* weak. ii weiigh 90 lb2 and ii liive on a nectar2uckler'2 diiet. ii'm talkiing whiite chocolate chiip2 and miike'2 hard lemonade. let me make a group chat.
apicultured please eat s0me hearty p1zza 1 beg 0f y0u n1ce
biolacis ii eat a 2liice of piizza. ii 2hriink by two iinche2.
apicultured 1ts g00d f0r y0u!
biolacis ii'm a healthy boy.
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it’s a hard kn0ck life f0r me.
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/* Y0u've Never Had A Reas0n T0 Use Weap0n 1n Self Defence? That 1 Have A Hard T1me Bel1ev1ng */
/* Y0u Must Be 1n S0me L0wbl00d C0mmune 0r S0meth1ng. There's Barely A W1pe That G0es By Where 1 D0n't Have T0 Kn0ck S0me F00l D0wn A Few Pegs F0r Start1ng Sh1t. S0met1mes 1 Use My 0wn Cust0m Bu1lt Hammer F0r That */
timoroustomahawk started following you
/* Well N0w, G00d Even1ng. Dr Vesper Phyr1a. H0w M1ght 1 Help Y0u Stranger? */
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hard-kn0cks reblogged your post and added:
Yea it happens, the new game hype hasn’t worn off...
i fuck with undertale but i play melee competitively so im too loyal
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Yea man Im a willing learner so if your ever able to set up a live stream ill def watch it.
awesome, ill shoot you a link when the time comes
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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Dude making videogame sprites is tough how do you guys do it? Where do you get the resources? Is there a tutorial or a video somewhere I can watch?
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So my dash did a thing a while back haha
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My Tumblr Crushes:
everyone should go follow these people if you already aren't. i got a lot more blogs that i wanna give a shout out too, and i probably will in another post.
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hard-kn0cks answered your post: DOES SOMEBODY KNOW A PAGE WHERE YOU CA...
well on android theres a app called “manga watcher” it has to be downloaded off the internet
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! i never knew there where apps for that. I just add the app to my celphone and download a manga <3
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just search up any of the turbo series on the project m's youtube channel
Found it, thank you.
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hard-kn0cks reblogged your photo and added:
anime name plox
mirai nikki
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Yea man I would love to learn sometime and yea I used to make amvs so cutting on beat something I did a lot the concept just seemed the same for sampling/beats
thats pretty cool man, an amv over one of your beats would be sick too, just saiyan. but if i manage to set up a live stream, ill let you know, id be glad to go through the basics and shit. i love talking about beats
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