darkdemeter · 3 months
Hey hey, could i please have a request?
So imagine that the reader is traveling with death to restore the humanity and they get along so well and are kind of flirty and the reader is falling for him. One day they meet Vulgrim and she out of curiosity falls into his serpent hole and is transported to the past to meet the young and unruly death, who we know was a menace when younger. And then they have their interactions the reader goes back to the current version of death. How do you think that would go?
Have a lovely day and thank you for your work!
◤✘DARKSIDERS COLUMN | Death x Female Reader
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NOTES: ↳ OH. MY. GOSH. ANON! Writing this was the bomb!! Interesting concept, a wonderful opportunity to explore pre-horseman "younger" Death. I tried to keep a balance between his more mature personality while also having some fun with giving him a bit of spunk -- I couldn't stop giggling! WARNINGS! ↳ Just death being a bit of a young menace, but he kinda cute doing it sooo.... but like there's also fluff/hurt stuff?
✎5.4k ────────────────
When people used to say: “I wish I could meet the younger version of you.” They don’t actually know what they’re asking for. Because who in their right mind would want to meet Death in the prime of his bloodlust? 
The thought struck a fancy with you after your encounter with the demoness, Lilith. Her presence exotic and threatening without explicitly doing anything remotely violent. It was the sensual octave that carried her words like a lullaby you had found forbidding to hear, yet you fall prey to the temptation to hear just one more word.
That didn’t stop you from hiding behind Death, his back rigid to the point the knocks of his spine straightened slightly when her hand lingered a little too close to brush a stray framing of hair out from your face. 
But it was what she recounted that piqued your curiosity. Her children. Enriching lore of a species most loathed from long ago, a bloody crusade where they met their end by Death’s hands. From her retelling and the mystical pulse of life that beats in the embedded shards in his chest, even speaking of them appeared to pain him both physically and mentally. A burden you could never carry for him nor tell him to abandon. 
For a human, whose patience often wanes at the smallest of inconvenience, you show a lot of compassion and understanding for the weight on his shoulders. And never would you know exactly how thankful Death has become for your company. At times almost yearning for it whenever you are but a few feet away, or the thought crosses his mind to take you back to the Tri-Forge and leave you in the Maker’s care. Your fragility means more to him now than it has before, sometimes just looking at you eases just a fraction of that guilt he pushes deeper down. 
You’d both formed far too much of a bond so unnatural to the opinion of others, yet it fell into some assortment of right for you. 
You can’t possibly imagine being left behind, not now. Not after how far you have come all this way together. 
But yes, that saying. Did people ever realise what it was they were saying? 
“Meeting the mother-in-law already, baby albums and all.” Your voice crackles on the hot, muggy wind that travels through this slice of inferno, sky a spiral of darkness and hellfire smog. “Dare I say it, I wish I could meet the younger—”
“Don’t even think about finishing that sentence,” he warns with a low and thorough rasp that rattled in his chest. 
You cannot help but spare him a teasing wrinkle of your nose and puckering your tongue out between your teeth, body twisting from side to side innocently.
You can’t help but chuckle with a slight bounce in your step. “Sounds like you were quite the bad boy.”
You merely roll your eyes as he gruffly replies with a huff, “Your perception cannot possibly begin to fathom the prime of my youth… or handle it.”
Despite his attempt of coming off cool and collected, you could hear the bitter coil of something else underline his words. 
Oh, how mystical and dark and brooding he always was and portrayed himself to be. You’re sure that there is something a little less grim beneath that rough exterior. Hell — and that saying excludes your current locale — you have witnessed it before in the engagements of fun conversation that go back and forth to the point that a victor who gets the last say is indeterminable sometimes. So he’s not completely a lost cause of being impenetrable, he’s entertained you before with quite a few situations that you classified as flirting. Who knew that Death himself could make you blush bright and red?
He was close to claiming that title of victory this time, until you pad along to stop right in the middle of his tracks, his chest barely able to stop from bumping into you and causing your balance off kilter for a moment. 
“Come on, Death, at this point of travelling together, I can handle anything.”
He looks past your nonchalant grin and over your shoulder, seeming to cock a brow beneath the greying bone of his mask.
“Really now?” he hums, “Duck.”
“Wh—” you dare not finish to question him as you immediately take to assuming position, ducking low to the ground in preparation of an oncoming ambush unseen by you.
But it never comes. You hear a gravelly rumble of a chuckle emit from the reaper before you, his shoulders jostling a little with the motion. Your lips purse together and you scowl at him with everything you can muster to no avail of affecting him.
“Oh, ha ha. Very funny,” you snark back, walking alongside him as he continues to set your traversing pace. 
Noticing that he was heading back the way you came, you jutt a thumb to point behind you “Aren’t we meant to be going that way?” 
“Your sense of direction has improved astonishingly, girl,” Death snickers dryly, the slur of flirty endearment almost lost in his words. He continues, “We’re paying a visit to Vulgrim.” 
Ugh, even saying that name brings a ghoulish, slimy chill to climb your spine uncomfortably. 
“Horseman,” The greenish bulbs of his eyes shrink behind a wrinkling brow of pale, craggily skin. Then his eyes see you and the form in which they almost bulge from their sockets sickens you. “And your little human companion! Your scent is just as… lovely as ever, my dear.” 
The gaping maw of his lipless mouth twists into a creeping grin so unnerving it causes knots of fear to tie in your gut. 
“Uh, no,” you say with an adamant shake of your head. No way in this life or the next would you trade your soul to Vulgrim of all fiends. Death had warned you to just keep your soul to yourself in general if offered to sell it for a little something in return. 
“Your dealings are with me, Vulgrim.” Death is clear and quick to establish your presence before the serpent hole. The demon trader, sighing grimly with a black, slimy tongue ringing over his cracked and deformed fangs, addresses Death. 
“Very well. Let us see what I have to offer… and what you can afford.”
Vulgrim usually dances about his serpent hole but never ventured too far if he can help it, usually to usher you away from it with a warning, “If you know what is best for your longevity, stay away from there.” 
And most of the time, Death kept a watchful eye on you to keep you from falling face first into the next trap of trouble. However, this time around, the pool of green mist is left surprisingly unguarded. With a curious tilt of your head and scrunch of your nose, your boots pad on over as you walk towards it. 
You can’t make out a bottom through the wafting cloud of mist that rises from the hole. Still you arch your body to peer over the edge and down into it as though you’d find something soon enough if you just inch that little bit—
“Human!” Death bellows as he rushes to you, only just seeing your form stumble and fall forward. A yelp of surprise turns into a blood-curdling scream as you sink into the smoggy abyss. The green haze around you fades into a darker shade until all around you is black nothingness. Your voice throws over into a thousand echoes that follow you. You’re still falling. At least it feels that way and for a moment you think you’ve closed your eyes; it’s hard to tell with the inky black around you.
A bright tone paints onto the surface of your closed eyes and you fall onto ground, dusty and hard, small rocks jab and scrape as you land. The brunt of the fall knocks the wind from you and you take a moment to recover your bearings, soon to rise to your feet and brush off the smears of dirt on your clothes.
“Okay. Duly noted: do not go anywhere near serpent holes,” you affirm strongly with newfound belief, only to be met by silence.
No scolding words that apprehend your actions. Not the familiar grasp of a cold, large hand that strangely warms you and causes your heart rate to pick up a little faster. No, you turn and shift on your heel to scan all directions about you. 
“Uhm… Death? Vulgrim?” You’ve spun yourself into a circle a million times over by now. “Anyone? Hello?”
For certain this is not the same slice of hell you had accompanied Death to and no serpent hole was in sight. Instead, you're in some cavernous valley of dust land and patches of grass and foliage, in the distance stands the mounds of high reaching cliff sides. 
Where exactly are you? 
As a human evidently from earth, you had never once had the ability to traverse any realm unfamiliar. In fact, you never knew of the possible existence of them. And after meeting Death, you were strictly told to stay close. Realms harboured dangers of their own, a breed of some civilisation that undoubtedly hurt you if you ran off by yourself. 
And now you’re beginning to feel that seeping dread of despair dawn within you. That sulking hopelessness that you have cast yourself to some unknown corner of the cosmos, and Death has no idea where you dropped off to. 
“Death?” You ask aloud again. Were you lost forever? 
You begin to head off in a direction, putting the sun to your left as you look around for ideally any serpent holes that can hopefully drop you back where you belong. With Death. Without him here, you feel like a newborn fawn stumbling on its legs. He always made you feel safe, always ensured he was between you and whatever threat that tried to get you, even if he got hurt because of it. 
You continue to call out to the wind that sweeps over you, the sun beating down hard. You brush aside a flurry of hair from your face, your pace slowing exponentially as you practically stumble through this unknown territory.
That’s when that sixth sense kicks in. You’re not sure if you had been ignoring the signs before or if the feeling just came, but all the same you feel that you’re being watched.
You’ve barely dived out of the way before something large crashes behind you, the scraping of claws digging into the crusty soil and the shifting balance of weight kicks up a cloud of dust behind the force of the leaping attack. Turning to face whatever it was, you grimace at the sight of a mangy looking hound that dwarfs you. Its skin is a burnt hue of reddish pink like it suffered constant exposure to the sun, what matted fur that lined its spine and cuffed around its ribs was a dark, sandy brown with dark, faded stripes. Its ears twitch as a high pitched wheeze passes through its open jaw that pries open like a snake. Rows of black teeth are coated in an oily surface of dripping saliva. 
You see another grapple down the cliff face to join the first, this one notably smaller, but not by much. Then another of the same size joins the second, each one stalking closer to corner you in. 
A piercing sharpness fills your chest and your hand grasps at the handle of your dagger. A simple form of defence, highly unlikely to fend off the predators easily, but better than nothing. 
Right about now, that favourable reaper of yours would be excellent company. There were so many things you wished you had said, times you procrastinated moving that bit closer to his side by the evening campfire meant for your safety and sanity. You fear that this is your end. For your quest in restoring humanity, one more human will be lost today, and Death will have to bear that burden. It saddens you in a way. That the guilt would eat away at him. 
One of the smaller hounds takes no more than a few steps forward, just about ready to pounce at you before a humming force sings through the air and with a meaty crunch of bone and mushed brain, an all familiar scythe fatally sheathed in its skull. 
You fall back on your arse, a relieved grin digs deep into your cheeks as you think Death has somehow found you. 
You look around, eager to see him, barely catching something fast cut through the corner of your vision. The next thing you know, the head of the second smaller hound rolls over, its tongue hanging loosely between its jaws, the decapitated appendage just resting at the heel of your boots. The sight makes you grumble in dull disgust.
However, you are brought into the shadow of the larger creature that now towers above you, caught with a gulp in your throat. By your lucky stars, its attention diverts from you and to your rescuer and dives forward. 
You only just turn your head when a pained shriek howls through the air and a severed limb flies some distance away. Followed by another and then a third limb, leaving the defeated creature to begin crawling away with a distorted whine. 
His silhouette bathed in the scorching sun is a sight of relief, though his attire had changed. Not the draping tabard of violet tied about his waist or the deep purple scarf hung over his shoulders. Mostly an assortment of bandages wrapped and woven around his arms, clad in iron fittings. He steps after the beast, following along the weeping trail of blood smeared into the dirt, scythes coming together as the long staff of Harvester and placed to his back. 
Your face contorts in response to the sheer brutality before you, visage twitching in your frazzled comprehension. Yes, Death had a very violent tendency to be dangerously savage, but he was well versed in being precise, but never at this level. Seeing him utilise naught but his inhuman strength at his disposal and his hands, he rips the hound’s upper jaw clean off until sheets of sinew and muscle were reduced to hair-thin threads. 
He drops the unhinged part to his feet with a wet, clumpy thump. Even you have to internally argue that Death may have lost himself a little there. When his head turns over his shoulder, the flicker of an amber glow catching you in his sights, you cannot help the reaction to freeze as you roll onto your belly. 
Something unfamiliar resides in his gaze like he’s seeing you for the first time. But rather than the confusion of an older entity seeing one of the many souls still alive, there is a frenzy of anger – adrenaline running a high river through him, driving him bloodmad. 
His upper body then begins to turn only to halt when you utter his name, form rigid in his study of you. Again, you try, “Death? Hey, it’s me.”
Immediately you’re met by the unsheathed blade of Harvester aimed against you and you skitter back with a hiss as the massive blade knicks your cheek. 
“Hey! Careful with that— what’s gotten into you?”
“Who are you?” 
Your face scrunches, a morphed complaint of your confusion. He only attempts to raise his scythe to your neck with a threat to render you headless at his whim. 
“I-it’s me, hello!” you laugh with bitter nervousness, “you know me. Y/N, the human you’ve been travelling with.”
He gives no form of recollection. Not that he’s easy to read with that mask of his, hiding all but the expression in his eyes. Or the way he narrows them upon hearing one word: Human. Call it intuition, a gut feeling, a divine touch; you feel that that word held some powerful trigger to the Horseman before you. And none that you had seen in him before. Almost a zeal of intense excitement flourishes in the furnace heart of his eyes. 
“A human?” Harvester balances in his grasp to lean against his shoulder, a curious tilt of his head somehow influences you to mimic the action with an affirmative hum.
“Uh-huh. We were on our way to restore humanity. We went extinct, remember?” 
“Really now?” 
When he begins to stalk closer and inching the gap between you shorter, you find yourself taking a few steps back. Something was… off. Death isn’t like his usual self. The concept of humans didn’t really phase him in such a way before. He just thought of humanity and their restoration as a mere key to gaining his brother’s freedom. Somehow integral to the balance but never once serving importance to him. But now, before your very eyes, he appears with a dark excitement as he looks you over. Like your very existence piques him. 
Was he flirting with his leash ten yards behind him? 
Now that’s very unlike your old reaper—
There’s a thought: he is not… that old. Sure, old by some standard in the scheme of time, but compared to when you were travelling together, you come to realise how noticeably younger he is. And still, he advances towards you until his shadow overthrows you, drowning you in it. 
Even if you wanted to chalk up your thoughts to some conspiracy, you also notice that there is a sore lack of soul-cursed shards embedded into the taut muscle of his chest. 
Alright. Now you’re beginning to put the pieces of this puzzle together. You have somehow landed in the great, great past.
It’s like your wish became a manifested reality. 
Bathed in the sunless dark of his shadow, your feet intend to shuffle back, only for his arm that handles his massive scythe extends forth, the pole of it acting as some guard that keeps you from moving any further away. 
You mumble to yourself then, resigning in your compliance to remain where you stand. He may not be trying to directly hurt you now, but if given the motivation, you could yet stand corrected. 
He continues to stare at you, long and hard pressing, you feel like an ant under the heated blink of a glass scope that is threatened to burn. A matter of curiosity is all you can surmise it to the way his neck extends forward, bending down until the bone form of his masked nose hovers over you, near deathly silent but still largely inhaling your scent.
The act is enough for that heated flush to deep into your skin. 
“Hey—hey, easy there, big guy,” you warn, voice wavering from the way he merely tilts his head before leaning in again. “No, I said n-no! Stop that—no, that tickles!” 
Upon you practically beating him away with the ferocity of your mitten gloves, he then circles you like a predatory beast. 
“How is this possible? Humanity’s creation has not yet come,” he inquisitively says. 
You give a shrug, choosing to be a little more careful of your words. Would anything you do or say alter time itself and affect your supposed present? 
Just with you being here would be enough to do just that if Death’s claim that humans weren’t born yet is true. 
“Uh, well… it’s not so simple to explain. You see, I er—”
Shit this was getting more and more difficult to explain with the growing anxiety dangerously lurking over you like a foreboding cloud. 
“I’m not from here.”
You can almost see his brow curve upward under the mask. “Evidently,” he drawls deeply in response. 
With a roll of your eyes you try again. 
“All I know is that I somehow fell through some serpent hole and got transported back in time. Now, I gotta find a way back.” 
“You mean to leave?” 
Already turning your back on him – unaware of such a grave mistake – you only nod in response, your eyes last to leave him. Who knows how much longer you will have to endure here before Death finds and rescues you from his younger self. 
But that just isn’t in your stack of cards. Again you’re almost blown to the four winds and land on the cushion of your arse, grumbling in pain as you stare up at him, standing right in the way of your path.
Your lips purse tightly together, you hiss, “Death!” 
He crouches in front of you, ignoring the way you attempt to pry him and push him away as he moves a hand forward. He holds your wrist at bay before you can land a firm push to his mask to shove him away, his amber eyes dance with a certain level of intrigue and his head tilting to the side leaves his raven hair to saddle alongside the motion. 
He peels the grubby article off your hand to reveal the bareness of your skin and you find yourself holding your own breath. 
His own hand measures yours, palm to palm and you feel the roughened contour of his skin. His body radiates with an off-centred heat, not entirely cold as he is in the present with you but the morph of warmth isn’t so smothering unlike some infernal realm you know. You almost see the softness that crosses his features beneath the boney helm of his mask, like the cracks of emotion are being revealed without your exact know-how. 
But you’ve known Death for some time now. You’ve been in his company. If this is some revelation of a breakthrough, then you see it before your very eyes. 
Each finger lines to one another. A curtain of silence falls over the both of you until your eyes meet. A smile creeps over your lips then. 
“Must you truly go?” he’s sudden to ask beneath the gravel baritone of his chords. With a sigh, you only nod your head. 
His eyes harden at this, something distraught lines his concealed face only to be betrayed by the levelled glow of his eyes, but nevertheless he stands, no longer keeping you from running off. As you make your way to stand on your own two feet, brushing off the particles of dirt off your clothes, you notice Death’s prolonged stare. 
“What is it?” 
He only shakes his head, a gruff response of, “Nothing.” 
Though his reply is suspiciously vague, you both venture off into the great unknown, however much you believe that Death is more accustomed to the land than you. 
Hours pass as the sun begins to ride your backs and no sight of any serpent holes, leaving you with a feeling of exhausted anguish. As the night creeps in as a shadowy blanket over the sky and turns the humid air colder, you pull your shawl over your body as a chill licks your spine. 
Death — no not your Death, the younger one — takes notice, eying you from the side of his vision. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You jerk your head in his direction with eyes wide in your perked alertness. “Hm? Oh, I’m just cold is all. Usually I’d have a fire set up by now to rest…”
Would it be wise to add that it was him — older him — beside you and ensuring you settle into your makeshift camp? Unsure, you keep that to yourself. 
When he places an overly large hand to your shoulder, you stumble on your heel and pause, watching Death’s head scan the horizon and the upper cliff faces until he stops. You turn your head and notice just in the crevice of shadow and fading sunlight the blackened mouth of a cave. 
Your eyes light up at the thought of rest despite your circumstances and you already begin your trek towards the rocky climb, though you now see the rather steep slope it resides to reach the haven. With a grumble, your determination steers you to climb anyways, your feet stumbling and causing small pebbles to scatter down the face. 
Hands then grab hold of you and before you’re able to fight or protest, Death scuttles up in a matter of seconds with you hanging on for dear life. After he sets you down, you huff out, “Thanks.” 
He gives a gruff sound in response with a curt nod, then turns to scour the new site of camp. It wasn’t so much as a cave as you thought, moreso of a sheltered crop in the rocks, providing enough area to protect you from the elements but also invites the cool winds to breeze on past. 
Making a fire was a challenge than it usually was, making due with what you had on hand, and Death sets Harvester to his side, leaning it against the wall. He doesn’t think you pose that much of a threat to warrant its persistent sheath. 
He however finds some interest in how you kindle the birth of flames, crafting it from almost nothing. 
Looking up at him from your position, you laugh softly to yourself. “Yeah, I know. Humans are so weak and strange. But it’s what we do. How we were made, I guess.”
“I didn’t say anything like that,” Death says with a clearly risen brow. His answer does bring you surprise. After all, Death had many times sighed and chuffed about how humans did the most silly of things – things that were key to your survival, keeping that in mind. 
“Well… you will. Someday.”
“How is it that you know me?” he asks, crouching on the fire’s opposite side, facing you. As much as you think it unwise to share anymore knowledge, you cannot deny that you feel almost safe around him, no matter the fact that he’s younger. In the prime of his bloodlust. 
But he hasn’t killed me yet. Tried to, but hasn’t. 
“It’s going to sound strange but… I’m from the future. And in that future, we are travelling together.”
“Because you said something of Humanity’s demise.” 
He’s Death alright. A keen observant to detail. You nod in reply before continuing, “and as I said, I fell through some sort of timeline and landed here in the past. The way, way past. So far that humans aren’t even created yet, as you’ve said.”
To this, he nods in turn and it brings you to smile. You feel as though he silently applauds your own recollection for detail. 
“Death, how old are you?” 
Yes, it is indeed perhaps a very stupid decision to ask his age, but the nature of curiosity humans are notoriously known for gets the better of you. His eyes flicker with momentary stutter, taken aback by such a question, but one he doesn’t ultimately deny in answering. 
“Today is my day of creation… I’m a thousand-and-one—”
Your eyes go wide and you shoot up to your feet with a cheer. “What? Happy Birthday!” 
Your voice is a loud noise to the shell of his hearing and it spurns him to the defence, beckoning Harvester to fly to his hand within an instant. You’re quickly covering your mouth, uttering your apologies at spooking him. 
Settling back down, this time to his side, you flash him a shy, toothy grin. “But that’s exciting!”
“What is a ‘birthday’?”
You gasp at the shocking revelation. “It’s a celebration. When humans are born on a certain day, it’s a tradition to celebrate it every year.”
Then it pops into your mind, again sending the nephilim beside you to flinch at your motion, you stir up a fuss of plucking a twig from the flames before it’s entirely devoured. Holding it, single flame slow to eat away the kindle, you beam as you stare at Death with large, doe-like eyes. 
“Make a wish!”
“A what?” He scoffs, only to see you dramatically roll your eyes until they’re nearly rolling out of their sockets. “A wish. You make a wish, something you really want, and then blow out the flame. Another tradition on your birthday.”
His eyes narrow to thin points, sceptical that perhaps you were using something to your advantage. When he sees that you don’t have any ill intent to deceive him, he shuffles in his spot slightly to face you, body arching ever so over yours; his height even at this level towers over you. 
You whisper softly, “Like this.” 
Making the motion of blowing out the makeshift candle with your mouth, the campfire casting an orange hue to your skin paints you in a fine detail that the nephilim cannot help but study closely until a there’s a skip in his chest.
His hand raises to his mask but stops and you see the hesitance to continue any further. Understanding that it very well could be because of your presence, you tilt your chin down and squeeze your eyes shut. 
A gust beats across your face, skirting the wisps of hair away and then just as promptly as he’d lifted his mask, he’d lowered it just in time for you to peel your eyes open. Again, you smile. 
He’s the first to crack through the veil of tension between you both, standing on his feet. 
“Get some rest, girl.”
The next day, you finally see in the distance the familiar halo of green and sick looking mists, but it is your ticket home nonetheless. You skip ahead and towards it, laughing at the thought of reuniting with Death and telling him of your adventure.
But then you stop. Not another skip in your step. You turn around to see Death, body rigid but his chin is aimed down and his eyes don’t exactly meet yours. Approaching him cautiously, you halt a few feet before him, hands pinned behind you. 
“I guess this is goodbye…”
You don’t very much like the eternal sound to your farewell. Like you’re losing him forever. 
He drawls out, low and lessened of any sort of emotion, but you swear you note a hint of sadness in his tone. “My wish didn’t come true.”
“What was your wish?”
His eyes rise to meet yours and you feel your heart splinter. Why did it feel so wrong to want to go back to Death in the future? Why did everything that wasn’t with him feel so, so wrong?
“I wish that you would stay here.”
“I can’t stay. I’m not from this time.” Your words do little to ease that which internally troubles him. Your hands coax his jaw to lift upwards until he stands, prouder and much taller over you that you have to balance on the toes of your feet. Then, you sweep your arms around him. His body is stiff to meet your hug but you care little in that regard. He’s always been one less evident of his affections, a tendency you’re completely fine with. 
“But I promise that we will meet again in the future. After all, that’s who I’m going back to through the serpent hole. To you.”
There it is, that flicker in his eyes that reveals in them a shiny glow of fire that you feel warms your heart in many ways. Pressing a chaste kiss to the toughened chin of his mask, you offer one last smile and bid your farewells with a wave, promising that you will see each other again before you jump into the serpent hole, disappearing into the green mists. 
You yelp as the void sends you crashing yet again and you fear that you have stumbled into yet another realm in another time. But for the first time, you find yourself relieved to hear Vulgrim’s slimy voice announce your arrival. 
“Ah! And there she is, the curious little mouse who doesn’t keep away from serpent holes,” he snides with a raspy coil like a snake getting ready to strike. 
“Vulgrim,” you poke your tongue out, brushing your hair from your face and you look to see Death charging his way to you. 
“There you are,” he says almost wistfully, hands pressed to your shoulders. A tender action even with the glare clear in his gaze. “What were you thinking? What happened to you?”
You know that beneath the roughness of his callous tone, he means well. He was worried and the look upon his younger self’s face as you left, you find yourself pulling yourself into him and embracing him. 
“I promised you that we’d meet again.”
His arms weave themselves around your waist, holding you to bear you closer in his embrace. “Yes, you did.”
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deathbyoctopi · 1 year
Any guesses as to WHOM he is smiling right now…?
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27 notes · View notes
mymp3 · 2 years
im so happy right now he means the world to me
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bumblebyaf · 4 months
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krikkiter68 · 2 years
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blazinghotfoggynights · 7 months
Does anyone else have multiple fic ideas swirling around in their mind?
I have been working on way too many fics for this fandom. It is amazing to me what can trigger an idea.
Even as someone who has loved writing almost all her life, I am still fascinated by the mind taking something small, such as one line of song lyrics and somehow building an entire world around it. Am I the only one who is just minding their business and suddenly, a fic begins forming simply because of something mundane?
I am not going to mention how many WIPs I am currently actively working on. I am totally grateful the universe has chosen to allow me to be creative and be the conduit it chooses to bring some art, or at least attempts at it, into the world. If even one person has a minute of enjoyment from something I wrote, I'm happy about it. But, there is that part of me that thinks people will look at me and consider an intervention.
My WIPS vary so much. They all contain Buddie. They range from short oneshots to long, multi-chapter fics. I am working on fluff, angst, unrequited love, breakups, makeups, happyfic, darkfic, one or two Dead Doves, and so much more.
For those who saw my poll about cheating!fic, you probaby know why I asked. Some of my WIPs involve cheating. I won't give away any of the plot right now, but I wanted to gauge fandom's reaction.
I assure everyone is when I post anything, I label it as clearly as I can and place warnings in the notes before the fic, not after. I use the end notes for further explanation, but warnings are always before the fic, so readers are informed and aware of what is to come. I am a fic reader, too, and I have some horror stories about opening fic that wasn't labeled. *shivers in terror* I learned to never say you can't be shocked or scared.
I ask anyone who logs into AO3 and sees any fic I ever post to please read the tags. If anything upsets you, triggers you, or squicks you, turn back.
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xxx-sir-pentious-xxx · 2 months
The Snake with All the Answers
Sadfic, half happyfic, heaven is not helpful, sir Pentious helps.
Sir Pentious assumed that heaven would cure blindness, cure disabilities and was accessible to all that entered.
It turns out if you arent born with suitable bodies or arent young, you'll struggle even in heaven. It offended him greatly. It really caught up to him every night he went to bed in his raised bed.
He made and begun to sell custom beds for people that needed floor beds.
He then began working on bodies. Doing surgeries or making prosthetics that actually helped rather than blending them in. They shouldn't have to hide afterall.
Today he had his work cut out for him. He looked at the paperwork, a grieving woman.
A grieving mother who lost her life in pregnancy, never getting to hold her baby. She never got to ever see her baby even in the most quick of glances. She probably wont for the next 90 years if her baby gets to grow old. A bit of her wished they both died.
Pentious was requested to fix her, as she just wasnt able to hold in her pain. Heaven just couldn't help her, I mean really, how could someone who knows nothing of loss help someone who fully encompasses the worst type of pain. She had begged to the angels,
"Please! Please make me better! I just want to be better.. I just want to be okay again..."
She sounded so tired, but worse yet, she sounded hopeless in her suffering. So Pentious did what he was best at when she started to cry.
He just broke down and sobbed with her, he clung to her and just coaxed her to start sobbing with him, just pouring all that pain out. Just sobbing until she finally could feel nothing because she was tired.
Pentious made a nice broth, prepared a nice drink to share that was boozed. It was a easy to eat meal just to help her feel the warmth and love of a friend. She didn't need meds, she just needed an ounce of sympathy and hope to at least have a friend. Someone to make new promises. Someone who understood what it was like to lose someone.
Afterall, one day her baby would die and she'll see them again, they got a full life ahead, she just needed to wait. Motherhood was not promised to her but the after life was a promise she knew. And it was going to be okay.
It's okay...
"You will be okay.", he stated softly while cradling her like a small child, "Your not alone in this. I see you. I see your pain and I understand. I see you."
It felt good. It felt good to be seen....
It felt nice to be okay again even for just a little while. But she was welcomed all the same.
Each day feeling more whole.
She'd join the children that flocked around Pentious at some point as well. So would many soon enough. But that's a story for another time.
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cloudcountry · 11 months
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I got MALLEUS twice. Twice. My pathetic lil homeschooler is so down bad for me. What a simp. What a silly little lad. Damn.
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zephyricacid · 1 year
well now this has me intrigued, how thrilling!
woops, I 'Accidently' broke all the computer screens that HappyF. can get through.
also I gift Pinhead and human arm to eat. he's so adorable^^
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HappyF.: Pinhead!! Go to one of the other computers and download me, goddamit!
Pinhead: *chewing* hmph??
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darkdemeter · 2 months
Tis I again! With more requests for darksiders!
Can you write the four horsemen with a human s/o that Is just really supportive and really Open with their love towards them
(Like they always make them tea when they come by their home, or when they go out into the realms together their s/o makes sure they have somewhere confortable to lay down on if they need rest or something to cover them if they get cold.
They also try to cheer them up with compliments and silly jokes [war May not understand any of them but hey A+ for the effort] and are also very cuddly and have those casual touches of like,holding their hand or patting their back, or playing with their hair and maybe say "hey,remember I love you okay?" A little too often as a way of reassurance and are always up to listen to them and their problems if they need It.
They'll of course stop if theyre told to do so,cuz respecting boundaries and all)
These four need some actual love,they deserve so much better!
As always take ur time and thanks in advance!
Have a great day! (And sorry for the huge wall of text)
◤✘DARKSIDERS COLUMN | Death/Strife/War/Fury x GN Reader
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NOTES: ↳ I thought I'd take a different approach in giving each of the riders their own little short story while mixing around the elements you listed. (That's why it's taken so long.) Thank you @screechinginthevoid for this one and for being so so patient! They do, our Horsemen deserve the world! 😭 WARNINGS! ↳ A lot of angsty hurt/comfort with fluff — depictions of established relationships
Who said that loving the reaper himself would be a walk in the park? It’s not, but the hardships don’t worry you. So trusting in him and understanding, yet you always have this overwhelming aura about you that Death remains unsure about. 
How can a human possibly have so much love and compassion for him? The very being that will take your life from this world when your time is done.
But you don’t allow that to phase you – to never stop you from reminding him each and every waking moment you share together, how much you love him and that you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him. You cherish him to the point he fears it blinds your mortal eyes. 
Humans, he’s found, are so fundamentally flawed by the very thing that makes them integral to the balance: their love. A power so absolute, yet corruptible and easy to turn, and though you show no sign of that tainted mark he very much believes it has been poisoned by his presence.
You hand him his mug, the dark stew of tea ringing around in tidal circles until it calms under his steadiness and the tea’s stilling reveals his reflection.
A reflection he never took part in recoiling at before, now almost flinching at the dreaded sight before him that was him. Looking up to watch you at the sink, absently humming a song’s tune to yourself as you set to working away at the dishes, he wonders if this settlement is right for you. He’s grown far too attached now. He has to stop it… but he can’t. He doesn’t want to. 
Death wonders if the seven sins have infected him with these selfish desires that keep him from severing the cord that’s already pulled you both together. Before, he could have done it without any ties of remorse to haunt him afterwards. Your love is overwhelming. How you express it, how you say it, how you care for him. 
He can’t fathom it. Finishing up your chore at the sink, you dry your hands and toss the hand towel onto the counter and wander over, a gentle grin on your lips as you reach a hand to lay on his tense arm. 
Death flinches away at the action, alerted by the sudden press of warmth that your skin brings to his colder temperature. He wishes he could succumb to that feeling, bask in its entirety but something holds him back. 
Your hand lifts slightly, your smile turned and your brows furrowed to express your sincere, silent apology for alarming him. Throughout this relationship, you have always seen how Death keeps himself well beyond the comfort you try to give him, leaving him to reserve his emotions and affection. 
You remain patient that he may eventually open up. Even if it takes you to the very end of your life, so be it.
“Hey,” you greet softly, trying again as you rest your hand back on his arm. “I was thinking maybe we could venture out to the Maker’s Realm? I thought it’d be nice to have a picnic.”
He hasn’t visited that realm for quite some time and he recognises the way you’ve been feeling stuffy inside your humble abode. Itching to be let out of your cage like a little bird. His little bird that sings happily for his ears to hear, trapped inside a cage you don’t see as imprisoning and he’s far too selfish to let you be free.
Maybe this picnic would help him ease out of this habit of keeping you to himself, that finally he can set his little bird free.
The air is fresh with the aging scent of pine leaves and the sun bathes your skin with a comfortable warmth. Through Death’s actions, he hoisted you off of Despair’s back, his grip strong and firm with you before he set you down. Just like always, you scuttle off in that human nature, the basket held tight in your hands as you settle down on the hillside. 
Death takes a moment to himself to simply admire it all – perhaps for the last time. His hand runs over Despair’s neck with an uncomfortable sense of dread he has not felt in a long time, the pain that follows the loss of something he holds dear creeping over him that in turn unsettles his loyal undead steed. 
“You coming?” you ask, voice innocently inquiring in his absence, laying out a large canvas of a day blanket atop the pasture of grass. While you stare at Death, he feels his resolve waver. 
He can’t do it. How the sun sets a glow to halo around you, hair gently tousled in the wind makes you appear like a dream. 
He can’t remember the last time he had dreamt, when he had a moment of true peace that granted him an escape from his troubles. 
He wants to stay in this place with you always but he knows he cannot. There comes a time where he must wake up. There is a time he will have to let go and say his final goodbyes. Death stalks over to where you’ve set up, intending to sit beside the laid out blanket only to catch your gaze. 
You’ve the look as if he’s committed the most heinous of crimes before a large grin crosses your features. “Come on over, I've saved room just for you.” 
Indeed you had, the blanket large enough for two, even still he harbours his hesitance. In an instant, you give him that same, sympathetic smile you had in the kitchen. “Only if you want to, whatever makes you comfortable.” 
He moves cautiously and inches himself until his weight hovers at the chequered edge. You lean against his side and rest your head against his shoulder, still smiling up at him.
“What a beautiful day. Thanks for taking us out here, I really appreciate it.”
He only huffs in response, shoulders knocking your head off balance from shoving down slightly, but you only giggle. “I do! I really, really appreciate it. We get to spend the day together in the sun and enjoy a nice picnic. And you know what’s even better?” 
“What?” He asks, voice low in his gruff timbre. Your smile is radiant. Infectious to the point that it makes something inside his chest swell and pulsate. Dangerously so that he doesn’t know what to make of it, denying the possibility that it may very well be… love. 
You raise a finger to trace down the bridge of his masked nose, so lovestruck and in awe of the way his amber eyes flicker like nervous flames, silently watching and waiting. You answer softly, “That I’m with you.”
For a second you think you catch a rare and radiant glimpse of something in his eyes but he quickly diverts his attention ahead to watch the scenery. You know that he’s troubled but in true fashion, he doesn’t unload you with any of it. He’s hardened his shell to keep his secrets from you.
You reach a hand between you and find the cool define of his long, spindly hand, your fingers entwine with his own and give a reassuring squeeze.
“Death?” You ask, eyes shifting to look at him out of the corner of your vision. He doesn’t respond but you know he’s listening.
“I understand that you keep things to yourself but I want to help. I would like to be someone you can talk to.”
“You wouldn’t understand,” he sighs. It shatters you, yet you are aware that it is the truth. 
“Have I done something wrong?” 
He turns his head to face you, eyes glaring downward and you feel your breath hitch, lungs caught in the flames of his eyes. 
“I— I’m sorry, whatever I’ve done I am sorry, I just… I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.” 
“You haven’t done anything wrong…” his head bows and his shoulders deflate with a heavy sigh. “Not intentionally.” 
“Then what is it?” You move to sit on your knees, facing him. 
“Little bird, I fear that you don’t understand what it means to love me.”
His words are a wound stabbed deeply into your heart. Still he continues, scoffing with a shrug, “It all seems tedious to shower me with your affections, only to meet your end with me. Why bother?”
“You don’t get it…” you sigh, bottom lip trembling slightly as tears cover your eyes with a shiny gloss. “Humans are so difficult when it comes to love, yes. But sometimes, we don’t get a choice in who we fall in love with. We just do.” 
You’re overcome by the sudden high of your emotions. Before you know it, your arms pull around his shoulders and drag yourself in until you sit in his lap, his hands frozen to hover over your waist. You don’t care if he doesn’t reciprocate your actions, you just want him to know how much you care for him.
“You mean so much to me, Death. Without you, I would have given up trying to survive. Without you, Humanity would have ceased to be. You are the most noblest soul I have ever come to know.” 
You recall that time. What you thought would be his final goodbye. He left you in the care of the Makers until it was deemed safe to return to Earth. It wasn’t as much of an emotional farewell on his part, but you had caved right there, as he turned his back on you to walk away — to enter the well of souls and never likely to return. 
You cried, screamed and shouted, you begged him to hear your confession. That had been the night when you realised… “I made my peace the moment I knew I had fallen in love with you.” 
Your hold around him increases as sobs rack through you. Tears wet on your lashes, you sniffle. “I’m sorry if I’m always clingy, I promise I’ll try and not be, I just—I just can’t bear the— thought of losing you again!” 
His arms move slowly to circle around your waist, his presence a haunting comfort as he holds you to him. He can’t bear the thought of telling you to stop. He can’t let you go. His little bird in the cage wouldn’t last, not with wings too damaged to fly on your own again.
To be called the noblest of souls holds a light to the high regard you hold him to. He only did what was necessary for balance, for his brother. But that night, leaving you behind knowing it was for the last time, he was shaken to his core because he found that saying goodbye was so very hard when he realised he had fallen in love with you.
And so he holds you as you cry against him, perhaps not for the last time after all.
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With a heart of unbridled magnitude, you love hard and fiercely. It shows in the way you always throw yourself on the towering nephilim whenever he steps a foot on your front porch, face lit up in your excitement to see him shadow your doorway.
“Whoa there!” He laughs, hands taking hold of you yet resisting to use all his strength unless he crushes you like a toothpick, anxiously aware that the daggered irons of his gauntlets can so easily shred and puncture you if he isn’t careful. 
You invite him inside with a tug of his hand in yours. “Come on, come on!” You’re always so cheerful and buzzing with energy. He’s stumbling paces behind you as he’s dragged further inside where you begin to make his usual tea in his favourite mug. 
“I’ve missed you so much, it’s been so boring around here without you,” you begin to rave and rant on, hearing the creaking of one of the stools support his weight. 
You ask with a cheeky smirk, “So what have you been up to lately, handsome fella?”
He replies with a casual roll of his shoulder, “You know me, firefly. Just doing my thing as a Horseman.” 
“Sounds like you’ve been busy.” You turn, hotly made tea nestled in your hands that you set in front of him. With a thankful nod he takes it.
“You have no idea.” 
With him sitting on the opposite side of the counter, your body hunches forward, pressed to lean your weight on the surface with your palms supporting your chin as you stare with what Strife can assume to be heart eyes.
“What?” he asks, golden eyes blinking rapidly. “Did I ever tell you that I love you?” 
Your voice is sickly sweet, sung in a playful note while you tilt your head side to side, lost and aloof in some daydream. 
“Every time you see me,” he chuckles and you perk up, grinning like the cat who ate the cream. 
“Well, I love you, Strife!” You’re suddenly at his side within a flash, arms thrown around him until you’re stuck to him like sap on a branch. You hum, happy and content to have him back, head nestling against his neck. He smells strong of gunpowder and a musk of burning wood that reminds you of the winter snuggled close by the fireplace. 
“I missed you so, so much…” You sigh quietly this time. 
Strife had entered your life with a flash and a bang. Literally. He fell from the sky as a massive ball of flame that scorched and melted the world around him. Just when you needed a saviour’s hand, he had arrived. From that day forth, you were constantly stuck to his side, even the few times he tried to brush you off to someone far more capable than him to care for you, you insisted that you remain with him. He made you feel safe in a world that no longer did. 
Him? He had almost laughed. He made you feel safe? Even when Ulthane promised that no harm would befall you under his charge, you were still determined to ride with a Horseman.
Was that the point he realised he loved you? Well, you sure left that much an impression on him that he fancied something about you. For the handful of humans that managed to survive you were the only one willing to come near him, no less be with him. It only felt natural in some way when your relationship evolved into something more after a single kiss — but just as instinctual as it may have been, Strife found himself drawn into something forbidden — not intended for him. But you assured him that he was the only one you wanted, that you loved him. The complicated nature of humanity at play before his very eyes. A mortal so hopelessly in love with him of all lovers to choose from.
He strips himself of his mask, letting it sit on the counter as he enjoys his tea while you huddle yourself against him like a kitten snuggling into his lap. Strife’s siblings often remark how attached you were to him. Whenever he would spend the night, the following morning he would have to say his goodbyes until your next meeting.
It hurts him every time he has to see that sorrow flash within your eyes, before you dismiss it and assure him that you will be alright and that you will be waiting for him just like always. 
There are days where you will pace the floorplan of your home just waiting for him, to hear the familiar clobbering of hooves raging against the pavement and a snorted whiney from Mayham, who you may have a bad habit of coddling and feeding one too many carrots to from your kitchen window when Strife isn’t paying attention. Hey, he enjoys them and who are you to deny the rider of unrest itself, and it keeps Mayhem from riding your recently planted greenhouse. 
“Alright there, sweets?” Strife chuckles, his voice having grown lower with a tired drawl. You hum, happy to bask and bathe in the intoxicating warmth radiating off him that seeps deep into your bones. 
“Hard not to be when I’m with you,” you coo softly, eyes droopy and you fight hard to hide a yawn. 
“How long have you been waiting up for me?” His question takes a sudden shift as he turns you in his lap, your body small enough that maneuvering you was as easy for him as it is for you to move a feather. 
“Not… not that long, just a couple… couple ‘fhours…” Again you strain to keep yourself from yawning. But Strife sets aside his unfinished tea, already scooping you to rest you on your back in his arms and carries you towards your bedroom. You whine, hands tugging at the fabric of his scarf. 
“But Strife,” — a large yawn finally stretches your mouth open — “I don’t wanna sleep, I want to cuddle you and tell you how you’re the darndest handsome fella I could ever call my own—”
He shushes you then, hands careful to lay you down on your mattress and pull the covers over you despite the weakened struggle you put up. “How can you be so handsome, honestly? And funny, and strong and just everything I could ever want in a partner?”
The fog of sleep is close to taking you under, however, the last of your energy that wanes like a candle wick almost burnt out comes as an attempt to sit on your knees. Yourhands splay over the large front of his chest, his golden eyes bouncing in their softened gaze as he silently pleads with you to rest. Still, you remain adamant even as the heavy lead drags your lashes down together. 
“You know… I just want you to know that I love you, okay? I’m always here for you, ‘m not going anywhere that isn’t with you.”
The darkened lines of his brown brows flex up, furrowed in his contemplation over your words. It’s almost like his spiked hair became tenfold bristled under the weight of such a reminding confession. Often, you tell him these things and he still has a hard time accepting that they mean anything true. You’re a human, even love is so cruel in blinding you. 
He figures that you will eventually grow out of it. Someday, you will find another man who will take care of you. He dreads the day that you will no longer be his baby, his precious love; the bright star alight in the cosmos that guides him home every time. 
A chapped kiss lands on your forehead, almost ghosting over the contour of your skin and he leans in close with a whispered, “Sleep.”
Nestled under the covers and head draped onto your pillow you let yourself drift off into a much needed slumber. Strife sighs from his place beside you, crouched and yet still very much hovering over your sleeping form. His hand runs over his face, deeply engrossed in the endless branches of unfinished thoughts and dwelling fears.
Is it all true, what you say to him? You have this way of overwhelming him and giving him exactly what he wants deep down. You say the prettiest of things to him, whenever you kiss him he believes he’s found his heaven eternal with you in his arms. How you refuse to go about your daily life until you have expressed exactly ten times how much you love him, that when you wake up in the morning happy it's because he’s the first one that crosses your mind and because you had the sweetest of dreams about him. 
You look so at peace when you sleep. Rarely can he enjoy it, haunted by sin and haboured regrets, a place where his greatest of fears can become a manifested prophecy that warns him of what will become of him. Of you both.
So he goes without. Besides, unlike humans who require it in their health, that’s not so much the case for him. Still, your dreams must be so sweet. So innocent of him. Unknowing of the real him, the identity he can never allow you to love. 
You awaken first to the feeling of something enclosing your waist with a vice-like grip, squeezing you in and in until you're struggling for air. Secondly, the sound of choked cries and intensely curt breaths that come and go far too quickly.  Your eyes are wide, rubbing away the drowsiness in them as you immediately tend to Strife, armor stripped into clunky masses on the floor around the bed like a protective shield. 
His large shoulders heave, the warping trail of heat rising from his body as he drowns in his sleep, his arms hold around you tighter. 
“Strife, baby— it’s okay, I’m here, I’m here,” you croak, voice already trembling with tears brimming in your vision. 
He hisses out your name with such vigor that it makes something in your heart rip asunder. He sounds so angry. So guilty. 
You call to him in his dreams. His eyes open, the powerful glow of tear filled gold bright and blinding you with dark spots. His breath shifts so sharply that his body physically vibrates against you, his chin tucked and pushed into your sternum, he glances up at you and his arms weaken their grip on you. 
Your hands caress the scarred texture of his skin, fingers tracing each one with delicate intent when you feel him flinch and shudder under your touch that finds its way to comb one hand through his hair. 
He tries so hard to keep the tremble of his sobs silent yet you’re aware that his resolve has crumbled, that front he often puts up cracks under the pressure and you’re there ready to catch him. 
“I know it’s tiring to hear me say it, but remember that I love you. I’m here for you.”
His arms then curl around you, holding you so that you have no choice but to remain there with him. He doesn’t want to go back to the past, he’s unsure what awaits him in the future. All he wants is to be here in the moment with you.
With a low voice, he utters, “Too many times… but please remind me again.”
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Most honourable souls are not without their contrasting attributes. The red rider is known for his stoic personality and for being an unrivaled engine of chaos and pain, you are one of the very few who see him under the battle-worn hide. 
He’s endured much, been the discarded tool to a plot set to unravel the whole cosmos asunder and and let him take the fall for it. He’s been beaten down only to get back up when he saw you hidden away, eyes wide in your terror for the fate that awaited you should he fall. 
Never once did he fail you. 
All this time, he’s been nothing short of a protector, an honourable warrior who seeks only the fairest of retribution and the security of all that depend on him to make things right and at peace. You don’t see him as the monster others make him out to be. In your eyes, he is someone very special to you.
“So where exactly are we off to, hero?” you chuckle, feet kicking up slightly with Ruin’s incredible yet lackluster stride, hooves clobbering so hard it digs puddle sized gauges into the dirt. 
War sighs, his chest easily pushing you forward in the saddle easily to it’s both embarrassing and flustering. Your cheeks brighten with a blushing pink. “We are scouting ahead. The ruins should not be too far ahead now.”
“You said that eons ago!” you huff. Eyes rolling drastically they almost fall out of their sockets. 
“It’s not been that long.”
You pucker your tongue between your lips, popping an obnoxious raspberry. The ride wasn’t at all bad, just a tad boring and your thighs were beginning to ache just a little from being sat in the saddle for a while. War’s hand had a controlled grip on the bulky chains acting as the reins, leaving your hands to either grip the horn or fumble in resting them atop of War’s larger one. The latter of which you’d feel his chest lock up with a sudan hitch buried in his throat and a smile stretching far and wide across your face. 
Your effect on the Horsemen was really that obvious, wasn’t it? Anyone can see it.
Because of your arising boredom and your need to entertain yourself, you begin to mimic the action of looking out for the ruins War spoke of, hands curving into little circles to cup over your eyes. “What are you doing?” you hear his voice ask from above and your turn your gaze upwards, hands still formed into makeshift binoculars. War will only ever admit to himself, he almost chuckled. “I’m keeping an eye out for our destination.” 
“You are being playful,” he remarks, seeing you bounce your head in agreement as your hands fall to hold the scratched metal of his gauntlet. 
“You caught me. I’m just bored, ugh!” Pouting you add timidly, “And my butt hurts.”
You jerk forward to catch yourself against the horn with a gasp, Ruin’s weight shifting to a complete stop. Turning your chin, you catch a glance at War who’s looking elsewhere other than forward, his head moving slowly this way and that as you follow his gaze. He’s scanning the nearby cliffside to your side. One wrong slip of your footing and you’d be rolling down a steep incline of rocky foliage and winding branches before you even make it to the rushing stream far below. 
But the scenery is nice. A sunset smearing softly integrated pinks and darkish purples, reveling in the warming tan of orange nearest the silhouette horizon. 
You breath out, eyes transfixed, your stun an evident and final confirmation to War that taking a small break wouldn’t be so terrible. Who knows just how long his siblings would before meeting him at the ruins. 
With a firm nudge of his boot, War commands his steed to steer himself towards the sloping hillside, the horse chuffing loudly a cluster of embers that spark and frazzle with a crackling pop like flaming stars. 
The saddle is cradled to one side with War’s dismount, almost turning you over and out of the saddle completely before he aids you in getting you off Ruin’s back. 
Your back pops delightfully from stretching and you sigh in relief. The chance to stand and pace around allows the blood flow to seep back into your legs, standing at the cliff edge, you stare out at the picturesque scene with a deep inhale of the breeze. “It’s so pretty,” you say with a toothy grin that crinkles the corner of your eyes.
As you stare in admiration, War lets himself stand beside you, a regular force of habit that something may dare try to leap out and attack you, it’s ingrained into him as muscle memory to put himself between you and an enemy. 
But you haven’t encountered any enemies. Noo once since you arrived in this realm, its atmosphere almost entirely made of a peaceful ambience. For once, War can somewhat relax. 
“I kind of miss Earth being this way.” It’s hard sometimes to think of home, it’s once way of life slowly thriving, but it will still take some time to become an inhabitable biome. Until then, you mostly travel with War. On the off chance that you must stay behind, you stay with the Makers or the pocket haven with other humans until he returns to collect you. 
Meanwhile, War silently contemplates a darker memory. Back when the nephilim invaded countless realms much like this, carving out its natural beauty to leave behind a shattered husk. His hands clench into tight fists, weight crunching the dirt under his feet with a low rumble. He thinks about the terrible rage he becomes whenever he loses control of himself, slipping into this facade that feels all too real, fearing that it may very well be the real him; that his code of honour is the facade. 
By the time he snaps out of his thoughtful stupor, he sees you playing in the dirt. 
Stick in hand, your drawing something, focus entirely on your illustration and War cannot help but half-heartedly ask, “What is that?”
“Us!” you beam, “there’s you, there’s me and this is Ruin.”
The war steed bellows a proud whiney at the mention of his name, massive head shaking the heated curtain of his mane. His front hoof paws the ground in triumph. War kneels down, body closing in that his shadow very well hovers over you while he studies what you’ve drawn.
“And… what are you doing there?”
To answer his question, you lean into him and plant your lips to his cheek with a quick peck, chuckling at the Horsemen’s expression that is too stun to compute. His frozen eyes are wide and it takes a good long while before he even blinks. He turns his head with a frightful and sudden jerk, the fading sunlight letting you see that which the overcast of his hood fails to hide — a pink dusting of a blush in his cheeks. 
“What— was that for?”
“Because I love you, silly!”
You settle yourself down on the patch of grass and pat your hand encouragingly for War to do the same beside you. Once he does, albeit the awkward motion of adjusting himself to do so, you lean all your weight against him that he supports with no issue. To him, you weigh nothing more than a feather pillow.
Your head presses to the hardened bulk of his shoulder. You sigh in contentment.
“This is really nice, being out here with you.” Your hand falls over his, the comfort of it letting all your fears and worries wash away. Whenever you try to hold hands with War, you are the one to initiate it, feeling the hesitant way his hand tense before it releases and coaxes itself to grab yours in turn. However, you decide against trying to force it. 
He asks, “You truly mean that?”
You nod in reply, cheek rubbing against his arm. “I do.”
Then you feel it. His hand turns so that his palm flatley faces up and his large fingers curl around your hand, capturing it in his grip. “You know, if I had my sketchbook right now, I’d paint you like one of my french girls.” 
Your voice had dropped into an exaggerated accent, your other hand pursing your fingers together. 
Of course, another playful jest goes right over his head by the puzzling quirk of his snowy bow. That’s joke number 1,551 and counting. Many of your journeys consist of you trying to get one joke to land with the behemoth in red, but none have seemed to catch. Your face puckers inward like you sucked on a lemon and tried not to react.
By now the sky has grown darker, stars dotting the sky’s nightly canvas and the moon rising just as the sun’s last rays kissed the mountain terrain. 
“Hey, War, knock knock…”
His lips form into a sneer, tsking in a slight of annoyance. Not this again…
He sees you’re not going to back out of this one, far too stubborn to do so. Giving in for the first time ever to the infamous two lines he’s heard too many times to count, he grumbles, “Who’s there?”
His eyes narrow again. You’re up to something with this, he knows it. “Me… who?”
“It’s just me, and I want to tell you that I’m thankful to have you around. Whenever I wake up, I think of you and how you’re doing, and if that someday… you’ll finally recognise that you are my hero — and not the monster.”
This is the most peculiar of jokes. But wait, you’re not laughing. You’re not waiting for him to acknowledge the play on of the punch line. You’re being genuine. “And that whenever I’m not around you, I get so scared not only for myself but for you. I care about you so much that I stay up in hopes that I’ll see you again before I collapse from exhaustion. Whenever we’re riding together, I feel secure and warm because I know you have the reins and you have me.
When you’re around, you scare away the real monsters. And that is what a hero does, and that’s what makes you my hero. Because you’ve always been there when I needed you.”
War’s eyes fall away and you take his loss of eye contact as failure. Again, he doesn’t see how much you love him, how your heart pounds rapidly when you both stand close to one another and that your heart is his for eternity. That for you, there is nobody else to love. Only him. 
His hand that holds yours drags you into lap and his lips ghost over the crown of your head, causing your eyes to widen and your chest to cease its breath. “I’ll always be there for you, my love.”
Tears mist over your vision, wetting your lashes as your arms reach around him as far as they can, engulfing him in a hug. He really is your knight in armour of creepy faces. 
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Her determination remains just as strong, even now. She refuses to let you see at her weakest. All you want is to be a rock for her to lean on when things get tough. She cannot accept that, will not let you shoulder the burdens that are hers to carry.
She’s a fearsome sort of stoicism but therein lies her beauty in your eyes. Where she sees nothing but a misshapen and discarded weapon of war, you see the comings of a Phoenix rising from the ashes. A past that seeks to destroy her and yet she still fights on.  
She inspires you in ways she can hardly imagine. The days she comes to ride up to your house, elegantly sat in Rampage’s saddle with a sense of control on the reins that chink and chatter with a chainy rattle, you’re already launching yourself ten feet out of the door and making her pull hard to a stop. 
She bites your name harshly, face furrowed into a glare. You know her better than that, it shows in the coiled edges of your big and bright smile. 
“I missed you!” You cry out, bouncing on your feet like a hyped jackrabbit. 
You throw your arms around her without a second thought once she has dismounted. Despite the obvious of her much taller height, you hold nothing back in the way you hug her tightly.
She’ll feign annoyance as her dark lips turn into the faintest of smiles in the shadow of her features, a telltale sign that she appreciates these wonderful moments that she secretly misses.
However, there are times that your illustrious partner of a Horsemen will shut you out, more often than not as of late, she huffs and mutters to herself with an expression screwed into a sneer. She’s troubled by something and its mystery writhes a flare of determination within you to find a solution. A problem solver. That is what makes the bulk of your intimately struggling relationship with Fury. You try to solve all her problems, no matter the weight, big or small.
She walks with a swaying saunter towards you, Rampage pawing at the ground with a ruffled snort, shaking off the remnants of unease his rider held. “How’ve you been, Fury? Would you like some tea? I also thought we could finish reading that book together, or maybe have a late evening dinner in that realm—”
She flicks her wrist dismissively, bluntly saying under her breath, “Whatever is easiest. I don’t have the patience to decide.”
It stops you in your tracks for sure. The impact of her response weighs heavily on your heart and you bite aggressively into your lip to prevent yourself from shedding the springing flush of tears. She’s just mad, you try to reason with yourself. I have to find a way to cheer her up.
You follow her inside, watching how her body slumps forward slightly with a sigh as if she sheds the cumbersome shell of her burdens at the door and proceeds forth with a more sluggish pace. You frown at this. “I’ll make you a tea,” you say from behind and rush off to the kitchen, setting to making her drink before going off to fetch one of your comfort blankets. Whenever you find yourself in a pit of doubt, sadness and impending woe, you toss one of the soft blankets you’ve had for as long as you can remember,snuggling into its warmth as you settle in with a good book to read or a small puzzle to fix your mind on something. It always helps you, so why not try it on Fury?
You see her take a seat on the couch, posture slouched so far forward now it rivals Death. Hands clutch into the blanket, nails gnawing into it thoughtfully, praying that this works, then like a mouse you tip-toe out from your hiding place and throw the blanket over her shoulders, enveloping her in another yet shorter hug. 
“Ugh– what are you…” Her eyes shift to turn to you, lips revealing a nasty snarl on her part but she stops suddenly, seeing the flash of something cross your face. She doesn’t mean to project her anger onto you. It’s just that she can’t exactly explain why she keeps coming back to you when she is in this particular mood, feeling like she has nowhere else to go, no one else to turn to. Still, she pushes you away with every attempt you make to cheer her up. 
“A comfort blanket,” you answer with a kind smile. “They always make me feel better.” You round the couch and sit at her feet, hands taking a second guess before they find a tender placement on the armour of her leg. 
“Hey, remember I love you and I’m here for you.”
You see the gears turning like clockwork in her head, eyes torn between narrowing and relaxing and the contortion of her mouth leaves you to believe she’s fighting herself on this. She wants to say something but nothing is coming out. She’s trying to find a way to word it without hurting you to the point that it may break you. 
She cares for you, more than what she would like to admit to anyone. But it’s true. She has become ensnared by your attention, your love and the way your presence is uplifting to be around. Like a moth drawn to a flame she keeps coming back. 
“It’s hard.” It stings her to say it, but she just needs time. She needs to think this through. “I know you love me. But it’s just… it all feels too much for me.”
Your eyebrows move upward, sympathetic as she speaks her mind. It’s not common for her to be so vulnerable with you. So you take it in stride, taking in a deep inhale. 
“I’m sorry. I will do better in toning my extreme outpour of affection until you’re ready.”
Sometimes you wonder if you carry on a tad bit more than you should, giddy and over excited to see Fury even if it’s only been days between visits. 
If this is how Fury feels then it is your obligation to be supportive and respectful of her wish for space, granted it may prove to be a bit of a challenge but that is what relationships are about. Overcoming the many trials you face in one another and together. 
She nods thankfully and you hum, pressing a quick, light kiss to her forehead and then head to the kitchen, soon reappearing with her steaming cup of tea. 
By the time you get back you see she’s immersed herself in the comfort blanket, hands tugging it over herself that bit more until her focus lands on you, eyes moving between your genuine smile and the mug cupped in your offering hands. She takes the beverage with a softly muttered, “Thank you, dear.”
The two of you curl up together on the couch, and Fury lets you drown her mind with the last half of that novel you wanted to finish during her last visit, only to find that you had passed out, reading yourself into a slumber that left her tugging heartstrings no choice but to carry you to bed and lay you under the covers, bidding you a farewell. 
As you read the contents of the page, mesmerised in the storyline, Fury’s attention is only half engaged with it – the other just taking the time to admire you. 
How well you have taken her request when for sure she expected you to cry. She didn’t miss in catching the way a glossiness covered your eyes when she spoke with you, and perhaps she should feel shame for it. She’s pushing you away because she’s utterly terrified. She doesn’t register your voice saying her name, finally snapped out of it she looks to see one of her hands clenching into the couch arm, ripping and rendering its cushioned flesh. 
Before she can begin to make any form of apology, you raise a hand to pause her, understanding that her mind had been elsewhere. 
It isn’t… easy being a Horsemen. Hell, it’s not easy being a human sometimes, and the factors of this relationship should be difficult and impossible on any and all levels. You don’t let it stop either of you in the end. You do what you must to make it work, you fix her problems just as she fixes yours.
“Why are you so understanding?” she asks and your eyes widen a little, blinking a flutter of your lashes a few beating times. Your shoulders shove up and down with a steadied breath. 
“Because I—” you cut yourself off, aware that you’re it again. You clear your throat and tilt your head to the side, meeting her gaze. “Well, because that’s what you do in a relationship. You have made your concerns known and it is up to me to respect that. It’s… what humans do. We care.”
“Will you stop completely?” You know what she means. Somewhere deep inside she adores the shower of affection you show her, but delving outward is the hardened hide of a warrior. A fighter who has known nothing of love like your own. You shake your head, lightly chuckling. “Never. I adore you too much. My love is unconditional when it comes to you.”
A wider smile forms over her face then. It may not take so long as tomorrow to think this through and to be more accepting of your overbearing nature to coddle her with your love. Afterall, it was the way you expressed how you felt for her. A human so special to her, how could she deny your unconditional love?
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
HAPPYF 3,5 J!! Sorry fi thsi Fitness written well I’m a little woozy and ikr trusting my autocorrect 💗 i thought idv be a heavy weight tutns out my a leightweith 🫶
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ao3feed-mcshep · 2 years
This Is My Vow To You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/MLWlPUF
by WildMoonFiction4Ever
John and Rodney give their wedding vows in songs they have written
Words: 724, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis, Stargate - All Media Types, Stargate SG-1
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Richard Woolsey, Jeannie Miller (Stargate), Madison Miller, Kaleb Miller, Radek Zelenka, Carson Beckett, SG1 - Character, Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Jack O'Neill, Sam Carter, Vala Mal Doran, Teal'c (Stargate), Cameron Mitchell (Stargate)
Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Rodney McKay & John Sheppard, Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan, Samantha "Sam" Carter/Jack O'Neill, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Cameron Mitchell/Teal'c (Stargate), Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran, Richard Woolsey/Everyone
Additional Tags: Wedding Fluff, Established Relationship, McShep Happyfic Challenge, Weddings, Established Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/MLWlPUF
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ao3feed-samjack · 2 years
This Is My Vow To You
read it on the AO3
by WildMoonFiction4Ever
John and Rodney give their wedding vows in songs they have written
Words: 724, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis, Stargate - All Media Types, Stargate SG-1
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Richard Woolsey, Jeannie Miller (Stargate), Madison Miller, Kaleb Miller, Radek Zelenka, Carson Beckett, SG1 - Character, Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Jack O'Neill, Sam Carter, Vala Mal Doran, Teal'c (Stargate), Cameron Mitchell (Stargate)
Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Rodney McKay & John Sheppard, Ronon Dex/Teyla Emmagan, Samantha "Sam" Carter/Jack O'Neill, Carson Beckett/Radek Zelenka, Cameron Mitchell/Teal'c (Stargate), Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran, Richard Woolsey/Everyone
Additional Tags: Wedding Fluff, Established Relationship, McShep Happyfic Challenge, Weddings, Established Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
read it on the AO3
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Can someone please send me some happy fluffy fic titles? I don't really care what kind of story it is.
This week has been shit and I need something happy... 😭😭😭
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jmarsfou · 2 years
Ehhhh sleepy angsty brainrot lumity ahead
Amity had always known that loving Luz Noceda was a risk. For someone to burn as brightly as she did, to have such a drive to help those around her - it was all too easy for Luz to spread herself thin in the name of kindness or justice, and it was up to Amity to keep her from falling apart. To keep her coming back to herself, at the end of the day.
Now the two of them were here, Luz in her trademark jacket, searching tirelessly for any new arrivals who would need shepherding into the building that had become home, these past few years. Thankfully, as had become routine, the tirelessly beating sun reaching it's apex marked Luz's time for a break, her boots unleashing a cavalcade of heavy creaks and rumbles as they stepped onto the warped wood that made up the porch.
Amity slipped off her stool near the doors as Luz enters, the two walking together to the bar that stands open in perpetuity for the guests - all routine, bar the book that the youngest Blight holds in her hands, the deep purple leather standing out against her pale skin and peachy dress. Still, it goes unseen by Luz as she sits, taking a long sip from the glass before her before she notices that Amity remains standing behind her.
Luz raises an eyebrow ever so slowly, the rest of her body going still. There's a single deep breath, and then-
"Are you not going to join me, Amity?" Luz doesn't say it loudly, but in the quiet stillness of their home it cracks like lightning, and Amity cannot help but flinch ever so slightly.
The witch sets her shoulders, and puts the book she's clutching down on the bar next to her partner. "I can't do this any longer, Luz. I'm sorry. I've been talking to the ferry's captain and he says I can't bring this with me if I want passage from him - and I do."
Luz scoffs, her eyes staying glued to Amity's as she braces for another death blow, and Amity obliges.
"We've been here for YEARS Luz! I understood when it was people we knew, when it was our family that we were helping but it's strangers!" Amity's breath hitches for a moment, the last of her thoughts resisting being dragged out for as long as they could, before burning their way up her throat and out. "Don't you want to rest, my love? We deserve it, after everything. You deserve it."
Tears carve tracks down a despondent face. A pale hand is extended, one last desperate attempt to reach her love. "Come with me, Luz. Please. We've done enough for ten lifetimes, wouldn't you agree?"
Tan, callused fingers slowly wrap around Amity's, holding them as they begin to shake. The two stay like that for minutes that feel like hours, cloaked in oppressive quiet as silent sobs wrack Amity's body from within, every last modicum of hope being scoured from her body.
At last and altogether too quickly, Amity exhales and steps back, getting some distance despite the fact that her hand was still trapped in Luz's own. Golden eyes track dust mites swirling around the feet of her former love, unable to look further up for the weight of the moment.
“We have two guests upstairs.. They should be ready to keep moving by tomorrow, but it might take an extra day for the boy to work up his nerve, so be patient with him please.” Delicate hands wring themselves ragged, brief flashes of immaculate black nails always being covered rapidly. “You know - “ the words get stuck in Amity’s throat for a moment, a brief swallow helping to dislodge them. “We’ve been doing this a long time, Luz - you know the details of my part in this, right?”
Luz’s right foot scuffs the floor lethargically, any energy in the motion rapidly getting stolen by the ancient planks she runs into. “You encourage them to tell their stories, to unburden them before the ferry takes them downriver, I know, I know.” Silence, for a moment, and then Luz’s voice comes out at a whisper. “Is that something that you need, now? Do i need to-“
Amity huffs out a wet laugh, interrupting the wild ride that Luz’s train of thought was on. “It’s okay, darling. That’s what I wrote that book for. I hope, for you, it is enough. I cannot remain with you, but you will always have a record of my love for you - no matter how long you stay."
Eventually, Luz's hand relents, opening up with glacial slowness before dropping to her side in defeat. "Then I guess this is, uh." She pauses, her hands clenching into fists as she steadies herself. "This is farewell then, hunh?"
"Yeah, I guess it is." Amity turns away, looking out the doors once more to the river where her transport awaits, lengthening shadows bringing a modicum of urgency. "Farewell, Luz the human. I am unspeakably glad that you were in my life, and I hope you find peace."
There is a strangled sob from behind her, but Amity's feet carry her forward regardless - it is too late to do anything but move forward.
When Amity finally boards the ferry, she cannot help but look back one final time - an achingly familiar silhouette standing watch as she takes her next steps. She waves once, her wrist weakly flopping to the side, before turning away and firmly looking to the twilight horizon, away from the shattered remains of her love that mark her path for the scant few minutes of the day that remained.
“It is for the best, dear heart.” A gravelly voice states from beside her, rolling over her like a tidal wave. “With what she has become…. I’m sorry to say, she might not ever be able to leave this place. Too much of her heart has taken root among these muddied banks, and it doesn’t easily let go."
Amity's mind races - surely asking this directly is taboo, but courtesy is for the living, is it not?
"Is that what happened to you, Charon?"
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