#happy late birthday umbra witch
blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #637: Nice, Relaxing Birthday (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Ren: (Hugs his Witch Mom on the Sofa Under a Blanket) Happy 609th Birthday, mom.
Bayonetta: (Giggles Softly While Snuggling Onto her Baby Boy) Thank you, sweetie-pie~ It makes me so happy that you remembered.
Ren: You sure you don't wanna throw yourself party or go out to eat somewhere?
Bayonetta: I'm positive. Christmas is almost around the corner and I don't want it to be overshadowed by this fabolous special day. All I want to do today is stay home, watch some classic Christmas Specials, and cuddle the day away with momma's precious baby boy~ (Starts Kissing Ren's Cheek)
Ren: (Chuckles a Bit Ticklishly) Mom, come on! Is that really necessary?
Bayonetta: (Playfully Pouts at Ren) Oh hush up! I know full and well that you adore my hugs and kisses! So don't you dare act all embarrassed around your own mother, young man!
Ren: (Smiles Sheepishly While Snickering) Relax. I was only messing with ya is all. I love those hugs and kisses just as much as I love you.
Bayonetta: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Oh honey.....(Gives Ren a Big Kiss on the Forehead) Mommy loves you too~
Ren: Hey, mom?
Bayonetta: Yes, dear?
Ren: Is it really that you guys fought Sephiroth a while back? You know, during the whole World of Light fiasco.
Bayonetta: ('Ugh') (Rolled her Eyes in Annoyance) I'm afraid so, Renny.....The Silver Haired Prude out bested me Greninja and I with one measly slice of that stupid Long sword of his.
Ren: It was that bad, huh?
Bayonetta: It was the worse. (Begins to Pout) I didn't even got a chance to try landing another hit on him after that, once he tried to-
Ren: Stab Mario? Yeah, Sonic already told us a lot about that a few days ago. Pretty intense imagery he showed us after afterwards, not gonna lie.
Bayonetta: ('Sigh') I agree. Still, It's a miracle that Mario didn't actually gotten himself hurt like that.
Ren: ('Sigh') Yeah. But.... Honestly.....
Bayonetta: Hm?
Ren: (Smiles a Little) I'm really glad you didn't get yourself killed out there. (Looks Down on the Ground in a Bit of a Somber like Manner) I don't know what I would do if that were the case....
Bayonetta: (Smiles Softly While Gently Place Two of her Hands on Ren's Cheek and Have it Face Her) Honey, you don't need to stress yourself out over something happened a long time ago. You know I wouldn't let someone like that One-Winged Angel brat take me down that easily. And furthermore, I would never.....never ever leave you in this cruel world alone. (Gives Ren Yet Another Big Kiss on His Forehead) That's a promise.
Ren: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. I know you wouldn't. You are the strongest Umbra Witch I've ever known after all.
Bayonetta: (Pouts at her Son Once More) Renny, I'm the ONLY strongest Umbra Witch you ever known!
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) I know. I know. I was just saying.
Bayonetta: (Giggles Softly) I know you were, sweetheart. (Snuggling Onto Ren Once More with a Sincere Smile on her Face) Thank you so much for making my birthday so memorable this year.
Ren: (Smiles Softly) No problem. Thank you for being my amazing Witch Mom.
Bayonetta: (Gives Ren Yet Another Kiss on the Cheek) You're always welcome, my dear son. I love you so very much. With all my heart.
Ren: (Gives Bayonetta a Kiss on the Cheek) I love you with all my heart too, mom.
Happy Birthday Bayonetta!
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