#happy kyle week lol i am a joke
boxwinebaddie · 4 months
Anonymous asked:
does jers like sour skittles?
hello, my dear! as a preface, because i am feeling a little bit out of sorts, i don't really have the poetics to put together a beautiful ask meme...but i did take some odd little notes about how i felt in a google doc. i will humbly offer them to you in hopes they suffice. xx
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madstronaut · 1 month
PSA: i am an absolute sucker for meet-cutes
ya know what's funny? every time I have the passing thought wondering if I'll run out of fic I've bookmarked to (lovingly) rant about, my moots/cod writers never fail to deliver new bangers after bangers... at this rate my bookmark folder is bursting at the seams and threatening to explode into a big flaming glorious ball of confetti and words and emotions and tears (mine, my tears, those are all mine-)
I have also had the most exhausting past few weeks and seeing memes crop up about "becoming important at work is ruining my life" hit a little too real for me to laugh without crying a teeny bit but you know who i know got me? FANFIC WRITERS MY BELOVEDS THAT'S WHO 💖💖💖 (whom? fuck idk anymore how did I even get my job when I fuck up basic grammar lol)
I have been listening to Posty's new country song with Dolly Parton and it feels incredibly gaz-coded to me... I recently went karaoke-ing and let me tell you I would flirt hardcore by alternately winking constantly/making deep unblinking eyecontact into kyle's baby browns while singing this song anyway sorry totally sidetracked by daydreaming about making out with gaz and then wearing nothing but his hat while i ride his d- [rest of sentence drowned out by dolly parton's bridge]
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Reading: Firefighter!Kyle by @stellewriites
ok to start mister mistoffelees!!!!!!! what a name I swear cat owners give their pets the wildest names (I met someone who had two cats named porterhousesteak and shakeandbake - both names were pronounced like one word) (also on the off-chance charlotte if you're reading this, let's pretend we are two ships passing in the night and you can ignore my videogame military men thirstblog and i'll ignore the names you chose to bestow on your pets)
and even before stelly described him I KNEW HE WAS AN ORANGE CAT 😂
also I have not read or seen Cats the book/musical/movie prior to reading this fic but this made me want to so that I can flirt with stelleverse!kyle
“please misty, my arms are tired and my neighbours have probably already lost all respect for me,” you groaned. it turned into a huff when he turned away to clean his paws, ignoring you again. “you win! there, happy? you furry little orange devil, you fucking win!”
🤭🤭🤭 ok but let's be real we've all been there pleading with pettos and having full-on one-sided conversations with em
you pulled out your phone and skimmed the articles you’d pulled up advising you on how to get a stuck cat out of a tree.
*running to google* also is this not the most millenial/gen-z thing to do!!!! lmao the things I have googled....
“ah that looks like a job for our best man, don’ya agree, si? think this requires garrick’s expertise,” the man said again, smirking at the man sat next to him up front.
we stan a man who sees someone and goes "that's my mate's type" i feel like soap would be such a good wingman
“oi! i’d be happy to help the bonnie thing with their pussy, but ah thought you might appreciate stretching yer legs,” ‘tav huffed from the window.
irl men saying this to me: mace to the face first, questions later
fictional video game men saying this line to me: *practicing deep lunges so I can open my legs for them even wider*
“ahh ok,” kyle nodded. he tested the balance of the ladders against the tree. “musical or book?” my mum used to love t. s. eliot, so i know probably more than i should about it,” he joked, slowly reaching his hand out for misty to sniff at.
NERDY MAMA'S BOY THEATER LOVER CAT WHISPERER HIMBO KYLE MY BELOVED (seriously stelly just took all my fucking weaknesses and rolled them into firefighter!kyle)
“it’s what we’re here for,” kyle said easily, shrugging as he came to stand before you. “plus, it’s always easy when the callers are so pretty.” “hah! right, yeah he’s a cutie,” you said and wiggled your fingers at misty, letting him bat at them. kyle waited for you to look up before replying. “i meant you,” he said a little sheepishly.
"he said a little sheepishly" that cat better get back in that tree to make space cos I'd be taking a running leap into his arms after rizzing me up like that
“like, how? on the emergency number?” you hinted. “ah fuck,” he swore and patted at his pockets. you heard the scotsman laugh from the truck and hid your own teasing smile behind your hand.
I would be remiss not to include this cute little challengefic stelly wrote that I have daydreamed about multiple times after reading (I usually picture gaz or soap here when I read about college/uni!141)
the fic also reminds me of the large lectures I attended in college (I was a solid sit near the middle or 2/3 up the room but never allll the way in the back student) where I observed in no particular order:
several randos watching various LOTR movies on their laptop
watching Pirates of the Caribbean and Dragon Ball Z was also super popular
also re: chronic anime porn purveyor -> seeing a girl straight up go over and unplug his charger from the wall socket AND his laptop and just WALK AWAY WITH IT 😂🙌 (my queen I still think about you from time to time after all these years, I oft pray to match a thimbleful of your energy)
girl playing Pokemon Red on an emulator on her laptop (I was riveted and also went to search and download the same and got lost in the sauce burning through all the pokegames for a hot minute too...THANK YOU ARIA!!!!!!!!)
guy playing tetris on his comp at an INSANELY god-tier speed level; i'm positive he did it for an audience because i swear i saw people attempting to look for and sit behind him to observe him during classes to watch his ass play (noooo this wasn't me who said that also he was kinda cute in a 'you are very competent in this weirdly niche area and i find that kinda hot' way)
girl dropping $800+ on topshop website (am I dating myself mentioning topshop lol is it still around?!?!)
guy speedwriting a paper for another class and turning it in - all during a totally unrelated class, honestly was impressed
girl flawlessly applying liner, lipstick, and a glitter topper without spilling or getting the glitter everywhere (btw at a 9am lecture? slay sis)
anyway can you tell i went to a very large uni lol OK WHERE WAS I BACK TO FIC BACK TO FIC
you stared at the screen unblinkingly, thoroughly distracted from your course and the discussion around you until a hand holding a slip of paper appeared at your shoulder in your peripheral. you flicked your eyes up and found the professor busy facing the board and took the chance to swivel in your seat to look up at the one above yours and the handsome man that currently claimed it.
I can physically feel my pupils popping til they engulf my eyes as I read this - also I loved the premise of this challenge (cali my beloved making bangers as usual @the-californicationist) with people having to guess who the chara was! one of the verrrry first fics I read in cod fandom was an insert-blorbo-of-your-choice-here x reader that I looooooooooved; I find the fill-in-the-blank aspect verrrry titillating✨
“i could maybe think of some way you could thank me,” he acquiesced, smile turning sly. “better concentrate on the front of the class for now though.” he nodded forward.
can also physically feel my pupils turning to heart eyes at this line 😍UNFFFF YES YES LET'S HAPPILY BRAINSTORM THE MANY MANY M A N Y WAYS I COULD THINK OF THANKING YOU GOOD SIR
i met some of my best mates (and earned some wild stories to boot) at uni, as they say over on the other side of the pond, and all the fun cute chaotic little moments of serendipity sprang back up when I read stelly's works and made me feel incredibly nostalgic 🥰🥰🥰 going old school and pulling out my 2008 neutrogena lipgloss out of memory lane for my chef's kisses for yooouuuuu mwahmwahmwahmwah😙👌😙👌😙👌😙👌
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thecoolsquirrel · 5 years
Cradlesona #2
Credits to @lovingsiriusoswald ~!
Basic Knowledge
Name: Kat, soon to be silver/6 of spades
Birthday: 4/20
Age: 27
Height: 5′7 or 174cm
Physical appearance :
Hair: black,thigh length hair, usually tied up in on thick braid,
Skin: Tan skin,
An engagement ring on her finger, blue rectangle hair clips, heart shaped golden earrings, a gun holster
personality: Bold, a flirt, is a 100% straight but would 100% pin a close girl friend, actually really insecure it usually shows when she starts making jokes, sarcastic, blunt, once she starts becoming better friends with someone her awful jokes/sarcasm starts showing
Affliction: Her dad built her a little house next to his, would move once mousie and mousse get married, was going to live at the black army hq but multiple times was called out for wanting to stay at a place with mostly guys
Mousse altas: Oh boy, they argue a bunch of mousie, though kat believes that they could actually be friends, and that he can protect her, but just to get under his skin she bickers with him, would totally threaten anyone who talks bad about mousse though just cause hes mousies fiance, they actually once got into a heated fight and kat yelled at him differently then how she usually does earning a slap from mousie (thats gonna be a comic/fanfic tho) also laughs at how shes like a couple inches taller then him 
Mousie altas: BEST FRIEND OMG I LOVE YOU, ehem, she loves her and would die for her, loves all her treats, and if she doesnt she still eats them but doesnt ask for seconds, brings snacks over all the damn time, compliments everywhere,likes picking her up, she honestly cried when mousie said she was engaged (out of happy tears maybe?) *kat holding someone from the collar* "kat all they said was i looked like a kid.." "EXACTLY" after a fight (wich happens every blue moon) mousie finds kat at a bar and has to pick her up "LITTLE MOUUUSEE~!"  "hm?.." "IM SO SORRY FOR YELLING AT YOU CAN YOU FORGIVE ME PLEASE?" when they were at school kat was into lots of sports and whenever she lost mousie would be there to comfort her, i would say ranting buddies but more like kat rants and mousie listens
Harr silver: "damn" met him on one of those days mousie and herself got into a argument, kat went out into the forest to train were she found it starting to rain, her wanting to go back to hq she left, CRAP, lost, loki found her blah blah blah "hey wanna stay with me?" "not really-" "..." " i see that you wernt ASKING" but then saw harr and almost fell on her face "OH-" one of their convos, "who are you?" "uhh kat whatever your last name is" "!" "NO REGRETS" they didnt see each other for a bit after that but once saw him again to fight amon and noticed that he knew sirius, went up to sirius the next day like "dude i didnt know you had friends outside the army, ANYWAYS WHO IS HE?" honestly blessed sirius for being her wingman after the battle with amon but DIDNT LIKE SIRIUS when harr and she was actually dating and he would try to give him pick up lines or somethin, this boy, she flirts with him a whole bunch, she acts all smooth about it and stuff but once shes done with like two sentences she makes weird giddy noises with her face red matching harrs, harr does anything "YOUR DOING GREAT SWEETIE" harr once made her a flower crown and she may or totally did cry, took her a little bit to say i love you like mousie she wanted it to be romantic and jazz but she probably said it while huggin him like "i love you so much" they both froze loki"OMG IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH TO SAY IT OM-" totally knew when he was proposing cause of either loki and also how can you not he asked her out for a date and he was fidgiting for every second of it, THEY BOTH CRIED WHEN HE PROPOSED, the next day  SHE NYOOMED OVER TO HER BROTHER BUT COULDNT GET A SINGLE DANG WORD OUT SO SHE KINDA WAS JUST THERE FACE RED TEARS STREAKING DOWN LIKE "ISAFEFYOUAINTKGOLSAFNANDHE DIKFILOVEEE HIMOGSG"
Loki: "oh hes kinda clingy but i guess hes kinda neet" after noticing that hes basically harrs son "OH F ME" kinda warmed up to him one day when she was laying with harr sge kinda was just like " your son- i mean loki is a constant on heat cat" loud coughing Red Army:
Blanc: "hey can i have an other slice of the carrot cake its really good!" blanc"????" oliver".... she cant visit no more" boom thats their relationship
Lancelot kingsley: After all that she and it was actuallly amon who was behind everything her reacting kinda was like "oh dang, OK COME HERE LET ME SHOW SOME LOVE" honestly just wants to be friends with him from all the burdens he had are they friends now? "more like acquaintances but im working on it!, sirius and sometimes harr are helping me on trying to help him open up"
Jonah clemence: ok so if she was going to try friending lance shes gonna HAVE to be on the good side with jonah, brought him macaroons from mousies cafe and told him she knows luka and so that was a good start, she sometimes gifts him lukas desserts. are they friends? "i would like to believe so! his tsun side is kinda, something, but when he actually lets those walls fall hes quite nice! right now were trying to get luka talk to him"
Edgar bright: "SKETCHY" shoot hes sketchy little thing but he HAS TREATS, likes his ducks, but honestly think hes really awesome with sword fighting, she asked luka about him and he said that hes "aright" so she takes his word for it are they friends? "yes?"
Kyle ash: asked if he can teach her some basic stuff for dressing wounds, noticed hes also a light weight YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS, two drunks being dragged from the collar out of the bar and just laying out infront of the bar like rats, totally calls him out for him saying "Eat healthy" but then he drinks, tried picking him up it actually worked! are they friends?: "HECK YA HES COOL!"
Zero: "ok what the heck happened to you so i know who to murder-" actually started to warm up to edgar when she noticed that he was friends with zero, asked if she can pick him up, it didnt work, asked if he can pick her up, DID WORK, when she was in the dumps cause mousie had work zero gave her a lolipop, ".. omg your a treasure too.." Zero"what?"
Black Army:
Ray blackwell: CAPE BUDDIES! actually really looks up to him and thinks hes super cool! she joined a a few months before him, totally talked to him like a kid but when he became king she kinda was like "Crap waIT WHAT?" asks (she begs) if he can take her when he sees the ally cats, they bond over the kats, though she finds it annoying when they shed on her black cape
Sirius oswald: "who ever thinks im kats dad raise your hand- KAT PUT YOUR HAND DOWN" they knew each other in school, or more like she saw him when they were in school and she just stared at his bangs that looked like they were cut with a lawn mower IMSORRY, shes either on his side defending him from the brats like a proud mother hen, or she is the brat, shes like "no thats not smart" next day shes doing that thing, sirius is on edge around her just cause she can turn on him whenever she feels like it either shes on his side or not lol
Luka clemence: thought he was a girl "wow your really pretty." turns out hes a guy " WOW YOUR A REALLY PRETTY GUY" took a while for them to actually become friends but they got there! praises his cooking/desserts like if its the best thing on this planet COUGH it is COUGH, she gets up around the same time as luka does just so she can make it to the hq on time for breakfast, sometimes asks if they can spar if she catches him training.
Seth hyde: "are you gay?" insert shocked seth face, he helps braid her hair since she cant get it right i mean SHE CANT SEE BEHIND HER HEAD, when she came home one day from a date with harr, harr braided in flowers and seth felt betrayed cause 1: why didnt he think of that and 2:" KAT YOU HAVE SOMEONE ELSE TO BRAID YOUR HAIR WHA" he picked her out some dresses she wants to wear them so badly but doesnt want to one day look like she has somewhere important to be when shes just going on to get fruit, and plus she usally just wears her uniform, tried picking him up, didnt work, he "tried" picking her up " SETH WHY AM I TOUCHING THE SEALING"
Fennir godspeed: "FENNIIIIRRRRR YOOO WHATS GOOD MY GUY" REALLY LIKES TALKING TO HIM, like an older brother to her, he was actually the one who gifted her the gun holster+ a pistol since she took interest in his duel ones, though she only got one since she has shaky hands and needs to hands to steady her hands, tells him hes chicken for not eating his tomatoes, he still doesnt eat them,
Family:(will go in more detail in fanfic or backstory) Parents, two older brothers, two younger sisters Parents: AWESOME, LOVES THEM A WHOLE BUNCH!? Oldest brother: they were kinda close at childhood but drifted away when getting older Second oldest brother: BEST FRIEND, tells him everything, actually joined the blackarmy cause he did youngest sisters:was and still kinda is jealous of them but got over it and trying to fix their relationship
Shes secretly really insecure and laughs it off, but is honestly week sometimes and just cries and so shes just smiling while crying and in her head shes just like "Ah yes here i am making everyone around me uncomfortable" is also a stress eater but mousie thinks shes just enjoying the sweets, got bullied as a kid and jokes about it, had lots of friends but then they just left half the time so shes used to quick friends, likes fruit, if you gift her a fruit salad she will probably cry if you cant tell already she crys alot , sometimes she annoys people that are her friends and feels like traasssh is such a light weight its not even funny, when she was younger she was like "oh ya im not going to be a light weight imma be like my dad!" first drink "DAAD IM A LIGHT HECK" 
Snippit of a backstory- TO BE CONTINUED
Quick doodles of mousie and kat
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the-trth-untold · 6 years
now its ur turn. do all of the sweetheart asks.
god jsjsjhdjk im just letting u kno these answers r gonna be BORING but hhhh THANK U 
1. Talk about your first love.
i’ve never been in love, never been in a relationship before. BUT i can vaguely remember my first crush back in 2nd grade. all i can remember was that his name was kyle and he was the only boy who ever spoke to me and my brain just went !!! 
2. What’s the most beautiful song you’ve ever heard in your opinion?
Break My Heart Again - FINNEAS or What Was Our Love All About - Adrian Milanio and Marylou Villegas 
these are just two that i can think of there are A LOT of beautiful songs
3. How’s your heart feeling right now?
4. What kind of self care is your favorite to do?
i dont really do any self care things?? 
5. What’s your skincare routine?
i dont do any skincare routines either... ik im a monster
6. How did you get to be so beautiful?
u must be blind if u think that 
7. Do you have any stuffed animals?
i used to have over 50 stuffed animals, i would always place them all over my bed neatly but i got rid of them now :( 
8. Best trip you’ve ever been on?
Myrtle Beach, SC because it was my first vacation spot and i was so happy seeing two dolphins close to the shore
9. Favorite thing about your room?
the color of my walls and blankets lol mint green and peach colors
i dont have anything cool in my room
10. Opinion on love?
i mean, it’d be nice to experience it some day and i hope i do but right now im content being by myself
11. Are you affectionate?
if i know you very well i can be, if not im very awkward and will barely make any eye contact with you
12. Who do you look up to?
i look up to people who have struggled a lot in their life, people who can be optimistic in any situation
13. Favorite poet?
i dont read much poetry, but i loved reading some things Emily Dickinson has published
14. Song that makes you happy? How about one that calms you down when you’re in a bad place?
honestly any disney song makes me happy! im a huge disney nerd and listening to any of those songs makes me feel nostalgic.
when im in a bad place, any slow, ballad sounding song can calm me down
15. Do you play an instrument?
i played the flute in middle school but dropped it after less than a week LOL
16. Do you do art? Using what (pencil, watercolor, etc)?
i like doing digital art but im not good at it and i dont have adobe illustrator anymore so i haven’t done anything recently
17. Do you dance? What style of dance?
i cannot dance and no one will make me
18. What’s your zodiac sign? Do you believe in astrology?
im a libra
i somewhat believe in astrology, i know there’s more to it than just your sun sign and there are different placements that make you different from the stereotypical traits people use for each sign
a lot of the “things about each sign” can be used for anyone because the responses can be very vague and many people can relate to 
19. Favorite old film?
too many
the shining, the breakfast club, carrie, pretty in pink, etcetcetc
20. What’s your hairstyle?
idk its a mess
curly/wavy and i have hardcut bangs 
21. What weather is the most beautiful, in your opinion?
fall weather, where its like 50 F (or 10 C for all u weirdos out there), cold enough to put on a flannel and boots
22. What upsets you most about the world?
i only have two hands but there are so many cats and dogs. i cannot pet all of them. (IM SORRY THIS WAS UR ANSWER DASHA BUT IM KEEPING IT ITS SO CUTE AND FUNNY AND I RELATE)
23. Are you in love right now?
24. Do you have a crush? If so, talk about them!
i dont have a crush lol
25. Do you have pets? Talk about something sweet about them!
yes!!! i have two gorgeous puppies!!! if u wanna check them out u can follow my instagram i post them all the time @ the.moon.atomic
they’re such dorks but they fit my household idk how to describe it they just belong in my house hahha
26. Do you have a lucky number?
i dont really believe in lucky numbers 
27. Have you ever wished on a star? What about on a fallen eyelash?
no, and i never heard about wishing on a fallen eyelash haha
28. Do you believe emoji spells to work?
no???????? i dont even know what that is
29. Do you believe in magic in general?
30. What’s the most beautiful thing in life, In your opinion?
when people finally stop hiding their true selves, show their real smiles, and laugh so hard they snort 
idk i just love people, well, most anyway sjsjhzjdsk
31. Opinion on the color pink? What about baby blue?
love them 
theyre such pure colors and they just remind me of newborn babies hahaha
32. What instrumental sound is your favorite?
piano definitely
33. Do you like the sound of wind? What about the sound of rain?
yes! yes to both! i love rain more though, sorry wind
34. Who makes you happy?
my friends, family, and my mutuals 
35. What makes you happy?
listening to music
36. Imagine your ideal life, the life you wish to make, what will that look like?
ohh well i’d be living on germany for starters hahaha
id like to have my own house, maybe living with a best friend
definitely like 5784538902 cats and dogs, i love them 
at some point id like to have a relationship LOL
37. Do you wear makeup? If so what’s your favorite type of makeup or specific makeup product? Favorite store to buy makeup? 
only on rare days ill put on makeup, i only use eyeshadow, liner, and mascara and ive never gone to a store thats just for make up, i just go to a pharmacy lol
38. Do you wear dresses? If so what’s your favorite dress you own?
only if i absolutely have to, the dress i wore for my senior pictures is my favorite
39. Ever been heartbroken? How do you deal with it?
noo, ive never been in a relationship 
40. Who’s your closest friend? What do you love about them?
i kinda really dont have one, not irl anyway
@neo-bangtan @mini-pretzel are my closest friends online, i love everything about u guys
41. Introvert or extrovert?
42. Do you like MBTI? What’s your MBTI?
im isfj
43. Would you be a fairy, a mermaid, a vampire, a siren, or an angel?
uh idk?? i wouldnt want to be immortal so 
44. What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you?
acid jazz singer - the fratellis 
45. Parlez-vous français?
no my french sucks
46. Most beautiful place you’ve been to?
honestly i cant think of any place pennsylvania sucks ahhaha
47. Where/when do you truly feel at home?
home...... my bed...... LOL
48. Does smiling put you in a better mood? Try it right now, you’re smile is gorgeous!
only if im not looking at myself lol
49. Favorite shoe you own?
slip ons or my new balance 
50. Can you walk in stilettos? Do you like them?
N O i am so accident prone i can barely walk barefoot without tripping 
51. Do you feel loved?
kinda? sometimes?
52. How do you express love to those you care about?
just giving them a hug lol or saying i love you
53. Favorite term(s) of endearment?
no ones ever called me any but i like baby, im a simple girl 
54. Most romantic thing someone’s ever done for you?
55. When is the happiest you’ve ever been?
meeting new people who share the same interests 
56. Are you happy right now?
im pretty neutral atm
57. What makes you smile?
58. Do you laugh a lot?
i guess??
59. What’s your favorite kind of aesthetic?
soft vibes i guess haha
60. Do you want to marry for love or for some other reason (like money)?
i dont see myself marrying but if i would it would definitely be for love
61. What would your dream wedding look like? Do you want to get married?
i dont really want to get married, most of the time it ends in divorce and theres just a lot of paper work and its a hassle i dont see a point in it 
62. Favorite flower?
63. Favorite artist?
edgar degas
64. Favorite music artist?
bts lol
65. How kind do you think you are? Is kindness important to you?
i try to be kind to everyone, i dont know if others perceive me that way but i think kindness is very important to me
66. Ever made a playlist for someone?
once and i loved it, pls ask me to make a playlist for u
67. Do you have anything you do to physically comfort you when your sad? Such as a favorite blanket? Or a relaxing bath?
music and a soft blanket 
68. Early bird or night owl?
early bird
69. Morning routine?
wake up, look in the mirror, look away from the mirror, go back to bed. (AGAIN THIS IS UR ANSWER DASHA BUT IM KEEPING IT HHAHAHAHA)
70. Night routine?
shower and watch netflix until i fall asleep
71. What is the most lovely quality a person could have in your opinion?
being humble
72. Do you cry often? Does crying help you get the emotions out? Do you feel better after?
yes yes and yes
im such a cry baby i will cry at everything if u yell at me or if disappoint u im so sensitive 
73. Do you like hugs?
yes but i dont receive many hugs
74. When was the last time you kissed someone?
75. Are you small or tall?
small, 5′4 or 164cm
76. Do you like wholesome memes?
who doesnt
77. Favorite thing about the past?
anything that makes me feel nostalgic 
78. Do you ever wonder about the future?
79. Have you ever lived in a different country than you currently live in?
80. Do you like plane flights? Airports?
ive never been on a plane
81. Sunrises or sunsets?
82. The beach or a forest?
83. What time of day do you tend to be in the best mood?
when im sleeping lol
84. Do you push yourself to act together and in a good mood even when you aren’t?
i try to 
85. Favorite kind of tree?
what kind of question is this i dont know anything about trees
86. Do you care about the health of the Earth?
i want to but i dont do anything for it
87. What did you like most about your childhood, if anything?
fieldtrips in school
88. Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book?
i try to read more, my favorite book is more happy than not 
89. What are you most nostalgic for at the moment?
disney, i just put my christmas tree down and the ornaments are disney characters
90. What’s your favorite personality trait you have?
honesty i guess?
91. List at least ONE thing you love about your appearance.
my eyes
92. When was the last time you truly felt calm, without much of anything to worry about?
after i bathe 
93. Do you worry a lot?
yes all the time
94. The dazzling lights of the city or the relaxing countryside?
dazzling lights of the city
95. Ever changed the shoelaces on one of your shoes? For what reason?
96. Favorite pastry?
??????????? i dont know??????????
97. Do you like doing little acts of kindness?
98. How’s your day/night going?
fine so far, i dont have to work today so im just chillaxing 
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This super-sized roundup covers the last two weeks in news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
Harry (Magnus) accepting his People’s Choice Award.
Behind-the-scenes photos of Matt (Alec) playing piano of seasons 2 and 3. 
Kat (Clary) accepting her People’s Choice Award.
Worth staring at in traffic. #Shadowhunters
Happiest of birthdays to shining star @Kat_McNamara. #Shadowhunters
Cheers to each and every one of you. Happy Thanksgiving, #Shadowhunters family. 
ShadowhuntersTV shared a special message from Freeform Santa.
TFW you realize the long weekend is almost over. #Shadowhunters // @Kat_McNamara, @DavidLCastro_ @arosende 
Reunited. Maia & Simon behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. 
What are these two up to?  Behind the scenes of #ShadowhuntersSeason3. 
We'd know those shoulders anywhere. #Shadowhunters 
Some Maia to brighten your day.  #Shadowhunters 
Our first gift of the holiday season is a 4 second behind-the-scenes video of Kat (Clary) and the announcement of #25DaysOfTeasers: And welcome to December! Now through December 25th, we're celebrating #25DaysOfTeasers in which we'll be sharing new content from #Shadowhunters every day. Starting with this gorgeous snow angel. Thanks for being the best fandom, #ShadowFam.
Shadowhunters In The News
MEAWW (interviews, articles, and fan features): Matthew Daddario and Dominic Sherwood interview; The cast of ‘Shadowhunters’ commend fans; three features on Katherine McNamara; fan features from Tasha Adamski  and Amelia Gormley;  #SaveShadowhunters; Malec; and Harry Shum Jr.
Pop Hearts TV (video interview): Katherine McNamara talks Shadowhunters coming to an end, what the finale might have in store for fans. 
Conventions France (video interview): Are Katherine and Will true fan of Shadowhunters ? You’ll have the answer in this interview! 
Cosmopolitan (article): The Definitive Ranking of the Best TV Ships of 2018.
E! News (article):  Harry Shum Jr. Pays Tribute to Touching Shadownhunters Fanmail After Winning People's Choice Award.
Zarata Events (Convention): Pandemonium Con announces Kat (Clary) as their final guest.
Cosmopolitan (article):  Everything to Know About ‘Shadowhunters' Season 3B and Finale Event.
Film Daily (article):  #SaveShadowhunters: Here’s why the #PCA’s were a huge victory for the #Shadowfam
Matt Carter Media (article): Shadowhunters Season 3 Finale Update.
ShumdarioNews shares their exclusive Friday photo of Matt (Alec).
Esquire (article): Harry (Magnus) is featured in The Best-Dressed Men Of The Week
Grumpy Magazine features Kat (Clary) in their Fall 2018 issue.
E!News (article):  Celebrate Katherine McNamara's Birthday With All Her BTS Pics From the Shadowhunters Set
WatchMojo.com (video):  Top 10 TV Cancellations That Upset Us in 2018
Matt Carter (article):  Shadowhunters season 3 episode 11 preview: What should be next?
Just Jared Jr. (poll):  What Is the Best TV Show of 2018? Vote Now!
Film Daily (article):  #SaveMalec: Why Harry Shum, Jr. is our renaissance man
Teen Vogue (article):  "Riverdale" and "Supernatural" Are the Top Live-Action TV Shows of 2018 on Tumblr
Tumblr released 2018′s Top Ships and Top Live-Action TV Shows.
Shine On Media (video interview):  Katherine McNamara Teases ARROW, "Twisted" SHADOWHUNTERS Finale & Dream Role
TV Insider (article):  'Shadowhunters': Go Behind the Scenes of the Final Episodes (PHOTOS)
You’re So Beautiful Now (video interview):  EXCLUSIVE VID: Katherine McNamara Gives Emotional "Shadowhunters" Interview
Red Carpet Report (video interview):  Katherine McNamara interviewed at Netflix premiere of Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle #Netflix #Mowgli
Miami Living Magazine (interview): Katherine McNamara is on Fire
Brief Take (interview): Interview: Arrow’s Katherine McNamara
SyFy Wire (article):  Ranking the sexiest werewolves on television
Basic Stuff Magazine (photos): Shares photos from the Italian Institute Shadowhunters convention from back in July 
Basic Stuff Magazine (article and photos): MCM Comic Con London Shadowhunters panel recap (SATURDAY), and photos (SATURDAY/SUNDAY)
Social Media Stuff
Harry (Magnus) selects the winner of his #MassiveMagnusFan contest. 
Kat (Clary) tweeted: Vulnerability is uncertain, its strange and scary, but share it with the right person and it becomes an unexpected gift. Open up. Be fearless. It’s never too late to take that chance to live and love. #MondayMotivation. 
Isaiah (Luke) shared a throwback photo with Matt (Alec) from New York Comic Con 2017.
Kat (Clary) will be on the cover of Avante Magazine in December 2018
Will Tudor (Johnathan Morganstern/Sebastian Verlac) will be on the cover of Man About Town Magazine’s Winter 2018/Spring 2019 edition.
Folks VFX (VFX team) tweeted: Philippe, our VP and VFX Supervisor for @ShadowhuntersTV geared up for the show's last VFX deliveries #vfx #shadowhunters #WednesdayMotivation
Todd (showrunner) shared a photo from the viewing party for the season 3 finale event with the caption: The last mix. The last day in the shadow world for ⁦me and @DSwim⁩ and it was a glorious day. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts #castlikenoother #crewlikenoother #fanslikenoother #shadowhunters #ShadowhuntersLegacy
Darren (showrunner) tweeted a response to Todd’s viewing party tweet: It was amazing to watch the completed finale movie along with the members of cast who were in town. A perfect way to go into Thanksgiving. So much to be thankful for. 
Bryan Q. Miller (writer) tweeted his feelings about 3B: It's a ride, gang #ShadowhuntersLegacy 
Lindsay Wolfington (music mupervisor) tweeted: #Shadowhunters music team ready to mix the finale!!! @jackwallmusic​ 
Luke Baines (Johnathan Morganstern) tweeted:  Saw the finale today, and wow. Start sending love letters to @toddzer1 + @DSwim because they have done you so proud - it’s better than anything I could have imagined. I cried three times. And twice, it was out of happiness
Kat (Clary) tweeted:  Beautiful, bittersweet, and bloody good - final mix of the @shadowhunterstv series finale #TheFinalHunt. Angels, start stockpiling tissues now - you’re gonna need em. Thank you to @toddzer1 and @DSwim for this gift to the #ShadowhuntersLegacy.
Isaiah (Luke) celebrated Thanksgiving as Freeform Santa.
Arianna (Madzie) tweeted a birthday message to Kat (Clary).
Luke Baines (Johnathan Morganstern) replies to fan questions about crying during the 3B finale.
Kat (Clary) responds to birthday messages from Zelda Williams and Lisa Berry (Sister Cleophas).
Lola Flannery (Young Seelie Queen) tweeted a birthday message to Kat (Clary). 
Harry (Magnus) celebrated his sixth anniversary with wife Shelby Rabara.
Luke (Johnathan) tweeted Thankful to the #Shadowhunters’ fans who have welcomed me so wholeheartedly, and specifically to those who donated and posted about Pasha - his operation was a success and he’s on the mend. Thank you today and every day.
Kat (Clary) tweeted Cheers to you, angels! I am eternally grateful for this amazing, warm, accepting, loving, passionate fandom.  Forever yours, Fray
Kat (Clary) shared a photo of herself taken by Will Tudor (Johnathan Morganstern/Sebastian Verlac).
Luke Baines (Johnathan Morganstern) answered fan questions on Twitter. 
Kat (Clary) tweeted a hiking photo:  Not sure if it’s the sunshine or time well spent with this lady, but today’s hike sure put a smile on my face...  #regram @arden_cho
MCM Comic Con tweeted a video:  What was your first fandom? @ch8i of @ShadowhuntersTV tells us his live from #mcmcomiccon Birmingham! Come join us! #WeAreTheFans
Kat (Clary) shared a photo from her Grumpy Magazine cover feature.
Chai Hansen (Jordan Kyle) shared a photo from MCM Comic Con on Instagram: Can’t remember what the joke was... but we were both in stitches lol
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tried to clear up a rune mystery:  Hiya! I only joined S3 so I was aware of the mystery of the double Angelic runes! Now our man Jace has a Flexibility, NYX and Stamina on his chest. The double Angelic...only the Angels know the reason!
Kat (Clary) tweeted about Pandemonium Con:  LONDON BABY! Here I come! #PandemoniumCon @ZarataEvents! Can’t wait to see you all there! #ShadowhuntersLegacy
Alberto (Simon) shared a photo on Instagram: Hard saying goodbye, I’ll see you at Christmas! #BellaRosende
Kat (Clary) tweeted:  I see it now! The Adventures of Papa Wolf and Kiddo!   @isaiahmustafa #ShadowhuntersLegacy
Isaiah (Luke) shared a behind the scenes photo with Alexandra Ordolis (Ollie) on Instagram.
Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn) gave us a sneak peek of her runes and hinted at one very special rune.
Joshua Butler (director) let fans know where they can find the outside of the Institute in Toronto.
ShadowhuntersTV tweeted:  The beautiful @Kat_McNamara has arrived at the World Premiere of @FreeformTV’s #LifeSize2.
Harry (Magnus) did some picturesque (and mildly dangerous) one-wheeling.
Kat (Clary) tweeted photos from the Mowgli premiere: Sometimes all that glitters is gold...  @YSL for @MowgliMovie  @netflix 
Kat (Clary) tweeted a sneak peek of her new role on Arrow, Maya.
ShadowhuntersTV tweeted: .@Kat_McNamara making some new friends at the world premiere of #MaryPoppinsReturns.
Sweety High shared a video of Kat (Clary) at the Mary Poppins Returns premiere on Instagram.
Hollywood and Highland shared a video on Instagram of Kat (Clary) at the Mary Poppins Returns premiere discussing why Mary Poppins is her favorite character in the movie.
Kat (Clary) tweeted:  A spoonful of sparkle for #MaryPoppinsReturns in @YSL. @DisneyStudios 
TechWithTolentino shared some photos of Harry (Magnus) meeting video students at the Hawaii International Film Festival.
Darren Swimmer (showrunner) tweeted:  Keep an eye on @ShadowhuntersTV during the month of December for #25DaysOfTeasers. #Shadowhunters
Brian Hui (makeup) shared a behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary):  “Oh the weather outside is frightful but ⁦@Kat_McNamara⁩ , you’re so delightful!”
Taylor Mallory (writer) tweeted:  Fun fact: I wrote this, and originally it was “student body president.” But it was too autobiographical so I changed it. (Also Simon’s such a VP.)  #charm
Other News
TV Line (article):  Arrow First Look: Katherine McNamara Gets Punchy as Street Fighter Maya 
Just Jared Jr. (article): Laura Marano Celebrated Her 23rd Birthday at the 'Mary Poppins Returns' Premiere with Katherine McNamara!
28 notes · View notes
cynical-sirius · 6 years
Hey! I’m going around asking the gc members this one by one! How would you explain every member of the gc???
Abbie aka @eyeofahurricaneart - did y'all know that this girl literally lives AROUND THE CORNER FROM MY PARENTS’ HOUSE yet we’ve never met? (I go to uni 3 hours away). Abbie is so sweet and kind and a damn talented artist!! She’s only been able to join calls briefly but she is a treasure and I love her. (Also we have a mutual friend who has told me that she has the best singing voice so at some point I’m gonna get her to sing for me). Literally drank tea on the skype call like the british stereotype she is. Her insta name is literally a pun. So much love.
Anca aka @rthemis - BITCH WHERE YOU BEEN RECENTLY?!?! I haven’t heard an update about her life in a while which makes me sad because her life is literally a fanfic that I am very much subscribed to. She is so caring. Did you know she literally has a pinterest board for each of her friends where she posts things that remind her of them??? She is also such an Enjolras she cares so much and I love her for it. She literally acted ‘extra gay’ around a bunch of homophobes just to piss them off and adfhksglshgl I love her for it.
 Bea aka @probablybeatricetbh - We have literally never DMd!! I’m gonna change that after this post because wtf she’s so amazing. She is so woke and brilliant and although she hasn’t joined the calls recently was such an asset when she did!! This girl literally got detention for ranting about gender neutral bathrooms - World Ain’t Ready Enj anyone?? I love her a lot, as everyone should!
Eve aka @poneezi - Man, this girl is wacky and I love her. She once told this story about a snail that was just so weird and wonderful and perfectly encapsulates her as a person.  She doesn’t join calls as much as I’d like but she’s so great when she does!!! I’m pretty sure we have the same sense of humour too - I remember the first time we spoke on call we literally told the same joke at the same time (although now I can’t even remember what the joke was lol). SO much love.
Jaël aka @yeah-tea - oh my god where do I begin? She keeps animal skulls that she skins herself and a taxidermy crow that she made (that I named Russell Crowe) which would normally be huge warning signs for me to be scared of a person, but she’s also a fiercly loyal hufflepuff with a heart of gold who just loves everyone around her and she just has the most beautiful and pure soul ever and I love her so so so much!!! Hopefully going to meet her soon which I am so fucking excited for!!!
Jenny aka @charliedemarcoo - This girl somehow manages to turn a group of dysfunctional gays into a group of Jolys screaming “NO DON’T DO THAT IT’S DANGEROUS” (I mean wtf she snorted chilli powder I cannot even). She is literally 13 and yet I don’t notice an age difference?? (Although that may be because I’m immature rather than because she’s mature lol). She sends chocolates in the mail and is so cute and I love her. Just a wildcard all over tbh - yesterday she fucking went down a slip and slide made of rainwater down a staircase??? We will all die an early death from how much she worries us. She also wrote a ‘keyboard smash’ translation of her letter for Kyle. I love her. A lot.
Kyle aka @eposettemyass - This gal literally is the reason we all know each other!! So thank you for that, Kyle!! She is so brilliant and amazing!! She literally just got into a great uni and I am so so so proud of her. The recipient of the aforementioned keyboard smash letter because she is a useless gay who cannot convey emotions without a keyboard smash. AMAZING SINGER TOO LIKE WTF?!?!?!?! She literally grimaced the day she found out I was a gemini (it was over Skype - I saw her face) which I normally wouldn’t be offended by except thefact that I am literally the most stereotypical gemini ever. Loooove youuuu.
@shitpostingfromthebarricade - This girl is my rock. Literally. I do not know where I’d be without her. Also whenever I want to talk about some super obscure fanfic that I’ve read, she always seems to have read it??? (See: 10 Things AU, Cheers Darlin’, etc). She literally holds the chat together: she initiates the calls (literally, this week she wasn’t around to start the call so it started 2 and a half hours late - where would we be without you dude seriously), she is just by far the unorganised organiser in a group of unorganised gays. Probably the one I’ve spoken to most and I feel like she knows me pretty well and I know her pretty well. Always there to talk!!! Love you 😘😘😘
Anyways those are my gays and I love them ❤️❤️❤️ (ps I have not proofread this at all so prepare for there to be a load of mistakes in it)
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ampersandbastille · 7 years
∆ one of the best days of my entire life ∆
Alright. So. I am going to do my very best at this. But here it finally is, in its entirety in post form: On Saturday May 6th, 2017 in Charlotte, North Carolina, I saw my favorite band, Bastille, again. And by some all-powerful grace of a god in the sky or the universe rewarding me for some reason, I got to meet them. Here is the story:
First off, I was not supposed to attend this concert at all. I live in Maryland, and every single being in the universe for a month was not on my side. I have a great friend, Megan, who lives in North Carolina, and it was not working out that I could visit her and go to either this Charlotte show, or the one in Raleigh next week. It was absolutely miserable trying to work out how to go to see them, and because I live with my parents, they were extremely against it. Even though I’m 22 at the moment, for some reason, their opinion on spending my own money, time, and gas was somehow important.
Anyway, I finally figure out a way to get there. Megan and I are ecstatic. I finally get to her place in North Carolina and we are incredibly excited (and nervous). Only issue…she had already invited her other friend with her to the contest she had won through a radio station to meet them. As I said, I was not supposed to somehow find a way to get to them and see them again so soon. My friend was devastated that she had invited her other friend to go already. But I was excited no matter what. I was seeing my favorite band again and I was with an amazing friend...I was so happy for her to be able to meet them regardless.
The day of, we drive to the venue. One of her other friends Reagan, who is a sweetheart by the way, met us there as well. Now keep in mind, not only are we waiting outside to get into the venue obviously, but this venue is outdoors. It was cold, windy, and it started raining. We were in line hours before but it seemed like it was even longer. It just felt so frustrating. I was starting to think that everything was literally and figuratively “raining down on me” and trying to tell me I was an idiot for trying to go to this concert. But regardless, I held hope. I had to be happy anyway. I was here in line with Megan in NC to see my favorite band.
For hours we waited, shivering underneath an umbrella. Dan tweeted out that quote tweet where he had agreed with a fan that the rain needed to go away. It somehow made me feel even worse. I was excited, but miserable standing there outside. Megan’s other friend showed up, and it made me sadder. I had kinda hoped she just wouldn’t show up or wouldn’t be able to make it so that I could somehow go with Megan, but I hadn’t held out any hope at all for that anyway...it was more like a distant wish and mean-sounding dream to have. I felt my friend start to feel sadder and even worse because she wanted me to go so badly. It made me feel guilty too.
Finally the doors opened, and Megan and her other friend had to stay waiting outside for will call to meet the radio station for meet and greet. Reagan and I got into the venue, and headed into the pit. Like last time, I was like one or two people back from the barrier, really close, and on the left side in the middle. Obviously...because I may or may not be in total love with Kyle…so of course I want to be on Kyle’s side, always. I like being in the middle of that left side so I can have a good view of the middle and beyond of the stage as well, and I could still get an angle of Will on the way right.
As we are waiting, me and Reagan are talking to the really friendly and nice younger girls in front of us, talking about our other concert experiences with Bastille and other bands. I do this often at concerts...I am very extroverted and making friends and talking to others comes easily to me. Suddenly, my friend’s phone starts ringing, and she mouths to me “It’s Megan!” and I was confused, because she was supposed to be in the meet and greet. I immediately got worried that something bad had happened. Then this is where EVERYTHING changed.
Her friend asks, “Did you get the text Megan sent you?” and I hadn’t, because I had been talking to the girls in front of us. Then she says, “There’s an extra meet and greet, and it’s yours. Go to will call. NOW!” and my heart dropped. I yelled “WHAT?!” so ungodly loudly that the entire pit and beyond full of people in this venue turned to look at me. I was hyperventilating and freaking out and Reagan is just like “Audrey!! RUN! GO!” and I’m like, frozen. I ask the girls in front of us to save my spot for Megan and I (her other friend that was already with her had a seat with her sister elsewhere) and they were like “OMG OMG YEAH GIRL, JUST GO!”
So I push my way through people and I am running SO GODDAMN FAST out of there. The lady at the gate unscans my ticket so I can get back in for meet and greet and then the pit obviously and I am sprinting to will call. I was a competitive runner for years, and this was the single most important run I have ever ran, no joke.
So I make it there, and I am hyperventilating but also panting from running, and everyone from meet and greet are there, including Megan and her friend, and the radio station. And I just say “WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?? HOW???” And Megan is freaking out with me and she points to these other two people in line. And they explain to me that they had an extra meet and greet because they couldn’t find someone else to go. And normally you’re not allowed to just add a random person last minute but the radio guy was like “Well, if I turn around and then there’s suddenly an extra person here…” and so like. DUDE THANK YOU RADIO GUY, I OWE YOU MY LIFE. Thank goodness my friend had been listening in on them talking about it, and she immediately told them “I HAVE A FRIEND WHO WANTS TO BE HERE!”
SO I am there. In line. TO MEET THEM. And I am tweeting up a storm on my stan Twitter (@bastilleaud) and I cannot type. Or breathe. Steffi (@bastillefueled) was the first to respond, and then suddenly I get a huge influx of tweets of my Twitter friends being like WHOA WHAT IS HAPPENING HOW WHY WHERE WHAT. And Steffi was dying for me and it was adorable, because she had seen how much trouble and awfulness I had gone through for weeks even trying to get to this concert. Shout out to you girl, I love love love you.
So we make our way back into the venue, and we are lined up waiting to go inside the inside part of the venue where there were like crew and such, and there was a background set up to take photographs in front of it. I have never been to an official meet and greet for anything EVER, so it was surreal to even see that. It felt like we were waiting for ages and ages, though it was probably a matter of ten minutes. And then.
The four of them walk out in a line. It was literally exactly like that part of the Send Them Off! m/v when they walk out all epicly. My heart dropped. Apparently to my friend Isabella I made waiting in line, I blurted out “they’re REAL” but I honestly don’t remember that, funnily enough. Also, I’ve seen them in concert before? I clearly was just, very excited. Duh. Anyway, the first person I noticed was Will, and they all walked out in order of how they stood in front of the background: Will, Kyle, Woody, and Dan. I was sad but not surprised that Charlie wasn’t there, I would have loved to meet him too.
So Megan and I (and her other friend) were the second to last in line to meet them. We did this purposefully so that we could maybe catch a bit of extra time with them. They told us that we couldn’t take selfies or pictures on our own phones, but that the radio guy would take a couple group pictures on his and then send them to us all. We also couldn’t get anything signed, but I wasn’t heartbroken about any of that. All I was was EXCITED TO MEET THEM.
So finally it’s our turn. I just remember shaking so much. I walked so slowly towards Will, cause I decided to just go down the line in order to meet them. Will had specifically been staring at me while I had been waiting in line and my heart was racing so hard. So when I walked towards him, he winked (like the usual flirty cheeky chap he is) and I was like “Hi Will! It’s so nice to meet you!” and he said “You too!” And I was kinda trying to avoid going to Kyle right away, especially cause I was SOOO nervous to meet him especially, to be frank. So I was like “How are you today?!” and ugh I just noticed how freakin beautiful Will is in that moment. But he was like “Good! But the rain…” and he smirked so cutely, that face he makes when his lips kinda curl. So precious. And I was like “Ugh I know right?!” And then Megan’s other friend walked up towards him. So next was Kyle goddamn Simmons.
So I backed up for a second when I saw him look at me, and I couldn’t help holding my hands to my chest and making like a pretend cry face (only slightly pretend LOL) and I was like “Hey Kyle…” and held my arms out and said, “I kinda love you” to be lighthearted and joke a bit, and he leaned into me (he was a whole head taller than me, and I am nearly 5′8, I was shaking) and he hugged me so tightly and I just remember feeling his shirt on my face and being in disbelief. And he just goes “Awww…” and “it’s okay.” because he probably felt me shaking against him. And by probably I mean definitely. So I force myself to let go so it isn’t awkward, and I show him my tank I am wearing that has this on it:
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Now remember...I hadn’t planned on meeting them that day so I had no idea they would even see it. It was just for me to enjoy. I am obsessed with cats (I have three) and I know he used to talk about loving them more than he does now. So I just am like “Look at my shirt!” and he pokes himself on the shirt (obviously the keyboard cat) and squeaks out cutely, “That’s me!” and it’s on my boob. So. He poked my boob. Which I don’t think he noticed. I don’t know. But I was like “Yeah!” and then he’s like “Aw and look there’s Woody!” and almost poked my other boob too (LOL) and then pointed at Dan singing and he laughed at that (”Look, he’s yelling!”), and then obviously Will on bass there. (this is not the end of my interaction with Kyle either, hold for the end…)
So then I quickly noticed Woody wasn’t with anyone so I walked up to him and was like “HIIII Woody!” and he was so so adorable, oh my goodness. He immediately leans in to hug me. And I hugged him back obviously. And I remarked, “You’re a great hugger!” and he smiled so cutely and was like “Thanks!” excitedly and it made me so happy. I interacted with him again towards the end but then I see Dan finish up with Megan.
Dan is her favorite so she had been with him this whole time, and he’s like waiting to hug me so I immediately am like ohhhh my goodness, and he just goes “Oh hello babe!” and I wanted to faint. He called me babe. Like. He calls Kyle babe???? Not ugly idiots like me??? WTF. And he hugs me. And guys. He smells so lovely. They all do, to be fair. And his hugs, y’all. He cuddle hugs, like leans into you and puts his head into your shoulder (much like that tour video when he hugs Kyle after the white water rafting). It was like that. And I just hold on tightly and I was like, “I really love you.” cause I could not think of what to say, and this was the time I was closest to crying.
I was still shaking so hard, and I knew he could feel it. But he just says, in the softest, sweetest voice, “Awwwww, I love you too!” and I just almost fainted right then and there. And I remember him saying something else to the effect of “You alright?” or something when we let go and he could sense I was emotional I assume, and I just nodded and smiled really big and he smiled back SO BIG. His beautiful teethy smile. So then Woody and Dan are both looking at me still so I just blurt out “Oh by the way, look at my hat!” because I was wearing a maroon colored distressed NASA dad hat, with a flower headband wrapped around it that I fashioned onto it. (fun fact, my grandfather actually worked for NASA so I have a weird attachment to NASA much like they do). Woody just peeked up and looked, Dan smiled really big and looked at it (and I think he was about to say something) but Kyle apparently had looked over too and just goes “AHHH WICKED!! Cool flowers too!” and I wanted to DIE. Then my friend showed Dan the small triangles she made for us all and gave him one and said “These are glow in the dark, so we are gonna hold them up during the concert! Here is yours!” And he was like “Really?!” And he was so amazed. “This so cool! I’ll bring it out!” And by the way, he did, and it sat on Kyle’s keyboard the whole show. Any picture you see from Charlotte that shows the keyboard, that little triangle sitting on it was ours!!
So then they make us all cuddle in for the photo, so the order was Will, my friend’s friend, Kyle, me, Woody, Megan, and Dan. Here is one of the photographs we got (we got three but they are all pretty much the same):
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So then we are all kinda encouraged to walk out for the last two people waiting, but before I walk away, I jog back to Kyle. Because I just had to. I hugged him so hard and said “I don’t want to leave you” and he hugged back so tightly after I said that, and then he laughs and goes, “Sorry love, but I kinda have a show to do…” and jokingly points behind him, like towards the stage and I couldn’t help but giggle. “I know, I know!” Then I did the most crazy and ballsy thing I have ever done. It is on my bucket list. I had to try. So I go, “Okay so I have a question, and you can totally say no if you want...” And he looked confused for a second and smiles, “Yeah, sure!” Then. I proceeded to ask KYLE SIMMONS. My ultimate crush. If I could touch his facial hair. I said something like, “I have just always wondered, I love it so much!” or something close to that.
I still cannot believe myself. He goes, “Uh, yeah sure!” and giggled like a little amused child. AGH. Then he immediately exposes his BEAUTIFUL jawline to me and sticks it out so I can pet it. Oh my lord. My heart in this moment. I could feel Will and Woody for sure looking at us, probably like what is even happening. I have no idea if Dan was looking, cause all I could see was my peripheral aside from looking into Kyle’s face. So I am like HOLDING the left side of his face at this point. I imagined grabbing the right side of his face so badly and just kissing him but obviously I wouldn’t ever do that to him. Hence why I asked him in the first place if I could even touch him, and told him he could say no. I would never want to make any of them genuinely uncomfortable!
So then I say, “Oh my gosh, it’s actually so coarse!” and then he gives me a look and goes “Oh really?!” in such a strong British accent and my heeeaaart, y’all. Agh. He looked so amused. Then he says, “Usually I’m told it’s soft!” And I reply, “It’s very gritty and manly, I love it!” and he smirks so freakin cutely and matter-of-factly and says “Heyyy, I LIKE that!!” He sounded so seductive and cheeky, my god. And I laughed and Will was giggling now. So then I go “By the way, I am in the pit on your side okay, so look for me, I’ll be waving and looking at you, singing really loudly!” And he was like “I gotcha.” in a silly voice and kinda gives like a half wink and then fist pounded me. Gah. And then I walked away because I was getting looks from the security people. And I see Megan and her friend waiting for me and looking at me like WAIT what was happening?! kinda look on their face. So I join them and we walk away down this hallway. We pause, look at each other, and just proceed to squeal and jump up and down and run down the stairs like idiots. So then we make our way outside, and get escorted back and we go back into the pit and I find our spot again with Reagan and those girls I had been talking to again and I properly freaked out to them. Like full on was yelling a bit. I felt bad cause Mondo Cozmo were on and I love them too, but I was too excited to not just let it all out.
Here is the Twitter thread I made directly after this all happened (it’s in all caps and very emotional lol) so if you’d like to read that as well, here’s the link: https://twitter.com/bastilleaud/status/861010333116370944. This was while we were waiting for Bastille to come out to perform.
So. They come out. And I am excited and freaking out all over again. After the first song, I yelled out, “HI I LOVE YOU KYLE!” like I did at the last show (in which he had last time looked for me when he heard it and I waved and he pointed me out and waved like a little child cutely). And then I stroked my imaginary beard to like, remind him of who I was, just in case. But this time he cracked up laughing and looked at me. Like, he knew it was gonna be me. Then he looks at Dan and they both start cracking up??!!!?!?!? And Dan kinda messes up singing the song at the beginning because he’s just LAUGHING. I can’t remember what song it was but I was freaking out...but I also felt super bad.  (edit: there is video footage of it, and it was Laura Palmer) And I was wondering why he just looked at Dan and laughed, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it is because they talked about me before the show and they were laughing about me being crazy enough to ask to touch his facial hair…but obviously I don’t know for sure. But. Whoa.
The show was obviously going on amazingly as per usual, and then Dan starts his little explanation before Snakes about wanting to be distracted from the world, and the he says something to the effect of “This song is about wanting to have those distractions.” And after he says that, literally Kyle just points straight at me. Like. I was a distraction. And he smiles so big. I was just minding my own business and here he is, calling me out. Cheeky bastard.
So throughout the show, Kyle would spot me and smile. And Dan smiled at me. And I was freaking out. Will came over to our side for a second and winked, but he always does that LOL. So then Things We Lost In The Fire started, and my friend and I held up our triangles together, and then we overlapped them over each other like the WWCOMMS logo when Dan came over, and he pointed at them and smiled while he was singing, and pointed at us and gave us a thumbs up of approval. Agh. And also as last concert, I pointed straight at Kyle during Blame for the bridge at the “I got you, I got you” parts and he saw and smiled and scrunched his nose UGH it was adorable. The concert was just incredible in general, of course. There were a couple mic issues in some instances though, and Dan looked so annoyed at the sound people at one point. He was struggling through Bad Blood, I can remember that very clearly. Also side note, for people who asked me about this specifically, Dan came very close to us during Flaws, but I wasn’t close enough to touch him, nor did I want to try anyway. I was turned around looking at Kyle for part of that time blowing kisses at him again like I did last show, and he blew them back again. Eep.
So then. The song choice from Twitter. They were the exact same choices as the Fairfax show I went to. There, we heard Way Beyond. The other choices were Power and The Anchor. I love ALL of these songs so much, but The Anchor is such an important song to me. It spoke to me the moment I heard it. It perfectly describes how I feel about this band. If I had to pick a favorite off this album, which is close to IMPOSSIBLE, I would have to choose The Anchor not only because it’s a great song, but because of the deep meaning and lyrics that I connect to so much. I cry almost every time I hear it. And by the grace of ANOTHER god up above, The Anchor was chosen, even though Power had the same percentage of votes?! So weird. The song started and I immediately shuttered and almost started bawling. Megan just KNEW, and she held me. I recorded the whole song. I was so emotional. I was pointing and singing to Kyle almost the entire time too, and he saw me. And I just. I couldn’t feel more blessed and honored in this moment. Then the last little anecdote I will include is that the last song, obviously Pompeii, I held up my triangle as high as I could and Dan pointed at it, held his hand to his chest, nodded at me, and smiled as if to say “This is the perfect moment for that.”
Then the show ended. We waited outside the buses for them to come out for about an hour, but Dick came out and told us “I’m sorry to tell you, but they won’t be coming out tonight. 4/5 are already in bed. I was like, “Can you tuck them in for us?!” And he smiled and laughed and was like, “Absolutely, I will!” And he then proceeded to tell us about how they bought those giant stuffed animals at a gas station (the teddy and the frog we have been seeing) and that they love to cuddle them. And that they even have their own bunk, just the stuffed animals. LOL. Thank you for telling us that adorable yet totally unnecessary information, Dick. So we said that’s totally okay, we know they have to drive down to Florida tomorrow. Everyone waiting there was so good about it and Dick was like “Thank you all for being so understanding and nice about it!” and it was so cute. Aw. So then my friend and I head back to the hotel that we were staying in for the night because that was also part of the radio contest she won. It was a perfect end to a perfect (and INSANE) day!
I could obviously go on and on about the concert. But other than that, I am ending this novel of a post here. Thank you for reading, and thank you to my beautiful and incredible Twitter family and community for being so happy for me, so supportive, and in general such amazing people. The amount of “You deserve this so much!”s I got made me cry, and I cannot explain how much you lot mean to me. Whew. And a VERY special thanks to my amazing friend throughout the story, Megan, for opening up her home, family, and pets to me while in North Carolina. And for being such an incredible friend, ALWAYS. You mean the world to me, and you are responsible for this day. I can never repay what I owe you. I LOVE YOU.
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mrmarioallman · 6 years
Cranmore Mountain Race
“Just think, you could be running a flat 5k right now instead of this!”
At least that’s what I thought she said.  It was hard to hear anything other than pounding of my heartbeat in my ears.  You gotta love spectators who can make you laugh when you are struggling up a 53% incline.
Over the weekend I ran my first race in 10 months.  After all the ankle drama last year, I really had removed myself from wanting to actively train for anything let alone race.  I just wanted to run.
I signed up from the Cranmore Mountain Race with no expectations.  I knew it was a tough race that consisted of grass ski slope, cat track service road and some single track. At 6.2 miles, it had over 2400 ft of elevation loss and gain with each lap.  It’s a two lap race meaning once you ran up and down, you got to repeat it all over again. Fun right?  Oh, I forgot to mention that right before the summit, we run up the Koessler Trail.  It’s a black diamond ski run that’s only 0.2 miles long but has an average grade of 37% and MAX grade of 53%.  That’s more than Loon Mountain or Mount Washington.  Like I said, fun!
This was my first mountain race that had a downhill portion.  With Mount Washington and Loon Mountain, it was all uphill.  Running downhill on trails scares me.  I am ultra conservative on downhills. I don’t like the out of control feeling. I feel like that’s where I’m going to blow out a knee or mess up my ankle again. It’s definitely my weakest spot.
The race started off with a short flat section before taking a sharp right hand turn up a single track glade section that caused a bottle neck and made everyone stop in their tracks. We were back on the ski slope soon enough where the crowd thinned out.  I fell into a rhythm and felt comfortable climbing while still running. Soon enough it was time to power hike.  And power hike is what I did for most of the 1.3 miles up to the summit.  It was hands on knees, eyes locked on the ground ahead of me.  I passed a few people and tried to keep up with a woman just ahead of me.
It flattened out a bit and was runable until I took a left and stared straight up at Koessler Trail.  Black Diamond ski runs are intimidating when you are skiing down it.  Staring up at it as you are about to power hike it (because there’s no way anyone is running up a 37% grade) is equally intimidating. Footing was tough in spots thanks to loose gravel, leaves and trying to heave myself over bigger rocks.
When I got to the summit of Koessler Trail, I was seeing spots.  It was hot, I was thirsty and my heart was pounding.  Thankfully, there was an aid station where I grabbed a cup of water to dump over my head and one to drink.  We looped down a short service road before heading back up before the descent.
Immediately, the group that I had been running with took off down the grassy ski slope.  I tried my best to keep up but was constantly getting passed.  Although I think I did pass a few people.  Woohoo!
Now let me clarify what a grassy ski slope means.  It’s not grass like in your backyard.  It’s almost like running on piles of hay with sticks, holes and rocks pocking up.  Footing is difficult at time especially because you are either running straight down or at an odd angle of running down hill but into the side of the mountain.  My quads were feeling the decline immediately because I can’t get into “falling in control” when I’m all about “don’t break anything!”. Thankfully, the slope sections were broken up with traversing through the woods on single track.  I tried my best to let loose on those sections since that’s what I love. There were some pretty nasty wipe outs from those who were bombing down the hill.  Amazingly, they popped right back up and continued to bomb away.
I finished the 1.1 mile descent in 14:45 to complete the first loop in 45:51.
I looped through the only flat section at the base of the mountain, grabbed some water for my head and to drink and started on lap two.  Immediately, I could tell this lap was going to be a lot slower.  My quads were beat! I fell into a rhythm with a group of running/power hiking (with a lot more hiking than running).  Hitting Koessler Trail for the second time was a lot harder.  I was tired and oh so thirsty.  But I kept up with the group and even managed to laugh at the spectators joke(see above).  I again grabbed a cup of water for my head and to drink.  I stopped to walk and drink and before I knew it I was alone.  Like ALL alone.  The group I had been with bombed down the hill and were gone. There was no one ahead of me and no one behind me.
Was I seriously in last place?
I spent the next 15:40 thinking I was dead last.  During that 15:40 I tried to push it as much as I could.  My legs were toast.  I really wish I had someone to chase at this point.  I do so much better in races when I have someone I can latch onto. I know I slowed down because I was tired but also because it didn’t feel like I was in a race.  And I had to pay attention to where the course was.  I’m more of a follower!
My first wipe out happened on a grassy slope section.  I think I tripped over a root.  Nothing hurt so I popped back up.  At least no one saw me fall since I was all alone!   As I got closer to the base and the finish line, I began to hear music from the band.  Finally, a building appeared with a man on the deck.  That’s when my second wipe out occurred. He shouted out, “Nice job!” as I proceeded to roll my ankle (the left, of course!) in a hole and fall face first on the grassy slope where I ate dirt.  Thanks for the jinx, dude! I started laughing because this stuff can only happen to me.  I popped up and immediately knew my ankle was hurting.  Thankfully, I was able to walk it off in a few steps.  I turned the corner around the building and tried to run it in to the finish as fast as I could hobble.
I finished the second lap in 51:08…over 5 minutes slower than lap one. How ’bout those positive splits?
Finish time: 1:35:58
And I wasn’t in last place.  I was in the middle of the pack…but all alone. Lol!
Despite not being able to go up and down stairs without holding onto a banister for dear life and having a gnarly gash on my shin and knee, I had a great time!  Take aways from the race: I really enjoy the climbing portion of mountain running.  Downhill running on trails is something I definitely need to work on.  But that’s going to have to wait until I can walk normally.
Side note: My friend and coaching client, Kyle, did amazing!  This was her first mountain race and she crushed it.  I’m so excited to see how she does at Mount Washington in a couple of weeks!
50% grades, face plants and the art of falling in control – Cranmore Mountain Race Recap #running… Click To Tweet
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The post Cranmore Mountain Race appeared first on Happy Fit Mama.
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