#happy birthday james marsters
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jamiemarsters · 6 months ago
Pic of the Day: As it's now James Marsters birthday in *his* timezone, let's share one of *his* faves! (https://youtu.be/vS_fVdXC7GU)
Happy Birthday @realjamesmarsters!
#JamesMarsters #HappyBirthdayJamesMarsters #HappyBirthday #StillFeelsLikeWEAreGettingThePressieHere #LuckyUs
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nellarw95 · 6 months ago
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Happy Birthday James 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
James Wesley Marsters
August 20,1962
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
20 Agosto 1962
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effulgent-girl · 6 months ago
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A very Happy Birthday to this guy! Another year around the sun
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out-for-a-walk-bitch · 6 months ago
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Happy 62nd birthday James Marsters!
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, August 21st
PRINCIPAL WOOD: You're doing the best you can with what you've got. BUFFY: They're not all gonna make it. Some will die, and nothing I can do will stop that. Willow walks out the back door onto the porch, arms full of weapons. She freezes when she sees Principal Wood. WILLOW: Oh, hi. Hey. Well, Buffy, I—I see that our preparation for the school-pep-dance-cheer-drill contest are coming along. (to the potentials) Bring it on!
~~Get It Done~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Almost Ready by badly_knitted (Buffy, Angelus, PG)
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Gratification by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, E)
mundane things (and a crossword puzzle) by GothamstreetCat (Wesley/Lilah, T)
Willow + Dean + Fate by Lyl (Willow/Dean, SPN xover, M)
Ken's Warning by rhodrymavelyne (Buffy/Angel, Angel/Kenneth Irons, Witchblade xover, Not Rated)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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And Then There Were Two - ch. 1 by Murderpart1 (Vampire Willow/Willow, Not Rated)
Willow and Harry are BFFs - ch. 1-4 by Lyl (Willow, The Dresden Files xover, T) COMPLETE
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Finding peace Pt. 12: Desperate (Spike x y/n) by itsalwaysteatimeinwonderland (Spike/reader, unrated)
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A Tumble in Time - ch. 2 by thedoppleganger (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Mysterious Destinies - ch. 4 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
East of Nevada - ch. 18-19 by Blissymbolics (Buffy/Spike, R) COMPLETE
Reclaimed - ch. 11 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) COMPLETE
Against All Odds - ch. 11 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
In The Dark With You - ch. 33 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Collision of Universes - ch. 10 by AragornIIElessar (multi xover, FR15)
Old Fashioned Romance - ch. 13 by calikocat (Xander, Captain America xover, FR21)
Healing After Heaven - ch. 26 by Kate (Buffy, Highlander xover, FR13)
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Birds of a Feather - ch. 1-3 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
In The Dark With You - ch. 33 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Spiked - ch. 15-17 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Blood and Fame - ch. 6 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
To All We Guard - ch. 21 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Photo collage: Happy Birthday James 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉 James Wesley Marsters August 20,1962 by nellarw95 (James, Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: [Spike smoking] by isevery0nehereverystoned (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: fuffy sketch of That Scene by chelseabeecreates (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
Artwork: Pose is based on the painting Ivan the Terrible and his son... by aa-arttss (Buffy, Kendra, worksafe)
Artwork: faith lehane - drawing from last year by stateofdreaminn (Faith, worksafe)
Manip / Wallpaper: I never get tired of doing that by revello-drive-1630 (Angel, Jenny, worksafe)
Moodboard: Cander moodboard 🫶 by zeroandvoid (Xander/Cordelia, worksafe)
Theme set / Headers / Icons: buffy summers tumblr theme set: header image & 2 icon options by strangergraphics (worksafe)
Gifset: Buffy Meme: [1/5 Songs] Goodbye to You - Michelle Branch by lovebvffys (Buffy/Spike, Tara, worksafe)
Gifset: user @kyliafanfiction asked - wesley or lilah The game face? ... by gothamstreetcat (Lilah, worksafe)
Gifset: BUFFY SUMMERS + braids & pigtails by clarkgriffon (Buffy, worksafe)
Gifset: Anya Jenkins + Outfits (Season 7) by clarkgriffon (Anya, worksafe)
Gifset: BUFFY SUMMERS + "love" by clarkgriffon (Buffy, ensemble, Bangel, Spuffy, worksafe)
Cartoon: [Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link below. Willow works at a desk computer...] by paulgadzikowski (worksafe)
Cartoon: [Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link below. Dr. Weir of Stargate: Atlantis and Buffy Summers] by paulgadzikowski (worksafe)
Collage: BUFFY THE FRICKEN VAMPIRE SLAYER EVERYBODEY fashion by soponge-meringue (ensemble, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #56 by thedecadentraven (Buffy/Spike, worksafe-ish)
Collage: Collage #57 by thedecadentraven (worksafe)
Collage: Collage #58 by thedecadentraven (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #59 by thedecadentraven (Spike, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #60 by thedecadentraven (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Collage: Giles and Jenny by sunflower1109 (Giles/Jenny, worksafe)
Collage: Spike and Drusilla ❤️‍🔥 I adored their twisted love by sunflower1109 (Spike/Drusilla, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Season 3 spoilers- Consequences by five-bi-five
Next Generation [books] by SalRomanoAdMan1
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Angel Fashion Part Two by theoverlookedoneedits1997
The Freshman [and Living Conditions and The Harsh Light of Day recap] by mothmans-wedding-photographer
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PODCAST: Episode 70: Hero (w/ Dean Jurhs) by Gym Was Cancelled: A Buffy Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: tatirps seeks Spuffy RP partner [roleplay]
Fic Rec and gifset: countdown to iwry 2024 — iwry2023 reader's choice fic: i can't remember by methemermaid recced by iwillrememberyoumarathon
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ISO: Past-Throat-6788 seeks Songs About Tara and Willow for a future video edit
ISO: IllusionixCromwell seeks S2 fix-it ideas as part of Writing in a Black Trans Woman as the second Slayer for S2 fanfiction!
ISO: exitstateleft seeks D&D player feedback on Clement for tabletop RPG
[Community Announcements]
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Thursday prompts: TV Show Titles by comment_fic
[Fandom Discussions]
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[Buffy in The Body] by an-organism
i actually think i dislike wesley's presence on angel more than i dislike xander's presence on buffy at this point. by lesbianmarrow
The thing about Buffy is that it's been thoroughly established that she doesn't do casual sex. by housedyke
it’s sad that faith is in jail and therefore not on my television screen this season but ... by lesbianmarrow
buffy wasn't even trying to fix spike she just made him want to get fixed. accidentally. by mattholicguilt
Ok is it like unpopular opinion in the btvs fandom to think that Cordelia should end up being angel's dom? by ironnorth
[Xander and Anya sex head canon] by dykemarcille
I started writing a fake engagement Buffy/Spike fic to inflict domestic situations on them ... by housedyke
POLL: Vampire Media Guys Round 25: Spike or Riley Finn? by vampirewrestlinglover
POLL: Vampire boss battle: who would win? [Spike] by glorf1ndel
POLL: AO3 Femslash Top 100: Round 2 [Willow x Tara] by ao3femslashtop100-tournament
POLL: AO3 Femslash Top 100: Round 2 [Buffy x Faith] by ao3femslashtop100-tournament
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New Wave Buffy Funko Pops by Priceless and flow
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Favorite Buffy cast member guest roles by ALeaves1013
[Angel and Spike accent talk] by Scopeburger
Chicago’s Getting an Official ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Pop-Up [temporary Buffy themed bar restaurant] by Bwleon7
Cross Necklace [Buffy wearing it in the show changes over time] by Expert_Restaurant985
Chappel Roan [songs] in Buffyverse by The-Graceful-Demon
Xander's lecture about Riley by NecessaryClothes9076
To This Day, Buffy's opening is one of the best on TV [credits and first scene both discussed in comments] by Cailly_Brard7
Who owns the licence to Buffy Comics now? by justagreatdane
Buffy had a rare opportunity to retire and live a normal life. Was Giles irresponsible for not pointing this out? by iceswordsman
Where can you buy the new buffy funko pop figures? [link in comments] by sleepycow13
Angel is not it by hotandfrightened
Order of Taraka Police and Inmate [that tried to kill Buffy and Faith played by] same person? by Practical_Scale8071
Couplet: Angel vs Wesley by foreseethefuture
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Juliet Landau on X: "This has never been done before! Photo Op with the Terrible Trio!" [Angel, Dru, Darla]
Article: 21 of the most highly anticipated kisses in TV history [Spuffy] by EW
Article: Chicago’s Getting an Official ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Pop-Up by Eater Chicago
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shedontlovehuhself · 3 years ago
I am just as shocked (but yet not) that James Marsters is 60. Just seemed like yesterday I was watching him on Buffy and then Angel.
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maggie-stormborn · 4 years ago
Happy (early) 65th Birthday to my Dad! I thought James Marsters would do it better than me so here he is. 🥰
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zenablewitt · 4 years ago
Happy birthday Sarah Michelle gellar 🎂🎁you are the chosen one 😁💖🏹
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boreanazfan · 7 years ago
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Happy Birthday, James Marsters!
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jamiemarsters · 6 months ago
Pic of the Day: In honour of it already being James Marsters' birthday in Aus, here's a recent fave pic of mine in celebration... as is my tradition...
aka delightfully smiley @realjamesmarsters at Sydney @supanovaexpo in June
#JamesMarsters #HappyBirthdayJamesMarsters #HappyBirthday #SydneySupanova #Sydnova #AnAussiePicForHisAussieBirthday #SeemsApt
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spookyspemilyreid · 4 years ago
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Favorite Spike outfits — requested by @5bi5
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effulgent-girl · 2 years ago
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Happy 61st Birthday James Marsters! Luv you always!
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avidxmn · 2 years ago
Happy one week anniversary to the James Marsters birthday cameo my friend got me
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sunnydale-digest · 3 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald, Sunday, May 9
BUFFY: Hey. SPIKE: It's a happy occasion. You meet my friend? BUFFY: No, not yet. But she seems like a very nice attempt at making me jealous. SPIKE: Is it working? BUFFY: A little. It doesn't change anything ... but if you're wildly curious, yeah, it hurts. SPIKE: I'm sorry... Or, Good!
~~Hell's Bells~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Warren's Comeuppance (Crossover with Lord of the Rings, E) by Aragorn II Elessar
Starving (Faith/Reader, E) by RiveBiFiveMind
The Trio meets the Blue Devil (Crossover with Sonic the Hedgehog, T) by Bl4ckHunter
Unwanted Assistance (Crossover with Godzilla, G) by majingojira
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Reunited for eternity (Willow/Tara, T) by Aragorn II Elessar
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Not Like We Knew (Crossover with The L-Word, FR18) by Lowlifer
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Eliza: The Vampire Child, Chapter 1 (Spike/Drusilla, T) by Puella Pulchra
Hooked on a Feeling, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, T) by EllieRose101
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The Groom of Rosenberg, Chapter 12 (Willow, K) by regertz
Sooner or Later, Chapter 9 (Angel/Buffy, T) by butimbroken
Eliza: The Vampire Child, Chapter 2 (Spike/Drusila, T) by Puella Pulchra
Held in Gass Jars, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Angel, T) by butimbroken
The Ratchet Effect, Chapter 13 (Ensemble, T) by michael t
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Web, Chapter 22 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by DarkVoid116
Falling in Love, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Wonder and Ashes
En hurlant à Une Lune de Béton, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, French language, NC-17) by Violette-Milka
Mortal Allies Series, Episode 5: War and Roses, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
Someone to Lean On, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by MaggieLaFey
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The Saviors of The Three Worlds, Chapter 36 (Crossover with Once Upon a Time, FR13) by Kittykitkat
Invasion USA, Chapter 16 (Crossover with Harry Potter, FR7) by Buffyworldbuilder
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The Ring Talks, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Spike and Dawn comic panel by spikedru
Artwork:BTVS “Every Outfit” “Amends” part 2 Xx by whatshisfaceblogs
Image:Buffy/Faith in Sims 4 by emailmy-heart
Manip: Buffy S10x11 comic page remastered by l0veisntbrains
Manip: Buffy S10x12 comic page remastered by l0veisntbrains
Manip: PJ Harvey - The Devil (Spuffy) by spyder-baby
Manip: Drusilla by spyder-baby
Manip: Spike/Drusilla by spyder-baby
Manip: Spike/Buffy by spyder-baby
Manip: Spuffy by l0veisntbrains
Video:Spuffy question song (NSFW) by katrowbeeshow, shared by akajustmerry
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Video:My birthday was yesterday; my husband got me Cameos from James Marsters and Juliet Landau. James was awesome and he called me “pet”, but Juliet’s gave me CHILLS (sfw) by 11whatsnewpussycats
Video: Some people asked to see my other birthday Cameo from James Marsters. Hearing him say “Happy birthday, pet” made my LIFE (sfw) by 11whatsnewpussycats
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Video: Kitty Plague covers Buffy the Vampire Slayer theme song by Mark Haemmerle
Video: Buffy & Spike | Loving you is a losing game by xXmultifandomXx
Digital Sculpt: Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Rocco Tartamella
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x6 "Wild at Heart" Reaction by MyCupOfTv
THEY MERGED?! - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reaction - 4x21 - Primeval by TheLexiCrowd
Buffy 1x8 I, Robot... You Jane (REACTION!) by Big Time Knights
THE FREDDY KRUEGER SLAYER! Buffy, the Vampire Slayer 2x18 'Killed By Death' by Elie Moses
Buffy The Vampire Slayer 3x12 - "Helpless" Reaction by DodoReactions
[Community Announcements]
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James Marsters MegaCon Orlando 2022 Schedule by dontkillspike
The Spring 2022 round of Seasonal Spuffy is about to begin! by Seasonal Spuffy
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The Spring 2022 round of Seasonal Spuffy is about to begin! by Seasonal Spuffy
Sign Up for Some Gifts! (Dreamwidth points) by 3weeks4dreamwidth
[Fandom Discussions]
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Bangel as a metaphor for virginity by hellboysblazer
The absurd geography of Sunnydale by coraniaid
Transcript censorship by coraniaid
In defense of Kennedy by maclayrightswarrior
Rewatch phases by spikesdru
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What was the message in "Ted"? continued by multiple authors
Was Angel right to “take the deal” and rewrite Connor’s life? by multiple authors
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Rewatch update: Xander needs to GTFO by ChocChipBananaMuffin and multiple authors
Angel-hating post: Give us your best insult for Mr. Broody Forehead. Be creative. Be ruthless! by multiple authors
Share some Angel love!!! by multiple authors
Poll: ELIMINATION GAME ROUND 6. Riley, The Master AND Robin Wood were eliminated in a tie. (25 characters remaining) by jennykmusic
Maybe I’m reaching but thought for a moment this was a jay & silent bob cameo in Angel: After the Fall by multiple authors
What if ATS was never made, and Cordelia and Angel stayed on BTVS? Would the show be better if some of it's most established characters remained? by multiple authors
Buffy has become very popular with Gen Z recently and what I find hilarious is that you can overtly tell whether someone is a Millennial or Gen Z based on whether or not they like Xander. by multiple authors
A Chosen Challenge (ship meta) by multiple authors
What was Holtz' motivation before...? by multiple authors
I can’t stop crying. Rewatching as an adult and seeing Willow being addicted to magic, I can’t stop crying. “Goodbye To You” is now stuck in my head. by multiple authors
Stunt doubles by multiple authors
What if AMy Madison became a series regular on Buffy? by Legend246888 and multiple authors
Let's fanwank the reason for Giles' weird personality change in season 7! by multiple authors
Your Thoughts about the spin off Angel? by multiple authors
What’s your favorite scene from season one? by multiple authors
What’s your favorite scene from season two? by multiple authors
What’s your favorite scene from season three? by multiple authors
Question on Angel and Darla from S1E7 "Angel" by krissyontheflip and multiple authors
Share your opinion/thoughts on the Wesley&Lilah relationship? by multiple authors
How do you feel about Spuffy? by potterhead123456 and multiple authors
Why do you love Oz and what's your favorite Oz moments!?! by multiple authors
Time in Ken's dimension by multiple authors
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1997 Cast Then And Now 2022 - How They Changed In 25 Years by Actors Favorite Moments
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, November 11
Xander: Yeah, don't tell me. I'm just full of helpful suggestions. Giles: As a matter of fact, you are.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Cold (Tara/Willow, T) by Kaos_Shard934
Stake Out (Spike/Reader, E) by Nellblazer
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Diminishing Chasm, Chapter 1-8 (Angel/Buffy, E) by Bangel4ever. COMPLETE!
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Bite Your Tongue, Chapter 23 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by hostile17
Alternate Repercussions, Chapter 12 (Spike/Buffy, Adult Only) by Jws1993
Wrong Place, Perfect Time, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by MaggieLaFey
Little Do You Know, Chapter 3 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by VampyricRose
The Tiger is Out, Chapter 45 (OC & Spike/Buffy, R) by Cosmic Tuesdays
Cheat the Midnight Hour, Chapter 28 (Spike/Buffy, R) by SlayrGrl
Seven, Chapter 6 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Holly
The Prickling of the Stars, Chapter 3 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by JayeMaru
Spike and the Quest for the Gems of Amara, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, PG) by the_big_bad
After, Chapter 2 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Holly
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Out of Time: 1942, Chapter 15 (crossover with Harry Potter, Buffy/Tom Riddle, FR18) by Jonayla
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Echoes of Beljoxa, Chapter 57 (Spike/Buffy, M) by Myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Cosplay: Lorne, Spike (worksafe) by pumpkinportfolio
Manip: Buffy is a Magical Girl (worksafe) by your-fave-is-a-magical-girl
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Banner: Spike (worksafe) by Misssunnay
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Vidlet: Edit of Willow and Tara (worksafe) by Ok_Swimmer_1092
Artwork: The Freshman (Buffy, worksafe) by tmcarlee
Photo: "Buffy will patrol tonight" tattoo (worksafe) by Jay, Silver Needles tattoo studio via sixinaboxdesign
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Vids: Giles is so worried (Giles, G), Bobby, Roger and Eileen (Angel/Spike/Buffy, T), NA NA NA - The Scoobies Make Some Noise (collaboration with thenewbuzwuzz, Scoobies, ensemble, T), I Hate You (Angel x Spike, T), Spike against Satanklaas (crossover with Sint, T) archived by Double_Dutchess
[Reviews & Recaps]
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[Alternative names for the early Angel episodes] by mygreenknittedsweater
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“Once more, with feeling” should be given an award and be found in every Grief Councillor’s toolbox on how to survive bereavement! by TheWonAboveYoo
Season 6 Dilemma by CanYouFeelSora
AtS deserves more appreciation for its humour! by LightBlueSky55 and others
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PODCAST: Pop Culture Role Call: Hollow Victories - Angel S01E09 - Hero
[Recs / In Search Of]
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Survey: BtVS scene question [I'm trying to make scenepacks/clip comps and need help knowing what scenes in the show people think about a lot] by buffywatching
[Fandom Discussions]
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[A headcanon about Giles and Jenny's mundane little arguments] by jessannperreault
[Re: Do you think it is in character for Buffy to feel attracted to Xander?] by herinsectreflection
When she Was Bad and Becoming #2 had a bait & switch in which Aurelius vampires lure Buffy away... by millenialslayer
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Re: Would Faith have survived a Cruciamentum? (cont'd) by thetopher
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Jesse's planned return in CWDP - who else should have come back in B&A? by American Aurora, HardlyThere
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I love this friendship. Angel truly believed in Faith... by InfiniteMehdiLove and others
Faith Lehane - thoughts on her character? hosted by thrasherbuffy
Happy birthday wishes to Vincent Schiavelli by markefield, DaddyCatALSO
Season 5-Angel Timeline? [Why didn't Buffy send Dawn to Angel to protect?] by letsgo2120
I joined Angel Reddit just to express my love for this scene [and Angel’s fashion sense] by milkandthecookies and others
Buffy Anne Summers appreciation post hosted by thrasherbuffy
Where in the show do you start your rewatches? hosted by PocketGachnar
Buffy's soul is visible in Bargaining by generalkriegswaifu
[Buffy waking up in full makeup in "Passion"] by Chemical-Operation-2 and others
Buffy's history professor in Checkpoint by jdpm1991
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Convention news: James Marsters to Attend Slay The Vampires 4, Oct 15-16 2022 | CloudsCon via dontkillspike
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cynical-things · 4 years ago
my friends really got me a cameo from james marsters for my birthday and he sang happy birthday to me as SPIKE !!!!
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