#happy birthday boomboomboi đŸ’„
scarlettriot · 2 years
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Alone With You
Pairing: Bakugo X f!Reader
Summary: Bakugo makes plans on his birthday for the very first time and doesn't invite any of his friends along... so you guys follow him.
Warnings: SMUT | Minors & Ageless Blogs DNI, Mentions of someone dying (non canon character)
Contains: Fluff, Some Hurt/Comfort, Reader Has A Stealth Quirk, Sex Outdoors, Oral (m & f receiving) Unprotected Sex (stay safe folks) Honestly, this is pretty fucking tame... Nicknames Used: Baby, Baby Girl, Little Slut, Princess. I think this is all

A/N: I decided to write this today for the birthday boy. It's pretty rough and definitely not my best work by ANY means but, it's something and I hope you all enjoy it.
W/C: 4,810
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April 20th
You had always found it odd that your friend Bakugo never wanted to do a single thing for his birthday. Everyone else in your little group of friends did. You’d gather for cake and dinner or to watch movies at the very least. Sometimes you’d go on a day trip with the lot of them and Bakugo would usually participate, granted, it was begrudgingly but that was better than not showing up at all. 
Still, in all the years you’ve known the guy, he’d always aggressively insisted he never wanted to do anything on his birthday. He didn’t want to go anywhere, he didn’t want to do anything. Kirishima always tried something every single year, leaving a cupcake on his desk, or a balloon tied to the mirror of his car. Bakugo never said a word about any of it so the redhead assumed he didn’t mind at least. But, that was all the more any of you were able to get away with, small acts of kindness done in secret. 
So, this year, on April 03rd, a notification popped up on your group's work calendar:
April 19-22nd: K. Bakugo OFF
Mina and Kirishima were both at your office door nearly a minute after the notification was received. Both with phones in hand. “Didya see it!” 
The next week was followed by constant badgering. Doing anything and everything you guys could think of to get the blonde to spill what he was doing. 
“You’ve gotta go talk to him, Y/N. He’ll totally break if you ask.” But, Bakugo didn’t break. He didn’t even bend or move at all. 
“Just got some stuff I wanna do.” He told you on patrol when you finally got up the courage to ask him about it. “My birthday’s got nothing to do with it. Dunno why you guys gotta be so fuckin’ nosy.” 
“‘Cause you never let us do anything to celebrate for you! We’re your friends, Katsuki! This is what friends do. We wanna spend the day with you and get you things,” You tried to explain everything as best you could, hoped you could make him understand but he only scoffed and shrugged off the subject. 
“He’s not gonna budge, guys, sorry.” 
Mina patted your back. “You did what you could, thanks for trying.” 
“Got stuff he wants to do
” Denki reiterated what you’d relayed and then took a hearty swig of his beer, “You guys think he’s finally got someone? Like, maybe he’s sneaking off for a little romantic birthday trip with them.” 
Kirishima was the only one who noticed the bit of sadness flicker across your face. He knew about your crush, more accurately, he’s known about your crush on your mutual friend for about as long as you had it. Lucky for you though, he kept it to himself, and it gave you someone to talk to about it with.
You never told Bakugo how you felt, you didn’t see the point. From the time you were teens he boasted about how he felt romance and significant others were just distractions he didn’t need. 
And ever since then, he’s seemed to hold up that belief. You’ve never known him to have someone special in his life. Sure, he’d had the occasional one night stand to blow off steam but no one actually stuck around. So, the thought of him finding someone worth being distracted for left the smallest pit in your chest. 
“I don’t think that’s it. He’s not sentimental enough to want to do something on the day of like that.” Kirishima tried to rationalize in hopes of making you feel better but Denki was sticking to his guns. 
“But, maybe his new person is! Maybe they’re changing him!” Somehow that made you feel even worse. 
“Why don’t we just follow him?” Kyoka suggested. “Like, we start on the 18th after work, wait by his house and see what he does.” 
Sero nodded thoughtfully, “We’re gonna have to be ready for anything though. Who knows what he’s got planned.” 
“Or what we could find.” Denki grinned. 
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And so the plan was set. All of you had a feeling he wouldn’t be doing anything after work on the 18th. It would be too late but still, you and Kirishima took the first watch. Sitting in his jeep with the lights off down the street from Bakugo’s apartment.
Armed with snacks and good music, you kept each other awake until about two in the morning when he told you to get some rest. Getting off the night shift meant he would have no trouble keeping watch on his own for a couple of hours. 
 Y/N wake up!” Kirishima was shaking your arm until you jolted awake in his passenger's seat. He had a finger pressed to his lips so you’d stay quiet but then he whispered, “Look.” 
You followed his line of sight and saw your blonde friend walking down the street with a bag slung over his shoulder, a large bag. He had a ball cap over his head and sunglasses on even though daylight was barely painting the sky. 
“Guess it’s a good thing we already packed.” Kirishima chuckled and put it in drive the second Bakugo turned the corner. 
You texted the others to let them know the plan was in motion. Sending your location for them to track and meet you guys when they could. 
“Can I have the snack bag?” Kiri yawned, “And one of those ice coffees.” 
You chuckled and placed the bag of snacks in his lap while you reached back into the cooler for the supply of coffee. You’d been driving for over three hours and knew Kiri was getting to his limit. He’d need at least a nap soon. 
You twisted off the top and handed him the coffee after he ripped open a granola bar. “Next rest stop pull off and I’ll drive for a while.” 
“Don’t wanna lose him though.” 
“It’ll take us two minutes to switch. I think I can make that up just fine.” 
Finally, he relented, and another hour later, you were behind the wheel with a full tank of gas and Kiri snoring from the passenger's side. 
It took you another ten miles to spot Bakugo’s taillights again and from there, you just kept following. Putting a couple cars in between you or hanging back when needed. You didn’t need to worry about him exiting anytime soon, there was no place to go. 
Civilization was gone a few hours ago, you were heading up near the mountains now and were suddenly thankful for the tents and sleeping bags Momo suggested you bring, just in case. 
The others were about an hour behind you and Kiri, trying to make up time where they could. A few extra minutes were shaved off when Bakugo had to stop to refuel but after that, he was right back on the road. 
There had to be something out here of interest to Bakugo, maybe a trail he really liked. But, you couldn’t figure out why he wanted to actually schedule time off to come out here? He had plenty of days off in succession. He could have come out here on any of those days but he specifically requested time off over his birthday
 even though he told you to your face his birthday had nothing to do with it. 
Your fingers drummed against the stirring wheel absentmindedly while you tried thinking but, eventually, you gave up. You’d figure it out eventually and there was no use racking your brain trying to figure it out when you could be quietly singing along to the radio. 
It was after noon by the time Bakugo finally took an exit and after many more miles, narrow mountain roads, and a few steep climbs, you finally saw the little parking area he pulled off in. 
“I’ll drop you off,” Kiri suggested it’d be easier for you and your stealth quirk to follow him alone for now. “Text me updates and I’ll let you know when the others get here. If you lose reception, We'll all meet at the summit.” 
You quickly got out of the car, snatched a bottle of water and your backpack, and jogged up the path while Kirishima drove off. Bakugo was still unloading things from his car, arranging the pack he’d brought before throwing the whole thing onto his back and setting out for the trail on his right. You text the info to Kiri and then took off. 
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The trail wasn’t easy by any means. It didn’t seem well taken care of, many parts of it were overgrown or rocks had crumbled leaving a part seemingly impassable but Bakugo just had to clear his own way. You watched as he effortlessly navigated his way through a part of the trail that would have had you simply turning around.
It seemed to be the end of it but Bakugo knew right where to go taking a slender dirt path and trekking on. You sent a picture of the area to Kiri so it would be easier for them to follow even though they just started the hike that you’d been on for about two hours now. 
All things considered, you were doing a good job at keeping up with Bakugo and maintaining your quirk. Occasionally seeing the little glimmer of it surrounding his eyes when he turned his head so he would look right through you. Just seeing the manufactured illusion you wanted him to. 
But, your luck was bound to run out eventually. One misplaced step and your shoe was now in the clutches of a series of gnarled roots courtesy of the ancient-looking trees that made up this part of the hike. It took you just a little too long to pull free without hurting your ankle, giving Bakugo enough time to get far enough ahead, effectively losing you. 
Shit. You muttered to yourself while jogging ahead. Trying to be more careful than before but it was hard to watch your step and figure out which direction the blonde had gone. After thirty minutes had ticked by with no luck, you shot a message to the group letting them know what happened and where you were. 
Sharky: No worries! Kyo’s gonna start listening for him. Let you know if we find anything. 
Then he texted you some coordinates,
Sharky: Meet here. It’s a clearing near the peek.
Feeling defeated you shot a text back saying that you understood. But, with Bakugo gone and no one else around, you decided a quick break wouldn’t hurt. It’d be another two hours to the top, you imagined, assuming you kept the same pace as before, and that meant you needed to get something in your stomach, and this place was as good as any for a little late lunch. 
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You were the first to make it to the clearing that Kirishima had sent you. Feet sore from the climb but the view was breathtaking. A lush valley sprawling out below you, clear blue skies high overhead. It was so damn peaceful. You might not have been with him but you could see why Bakugo picked this place to come to. 
Sometime later the rest of your friends arrived. Kaminari being carried on Sero’s back. “What the hell happened!?” 
“Stupid rocks
” He grumbled and you could see the purplish hue to his ankle.
“Fell. Twisted it. Wanna try and get the swelling down before I tape it up but the ice in the cooler is damn near melted.” Sero explained more fully. 
“I passed a steam on my way up here.” You remembered the shallow, trickling water. “It’s not ice but the cool water might help.” 
Sero agreed that wasn’t a bad idea. “Kiri, can you carry him this time?” 
So, half of you split off to go to the stream, the rest stayed to set up camp for the approaching evening. Kyoka brought out some of the supplies Momo had insisted she pack, including a small grill that was going to be put to use very soon. Tents were constructed, and sleeping bags rolled out. 
It wasn’t perfect by any means, but it would do, all the basic needs met. 
“Heard anything?” You asked Kyoka who had her jacks tapped into the ground every couple of minutes, but she just shook her head.
“Just the usual wildlife and no, not a spiky blonde hedgehog around.” 
“I just don’t see where else he could have gone. This is the most logical place to set up!” Mina already was going around setting up the lanterns each of you brought. 
None of you had a good answer for where Bakugo could have gone off to. But, by the way he was walking, he’d been here before, enough times to know the tricks of the terrain, so, he probably knew places that weren’t easily accessed. Far away from any normal crowd where he could be alone
 just like he preferred. 
Dinner came and went. Sun now hanging low in the sky. The six of you sitting around a fire, winding down from the long day under the painted sky. 
“Wanna break out those beers you brought?” Sero asked and Kiri was already up to grab them. There weren’t many they could comfortably bring but it was enough for everyone to enjoy themselves. 
Kiri bumped his shoulder against yours when the others were distracted, playing some card game Kaminari was explaining. “‘M sorry we didn’t find him.” 
“‘M sorry I lost him.” 
“Ya did better than I would've.” He gave you a crooked smile, and held the neck of his beer out, “To next year.” 
You laughed but echoed the statement, resting your head on his shoulder and listening to the banter of your friends. Mina insisted that Kaminari was just making up the rules as he went. 
In the dirt beside you, your phone buzzed. 
The Hedgehog: Meet me. Just you. The Hedgehog: Please. 
And below he’d sent his location. 
“What’s up?” Kiri asked noticing you still looking down at your phone with a stunned expression. 
“Oh, it was just an email. Something I ordered was delayed.” Playing it off and sticking your phone back in your pocket. “I think I’m going to head back to that stream and just wash the day off before it gets too dark out.” 
He wouldn’t offer to go with you and invade your privacy, Kirishima was too much a gentleman for that. “Take a lantern with ya, and holler if you need anything at all.” 
“I will, promise.” You smiled and kissed the top of his head.
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With a towel over your arm, the small toiletries bag you packed in one hand and a lantern in the other. You headed off in the direction of the stream, noticing Bakugo’s location was off that way too. 
You had to walk along the waterway to find it actually, down the bank, mud squishing between your shoes until you noticed the sound of water growing louder, eventually trickling down over the side of a cliff making a little waterfall, catching the last drops of sunlight as the water went over.  
This didn’t make sense though. You double-checked the location he’d sent you and, sure enough, you were in the right place but Bakugo was nowhere to be found. The mud squished under your shoes as you turned around, expecting to find something you were obviously missing, waiting for Bakugo to walk out from behind a tree but he wasn’t there. 
“Bakugo!” You called his name, mostly out of frustration but there was also curiosity there. 
You waited a second, giving him time to respond, but only the sounds of the forest called back to you. “Forget it
” He could spend his damn birthday alone if he wanted to. 
“Giving up that easy?” Spinning around in the direction of his voice, expecting to see him standing right behind you, but no one was there, and your nerves started to get the better of you.
“This isn’t fucking funny!” 
“Really? I kinda think it is.” 
“Should you really be calling me names like that? It is my birthday after all.” 
“Since when do you care about your birthday? And you’ve got a couple more hours, I am well within my right to call you a jackass, jackass! Now, where are you!” 
“Look to your left.” You did, “See those two white stones? Walk between ‘em.” There was barely a path between them. It dropped down and then immediately led to a walkway cut into the very side of the rock and going down along the face of it. “Little further,” He coxed, until you were in the mouth of a cave, the waterfall still cascading down in front of it and Bakugo leaning against the far wall, “Found me.” 
You looked around and saw the little set up he’d made for himself and quickly realized this wasn’t someplace he’d found on accident, no, this was somewhere Bakugo spent a lot of time.
You noticed climbing equipment and a plastic table that he definitely hadn’t been carrying on him. Not to mention a light system he had hooked into the walls and roof of the cave. “I rigged it so it,” He pointed to the unlit lights in the ceiling, “It’s pressure-sensitive. Someone or something stands above me, I know about it.” 
That would keep anyone or anything from sneaking up on him. “Smart.” 
“When aren’t I?” 
“How’d you know we were here?” 
He sat down with his legs hanging over the edge. “You’re kidding’ me right? Kirishima drives a bright red jeep with his fuckin’ logo on the hood. Knew you guys were following me since I had to get gas
 little pissed it took me that long to realize it.” 
You took a seat next to him, maintaining a bit of distance. “Why’d you want me to come alone?” 
“Full of fucking questions, aren’tcha?” He rolled his eyes but still answered, “I wanted only you ‘cause I know if I ask you not to make a big deal outta something, ya won’t.” He looked out into the valley, the evening glow setting his eyes ablaze. “When I was 13 my grandfather died on my birthday. I know it was a fuckin’ long ass time ago, but, I just don’t like being around family on the day anymore, that includes you idiots.” 
 I didn’t know—“ 
“None of you do! I don’t want the pity! I just wanna deal with the day how I want to. If I wanna do something to remember the guy, I can. If I just wanna sit and be alone with my thoughts, I wanna be able to do that too."
You stayed quiet and just let him keep talking. “I mean it when I said I what I was doin’ had nothing to do with my birthday. There’s a meteor shower tonight, just so happens to also be on the day I was born
 and the day he died. I wanted to see it. So, I took the time off and came out here. Figured I’d still get to be alone until you idiots showed up.” 
There was the reason you didn’t understand. It really had nothing to do with his birthday. But, if he wanted to enjoy the event in solitude, you could respect that. You could go back to the others and pretend like you never saw him, enjoy the shower with all of them. 
You nodded that you understood after a couple moments passed, he trusted you not to make a big deal out of this and you wouldn’t. With your towel over your arm again, you stood, but before you could walk anywhere though Bakugo rose too. His hand grabbing yours, “You can stay, I just don’t wanna talk about it.” 
“I thought you wanted to be alone though.” 
“Maybe the idea of being alone with you doesn’t sound so bad.” 
You held his unreadable gaze with your hand still in his, pulse racing a little faster at how close he was. “Alright. We won’t talk about it then. What would you like to do instead?” 
He brought his other hand up, hooking a finger under your chin to bring you that much to him and your breath caught in your throat just before his lips met yours. They molded perfectly against yours, so much softer than you imagined them to be. 
The towel fell to the floor when you wrapped your arm around his neck, his arms going around your waist, the both of you tilting your heads, hurriedly giving more of yourselves to the other. Your tongue had ended up in his mouth and he welcomed it with his own. Dancing together, fingers digging into your hips keeping you as close as he possibly could. 
Eventually, air was necessary, and you both broke apart desperate for it. “That,” He panted when your foreheads rested together, “I’d like to keep doing that.”
You nodded up to him, hands cupping his face and kissing him quickly. “Fine with me, we can keep doin’ this as long as you like.” 
His laugh was honest, one that you didn’t get a chance to hear too often. He stooped down and lifted you in his arms. “Think you can keep up?” 
“Is that a challenge?” 
Bakugo nipped at your lip with a grin getting another kiss. “Damn right it is.” 
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For an air mattress on the floor of a cave, covered with only a couple sleeping bags, you guys found a way to make it work. It was a hurried rush of clothes flying off, eager to get to one another, but whatever Bakugo was willing to give, you were happy to take. And there was a lot he was willing to give.
He'd already cum down your throat once but you just swallowed the load and looked up at him with big, doe-like eyes, "Can I have another?" That got you tossed on your back while he roughly fucked himself into your mouth for a second time. Watching the prettiest tears roll down your cheeks, hearing your choked cries echo off the stone walls. And then he insisted it was your turn. 
Laying on his back with you on top of him even though you told him a handful of times it wasn't necessary.
“’S my fuckin’ birthday and this cunt is really all I want, so, sit.” 
He tugged at your thighs pulling your core right onto his tongue, feasting like he’d gone for days without a meal. You were tipping forward, hot hands pressed to cold stone for balance, hips grinding against his face so his nose caught your clit each time. 
“That’s it, baby girl, fuck yes,” You could feel his praise rumble through you. Tightening that cord in your stomach. “Gimme it, want my present, you little fuckin’ slut.” 
“Stop fuckin’ talkin’ and— damn, I will,” 
That laugh vibrated your core and Bakugo didn’t let you up again until your orgasm ran down his face. “You taste fuckin’ amazing.” He hummed, licking his lips as if he wanted to go back for more. 
But, you lacked the patience for that. “Need to feel you.” You mumbled, head still foggy from your release, your fingers wrapped around his thick cock. “Need you in me.” 
“Need me?” He mocked with a cat like grin and flipped you on your back. “You need me, huh?” 
You squirmed under him, jumping each time he ran his tip between your soaked folds, “This filthy fuckin’ cunt needs my cock?” You had your eyes closed, nodding your head over and over while your hips tried chasing him, needing him to split you apart already. “How bad do you need it?” 
Even with your eyes screwed shut you knew he was grinning like a damn cat, loving the way he had you right now, practically at his mercy. 
“Really, really, bad. Wan’ it ’s bad, Katsuki! Wanted it f’so long.” 
He dipped his head so he could kiss along your jaw right up to your ear. “That so, Princess?” The moan you released nearly drowned out his grunt when his tip glided into you. “Wanted ya f’while too,” He admitted stuffing you with several more inches. “My favorite fuckin’ distraction— so damn tight!” 
His teeth gritted while he buried the last of himself inside you. 
A gentle hand brushed the hair away from your forehead while you got used to his size. A smile settled on your face as the sting subsided, your fingers tracing the lines of his cheekbones. “What happened to you not needing distractions?” 
“I was a dumb teenager when I said that.” 
“What are you now then? A dumb adult?” 
He laughed and his cock twitched inside of you causing you to rock your hips against him. “Somethin’ like that, yeah. But, I’m a dumb adult who knows what he wants now.” He retracted his hips making your walls flutter in his absence. “I know what I need now. What distractions are worth it.” He swallowed your moan with a kiss when he slid back into you. “You’re more than worth it.” 
“Then show me.” You smirked with lidded eyes, loving the way he felt inside of you like this, the weight of him on top of you. 
Your smirk was matched with one of his own, “That a challenge, princess?” 
His hips snapped back into you when you tried to speak, effectively cutting off your retort. “What was that?” Again your mouth opened and he cut you off, this time thrusting into you with no reprieve. Not even letting up when you were crying out about how you were going to cum again. 
All that got you was rough fingers against your clit, moving like he knew exactly what you needed, “Cum on my cock then. Wanna feel you come undone f’me.” Rutting his hips against yours so he’d hit your sweet spot time and time again and he knew when he had you, the moment your pretty little mouth hung open for him, hips bucking up into him. 
“That’s it, baby, keep goin’.” The way you were clenching around him, he knew he wasn’t gonna last too much longer. But still, he bent your knees up to your chest and pressed his cock as deep as he could go. “Just a little more. Gimme just a little more. Oh fuck—!” 
He was spilling himself into you, hanging onto the fat of your hips, pushing the load further into you to give you everything he had left. The both of you ended up panting and breathless, lying shoulder to shoulder on the mattress. 
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Inky blackness had finally taken over the sky, moon glow replacing sunlight. “Here ya go.” Bakugo handed you a mug, warmed thanks to his quirk, and sat with you at the cave’s mouth.
You'd both got back into your clothes shortly after everything happened not wanting to miss the nights events. Bakugo sat right behind you, his on either side while you leaned back against his chest listening to the rush of the wind through the trees and the water as it fell from above. 
“When’s the shower supposed to start?” 
“Anytime now. ’Supposed to be really good around midnight though.” Right on his birthday, but you didn’t say that out loud. “Tomorrow night it’ll keep going but it's not gonna be as clear of a night tomorrow.” 
Sipping on the warm drink, you linked your hand with his and not saying another word. Finding comfort in being alone with him. 
At least, alone until voices could be heard. 
“Oh shit
“I told them I was just gonna go wash off in the stream and then I never came back.” 
“Y/N! Please don’t be dead!” Sero called out. 
“Y/N! Where are you!” Kiri this time. 
“C’mon!” In an instant, Bakugo was pulling you to your feet. Shoving a few things into his pack and leaving the rest. “Don’t want anyone else knowing about this place.” When you had your stuff in hand, he led the way along the far side of the cave, another pathway you hadn’t known existed. 
He kept ahold of you hand once you’d climbed back up. This time on the opposite side of the stream. 
Mina was the first voice you heard. “Guys, look! A shooting star!” Sure enough, the shower had begun, but Kiri shouted for her not to get distracted. 
“Shut it! I hear something!” Kyoka told the group.
“You can go back,” You hurried to tell Bakugo, “I won’t tell ‘em I saw you.” 
Under the light of the moon and the dazzling falling stars, he squeezed your hand tighter and you saw him smile, “But, I don’t wanna spend my birthday alone.” 
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scarlettriot · 2 years
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Backugou đŸ’„
((Please don’t repost without permission, kay thanks!!))
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