#happy bellarke week
honestlydarkprincess · 7 months
writing patterns
tagged by @jeeyuns, @devirnis, @exhuastedpigeon mwah
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
we made it (knew that we would be alright) - buckley siblings, rated G “Not that I’m not happy to have lunch with you, Mads, but it was kind out of the blue, everything okay?” Buck asked, putting his drink down after taking a sip. They were waiting for their food at this cute little diner that they loved to come to together and Maddie had been nervously fidgeting for ten minutes now. Buck couldn’t take it anymore and had to ask.
send a flare up in the dark (and i'll come find you) - buddie, rated T “Why are we here, Natalia?” Buck grumbled, looking miserable as he took a big sip of his beer. He picked at the plate of fries that sat on the table between them, shoving one of them in his mouth with a sigh. “We could have just stayed in.”
whatever shall we do - buddie, rated T Buck was immediately suspicious when Eddie sat down across from him at the table in the loft and gave him a wide smile. “What do you want?”
race to the sun (rest when it's over) - buddie, rated E Buck knew that he shouldn’t taunt Eddie while they were fucking. Really, he did. But it just got Eddie so riled up when Buck was a brat that he couldn’t help himself.
i could be the one to make you fall (again and again) - bellarke, rated E Normally, hanging out with the Blake siblings would be a very good night for Clarke. It was her preferred way of spending an evening to be honest. She loved spending time with her best friend and her best friend’s older brother— who also happened to be her crush. Falling for her best friend’s brother was not something Clarke had intended to do and it was times like these that reminded Clarke of just why it was a bad idea.
new sensations, sweet temptations - thiam, rated E When Liam’s mom Jenna started dating his classmate Theo’s adoptive dad David, Liam hadn’t thought all that much about it. His mom hadn’t really dated since his father had died when he was a baby, so he hadn’t thought this would stick. He had been friendly enough when she had brought David home, even played nice with his son Theo. They didn’t get along all that well at school but there were never any problems. Not in high-school and not when they ended up at the same college. Not until Theo became a more concrete part of his life.
all in - hangster, rated E If you had told Rooster a week ago that he would be stumbling into his base housing with Hangman, making out against every surface Rooster could push him into, he would have called you a liar. As it was, he still couldn’t quite believe this was happening, even though Hangman’s tongue was currently in his mouth.
in the middle - buddie/natalia, rated E Eddie jogged up to Buck’s apartment, whistling absentmindedly as he played with his keys. They were planning to go out to a bar tonight for a couple of drinks and then come back to Buck’s for a movie. Eddie would admit that he didn’t really want to go out tonight, would much rather stay in and get all of Buck’s attention on him. But Buck was really excited to try this new bar and Eddie couldn’t say no to him.
help me to help myself - bellarke, rated E Agreeing to live with Bellamy was not, objectively, one of Clarke’s better ideas. Crushing on her college roommate’s older brother turned best friend? An even worse idea. They had been best friends for years now and the pining was getting a bit ridiculous.
make me crawl, make me beg, make me bleed - hannigram, rated E Hannibal let out a gasp as he was pressed against the filthy brick wall of the alleyway outside the night club. He could feel the beat of the music pulsing along the wall. The guy he had picked up took his gasp as one of pleasure, grinning in a way that he probably thought was seductive. But to Hannibal, it was sleazy. Ugly. Beneath him. Yet, this is the guy Will had chosen and since it was Will’s birthday, Hannibal had left the choice of mark up to Will.
tagging: @bigfootsmom, @usersiren, @morganofthefairies, @swiftietartt, @princessfbi, @loserdiaz, @monsterrae1, @giddyupbuck, @father-salmon, @underwater-ninja-13, @hoodie-buck, @spagheddiediaz, @malewifediaz, @eddiiediaz, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @spotsandsocks, @hippolotamus, @wikiangela, @theotherbuckley, @watchyourbuck, @fortheloveofbuddie, @buck-coded, @daffi-990, @911onabc, @arthursdent, @disasterbuckdiaz, and @maygrantgf
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Read all the books in The 100 over the past few weeks. I gotta say, I’m glad I stuck it out until Rebellion (the 4th and final one). I can really see where they got certain elements of especially seasons 2/7 (shockingly, for the 7th, in a good way!) and my Bellarke heart was healed with their happy ending. The spirit of the series was born here and while the first three were kind of a slough (sorry) I’m happy I finished it all.
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bellamysgriffin · 9 months
after the storm
Bellamy and Clarke have been English professors in the same department for four years when Bellamy's ex-girlfriend comes to town as a visiting professor. She's been invited to read the short story that all but ruined Bellamy's life. Little does he know that Clarke has a history with Echo too and will do anything to get under her skin. Ensue an elaborate fake dating scheme designed to prove to Echo that she's wrong for what she wrote in her story and that she's wrong for what she did to Clarke.
The only problem? Bellamy and Clarke have been enemies since the day they met. If they're going to convince Echo they're together, then they'll have to get through the next few weeks without fighting. And if that's possible, then who knows what could happen next?
(my @bellarke-events gift for @dustinswill with academic rivals to lovers & fake dating bc why choose? happy holidays!)
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heartbellamy · 2 years
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a christmas wish (a bellarke christmas au)
When they were first tentatively becoming friends, Bellamy let it slip that he’d never had a big Christmas growing up. There may have been a little alcohol involved (It wouldn’t be a proper Jordan & Green Holiday Party without some spiked punch.) but she could see the way his eyes glimmered with something nostalgic, something yearning, as he talked about the Christmases Octavia and him had.
How their tree was a little one that sat on a table, how the closest they got to snow on Christmas was watching movies, how some years he even wrapped his own small gifts when his mom was too busy working three jobs to have time to do it before Christmas. He was grateful that they even had them, but having to pretend he didn’t know what he got took away from the magic a little bit.
Clarke may have also been tipsy at the time, but she never forgot about how gentle his voice was or how soft his eyes looked when he told her about it. It was the first time she ever saw him like that.
Six years later, Clarke has a plan.
It took three years of friendship, one year of being friends with benefits, another half a year dating, and one year of being engaged, so this is their first Christmas as a married couple. Bellamy’s been working abroad for a couple months, which has been harder than Clarke had even anticipated, but when Bellamy confirms he’ll be home on Christmas Eve, Clarke immediately sets her plan into action.
Plan Give Bellamy The Biggest And Best Christmas Ever.
She spends all of December planning and decorating. Clarke makes sure every inch of their house is covered in lights and garland and holiday cheer, even their two-year-old puppy Picasso gets in on the action. She works for weeks making their little home look like the set of all of his favorite Christmas movies all wrapped up into one big present.
And when the day comes, she gets to watch the way his eyes light up as he takes it all in, she gets to see that yearning turn into pure joy as he picks her up and spins her around, whispering sweetly in her ear as he buries his face in her hair, the lights twinkling around them and Picasso’s happy barks in their ears.
She didn’t know back then that she was planning it all from the start, that she wanted to be the one that he shared his Christmases with. But getting to put that smile on his lips, and getting to kiss them too, she thinks she has probably wanted that ever since that night they shared in Monty and Jasper’s old apartment.
Best Christmas Ever.
(Well, until next year, when Clarke gets him a onesie with a spaceship on it that says Best Dad In The Universe across the front. But they have plenty of years to have a new Best Christmas Ever, as long as they spend them together. And they will.)
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ninappon · 2 years
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Happy Tuesday folks!
How's everyone doing this second week of January? Now that we're past new years I feel like we're so much closer to spring over here (yeah I know, still months and months away) and I cannot wait! It also makes things feel more hopeful, doesn't it?
Last week was pretty crappy due to the fact that I lost my job because my boss is a genuine douche (it was the last drop for my colleagues because they have been badly treated by him as well and it has snowballed into a big mess that the higher ups are looking into now), and that caused me to have some stress related issues. Don't feel bad for me about the job thing though, it is such a huge relief to be away from both the boss and the work itself (it was never a job for me but at least the colleagues were great), and I feel so much better now. Now I'm onto finding something that suits me better, and while job hunting is both boring and frustrating, I still feel hopeful about it 💪🏻
Sending positive vibes to you all and hope that you are well @togetherkru, @igotbellarkeforthat, @carrieeve, @roguetwelve, @natassakar , @infp-with-all-the-feelings, @bookwormforalways, @heartbellamy, @moreflowersthanweeds, @geekyogicheese, @travllingbunny, @jeanie205 and everyone else in the bellarke fam 💛
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waldensblog · 1 year
🔥 + the 100 storylines?
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
I didn't like how the writers handled Lexa's legacy after her death. Specifically, the whole Lexa-is-the-love-of-Clarke's life thing. When watching season 3 for the first time, I was shipping both Clexa and Bellarke, so I was happy when Clexa became canon, and sad when Lexa died. There was a lot of outrage of course, and I think the writers tried to make it up to the fandom by making Lexa the love of Clarke's life, and... as much as I like Clexa, I don't like that. Clexa didn't actually know each other for very long at all (like a week in season 2, 1-2 weeks in season 3?) - I don't really think it was enough time to fall in love, so when Clarke would say how much she loved Lexa into the later seasons, I would kind of cringe a bit. Thanks for the ask :)
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thehaemanthus · 2 months
20 questions for writers
tagged by @whatishowedyouinthedark. Getting to this, what, like a week late? Time has existed to have meaning for me, alas.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 31
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
546,355. Goddamn, how did that happen?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly ACOTAR, occasionally Red Rising. There are some smaller fandoms that I've dipped my toes in. When I started out, it was PJO fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All ACOTAR fics!
lay yourself out, pick yourself up
live once (once is enough) FUCK YEAH MY OC KIDDOS
Our Savaged Souls
Haves and Have Nots (a collab fic with some lovely friends)
to take, to worship
5. Do you respond to comments?
I'm bad about responding to comments. I really try to do a "thanks for reading and commenting!" because as I commenter I like that interaction with the author. But lately I haven't been unless there's a question/interesting observation I'd like to engage with. I'm sure it doesn't feel that way to the commenter, but when I say the same thing (thanks for reading!) it starts to feel rote.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Second Son. Our Savaged Souls is an angsty fic, but it has a happy ending lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost all of the one-shots in live once (once is enough) are fluffy kid fics. Does that count? If not, perhaps miracles, set in the same universe
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, not really? I've gotten one or two "I don't like this" type of comments. I wouldn't classify it as hate, just annoyance
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Occasionally. I can't sit down and churn it out. Usually it's an idea that marinates in my brain for a long time, the emotions and the feelings setting in, before I can put it into words.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope, but I'm not ideologically opposed lol. Just haven't had the inspiration
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm pretty sure I haven't
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone volunteered, but I don't know if it actually happened.
I do have fanart for the live once (once is enough) kids!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes!!! Gotta love the writing circles. The lovely @mmvalentine also helped with OSS.
14. What is your all-time favorite ship?
Bellarke from The 100. Feysand is good, and there's a lot to play around with in that sandbox. But man, Bellarke is just on another tier. The fanfic that came out of than fandom is also absolutely stunning.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oof, everything lol. I have some Red Rising fics that have gone stale, also an old one for The 100. I have the best of intentions to write The Illyrian Trials and all the other stories I have in mind for the live once (once is enough) universe, but I don't know if I ever will.
16. What are your writing strengths?
idk bro. Maybe dialogue? Can someone else tell me this, haha?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot lol. I know the structures, I can feel the beats, but I'm bad at sitting down myself and plotting something out. And is it bad if I say prose, too? Sometimes I feel like I'm pulling teeth for some good prose because all I want are long dialogues.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
YES always
19. First fandom you wrote for?
WELL. Technically it was Stuart Little for a 3rd grade school assignment. Then in 4th grade, again for a school assignment, I wrote Warriors fanfic (the books about the cats). Actual intentional fic was an unpublished Jily attempt, first published fanfiction was PJO
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably a toss up between The Second Son and Our Savaged Souls. I don't think The Second Son is my best writing, but there is a lot of me in there and it was a journey to complete. Our Savaged Souls was not planned in the same way, it just kind of happened. It happened pretty smoothly for a fic that was written mostly in one google doc lol.
i apologize, I gotta do the lazy thing and say "tagging whoever wants to be tagged" i feel like everyone has been tagged in this already because I'm so late!
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alphinias · 6 months
"Jeresa is a Bellarke cartel AU no I won’t elaborate"
I haven't watched The 100 but omg, I am SO happy you're watching Queen of the South!!! There is a new-ish shoe called on Fox called The Cleaning Lady on FOX that reminds me of Qots and sadly rhe male lead passed away from cancer irl, but there is a ~ship that is very Jeresa coded!
I’ve wanted to watch qots for years because I’ve always thought Jeresa seemed so cute from edits but Alex finally forced me to start it a couple weeks ago. IT’S A GREAT SHOW AND JERESA IS GIVING ME SUCH A BUZZ. I just watched the episode where he splinted her leg in the desert and got captured so she could get away but then they had that “I’m not leaving you” moment so I’m really riding a high lmao.
I’ve heard great things about the cleaning lady as well! That’s so sad to hear about the lead actor. I probably won’t get involved with that fandom because I need some dopamine in my life, but 🥲 he was so young.
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bellamyblake · 2 years
I want to thank everyone who participated in #bbaw22 this time around! I know it wasn’t an easy time with the holidays and everyone being busy but I just want to say how happy it makes me to see everyone’s creations for this week and how awesome your gifs were! I know many people were disappointed by that finale and that we’re a small community now but your stuff whether it’s gifs, fanfics, edits, meta, it all means a great deal to people and it makes us smile and enjoy this show and these characters, specifically Bellamy Blake! 
Thank you to everyone again (I’ll probably miss some people but thank you to those who reblogged too because this matters just as much!) @immortalpramheda, @togetherkru @kateemcintyre @bellamysgriffin @pendragaryen @natassakar @nathanmillers @kris-lulu @bellaarke @bellarke
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hopesapowerfulthing · 2 years
9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @rat-daemon, much love!!!��
1. Three Ships: So my top is actually either Hannigram or Brownham, which is Hugh Dancy's fault for making Will so shippable lets be honest here. And I will wildly shift between those two with no warning so rip. I also love Mercelot from BBC's merlin but to be honest I could ship Merlin with almost anyone and still be happy there too. Though the last one is tied with Bellarke from The 100.
2. First Ever Ship: I think it was Mergana back when I was watching the show air because that was one of the first shows I ever watched, Destiel would probably be a close second though.
3. Last Song: Work Song by Hozier on my phone and Petricor by Ludovico Einaudi on my pc! I would 100% recommend Einaudi any day, his work is absolutely stunning, Elements and Seven Days Walking: Day 1 are some of my fav albums!  
4. Last Movie: I just rewatched The old guard because I have a minor obsession with it, and technically I got like ten minutes into some movie I cant remember now before I got kicked outta the streaming service and went to bed in defeat lol
5. Currently Reading: In published books I just finished Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Brite and I’m a half way through A certain Hunger by Chelsea Summers. In fic I just finished Seperated by AuthorInDistress (torchwood) and a reread of Founding Fathers by JamesJohnEye (TWD)  You should totally tell me if you enjoy The Picture of Dorian Gray when you're done prev, its one of my beloveds!!
6. Currently Watching: Also Consistently cycling through my comfort shows, Hannibal/Merlin/Torchwood but I've just started the His Dark Materials show so we’ll see if it holds up to the books :D
7. Currently Consuming: Oranges, like dudes I have eaten like six pounds of oranges in the last week, do I know why? Nope. Am I probably deficient in something? Also nope because I don't wanna think about that. Regular food? hard and tiresome, The new way is apparently oranges. this will last at least another week I think. 
8. Currently Craving: All of my classwork to be done so I don't have to look at it anymore, also for my professor to just Give me an A. The ability to not need sleep, but also like a nap would be great rn. Actually I might go take a nap right now fuck my repro assignment, also would like a vacation to a empty forest so I could lay down in some moss. 
Tagging: @glompto @grokenope @sanguinesubpoena @imashybear @tethered-heartstrings @nextstopparis @polishchuk @camelotsheart @emrys-merlin + really anyone interested!! <3
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animmortalist · 1 year
hello! if you’d like, please list 5 things that make you happy, then put the same message in the ask box of the last ten people that reblogged something from you. you don’t have to, it’s up to you! 💕
Ok life has been #rough lately so doing this!
My cat (the best, silliest boi to ever boi)
The djats soundtrack—I'm still listening to the songs nonstop oop
The everlasting comfort and support of my friends I found through bellarke (the traumaaaaa)
Speak Now TV in a week!
I'm actually pretty proud of my recent writing!
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cs-and-bellarke · 2 years
Bellarke- Love isn't weakness
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Chapter 18
Bellamy's P.O.V
Last night I stayed up talking to Clarke for 2 and a half hours and I didn’t end up going to bed until around 3:30am, me and her talked about her family and she told me about her sister and how Anya was Murphy’s sister and how much everyone in the house except the adults hate her and everything like that. I woke up around 11:00am and started making food and about a half an hour later I saw Clarke wake up, she is so beautiful and talking to her made me happy but just being friends with her is killing me. 
She gets up and smiles then disappears into O’s bedroom, I want to be with her but there is no way I can, 12th grade is coming up because it’s almost May and that is also Clarke’s birthday month. I got her a bracelet with her name on it and I hope she likes it, it would mean that she has something I gave her which would make me really happy. 
She and Octavia come out of Octavia’s room and all I can do is smile at Clarke because she is happy at the moment and that’s a good thing. After Clarke’s and I’s talk last night, seeing her smile makes me happy for her and I always want to see that smile on her face and when it’s not there then I want to be the one to hold her and tell her everything is going to be okay and to make her smile. She needs some happiness in her life and I wish I could give her some of that happiness but I know she is not ready for that and I’m willing to wait.
We all eat and now that Lincoln is here, Clarke and I are on our way to the hospital to see my mom and try to convince my mom to stay there until she is better and hopefully she will listen to me. “Are you ready to see my mom?” I asked Clarke as I parked the car.
“Yeah, the last time I saw her was before she went to the hospital last year” she says with a smile.
“Okay. let's go” We went in and I took Clarke down to my mom’s room and there was my mom sitting on the bed watching tv and hooked up to tubes and wires. “Here we are, you sure you want to come in” I ask her.
“Yeah, I would love to see and talk to her again” 
“Really, you sure”
“Yes, now come on, she’s waiting”
“Okay” we walk in and my mom’s face lights up with joy. “Hey mom”
“Hey my baby boy, and hello Clarke, I haven’t seen you in forever” my mom says to her.
“Hey, yeah...how have you been?” Clarke asks her.
“In bed with cancer, but other then that I’m okay, so Bellamy are you taking me home today”
“No mom, you need to stay here until you get better, I know I’m not 18 and I can’t tell you what to do but if you come home you’re just going to get worse” 
“Bell, I’m tired...I can’t fight anymore, I want to come home and be your mom for as long as I can” she says.
“No mom, please fight you can beat this, they're trying a new drug that has had success on you next week, so please just keep fighting a little longer” I say trying not to break down. 
“Okay, I will for you and O...anyway Clarke are you finally dating my son”
“Um...no we’re just friends, but someday he will find someone who will be the luckiest gal in the world” Clarke says to my mother...did I just hear that right.
“You're right or maybe he has found her,” my mom says.
“What are you talking about mom?” I ask her.
“Nothing, can I talk to Clarke alone please”
“Umm, sure I guess” 
I left the room and all I could wonder is why she wanted me to leave so she could talk to Clarke, I hope she doesn’t try to hook me and her up.
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Clarke’s P.O.V
“Bell, I’m tired...I can’t fight anymore, I want to come home and be your mom for as long as I can,” Aurora says to Bell.
“No mom, please fight you can beat this, they're trying a new drug that has had success on you next week, so please just keep fighting a little longer” he says trying not to break down. 
“Okay, I will for you and O...anyway Clarke are you finally dating my son”
“Um...no we’re just friends, but someday he will find someone who will be the luckiest gal in the world” I say trying not to blush.
“You're right or maybe he has found her,” my mom says.
“What are you talking about mom?” Bellamy asks her.
“Nothing, can I talk to Clarke alone please”
“Umm, sure I guess” he says and leaves.
I don’t know what to do but then she pats her bed and so I sit next to her, where is this going? “Why are you and my son not dating, because the last time I saw you, you never met him but knew you would hate him...now that you met him you two are very nice to each other what happened”
“Well I dated this guy who hurt me and Murphy kicked his ass, and Bellamy found me on a curb crying, and he made up this nickname for me in the process. Anyway he bought me dinner and we talked, he also went out of a relationship and we became friends and we talked a lot about a lot of different things” I explained to her.
“Wow, but I can tell you have feelings for him”
“How did you-”
“It’s the way you look at him, the same way I looked at Bellamy’s dad before he left”
“Oh, but I’m not ready to be with anyone right now”
“And that’s okay, have you guys ever-”
“Oh god no, we kissed a couple times but twice I pulled away and once he did”
“You didn’t let me finish, I was going to only ask if you guys ever kissed but now I know”
“Aurora, what should I do...every time I see him to be with him but I can’t be with him and it kills me but every time I get close I get scared” I asked her.
“You just need some time, keep talking to him and being friends with him and if you’re both single when you are ready then try to make something happen with him” she says giving me a smile. “We should get Bell back in here before he thinks we are talking about him”
“Knowing him, he already thinks that, but yes we should”
“Can you go get him”
“Yeah” I left the room and ran right into him, not watching where I was going. “Oh I’m sorry” he doesn’t say anything, he just lifts my chin and kisses me.
“I’m sorry I just had to,” he says.
“Don’t be, um but your mom wants you back in there and is it okay if I wait in the car” 
“Yeah, here’s the keys just don’t leave me here”
“I won’t” I say and walk out to the car. I can not believe that he kissed me and I didn’t pull away and neither did he but I’m not ready to be with anyone even if I want to.
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Bellamy’s P.O.V
Clarke leaves my mom's room and doesn’t look where she is going and runs right into me and says “Oh I’m sorry” I don’t say anything back I just lift her chin and kiss her.
“I’m sorry I just had to,” I say to her.
“Don’t be, um but your mom wants you back in there and is it okay if I wait in the car” 
“Yeah, here’s the keys just don’t leave me here”
“I won’t”
She leaves and I go into my mom’s room to see how long I have to be here. “Hey mom,” I say to her.
“Hey my baby boy, where’s Clarke?” she asks.
“She’s waiting in the car, anyway what did you two talk about”
“Just girl stuff, why is she in the car”
“Okay first of all ‘just girl stuff’ is code for talking about me and she’s in the car because I kissed her”
“You did what”
“I kissed her and I don’t know what to do”
“You really like her don’t you?” my mom asks.
“I’m falling in love with her mom” I tell her.
“Have you told her that?”
“No but I did tell her I have feelings for her and she said she had them for me but she’s just not ready”
“Good, just give her time, all you can be is her friend and when she’s ready and if you’re both single then make something happen”
“Thanks mom, I’m going to go home and make sure Octavia isn’t having sex with her boyfriend” I tell her.
“Octavia has a boyfriend?” she asks.
“Yeah, anyway I love you and I’ll see you later”
“Okay I love you too my baby boy” 
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sometimesrosy · 2 years
Happy nanowrimo midpoint everyone! Or at least everyone who is doing nano.
I am writing the last book in a trilogy that started with a bellarke fanfic. (Moonshine, if you remember it, or want to investigate on AO3 [i am rosymamcita there] It is still unfinished and will remain unfinished because the novel veered away from The 100.)
I spent pretty much a week and a half trying to figure out how to start the book because the outline I made had me starting WAY to early. Anyway, my book is a mess but I hit 25k yesterday so I'm doing okay wordcount.
How are the rest of you doing?
Next year I'd like to revise my new trilogies and start querying it again, or if the publishing industries implodes maybe self publish. IDK. Publishing is a mess also.
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
i saw your post about the otps i'm curious how else hurt you like that?
Okay, so this is a very complex answer. Who hurt me like that? Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin from the 100, no ship is gonna traumatize me as much as they did. But they did not have an otp tag, I did change my tag for them to "we could've had it all" after it all ended tho. The otp tags tho, I only use those when I get caught up in a line of dialogue, it's not something I look for with ships, but I had Link and Amelia from grey's anatomy, not because I was particularly super invested in them but because "you make me want to write love songs in the rain" is the most romantic shit I have ever heard and I was like "why not", that's the ship that broke up and went toxic. They're better now, still broken up tho. The ones who got cancelled are Paige and Rayner from famous in love, mostly because that show was the low mental processing thing I needed at the time and the line "for you? anything" really stayed with me. The second is Alex and Willie and Julie and the Phantoms "I would have still followed you" because holy shit I am obsessed with them and I really need to rewatch Julie and they are everything lol. Both of the shows got cancelled before that went anywhere. Then we have buddie. I made that post after spending a week lost in 911 and outside looking in had just aired, and I just thought holy shit "you don't need to pretend with me" is buddie in a nutshell they are getting an otp tag. I currently I have an otp tag for Grace and Judd from Lone Star "I loved you before I met you" and for Katniss and Peeta because they don't have a ship name I like and I love the "don't let him take you from me" line. But who hurt me? Bellarke. If you catch me on the right day Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy from The Amazing Spiderman movies, but for different reasons lol. Other ships that can get me going for hours about how they hurt me but I don't blog about a lot anymore include but are not limited to: Tandy and Tyrone from cloak and dagger, Lucas and Maya from girl meets world, Jess and Rory from Gilmore Girls, Finn and Poe from Star Wars. Let's just say I don't have a lot of ships with happy endings and keep moving kspskpskspsksokapak
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heartbellamy · 2 years
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Hello my beautiful snow angels, I’m back with one last Bellarke Creator Shoutout for the year! I actually had no idea this was going to fall on Christmas Day, but since it has, Merry Christmas to all! And a Happy Holidays as well! Whatever you may be celebrating during this time, I hope it brings you all the love and joy in the world!
Firstly, I’d like to thank our content creators for all their beautiful creations this year, I quite literally wouldn’t be here sharing these lists without you! You are so very loved and appreciated! Secondly, to those who leave support by reblogging, commenting, liking, leaving kudos, etc., you are so very important too! This fandom lives on through all of you, and I thank you for that!
To show my appreciation one last time this year, below you’ll find some amazing content, including some posts from Bellamy Week (Woo! Thank you @bellamygifs!) and some Christmas content! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and may the New Year treat you with much love and kindness. Until next time! May we meet again. (Don’t worry, we will! Love you all!) 💙
3x02 Gifset by @togetherkru
Bellamy’s Jackets Gifset by @kateemcintyre
David Jones Quote Gifset by @kris-lulu
Filipino Endearments Gifset by @bellamyblake
Marahuyo Gifset by @immortalpramheda
Bellarke Moments Fanvid by @/celestialseffect on ig
A Walk Through The Woods Manip by @april-showers86
2022 Ficmas Fic (Not Rated, Modern AU, Fluff and Only One Bed) by @kinetic-elaboration
A Hot Cocoa Compromise Fic (Rated G, Modern AU, Winter and First Meetings) by @skyeward-otp
Happy Christmas Tears Fic (Rated G, Modern AU, Christmas and Tooth-Rotting Fluff) by whatspastisprologue
Remember to give these works some love to let our creators know how much we appreciate them! And feel free to tag me in any of your Bellarke-related creations! 💖
PREVIOUS SEGMENTS: PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8 | PART 9 | PART 10 | PART 11 | PART 12 | PART 13 | PART 14 | PART 15 | PART 16 | PART 17 | PART 18 | PART 19 | PART 20 | PART 21 | PART 22 | PART 23 | PART 24 | PART 25 | PART 26 | PART 27 | PART 28 | PART 29 | PART 30 | PART 31 | PART 32 | PART 33 | PART 34 | PART 35 | PART 36 | PART 37 | PART 38 | PART 39 | PART 40 | PART 41
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i'm setting july 14 as the last day to submit your straights!
if anything changes i may move this date, but as of now, i think we've got a decent trickle of submissions per day to close the form on july 14th. the situation is this: i have a bunch of submissions, but only 11 character sets with more than one submission. if the number of multiply submitted pairs remains low-ish, i may switch to allowing characters with single submissions to enter the competition, possibly putting ones i'm unsure about up to a vote as to whether they qualify. i think i'll only be able to come to a decision on what to do in terms of qualification after the form closes and i have a solid, unchanging set of data to work with. and leaving it open for a couple weeks gives some time for the makeup of submissions to change and for this blog to get more followers/voters lol. thanks for reading and sticking around!
tl;dr, get your final submissions in during or before july 14th! they will close at 12am, july 15!
the couples that have more than one submission (and who will most likely be in the tournament) as of the creation of this post are as follows:
braime from game of thrones: a song of ice and fire
whouffaldi aka twelveclara from doctor who
twissy from doctor who
tedbecca from ted lasso
mulder scully romance aka msr aka sculder from the x files
royai from full metal alchemist
tatiana slozhno and curt mega from spies are forever
robin and steve from stranger things
shin and noi from dorohedoro
spada and raptor-283 from uchu sentai kyuranger
bellarke from the 100
so we'll see how things pan out! to be clear, volume of submissions isn't the issue; just the amount of multiply submitted characters. as it turns out, there are lots of straightbaits to choose from. it warms my heart frankly. live laugh love to see it!
as always have fun, and happy heterosexual trails!
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