#happy bday alhaitham <33
nomelwelloy · 8 months
Oh- a tipsy Alhaitham running his fingers through the ends of Kaveh’s hair, his ministrations slow and thoughtful.
Kaveh has been rattling on about something, leaving his cup completely untouched. Maybe it’s about the newest Genius Invocation card deck- the topics are shuttling back and forth between him and his colleague and it’s too much of a hassle to keep up. Kaveh is animated, eyes glittering as he taps his card back repeatedly, as though completely unaware of Haitham’s actions.
Reclined in the booth’s divan with his arm propped along the seat back, Haitham curls a stray blonde lock and tucks it behind Kaveh’s ear, letting his fingers follow the length of hair as it’s laid over his shoulders. He continues weaving gold strands between his fingers, gaze tracing them to the tips that fade to brown.
“What do we have here…” the colleague sitting across him leans in with an ugly, teasing look. “Look at you, so docile…” he slurs, making the snark remark with a crooked grin. “Who knew the mighty scribe had such a side... Makes you wonder what he’s like in bed, huh?” He jokes to the others sitting around him, and this earns a smatter of howls and laughs in agreement.
Haitham has had a bit more to drink than he’d liked tonight, but despite feeling a little more than buzzed, he turns to him with a bored expression, “Where else am to look, if not at my lover?” Haitham replies in a flat tone. “You should worry less about my sex life, and more about how to keep yours out of everyone’s business. We don’t need your one-night stands showing up at lunch and screaming the roofs down now, do we?”
The table falls silent, and his colleague falters, blinking slowly before his face turns a bright red. Kaveh’s incessant chatter eventually trails off as he too grows aware of the sudden tension.
“How dare you,” his colleague snipes back with an acidic tone, lips pulled into an ugly scowl.
Haitham sighs like he’s bored, lifting his cup halfway to his lips when at this moment, his eyes suddenly light up. “How dare I?”
Without warning, his hand still in Kaveh’s hair snakes up the back of his head as he guides Kaveh to meet his lips in a slow, passionate kiss. Hot, open-mouthed and absolutely debauched, Haitham slides his tongue over Kaveh’s, gently tugging his head back to gain deeper access into his warm mouth. He’s well aware of the outright stares, but it doesn’t stop him from sucking Kaveh’s tongue and running his own along the insides of his cheeks, and Haitham can only think of how much Kaveh tastes like fruit tea. Had he not had a single drop of wine since sitting down?
Haitham can feel Kaveh’s balled fists twisting his clothes in a silent and vehement protest, but Haitham sinks his teeth into Kaveh's lower lip to prevent him from escaping.
There’s a loud clatter and Haitham spies from the corner of his eye his colleague kicking the chair as he storms out of the tavern. A couple others follow him, stumbling over themselves.
It is only then that Haitham finally releases Kaveh’s mouth with a soft peck brushed over his now slightly swollen lips. But despite this gentling, Kaveh is incandescent with rage and embarrassment. His cheeks are flushed a henna berry crimson to the tip of his ears (cute, thinks a dazed Haitham) and he can only stare daggers at Haitham while their colleagues look on with equal parts envy and incredulousness.
“Cards! Cards- did you see Cyno’s latest deck? It’s amazing- I heard he commissioned Calx himself!” Someone pipes up and the table breaks into an uproar once more, discordant conversations picking up and overlapping one another. There’s more chattering and clinking of glasses and bottles while Haitham returns to the quiet of his mind again. He sinks back the rest of his drink and into the plush cushions. Kaveh reluctantly tears his eyes away from Haitham, attempting to ease back into the conversation he was so abruptly snatched from.
Haitham returns to his previous ministrations, and he carts two fingers loosely through the hair just above Kaveh’s ear, brushing against it as he coils gold over his shoulder.
This time, Kaveh’s cheeks are stained scarlet and his eyes keep straying towards Haitham. Haitham continues his movements, silently pleased at having won his attention. Now it was only a matter of how long Kaveh could resist.
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
Hi so uehrm yk how it’s my bday,,,,, and it’s also alhaithams bday,,,,,,, may I request a drabble/hcs (u choose wtv works, idm either of em) of reader and him having the same bday and how they’d celebrate ples hebsjdb ok ty lord harbinger that’s all<33
A Birthday Kiss?
Alhaitham × GN! Reader
A/n: you get a drabble, gremlin whore<3
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    If there was anyone familiar with the passing dates, it would be the scribe. Ever in the loop, having to record anything important, it was a surprise to none that he was almost always aware of any and every significant event going on. 
    So it was quite the surprise to him when he’d heard your birthday coincided with his. “How odd that I’d never heard of it before…” he murmured to himself. He wasn’t the type to care much for his own birthday, but he supposed there was an occasion to celebrate if it was someone else’s special day. Having said that, Alhaitham wasn’t known for being exceptional at handling people either, so he’d approached  you with a few choice books in hand, titles he deduced you’d be likely to enjoy. 
    It was a thoughtful notion, undoubtedly, but the way in which he presented it, unceremoniously handing them over to you, left much to be desired. Worse still was how he’d turned on his heel upon receiving your thanks, only turning around again when he remembered he’d forgotten to wish you a happy birthday first. 
    “Aren’t you going to grant me a birthday wish?” you teased, hoping he’d stick around. “I don’t see you granting me one,” he retorted, crossing his arms as he tilted his head to stare at you with a raised eyebrow. It was all for show though, since he was quite curious as to what you’d ask for. 
    “Well, if you gave me a birthday kiss, I’d technically be giving you one in return.”
    His eyes widened in surprise at your bold proposal, despite how impassive the rest of his body language seemed, and you took a moment to relish in the shock of the apathetic scribe. Although you really should have made your escape when Kaveh nudged you (very much disappointed in your taste in men) to. You were rooted to the spot as Alhaitham approached yet again, a predatory sharpness to his gaze this time, hitching your breath in your throat.
    “Just one?” he muttered as he tilted your face up, seeming to be examining your lips with increasing interest. Your mouth felt dry, and you tried to lick your lips in hopes of finding your voice again, only to lose more coherence as his thumb pressed on your lower lip, holding your mouth agape. “Shouldn’t you know better than to do things like that when someone’s this close to you?” Oh he was definitely going to bully you for this after, but you supposed it was worth the chance, and let your eyes flutter shut as you leaned into his hand.
    His breath felt closer when he whispered happy birthday, and as you were about to utter it back, you found your voice stolen yet again, your lips sealed by his in a soft, fulfilling kiss. 
    “Happy birthday to us both.”
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dawndelion-winery · 8 months
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