#happy Shadowhunters Monday! <3
Happy New Year ✨✨✨
It’s almost 2023, so let’s celebrate the good things that happened to us in 2022! List ten amazing things that happened to you this year and then send this to ten people who brighten your day!
thank you for the ask this is such a lovely idea and way to show gratitude!
1. I got closer with my friends and made new ones!! Both people here on tumblr and my real friends at college and I’m very thankful for that <3
2. I got to travel a lot and see new places! Traveling is one of my favorite hobby and I was so glad to see so much of the world this year. (tsc related i got to see rome <3 for malec)
3. despite struggling with my mental health i took a LOT of classes and kinda kicked ass in (some of) them yay education
4. I learned more about myself, my values and what I want from my life and I’m excited about that!
5. This is so dumb but watching my tv shows!!! I started watching greys in October, had 911 and 911 lone star throughout the year and shadowhunters is always my show before bed so i can see my good friends the tmi gang <3 in 2023 im going to tally how many times i watch shadowhunters 1x12
6. I got to read a LOT of fanfiction!!! specifically works of @khaleesiofalicante (i love you Dani!!) but fanfiction in itself is so so cool because it gives existing characters a whole new realm and it’s awesome and it’s my coping mechanism.
7. I became even closer to achieving my dreams. Not to be cheesy but i am applying for a Dream internship very very very soon and everything i did this year career wise was really amazing and helped me grow!
8. i think i did a good amount to get out of my comfort zone! even tho it was so scary it did help me grow as well and my 2021 self would NEVER believe what I’ve accomplished!!
9. I realized my worth and have come into myself more! I think knowing yourself is really important and I think I’ve done a good job at establishing who I am (this is similar to #4 but I’m proud of myself) I feel like you can even see this on my blog a bit because I’m not JUST tsc anymore I talk about my life sometimes
10. SOBH!!!!! sobh was one of the highlights of my 2021 and 2022 year and im so thankful for the laughter and the tears it gave me and how much I looked forward to Mondays because of it (and 911!)
here’s to 2023 yay tumblr!!
tagging (sorry if you’ve already been tagged and no pressure!) :
@khaleesiofalicante @becauseshesmiledatme @magnus-the-maqnificent @queenlilith43 @dustandducks @alec-not-alright-wood @tea-and-a-clandestine-agenda @elettralightwood @make-me-ur-aphrodite
Anyone else feel free as well to join!
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bytheangell · 5 years
This is the Coda that Never Ends... (Chapter 4)
(Read on AO3) (read from the beginning)
Alec is in the middle of a meeting with the Consul as well as several Institute Heads when he gets the fire message. It’s a vital meeting: they’re working out the final details of setting up proper Downworld Councils at Institutes across the world, after seeing the success of the one in New York had within just a few months. These are some of Alec’s favorite places, run by people who are kind enough not only to agree with, but also to trust the changes he’s making in their world.
It’s a lot to ask of a people so rooted in tradition, so set in their ways of following a set of antiquated laws and beliefs with every stubborn cell in their body. He’s met with resistance at almost every turn but if he can just get enough of them to agree to set up a trial run of the council in their own cities he knows this could improve relations between the Nephilim and the Downworlders immensely on a local level. 
He knows he can order every last Institute to put them in place but that isn’t how he wants to do things - he wants change, yes, but he doesn’t want to dictate it. He needs to convince the Nephilim that these are changes that should be happening. He needs to convince them that this is their future so they embrace it, not simply accept it but resent it because it’s forced upon them. Nothing would ever get done that way and he knows it, so the few willing to lead the way with him mean everything right now.
They all hear the sound before they see it, eyes following the note that flies into the room, ready to reach out if it’s meant for them. One by one they relax around the table until it reaches the head, and Alec’s hand shoots out to catch it in front of his face.
Sorry this is so last-minute, but it’s an emergency. Jace, Simon and I will be there soon. We need to talk the moment you’re free - let me know if I should come there or meet you at yours.
It’s about Clary.
It’s been a while since Alec had to deal with a Clary emergency, which is almost an amusing thought with the immediate memories that flood his mind of the rough start the two of them got off to after her arrival and subsequent trainwreck of influence in his world. But the urgency of the note leaves him on edge, worried over what could have his sister so worked up she can’t even wait for him to get home in a few hours if it can be helped.
“Is everything alright, Mr. Lightwood-Bane?” A voice from across the table asks, and Alec shakes his head having almost forgotten the meeting entirely for a moment.
“Yes, everything’s fine. Just give me one moment and we can return to business, my apologies.” He offers them a calm, winning smile before turning Isabelle’s note over and writing onto the back of it.
I can’t cancel this meeting but I’ll be free in an hour. Meet me at home and I’ll portal there the moment I’m free.
Whatever it is, he’s almost positive he doesn’t want it discussed at work with too many ears to potentially overhear. He sends the message off and returns to work, one more hour of discussion and agreements and compromises until they have a plan of action all four Institutes agree to.
It’s huge, and Alec can’t help the bit of a high the win gives him, wishing he could go home and have a drink with Magnus and revel in it for a little while.
Unfortunately, that simply isn’t in the cards for him. Alec reschedules the rest of his afternoon to new appointments over the next few days and mentally prepares himself for whatever he’s about to hear from home. Magnus is in a meeting with a client in Africa so Alec has one of the other warlocks create the portal home for him, arriving to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and three very concerned faces.
“This can’t be good if you’re already making me coffee,” he observes, eyes immediately drawn to Isabelle.
“It isn’t… not good. Technically speaking. Not yet, at least.” She starts. “Oh yes, that was completely reassuring,” he says, warily making his way over to the coffee pot and pouring himself a cup. “Out with it. What did you do?” Alec asks it as a general question but his gaze lingers longer on Simon and even longer on Jace as he looks between them. “Please tell me you didn’t finally--”
“Why does everyone assume this is my fault?” Jace cuts him off. “Okay, maybe it’s a little bit my fault for being there in the first place, but I was glamoured. And she saw right through it, Alec. And she remembered my name.”
Alec is suddenly very glad he cleared his schedule for the rest of the afternoon. “What happened? Every detail, now.”
“Wow you sure did pick the perfect replacement in Isabelle,” Jace points out when Alec’s reaction is nearly identical to Isabelle’s - the perfect blend of sibling concern and an authoritative need to get a full idea of the situation to properly assess what to do next. But he does as he’s asked, recalling for the third time that night what happened, not leaving out a single detail.
By the end Simon is pacing, Izzy is standing with her arms folded, and Alec’s eyes are wide. “What does it mean? Do you think the Angels’ powers are wearing off?”
Jace shakes his head. “I don’t think they just wear off, not for something as big as this. It isn’t like they just forgot about her. If she’s remembering it has to be because they want her to, right? They’re giving her a second chance?”
Izzy shrugs. “I don’t know… she’s strong, we know she’s capable of things that normal Shadowhunters aren’t. Is it enough to break through a block put in place directly by the Angels?”
“Okay but more importantly, is this going to hurt her? I mean, she had a lot of stuff blocked from her memories. What if it’s too much when it all comes back? What if the Angels punish her for it?”
All eyes turn to Alec, and he feels them on him like a physical weight. It’s why they came here, after all: hoping he’d have all the answers. Or at least a better idea than they have at the moment. This isn’t something the can fix on their own and they want his help. Or maybe they don’t want it, but they need it. Either way, they came here for answers, and he hates the answer he has to give them now.
“I don’t know.” The moment the words leave his lips he can see the disappointment register on their faces.  “I don’t know what to tell you about any of it, really. I’m just the Inquisitor, I don’t have a direct line to Raziel. Just… okay, as long as she doesn’t remember anything specific, she’s fine for now. She isn’t about to come knocking on the door of the Institute, or stumbling across a stele and drawing herself some crazy new rune, right?”
They all shake their heads, but don’t look entirely convinced. And that’s when he realizes that the truth is none of them know what to do about Clary, much the way they hadn’t when she first arrived in their lives, either. She was always a problem to solve, always an enigma.
At least some things never changed.
“We’ll need to keep someone on her. Not you, Jace,” Alec adds quickly. “I’m sorry, but we all know what your connection to her is like. We can’t risk it breaking any more of the block than it already has.” Alec pauses, frowning. “In fact… it can’t be any of you. Iz, you know best who you can trust with this back home. Just someone to keep tabs on her, make sure she isn’t seeing any more of things she shouldn’t be, or drawn to places she shouldn’t be. The more time we can buy with this, the better.”
Simon raises an eyebrow. “You aren’t going to report it?” He asks, and the hopeful told in his voice betrays the fact that that’s exactly what he’d been afraid of Alec doing up until now. And Alec had to admit the thought crossed his mind more than once - after all, with the delicate nature of the work he has going, getting caught covering up something like this could ruin him before he ever had a chance to really get started. 
But there's nothing to tell, he convinces himself. She remembered a name, hardly a matter of Shadow World Security. 
“No.” Alec says, adding quickly when he sees just how easily Simon’s face lights up, “Not yet. If the wrong people find out, even if she doesn’t remember much right now, they’ll want to do something about it before she does. And Clary doesn’t deserve that. Not after everything she sacrificed for us.” The fact that he doesn’t say exactly what the ‘something’ in question might be only makes the potential result sound that much more ominous. And that’s the point. He doesn’t want them to panic but he can’t have them taking this lightly, either.
“Thanks, Alec.” Izzy says, the words a sigh of relief. “I already have Underhill keeping an eye on her through surveillance.”
Alec smiles. “Looks like you already have this under control. You hardly needed my advice.”
“Maybe you’re just slacking now that you’re out of the field for so long. Maybe next time you come to visit we’ll throw you out at a rogue vampire den,” Jace jokes, walking over to clap Alec on the shoulder.
Alec leans into the motion with a wistful sigh. “You have no idea how much I’d love that right now, actually.”
Izzy shakes her head, and the three of them head towards the door to head back to New York. “Tell Magnus we said hi, and that we miss him! You two better come visit soon!”
“It’s only been two weeks, Iz,” Alec points out.
“That’s two weeks too long,” his sister counters, and he couldn’t agree more.
“Well, not that we needed an excuse, but we have a good enough one now. I’ll talk to him when he gets back and see when we can come by and figure more of this out.”
They exchange hugs, Alec even allowing Simon to say his goodbye with outstretched arms and a too-tight embrace that he’s positive is entirely on purpose.
Once they’re gone Alec heads over to the drink cart and pours himself something a little stronger than coffee, sitting down to think over everything he just heard. Clary remembering, that’s one thing. But the Angels actively forgiving her? That holds implications of its own that none of them are ready to consider just then.
He can’t wait for Magnus to get home to talk this through with. If anyone would know how to deal with returning blocked memories, it’d be the warlock who blocked them from that same person her whole life.
How convenient that warlock happened to be his husband.
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Never Alone
Chapters on AO3: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21
Malec | Rated general | tw violence, reference to rape/non-con, and vampirism, all at canon levels | Dæmon AU, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-it, Canon Era, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Developing Relationship, Other Additional Tags To Be Added, Slow Burn
Summary: In a world where Shadowhunters’ dæmons never lose the ability to change shape, Clary spends her eighteenth birthday learning why Hunter can still shift.
Or, a shameless fix-it featuring BAMF Magnus and Alec, logical problem-solving rather than the disaster that was Jace, Izzy, and Clary — and, of course, Malec falling in love (in a slightly less difficult situation).
A/N: Written for the TSC What if…? Bang (@tsc-what-if-bang). Prompt: What if Clary and Simon didn’t go to Pandemonium that night?
My mind immediately went to why Clary and Simon wouldn’t go, and combined with the sad lack of dæmon AUs in this fandom, this fic was born!
The amazing art (above) is by @magnus-the-maqnificent! I'll link to their tumblr post here once they've posted it.
As I know it might get hard to keep track of everybody's dæmons' names and preferred forms, I've made a tumblr post with a list here.
Many many thanks to MugiwaraLexi for being an amazing beta — your support and advice has been invaluable!
This fic is fully written and edited, and I’ll be posting twice a week on Monday and Thursday for most of it, except for from August 23rd to August 30th (no posting as I will be away). Sorry for the delay, but after that, I should get into a regular posting schedule!
Read chapter 1 on AO3 or below the cut. (Future chapters will be posted on AO3 and linked above.)
Prologue — Clary
Summary: Her mom was finally — finally — going to explain.
Clary doesn’t go to Pandemonium on her eighteenth birthday. 
A/N: First chapter! This one’s Clary’s POV, but all of the following chapters will alternate between Alec and Magnus. (I’ll be posting the first Alec chapter in a few hours.)
Clary felt excitement bubbling in her chest. Hunter hopped eagerly around the room in his rabbit form, before leaping into the air, changing into a bird, a butterfly, and back to a rabbit again. 
Her mom was finally — finally — going to explain. 
Clary had first realised that she wasn’t normal when she’d been fourteen, and her dæmon still hadn’t settled. Hunter was often in rabbit form, but he could still change to any animal he wanted, while all of her friends’ and classmates’ dæmons had chosen a preferred animal and could no longer change. 
She’d thought for a while that she was a late bloomer or something, but puberty had come and gone, and Hunter could still change shapes as effortlessly as ever. She’d grown increasingly worried about it, wondering what was wrong with her, until her mother had finally explained that there was, in fact, something different about Clary. And then her dæmon, Aaron, had shifted from his swan form to a different one. 
Unfortunately, Jocelyn Fray had refused to explain anything more than that to her daughter. Instead, she’d declared that Clary was “too young” and promised to tell her everything — including why neither of their dæmons had settled into one form — when Clary turned eighteen. 
Today was her eighteenth birthday, and also the day that she’d gotten accepted into the Brooklyn Academy of Arts. While she considered Simon’s offer of going to Pandemonium to celebrate, she wanted to know why she was like this. She’d waited four years; maybe she could’ve waited another day, but she didn’t want to. 
So she said as much to Simon — he was the only person she’d ever told about Hunter — so they decided to save the celebrating for the next day. 
Hunter leapt up on Clary’s lap, and she curled her fingers around him to keep him in place. “I know you’re excited and nervous, but I am too, and you’re only making it worse by jumping around,” she told him. 
“I know, I know, but we’re going to find out why!” Hunter replied. 
Clary’s response was cut short when her mother came in and sat down in the chair opposite Clary. It was almost formal for a moment before Jocelyn huffed out a laugh and wrapped Clary in a hug. “You’ve grown up so much.” Clary refused to have the oh-look-at-my-daughter-she’s-all-grown-up conversation right now; she wanted answers. “Are you going to tell me why Hunter can still shift?” she asked, cutting her mother off before she could start. 
“Yes, I am.” Jocelyn smiled, looking slightly sad. “It’ll take quite a bit of history and context. I can only hope that you don’t hate me at the end of it. 
“I probably wouldn’t have told you about all this if it hadn’t been for Hunter, but I need to explain everything else first. Take this.” She held out a long, thin, silvery-grey stick, shaped vaguely like a pen. “It’s called a stele, and it’s a bit of a family heirloom, I suppose.” 
“We Frays have heirlooms?” Clary asked, surprised and somewhat sceptical. 
Jocelyn sighed. “Yes. Now listen. All the stories are true…” 
Clary listened in silence as Jocelyn told her about demons — not dæmons, but evil demons — and about Warlocks, Vampires, Werewolves, and Faeries, about an entire world that she’d never known existed, hidden beneath glamours. And about Shadowhunters, the children of Raziel, a preternaturally powerful race created by the Angel to protect the world from demons — and Clary was, apparently, one of them. She explained how most people never knew about the Shadow World because of the glamours, although some had the Sight, often due to hidden faerie ancestry. All members of the Shadow World had the Sight, including Clary. Jocelyn had taken her to a warlock to remove her memories of the Shadow World. 
“You took my memories?” Clary broke in, furious. “Why would you — you had no right—”
“I wanted to protect you,” Jocelyn told her. “And we can go to the warlock and ask him to give them back if you want to.”
Clary huffed, but she was more interested in the rest of the explanation than in a proper apology for taking her memories. “And Hunter? Why can he still change shape?”
“Shadowhunters’ dæmons never settle,” Jocelyn replied. “It’s better in battle — like this, there’s no chance that you’ll be helpless because you’ve lost your weapons and your mouse dæmon is completely unequipped to help you fight. Generally, the dæmons will still have a preferred form, for when not fighting — Hunter’s rabbit form, for instance, or Aaron’s swan.” 
Clary nodded. “That makes sense. Are Downworlders the same?”
“Downworlders’ dæmons do settle, like a mundane’s — well, except that werewolves always have wolf dæmons — but they can go as far from their people as they like. Shadowhunters generally undergo training to increase the distance their dæmon can travel, too, but we can’t naturally go any farther than mundanes.” 
“Is that — you said that we’re Shadowhunters, but we’re not living in an Institute.” If this world existed, and if Clary belonged to this race of Nephilim, why wasn’t she part of it all?
“Yes.” Jocelyn sighed. “That’s because we’re on the run.” “Why? And from whom?”
“From the Clave, partially, but mostly from — from your father.” And so Clary learned about the Circle, Valentine Morgenstern, and the Mortal Cup her mother had stolen from the Clave and hidden in a tarot card. 
They sat in silence for a few moments as Clary processed all that she’d learned. Her father, who her mother had told her was dead, was actually an evil, xenophobic, bigoted leader of a genocidal cult — and he was still alive. But what she struggled with most was how her mother had been on his side, had helped him — for years. Why?
Eventually, Clary spoke up. “Does Luke know?”
“Yes. He was once Valentine’s parabatai.” 
“Luke’s a Shadowhunter too?” Had everyone been hiding the truth from her?
“No. He used to be until Valentine arranged for him to be bitten by a werewolf.” 
Clary let out a long breath. “I — I need to sleep on this.” It was nearly ten at night, and though she would usually stay up later than this, she felt exhausted by the day’s revelations. “Yes, of course,” Jocelyn said. “And — think about if you want your memories back or not, love.”
She nodded and went upstairs to bed.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Less depressing, life update!
I actually realised I have friends and my introverted self enjoyed spending time with people this week 😂
I met some friends in town on Monday (and literally being the token straight had a sexuality crisis, of course 😂)
The enbies went home early and so me and my LITERALLY ONLY GIRL FRIEND went out and did a bunch of ‘girl’ stuff like book and clothes shopping and sitting on a bench and talking
Then on Tuesday I met an old primary school friend and that was sooo fun and then I wandered around town with another friend before meeting another friend for a social action project thingy
I read RWRB on Wednesday (bought it on Monday) loved it loved it loved it it was sooo good very very happy.
Tyrion Lannister is my icon and nothing you say or do will change that that man is some man man psycho genius and I stand by and support that
My friend finally found her copy of CoB and I’m getting her to read it because I REALLY wanna talk about Shadowhunters with someone who loves it as much as I do 😭😭
I took my dog to doggy training and she was very cute
I did my music essay and have not done my English revision or science notes soooo yay, I hve till tomorrow to get them done and I don’t see it happening 😂
Uhh, I’m still the mum friend 😂 everyone tells me their problems, oh and, today, I ate 18 mini flapjacks to get me thru music essay and a Cadbury boost bar😰😥
I’ve started a compilation of snippets from different character perspectives, which is like my next gen tmi basically, and some of them are old, some new, can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this before but, it’s good, I’m excited, I’m writing and it’s not too full on
And there was also one random Gandalf, GIMLI and Legolas fic commissioned by my dad 😭🤭
I have exams every day next week but 3 of them are maths so it will be fine because maths is like my thing and I really really wanna get top marks 😭😭
Anyway yeah it’s a long one today, hope ur good, sending love
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Oh I am so glad you got to have a nice time with friends! Sounds so nice!
AND YES RWRB LET'S GO. It's one of my fave books ever. I'm glad you read it!
Tyrion supremacy only. And yas having a tsc friend is NECESSARY.
Send us pics from doggy training next time!!!
Snippet compilations are a great writing exercise - especially when we struggle with plots. It helps you keep motivated too!
ALSO NOT YOUR DAD COMMISSIONING (pretty sure this spelling is wrong) FICS. I LOVE THIS.
Also...Maths is your thing...I-I will be reconsidering our friendship. Haha just kidding. Unless...
All the best with your exams, babes! I hope the week flies by!
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kinnsporsche · 4 years
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Hello Shadowhunters fans!
Today (Monday, April 6th 2020) marks the start of the five months of Shadowhunters event! Starting from today, each week there will be a new topic to keep the fandom alive, and the event will last for 5 months! You can tag your creations with #shappreciation and/or #shadowhuntersedit if you want to! Have fun and happy creating! 
The topics:
week 1 (april 6 - april 12): favourite character
week 2 (april 13 - april 19): emotion
week 3 (april 20 - april 26): soundtrack
week 4 (april 27 - may 3): favourite dynamic
week 5 (may 4 - may 10): outfits
week 6 (may 11 - may 17): favourite scene
week 7 (may 18 - may 24): objects
week 8 (may 25 - may 31): favourite platonic relationship: 
week 9 (june 1 - june 7): runes
week 10 (june 8 - june 14): favourite season 
week 11 (june 15 - june 21): downworld vs. shadowworld
week 12 (june 22 - june 28): favourite episode
week 13 (june 29 - july 5): au
week 14 (july 6 - july 12): favourite romantic relationship
week 15 (july 13 - july 19): location
week 16 (july 20 - july 26): favourite villain
week 17 (july 27 - august 2): power
week 18 (august 3 - august 9): free choice!
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thereaderbee · 3 years
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Do you have a favorite read of 2021 so far?? And, have you picked out your last read of the month?? . . . Happy Monday! There are only three (3!!) more days left in June! Do you have your last read of the month picked out? I am hoping to finish up *Spin the Dawn* before the month ends, and a few others that I am working on as well. 🥰 What about you guys?? . . . And do you have a favorite read of 2021 yet? I’ve read a lot of great books, and it’s hard to pick just one, but one I definitely loved was*Chain of Iron*… Which was also one of my most anticipated 2021 reads as well. I can’t wait to what books I love for the rest of the year! 🥰 Do you have any favorite reads so far?? . . . 📖 Favorite Book of the Year So Far. #AlltheBooksJune21 ☀️ Most Owned Author. #CourtofReading 📖 Most Owned Author. #MyFictionalMusings . . . #cassandraclare #thelasthours #theinfernaldevices #shadowhunters #bookseries #bookstack #booksbooksbooks #bookshelf #yabooks #currentlyreading #bookstagram #funkopop #bibliophile #bookdragon #booksofig #bookobsessed #booknerd #readinglife #bookgram #somanybooks #bookcommunity #bookphoto #becauseofreading #booksaremagic #instareads #summerreading #summerreads . . . 📖 . ☀️ . 📖 . ☀️ . 📖 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQqY1AHpn-z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ladyoxymoron · 4 years
Shadowhunter Bingo Masterpost
I didn’t manage to write all the fics I’d planned. Tbh, I am a heathen and I didn’t even manage to edit all the fics I’d already written for the bingo.
This is my minimasterpost for the SHbingo. 
1- The Road to Memories  [Malec| M | 2650 words | Traveling ]
“I would ask you to take it easy for the next few days but I am aware I’ve married a stubborn man.”
“Actually,” Alec says, taking Magnus’ hand in both of his own. “I’m off until Monday. I thought, maybe..." he trails off, suddenly unsure, but Magnus is smiling in encouragement. "I thought we could visit one of the places you always talk about showing me.”
Or: Alec, Magnus, and a well deserved vacation.
2- Night at Pandemonium  [Malec | E | 2750 words | Pandemonium]
The boy is sitting on the bar stool, his posture just a bit on the side of tense but not wound tight like most of the nights Magnus has watched him from afar.
Tonight, he looks approachable.
Or, an alternate first meeting.
3- The making of Traditions  [Malec | T | 3500 words | Christmas Fic]
Alec, Magnus, and Christmas through the years.
4- A Glimpse of Happiness  [Malec| T | 14180 words | Portals]
On his wedding day, a glimpse into an alternate dimension makes Alec question his choices. It may very well be the catalyst he needs to pursue his happiness.
Or, an alternate spin on the ending of Season 1.
5- Waking Up By Your Side  [Malec | M | 1370 words | The Morning After]
Magnus wakes up to Alec after their first night together.
6- All is Fair in Love and War  [Malec | M | 7815 words | College AU]
The new teacher may be charming and unfairly attractive but he keeps parking his fancy car in Alec’s assigned space.
Alec is willing to go to great lengths to get his coveted spot back, even if it means engaging in a prank war with the enemy.
Or, how a parking space war between two equally stubborn teachers leads to something more.
7- Confession is Good for the Soul  [Malec/TWI Malec | T | 5545 words | Drunk Confessions]
Magnus is still concealing his magic from Alec, fearful to lose him.
Some liquid courage may be the push Magnus needs to say what he is afraid to say sober.
Thank you, this was so fun! (but next time I’m going to ask for a 3x3 card, haha.  :)
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ladyhindsight · 4 years
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It wasn’t much of a surprise that The Red Scrolls of Magic ended up being that level of a train wreck when it came to consistency and continuity. The reason for me wasn’t as much as that the inconsistency was the most consistent thing that had happened in regards to writing this couple and characters before but rather that the whole premise of the book was flawed to begin with.
I recently came up one of the older posts on the blog that briefly discussed some issues between The Red Scrolls of Magic and The Bane Chronicles. Now having City of Ashes in my refreshed memory again in more detail, there’s some things that need a bit addressing also. The core issue for which I even set my mind on this mindless task was to reason why after reading The Queen of Air and Darkness the happy ending Magnus and Alec got felt rather unearned narrative-wise when coming back to City of Ashes (and subsequently The Bane Chronicles) and having read those central moments in the beginning of their relationship again.
Love isn’t measured in time or days, for sure, but it is measured in inconsistency and disregard from the narrative.
This covers their story from City of Bones to What To Buy The Shadowhunter Who Has Everything as I’ve yet to finish groaning about City of Ashes, and City of Glass—especially as to Magnus and Alec’s relationship—is another beast entirely. This is going to be long as hell and also probably a part one in terms of covering the subject as a whole later on. Mostly because I have a lot of thoughts and feelings, so.
Alec is (or used to be, depending where we’re at) a brat at best of times, but I’ve always had strong feelings about his character being treated unfairly by the narrative. His relationship with Magnus is an immovable part of his character, but in the beginning Alec is also a character of insecurity and low self-esteem, a fact which the narrative brings forth rather consistently. For this reason it’s strange that the writing barely shows him same sympathy for his lacking qualities or tries to forgive them like it does with characters like Jace, Clary, and Simon. 
As to this, I’d like to point out that in The Voicemail of Magnus Bane both Simon and Clary bring up the fact that Alec was a jerk, no matter that Clary’s own behavior towards anyone aside from Jace was appalling in City of Bones. Also in Born to Endless Night Alec goes back to his fight with Clary when he has a talk with Simon, and Simon feels himself getting angry at Alec on behalf of Clary, but no other character ever similarly admit their faults to Alec or get angry for him.
Anyway, to discuss the problem I have with the unearned happy ending, to fully explain my point, I have to take an extremely long detour and talk about The Timeline. And then some. (By the way, there are several timetables I’ve made for illustrative purposes based on the following throughout this post, in case you want to skip through this madness to the main point in the end.)
According to the timeline I found on the fandom wiki, City of Bones takes place in August and City of Ashes  takes place in September. Fair enough, but what do the books say about it? What is the time frame we are working with here? Do all the things in-between City of Bones and What To Buy The Shadowhunter Who Has Everything really fit into it consistently and without me raising my eyebrows?
City of Bones begins on a late August Sunday when Clary and Simon are at Pandemonium:
“It was cold in the room, despite the August heat outside.”  (Chapter 1 “Pandemonium”, p.10)
“It was long wait to get into the all-ages club, especially on a Sunday, and not much generally happened in line.” (Chapter 1 “Pandemonium”, p.1)
Clary meets the Shadowhunters in the first chapter. Clary then meets Jace again in the chapter 3 “Shadowhunter” which takes place the next day, on Monday.
“The coffee shop was crowded for a Monday, most of the…” (p. 37)
Clary is then knocked out for three days after the Ravener attack.
“”Do you think she’ll ever wake up? It’s been three days.”” (Chapter 2 “Clave and Covenant, p. 56)
I assume, considering the later events in the story and their timing, Clary wakes up on a Thursday. Later on in the same chapter Clary wakes up she tells her birthday is on Sunday (p. 68).
“”I’m not a little kid,” Clary interrupted. “I’m sixteen years old—well, I’ll be on Sunday.”
Clare once told on her twitter account, a source which is cited on the fandom wiki, that Clary’s birthday is August 23, which tells us that City of Bones takes place during later that month. It’s also interesting to note that in 2007, August 23 was on Thursday, not Sunday. Whatever the hell happened there with the calendar? There’s no point in trying to fit the events so that Clary’s birthday is on a Thursday since, for one, she herself says it’s on Sunday, and two, the time passing over the course of the book would not be enough to reach the next week for Clary and Jace to kiss on the night of her birthday.
Since the book states it is on Sunday, I’ll proceed with this magical Sunday, August 23 of 2007 and list the events based on it. It’s a pretty major error and also somewhat significant as to the timeline, although it is to be considered that the events taking place is ultimately counted with hours, days, and weeks, not specific dates and weekdays (mostly).
The attack by the Forsaken, Simon learning about the Shadow World, Luke having the talk with Valentine’s henchmen, and the conversation Jace and Clary have with Madame Dorothea all happen on Thursday, on the same day Clary wakes up in the New York Institute. Simon tags along to the Institute, lots of talking happens, then he is escorted out by Isabelle, and Clary falls asleep in the hallway after having self-pitying thoughts. Jace wakes up Clary up five in the morning (Chapter 10 “City of Bones”, p. 162). It is Friday.
Jace and Clary’s visit to the City of Bones, and the gang finding about Magnus Bane and his party happen on this day. Magnus’ party begins at midnight, meaning Magnus and Alec meet for the first time in the early hours of Saturday in late August. After Simon is rescued from the vampires, Jace and Clary kiss on Clary’s birthday on Sunday, just after midnight (Chapter 17 “Midnight Flower”, p. 317). After the kiss that Simon witnesses Clary and Simon fight and Simon leaves the Institute in the middle of the night. Sunday continues and the gang retrieves the Mortal Cup, Alec gets hurt, Magnus arrives to help Alec after Hodge sends him the fire message, and the rest of the book happens also on Sunday. We are on a tight schedule here, folks. Clary’s had quite a birthday.
In the epilogue of City of Bones, Clary visits Jocelyn in the hospital where Luke has been watching over her. By this time Clary has visited her mother several times:
“”I know,” said Clary. “I was here yesterday.” And the day before that, and the day before that.” (p. 468)
Luke has “three days’ worth of scruffy beard growth” (p. 469). Based on this high-level math, I assume there’s three days between the final chapter and the epilogue, which means it’s most likely Thursday again. Clary visits the New York Institute and bumps into Alec who still uses a pair of crutches.
“One of his legs was bandaged, his jeans rolled up to the knee, and there was another bandage on his temple, under the dark hair.” (p. 477)
On the same page as this, Alec tells Clary he won’t be needing the crutches in a few days. In terms of City of Bones there isn’t anything substantial yet as to Magnus and Alec’s relationship or any major issues considering the timeline. Alec is respectful and sympathetic towards Magnus, Magnus flirts with Alec. At the end, Magnus comes to help Alec after Alec has gotten hurt. Magnus stays the night while Alec sleeps to keep an eye on him, a fact which is told by Isabelle. What we’re looking here is this:
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(Click/tap/flapjack for bigger image)
Then we proceed to The Course of True Love (And First Dates) which, by the logic of events, takes place in the end of August. Through Magnus’ narration we learn that Alec asked Magnus out on a Tuesday (The Bane Chronicles: The Course of True Love, p. 447). They have their first date on following Friday, which is most likely the next week following the epilogue in City of Bones as Alec has been completely healed—there is no crutches or bandages on him when he asks Magnus out nor when they go out. This proves to be a bit problematic later in terms of the timeline.
In The Course of True Love Magnus notes on the current situation with Alec:
“After all, Magnus had to keep reminding himself, Alec wasn’t even all that into Magnus. He was simply responding to the only male attention he’d ever had[1]. Alec was closeted, shy, obviously insecure, and obviously hung up on his blond friend Trace Wayland.” (The Bane Chronicles: The Course of True Love, p. 448)
[1] To which I say, how would Magnus know? Anyway.
Alec also expresses his hesitancy to let Jace know about his date with Magnus when he arrives to Magnus’ loft:
“”I’m sorry I’m late,” Alec panted. “Jace wanted to do some weapons training, and I didn’t know how to get away—I mean, I couldn’t tell him—” (p. 452)
He also expresses this hesitancy when they have the werewolf situation, and Alec doesn’t want to call Jace and Isabelle for help: 
“Alec blushes just as Magnus realized what he meant. Alec couldn’t call his friends because he didn’t want them to know he was on a date with Magnus. He especially did not want Jace to know. It was not particularly pleasant to think about, but it was Alec’s business.” (p. 471)
At the end of their date, they end up throwing themselves on each other and agree to meet next Friday again (the second date). The timeline of their relationship based on the previously told events looks currently like this:
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Then we get to City of Ashes, which is said to take place in September.
“They were walking through McCarren Park, the grass underfoot turning wintery brown.” (Chapter 8 “The Seelie Court”, p. 134)
“..it was one those early fall days when the sky seemed impossibly blue and distant […]” (Chapter 15 “The Serpent’s Tooth”, p. 297)
City of Ashes proves itself to be very difficult to place because the writing does not mention any specific weekdays nor any specific time as to how long it has been since City of Bones. City of Ashes is also where the narrative so tenderly holds our hands through unsubtle allusions to Alec’s whereabouts when he’s not around. Not that he’d be much around anyway but the writing tries to make a different point. To go back to this post about Alec and Magnus dating, whether they are officially dating or not is more a side note here. Obviously they are seeing each other. They’ve had a date.
City of Ashes begins on Day 1 since I can only guess what weekday it is, and Maryse is incredibly unclear how long has it been since “last week”:
““And I suppose that Greater Demon you fought last week, that was nothing too?”” (Chapter 1 “Valentine’s Arrow”, p. 12)
People are flexible with the notion of time, so I’ve tried to take that into account.
On Day 1 Maryse and Max return to the New York Institute. Jace gets angsty and takes a nap until Alec comes to wake him up to see Maryse. Jace notes on the hickey on Alec’s neck (p.73) which is most likely from the previous night (The Bane Chronicles: The Course of True Love, p. 483). I say most likely because up to now I’ve had no reason to suspect it isn’t from Magnus and Alec’s first date as the narrative so far hasn’t given any reason to assume otherwise. This will be also proven somewhat difficult to determine.
Though Jace has slept, the day is still Day 1 as the scenes with Jace take place in-between the scenes where Simon and Clary are having dinner at Luke’s (City of Ashes, chapter 14 “The Cuckoo in the Nest”, p. 65-83). Jace is taken to the Silent City where he is first harassed by Valentine and then rescued post-haste by Clary, Alec, and Isabelle. They are then confronted by the Conclave, Magnus arrives to the scene when Alec calls to him, and Jace is contracted to stay with Magnus as a prisoner of the Clave (Chapter 7 “The Mortal Sword”, p. 127).
Then we jump into the next day, Day 2. Previously the Institute is left unmanned when Clary arrives after hearing about Jace. Alec tells Clary that the Conclave was called to investigate the death of a faerie child (Chapter 5 “Sins of Fathers”, p. 102). We know this is Day 2 because:
“Magnus was frowning. “Alec, last night, when the Silent Brothers called for your help, where was the Conclave? Why was no one at the Institute?”           Alec looked surprised to be asked. “There was a Downworlder murder in Central Park last night. A faerie child was killed. The boy was drained of blood.”” (Chapter 8 “The Seelie Court”, p.139)
Jace has spent the night between Day 1 and Day 2 at Magnus’, and the gang gathers to discuss some business the next day, which is Day 2. The escapade to the Seelie Court and Jace and Clary’s kiss take place on this day. After the Seelie Court Jace, Clary, and Isabelle return to the Institute. Clary thinks about her fight with Simon two weeks ago:
“Until two weeks ago, it had been years since she and Simon had had a fight. Now he seemed mad at her all the time.” (Chapter 9 “And Death Shall Have No Dominion”, p. 177-178)
Which can only refer to their fight in City of Bones when Simon witnesses Clary and Jace kissing on the night of Clary’s birthday (in chapter 17 “The Midnight Flower”). There has been no other fight between them other than the one following the kiss, sparked by Simon’s jealousy. First I was going to give it some leeway since, once again, people are pretty flexible when discussing time, but it most likely is approximately two weeks ago. Their fight and Clary’s notion of time acts as a marker as to when Jace and Clary kiss in the Seelie, meaning how long has it been since City of Bones mainly.
Clary goes to sleep, dreams, and then wakes up and talks to Jace (Chapter 9 “And Death Shall Have No Dominion”, p. 183-185). During all of this, Simon returns to Hotel Dumort, is essentially torn to shreds, and is then brought to the Institute by Raphael to be turned properly. It’s “three in the morning” (p. 187), which means it is Day 3.
Undisclosed amount of time/days pass after Simon’s turning. Clary meets Simon at Luke’s after returning from visiting Jocelyn. Simon, however, hasn’t “been out in two days” (Chapter 11 “Smoke and Steel”, p. 216). Also, Clary and Jace have this exchange later on at Luke’s:
““Actually, I’m not sorry,” he said. “That’s most emotion I have seen from you in days.”          “I haven’t seen you in days.”” (Chapter 12 “Hostility of Dreams”, p. 243)
Though the clear amount of days passed isn’t told, I assume it is more than two but less than a week. I settles for three because otherwise What To Buy The Shadowhunter Who Has Everything would fit even less than it already does. Mainly the events have to take place before Alec’s birthday as Alec is not having a birthday in City of Ashes but is already of age in City of Glass. But I’ll also get to that mess later.
So, assuming it’s around Day 6, Luke and Maia get both attacked by the demons sent by Valentine. Jace arrives with Magnus and Alec. Jace has spent this time at Magnus’ place as the contract dictates:
““He’s coming here.”           She sagged against the sink. “Now?”           “Now. Magnus and Alec will be with him.”           “Magnus?” she said dazedly, and then, “Oh, of course. Jace would have been at Magnus’s. I was thinking he was at the Institute but of course he wouldn’t have been there. I—”” (Chapter 12 “Hostility of Dreams, p. 226)
The this irksome scene takes place in the same chapter:
““No,” he said, “but you are the only warlock we know ho happens to be dating a friend of ours.”           For a moment everyone stared at him—Alec in sheer horror, Magnus in astonished anger, and Clary and Simon in surprise. It was Alec who spoke first, his voice shaking. “Why would you say something like that?”           Jace looked baffled. “Something like what?”           “That I’m dating—that we’re—it’s not true,” Alec said, his voice rising and dropping several octaves as he fought to control it.           Jace looked at him steadily. “I didn’t say he was dating you,” he said,” but funny that you knew just what I meant, isn’t it?”           “We’re not dating,” Alec said again.           “Oh?” Magnus said. “So you’re just that friendly with everybody, is that it?” (p. 241)
Jace goes to see Valentine in secret the next night, which would be the night between Day 6 and Day 7. Clary wakes up at Luke’s on the morning of Day 7. Magnus complains about showering habits of women. The Fearless rune is created and tested (Chapter 12 “Fearless”, p. 284-287). The Inquisitor imprisons Jace once more after he’s found out about meeting with Valentine. Alec helps him to break out the jail he’s put in. Maia and Simon get kidnapped by Valentine, and the final battle takes place the same day, or rather night, which is between Day 7 and Day 8. On the dawn of the Day 8, Simon is the Daylighter.
 In the epilogue of City of Ashes Clary recounts her falling ill after the battle:
“She hadn’t been surprised to wake up the next morning after the battle to find she had a pounding headache and a fever.” (p. 435)
“She’d spent the week texting him from Luke’s couch, where she’d lain wrapped up in a blanket watching CSI reruns.” (p. 436)
Once visiting Simon, Simon’s mother greets Clary and comments on her being sick the whole week:
““The same bug Simon had the week before last, I bet. He could hardly get out of bed.”” (p. 437)
Based on this, what we are looking here so far could be something akin to this: 
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Which is all, like, fine. Except not really. While the timeline in City of Ashes is ambiguous at best and these timetables are built based on my uh-mazing deduction skills, I do think they are somewhat accurate based on the text available (so far).
And now we get to the very original cause of continuity mishap. The very first Story That Never Fit long before The Red Scrolls of Magic because it’s about to change a lot of stuff I’ve concluded up till now (and based on all this previous stuff Clary has written). That is to say, What To Buy The Shadowhunter Who Has Everything which takes place after City of Ashes. This short story has few curious bits that ruin my life and force me to adjust the timetable a bit, like this for one:
“It had happened a few times in the last several weeks, Magnus stumbling out into to kitchen […] and finding Alec there.” (The Bane Chronicles, p. 354)
Which is curious for the fact that this couldn’t have been the case. To begin with, the overall tone of this short story is unconcerned about the development that takes place in City of Ashes. It is strange since the timeline of Magnus and Alec’s relationship based on City of Bones, The Course of True Love and City of Ashes is this:
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If I had assumed the length of the time skip between Simon turning into a vampire and Simon and Clary meeting at Luke’s days later to be longer than three days, the events of City of Ashes would’ve overlapped badly with with What To Buy The Shadowhunter Who Has Everything (n.b. Alec’s birthday is on September 12 which was stated on this exclusive sneak peek).
Other thing to note is that, as we have established, Jace has been at Magnus’ the whole week before he arrives with Magnus and Alec to Luke’s after Luke and Maia are attacked by the demons (City of Ashes, chapter 12 “Hostility of Dreams”, p. 226). Which just doesn’t coincide with the fact that Alec has been doing this:
“Alec had fallen asleep twice—on the sofa, not the bed. Once after a long slow night of kissing; and once when Alec had come over for a brief coffee, clearly exhausted after a long day of demon-hunting, and he had slid into unconsciousness almost instantly.” (The Bane Chronicles, p. 354).
The narrative so far in City of Ashes and The Course of True Love has been insistent that Alec doesn’t really want his family and especially Jace to know that he’s seeing Magnus. Why would he casually drop by, make coffee, have a slow night of kissing and whatnot while Jace is there? There is also no mention of Jace ever having been there, as the writing states that “several weeks” have passed, why would there be? Also there is to note the everlasting inconsistency of Alec’s character where he has been “mildly distressed by Magnus magicking” the coffee (The Bane Chronicles, p. 354) though showing completely opposite attitude in City of Ashes (Chapter 8 “The Seelie Court”, p. 138).
Also, as I’ve said before, the reason why the climax in City of Ashes has to happen before Alec’s birthday for this part to make any sense:
“Of course Alec wasn’t here today, because it was his birthday, and he was going to be with his family.” (The Bane Chronicles, p. 355)
Then we get to the part where I realized I have to adjust the timetable a bit, just a tad, so the narrative would make sense as to time:
“When Magnus had winked at Alec and told him to call him, it had been a reckless impulse, little more than a whim. He had certainly not expected the Shadowhunter on his doorstep a few days later, asking for a date.” (p. 366-367)
If we proceed chronologically, as we have done so far until this short story, everything seems to fit just fine. Makes sense. Wonderful! But once we get to What To Buy The Shadowhunter Who Has Everything it breaks my brain. So, I think the overall timeline, all the events on it, is supposed (intended by the author) to look something like this:
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Two major conclusion to make here. Firstly, Alec and Magnus have been seeing each other two weeks at best, which means no matter how inaccurate the first timetables were, Alec having visited Magnus “a few times in the last several weeks” is still untrue. Also there is one single week between City of Bones and City of Ashes where Alec could’ve freely and casually do that, as Jace is at Magnus’ anyway the next week, no matter when City of Ashes truly begins.
Secondly, there is a major contradiction whether Alec asks Magnus out on the same week when City of Bones ends or the following week. In the epilogue of City of Bones Alec was still hurt from the fight with Abbadon, but if The Bane Chronicles is anything to go by, he goes to ask Magnus out before Clary’s visit to the Institute in the epilogue of City of Bones. As I said, there is no crutches or bandages on him when he asks Magnus out nor when they go out. Alec is also not limping in The Course of True Love as he in the beginning of City of Ashes when Isabelle lies to Maryse it’s because of the demons they were just hunting, not because they fought Abbadon and Alec got hurt. Yet in the City of Bones epilogue Alec tells Clary that he “won’t even need these in a few days” (p. 477). This would be the day before his first date with Magnus, meaning the epilogue in City of Bones would fall in-between Alec asking Magnus out and their first date.
Also, there is this inconsistency in What To Buy The Shadowhunter Who Has Everything, which is previously mentioned in the older post:
“In fact, speaking of family outings, the Lightwoods didn’t even know Alec had a boyfriend—much less one that was also a warlock—and Magnus had no idea if they ever would. It wasn’t something he pushed Alec about. He could tell by Alec’s carefulness that it was too early.” (p. 355)
You’d think base on this that after City of Ashes they’ve decided and agreed to start dating officially or be in an exclusive relationship with each other. But, again, what boyfriend is there to know about when A) the story title “What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything (And You’reNot Officially Dating Anyway)” refutes this being the case, and B) Magnus even later tells Ragnor that their “relationship is as yet undefined” (p. 370). So The Red Scrolls of Magic isn’t the first story to not really fit into the overall narrative. Also, if Magnus has accepted Alec’s situation as it is through Alec’s behaviour, additionally through Alec’s words to Jace and not directly at Magnus himself (in the scene quoted from City of Ashes somewhere above), what is the message the narrative wants to send through that, I wonder.
All of this FINALLY made clear and said, I’d like to focus on the dating aspect. What greatly irked me was the exchange Jace, Alec, and Magnus have at Luke’s house, and what will irk me even further is the exchange that takes place when they test out the Fearless rune.
By this time, it has been one or two weeks since their first date, give or take. Though I said love isn’t measured in time or days, fear so profound isn’t kicked in the butt so easily for another person based on such short while of knowing said other person. The very premise of Alec’s character is his low self-esteem, his insecurity, and his tangled feelings about who he really even loves. The narrative does not let anyone forget this, it recognizes this but holds Alec accountable even harder than any other character in the series. The writing never leaves me the impression that Alec is given understanding beyond meaningless thoughts in someone’s private mind or forgiven while Clary, Jace, Magnus, and even Simon get that fairly effortlessly.
Alec and Magnus have “dated” each other for two weeks at best. Yet Alec’s issues stem from prevalent prejudices of the Nephilim society. Not only homophobia but also their somewhat general tendency of thinking that Downworlders are beneath them. There’s a lot on the scale here, because on the other hand Alec doesn’t and can’t know what he would lose if he decided to pursue the relationship with Magnus openly and honestly and whether he’s ready to lose it based on one or two weeks of seeing him.
Is it really so offensive or strange that so repressed, scared, closeted, and fearful 17-year-old—who barely has any friends outside his own family or has learnt to cope with his messy emotional life—would deny the dating being true? Especially if the relationship is at the point where they don’t even privately discuss the very fundamental things that matter as to even having a real and honest relationship.
Magnus has a very particular history with the Nephilim, especially with those who only have wanted him physically but would otherwise deny him and think him beneath them. But that was never Alec’s issue, nor was Magnus a “dirty secret”. The narrative let’s never presume Alec’s core issue is Magnus being a Downworlder rather than him simply being a man. The situation is not fair to Magnus, but it is not fair to Alec either. I’m not against including these difficult turns and themes in the story. I’m against how they are not recognized as such and dealt with a manner that would give an emotional payoff, to feel the knots in their relationship have been unraveled, acknowledged, and amended so that they can move on in their relationship with clear conscience—the reason why I don’t think the happy ending is as deserved narrative-wise as it appears. There’s already so many words missing at this point.
[Here’s a newer post addressing some corrections and new conclusions.]
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Official Promotion
3x18 Trailer: Evil names its price.
3x18 SNEAK PEEKS: Marsye & Magnus, Simon & Becky, and Luke & Clary
3x19 Trailer: The end is near.
3x19 SNEAK PEEKS: Magnus & Alec, Alec & Jace, and Izzy plans to re-forge Glorious
50th episode TONIGHT.
Artists. Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters [3]
What do you mean it's not Monday yet? Don't miss these two TOMORROW on an all new #Shadowhunters [2]
The real beast is always hidden inside. Don’t miss #Shadowhunters TONIGHT at 8pm/7c on @FreeformTV. 
The #Shadowhunters cast tell us what it's really like shooting those demon scenes in this week's Secrets From The Set. Via @TVGuide. 
An old friend of Magnus' is back tomorrow on #Shadowhunters.
Shadowhunters in the News
3x17 Previews: Hidden Remote
3x17 Reviews: Hypable, Carter Matt,  TV Fanatic, Pure Fandom, TV Source Magazine, Hypable (worry report), Spoiler TV
3x18 Previews: Carter Matt,  Fandemonium Network, Carter Matt (sneak peek review), Spoiler TV, Meaww, TV Fanatic
3x18 Photos: Screen Spy, Spoiler TV
3x18 Reviews: Hidden Remote, Carter Matt, Spoiler TV, The Geekiary, TV Source Magazine, Hypable, The Series Regulars, Pure Fandom, Tell-Tale TV, Hypable (Worry Report)
3x19 Previews: Carter Matt, TV Fanatic, Fandemonium Network, Hidden Remote
3x19 Photos: Spoiler TV, Hidden Remote
TV Line (article): Shadowhunters throws ‘Malec’ its most devastating curveball yet
TV Insider (article): Alec makes a heartbreaking decision for Malec on ‘Shadowhunters’
The Series Regulars (podcast): The Downworlder Chronicles, Ep 5: “Stay With Me”, The Downworlder Chronicles, Ep 6: “Heavenly Fire” 
Meaww Entertainment (article): 'Shadowhunters' season 3 episode 17 finally shows us Helen Blackthorn, but who is she really?
TV Guide (video interview): Farewell to Shadowhunters: Matthew Daddario Breaks Down That Malec Proposal
Carter Matt (article): Shadowhunters season 3 episode 17 ratings; Freeform show comparisons
TV Fanatic (Slideshow): 23 Ships almost everyone can agree on 
SyFy Wire (article): Aliens, Angels, and Magicians: How Genre is Championing Slash Fandom
ShumDario News (interview): Shadowhunters Debriefs: Interview with Celeste Vasquez
Buzzfeed (article): 27 TV Moments From This Week That We Can't Stop Talking About
TV Guide (video clip): Farewell to Shadowhunters: Behind the scenes with Dominic Sherwood and Katherine McNamara
Access Online (video interview): ‘Shadowhunters’ Katherine McNamara reacts to shocking Malec split
Meaww (video interview): 'Shadowhunters' Alberto Rosande teases "Sizzy" future and new projects in the pipeline
Build Series (video interview): Brunch 4/18 feat. Luke Baines
Syfy tweeted a video interview: There's a lot to look forward to in the final season of #Shadowhunters, but don't take our word for it, listen to @Kat_McNamara.
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ Katherine McNamara reveals what’s in store for Dark Clary in season 3B
Digital Spy (article):  Shadowhunters actor praises "wonderful, heroic" fan campaigns to save the show
ShumDario News (interview): Shadowhunters Debriefs: Interview with Taylor Mallory
Social Media/Twitter
Kat (Clary) tweeted a 3x17 bts video of herself and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) with a slew of puns, a behind the scenes video of herself and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) from 3x18, a behind the scenes photo of herself from 3x18, and a behind the scenes photo from 3x19 of herself, Dom (Jace), and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern).
Matt (Alec) tweeted: I missed the @ShadowhuntersTV episode from last night because of travel, but I am able to watch today. I see from your comments on twitter that it has a happy ending! Ha. Kidding. I know its a total nightmare. #ShadowhuntersChat
Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn) tweeted a 3x17 behind the scenes video of herself with Jacky Lai (Aline Penhallow)
Celeste Vasquez (writer) tweeted a 3x17 behind the scenes photo of herself and Shannon Kohli (director) and 3x17 behind the scenes photos of Kat (Clary), Dom (Jace), Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) and Anna Hopkins (Lilith)
Brian Hui (make-up artist) tweeted a 3x17 behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary), Dom (Jace), and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern), a 3x17 behind the scenes photo of Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) and Anna Hopkins (Lilith),  a behind the scenes photo of a demon, a behind the scenes photo of Sydney Meyers (Helen Blackthorn) and the Shadowhunters crew, a behind the scenes photo of Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) with burn make-up, and a photo of himself with Nicola Correia-Damude (Maryse Lightwood), a 3x18 behind the scenes video of Kat (Clary) and Dom (Jace) fighting a Drevak demon, a photo collage of the Halloween costumes featured in 3x18, a 3x18 photo of Kat (Clary), Dom (Jace) and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern), a 3x18 photo of Matt (Alec) and Dom (Jace) [1], a behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary) and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) from 3x18, a behind the scenes photo of Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) and Dom (Jace) from 3x18, and a creepy behind the scenes photo from 3x19.
Luke (Jonathan) shared a photo of himself with a “visitor” during 3x18
Ariana WIlliams (Madzie) shared some photos of herself with Em (Isabelle), and Harry (Magnus)
Nick Sagar (Victor Aldertree) shared photos of himself on set on Instagram, and a behind the scenes look at his 3x17 stunt on his Instagram
John Rakich (location manager) tweeted a 3x18 photo featuring director Josh Butler, a 3x18 behind the scenes photo of some of the crew, and some behind the scenes shots of 3x18 featuring director Josh Butler, and writer Taylor Mallory.
Taylor Mallory (writer) tweeted a 3x18 behind the scenes photo of the Hunter’s Moon
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted Get a landing pad because concrete hurts #Shadowhunters in response to a fan comment about the 3x19 promo.
Isaiah Mustafa (Luke) shared a behind the scenes photo of himself, Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) and Matt (Alec) from 3x18 on Instagram [4]
Clare Hupy (writer’s room assistant) tweeted a 3x19 behind the scenes photo.
Fan Fest Events tweeted a video of Kat (Clary) at Fan Fest Chicago.
Other News
International Business Times (article):  Emeraude Toubia Sets First Post-‘Shadowhunters’ Role With New Hallmark Movie
Harry (Magnus) was a narrator for an NPR Invisibilia podcast episode
Just Jared Jr (article): Katherine McNamara, Alberto Rosende & more hit up ‘The Curse of La Llorona’ premiere in LA
Luke (Jonathan) is featured in the April 2019 issue of NKD Magazine
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murfeelee · 5 years
Weekend! Announcements! Replies!
2 important things: New X-Kit’s been disabled after the latest Firefox update, so I’m gonna have a harder time navigating this hellsite until it’s back up and running.
Also, Monday 5/6/19 at 8pm EST (in 24 HOURS) is the series finale of Shadowhunters. They’re doing a special 2.5 hour finish (2 episodes back-to-back), because....
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So to my followers, expect tomorrow’s queues here, at my personal blog, and my wishes/inspo blog to be FILLED with Malec content, as I celebrate their union and mourn the UNTIMELY end of a show I’ve been watching for 2 years.
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On to the replies!
omgdoubleume replied to your video “I Will Never Die “I am in the power of this mighty Wizard who comes...”
Soo cool... awesome!! Aaaahhh!!! 😢😭👏👏👏                    
Yo. When I tell you? How HARD I worked on that video?? Like...??? Holy crap. So I REALLY appreciate that my machinima was well received! :)
solori replied to your video “I Will Never Die “I am in the power of this mighty Wizard who comes...”                                                
ohhh that's amazing!! and supernaturals are the best ♥ ♥ ♥
I’m glad you think so! And YES, supernaturals are the best; everything’s better with magic. ^_^
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omgdoubleume replied to your photoset “Too Little Too Late  CAPTIONS AS TEXT - “My boy….” - (Magnus) “How’d...”
I never watch this before, but.. 😂😂 pliz let me give my deep appreciation to that  "floating with red balloon scene"!! 👏👏 that's.. idk, cute 😅? And you made it in sims 3!! You made my day!!                    
Thank you so so much for the compliment! :D
And thank you to all my followers who still support me, even while I do nothing but recreate my favorite Shadowhunters scenes for The Sims 3. XD
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ladesirecreativecorner reblogged your post and added:
Thank you for remembering))
The thanks is all mine~! (*3*)/
A special THANK YOU to @enchandycorn​ for all the mentions and posts using my CC in your McKinney Castle! ;)
biguglyhag replied to your post “Creator’s Cave: Climate Insp Miniset”
Coooool!!!!!!  :D
Much gratitude to you; thanks again!!
pitheinfinite replied to your post “Creator’s Cave: Climate Insp Miniset”
so cool! thank you!!
satellite-sims replied to your post “Creator’s Cave: Climate Insp Miniset”
simcatcher replied to your post “Creator’s Cave: Climate Insp Miniset”
omggggg thank you so muchhhhh
nornities replied to your post “Creator’s Cave: Climate Insp Miniset”
Wow, that's an awesome set, thank you!                    
xylune replied to your post “Creator’s Cave: Climate Insp Miniset”
Thank you for sharing!
mspoodle1 replied to your post “Creator’s Cave: Climate Insp Miniset”
Soooo amazing! ♥♥♥
ts3creatorscave mentioned you in a post “Monthly Theme for May”
First of all, we want to apologize for the insufficient promotion of our first monthly challenge and promise we’ll be better prepared next time. Thank all the generous participants who show their support for the event despite everything: @murfeelee Climate Insp Miniset              
You’re ALL very welcome! I was actually very stoked for the theme -- it’s incredibly important, and such a shame that more people don’t realize what a sad state the Earth is in, due to our own negligence. Wall-E was right. U_U
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sesshomamutt reblogged your post and added:
gOD this is so cool
Thank you for liking the Sesshomaru Collection, fellow Inuyasha fan! <3
aspettamisims replied to your post “EA Plants REDONE - Part 2!”
Thank you !!
Happy to see my retextures coming in handy! :)
Happy simming, everyone!
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fyh2ojustaddwater · 6 years
Full Moon Madness (02/19/19)!
Happy Super Snow Moon! And happy Full Moon Madness everyone!!
Hope everyone’s been staying warm this winter.
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Here’s everything new I’ve discovered for the H2O cast:
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Bloom: I mentioned Phoebe’s new mini-series in the last F.M.M post, but now, it’s finally here! Aired in its entirety on Australia’s Stan channel on New Year’s Day, this series stars our beloved Phoebe Tonkin. Her character (Gwen) gets a second chance at being young again! But based on what we see in the trailer, it doesn’t look like it’s all what it’s cracked up to be.  There’s something else that’s worth noting about this series. As I was checking this project out on iMDB, I noticed another H2O cast-mate will be joining her. Looks like, none other then Angus McLaren will be in an episode. Having not seen the series, I have no clue if he’ll share any scenes with Phoebe or not...but one can hope. I do know that he’s only in the 5th episode though :( If I manage to get around to watching this, I will of course provide more info and definitely screen caps! Ah, could you imagine...an on screen Clewis reunion? *heart eyes*
If anyone’s already seen this series, did you like it? I’m super curious about it! 
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The Divorce Party: I heard about this project when Claire was filming it last year or so? But finally, it’s here for our viewing pleasure!  The Divorce Party’s synopsis is as follows:  A recently dumped divorcee in his late-twenties sets out to plan a wedding-sized divorced party in an attempt to get his life back on track.
Claire Holt plays Susan, person that dumps said divorcee. From viewing the trailer and given the plot, I think she’ll only be in the movie for 30 minutes tops...but it’ll be the best 30 minutes ever! 
This film has been released digitally (I believe around Feb 9th) and can be purchased on Prime, Google, Vudu, etc.
A sneak peek was also released, featuring Claire!
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Shadowhunters 3B Premiere: Any Shadowhunters fans here?  Well, the season 3B premiere is almost upon us! Monday it returns to Freeform, and shortly we’ll be seeing Chai Hansen’s Jordan Kyle on our screens again. Using iMDB once again, it says he’s listed on 3.14, so get ready folks!
So far, no new images nor video clips have been released showing what’s to happen to his character, but give it time.  Also, I review this show over at With An Accent, so if you’re just a general fan of the show, feel free to check them out, if you so fancy!
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Siren: Okay, so this has nothing to do with the H2O gang, but it does have something to do with mermaids.  Freeform’s Siren is currently airing its second season and I love it ever so much! If you need a show to fill the mermaid void in your heart, this is it! (Plus, there’s TONS of POC rep and even some LGBT rep. Something I wish we had in H2O tbh) I also review this show, so feel free to fangirl with me. I HAVE SO MANY OPINIONS #Bryndie <3
That’s it for this month’s ‘Full Moon Madness’!
Anything I missed that you’re excited about? If you want us to mention anything, feel free to submit/leave us ask messages! I’m always trying to keep up with the H2O cast, but some things fall through the cracks unfortunately.
Until next month!
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notourlasthunt · 6 years
Why It’s Important to Save Shadowhunters
TV After Dark. Ana Martinez. June 9, 2018. 
There are some shows that come and go. Shadowhunters shouldn’t be one of them.
As we all know by now, Shadowhunters was recently canceled by Freeform. The surprising announcement came Monday night when it was revealed that Season 3 would be the show’s last season and that its second half would be followed by a two-hour long series finale airing Spring 2019. The word upset doesn’t even begin to cover how we are feeling and how the fandom has been feeling ever since the news broke. We were all well aware that the ratings for the show haven’t been the best for season three but even so, this show has such a huge active following that we didn’t see this news coming at all, at least not anytime soon. As expected, the outrage from the fans on social media was instant. Fans from all over the world expressed their denial, anger, and sadness over the news as the announcement we were all expecting was a season 4 renewal and not this.
On Twitter, fans have been campaigning using the hashtags #SaveShadowhuntersand #PickUpShadowhunters for the past two days, attempting to get the attention from Netflix, Freeform and Hulu, who own the national and international rights of the show. As we feel the need to take part of this, we decided to enlist below some of the many reasons why Shadowhunters deserves to continue with a fourth season and hopefully with many more after that.
If you are looking for any type of representation, Shadowhunters is your show
The cast of Shadowhunters is composed of people from all races, colors, and backgrounds. It’s rare to find shows like this, especially where the main cast is so diverse. For fans, it is amazing to be able to see themselves on any of the characters they get to see on screen. Not only that but we have LGBTQ+ representation in many characters as well. As we all know, Magnus and Alec’s relationship has been a fan favorite from day one. Magnus and Alec are already very rich characters on their own. Seeing them on the show as an open bisexual warlock and a gay shadowhunter has made a big impact on their fans, inspiring some of them to come out to their friends and family and share their stories with all of us. That’s the thing about this cast and these characters, they inspire us every day.
Why #SaveShadowhunters you ask? Because it's more than a show. It's a safe haven, a escape, our happy place, and the reason why so many of us learned to embrace who we really are. Shadowhunters is acceptance, tolerance, empowerment and love and those things deserve to be saved.
The storyline opportunities are endless
Shadowhunters is based on The Mortal Instruments books but as we have seen since it’s premiere, the show is a mix of original and adapted storylines. Which in the long run only work in the show’s favor. By doing this, the show brings the element of surprise on its viewers, who might be big fans of the books but are constantly surprised by the unexpected twists and cliffhangers the show delivers. If the show was an exact replica of the books things would be a bit boring for them, considering they know everything that happens.
Though it is a supernatural show, the topics it tackles are current and relevant
There is a reason why fans relate so much to Shadowhunters. Because they can see themselves in some of the characters and the situations they are going through. This show deals with problems that involve tolerance, acceptance, addictions, racism, abuse, among many others important topics that need to be talked about. But the thing is that Shadowhunters manages them so well, they are clearly an example of what a tv show can do when it is given the proper treatment it deserves. Some of these situations need more time to be told. Imagine all the other topics Shadowhunters can touch on? We don’t want to be left wondering.
The fandom is one of the most loyal and active fandoms out there
Shadowhunters fans are dedicated, passionate and loyal. What more could you ask for in a fan? From the moment the show was announced back in 2015 the fans have always been behind the show, showing their support and their willingness to act on something when it is needed. This cancellation is not only breaking their hearts but also telling them that all their effort and enthusiasm is not being considered or is not making a difference at all. Shadowhunters has always been one of the most social shows. With more than 1 million followers on their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts, Shadowhunters shows us just how big this fanbase is and how big of an impact this show really has. In just two days the fans have tweeted more than 1 million times begging the networks to change their mind. It would be a shame to say goodbye not only to the show but to its fandom as well.
It isn’t it’s time to say goodbye
Let’s be honest, there is a reason why the news got the reaction they did: because nobody saw it coming. Media outlets, actors, and fans have expressed how sad and confused they are about the news. If you want to cry and see their reactions, we invite you to take a look at the hashtags in twitter #SaveShadowhunters and #PickUpShadowhunters. Tweets keep coming in as fans have been tweeting non-stop since Monday night. Most shows tend to reach a point where the story has to come to an end, simply because they ran its course and is better to end the story than to see it going nowhere. But with Shadowhunters, we are just in the middle of the third season, and the thing is that there is so much more to tell still. We have a good amount of complex characters that still have a lot to give, after all, the timeline in the show it’s barely weeks long. It just doesn’t feel right to cut the story short at this time.
In the words of Matt Hastings: Shadowhunters is not just a show, it’s a movement.
So there you go. These are just of a few reasons why we believe Shadowhunters is not ready to say goodbye to our tv screens just yet. Seeing how things went for other shows such as Timeless and Brooklyn Nine-Nine gives us hope that something can be done. One thing is for sure, never underestimate the power of the Shadowhunters fandom, they are a force to be reckoned with. To the fans, we encourage you to keep fighting and being as vocal as you are being so far. You are an example of what a lot of shows wish their followings would be, but only a few, like Shadowhunters, get to experience. Keep campaigning and spreading the word to try to reach to as many people as possible. Don’t give hope, you never know when the networks might be looking at. We stand with you and we truly hope that our prayers are answered.
Shadowhunters returns for its final episodes Spring 2019 on Freeform.Do you know any other reasons why Shadowhunters needs to be saved?Share them with us in the comments and don’t forget to share them on social media too, along with the hashtags #SaveShadowhunters and #PickUpShadowhunters!
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ao3feed-malec · 6 years
The Darkest Truths
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JmvpZF
by MalecCrazedAuthor
In the wake of Dot's death, Max's murder, and Robert's betrayal, Alec and Magnus and the Lightwood family try to find a new norma. But the wish Izzy made to Raziel on the shores of Lake Lyn is a dangerous secret that too many people know, and Alec isn't certain he came back to life the same as he'd been before.
Meanwhile, as Alec awaits the fallout from his ultimatum to the Clave, Magnus and the other leaders of the Downworld factions try to work around the terms of the Seelie Queen's deal with the warlocks and werewolves to build a lasting peace between the Downworld and the New York Institute.
**For the time being, this fic will be updated once a week, on Monday.
Words: 3857, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of One Easy Answer
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Raphael Santiago, Luke Garroway, Maia Roberts, Simon Lewis, Lilith, Catarina Loss, Madzie (Shadowhunters TV), Original Characters
Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Additional Tags: Angst, Grief/Mourning, Abduction, Murder, Infanticide, Immortality, lots of happy stuff like that, Background Maia Roberts/Jace Wayland, Background Luke Garroway/Maryse Lightwood, Background Clary Fray/Simon Lewis, Background Raphael Santiago/Isabelle Lightwood
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JmvpZF
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guseverett · 4 years
happy Monday! (Or later, by the time you see this message, haha). I hope you have an amazing week! How was your weekend? Mine was okay, but I've been looking for more books to read so if you have any fave books to recommend then let me know :) I adore all the ships you mentioned, especially kanej and andreil. My question for today is what are some books that really mean a lot to you? I for one love trc because I made a lot of friends in the fandom. hope you're doing well -- story seekers anon 💛
hi!! my weekend was good. ok I have to go with the shadowhunter chronicles, i started reading them when i was in high school and i got my 3 irl best friends to read them too and now all of us are in uni we still read them and discuss them and i really love that! we also did that with pjo and hoo so those too! good day friend 🤍
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wickandfablecandles · 7 years
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Happy Monday everyone! 😊 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Not only are we getting closer to our reopening that we are beyond excited for BUT! we are also going to be announcing our giveaway winners today! We will be announcing the winners in our stories this afternoon so make sure to keep an eye out! A big congrats to the 3 winners!!!! 💖 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We have some extra Shadowhunter boxes available and will be putting those up on the website closer to the end of this week! 💕 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📷 by @booksandjil . . . #books #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #book #bookish #read #reading #booknerd #bookaholic #bookworm #bibliophile #bookphotography #booklover #bookmerch #bookishmerch #literature #cozy #bookishcandle #bookishcandles #winter #candles #wickandfable #wickandfablecandles #bookinspiredcandles #bookworm #instabook #instaread #readergram #candlegram (at New York)
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likelovelikesuicide · 7 years
2.18 Prediction - Shadowhunters - Malec Ed.
Because I’m fucking dying for Malec over here
The sneak peak scene in the institute will be at the beginning of the episode, probably not the first scene but close to. It ends with Izzy trying to comfort a clearly distressed Alec.
Luke and Magnus are at the Seelie Court - they relay the information about the Soul Sword and the Clave’s continued dishonesty. They are both given a time limit to choose a side - the downworlders vs. the shadowhunters. This is the last straw for the Seelie Queen. 
Max is found, critically injured.
Magnus goes to the institute to help - (I predict Max won’t die, but he will be out of commision for awhile) 
Magnus comforts Alec but doesn’t stick around… 
Before he leaves the institute, Alec stops him - they speak briefly, they are both clearly upset - Magnus explains that he has difficult decisions to make and Alec is the reason he’s not making them… Alec tells Magnus “I love you” (I wonder if Magnus will respond in Indonesian and the whole “It means, I love you too. Not that that changes anything” book quote is used. It’s kind of the perfect opportunity.) … they share an emotional moment and Magnus leaves….
Other stuff happens with other characters that are part of the show… I sometimes care, honestly… okay so Luke and Maia have some werewolf dealings going on and that’s a thing with Simon helping out… and Clary will probably realize that Sebastian is Jonathan and therefore her brother and then she will have to take 150 showers, and make a dentist appointment because he knew they were TWINS when HE KISSED HER…. Also he’s a demon made of flower killing fire or something…so there’s that… Plus they now have the mortal mirror and we all know Jonathan is just itching to steal it for Valley-boy so that has to go down and I’m sure there’s other stuff with a blonde dude or another… Anyway, let’s get back to it.
Next we’ll see Magnus at home, staring out the window… thinking about Alec, remembering (flashbacks) how he fell in love with this silly, young, foolish shadowhunter… and the rain artistically mirrors his tears. We will all be crying on our cats and praying for sweet release. Then we will rewatch this moment forever as we die. Happy because #truelove.
Alec shows up at the loft… stuff happens… it leads to make-up sex/the morning after scene - I’m not going to try to write or even imagine what the actual make-up scene will look, sound or feel like because I will either be extremely happy or extremely disappointed with what actually unfolds ON SCREEN. AND I WANT TO BE HAPPY GODDAMMIT. also, I just need my boys happy.
So I live near the edge of the world, timezone wise and I’ve got about … 3 days and 15ish hours till 2.18 is accessible to me  and can I just say that I HATE THAT I WANT IT TO BE MONDAY!? WHY CAN’T THE ASSHOLES JUST RELEASE THE EPISODE NOW SO I CAN ENJOY MY BLOODY WEEKEND!???? #GIVEMEMALEC #OR #GIVEMEDEATH
also, I realized today that my birthday is next week… so there’s that. 
Please note THIS ADDITION following the Malec sneak peak. 
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