#happened to ronald once. bros still recovering
blondeaxolotl · 10 months
Mono rambles about their aus part 63727374 here we go again, let me tell you about a fun moment that happens in my Beastars au
So fun thing in my Beastars butler Au!! In one part of the lore, Undertaker attempts to eat Grell, full on charged at her and it lead to a chase and Grell having to fight for her life to get away from him. Eventually she did get away, but barely (Thanks to Othello unintentionally saving her ass).
Though this now leads to Grell being paranoid around her surroundings because it's not a one time thing. Undertaker basically promised her, he WILL eat her when she's most vulnerable and unaware. So now she's on constant guard at all times. imagine being a carnivore and developing the fear of being eaten knowing full well if you were to tell it to someone you would sound absolutely stupid to them, like "just fight back lol".
Thing is, It's only her that he's after, he doesn't want William nor Ronald nor Othello, he wants to eat her specifically. And there is a reason why, but will I share it? Naaaaaah, stay curious xoxo that's info for discord friends only lmaoo
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comfortwriting · 4 years
A Walk To Remember - R.W
Ron Weasley x Fem Reader - Part 1/2
Masterlist, Request Rules, Part 2
A/N: To the lovely angel that requested this, thank you so much - this has been so therapeutic and enjoyable for me to write; thank you for being so patient and kind. I hope I’ve done this right!
Based HEAVILY on the movie: A Walk To Remember.
Warnings: mention of cancer, death, heavy theme of religion and god, blasphemy, fluff, sadness. 
Since Ron and Harry fell out in fourth year because of the Triwizard Tournament, Ron unfortunately found himself surrounded by the wrong people, he didn’t have Harry anymore - his one true best friend and he didn’t have Hermione anymore to keep him level-headed. Ron wasn’t himself and everyone could see it, he cared more about his social status than being a good classmate, and a good wizard. 
His parents were sending more Howlers to Ron than they had ever sent to Fred and George, no one could recognise him from the kid who put himself in the line of fire to protect Harry and Hermione when they were trying to retrieve the Philosopher stone, but you - you still wanted to see the good in him, you knew under the ridiculous attitude and his stupid behaviour, lay a heart of gold and lots of potential.
“He’s late again.” Lavender rolled her eyes, standing around in the dark, looking at the Hannah Abbott .
“Ron will turn up, don’t get your knickers in a twist.” Hannah replied, continuing her conversation with Dean Thomas.
“Took him long enough.” Seamus pointed towards a very tired Ron walking alongside Nigel Wolpert from a few years below.
Ron and Nigel continued to walk towards the rest of the group, Nigel shivering every now and then in his thin plaid pyjamas. Finally meeting up with the rest of the group the six of them continued their stroll to the Great Lake. 
“Sleep well?” Hannah taunted Ron.
Ron shot her a sarcastic smile “brilliant, actually.” 
Lavender instantly tried making a move on Ron but he blew her off “if you want to have a dance go and ask Neville.” causing everyone but Nigel to go on a tangent about how geeky, strange and pathetic the herbology student was. 
Nigel wanted to speak out to defend Neville but in front of such cool people, especially Ron, he didn’t want to ruin his chances of climbing up the social ladder. 
“So what is it that I have to do?” Nigel beamed up at Ron.
Obviously getting into any friendship group requires some sort of need to prove yourself, whether it’s promising to not share secrets, to never date another's ex, the usual ‘bro’ and ‘girl code’ but when it came down to this group, they would go to unfair and extreme lengths. 
 Dean, Seamus, Lavender and Hannah all stood at the edge of the lake, smirking. 
“go on, tell him.” Seamus glided his outstretched hand, presenting the lake to Nigel.
“Well, uh, Nigel - you’re going to go for a swim in that lake, mate.” Ron tried to act coolly, unbothered and the least concerned. 
Nigel’s face dropped, starting to panic. “But there's Merpeople in there, Grindylows - the Giant Squid!”
“It won’t be that bad” Hannah laughed. 
“Yeah, dear Ron will be going in with you.” Lavender bit on her lip, staring at Ron.
Ron remembered to keep his act up, “yeah, you won’t be going in there alone” he lied. 
Nigel nodded his head and agreed to go through with the orders he had been given, he took of his pyjamas and was left freezing cold in his boxers, he turned around to look at a fully clothed Ron.
“Are you not getting undressed?” 
Ron shook his head, his arms folded. “Nah, I’m sensitive to cold temperatures, reminds me of uh.. you know.”
Nigel remembered the second challenge during the Triwizard tournament, not wanting to ask any questions or mention Harry and Hermione. 
Nigel and Ron got closer to the lake, Nigel tipping on the edge. 
“We’ll go on the count of three, alright?” 
Nigel continued to shiver, nodding his head and wrapping his arms around him to keep him warm. 
“Three, two, one!”
Instead of joining Nigel and swimming, Ron pushed the younger student into the Lake, causing him to fall head first into the water. The group broke into laughter, yelling at Nigel and cheering but the cheers soon turned into screams and sheer panic. 
Nigel tried to swim but couldn’t his body went into shock due to the temperature of the water, and his fear of being attacked and dragged away by the residents under the water. His arms waved up above him as his head went under. 
“Someone do something!” Lavender yelled, “Ron!”
Ron swore under his breath and quickly stripped out of his pyjamas, making a rope for Nigel to grab to pull him aside. Whilst Ron hurried into the water, grabbing a hold of Nigel’s arm, trying to get him out of the water. Nigel’s head fell back and his breaths shallowed, his lips and skin turning blue.
The yells coming from Mr Filch rang out through the school grounds - panicking everyone. 
“We’ve got to go!” Hannah grabbed Lavender’s arm “if we get caught we could get expelled!” 
“Hurry up, Ron!” Dean hissed, following the girls. 
Seamus stayed for a moment as Ron got closer to the the edge he and Nigel were standing minutes ago, Ron got all of strength and lifted Nigel up, placing him down on the grass, Seamus pulled Nigel back and helped Ron out of the water. 
Once Ron got back on his feet Mr Filch and now a yelling Hagrid stormed across the grounds, getting closer and closer to the three boys.
“We’ve got to go now!” Seamus glared “leave him here, he’ll be fine, lets go!” 
Ron going against everything good within him, fled with Seamus and left Nigel, alone and inches from death. 
Unfortunately, to Ron’s distaste, he didn’t get away with what happened that night - his friends did, but thanks to Professor Snape, he didn’t. Ron got caught moments before he got to the common room, Seamus miles in front of him. Ron spun his impressive web of lies, although Snape didn’t believe him - but everyone else did. 
Stuffing toast into his mouth his eyes locked with yours for a moment whilst you took a sip from your goblet, you and Ron had known each other even before Hogwarts, you shared almost every class together, but that didn’t make you friends - you were far from it.
Deterring himself from your gaze, Seamus laughed.
“Stare any longer and your the pumpkin juice in your goblet will turn to wine.” Seamus teased.
“or my potions book will become a bible” Ron teased back.
You were a half-blood, your mother a witch and your strict religious dad a muggle - you found it hard to believe at times that you were even allowed to attend Hogwarts but your dad wanted the time that you had left to be enjoyable, he even moved to Hogsmeade so he wasn’t too far away if you needed him. 
Ron and Seamus both swore under their breaths as Professor McGonagall stormed towards them.
“Mr Weasley, a word in my office.”
Professor McGonagall sat down, picking up her long piece of parchment that sat on her desk “after being caught up in such a serious incident, don’t think for one moment that you will go unpunished.”
Ron slouched in his chair and grinded his teeth.
“For this term, every weekday after dinner you will be helping the house elves clean down in the kitchens, every Saturday mornings you will be helping a handful of first years with their brooms bright and early! and you will also be taking part in a theatre production in Hogsmeade for the rest of your Saturday, to ensure that you won’t skive, you will be transported to Hogsmeade with other students.” 
Ron’s face dropped, everything he hated all mixed together had been thrown on upon him whether he liked it or not, and worst of all, he couldn’t get himself out of it if he wanted to graduate. 
Dean, Seamus, Hannah and Lavender found it hilarious seeing Ron clean up with the house elves, they too mocked you and your faith in god every chance they had.
Walking outside to join the rest of the students in Hogsmeade, you heard Lavender’s laughs from behind you. 
“Oh Ronald just look at her, she’s as helpless as it gets. Clinging onto that bible as if her life depends on it.”
Ron stayed quiet, his eyes burning into the same sweater you wore every single day without fail. 
“We should go together sometime” Lavender spoke out again at Ron.
Ron looked at his ex and almost grimaced “I’m not doing that again alright? we’ve been through this.”
Ron departed from his group, waving goodbye and walking slowly behind everyone else. Noticing Ron behind you, you slowed down so you could walk next to him - you were always alone when you went to Hogsmeade and you felt like having some company before your theatre class.
“So, you’re going to be in my group right?” you smiled, hoping the small talk wasn’t that bad.
Ron ignored you, continuing to follow the other students. 
You didn’t want to give up on the golden haired boy just yet, you didn’t know why but there was something in him that stood out to you, something his friends couldn’t see - perhaps something Harry and Hermione missed.
“I think a change of scenery will be good for you - Nigel is also recovering slowly, you should visit him-”
Ron stopped in his tracks and gave you a horrified look “don’t you have bible verses to stress over? shouldn’t you be focusing on the mythical man instead of me?”
You raised your eyebrows and felt quite taken aback, you were used to having your head bitten off but you were trying to break the ice, you weren’t pushing your faith on anyone. 
“You don’t know me at all” you replied, pursing your lips, storming past him.
You, like many of your group enjoyed theatre with a passion, the guy in your class had written the play himself and you were so proud, his writing more than a work of art and you could tell something beautiful would come from it. 
After being assigned your roles, you couldn’t help but feel satisfied knowing that Ron had a role of his own, even if he wasn’t expecting such a thing. You felt a tinge of excitement inside of you, knowing that the two of you would be spending more time together. 
Going through your lines, Ron was slouching in his chair as usual, speaking in monotone whilst he read his parts, you couldn’t understand why he didn't want to be here - to redeem himself. 
After your first class, you didn’t go back to Hogwarts with the other students, you were allowed to visit your dad whenever you needed and today you felt like spending sometime with him, going through your bible and getting the reassurance you desperately needed.  
Ron, who did not have permission to stay out, went against the rules anyway, getting himself a Butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks and some jelly slugs from Honey Dukes.
Leaving the extravagant sweet shop, Ron bumped into you, almost dropping his treats. 
“what are you still doing out?” he asked, chewing down a slug.
You smiled sheepishly at him “I could ask you the same thing” 
The two of you walked back to Hogwarts, going through the constant back and forth of him trying to test your faith and speak against god, trying to get you to reach breaking point - but it wouldn’t work. You had patience, you were full of love and you could see the beauty in everything - the exact opposite of the boy next to you. 
“you shouldn’t dumb yourself down to fit in” you sighed, snuggling into your sweater. “you should care less about your social status and more about your future.”
Ron shoved another jelly slug into his mouth “you think you know me, do you? well you don’t.” 
Ron and Seamus sat on the sofa in front of the fire, the two of them scrutinising the play, picking apart the script piece by piece and acting it out sarcastically. 
“It’s gonna be brilliant” Seamus grinned, flicking through the pages. 
“You sound like my brothers, it’s going to be a bloody nightmare.” Ron groaned, looking miserably into the flames. 
“That's why its going to be brilliant, you’re going to make a fool of yourself!”
After another week of feeling tired and nauseated, you tried your best to pull through it, focusing on god - his love - his warmth, you focused on seeing your dad at the weekend, being able to drown your fears in the path god had chosen for you. 
“Oi, y/n” Ron whispered, pulling you aside and tearing you away from your thoughts.
You stared at him and waited for him to continue talking, holding your bible to your chest.
“Look, can you help me with my lines after class on Saturday?” he asked, his mouth barely moving so everyone around him would find it hard to lip read. 
“As long as you aren’t doing it only to benefit yourself”
Ron rolled his eyes “yeah, whatever - can you help me then or what?” 
You nodded your head, ticking off a box from your list “I don’t see why not” you smiled “thanks to you I have one less box to tick”
Ron gave you a strange look, then noticed his friends walk down the hall towards the two of you. 
“We’ll go to my dads, we can practice there, but promise me one thing?”
Ron started to become inpatient “bloody hell, what?”
You took a deep breath, facing your fears “promise you won’t fall in love with me.”
Ron felt delighted, he thought making this promise was the easiest thing he had ever done in his life “I didn’t think it would be that easy.” Ron’s friends stared at him, pulling faces behind your back “I’ll see you on Saturday” he paused before walking away “I promise.”
Little did Ron know, the promise he made would be the hardest one to keep.
“Ronald Weasley?!” Your father freaked out “I’ve told you to stay away from lads like that!” 
You sighed, hearing a knock at the door, you stood up from the table “the lord preaches forgiveness, dad.”
Walking over to the door, you opened it, Ron stood there with another bag of jelly slugs, swallowing one down “can I come in then”
“Yeah - make yourself at home, wait in the living room, my script is upstairs.”
Ron walked around your living room. searching the moving faces in the picture frames, the candles on the mantle piece, pictures of Jesus and multiple mini statutes of him surrounding one another on a shrine. 
He couldn’t help but feel the hairs stand up on his neck, he wasn’t used to all this religion thrusting itself into him, the eyes of a higher being judging him for each and every sin he committed. 
“You must be Ronald.” Your father spoke out, almost making Ron jump out of his skin. 
Ron turned away from the altar, holding out his hand for your father to shake, but withdrawing it soon after your father declined.
“Thank you for-”
“I didn’t” you father spoke over him “that was y/n decision.” 
After being grilled for his behaviour from your father and running through the same romanticised script, Ron couldn’t wait to break free from it all, from judgement of the lord, your fathers none existent approval, slowly getting friendlier with you.
The more Ron noticed you, the more you stood out to him. You weren’t just the girl devoted to god that was glued to a bible - you loved animals, you thought they were magnificent and spent hours reading about them. 
After finishing breakfast you walked over to where Ron was sitting with his friends, you felt confident and excited to see him again outside of Hogwarts.  
“Will you be coming back to my place tomorrow?” you asked, smiling at him. 
Seamus started laughing, almost choking on his juice. 
Ron felt mortified, there's no way he could allow his friends to get the jump on him for being your friend. 
“yeah, in your dreams” Ron spat, making Seamus laugh more. 
Your butterflies wings felt like they had been ripped off, your smile fell and your heart ached, but you refused to curse him, instead you swallowed hard and walked away - reminding yourself that this was a good thing; he wasn’t falling in love with you. 
Playing the piano and singing with your father, the two of you were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door, you ignored it, hoping whoever it was would go away but they didn’t. Standing up, you walked over to the door and saw Ron standing in same spot as he always did on your porch.
You tried to close the door before he stopped you, shoving his hand in the way. 
“Look, don’t take it that personal, alright?” 
You crossed your arms, pulling on the sleeves of your sweater. 
“I still want your help, it’s just, you know what my friends are like.” 
You couldn’t believe your ears, you couldn’t believe how heartless Ron was in this moment. 
“Are you trying to say you want us to be friends in secret?” you faked a smile, noticing Ron’s face brighten up.
“exactly that! yeah, brilliant!” 
You however didn’t brighten up, your fake smile crumbled and your expression turned sour. Tears made your vision glassy and you felt like taking your sweater off you were that hot with anger. 
“I can’t believe you, Ron - I can’t believe I saw something good in you, let me go and cry to god about it.” you replied angrily, slamming the door in his face, going upstairs and questioning whether or not waiting the next few months out would be worth it. 
Your confession struck something in Ron and he couldn’t explain it, out of nowhere he was practicing his lines without sarcasm but with seriousness instead, he genuinely worked hard at helping first years with their brooms and even encouraged them to give Quidditch a thought. During minor dress rehearsals of the play Ron was taking constructive criticism onboard, pushing himself to do better, to remember his lines and to be a persuasive actor. 
He felt himself feeling guilty for what he had done and said to you each time his eyes landed on you, each time you shared the stage together, Ron wanted nothing more than to make things right, even if he found it to be incredibly difficult to begin with. 
You noticed these changes in Ron like you had noticed everything else about him, you could see how much the first years appreciated his hard work, how much fun he was having away from the bad influences he wanted to impress so badly - deep down you were praying that he wasn’t doing all of this just to benefit himself. 
Ron took a deep breath and walked through the hospital wing, seeing Nigel sat in his bed, reading a muggle children's book. 
“Alright, Nigel?” Ron greeted nervously, standing at the end of his bed. 
Nigel looked up at Ron and closed his book, staring at him. “Considering the fact I almost died and went into shock, I’m not too bad.”
Ron bowed his head in shame and felt like he did when his mum would scold him for misbehaving. 
“I’m really sorry mate, I am.”
Nigel looked at Ron and shook his head “I was stupid for believing you’d go in there with me, I’m asking myself if it’s stupid of me to forgive you.”
Tonight was the night you had been looking forward to the most, the one and only performance of the play - the one night you were able to get yourself dressed up - your hair and make up done, the dress you rented fitting you perfect. 
Dean, Seamus, Hannah and Lavender were sat in the front row, Lavenders camera at the ready taking pictures of Ron in his suit every chance that she could. The rest of the Weasley family were sat watching, Fred and George having the time of their lives thinking of ways to embarrass their little brother, Molly and Arthur feeling so relieved and proud that their son had started to pull himself together. 
Your father sat at the front row also, feeling excited to see you come on stage, for you to experience such a special moment in the time god had left to give you. 
The two of you read your lines, talking and acting like a couple who were in love, finally not hiding it amongst the other characters. Ron sat down in his seat and you pulled the cloak off your body and sat down next to him, continuing with your lines. 
Ron suddenly forgot his lines that he had worked so hard to remember, your presence making him feel as if he was in the presence of an angel - this was how he felt when he saw Hermione at the yule ball, only making him more determined to make things right with you. 
As soon as you revealed yourself, Lavender stopped snapping pictures and put her camera away, the jealousy she was now feeling eating away at her. Seamus had to close his mouth it was gaping open for that long, he couldn’t believe you were the same girl that wore the same sweater that only devoted herself to god. 
Fred and George stopped bitching about their brother and like everyone else, they were captivated by you, trying to find out if you had bewitched the audience or took a potion before hand.   
Reaching the last legs of the play, Ron failed to deliver his lines and had to improvise instead, his eyes roamed your angelic face and he blurted out such a compliment it made your heart skip a beat. 
“You’re beautiful”
You wanted to correct him but at the same time you felt flattered, you weren't used to compliments unless they came from your dad. Getting lost in the moment, Ron leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, the two of you sharing a kiss whilst the red curtain knitted together, putting an end to the show.
Your breath hitched in your throat, you told yourself over and over that it was just a kiss - just part of the show - nothing more, nothing less - Ron wasn’t falling for you and you couldn’t allow yourself to fall for him. 
Afterwards, Ron’s family praised him for doing such a good job, but Ron couldn’t stop himself from watching you, your father pulling you away from the big crowd. Walking out of the theatre, Ron spotted a familiar face, approaching him out of the crowd. It was Harry. 
“You did an amazing job, Ron.”
Ron stared at the lad in glasses he once called his best friend, he stared into his eyes and allowed his anger to consume him. 
“Clear off” Ron replied “I don’t want you anywhere near me.”  
Burying yourself in another book about creatures, you couldn’t help but giggle at the illustrations of Nifflers holding gold in their hands. Ron walked into the Great Hall, everyone staring at him and Lavender whispering to her friends about you and him. 
Ignoring them, Ron walked over to you and sat down beside you, seeming more cheerful than you had ever seen him. 
“Reading another book about creatures are we?” Ron smiled. 
You looked up from your book “it’s another box on my list, read one hundred books.” 
Ron smiled “I think you’re brilliant.” 
You felt a wave of irritability swirl in your stomach, you couldn’t tell if your health was crumbling even more or if it was because of Ron. 
This was it, he was falling for you and you were falling for him, the two of you breaking such a sacred and important promise, committing one of the biggest sins that reined heavily in your head. 
You stared at Ron and started to panic “what are you doing?” you barked, shutting your book “stop trying to figure me out” 
You stood up, your heart pounding in your chest, you kept drilling the path god had chosen for you into your brain, telling yourself over and over that you and Ron couldn’t happen, no matter what it couldn’t happen. 
Ron didn’t give up like he used to, instead he chased after you and trapped you into the corner outside. 
“I thought a girl like you wouldn’t be afraid” Ron said in disbelief “don’t be a plonker, y/n. Don’t deny how you felt that night, I’m not denying it-”
You put your hands over your ears, shaking your head, if he knew why you were running he wouldn’t be so forceful, you wanted to tell him the truth right there and then but you were terrified. 
“you have no idea what I feel Ron!” 
“I do and you know it! you want to be with me like I want to be with you!” 
Tears streamed down your face, your big secret sitting on the tip of your tongue, trying to pry your mouth open and set itself free. 
“I can’t!” you cried “I warned you!”
Ron stayed still and watched you walk away, his heart and head screaming at him to follow you, to kiss you one more time, to just say screw it and start over again.
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Roni Marsh- DamnnnGirl
For a special spotlight, we interview DamnnnGirl's Co-Founder and Managing Editor. We dig into questions about how Damnnn Girl started, life and many other fun questions. Read below! 
Do you remember how we began discussing the thought of DamnnnGirl? Where were you? Where were you professionally? And how did the topic come about?
I was in Houston working my first big girl job at a creative agency -- lost and alone. I really wanted an outlet. I wanted a place to vent. I wanted a community for myself and my peers so I said if we can’t find it why not create our own?
What made you choose public relations? You’ve been an entertainment personal assistant, worked in event management and marketing, what led you to Public Relations?
I went to college thinking I was going to follow in my parents’ footsteps and go into the medical field, but boy was I wrong! I got all the way up to Cal. 2 and Chem. 2 and said “nah this ain’t for me bro” and I decided to search for something else. Like any other college student, I didn’t know what the hell I wanted to do. I knew I was good with people. I knew that I had fun planning events with all of the organizations that I was involved in and someone said you should try communications. So I did and I fell in love with it. But once again, I knew I loved communications, I just didn’t know which part of communications to focus on. So I tried a little bit of everything. Public relations was a constant in all of those positions, so I decided to make it my thing.
What makes your heart sing professionally? What do you love doing?
Helping and empowering people and creating new ways to do these things. I feel like I come across so many awesome people on a daily basis and I want to help them reach their goals. That’s what I love to do.
This website has been developed as a safe haven for professional women with dreams and hopes of conquering the world but also letting the world be our oyster. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
That everything takes work and everything takes time. Patience has never been one of my virtues but in starting this journey I have had to learn patience. It’s important to learn that things will never come instantly. Things take time. And sometimes it isn’t quite time for your flower to bloom yet.
How do you pick yourself up after falling, after quitting a job? After a terrible heartbreak? We’ve all been there, we’ve all been grueling on the floor from disappointment how do you bounce back?
I was listening to a Podcast “The Read” the other day and they discussed when recovering from a breakup it’s important that you mourn the relationship before moving on. I think that’s  what you have to do after every disappointment that comes in life. Give yourself time to process, to cry, or to say “F him” or “f this Job” you need to do these things. Its healthy. Then you get your shit together. Fix your crown. Remind yourself who you are and what you capable of and then you move on. And in this process remember that God’s plan is always bigger than yours and if something didn’t work out it was a lesson. Life is full of blessings and lessons and in the end everything turns out to be both.
What is family to you? How big is your family?
Family is everything. Everything. My family and I are so close and I don’t think I would be where I am without them. Especially Ronald and Alexis (my parents) those two are my everything. They will literally pick me up off of my face every single time and I am forever grateful. My family is pretty big, and when I tell you we are all close we are lol. We all have group chats to share the family tea and keep up with each other.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Where do you want DamnnnGirl to go?
I see DamnnnGirl becoming larger than anything I can imagine, I see it becoming a true community for professional women looking to find an outlet. I want to start hosting events, conferences and selling merchandise. As for myself, I plan to quit my 9-5 and focus on DamnnnGirl and any other ventures that may come up in the future. I want to be in a better mental space, debt-free and able to live freely without having to check in with someone first. That’s where I will be in five. Living by my own rules.
Why DamnnnGirl?
When we started this we went through so many different name changes and Damnnn Girl stuck. When you walk into a room and you see another woman either looking extremely beautiful or just doing the damn thing? You either automatically say out loud or to yourself DAMNNN GIRL! That’s where that came from. All the women mentioned or are apart of the site make me say that.
Today is your birthday, what does that age mean to you? Where did you see yourself at this age in college? Are you impressed?
This age meant it is time to get my shit together. Seriously. In college, I kind of pictured that I would  be here or somewhere near here I just didn’t know how, where or when. I am not necessarily impressed with myself but I am damn sure not disappointed. There are days where I sit back and I think how truly far I came as a person both emotionally and professionally. So much has changed in such a short amount of time.
What do you love about being a woman?
Everything. It’s amazing. We have the ability to bring life into this world I am not sure it gets more powerful or amazing than that.
What’s self care to you?
Taking time for Roni. Doing mental check-ins with myself to make sure everything is alright up there. I think we often get caught in what’s going on in the world that we forget to take care of ourselves but this year I have started to take that a bit more seriously. I even meditate now. I take five or ten minutes to just unplug and unwind it does wonders for my body. But self care can be anything that involves you. If that means going shopping, getting a manicure or hanging with the girls, all of those things mean self care to me.
Gifs or Kimojis and why?
Kimojis duh lol. Kim is my bestie in my head and her emojis are so fun and risque I am quick to use one.
Number one used gif and kimoji?
No judgies. But twerking kimoji gets used quite often (lol)
Top or bottom loll?
Both? Because…. depending on the day (LOL)
What are your thoughts on gender roles?
I am old school in the sense that I still believe that some gender roles still exist while others have evolved. I think that’s okay too. Some people don’t believe in them at all, which is okay too. I do though. The way I see  the woman's role and the man's role in a relationship is definitely outdated.
What’s important to tell to your women wanting to branch out, brand themselves while still taking Corporate America by storm?
I think it’s always important to create something for yourself outside of your corporate position for a number of a reasons: another stream of income, doing something that you love or are passionate about, and remembering that jobs aren’t forever so having something else outside is amazing. Women can do amazing things and hell why not do those things while still climbing the ladder?
Quick quote to your 23-year-old self? We had just started Damnnn Girl?
“Be patient mama, it’s coming”-- I have had to tell myself this several times in my life. I want things to happen now. I don’t want to wait. I wanted DamnnnGirl to be great as soon as we thought of the idea but I realize more and more that things take time and a lot of trial and error to get right.
Fur or thigh highs? That seems borderline offensive but either or
It’s extremely offensive that you would ask me to pick between two amazing things (LOL) but I guess since I must chose definitely thigh highs because you can have more fun with them.
What’s your I’m feeling myself outfit go to?
My legs are my favorite part of my body so a mini dress that shows off these babies is always a go-to for me.
Partition or Drunk in Love?
Ha. Rolling up the partition while we’re drunk in love.
 How do you work with a person like me who has a type b bohemian personality? I’m crazy and difficult and we’re both confrontational? How do you do it?
Goodness, it’s hard but it’s worth it. I have learned so many things about myself and you because we have such strong personalities and finding the balance between the two has been and probably always will be a struggle for us but when we really get it together beautiful things happen. I do it by being patient and playing on our strengths and not focusing so much on our weaknesses.
What has it been like to work on a project and be on opposite sides of the world? Best tip for keeping it cute and staying semi conflict free?
It’s hard and it is not easy and quite honestly it is not something I would recommend anyone do. Like at all. Because time is always be a constant issue so finding ways around that is important to keep the relationship and partnership strong. I think the best tip I can give is that put your friendship first and foremost and don’t forget why we started this thing in the first place.
Biggest lesson you’ve learned through this partnership?
Never forget the end goal and do not get caught up in the arguments. Let things and always get back to the bigger picture. Sometimes we lose sight of that. Always get back to work.
   Special Thanks to Bradlei Smith, TransMaxMedia and the IncYOUbator! 
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