#happ anniv
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Paolo sticker set for my boo @statisticallymorelikely! 💜💜💜
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#paolo#daan#daan x paolo#kaysanova#Immortal husbands#il padre d'italia#hartenstraat#luca marinelli#marwan kenzari#fan art#stickers#happ anniv#!!!#i love you so many
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Tues[day] 31 March 1835
7 3/4
11 3/4
V No kiss Fine morn[in]g F 46 1/2° at 8.28 at w[hi]ch h[ou]r w[e]nt d[o]wn to Mrs Geo[rge] Robins[o]n, she st[aye]d ab[ou]t an
h[ou]r. Ca[me] to say Dewhirst h[a]d tak[e]n a place at upp[e]r brea, w[a]s go[in]g to ha[ve] skin pits t[he]re and the wat[e]r
w[oul]d be spoilt, s[ai]d perh[aps] it w[a]s well. I sh[oul]d be oblig[e]d to bring an act[ion] and the matt[e]r w[oul]d be
settl[e]d 1 way or oth[e]r next assizes. I explain[e]d ab[ou]t the send[in]g the not[i]ce to quit. S[ai]d I h[a]d nev[e]r
nam[e]d it. Mrs R-[Robinson] s[ai]d M[iste]r Lister, the appraiser h[a]d nam[e]d it and m[u]ch h[a]d been s[ai]d ab[ou]t it. S[ai]d I
c[oul]d n[o]t help doubt[in]g t[hi]s, d[i]d n[o]t kno[w] how M[iste]r List[e]r c[oul]d kno[w]. Mrs R[obinson] seem[e]d satisfi[e]d w[i]th
wh[a]t I s[ai]d and well pleas[e]d. She and all the neighb[ou]rs anx[iou]s for M[iste]r Warburton to get Hipperh[olme] school.
M[iste]r W[ilia]m Priest[le]y wr[ot]e to M[iste]r Th[oma]s Robins[o]n to ask his vote for M[iste]r Carter who is B.A [Bachelor of Arts] b[u]t
n[o] t M.A[Master of Arts
yet w[ould] ha[ve] been if M[iste]r Huds[o]n h[a]d liv[e]d 2 m[on]ths long[e]r. S[ai]d if M[iste]r Warburt[o]n d[i]d n[o]t get the school
yet, if he chose to rem[ain] at Hipperh[olm]e, Miss Walker and I w[oul]d do all we c[ould] for h[i]m and he w[oul]d ha[ve]
plenty of accomodat[[io]n made for h[i]m. I d[i]d n[o]t ev[e]n kno[w] h[i]m by sight, b[u]t th[ou]ght t[ha]t consider[in]g
V all the circumst[ance]s he ought to get the school. T[he]n h[a]d Turner the delver [digger] ab[ou]t rag tops and bot[tom]s
to be deliv[ere]d at Mytholm at 1/6 [1 shilling 6 pence] p[e]r y[ar]d, 3 in[ches] thick and wall stones at 2/. [2 shillings] p[e]r 2 horse
load and 1/2 [one shilling 2 pence] p[e]r 1 horse load, and parpoints at 1/. [1 shilling] p[e]r y[ar]d. S[ai]d t[hi]s w[ould] n[o]t do, c[oul]d get
the rag tops and bot[tom]s deliver[e]d at 1/3 [one shilling 3 pence] p[e]r y[ar]d, the wall st[on]e too, too d[ea]r, w[oul]d th[in]k ab[ou]t it.
at 9.50 in 1/2 h[ou]r hav[in]g set Thorp jun[io]r and his man to pl[an]t out the hazels (620) t[ha]t ca[me] on Sat[urday],
in my walk bank and in Wellroyd wood und[e]r upp[e]r brea. Good motion loose and
pretty good one yesterday also after breakfast next to nothing yesterday and today
on getting up in consequence of eating greens the last three days at dinner I ought to have
had vegetables before. A few min[ute]s w[i]th my fath[e]r, weak b[u]t pret[ty] well t[hi]s morn[in]g. Wr[ote] the
+ ab[ov]e of t[hi]s morn[in]g till 11. R[ea]d fr[om] page 8 to 15 Phil[ip] on the Vit[a]l funct[io]ns] and at 11.20 off w[i]th A-[Ann], left h[e]r at
to look ov[e]r th[in]gs left t[he]re, at 12 saunt[ere]d b[a]ck al[on]g my walk prun[in]g etc etc so[me] ti[me] w[i]th Thorp and his man plant[in]g
hazels on the bank side t[he]re. Ho[me] ab[ou]t 2, talk[in]g to Ch[arl]es How[ar]th till 3 ab[ou]t upper brea wat[e]r etc, no need wh[a]t ev[e]r to
spoil the Low[e]r brea wat[e]r. If any harm done to it, it m[u]st be done on purp[ose]. Heavy rain at 2 3/4, ca[me] in at 3.5.
1835 M[ar]ch
fr[om] 3.10 to 4 1/2 wr[ote] 3 pages and ends to M-[Mariana] Sor[ry] I h[a]d
been so long in writ[in]g, w[oul]d n[o]t ma[ke] excuses b[u]t simply by and
entr[us]t h[e]r n[o]t to th[in]k me forgetful, anx[iou]s ab[ou]t Percy [Mariana]. ‘I
ha[ve] th[ou]ght and do th[in]k of you, and often for you, mo[re] ‘mo[re], daresay
t[ha]n you imagine. You were right to s[e]nd me the prayer you wr[ote] on the
9th. Perh[aps] t[ha]t day or rather its annivers[ar]y, will nev[e]r pass by eith[er] of
us, unnot[e]d. B[u]t let us look up[on] it w[i]th ‘thankfulness. I nev[e]r cease to
persuade mys[elf] t[ha]t you determ[ine]d wise[l]y, and t[ha]t ti[me] will show you
mo[re] and ‘mo[re] clear[l]y how m[u]ch you ha[ve] reas[o]n to be satisfi[ie]d.
T[he]re is a gleam at hand mo[re] bright t[ha]n I c[a]n ‘bel[ieve]. All will go well
w[i]th us b[o]th. Sure[l]y Percy [Mariana] will recov[e]r, and sure[l]y I shall soon
ha[ve] the ‘on[l]y th[in]g want[in]g to my own happ[ine]ss, t[ha]t is, the mo[re]
perf[ec]t ass[uran]ce of y[our]s. On[l]y keep up y[ou]r sp[iri]ts and hope and
‘th[in]k all th[in]gs t[ha]t please you best, and I ask no mo[re]. We kno[w] t[ha]t all
th[in]gs work togeth[e]r for good. ‘it is en[ou]gh. Ga[ve] M-s [Mariana’s] k[i]nd
mess[a]ge to Adney [Ann], hope it h[a]d n[o]t made h[e]r idle. ‘She oft[[e]n
‘sp[ea]ks w[i]th gr[ea]t pleas[u]re of our hav[in]g you here. I am n[o]t afr[ai]d of
y[ou]r lik[in]g h[e]r less well, or being ‘less pleas[e]d t[ha]n you exp[ec]t. If you
are bent up[on] hav[in]g the paragraph, I m[us]t s[e]nd it you ‘anoth[e]r ti[me]. I
can[no]t at the mom[en]t, turn of the pap[e]r, in ti[me] for the let[ter] bag of
tonight, ‘b[u]t the announcement w[a]s , in subst[an]ce, the marr[ia]ge of
Capt[ai]n Tom Lister of S.H [Shibden Hall] to Miss Ann Walker ‘late of Lidgate.
On discov[er]y of the hoax, a handso[me] volunteer apol[og]y w[a]s s[e]nt by the
Ed[ito]r ‘of one of the pap[e]rs; and here the matt[er] end[e]d, f[o]r nobod[y]
w[a]s annoy[e]d, and nobod[y] car[e]d ab[ou]t it’ My fath[e]r very feeble, my
a[un]t ‘suffers a ver[y] gr[ea]t deal b[u]t the vit[a]l pow[e]rs seem far fr[om]
exhaust[e]d’…. Bel[ieve] me alw[a]ys and ver[y] truly ver[y] f[ai]thfully and
aff[ectionatel]y y[ou]rs A L-[Lister]’ H[a]d s[ai]d my wrist w[a]s spelk[e]d and I
wr[ote] w[i]th mo[re] pain and diffic[ult]y t[ha]n the last ti[me] I wr[ote]. The heavy
rain contin[uin]g w[e]nt d[o]wn at 4 1/2 and ask[e]d my fath[e]r for his phaeton to
fetch A-[Ann] ho[me], st[aye]d talk[in]g d[o]wnst[ai]rs till off at at 4.40 and at
Cliffhill at 5.5. A-[Ann] h[a]d n[o]t been t[he]re, w[e]nt to Crownest. She h[a]d
been look[in]g ov[e]r old pap[e]rs all the day b[u]t w[a]s just ready to co[me]
away. Off at 5.10 and ho[me] at 5.35. So[me] whi[le] w[i]th my fath[e]r and
Mar[ia]n, dress[e]d. A-[Ann] w[e]nt L to my a[un]t at 6. Wr[ote] the first 18 lines
of t[hi]s page. Din[ner] at 6.20, s[e]nt off my let[ter] to ‘Mrs Lawton, Claremont
house, Leamington Warwickshire’. Coff[ee] w[i]th my fath[e]r and Mar[ia]n 1/2
h[ou]r till 7.40, t[he]n look[in]g ov[e]r A-s [Ann’s] old pap[e]rs t[ha]t she br[ou]ght
fr[om] Crownest for ab[ou]t an h[ou]r. More cop[ie]s of wills, Mr Caygill’s gr[ea]t
gr[a]ndfath[e]r to A- [Ann] and wh[o]se d[au]ght[e]r Ann Caygill marr[ie]d sir
Ja[me]s Ibbotson [ correct spelling is Ibbetsen] B[arone]t and Mrs Charlesworth’s
will + [cum aliis]. Wr[ote] the last 8 lines till 8.50. Till 9.50 r[ea]d fr[om] page 15
to 55 Philip on the Vit[a]l funct[io]ns 20 min[utes] w[i]th my a[un]t til 10 1/4 at
w[hi]ch h[ou]r F 50° fine b[u]t dullish morn[in]g, rainy aft[ernoo]n fr[om] ab[ou]t
2 1/4.
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3rd Anniv!
Dear Bah,
First of all i want to greet you a happy 3rd third anniversary!
Hindi ko pa maibibigay yung regalo ko for now, kasi in process pa at imported from korea pa, pero di ko naman makakalimutan yun dahil i want to give you something special gift sa anniversary natin na hinding hindi mo makakalimutan. Pero alam kong magugustuhan mo yun once na matanggap mo na :')
Namiss ko din mag post dito sa tumblr, kaya mag memessage ako rito pero hinei yung pinaka ilalagay ko sa hand written ko,
Happy Anniv uliy bah, Maraming salamat sa walang sawang pagbibigay ng pag mamahal sa akin, kahit na ako'y pasaway sayo minsan, ngayon minamahal mo ko lalo at hindi pinababayaan at hindi iniiwan. Sana pag dating ng panahon, hindi mo pa rin ako iwanan at hindi ka magsawang mahalin ako kahit na anong mangyari, dahil ako rin naman ganun din ang pag mamahal na ibibigay ko, para sayo kahit na ayun nga aso't pusa tayo kung mag-away hinding hindi kita ipagpapalit sa iba at hinding hindi rin kita iiwanan! sa mga nangyaring masama sa atin sa mga pagtatalo natin at hindi pag kakaintindihan natin s isa't isa ala. konh pag subok lang yun ni Lord para sa ating dalawa at alam kong hindi lang etong 3rd anniversary natin mapagdadaanan ang mga struggles, pero kahit anong mangyari i will never leave you.
Sobrang thankful ako sa binigay mong regalo sa akin , sobrang na appreciate ko tong binigay mo sa akin, hinding hindi ko ito aaksayahin at itatabi ko ito hanggang sa pagtanda natin at magkaroon man tayo ng anak.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c3f676a914321b7346b9ba5498ebec61/tumblr_pbx1f1OjSl1w05s7f_540.jpg)
Alam kong alam mo kung anong taste natin dalawa sa pag kain, halos arehas tayo ng nsa isip at parehas tayo ng food na gustong kainin, sa sobrang Gutom natin dalawa, nauwi rin tayo sa resto na indi mo pa nakakainan ever since, kaya sobrang happy ko na ako din ang kasama mo na makakain sa Max's!! So much kwentuhan kaya sobrang nawawala pagod ko kapag kausap kita.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/55f0a8d2478148eaba50a3de30e18102/tumblr_pbx1f3JYX61w05s7f_540.jpg)
Syempre mawawala din ba ang piktyur namin dalawa? Eto yung pinaka hinahanap namin umpisa a lang eh syempre memprable tong araw na to so syempre hinanap namin! nag try kami ng panibagonh filter at design! Success! naman at maganda ang kinalaban :")
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6481a3de4734b17b2ae19c7c0c346b8d/tumblr_pbx1f2PVjl1w05s7f_540.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e65f2bf221184967df987e5f4d279c36/tumblr_pbx1f3zPYQ1w05s7f_540.jpg)
basta kasama kita babe hindi ako nawawalan ng pag-asa dahil ikaw ang pag-asa ko at mahal ko, ikaw lang din ang pinagkakatiwalaan ko sa lahat ng bagay, kaya lang ang bestfriend, asawa at girlfriend ko, ikaw lang wlaa ng iba.
Happ 3rd anniversary mahal, mahal na mahal kita. kahit na anong mangyari. Sobra. 😍😍😍
0 notes
3rd Anniv!
Dear Bah,
First of all i want to greet you a happy 3rd third anniversary!
Hindi ko pa maibibigay yung regalo ko for now, kasi in process pa at imported from korea pa, pero di ko naman makakalimutan yun dahil i want to give you something special gift sa anniversary natin na hinding hindi mo makakalimutan. Pero alam kong magugustuhan mo yun once na matanggap mo na :')
Namiss ko din mag post dito sa tumblr, kaya mag memessage ako rito pero hinei yung pinaka ilalagay ko sa hand written ko,
Happy Anniv uliy bah, Maraming salamat sa walang sawang pagbibigay ng pag mamahal sa akin, kahit na ako'y pasaway sayo minsan, ngayon minamahal mo ko lalo at hindi pinababayaan at hindi iniiwan. Sana pag dating ng panahon, hindi mo pa rin ako iwanan at hindi ka magsawang mahalin ako kahit na anong mangyari, dahil ako rin naman ganun din ang pag mamahal na ibibigay ko, para sayo kahit na ayun nga aso't pusa tayo kung mag-away hinding hindi kita ipagpapalit sa iba at hinding hindi rin kita iiwanan! sa mga nangyaring masama sa atin sa mga pagtatalo natin at hindi pag kakaintindihan natin s isa't isa ala. konh pag subok lang yun ni Lord para sa ating dalawa at alam kong hindi lang etong 3rd anniversary natin mapagdadaanan ang mga struggles, pero kahit anong mangyari i will never leave you.
Sobrang thankful ako sa binigay mong regalo sa akin , sobrang na appreciate ko tong binigay mo sa akin, hinding hindi ko ito aaksayahin at itatabi ko ito hanggang sa pagtanda natin at magkaroon man tayo ng anak.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c3f676a914321b7346b9ba5498ebec61/tumblr_pbx0k1Kxps1w05s7f_540.jpg)
Alam kong alam mo kung anong taste natin dalawa sa pag kain, halos arehas tayo ng nsa isip at parehas tayo ng food na gustong kainin, sa sobrang Gutom natin dalawa, nauwi rin tayo sa resto na indi mo pa nakakainan ever since, kaya sobrang happy ko na ako din ang kasama mo na makakain sa Max's!! So much kwentuhan kaya sobrang nawawala pagod ko kapag kausap kita.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/55f0a8d2478148eaba50a3de30e18102/tumblr_pbx0k4dEML1w05s7f_540.jpg)
Syempre mawawala din ba ang piktyur namin dalawa? Eto yung pinaka hinahanap namin umpisa a lang eh syempre memprable tong araw na to so syempre hinanap namin! nag try kami ng panibagonh filter at design! Success! naman at maganda ang kinalaban :")
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6481a3de4734b17b2ae19c7c0c346b8d/tumblr_pbx0k2Sj5e1w05s7f_540.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e65f2bf221184967df987e5f4d279c36/tumblr_pbx0k4GUpG1w05s7f_540.jpg)
basta kasama kita babe hindi ako nawawalan ng pag-asa dahil ikaw ang pag-asa ko at mahal ko, ikaw lang din ang pinagkakatiwalaan ko sa lahat ng bagay, kaya lang ang bestfriend, asawa at girlfriend ko, ikaw lang wlaa ng iba.
Happ 3rd anniversary mahal, mahal na mahal kita. kahit na anong mangyari. Sobra. 😍😍😍
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