#hanzo hasashi mk11
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ynnu-64 · 1 year ago
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KuaiHanzo making steam
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mado008 · 11 months ago
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iliketangerines · 9 months ago
Mk11)) Hanzo hizashi and kuai liang x reader?? Like maybe is from the past or is a simple maid that works at the fire garden or Lin kuei temple. Nothing too complicated for this request- just simple stuff.
two hands
a/n: this was gonna be longer, but then i realized how out of hand it would've gotten
pairing: kuai liang x gn!reader x hanzo hasashi
warnings: attempted poisoning
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you rush back and forth between the kitchens and the dining room, plating the food gracefully and quickly, and you only give yourself a quick moment to breathe before your back to serving the food
today your grandmaster Kuai Liang had invited over some of the higher ups of the Shirai Ryu to come and dine with the Lin Kuei to improve relations
what that meant for you is that there was a lot of people to serve and a lot more teacups to refill and heat and brew
thankfully, your direct superior had kept your serving relegated to the grandmaster’s room, saying that you were one of their best workers and that the grandmaster needed everything to go perfectly
not so thankfully, that meant you couldn’t afford a single mistake, not a drop spilled, not a single wrong order, not a single empty cup
you grab a bottle of baijiu and head over to the dining hall, composing yourself in the hall and wiping sweat off your forehead
walking in a soft smile, you carefully and pour the alcohol in practiced motions, and the Shirai Ryu grandmaster gives you a smile and a nod of appreciation
your grandmaster thanks you, waving you off, and you leave the bottle with them and go off to collect more food from the kitchens
you pick up their final dishes in your hand, and you traverse the halls quickly, not letting any of the food drop to the floor
opening the door with your foot, you walk in with their meals and set the final dishes down for them, arranging them in the middle so that all the plates can fit
you’re about to leave when you look at one of the dishes, the pork ribs, it looked not quite right, almost discolored, and you see the visiting grandmaster reach for it with his chopsticks
placing a gentle hand on his, you halt his reach for the food and tear off a strip of the pork with your fingers, looking at the color and then eating it
the Lin Kuei grandmaster does not say anything, simply watches, and you can taste that something’s wrong with the meal, perhaps undercooked
you pick up the dish, bowing your head in apology as you say that there’s something wrong with the meal and that you will return with a properly cooked plate
leaving, you ring in another plate of the pork ribs and head back with a fresh pot of tea and nearly bump into one of the servers, strangely enough
you wrinkle your nose and furrow your brows at the near accident but make your way back to the room with no more hiccups
placing down the tea pot, you lean down to pour them new cups of tea, except when you come back up, your head spins and pain pounds at your forehead
looking down at your fingers, they almost look purple and the room starts to distort and move around you, and you realize the pork had poison in it, or some kind of hallucinogen
leaning to the side to avoid smashing your face into the food, you slur out poison to your grandmaster, and then a splitting pain echoes through your body as you fall to the side, unable to control your own limbs
the world sounds like it’s been put through water, and your stomach has started to cramp, feeling it gurgle and bubble inside of you
you can’t move your hands, your arms, your legs, and your vision goes black as your eyelids close against your own free will
you hope that this isn’t too much of a hindrance on the meeting
it seems to be a blur of black and flashing white as your body heaves and gasps and fights to live, struggling against something that makes your body feel like a weight is crushing your bones to dust
the pain suffocates your lungs, burning with every breath you take and yet at the same time fills with water to keep you from breathing
you’re not sure how long it’s been since you fell down to the floor, but you wake up, body aching but alive
there’s something shoved down your nose, but you can make out the harsh lighting above you through blurry vision
you groan, trying to sit up, and your hands fumble uselessly, still feeling rather stiff
someone blurry appears in your vision, pushing you down by your chest gently and telling you to lay back down
mumbling out something about going back to work and the meeting with the Shirai Ryu, you struggle against them with pathetic attempts, body still too weak to really do anything
the voice is deep and grumbly as it tells you to lay back down, and you blink at your eyes, trying to make out who the hell was telling you to not go to work
your vision finally clears, and the struggle dies in your throat as you look face to face with your grandmaster to your left and then the Shirai Ryu grandmaster at the foot of the bed
his hand is on your chest still, pushing you down easily now as you stare at them in shock
he thanks you for saving the both of them and that they have apprehended the suspect, and you croak out that it is your pleasure to save them both
your grandmaster frowns at that, saying that you shouldn’t have to protect them, that you are employed under the Lin Kuei as a server and not as a warrior, he should be the one protecting you
the other grandmaster nods, agreeing with the sentiment, and he says that the food tester should’ve caught the poisoning but you had instead, you have done more than needed
he bows to you, and you nearly shoot up out of the bed to tell him not to, that you’re just a servant to help keep things running smoothly at the Lin Kuei
your grandmaster shakes his head and tells you to sit back down, muttering under his breath about how stubborn you were
he pats your chest and tells you to rest for a few weeks, it had been a few days since you had been poisoned, and you would need to rest to regain full strength
nodding dumbly, the two of them bow to you and leave, and you’re left alone with your thoughts
both of the grandmasters bowing to you, it made your head reel with shock and a little bit of pride in yourself
two powerful men who thanked you for saving your life, your grandmasters, oh this was exhilarating
you never thought they would acknowledge you more than a formality, and your heart thump in your chest at the whole ordeal of them bowing to you
you had always been the one to show grace, to show respect, and yet people high above your station had bowed to you
the heart monitor by your bedside starts to beep, and you realize your heart is going a little too fast as a nurse rushes in to make sure everything was okay
you just stare up with a dopey little smile and mouth whisper that the two grandmasters had bowed to you, and the nurse gives you a concerned look as she checks all your vitals
soon enough, she leaves, and you’re left with your thoughts
two grandmasters, huh
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zombiep1lled · 1 year ago
I made this at 5 in the morning.. tbh i don't really remember making this LMAO
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spicybeefnoodles · 1 year ago
'this made me think of you'
summary: kuai liang goes to the local night market
warnings: suggestive at the end :)
a/n: i got carried away, and now the prompt is the side plot to the main plot
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Kuai Liang wandered through the night market, not looking for anything in particular. He absentmindedly twisted the golden wedding band around his finger as he looked through the stalls. The vendors were shouting excitedly and customers bustled about the stalls, but nothing quite caught Kuai Liang’s eyes. Grandmaster Hasashi, his husband, was coming over to the Lin Kuei in a few hours for their weekly meeting, and usually Kuai Liang would be at the Lin Kuei preparing for the Shirai Ryu’s arrival. However, he had felt the sudden urge to visit the local night market and so he had changed into some casual clothes and ordered Cyrax to take charge until he came back.
Almost an hour later, Kuai Liang had bought almost nothing except some cho dofu to snack on as he browsed the stalls and looked over the products. Feeling a bit dejected that he couldn’t find anything, Kuai Liang began to make his way out of the night market, swerving between chattering adults and laughing kids. The Lin Kuei assassin scratched at his face as he watched two parents pick up their giggling child and spin them around in the air. He turned away and rubbed at his neck. Neither he nor Hanzo had time to raise a child, but that didn’t stop Kuai Liang imagining a life where they could.
When he was younger, he had never imagined himself with a family. He was much too busy trying to please his father and complete his training to focus on such frivolous needs. None of the women that Bi Han had brought round had ever caught Kuai Liang’s eye, and so he had never thought about starting a family. He had resigned himself to a lifetime of loneliness, but then Hanzo Hasashi had appeared. The two had spat at first, but the other Grandmaster had made Kuai Liang’s heart stutter. And now that the two had married, the Lin Kuei Grandmaster found himself thinking about starting a family more often than not.
Glancing around as he maneuvered his way through the crowds, Kuai Liang spotted a vendor down the street with a cartful of flowers. He didn’t remember seeing that earlier, but for some reason, the soft petals and bright colors of the carnations drew him in. The vendor visibly brightened seeing Kuai Liang approach.
“Come see! Come see! Very pretty flowers for a very good price!” The vendor said, smiling wide from ear to ear. Kuai Liang nodded and looked through the assortment of flowers that she was selling as she chatted about the meaning of the different types of flowers.
“Would you have anything…” Kuai Liang interrupted the vendor, putting his hand up to silence her, “for a partner?”
“Yes, yes! Of course! We have red roses, very romantic. Only 50 yuan for a bouquet!” The vendor’s eyes gleamed, noticing the golden wedding band on Kuai Liang’s finger. “Are you married? We have some red camellias! It symbolizes great desire, love, romance. It’ll be sure to blow your wife away and get you a lucky night! Only 100 yuan for a bouquet!”
Kuai Liang gave a nervous smile but took a look at the red camellias that the vendor had pointed to. They were beautiful, a bold bright red that seemed to shine in their spot in the cart, and they reminded him of Hanzo. He picked out a bouquet with no noticeable blemishes and paid the fee. The vendor bid him a happy farewell and pocketed the money. No doubt that the vendor had ripped him off, but money was no object and Hanzo was going to arrive soon. Kuai Liang certainly didn’t want to miss his husband’s arrival. The Grandmaster hurried through the crowd, cradling the bouquet in his arms as he tried to avoid bumping the flowers into any person. In his hurried walking and concentrating on the safety of the flowers, he hadn’t noticed a child that was running in his path, and he stumbled over her, sending the both of them to the floor.
Kuai Liang twisted to avoid landing on the child but let go of the flowers to catch himself with his arms. He sat up, rubbing at his wrists, and noticed the child across from him sitting up and starting to sob. The Grandmaster stared at the child, unsure of what to do. When he was a child, he wasn’t allowed to cry, or he would be hit. Or left out to deal with the cold and master his cryomancy. But, as the child started to cry even louder, Kuai Liang scooped the child into his arms, driven by some unknown force, and bounced the child in his arms and tried to calm her down.
“Hey, hey, shh, it’s okay, it’s okay. You’re okay.” Kuai Liang whispered, trying to calm the child. The little girl fisted the cryomancer’s shirt and sobbed into his shoulder. Glancing down, he noticed the flower bouquet on the ground. The Grandmaster picked it up before anyone else could trample over the camellias, but it was to no avail. Kuai Liang frowned as he noticed several of the flowers had broken at the stem, and the remaining flowers were flattened, dirtied and ripped from the stomping of feet.
As if the little girl had a sixth sense for Kuai Liang’s own distress, she began to cry even harder and a few passersby were now staring at the two. The Grandmaster gave a sheepish smile and looked around for the little girl’s parents, hoping to hand off the crying child. The girl clearly had parents that adored her. Hair tied up with ribbons and bows, and a colorful shirt made of a soft material that reminded Kuai Liang of silk. However, no one stepped forward to take the girl off of his hands, instead they all avoided his gaze as he searched through the crowd.
Kuai Liang moved the crumpled flower bouquet into his other hand and stroked the back of the girl’s back as he started walking through the crowd. The movement seemed to sooth the girl as her sobbing turned into quiet sniffles, and the girl loosened her hold on Kuai Liang’s shirt.
“Hey, where are your parents?” The cryomancer asked, still searching through the crowd for any frantic couple looking for their kid.
“I don’t know.” The girl buried her face into Kuai Liang’s shoulder, her voice wavering with unsurety as she clung onto him. Kuai Liang tried not to seem agitated as he adjusted the girl in his grip to hold onto the ruined flower bouquet a little better. The little girl whimpered, and he patted the girl’s back once again.
“It’s okay. Let’s find your parents together, okay? Do you remember where you saw them last?”
“Um, I think they were looking at jewelry. I got bored because they were taking too long.” The little girl answered, and Kuai Liang started walking through the night market, trying to remember where he had seen some jewelry earlier. Unfortunately, several vendors were selling jewelry of all kinds, but it seemed that the girl’s parents were perhaps looking at matching jewelry. Otherwise, Kuai Liang would have to search through every single stall, and there were too many to count trying to sell jewelry. The Grandmaster would have to hurry. No doubt Hanzo had arrived by now and was wondering where he was.
Walking quickly through the streets, Kuai Liang asked the various vendors that were selling matching jewelry if they had seen the little girl’s parents, but none of them had seen them.
Night had now descended upon the town, and the streets had somehow grown much more crowded, and Kuai Liang had a hard time trying to keep the bouquet from being crushed and also soothing the girl at the same time. Eventually, Kuai Liang had exhausted every jewelry stall he could find, and he was itching to get out of the crowd and back to the Lin Kuei.
“...I’m hungry.” The little girl looked expectantly at the Grandmaster.
“What?” As if on cue, Kuai Liang felt his stomach rumble, and he realized that he hadn’t eaten in several hours. He sighed but turned around.
“What do you want to eat?” Kuai Liang shifted the girl in his arms again as he headed to the entrance of the night market, where most of the food vendors were at.
“I like noodles.”
“Okay, let’s get some noodles then, huh?” Kuai Liang waited in line, the girl snuggling into Kuai Liang’s shirt until he reached the front. 
“Can I get two beef noodles?” He fished the money out of his pocket and handed it over to the vendor as the vendor took the money and prepared the noodles right in front of him.
“For you and your daughter!” The vendor flashed a brilliant smile, but Kuai Liang could only sheepishly smile and headed to sit on the outskirts of the market with the girl in tow and sat down on the curb, laying the red camellias as gently as he could onto the ground. Kuai Liang picked up his chopsticks and started eating quickly. He still had to help find the girl’s parents before he could head back, and it was quite late now. It was only a few bites in when he noticed that the girl struggled to pick up the noodles with her own chopsticks.
“Here, let me.” He picked up the noodles with his chopsticks and fed them to the little girl gently, wiping at her mouth with a napkin if any sauce got on her face and keeping the portions small enough so that she could chew. She had only finished half of the portion before she pushed away the bowl from her.
“You should eat all your food. It’ll help you grow big and strong.” Kuai Liang smiled fondly at the little girl as she huffed but begrudgingly opened her mouth for another mouthful of noodles. After some more minutes, the girl and Kuai Liang had finished their food and now sat on the curb, trying to digest. The girl leaned on his side, and Kuai Liang wrapped an arm around her, keeping her close as the chill of the night set in, though he imagined he wasn’t much warmer. Neither of them said anything for a while, just staring at the stars and listening to the bustle of the market behind them.
Kuai Liang went to pick the girl up and continue looking for her parents, but before he could pick her up, he noticed that she had fallen asleep. The cryomancer smiled and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and let her sleep. She must be exhausted. Even Kuai Liang felt tired from walking around the market for several hours. Just as he felt his eyelids slip close, he heard the familiar call of his name.
“Kuai Liang!”
He cracked open his eyeslids and stared up at Hanzo, looking quite out of breath and dressed in full Shirai Ryu uniform. The man glanced between Kuai Liang and the little girl asleep at his side.
“Who is that?” Hanzo asked, kneeling down to take a closer look at the girl.
“Some girl. She had gotten lost at the market. Here. I saw them and thought of you.” Kuai Liang picked up the bouquet and handed it to Hanzo. “I dropped them, and they got trampled. Sorry.”
Hanzo chuckled and pressed a kiss to Kuai’s forehead. “They’re beautiful either way. Thank you. I suppose you haven’t found the girl’s parents yet?”
Kuai Liang shook his head and tucked the girl a little closer in his arms. “I’m not sure where her parents could be. Perhaps it is time to turn her over to the police. Her parents have probably already filed a report for her.”
Hanzo just hummed, staring at how Kuai Liang had an arm wrapped around her and the empty noodle containers right next to them. “It seems like you’ve grown an attachment to the girl.”
“What? No, I haven’t.” Kuai Liang straightened his posture but kept his protective embrace over the girl. “I’m just keeping her safe. That’s it.”
“Yes, of course. Speaking of which.”
Kuai Liang looked to the entrance of the market, seeing a couple frantically rush out of the town and look around before spotting the girl.
“Oh my goodness! Xiang Hu!” The two parents cried out as they rushed toward Kuai Liang and Hanzo. The little girl woke up at the noise, but at the sight of her parents, wiggled excitedly out of Kuai Liang’s grip and into her parent’s awaiting arms. 
“Mama! Papa!” The little girl shouted as she flung herself into her father’s arms. He hugged the little girl, tears streaming down his face as the little girl recalled her tale of wandering around the market with Kuai Liang. The mother held onto the cryomancer’s hands, crying as she thanked him.
“Ah, it was no problem. She was a delight.” Kuai Liang looked at the girl fondly as her mother went and pinched her cheek and embraced the little girl. The parents finally stood up after some time and started to walk away, but the little one broke from their grip and rushed back to Kuai Liang. She hugged his legs.
“Thank you for helping me find my parents, uncle.”
Kuai Liang chuckled and kneeled down. “Be a good girl for your parents, yeah?” The little girl nodded and rushed back to parents, and they waved goodbye. As he watched the happy family walk away, his heart held a small ache knowing he would never be able to have a family like that.
“Come on, my heart. Let’s go back home.” Hanzo held out his hand for Kuai Liang, and they both disappeared in a column of flame. When Kuai Liang found himself back in front of his own abode at the Lin Kuei, he let out a sigh of relief and dragged Hanzo into his room. The pyromancer was strangely quiet as Kuai Liang left him in his bedroom and took a warm soothing shower, rubbing away the dirt and stress of the day. As he stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his hips, Kuai Liang found Hanzo now dressed in plain clothes looking at the trampled flowers that he had placed in a vase he had somehow found.
Kuai Liang winced as he looked at the state of the flowers. In the moonlight and rosy lights of the vendors, they hadn’t looked too bad, but now in the overhead lights of Kuai Liang’s room, the flowers looked much worse. Several of the remaining flowers were missing petals, and the ones that had petals were ripped up at the edges and had the dark imprint of shoes on them. The stems were all uneven, and the bouquet looked very frazzled all around.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I can get you better ones-”
“No, no. They’re gorgeous. Thank you very much, my heart.” Hanzo reached. “I didn’t get you anything though.” The Shirai Ryu Grandmaster pulled Kuai Liang in by the hips and started kissing at his neck, and the cryomancer shivered.
“It-it was a spontaneous decision. They were so beautiful, and I thought of you.” Kuai Liang let out a whimper as Hanzo sucked a dark bruise into a particularly sensitive part of his neck.
“Well, I have an idea of what I could give you.” Hanzo started stepping forward, forcing Kuai Liang to move backwards until the back of his knees hit of his bed, and they both fell onto the plush bed.
“Wh-what?” Kuai Liang looked up, a dazed expression in his eyes as Hanzo straddled Kuai Liang’s hips and sat up to strip off his shirt.
“I saw the way you looked at the girl. You want a child, don’t you? I want one too. Hmm, you looked so wonderful taking care of that girl.” Hanzo whispered into Kuai Liang’s ears, and the cryomancer’s cheeks heated up.
“I-I mean. Are you sure? You want a child with me?” Kuai Liang’s voice cracked as he asked, insecurity creeped into his voice. Kuai Liang was old, and he wasn’t even sure he could conceive anymore.
“Of course, my heart. I want to do everything with you.” Hanzo unwrapped Kuai Liang’s towel, and the cryomancer knew he was in for a long night. It seemed that the vendor was right after all. Kuai Liang did get lucky that night.
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quozacheese · 2 years ago
extra doodles from yesterday
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sillyheartnerd · 5 months ago
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In my opinion, the three of them are like this.🥹
And, don't let blind people drive.😫
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amiaomaomao · 5 months ago
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rkanahi · 5 months ago
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Study sketch ✨
My twitter | ko-fi
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karabjrn · 1 year ago
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they're living in my head rent-free 😩
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mado008 · 4 months ago
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Тгк: @pipi_mad
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iliketangerines · 1 year ago
need a hanzo smut pls he’s so fine and nobody seems to write for him💔
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for my honor
a/n: hanzo is pretty fine, but tbh, i can't see him anyone else other than kuai liang, which is why i think there's so little about him.
pairing: hanzo hasashi x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), creampies, cockwarming (sort of), mentions of pussyeating and overstimulation
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Hanzo Hasashi had not thought much of you when he first saw you on his travels to the Mortal Kombat tournament
a man with a samurai sword, masked with your hair tied into a long ponytail
you were none of his concern, he was off to find and kill Sub-Zero at the tournament, and you were simply someone he crossed paths with
and then you kept appearing on his path, sometimes behind him, sometimes ahead of him, and he grew antsy, paranoid that you were someone Sub-Zero had sent to kill him
and then, one night by the fire as he laid down and looked at the stars, you came toward him, sword sheathed completely and hands in your robes
he asked you who you were, you said you were a samurai looking for the Mortal Kombat tournament and that you wanted to kill Sektor for destroying your clan
Hanzo didn’t know much about Sektor except that he was part of the Lin Kuei underneath Sub-Zero
and so your tentative friendship started
your travels to the tournament were mostly uneventful, but Hanzo learned about you on your journey to the island
you were gruff, voice low and gravely, and you always wore a mask to hide your face from the world, even Hanzo took off his mask at times to remind himself of his remaining humanity
you were a good companion, catching and killing prey to cook and eat with Hanzo, and although he did not need to eat as someone dead and reborn, he appreciated the thought
though it was strange how you never ate at the same time he did, he never saw you without the mask
you two grew close as you two got closer to the island, and he wondered what you looked like underneath it all, if you were as beautiful as he imagined
and then you both arrived at the island and Hanzo completed his task while you completed yours
you had been a beauty, sword deadly and bright as you flayed Sektor alive, easily and effortlessly as he made measly attempts against you
he would not forget your snarls and angry eyes as you killed him, and he found himself enamored with you and your deadliness
but, it had all been for nothing, and he came underneath the control of Quan Chi once more and found that his master had been the one to kill his family
and then he broke free, and he wondered where you were
you had been a good traveling companion, patient, firm and blunt yet still kind, but he shakes you from his mind and focuses on rebuilding his clan
and then one day while visiting the Lin Kuei rebuilt underneath Kuai Liang, he sees you, casually teaching the initiates some moves
you still look the same, maybe more tired, but there you were, masked with your ponytail high in your hair
he approaches you, a little nervous, feeling too warm despite the hellfire running through his veins, and you recognize him, eyes lighting up at the sight of him
he asks to catch up with you, to have a meeting between two old friends, and you agree and say there’s a night market in the town below tonight
the day passes by for him as he catches up with Kuai Liang, who asks how he knows of you
he says he met you on his travels to the first Mortal Kombat tournament, and Kuai Liang hums as he continues the meeting
Hanzo dresses himself to seem more casual, and he waits for you by the entrance
there you stand, mask still on, hair still up, but looking less deadly without the sword by your side
you bring him down to the markets and bring him around to the vendors, buying food and trinkets for him to take back to the Shirai Ryu
you do not eat and Hanzo urges you to, you must be starving
you seem hesitant but take off your mask, and Hanzo was wrong
you were more beautiful than he could ever imagine, and he smiles at the sight of your face
you scowl at him and tell him to eat his food so that you two could go back up to the base, and Hanzo laughs before digging into his food
you two make your way up, and he bids you farewell
but he cannot sleep, and he decides to take a trip to the hot springs, to relax his mind and chase you away from his thoughts
he enters and finds you undressing as well, and he goes to greet you again, to make a joke about he always seems to find you
you take off your robe and bandages wrap around your chest, thick and tight, Hanzo watches in silence, confused, were you harmed?
but you take them off and when you do, Hanzo realizes why you never take off your mask and speak so low, you were hiding your body to avoid the stares of people, you were hiding to be a man and not risk the fate of a woman in a cruel world
you strip off the rest of your clothes, and Hanzo realizes he should not be watching, that he has invaded your privacy and he turns but knocks his head against the doorway
you whip your head around and grip onto your towel tightly as you spot Hanzo
Hanzo holds his hands up and says he did not mean to see and that he does not judge, you are someone he respects and he would never think of you differently
you lower your guard slightly and wave him to come over when he asks if he can join as well
he struggles to keep his eyes off you as you relax in the water and lean against the wall, your chest above the water, and Hanzo can see your body through the clear water
you were gorgeous, toned legs, plush chest, a million scars to tell your story
Hanzo shakes his head and slides into the hot springs across from you to try and relax, but he finds it harder and harder as thoughts of you run through his mind
you seem unbothered, eyes staring up into the ceiling as a red flush settles across your face, but your fingers nervously tap against each other
Hanzo notices and asks what’s bothering you, hoping that a conversation would distract him from his plight and growing arousal
you clear your throat and say it’s nothing, but you squeeze your thighs together and look away as you sink a little deeper into the water
Hanzo raises an eyebrow and suddenly he’s not so sure his feelings aren’t reciprocated
he gets a bit closer to you, and your eyes dart to him but you don’t move
Hanzo decides to try his luck and settles into the water next to you, pressing his shoulder into your yours, and you suck in a small breath
but you don’t move away, and Hanzo smiles
he leans into you, and you duck your head down as he asks if you’ve ever been to the hot springs before this
you turn to him and mutter out a no, and Hanzo smiles before reaching his hand up tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear
he keeps his hand there, and he can almost hear the way your heart thumps in your chest
he asks if this is okay, and you breathe out a yes before he leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips
your hands come up underneath his arms and grip onto his back as he groans into the kiss
you taste so sweet, and Hanzo wants more
he cups the back of your neck to bring you closer into him, pressing his chest into yours and slotting his leg in between your soft thighs
he can feel the way your clit grinds against his thigh, and you let out little mewls of pleasure as you start to move your hips against his leg
he pulls away and moves his hands down to hold onto your hips and grind you against his thigh, and your hands move up to clutch onto his shoulders
he watches your face contort in pleasure as he grinds you on his thigh, and he loves how you look so fucked-out already
you whine as starts to bounce his leg in the water, and he smiles
you’re such a sensitive little thing, aren’t you?
he leans back down to kiss you, and you hands clumsily make their way down to stroke his hard cock
Hanzo groans at the feeling as you pump him, and you press your thumb into the slit to get him to let out a grunt
his hands dig into your hips, and his fingers leave small bruises as you stroke his cock and he grinds you against his thigh
your whines get louder, and you moan out that you need him right now, need him to fuck you please
Hanzo wants to sit you on the ledge of the hot springs, pleasure you with his tongue and his fingers until you’re a whiny boneless mess
he wants to tease you until you’re begging him for more, and he wants to make you cum so many times that you beg him to stop
but he wants to fuck you right now, needs to fuck you, and he lifts you up in the water so that your cunt lines up with his dick
he groans as you sink onto him, so wet and tight for him, and you’re no better, whimpering as you dig your nails into his back and tell him to move impatiently
he chuckles at your impatience, but he’s no better as he holds onto your hips and starts bouncing you on his cock, groaning at the feeling of you around him
you whine at the stretch and lean your head back, and Hanzo takes the opportunity to kiss your neck, sucking hickeys into the skin
you reach one of your hands down to rub at your clit, and it makes your cunt spasm around his dick
Hanzo groans and has to stop himself from cumming so soon, and he bites into your neck to regain his self-control
you whine at he feeling and your hips buck into his as he continues to fuck into you
you’re so warm and tight, and he wants to keep you like this in his arms, a strong samurai all needy and whiny just for him
he’s no better, a Shirai Ryu warrior reduced to a groaning mess as he bounces you on his cock, and he goes in to kiss you
you moan into the kiss, and he presses his tongue into your mouth, needing to taste you and your sweetness again
the sound of splashing water and yours and his moans echo in the hot springs room as you both reach your highs
you let out a loud whine as your cunt clamps down on Hanzo’s cock, and you cum
Hanzo grits his teeth and spills his seed inside of you, fucking the both of you through your orgasms, and you rest your forehead against his shoulder as he finally lets go of your waist
he traces the scars on your back as he lets his cock soften inside of you
but neither of you move to get off each other, too warm and drunk on the afterglow of pleasure to move, and the two of you sit in the hot springs relaxed in each other’s arms
finally, as your fingers start to prune, he slides out of you and gets out of the water, helping you out
the both of you dress, and he holds onto your hand before you can leave
he asks you what you two are, if this was just a fling or if it was something more, and he hopes you say it’s something more
you intertwine your fingers with his, and you say that you’ll have him if he’ll have you?
he smiles and pulls you in for a soft kiss, starting a new journey with his love
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zombiep1lled · 1 year ago
a few doodles..
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Ugh I'm so upset cuz I have to buy new nibs for my stylus but I don't even have 8 dollars to do that 💀
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this is from my phone
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wellpartonme · 7 months ago
In the middle off kombat? Cmon now
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payasobabas69 · 8 months ago
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nightmarerodent · 7 months ago
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