#hanyu yuzuru + on ice = teapot XD
wherespacepooh · 7 years
More snippets from Media Day: the bond at TCC, pranks during photo session (B.B.Mook Web)
Additional snippets and photo captions from 2017-18 Media Day reported by Shinichi Yamaguchi of Figure Skate Magazine (B.B.Mook). 
1. The bond between members of Team Yuzu 2. Yuzu making his entrance the same way on Day 2 3. Yuzu being a hilarious brat at the shoot (yes, the infamous one ^_^||) 4. Souvenir for the reporters, photographers, everyone working at the outlets + a special message for them.
Translated by gladi. Feel free to repost text with credit. All photos taken by Ryosuke Menjyu, images belong to B.B.Mook. 
Source: http://www.bbm-japan.com/_ct/17115380
1. The bond between members of Team Yuzu
(Caption:  During open practice, scenes that made us feel his close ties with the staff were everywhere. Combined with the words from coach Brian Orser, I was struck anew by the unity of the team behind the reversal at the World Championships in Helsinki.)
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Personally, what left the deepest impression in my mind was the strong connection within Team Hanyu. Coaches Brian Orser and Tracy Wilson, and choreographer Shae-lynn Bourne talked (t/n at length O_O) about Hanyu’s personal character and performance. Furthermore, they spoke about this season’s programs and the Pyeongchang Olympics, but I was made aware, once again, the sheer weight of sending even a single athlete to the Olympics.
All 3 of, as Hanyu’s elders, have been through various experiences. With great respect for Hanyu, who’ve ascended to the top of the world, they also foresee at the same time the dangers stemming from being [too much of a] hard worker, and are able to dispense advice that is appropriate to the situation. The backdrop to all this is their ongoing bond with Hanyu, the exchange of ideas amongst coaches, and even further down to the roots of it all––one can really feel their love and affection for Hanyu and their professionalism as mentors. 
2.  Yuzuru making his entrance the same way on Day 2
(t/n he was instructed to follow a particular course by a JSF staff on Day 1 XD)
(Caption:  The same entrance on Day 2 of the open practice as Day 1. In such great form that even shoots like this are enjoyable.)
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3. Yamaguchi pranked at the photo session
I’ve also covered this in the current issue, but Hanyu’s bounciness (t/n high spirits, playfulness) during the photo session left an extraordinarily deep impression. This photo session was a precious opportunity for each outlet to do their own respective photography, making use of the Cricket Club courtyard [as backdrop]. In order not to overlap with each other––“Is it okay if we take it here?” “Then, our side will be here”––the photographers made adjustments in advance (t/n they may have, but Kiss&Cry and Figure Skate Magazine still look the same 😱😂), and took turns to do their shoots, one outlet at a time. There were publishers who only did the individual interviews but not the photo session, so Figure Skate Magazine was 4th out of 9 outlets.
Our exchange were as follows:
Yamaguchi Hanyu-senshu, please can you stand right here? Just slightly incline your body, no need to make any particular expression, stare at the camera… Yep, all right then, please do so!
Hanyu    Understood! (Silently grasps the reporter’s hands, and faces the camera with a smile)
Yamaguchi    Oi! Oi! Huh? What?
Menjyu    Ahahahaha. It’ll be a great memento, won’t you do it? Then, first shot, here goes!
(Caption:  One shot from the photo session. A world champion who holds the hands of a dangerous character, self-described “stalker and terrorist,” and looks the camera in the eye. This man knows no limits ((lit. borderless man)!)
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Yamaguchi    No, um… Hanyu-senshu, there is no time, so… eh? Eh?
Hanyu    (strengthens his grip as if saying, "Nope, not letting go!” and continues to smile, facing the camera)
Yamaguchi    No really, um…. there really isn’t time! Let’s do this properly? Please?
Hanyu    (let go of hands as if he’s saying “I guess that’s enough, I’ll let you off”. But, slightly fishy gaze)
Yamaguchi    What’s wrong––those eyes? I wonder what’s wrong––
Hanyu (this time changing his expression one second at a time)
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Yamaguchi    There was something, wasn’t it? Why are you doing this––
Hanyu    (Sudden sharp gaze)
Menjyu    Ohhhhh, that’s great! Let’s do a few shots just like that. (snap, snap, snap… shutter going off)
Yamaguchi    ………… (dazed and flooded with relief)
Menjyu    All right! This scene is okay! Then––as if you’re leaning against that chair over there…..yes, yes! Just like that, a couple shots! (shutter goes off) All right! It’s a wrap!
*Time is up* (t/n according to the magazine report, the entire photo session was 16 minutes long. Shared amongst all 9 outlets… for an average of less than 2 minutes per?! o_O)
Hanyu    Thank you very much! I’m so sorry, it was such a short period of time. Thank you very much! (ran off in a hurry to where the next outlet was)
There were five outlets waiting for their turn after us, but we could hear the chatter (laced with wry laughter) amongst some photographers who were close to Hanyu: “How was it, today?” “Oh jeez, this photo can’t be used, can it!” It’s been decided that the other companies won’t look over when a photoshoot is taking place, so we don’t know the full picture but… Yuzuru Hanyu, are you a brat….?
Before the photo session, when Menjyu and I were discussing where to do our shoot, we immediately came to a conclusion. “Let’s have him stand in front of this tree here? He doesn’t have to go out of his way to smile or make a particular expression, let’s have Hanyu-senshu at his most natural state.” He had had great practices, and we’d also felt the wonderful relationship between him and the staff. That being the case, there was no need to overly embellish, was there?
4. Souvenir for the reporters, photographers, everyone working at the outlets + a special message for them.
(Caption: Special clear files distributed to the press. “Everyone else back at work too, please feel free”––the files were bagged up and handed to us. When we returned to work, colleagues, mainly the ladies, kept showing up, and the files were gone in a flash.)
Yuzuru’s message on the files for all the reporters + photographers + their colleagues back at work:
Last season, everyone has helped so much and taken such great care of me. This season too, I am going to perform like myself, with my utmost effort! Thank you for your continued support, hereon into the future! 
2017.8.08-09. Yuzuru Hanyu 
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