#hans werckmeister
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weirdlookindog · 10 months ago
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Algol - Tragödie der Macht (1920)
AKA Algol: Tragedy of Power
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fourorfivemovements · 2 years ago
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Films Watched in 2023: 72. Algol - Tragödie der Macht/Algol - Tragedy of Power (1920) - Dir. Hans Werckmeister
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fullcolorfright · 8 months ago
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Algol: Tragedy of Power (1920, dir. Hans Werckmeister, German)
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minayuri · 2 years ago
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Gertrude Welcker! ❤️
(July 16, 1896 – August 1, 1988)
Gertrude Welcker was a stage and silent film actress; her film career was short lived, lasting from 1917 to 1925. The role she’s best known as, the alluring and enigmatic Countess Dusy Told of Fritz Lang’s 1922 epic crime thriller masterpiece, Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler.
Below is a summary of her life and career, with the people she had collaborated with as an actress.
She was born in Dresden, Saxony, Germany on July 16, 1896. Her younger brother Herbert was born in 1898. Gertrude’s father worked as editor-in-chief and general manager of the Posener Tageblatt, he died in 1909.
During the First World War, she visited Max Reinhardt’s acting school in Berlin. In 1915-16, she had starred in productions at the Albert Theatre in her hometown. During the years of 1916-19, Welcker performed at Deutsches, Kammerspiele, and Volksbühne theatres. Her stage roles include portraying a prostitute in August Strindberg’s Meister Olaf, Lesbia in Friedrich Hebbel's Gyges and His Ring, Recha in Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s Nathan the Wise, Sister Martha in Gerhart Hauptmann's The Ascension of Little Hannele, and Desdemona and Jessica in William Shakespeare’s Othello and Merchant of Venice respectively.
Her film debut in 1917 was in Felix Basch’s Eine Nacht in der Stahlkammer as Jane Kendall, starring Harry Liedtke as her husband. Her next film was as an angel in Hans Trutz in the Land of Plenty, starring and directed by her stage collaborator Paul Wegener. The film also featured film director Ernst Lubitsch who portrayed Satan.
In 1918, she was in Lupu Pick’s Der Weltspielgel with Bernd Aldor and Reinhold Schünzel. She also starred in Viggo Larsen's The Adventure of a Ball Night with Paul Bildt and Paul Biensfeldt.
Welcker was also in Carl Froelich’s Der Tänzer with Walter Janssen.
She was the lead in the low-budget films, Die Geisha und der Samurai in 1919 and Eine Frau mit Vergangenheit in 1920.
Gertrude Welcker acted in films alongside Conrad Veidt, but those films are sadly considered lost. They portrayed siblings in F.W. Murnau’s Evening – Night – Morning and in Carl Boese’s Nocturne of Love, with Veidt as Frederic Chopin. (I, for one, would’ve loved for her to have been in a film as one of his leading ladies!)
In Hans Werckmeister’s 1920 sci-fi film, Algol: Tragedy of Power, she portrayed Leonore Nissen opposite Emil Jannings. It also starred Hanna Ralph, Hans Adalbert Schlettow (whom Welcker would appear with in Part II of Dr. Mabuse), and John Gottowt. The sets of the film were designed by The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’s Walter Reimann.
She also appeared in Richard Oswald’s Lady Hamilton in 1921 as Arabella Kelly, in her first scene she is seen with Theodor Loos.
In 1922, Welcker portrayed her most infamous role as Countess Told in Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler starring Rudolf Klein-Rogge, with Aud Egede-Nissen, Alfred Abel, and Bernhard Goetzke. Also, in that same year - Welcker was in Carl Froelich’s Luise Millerin, an adaptation of Friedrich Schiller's Intrigue and Love as Lady Emilie Milford, another of her noteworthy roles. Previously, she was in a stage production portraying the role of Lady Milford's maid, Sophie. The film's all-star cast featured Lil Dagover as the title character, Paul Hartmann, Walter Janssen, Friedrich Kühne, Fritz Kortner, Werner Krauss, and Reinhold Schünzel.
She portrayed the villainess Gesine von Orlamünde of Arthur von Gerlach’s 1925 period drama film, Chronicles of the Grey House. It stars Lil Dagover, Paul Hartmann, Rudolf Forster, and Rudolf Rittner. Thea von Harbou was the film’s screenwriter with music composed by Gottfried Huppertz.
Her final film role was in Goetz von Berlichingen of the Iron Hand as Adelheid von Walldorf. She continued to act on stage until 1930. She has a total of 64 film credits to her name.
Around July 1930, Welcker married the Swedish painter Otto Gustaf Carlsund. She met him while on a trip to Paris. Their marriage lasted until August of 1937 and had no children. Before WWII broke out, she worked as an editor for UFA and by 1941, was active for the Red Cross. Some time before the war's end, she managed to leave for Sweden, and lived the rest of her life there.
It’s a great loss that so many of the films Gertrude Welcker did are considered lost and that her career as a film actress was as short as it was. Certainly, that many of those lost films showcased her great versatility. Gertude Welcker carried a remarkable set of talent, grace, beauty, charisma, and wit and is one of my most favorite actresses of the silent era I love.
Her filmography can be viewed here and here.
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crypticsalutations · 3 years ago
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“Your wife is dead, your son your enemy, your daughter far from you. Has rulership of the Earth made you happy?” Hello my beauties, how are you today? 🥀 We are so happy to announce that the sixth in our series of 'Best Of Season 1' mixes has finally manifested from the depths vicious, vampiric, and smeared in black paint. An hour of indulgent underground goth rock lies ahead, if you dare proceed... Lose yourself within the astral plane painted by artists such as Radio Werewolf, The Naked and The Dead, Cipher, and more with this carefully curated genre-focused enigma! 🔮 Listen here! Image from Algol: Tragedy of Power (1920) directed by Hans Werckmeister
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sesiondemadrugada · 5 years ago
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Algol - Tragödie der Macht (Hans Werckmeister, 1920).
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Algol - Tragödie der Macht (Hans Werckmeister, 1920)
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oldschoolsciencefiction · 6 years ago
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Quiet please! We’re going silent with tonight’s entertainment at Casa Old School Sci Fi and watching Hans Werckmeister’s 1920 science fiction film “Algol: Tragedy of Power (German: Algol. Tragödie der Macht)”. A demonic alien from the Algol (Beta Persei) system gives a man the secret to a revolutionary power generation technology which causes a global upheaval.
Link with English subtitles HERE.
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chrryblssmninja · 5 years ago
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Ernst Hofmann as Reginald in Algol – Tragödie der Macht (1920, Hans Werckmeister)
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andanadadesol · 6 years ago
FOTOS: Nuevo mural en una fachada de Vitoria
El concejal de Participación y Transparencia, Borja Rodríguez, junto con otros ediles del consistorio, han acudido a la inauguración de un nuevo mural en la ciudad vinculado al proyecto de paisajes muralísticos en fachadas que gestiona ese departamento y cuyos responsables han sido Verónica Werckmeister, Alexei Lacalle y decenas de vecinas y vecinos del barrio […]
La entrada FOTOS: Nuevo mural en una fachada de Vitoria aparece primero en Norte Exprés | Noticias de Vitoria-Gasteiz y Álava..
from Norte Exprés | Noticias de Vitoria-Gasteiz y Álava.
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theoszczepanski · 9 years ago
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mascher-so · 9 years ago
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cultfaction · 10 years ago
Cult Movie Essentials: Algol (1920)
Cult Movie Essentials: Algol (1920)
The story follows the life of Robert Herne, who works in a coal mine, and his friendship with Maria Obal. While working in the mine, he encounters an inhabitant of the planet Algol who gives him a prototype machine which can provide a virtually unlimited source of power. Over the next year Herne sets up a factory providing energy; however, instead of simply relieving workers of the difficult job…
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suchacuriousperson-blog · 12 years ago
¡Ay de mí! que transforme la energía en poder
"Algol" Hans Werckmeister
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Algol - Tragödie der Macht (Hans Werckmeister, 1920)
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the-waters-of-lethe · 12 years ago
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- Hans Werckmeister, still from Algol: Tragedy of Power (1920)
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