hannahatotago · 6 years
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Sunday 20th of Janurary
This is a couple days late but, this was Sunday.
I was struggling to do anything on Sunday. And frustrated with myself.
So I moved everything to the kitchen table and blocked every distracting website for 3 hours and got lots of work done!
This isn't to say I didn't get distracted but I still got it done 😊
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hannahatotago · 7 years
What to do over summer?
It’s summer here in New Zealand, and frankly that means boredom and oversleeping. I want to do something over summer to keep me stimulated. Any ideas? 
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hannahatotago · 5 years
It was my first day at uni today, it's my last first day at school.
I'm on placement now so it's not really uni but it feels like more than uni now. It was tiring today being present all day and having so many new things going on. There was a myriad of new people and places and sounds (although one was the exact sound of my alarm). I don't really know what to make of it all, I haven't formed an opinion about it, just that it was today and it was a lot.
Thanks for reading
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