#hanji x erwin
punkheichou · 8 months
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Art by Lewa
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lazyexcuse · 10 months
*Y/n and Levi training*
Levi, wiping the blood from his lips with a smirk: “Oh yeah? Is that the best you can do?”
Y/n, holding back tears: “Yeah actually, I’m trying really hard..”
Levi, standing up straight, shocked: “Oh.. ok.. hey— it’s ok—“
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ponderingmoonlight · 11 months
Levi being separated from his wife for years after joining the scouts but finding his way back to her
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Pairing: husband!Levi x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,7k
Synopsis: Just before Erwin was about to catch you in the underground city, Levi begs you to stay behind and promises to return. Years pass, years in which he never reached out once. Until an unexptected visitor knocks on your door.
Warnings: heavy angst to comfort, the last part is not proofread so have mercy, please let me know what you think as this is the second aot fanfic I'm posting <3
Tags: @lees-chaotic-brain @sanicsmut @levislegislation
Click here for a cute little spin off
You move with almost frightening speed around the countless buildings, escaping the hands of the blonde male behind you by razor’s edge. Why the hell are the survey corps so much stronger than the military police? So skilled with the 3D manoeuvre gear that it’s almost scary, haunting after you so fast that it’s getting harder and harder to escape their grasps. But everything is going according to plan, right? You need to get yourself caught, you need to join the survey crops, you-
“Move to the left. Just keep going and don’t look back. You are skilled enough to escape them alone.”
Your glossy eyes dart towards your husband in disbelief. No, he can’t be serious about what he just said. That would mean…
“But we’ll get separated”, you argue.
Levi is fully aware of what he’s asking from you. But given the neck-breaking speed and the skills of the people behind you, the risk of getting caught is greater than the benefit of staying together. And that man…Even though he promised you the world, Levi could tell by the sound of his voice that he isn’t trustworthy. He might go to hell, he might die in the process, but you.
There is absolutely no way in hell he’ll risk your life.
At least you’d be safe, even if it means he’ll be away from you for some time.  
“I never intended on taking you with me, (y/n). If we’ll get separated, I will come and find you here. I promise.”
His words don’t make any sense while you shake your head in mistrust. But you agreed on going together, all four of you. Why would you stay behind, why would he even suggest something like that?
“(y/n), I don’t want to lose you because of a mission. Please, move left.”
You don’t know what to do, mind completely clouded by anger, fear and uncertainty. You would trust your husband with everything, laying your life right into his hands. But this? This means you might never see again, this means he’ll leave you here for who knows how long, this means your husband could lose his life for freedom.
“But what if I lose you?”
“You will never lose me. I promise I’ll come back to you, just trust me with this one. I love you, (y/n).”
You take a deep breath, the next intersection coming closer and closer. It’s time to make a decision.
Will you move left like Levi begged you to or will you move right and followi him like you initially planned?  
With a load of gas you propel yourself past a building, moving with horrendous speed down the tight side streets of the underground.
One last glance. One last glance into the eyes of the man who is the only light in your life, one last glance into the cold blue eyes of the man who is now chasing after him.
“You better come back to me, Levi Ackerman”, you mutter to yourself while holding back bitter tears.
-a few years later-
“Take it or leave it. I will find someone else who’ll buy it.”
“Are you up on sale too?”
That’s enough. With a swift motion, you pierce through the man’s dirty hand with your knife before turning around and leaving his house in company of his pathetic screams.
It’s been years. Years since Levi go taken away from you by that blonde man with blue eyes, years since he promised that he’ll come back.
But he never did. With fast and skilled motions, you swing around, making your way back home before the military police starts getting on your nerves again.
Everything seems so cold since he left. Your worn-down house, the bed you used to share, your whole fucking life. Who knows what happened after they got caught. Are all of them still alive? Maybe something went wrong, maybe they die-
No. You shake your head vehemently. This is simply not possible. Levi Ackerman would never die through the hands of a titan, let alone a member of the survey corps. That’s absolutely impossible, unbelievable to say the least. Maybe he started a new life on the surface with his friends, lying under the sun right now while eating the most exquisite food.
Good for him. If you weren’t still stuck in this hell.
A few harsh knocks on the door rip you out of your dreams.
“Who the hell is this?”, you grumble to yourself.
You don’t expect any visitors today. To be exact, you never expected anyone to visit you. So who could this be? The man you threatened before? The military police officers you stole from? Whatever, you will figure it out somehow.
But when you open the door, you aren’t greeted by the face of a disgusting officer. No, you stare right into ice-blue eyes.
“When will you finally let me get her?”
He missed you every single day since you parted your way back then in the underground city. How are you? What are you doing? Are you even alive? Levi’s hands clenched into fist just by the thought of it. Countless lonely night that felt so empty without you by his side, countless people he lost during the process. If you knew what happened…
“Is a woman really that important to you? She must be someone really special if you’re still asking about her”, Erwin commented, staring at the captain sitting in front of him with eagle eyes.
Yes, he does remember you. The girl who took the left path back then, the only one him and his squad weren’t able to catch.
“She is my wife. If you don’t allow me to get her, I will quit my service”, Levi suddenly barked at his commander.
How unexpected. Even though Erwin could tell that you’ve meant something to him when he decided to leave you in the underground city, he never thought his relations to you would go that deep.
“Fine, if that’s what you wish I’ll go and escort her.”
“I will get her myself-“
“You have a job to do, remember? I will take Moblit with me, it shouldn’t take long, given she cooperates.”
Did he even have a choice? One look into Erwin’s face showed him more than urgent that this is nothing to be discussed. And even though he hates to admit it, somehow Erwin is right. These brats were unpredictable, along with Hange.
“Fine”, Levi finally grumbled.
As long as you’ll finally be back in his arms, he won’t complain.
“You”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
Your whole body begins to tremble in thick rage, eyes darting right through his spoiled soul. His eyes haunted you in your dreams, how he talked to your husband back then, how they pushed his gorgeous face into the dirt. You will never forgive him. No, nothing in the world could make you forgive the blonde man in front of you who stole your life away from you so cruel.
“Where is Levi?”
“Maybe if you calm down-“
“SHUT UP”, you immediately interrupt the other man behind him.
“You will pay for all these fucking years I had to live without him. You will pay for every sleepless night, for every tear that I cried. You will pay with your own pathetic life!”
With a swift motion, you lower the knife out of your sleeve, ready to hit his carotid artery with full force.
Until you suddenly fall to the ground, the last thing you are able to see being this asshole’s boots before everything turns black…
Silence, darkness, nothingness.
“You didn’t have to hit her this hard. Levi will definitely make you pay for punching his wife”, Erwin comments dryly before gently lifting your numb body over his shoulder.
“His wife, huh? No wonder she’s so feisty, what a pain in the ass”, Moblit remarks.
“I understand her anger. After all, I hid her husband for multiple years from her. Let’s see how she acts when she wakes up…”
-back at the base camp-
“Who’s this woman?”, Eren mumbles into his best friend’s ear, staring at the lifeless female body laying in front of Erwin’s feet.
“They just came back with her. But nobody seems to know who she is”, Armin clarifies.
Everything hurts. Your back, your head, your limbs feel like falling off every second. You feel like hit by a horse…Did the military police catch you? Did someone come for you? Impossible…
You rub your head, lids blinking against the harsh light. Where the hell are you? And why is it so damn bright here? This definitely isn’t the candle in the middle of your bedroom.
You lift your trembling limbs off the ground, groaning when a new wave of nausea rolls over you. God, why do you feel so bad? You can’t even remember what happened last. You were at the underground, you made a deal with that asshole, you returned home, it knocked.
It knocked.
Your eyes widen in pure horror when his face lights up in your head. He. He was there. The man who stole your life from you, the man who took your husband with him.
“I’m glad you’re awake, he should return every minute-“
Your eyes roam around without an aim until his cold blue eyes meet yours.
“You took everything from me!” you scream on top of your lungs.
The air around you heats up immediately, all the voices quieting down in an instant when your trembling index finger darts towards commander Erwin Smith.
“You took my life from me, you stole my husband and now you kidnap me! I’ve had enough, you’ll pay for all your sins, for how miserable you made my life! Do you know how many lonely nights I begged for him to return, that I even started praying for him to come back home to me? You promised freedom but caged me to the underground in my hopeless dream of him returning someday!”
Again, you shoot towards him with your knife in your hand. Fuck, you hate the way hot tears start to sting in your eyes and take your sight, but you can’t help yourself. This man in front of you is the epitome of living hell, the reason you suffered all these goddamn years. You aim for his neck, ready to slice him open like a fish along with a toe-curling scream that escapes your trembling lips.
The sheer force of a pair of fingers wrapped around your wrist is enough to make you stop. This almost sounded like…
“I have to explain all this to you calmly. Please put down your knife, (y/n).”
“You have some fucking nerve”, you mutter under your breath, eyes darting towards him for the first time in years.
He looks just like you remember him, figure roaming over you for a few inches, eyes as calm as the ocean, hair neatly trimmed. Yes, he is just as attractive as you remembered.
And alive.
And this is the first time you see him, after so many years.
“Where have you been all this time, huh?”, you cry out.
You free yourself out of his grasp, now storming towards him.
“What about the promise you made back then, that you’ll return to me?”
Your hands push against his firm chest harshly, fists slamming over and over against his tight muscles while all he does is standing there.
“You left me without saying goodbye, without even thinking about me twice. Do you know how much I cried that day, how much I missed my fucking husband?”
Tears stream down your face like a waterfall, voice so hoarse that it’s hard to cough out a single word that makes sense.
“Why didn’t you come back? Why did you leave me in the dark? Why-“
He can’t hold back any longer. Before you continue your ramblings, before you are able to hit him again, Levi wraps his arms around you and buries his face in the crook of your neck. God, how much he missed this, how much he missed the simplicity of holding his wife in his arms.
“I love you, (y/n)”, he breathes against your ear.
You see stars, feel like fainting, want to push him away while all you want is to be held at the same time. Countless nights you imagined what it would be like to meet him again, countless nights you pondered about his life, where he might live, what he is doing.
And now he’s standing in front of you, pressing you tightly against his firm body while all you can do is break down and cry in his inviting arms.
“Back then, I have asked you to move left because I feared what lies behind the walls. And I was right, (y/n). The things I saw, the countless lives the titans took. Isabel and Furan, they… They died on our first expedition. It wasn’t safe to drag you into this world. Even if I wanted nothing more than to hold you in my arms again, I figured it would be easier to know you live as far away from the titans and me than being in danger…”
“You idiot”, you spit into the face you learned to love long ago.
“I would rather die by your side than live alone at the safest place. Don’t you understand that all I wanted was to be with you?”
Your words echo through his mind, the past years replaying themselves in front of his eyes like a movie. It’s been so damn long. He should have asked about getting you sooner, he should have moved hell and earth to get you out of the underground.
“I’m sorry about all those years, (y/n). You were the only thing on my mind this whole time, I was longing for your touch, for your presence. I wrote a list of things I want to show you. I know how much I’m asking for, but please forgive me, please be by my side right here and now.”
Is it really this simple? Is one look in his lovely face enough to forget all those years you’ve waited for him? Your heart pounds hard against your ribcage, all pairs of eyes seem to be set on you. What are you supposed to do?
“A simple sorry won’t take away all those years I’ve waited for you.”
Levi swallows hard, this usual cool composure slowly but surely breaking away. Fuck, he messed up. He should have gone after you immediately, he should have ignored Erwin’s advice. If you leave him right here on the spot…His eyes widen in thick fear. No, this would completely tear him apart. After all, you are his precious wife, the love of his life, the only reason he kept going despite all the people that died in front of his eyes.
“But I won’t live in the past with regrets. I was hoping forward for this day so long, let’s enjoy it.”
And then you return his hug, wrapping your arms around his ribcage like you used to. Levi lets himself fall into your touch, soaks in the decent smell of citrons on your clothes. God, how much he missed this, how much he missed you.
“We will never return to the underground, my darling. Your place is right here under the sun.”
You press your lips against his hungrily, soaking up this precious moment. This is exactly how you imagined your reunion. Maybe a few years earlier, maybe being escorted by himself. But god, you can’t help but get lost against his mouth, your fingers re-discovering the valleys of his well-toned body.
“Huh, what’s going on here? HUH, DID I MISS SOMETHING!?”
Levi slowly removes his lips from yours, cold eyes staring darkly behind you. You follow his gaze, looking directly into the way too near face someone wearing glasses.
“This is my wife, shitty four-eyes. Can you stop bothering her?”
“WHAT? You never mentioned anything about a wife! Oh, what a gorgeous woman she is! And you’re just as small as Levi himself. Huh, maybe that’s what comes with living under the ground, right? But don’t worry, you will be just fine here! Apart from some titans here and there, and maybe titan shifters and don’t forget those-“
“Shut.Up.”, Levi hisses through gritted teeth.
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daemontargaryenwhore · 5 months
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levi501ackerman · 5 months
social media x Levi head cannon
Levi would not have social media
Levi made an insta account only because you have one. His account is private
He has 4 followers: you, Erwin, Hange and because he liked the kid, Armin. (Eren has been pestering Armin wondering why Levi lets Armin follow him and not himself.)
He has no profile picture, no bio, but because insta keeps telling him to make his 1st post he does it to stop getting the notifications.
All he does is post a screenshot of one of your pics from your insta. Its poorly cropped so anyone who could look at it can tell he just screenshotted one of your insta pics. There’s no caption.
He follows less than 15 accounts including you, Erwin, Hange and Armin. Some are cleaning ASMR accounts or organization ASMR and maybe a cat account.
He doesn’t like or comment on any posts.
One day Hange posts and Levi is barely in one of the slides, but he’s still tagged.
His notifications get blown up with over 20 follow requests.
Eventually he goes through them. He lets Sasha follow him only because she’s your best friend. He hesitates to follow her back, he does only because of you.
Sasha brags about it to Jean, Eren and Connie
Moblit is the only person Levi reached out to first. He follows him and later Moblit requests.
As time goes Levi’s insta is just photos of you, he’s not even in it.
The captions are just “one year with my girlfriend.”
“christmas with my girlfriend”
“two years”
“three years”
he wouldn’t post about the engagement
“four years”
He posts one professional photo of you and him from the wedding
Levi finally lets Eren follow him. He doesn’t follow back
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Fucking in their offices with the veteran trio please ☺️
Wow I'm getting a lot of requests asking for these three actually and I am NOT complaining lol.
Disclaimer: I use they/them pronouns for Hanji and since this request is NSFW in nature also AFAB language/terms will also be used for them. And tldr summary of this entire thing: poor Survey Corps desks, man... the true strongest soldiers ❤️‍🩹
(Gender neutral reader)
(NSFW contents under the cut)
Levi Ackerman
Takes issue with the idea at first, after all this is the place he works - important papers who knows been god-knows-where and shit get signed and handed off at that desk. To fuck on it would be unsanitary you know how many people have touched this thing? Plus it would leave an unnecessary mess, and not to mention the door leading to his connected bedroom is not even like... eleven steps away from it. With a bed. A bed he knows only the two have you have been in and with sheets that are cleaned everyday. Why not just fuck you there instead? It seems obvious. Until, that is, one day you're having a heated argument - one he looks back on as very dumb but he knows how stubborn he can be when not backing down on something, especially when it involves Erwin's equally as stubborn ass who tends to drag him into his messes and therefore creating this argument you had - and he doesn't exactly remember the turning point of when you started kissing each other with such tenacity or when you started ripping each other's clothes off but it's when you're pushed back on his desk, pushing all his neat stacked paperwork onto the floor sprawled back with your legs spread with that demanding "fuck me," glint in yours eyes.
Eh. It just clicked and now he's thinking with his dick.
His kisses are frantic. He bites all over the base of your throat and leaves marks he knows you're going to have trouble hiding the next day but that's honestly the further thing from his mind right now as he has three fingers shoved all the way to the knuckles inside you right now prying your hole practically wide open.
Your legs are anchored on his hips, your pants dangling one of them and the straps of your gear hanging loose off of them keep snapping into his ass to an annoying point where he completely rips them off and tosses them to the complete opposite side of the room.
Yank and pull on his hair. Do it and he'll let put a guttural groan and shove you down further on the desk where your back is completely on it and you have to physically strain to keep your head up from keeping it from hanging over the edge - to 'assist' you from having to do this he puts a hand in your hair in return, holding your head up and make you look as he fucks you with his nearly his entire hand now. It gets your eyes all glossy as you feel so overwhelmed, you feel so good.
"You're pitiful, you know that?" He tells you, picking up the pace as you squeeze around his fingers. "But that's just fine... preferable actually. I love seeing you this way and I'm not even properly fucking you yet."
When he enters you the desk finally creaks. It's a sound that itches his brain turns out, it gets his silver grays all wide that he pauses what he's doing for just a lingering moment - to your dismay as you're now flipped on your stomach on the surface with your ass out, grinding back onto him whimpering for him to move, which he gives a slight buck and there it is again. The creak. He needs to hear it again. Again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And-
It's the combination of both your noises - all the moans, groans, curses, whimpers, and gritted calls of his name on your lips - and the wooden thudding, metalic complaining, the slight crackles that his desk, the one he's had since getting promoted to Captain and earning this office, that reeeeaallly gets his rocks off as he pounds you into it.
He thinks about just about how many boring exchanges he's had at his desk, all the meetings, the Cadet reprimantions, that fucking time that noble had the balls to come to his - at the time - brand new office and lecture him and newly appointed Commander Erwin who was visiting up and down how he still didn't approve of this "Gutter-rat thug," getting such a high position of military rank in barely over a year and had threatened to pull fundings. Now look at him. Captain 'Gutter-rat thug,' currently fucking you over it. Weirdly hot. Next time he has those boring exchanges he'll definitely have something nice to distract himself now.
He drapes himself over you from behind, continuing to mark up your neck and whisper in hushed tones all sort of both dirty things mixed with genuine praises of love and adoration - things only meant for you to hear, afterall he can still wreck you to the point of pleasured tears and still be all sappy, you know? It's not like anyone else is around. He likes doing it with one of your legs picked up from off the ground and holding it up in the crease of his arms - spreading you open wider for him to take and every creak and crackle of the desk underneath you is like a euphoric punctuation to ever single thrust he makes deep inside you that only grows louder, and louder, and louder, and louder, and louder, and louder until it almost sounds like thunder.
When you two finally finish, both out of breath like you just ran a mile as all your love spills between you does Levi pull back to assess the mess that trickles in flooding globs that forms into large puddles onto the rocky wood that rationality sets back in him like a truck.
"M'gonna have to clean and disinfect that... fucking knows how I'm going to get the damn smell out before those snooping fuckin-"
You move without out saying anything, down on your wobbly knees but you still make eye contact as you perform your next sinful action: licking it all up, every single bit left behind on the hardwood.
Levi just blinks. Dumbfounded.
It doesn't matter how big or small you are, Levi has you picked up and tucked under his arm before he can even realize it - he takes those eleven steps to his and yours shared bedroom and tosses you on the bed and kicks the door behind him close. You two aren't done yet.
It's later the next day when Levi gets a knock at his office door, which he barely even has to let out permission to come in as he currently is reorganizing the some of your books on his shelf and cleaning around the general area as the door opens and comes in Erwin, stack of papers in his hand.
"Levi," He greets closing the door behind him and walking further into the office.
The Captain just hums, setting the current book in his hands down and moving to the next to carefully wipe down the cover and shaky off any gathered dust from the pages. Erwin then stands there awkwardly for a moment, rubbing back his pomade slick hair before speaking again.
"I think I should apologize for causing you and (Name) to argue yesterday at the meeting with Zackley, that wasn't my intention. Again, my apologies."
"I know. Tell them that."
"I will, I just thought I'd come here first. I have the documents you requested."
Levi hums again, with his rag he starts to scrubs down a stain mark on the shelf he hasn't noticed before. Meanwhile Erwin slowly trudges over to the Captain's desk, putting a careful eye on the documents in his hands before he shuffles around where he's facing away from desk and goes to sit down before Levi catches it at the last second from the corner of his eye and immediately goes to yell for him not to and then-
Erwin's wide eyed as he now sits on the floor, the desk now cracked into two pieces with him in the middle of it. It'd be funny, it really would, if it were anyone else's but his desk. The Commander looks honestly baffled as he looks at the current unexplainable predicament he's found himself in. Levi silently swallows and hurryingly thinks up the first excuse he can pull out of his ass.
...ass. He points at the blonde.
"Your ass fucking broke my desk."
Erwin blinks before looking back down at the broken wood pile he sits on, chuckle leaving his throat. "I do really do guess Mitras quality still isn't worth much, huh? Overpriced yet completely unstable. Just like the lot of them."
"Your ass broke my fucking desk."
"Yeah - I - I guess it did..."
When he stands up he brushes himself off, looking at the damage that Levi swallows and tries not to think on the truth on actually why it broke - Erwin's ass was just the damn straw that broke the titan's back or whatever the saying goes. He didn't even want to think about how much from the budget it'd take to get this shit replaced but Erwin insists on it, saying Mike's folks actually are good craftspeople, they should be able to build an actual stable one instead of expensive dull and weak Sina bought ones. But yet... Levi wasn't sure on the truth of how weak it was since he fucked your guts out on it... but of course he couldn't just voice that part out loud. So he just quietly nods his head and agrees.
From that point afterwards he swear to you no more desk fucking.... for a good couple weeks then he finds you two at it again - however, Erwin was right, the new desk from Mike's family was very stable, very strong, very capable of withstanding a good dicking between you two.
Let's just hope it doesn't need to get replaced any time soon.
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Hanji Zoë
Quite literally will jump at the chance to. Like you could be at the side of their desk, pointing over and drawn together diagrams and other research papers as they sit in their chair with their eyes wide staring at you not paying attention to a single thing you're saying - it's rude, they know, but it's so damn hard when you're so attractive! You don't notice their staring, you keep on talking business and adding your thoughts and commentary about certain test results on the latest experiments done on the two captured titans behind base: Jimmy and Stanley, as Hanji has named them - you only stop talking and look over when you process how quiet they've become, a very unusual thing for your lover, and your about to question what's wrong or if something about the results is troubling to them before they immediately have their hand on your face, cupped between their palm, as pull you down to kiss them.
Titans are quite literally the farthest thing on their mind as they push everything - every single thing, from the research notes you were just going over, to other important pieces of paper, to the junk nit-nacks they've hoarded on their messy desk - all onto the floor as the jolt and push back their chair to stand and pick you up to set you down on the surface and yank off your boots and pants.
They kiss all over your legs, nipping and biting and sinking in your touch as your fingers find the back of their brunette head to encourage their actions. Their breath is so warm against your underwear as they proceed to kiss through the material - getting an approving hum from you - before tantalizingly pluck their fingers in the band to begin to pull them down your legs, revealing your aching-with-need sex to them. But they don't touch you where you want right away, you're going to have to earn it by begging. They remind you of that while tracing their tongue over the worn marks of ODM straps on your thighs then biting at them, deep in the flesh.
Once you've begged enough to their liking do they finally touch you, and they're so good with their fingers, giving you a nice good prep before replacing it with their just as good tongue they devour your sex with. Then with their unoccupied hands they reach and grab around your hips so you can't squirm away from them as they are crouched down at the foot of that desk and go to town with you in their mouth like there's no tomorrow.
Your come stains their face when they finally pull away gasping for air - hadn't pulled away a single time since they started. They smile big at you, with their hands on your hips they scoot you in closer and with a rough sudden movement rocks the desk where you falling slightly forward so they can kiss you, making damn sure you taste yourself on their lips.
You're both on top the desk now. Hanji's - their lower half completely bare - straddled one of your legs as your rearranged as much as you can on the surface space to tangle them together and they have you slightly pushed back to where both your sexes can kiss and grind against each other. With obnoxious squeaks you fuck each other on it like animals.
They talk to you in punched out whispers, their chest - fully exposed as you've ripped open their shirt and tugged off the bandaged to reveal their breasts from underneath and bounce with each movement to two of you make. They also have their glasses pushed up and rest on the top of their head, they bounce with each movement too.
"You like this? You like taking my pussy like this? Naughty little thing... you know, I've noticed you bending over or sitting my desk with your legs open tons of times. Did you want this? But to embarrassed to ask? Huh?"
They get so domineering worked up like this you feel too high to even speak, you nod before your pulling in to more kisses as they completely fuck you further sending you closer and closer to the edge until your light headed and your whole body is numb, you fall back with your bones turned to jelly until everything sudden tightens again and the numbness fazes into hyperawareness when that snap in your gut happens and your practically sob with your release.
When your both done you two keep sitting on there for awhile, you're not even sure how long but Hanji rests into you with a wide smile on their face and half asleep in the crook of your neck but they lazily keep you sitting up and not to fall off onto the floor. It's nice, really nice, your hands stumble as you go to pet at your lover's hair and further relax into them.
But your afterglow safe haven doesn't last long as there's a sudden banging on the office door.
"Squad Leader! Stanley just bit a Cadet's arm off!" Uh oh.
Hanji's eyes go wide and whatever sleep was present in them before completely evaporates as they pull themselves off you. Panic sets it.
"Shit!" They curse and hop off the desk to go immediately pull their clothes sloppily and haphazardly back on - their pants are on backwards. They turn back to you.
"Give me like - uh - twenty minutes! Be right back!"
Incidents like this if word travels fast enough could be used as ammunition against the Corps, not to mention the poor kid...
They give you one last kiss before quickly rushing out the door, slamming poor Moblit in the face with it without realizing it as the shoot down the hall.
They sob in a way like a parent just lost their child, which in a weird way they kind of did, they really did like that one... and it's nape's probably already been split open by now.
You should probably get dressed and join them, comfort their 'mourning'... if your legs can unjelly that is.
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Erwin Smith
Erwin Smith is the biggest workaholic you've ever met. He spends 80% of his time glued at that damn desk and he can be very stubborn about it so it can take quite a lot to pull him away from it... though, maybe with some slight convincing...
He'll remain focused, neatly writing down his formal documentations to be sent to the capitol along with other important matters gathering his attention, even when you're behind him with your arms around his shoulders and kissing along his neck begging him to take a break as he's been in at one spot for around twelve hours straight. It won't be easy getting him away from work, he'll reassure how important his current business is and will blab on and on about all the detailed variables but honestly you could care less when he looks like he could fall over from overworking himself to death. He at least needed a damn break and you know how you could provide.
Did I mention how stubborn this man is? He won't break, even if you maneuver around in front of him and the desk as he sits there with you dropped on your knees... but he won't exactly say no, so that's start. He'll continue to work, even as you work to start pulling and undoing his belt, he'll continue jotting down on whatever he's working on but he won't stop you - hell he won't even give you any input as the sounds sounds in the office are the jingling of his belt and zipper being undone and the scribbles of pen on paper.
"Do you think Zackley would approve if I were to ask for more horses? It's best we have extra for Expeditions and I think it'd be best if each squad were to bring a couple extra in case one of their horses gets killed on the field."
He asks you, you having his cock buried deep down your throat. Casual - no, business causal in that way Erwin tends to do... but the obscurity for him to ask you about supply horses... you nearly choke because of it and surprisingly Erwin's hand finds to the back of your head to ease and balance your head out but he doesn't completely pull you off if it, as if he's come to terms with the whole situation but still he doesn't pull himself from work. It's clear you're going to easy on him. You will make him take a break from work.
You suck, swallow, take everything he has. Your hands grip tight at his hips as you your your face on his dick in steady but frequent rhythm that does get his hips to slightly buck forward every once in a while but he always comes to pet at your head in apologies if he accidentally put you in discomfort in any way and he carries on - the scribbling on the desk up behind you becoming more grading by the second.
However, there's one ray of hope... his balls.
Erwin will immediately jump in his chair and drop his pen - ink undoubtedly spilling and staining important documents the moment your mouth pulls off his cock entirely and replace it with his balls in your mouth. Play with them. Suck them. Fucking bite them. Anything. Now you have his attention and will earn a loud guttural groan from out his lips that seals the deal you've just locked in your mission success.
He sits completely back in his chair - whatever business details he was going over completely disappear in the back of his mind as both of his large hands find themselves in your head and he vocally encourages you to keep going. His cock will drip pre all over your face as you rest just below it rolling your tongue over his sack and he'll throb so needily for you.
It's then becomes so easy to get lost in everything that you don't even realize you're being pushed back further underneath the desk until Erwin's chair suddenly scoots up to sit up to it proper.
"I got these." Mike.
Mike had walked in and you can hear - and slightly flinch at the loud sound of - a stack of papers being dropped above you on the desktop. You sit there on your knees, slightly uncomfortable at the crowded position underneath the desk, your mouth still attached to Erwin's crouch - but you don't pull away, just look up as much as you can to see your lover manage to keep up sudden appearances to his cadethood friend as best he can... strangely hot in a weird way. And Mike Zacharias was no idiot.
"You feelin' okay?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be? Though, I do suppose I have quite the workload. I should finish soon."
Mike hums in response but you can't see his face, if you could you feel like it'd be more telling and revealing so, to save from embarrassment it's probably for the best.
Then the bastard sniffs and it sends fifty layers of fear and panic through your spine.
"Hanji's holding a card game in their office, there's gonna be booze. I'll expect you not to work yourself to death and come. Bring (Name) too if you want. If you can find them, their squad has been looking for 'em for the past half hour."
Subtly, underneath the desk the Commander feels at your head with an affirming pat. "Will do, see you then, Mike."
You then carefully listen to the boots creak on the floor, you count up sixteen steps before the door opens and clicks close behind. Another beat passes in silence before suddenly the hand on your head tightens it's grip and pulls you forward as the Commander's chair scoots back and away from the desk before he makes your head tilt back and does he look down at you proper for the first time since the encounter started.
"Well," He addresses, voice low and dangerously smooth. "-looks like I'm done with my work, hm? You got what you wanted, you must be so proud."
"Pants off. On the desk. Legs spread. That's an order, (Surname)." He says with a crooked smile, the dirty one, the one that sometimes comes out during the most inappropriate of times. That one.
Well, it's your Commander's orders. You yourself grin as you get up to your feet. Who were you not to follow?
It's only a little bit awkward an hour later when the two of you finally step in Hanji's office (pigsty, as Levi calls it) cleaned up the best you could but still the two of you had that 'messed around' aura but no one really seems to question as Hanji jokes it's about time you two showed up before going on a tirade swearing up and down Mike's cheating - he simply raises his nose swearing he's not - before you sit down at the crowded trouble where Levi rolls his eyes and passes out cards for you both, muttering something under his breath you don't quite catch but Mike kicks him under the table for it, causing him to kick harder in return.
It's fun, having little moments of small non battle camaraderie like this, for just a small amount of time all of you get to not think about titans, the Walls, and certain death for once. It's especially nice looking over to Erwin, who is now enthralled in the card game and is a very deceptive cheat to the unexpected opponent and takes plenty of risky gambles as he's known to do - a good amount of people around this table can read him and no when he's lying but it is still rather difficult, his poker face is damn well good and practiced - but even still it's obvious he's having fun and is finally not focused to death on his work which makes you happy. Even if you should've definitely won that last hand.
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If you like what you read please consider reblogging! It means the world for writers and artists!
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hangesluvvr · 19 days
freak bday (lovingly)
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wingedwhitelioness · 1 month
New AOT Official Art
They’re so fine 🥹💜💚
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seredelgi · 10 months
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Levi's love language: head grips/pats
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sleepy-sham · 3 months
Big Post 19. My big posts are officially the age Eren was when he died reblog to pay respects😔😔😔🙏🙏🙏
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other aot memes
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punkheichou · 6 months
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Art by Lewa
Permission to repost was given by the artist.
Please do not repost without permission. Please do not edit or remove the caption. If you can, please support the artist on pixiv/twitter.
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rowenas-megacoven · 2 years
“Don’t start sounding like him” - please don’t get sappy with me and make this harder than it already is but the last time someone I loved said this to me I had to order him to die and I’m not ready to lose you too
“Don’t ruin what I have going” - please don’t get sappy with me and make this harder than it already is but I’ve made up my mind and it can’t be changed, please let me go
“You understand, don’t you Levi?” - I’m sorry, can you forgive me?
“Devote your heart” - I forgive you. Go
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lazyexcuse · 11 months
Priest: “Ok repeat after me”
Y/n, nodding with a smile: “After me.”
Priest leaning over to Levi, whispering: “Are you sure you want this one?”
Levi frowns: “Say your damn lines.”
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dreamingon-forever · 8 months
New AoT Art
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The cuteness! Love all the love being shown around with them all happy.
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ariadneamare · 1 month
hanji: levi, have you ever liked someone but never told them?
levi: ...yes
hanji: hahaha! me too!
erwin: *3 feet away, facepalming*
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levi501ackerman · 5 months
Living In A Dream | Levi x Reader Pining
Summary: Levi refuses to date a subordinate so instead he pines over you. Kind of ridiculous how much he overthinks every interaction with you.
Word Count: 2.6k
Megan's Note: Song that I correlate this one shot is "Dream Girl" by Crisaunt if you were wondering. In all writing, I typically get hung up on a lyric or a rhythm thing. 2nd fic. posted: 4/17/24. Writing more.
Levi and the other section commanders sat at a table dining and chattering about the new scouts. Erwin was discussing, negotiating, and dividing the recruits under different leaders. A few went to Levi, some under Miche, and some to Hange. 
The scout regiment was having dinner and he was looking around the room for you. He noticed that you have not come in yet. You usually were with Sasha, Jean, and Connie and they were not at dinner yet. Sasha, Jean, and Connie were moved to Levi’s special operations squad. Honestly, he was worried that you would be placed in his squad. Levi felt that if you were his subordinate, he wouldn’t be able to focus or speak clearly. 
When you were around, he was too nervous that he might say something that made him seem stupid. The few times you talked to him, he stuttered and felt embarrassed. Levi could not help but look at you all the time. He could not help but search for you during mealtime or outside. He thought you were pretty cute when you would laugh with Sasha, Jean, and Connie. He also thought it was cool how you could make a whole table laugh. He felt it was wrong to find you extremely attractive. Levi pondered about possibly asking you out if you became a squad leader or section commander. 
The first time he heard of you, was when Hange showed Levi and Erwin a hilarious comic drawing you drew. The comic was being passed around and shown amongst the scouts getting a little laugh from others. It was funny and relatable to being a scout. 
“A new scout drew this,” Hange said to Levi and Erwin. The drawing made Erwin chuckle and he passed it to Levi who slightly smiled. 
“Who was the scout?” Erwin asked.
“I think her name is Y/N,” Hange said and pointed to the open field where the scouts were hanging out. “That’s her over there next to Sasha and Christa.” Erwin and Levi glanced in your direction. Levi noticed your hair and then your laugh, then you pushing Sasha. Who shoved you back and the girls laughed at whatever. Your smile is what drew him in. 
You had a great smile and the few times you smiled at him when speaking he would forget what he was saying. Then he recalled and then stuttered out his words. When Levi noticed the confusion on your face it made his face hotter. You never pointed it out or asked if he was okay which made him think you were kind enough to ignore his embarrassment. 
The other time you made him really nervous was the day he wore a dark green shirt. Levi barely wore green unless it was the scout cape. But he did that day. Hange and Levi were walking by you and you pleasantly greeted them. 
“Hi Hange, hi Levi,” you said brightly. 
“Hi Y/N!” Hange greeted back.
“Levi, I’ve never seen you wear that shirt before,” you started and Hange smiled and looked at Levi, “green is your color.” You and Hange smiled and looked intently for Levi’s reply. He was taken aback by the compliment. When was the last time he heard a compliment about his appearance? He thought that maybe you found him attractive. Though did you really say anything about his looks? Then he remembered that you pointed out that you had never seen him wear this shirt before. Which he came to the conclusion that you may have been watching him as well? Which could mean you liked him. He knows that people do that when they find others attractive. Levi looked at you a lot when you’re not looking. Possibly you’re observant. Which is a great quality for being a scout. He thought he recalled seeing your file that you scored great during the ODM assessment. He wondered what rank you were. Not that it mattered but he was curious. Then he remembered how the green shirt he was wearing was the shirt he wore on his first expedition. Has Y/N been outside the walls yet? He was trying to recall if he remembered seeing you at all before knowing you as the comic drawer. 
“Levi?” Hange asked.
“S-sorry I’m not feeling well. I feel like shit.” As soon as he said that he regretted it because he knows sometimes girls don’t find cussing attractive. If cussing made him unattractive then does him wearing the green shirt level it out? Though you never said you found him attractive. Just that green was his color. But no one owns the color green. But the way you said green was his color could be interpreted as looking good in green. Levi was trying to think about if he ever heard you cussing before. Then he remembered your comic he was trying to remember if any of the captions had a bad word. He couldn’t remember. Maybe he won't cuss in front of you until he hears you cuss. Maybe you cuss sporadically. Or maybe just when you stub your toe. He thought about how you possibly paint your toes. But he won't know because the uniform has boots. If the cape is the same color as his shirt technically he wore green every day. So that could mean that you never look at Levi. But sometimes Levi doesn’t wear his cape. Maybe you meant that the shirt he was wearing was nice. But then again you didn’t say anything about the shirt itself. If green is Levi’s color and he barely wore the green shirt that had to mean you were talking about the cape. 
“Oh no, I’m sorry.” You said sweetly.
“No problem,” Levi said back stupidly. After all that Hange and Levi had a moment’s silence while walking away from you. Then Hange softly laughed.
“Levi that was painful to watch.” She said.
“What do you mean?” Levi asked.
“Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Except you couldn’t think straight after Y/N said you looked nice.” Hange nudged Levi. Technically you told him that green was his color. He didn’t want to talk about it at all.
“Really Hange I’m not feeling good.” Levi restated. 
“You love sick?” Hange teased.
“No. And no I am not.”
“Well, you were normal until Y/N complimented you,” Hange continued. Levi deflected and brought up a different topic. You did not compliment him though you just said green was his color.
“Lastly F/N L/N,” Erwin said and Levi stopped looking at the dining entrance. “At first, Levi, I put her on your squad but H—”
“Levi I really want her! She seemed really interested in my research! Y/N gets along with Moblit’s and I's work style! Not only that she can draw! She sketched a titan chart for me really well! I saw that Erwin was going to put her on your squad and when I asked if I could have her he said we would have to discuss it! I really want her!” Hange enthusiastically said. Levi felt bittersweet about you not working with Hange and Moblit. He could still have access to you, but not always be around you. His nerves went away. 
“Have her,” Levi said.
“THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” Hange threw her arms in the air. Levi saw out of the corner of his eye that the entry door opened and his heart rate increased slightly when he saw Sasha. Then Jean. Then Connie. And finally you. You met eyes with Levi and he immediately whipped his head back. Hange, Erwin, Miche, and Moblit all noticed Levi was blushing. He met eyes with Hange who raised her eyebrows twice, playfully. He knew that she knew he was blushing. Levi refused to look at anything besides his tea. “Y/N!” Hange called for you. “Y/N!” She waved you over which you came. Levi thought it would be a good excuse to look at you especially since Hange called you over. So most likely the whole table would be looking at you. He glanced at you and caught your eye again, but this time you looked away. “Guess what!?” Hange exclaimed
“What?” You asked
“You’re in my squad!”
“No way!” 
“This is gonna be really great! We’re going to figure out the secrets of the titans together! I really wanted you especially since you told me you were interested in researching the titans! Moblit also enjoys working with you so this is really great!” Hange and Moblit gave you a group hug. You had a big smile on your face. Levi thought about how endearing it was that you and Hange were becoming quite close. He wished you two could be close.
After you left to get food. Levi noticed you also got the mashed potatoes. He liked the mashed potatoes too. You put gravy on yours. Levi did the same too. Cool. Levi saw you say something to Connie and then Jean, Sasha, and Connie all burst out laughing. He wished he heard what you said. He thought about how everyone he sees you with always are enjoying your company. 
The following day Levi decided to wear the green shirt and wanted to walk by you so you could see him wearing it. He saw you later in the day with Hange and Moblit on a bench. He thought it would be a great opportunity to approach you because Hange was with you and he knows she could mediate the conversation. You were so pretty because of the way your hair was placed on your shoulders. So cute how focused you were on your research. When Levi approached the three they all looked up and smiled.
“Hey,” Levi said to Hange and Moblit, “hi Y/N.” Hange and Moblit looked at each other knowingly. Then Hange smirked at Levi.
“Hey Levi,” you said.
“How are y-you?” He tried. 
“We’re so close to getting somewhere but I keep fucking up my drawing.” You said frustratingly. Levi noted that you did cuss. This meant the time he cussed you must not have cared because you just cussed now. So he can cuss in front of you and you won't find him unattractive. Meaning maybe if he got to know you more and if you worked hard and then you became a section commander one day and you were still alive, then he could ask you out. 
“Oh fuck,” he said. 
“Yeah I know,” you roll your eyes with frustration. 
“NO! Your drawing is great!” Levi vomited out.
“Oh um . . . you haven’t even seen it yet . . .” You said slowly. Then Moblit handed Levi the paper of the start of your drawing. Hange and Moblit were done evaluating the work she had done so far. Levi’s face went red. There’s no explanation for this. You were going to figure out that him showering you with compliments meant he had a crush on you. Which is not good because you are a subordinate and it wouldn’t look good if you two dated. He thought about how well you two would make a cute couple together but what would the others think? Erwin might think Levi is a sleaze for dating someone not in his rank. He thought that some scouts might think you were trying to work your way up to the top. He didn’t want anyone to think poorly of you. Levi didn’t want anyone to think poorly of him. This was just a stupid crush and eventually, he will get over it. He’s an adult he shouldn’t be acting like a schoolgirl with a crush.  
“I show Levi all your drawings.” Hange saved the day. 
“All . . . two . . . of them?” You questioned not entirely believing Hange. Hange and Levi locked eyes. They panicked. Levi did not know what to add. Hange’s temperature started rising. If Hange said anything that would give you the impression that Levi had a crush on you. Then humanity’s strongest soldier might kill her. Then she wouldn’t be able to be alive to find out where the titans are from. Hange wouldn’t be able to know how they came to be. And Levi could make it look like an accident. Levi could also make it look like she went missing. He used to be a criminal and Levi kills every titan he wants to kill. 
“We saw your comic and we kept all the sketches you created the few times you were with us. Everyone thinks your drawings are great. Right, section commander? You shown the leaders all of Y/N’s drawings?” Moblit said.
“Yup,” Hange said quickly.
“Anyways I have to go—um—go. Just wanted to say hi to you—all of you!” Levi walked away. He’s an idiot.
During his meeting with his squad, he did his best to confidently create plans for the next expedition. He was trying to think of all the creative plans he could muster so that he could say it in front of Sasha, Jean, and Connie. Then they would think Levi was smart. They might talk about their day later with you and they could possibly slip in that Levi created a smart plan. He just couldn’t think of a smart thing to offer. Armin was saying all the smart ideas. Levi’s gotta say something smart. Because if he doesn’t then Sasha, Jean, and Connie might only talk about Armin’s smart ideas when they talk about their day with you. 
Later in the evening, Levi saw Sasha, Jean, and Connie sitting at their table with friends, but you were nowhere to be found. You must be with Hange and Moblit in her office. Time went by and still you, Hange, nor Moblit showed up. It was getting late and he thought you would think he was kind if he brought food for you. They had mashed potatoes and gravy as a side again. So when Levi was making you a plate. He was sure to put some mashed potatoes and gravy on it. But this time there was beef gravy and turkey gravy. There were two gravies. He stared at both of them. Which one would you like more? The beef gravy was the one available last night. But what if they don’t serve turkey gravy again for a while and you were looking forward to it? Okay. Beef? Yes, it makes the most sense you had some last night. Then Levi thought about if he ever heard you mentioning liking the turkey gravy. Turkey? Seems to come around less often and he didn’t want you to be disappointed with your dinner. Okay, Both. He made sure to put the two gravies in separate little cups so you could choose which one you wanted.
He took the plate to Hange’s office and his hunch was correct. You, Hange, and Moblit were in Hange’s office working. 
“Hey, Levi.” You said.
“I—uh—brought you food because you weren’t at dinner.” Okay shit. He just told her that he noticed her not being in the dining hall. Which is going to mean that she knows he’s looking for her and then she’ll—WAIT. When you said he looked good in green you mentioned that you’ve never seen him wear that shirt before. Meaning you were watching him. He just said something like that too . . . She said it first. So she won’t think anything of it? Cool.
“Thank you, Levi!” You said. “You didn’t have to.”
Levi smiled and then looked at Hange who had her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised with a knowingly look. Moblit had the same expression on his face. 
“It’s for all you guys!” Levi blurted out. 
“Oh um . . . I don’t think there’s enough for us to share.” You said.
“ . . . I brought both gravies,” Levi said.
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