#hanji imagines
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haven-0325 · 1 year ago
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This is how han would look at you when you're showing him the new little skirt you bought. You twirl for him and get shy as you notice the way he smiles at you, your cheeks pink and hot. Second later he'd get up to feel for himself how perfect your waist gets hugged by it and how your ass hides underneath. He'd take steps backwards with his hand in yours, letting himself fall onto your bed. Han would help you straddle him, his hands eagerly playing with the fabric of the skirt. "You're beautiful", he'd whisper sweetly before kissing you, growing hard below you just seconds later.
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marsbutterfly · 8 months ago
Too Sweet
Summary: For the past few weeks, Hanji has locked themselves away in their office, away from prying eyes, including your own. But your heart can clearly tell when something is wrong with your beloved.
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a/n: hey everyone <3 this story is entirely based on the cover art by my amazing artist friend @kylekoraki ! please show them some love and everyone say "thank you" to kyle for drawing this! <3 here's their twitter as well <3
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: canon setting, fem!reader, non-binary!hanji zoe, no warnings really, just some heavy kissing. not really beta read, we die like men <3
 ao3 | wattpad | cover by: @kylekoraki | wc: 4.2k
You knock on the door. Once, twice, thrice. No answer. A grunt escapes your lips and you roll your eyes, repeating the action. Once, twice, thrice. Nothing again. Now a frown takes the place of the smile that used to rest on your face, you know they are in there, you can hear the papers being shuffled around, the tapping of their pen, the shadow of their body as they pass by the door, even faintly the sound of the ice that clinks around their whiskey glass.
You raise your hand to knock again, but before you even have the chance, the door opens. Barely enough for any light to make it through but you see the faint silhouette of Hanji's lips pouting. "You know that when someone doesn't answer, it means they want to be left alone, right?" Their voice is low, almost as if they are making sure to remain quiet to not attract any more unnecessary attention.
"But... it's me.." you respond just as softly, a pout of your own forming, "I'm not like other people."
“y/n…” They begin, moving their glasses from the spot on their face towards the top of their head, pushing their bangs backward in the meantime. Their brown eyes stare at you for what feels like forever, their mind hiding behind an ocean of thoughts and an expression you can’t quite decipher this time around.
They want you to stay, to hold you in their arms as they sit here in the comforting silence of your presence, but instead, they shake their head, trying their best to remove any thoughts of what your warmth would do to them. A heavy sigh makes its way past their lips, the eyebags under their eyes more present than ever as they begin to talk again.
“Please, I’m fine,” they respond. What Hanji fails to realize is that their voice did a slight tremble, not noticeable to anyone else but you know them better than the palm of your own hand. They are the pure representation of your heart beating outside of your chest, so seeing them in such distress is enough to make you act against direct orders, consequences be damned.
“You are not,” you respond. Their office is a mess, their research papers scattered around with drawings and models of flying boats, new weapons, and ways to improve the Survey Corps all around. A thousand and one ideas, some connecting and some just scattered around the wind. 
The whiskey bottle that until a few weeks ago rested full to the brim on their bookshelf now finds itself on its last few sips, the curtains are drawn so no amount of light other than the small candles at the edge of their table can exist in the room and you even notice a few shards of broken glass, probably meaning that they have dropped a cup or two, either from exhaustion or from not being able to see in the dark.
“When was the last time you ate anything?” You ask, gently taking the whiskey glass out of their hand. You notice a small blush creeping its way onto their cheeks as their eyes pointedly avoid yours and, by these simple reactions, you can tell it has been a while, “You’re losing weight.”
They try to reach for the glass once more but you shake your head, pulling it further away. Even though they are stronger than you and could easily take it back if they wanted to, they don't. Instead, Hanji leans against their desk, crossing their arms in front of their chest as they let out a heavy sigh. They want to lie, to tell you they are fine, and pretend like nothing is wrong, but before a single false promise about their well-being can make its way past their lips, you speak up again.
“I can tell you haven’t been sleeping,” your voice is soothing, not an ounce of frustration or anger behind it, just plain worry. You take a step closer, fully prepared for another rejection but it doesn’t come this time around, though you still don’t dare take a deep breath until the moment your fingertips brush against their left cheek, just slightly beneath their eyepatch, “you look exhausted.”
“Now that’s just rude!” An exhausted chuckle escapes their lips as they nuzzle their face into your hand, their expression contorting from anguish to a somewhat relaxed one and it causes your heart to nearly stop for a second before between at three times the usual speed, you are convinced they can hear it from where they stand. “I’ll have you know that I look awesome.”
It’s your turn to chuckle, your worries melting away for simply a second before coming back at full force, knowing way too well that redirecting attention and humor have always been Hanji’s favorite ways of avoiding a serious conversation.
“Hanji…” You start, your tone of voice sounding just as exhausted and defeated as theirs. It drags a loud sigh out of their chest, but as their mouth opens to complain, you continue, a begging tone in your voice as your eyes fill with unwashed tears, “Please, just talk to me.”
That look is enough to cause a painful bang to shoot throughout their body, their heart dropping to their stomach with the knowledge that it is their fault that you look this way. So, without even realizing it, they are already taking a couple of steps forward, hands tightly grasping at your hips as they lean their forehead against yours.
“I’ve just been so busy,” they whisper, the broken tone in their voice creates a tight knot in your throat and the sensation only grows stronger as they continue to speak, “Paperwork, meetings, and any free time I have I go to the lab, trying to complete some old experiments I’ve had from years ago. Even if I try to sleep, I just… Lay there, staring at the ceiling, maybe getting two or three hours here and there.”
You sigh, your arms immediately wrapping around their neck as you pull them close. Their eyelashes bat against the skin of your neck as they close their eyes, a shaky breath escaping them as they inhale your scent, focusing on the way your body feels and smells.
At that moment, an idea hits you. Without disturbing the hug, you look around the messy room, quickly taking in the setting before noticing that, for once, their couch rests next to the window, uncluttered and undisturbed. 
Reluctantly, you pull away from them and the first thing you can hear is a grunt of disapproval. Once your eyes meet again, their pupils are so big, they could only be compared to a puppy dog that has just discovered steak for the first time, pleading, begging even, “Why’d you do that?”
Without an answer, your hand slides with theirs, fingers lacing and fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. Their palm is slightly wet, though you can’t quite place if it is from the condensation from the whiskey glass they held earlier or if it is from nervous sweats. Regardless, all you can focus on is how warm their presence feels close to you.
You don’t speak, instead, you just guide their body towards the couch, their feet dragging behind you, “what are we doing?” They ask, their eyes already fighting to remain open in a combination of the exhaustion and the fuzzy feeling from being drunk, the comfort you bring them doesn’t help either. They are clearly forcing themselves to stay awake, wanting to spend all of this time with you instead of stubbornly trying to push you away.
���We are not doing anything,” you respond, taking a seat on the couch. Your free hand brushes against the spot next to you and they quickly catch onto what you are hinting, your words finally clicking in their head as they flash you a confused look, “You, on the other hand, are going to sleep for a while.”
Their eyes widen for a second as your words take them by surprise, a small groan of protest making its way past their chapped lips, “mmmmm, noo, I can’t… I have so much work that I need to get done… I don’t... Have time to sleep.”
Carefully, you bring your hand towards the back of their head, pulling the ponytail holder out of their hair to make sure they are more comfortable for the next step, which includes guiding their head down towards your thighs. It doesn’t take much effort nor does Hanji put up much of a fight, their body is completely exhausted after all.
“Mmmm,” they whine, their voice filled with a mixture of exhaustion and stubbornness, almost like a child who refuses to lay down for nap time, but once again, they don’t put up a fight, “damn it, how could I ever say no to you?”
“You can’t,” you chuckle, your fingers beginning to comb through the knots in their hair, detangling the strands, your nails gently scratching their scalp while you are at it, “I promise I will be here when you wake up. I’m not going anywhere.”
Your words are soft, carrying so much love that it is almost impossible for Hanji not to melt on the spot. The warmth of your legs combined with the feeling of your fingers going through their hair is finally enough to relax their overly exhausted body, their eyes finally closing and you use your free hand to remove their glasses, hanging it up on the neckline of your shirt.
“Finnneeeee,” Hanji whines once more, turning their body over so their face is buried in your stomach, their slim body now curled into a small ball on the couch and you can’t help but smile at the sight, “but do not let me sleep for more than thirty minutes. An hour, tops.”
You lift your eyes slightly to take a look at the clock on the wall, a gift from Kiyomi to celebrate your relationship. Silently, you take note of the time and look back down at your beloved, a soft, whispered “okay” leaving your lips.
“I’m serious,” Their voice starts sounding more sluggish by the second, their mind already starting to drift off but they fight back sleep for a few extra minutes, just enough to finish the conversation between the two of you, their voice extremely drowsy, “I’ll be mad if you don’t wake me up.”
“I would not dream of doing such a thing,” you respond, unsure if they recognize the mischievous tone in your words or not, but truly hoping that, if they do, they are simply choosing to ignore it. Even so, the way you speak brings them so much comfort, a sense of peace they haven’t felt since becoming commander, “just sleep, my love. I’ll be here.”
The moment Hanji hears you whisper that promise, the certainty that you will be here when they wake up, it’s like a switch flips inside of their mind and they finally allow their body to relax against your touch. Much like a cat, they purr as you continue to run your fingers through their hair, unable to avoid the smile that is now stamped on their lips.
“Thank you, love you,” they whisper, their voice is barely audible and you almost miss it. You don’t even have time to respond before they are completely asleep, the weight of the countless sleepless days finally catching up with their body.
When the first hour passes, you look up from your book, your eyes landing on the clock before making their way down towards Hanji’s face. They look so peaceful, their breathing is so calm and even that it soothes your own worries away and it takes every ounce of your strength not to lay down and nap with them. 
The decision to let them continue their slumber is an easy one. Eventually, you notice a small smile that tugs the corner of their lips in their sleep and you can’t help but wonder and hope that they are dreaming of you. Nevertheless, your fingers continue to go through the strands of their hair, even if it makes flipping the pages of your book a bit difficult, you manage to find a solution by placing it down on the armrest of the couch before using your pinky and ring fingers to hold the object down while the remaining digits flip towards the next page.
Another hour goes by and you start to ponder if you should wake them up. Maybe letting them sleep for this long wasn’t such a good idea, especially since you know they have to return to their duties as commander of the Survey Corps, such as continuing their research and sketching plans for the flying boat. But you can see it in their expression, the small specs of the bubbly person they used to be finally showing back up on their features as they sleep, small reminders of the bright light that has saved you from darkness more times than you can count.
You gasp softly when Hanji stirs slightly in your lap, your heart clenching in your chest as you continue to look down at them, scared that you moved too much and it caused them to wake up. Their expression is still undisturbed, almost like a cat that has just found the warmest spot on the window sill and you catch yourself smiling at them. A silly, love-sick smile that only they can bring out of you.
As the third-hour rolls by and you are trying to convince yourself that it is time to wake them up, you hear a knock on the door and your entire body freezes. You find yourself torn by the two options:
1) Do you say something loudly enough for the person on the other side to hear and risk waking Hanji up in a stressful way before throwing them directly into a situation in which they need to be the Commander, and not the bubbly Hanji Zoe you once loved so dearly.
2) You silently hope that the soldier on the other side will either go away soon or open the door quietly. The couch, though it is by the window, still has a perfect view of the front door to their office, so the person would quickly notice the situation and you would be able to calmly wake Hanji at your own pace, without any negative or stressful interactions.
A second, more forceful knock comes and you notice Hanji slowly starting to shift on your lap. The annoyed expression on your face morphs into one of anger and, as the shadow on the door side moves to knock for a third time, you decide to throw a pillow at the surface.
The person stops midway with their movements before their hand slowly comes to rest on the knob, twisting it slightly as the door quietly swings open. In front of you stands a very nervous scout, one of the new recruits, who hasn’t even been able to choose a specialty yet. His hands are trembling and he nearly drops the stack of papers he holds in his grasp, eyes bugging out of his skull as he looks at you and the sleeping figure on your legs.
“P-paperwork… F-for the C-Commander…” His voice is quiet and trembling, almost as if he is stepping directly into a monster’s lair. You realize in this moment just how intimidating Hanji is in everyone else’s perspective but your own and you can’t help but smile. You nod and gesture your head towards their desk, placing your index finger in front of your lips.
“I-it’s from… Instructor S-Shadis,” he says in the quietest of whispers, but you could already tell. Keith Shadis’ ugly handwriting was something you could identify from a mile away if you had to, “r-reports about… T-the ranking c-ceremony.”
“Thank you,” you mouth the words softly, your fingers moving on Hanji’s hair. They look so small and calm, almost like a harmless kitten, a direct contrast to the authoritative figure that can command an entire room with just a single look in their eye.
The boy nods, his trembling legs making their way towards the wooden table and carefully placing the new stack of paper next to the old ones, trying his best to make sure it is neatly organized while desperately avoiding eye contact with you. He does a quick salute towards you before eagerly exiting the room and you can nearly hear his breath of relief once he is out of sight, outside the closed doors.
You shake your head before looking down at Hanji once more to see a smile on their face. You roll your eyes, “how long have you been awake for?”
The smile on their face grows bigger, their eyes opening slowly to look at you, still a blurry image from the lack of their glasses but still enough for their heart to beat slightly faster, “since the first knock.” Of course, you think to yourself, “How long was I asleep for?”
You look at the clock, and a part of you wants to lie, say it’s only been thirty minutes or so but when you look out the window, you realize the sun has already started to set, making it impossible for such a thing to be even remotely believable. You sigh again.
“Around three hours…” You respond in a sheepish voice, avoiding their gaze. Immediately, Hanji sits up, placing their glasses above the bridge of their nose and looking at the clock on the wall. Once they look back at you, you can see the slightly irritated expression on their face and you feel like you could just shrink and disappear under such a harsh gaze.
“y/n, you promised!” They blur out and you can tell it isn’t anger or irritation… It’s an intense pile of anxiety, hidden behind the harsh facade they attempt to put up. They’re scared that something went wrong in the period they have been sleeping, like the Survey Corps might have fallen apart and they were doing something so useless such as taking a nap. A single thought is going through their mind, those words they have been chanting like a mantra since the fateful day in Shiganshina.
Erwin Would Never.
You stand up a mere second after them, watching closely as their hands grip the edges of the desk and their head hangs low, hips tilted forward in a desperate attempt to hold themselves upright. It breaks your heart to see them like this and, no matter how much you agree with Erwin that Hanji should be the next Commander, you can’t forgive him for leaving such a massive responsibility on their shoulders.
So your arms wrap around their waist, your cheek finding a perfect spot in the area between their shoulder blades. You nuzzle your face against their vest, nearly purring as you do. The smell of Hanji’s skin, mixed with a little bit of sweat as a result of their nap awakens the butterflies in your stomach and the only thing able to bring you out of your thoughts is the broken sound of their voice.
“How long were you going to let me sleep for?” They whisper, a hint of desperation behind their tone and you notice they are shaking. You tighten your grip around them.
“For as long as you needed,” you respond and, at the sound of their quiet sob, your heart shatters. “You haven’t been eating or sleeping, you are drinking in the middle of the day and, well, you are pulling away from me.”
With a long sigh, they turn around, a defeated expression on their face, “Y/n, I’m a mess. I’ve always been a mess. I’m always overthinking things, I’m mean, I’m stubborn, please. I need to catch up on my work, it’s so much paperwork and it just keeps piling up…”
“Hanji, you’re spiraling,” you whisper, fingertips almost featherlike as they brush against their arm. You hope and pray and nearly fall to your knees begging that they will listen to your voice, that they will give you time to make your case and prove that they are so much more than anything they are thinking, but they continue.
“Erwin’s one mistake was making someone like me the commander,” they whisper in the most defeated tone you have ever heard. It’s like something in your mind snaps and you immediately grab a hold of their wrist, flipping them around before pressing your body against theirs on the table.
“Now you listen to me and you listen good,” your voice is stern in a way Hanji had never heard before, it’s filled with pain, heartache, and still so much love, “Erwin wouldn’t have made you Commander if he didn’t think you would be a perfect choice. And I agree.”
Hanji wants to protest, they want to contradict you but the desperate look in your eyes convinces them to remain silent. Instead, they focus all of their attention on your words, into the amount of effort it takes you not to break into tears as you listen to their self-deprecating words, the doubt in their mind. They focus on the way your lips move and how desperately they want to kiss you.
“You are the reason why we were able to eradicate titans outside the wall, you created the thunder spears that were enough to scare off the armored titan,” you continue, the trembling in your hands is so intense you can barely contain your grip on them but you don’t let go nevertheless, “Moblit sacrificed himself for you because he believed you could guide us towards the world outside the walls. Erwin entrusted the Survey Corps to you because you are the most brilliant person any of us has ever seen. Please, just… Tell me you at least believe me.”
They don’t respond, not because they don’t want to, but because their voice won’t come out. It’s as if their brain has lost connection with their vocal chords and all they can focus on is the tears that threaten to fall from your eyes. 
So in one swift move, Hanji grabs a hold of your wrist and immediately switches places with you. You can’t help but yelp quietly, especially when you feel their hands grasping at the back of your thighs as they lift you. Your hands reach behind you, carefully assessing the area while trying not to mix any of their paperwork, but Hanji doesn’t have a single care in the world that isn’t you at this moment.
Their eyes hungrily stare at your lips and, with a silent nod of their head, you push away all the papers that were once so neatly organized on their desk. Once you are sitting down and your legs wrap around their waist, Hanji wastes no time in sealing their lips with yours, a delighted hum escaping your body once they do.
You wrap your arms around their neck, allowing your fingers to venture through the messy strands of their hair. Their fingers dig into your hips, strong enough to nearly leave a few bruises but neither of you care, the need you have for each other overwhelms any and every other one of your senses.
Their tongue slowly glides on your lower lip before they gently take it in between their teeth, pulling the skin towards them. After a few seconds, they let go and immediately begin to silently beg for entrance, using the tip of their tongue to nudge your lips apart and it doesn’t take you long to indulge.
They pull you closer to themselves, your bodies pressed together without a single inch of free space as they hold you, nearly afraid that you might disappear the second they loosen their grip. It’s the first time you have kissed in what feels like forever, even if it has been just a few weeks.
You can’t help but focus on the taste of whiskey in their mouth, it’s completely different from anything ever made inside the Walls. It nearly tastes “expensive”, for the lack of a better word. It’s been hours since they have last taken a sip and the flavor is still so vivid on their tongue. So much so that it nearly burns once your saliva begins mixing.
It’s only when the need for air becomes unbearable that the two of you pull away, a small string of saliva connecting your bodies. You run your tongue over your lip, breaking that connection and still getting one last taste of them. The sight causes a shiver to run down Hanji’s spine and they smile, gently placing their forehead against yours.
“I needed that,” they whisper, a smile stamped across their face and you nod, “I’m sorry for pushing you away, I’m just… Having a lot of big feelings that I couldn’t express but I have you now.”
“It’s okay, just don’t forget that I am here for and with you, okay?” You whisper back in a love-filled voice and they smile once more, nodding their head as their grip around you tightens ever so slightly, “You still taste like home.”
“Yeah? And what does that taste like?” They chuckle, nuzzling their nose against yours, enough that you can feel their glasses against your face.
“Like expensive whiskey,” you respond and Hanji laughs, the sound you’ve missed most these past few weeks and you are reminded yet again that home is whatever, wherever and whenever you are with them. No matter what.
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daemontargaryenwhore · 10 months ago
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violetscanfly · 3 months ago
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Out of reach
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ihave-atummyache · 7 months ago
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awweee what a cutie patootie (,: i cry…. wait… what’s this?
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hanjislxt · 8 months ago
Hiiii i was wondering if you could do a soft Minho like he's different when he's with the reader but only with the reader! 💗💗
hii! thank you for the request 🤍
genre: fluff+ nsfw under the cut
author’s note: i just decided to do these in a headcanon form, hope u enjoy xx
boyfriend!minho who has always been pretty reserved, keeping to himself.
boyfriend!minho who is frequently mistaken to be rude, when in reality he is just brusk and maybe a bit shy.
boyfriend!minho who was in awe when he met you, your bubbly and happy energy capturing his heart.
boyfriend!minho who found himself opening up to you the first time you hung out alone, finding himself comfortable when he’s with you.
boyfriend!minho who started laughing more, smiling more when he’s around you.
boyfriend!minho who shocks you when he asks you to be his in the sweetest manner possible, pouring his heart out and ending it with a cheesy “will you be mine?”.
boyfriend!minho who is possessive over you.
boyfriend!minho who loves the way you fold for him.
boyfriend!minho who kisses you softly, devouring you slowly, as if you’ll melt away.
boyfriend!minho who is a sucker for the way you look up at him when you’re on your knees.
boyfriend!minho who bends you over, muttering praises in your ear, making you lose your mind.
boyfriend!minho who always makes you come first, loving to see that fucked out look on your face.
boyfriend!minho who takes care of you, giving you all of his attention and love.
boyfriend!minho who is so obviously in love with you, his gaze softening every time it lands on you, that his best friends place bets on how long it will take for the two of you to get married.
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091400 · 8 months ago
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PAIRING: han jisung x fem!reader.
CONTAINS: 18+, afab!reader, exhibitionism, voyeurism, perv!jisung, masturbation, inappropriate behavior, ji being a creep in public spaces, starts non-consensual and ends being consensual by both parties.
AUTHORS NOTE: hey! this is a repost of an old work of mine from 2022! i fixed a few mistakes so here it is! let me know what you think :) please read the warnings above this paragraph! you're in charge of your own internet experience <3
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It was almost time for the train to arrive at the station, he checked his phone impatiently, he had some 3Racha business to attend in the big city so he got up from his bed too early for his liking, grumbling his way out of the apartment. He had recently bought some brand new headphones with noise cancellation, so they were perfect for his one hour train ride, hoping the fucking train wasn’t that full that early in the morning.
He was still half asleep when the train arrived, jumped in and took off to go to the second floor of the train. It was empty, thank god, he smiled to himself. It was almost eight stations to his final destination so he relaxed in his selected seat and put some music on.
The train stopped in the first two stations and people got on, Jisung was seated on the window seat, he had one free seat beside him and two in front. People started going up to the second floor and he sighed, goodbye privacy.
You appeared from the stairs, making your way towards the free seats in front of Jisung, making him gulp hard, his hands tightening against the soft fabric of his hoodie.
He thought he had his urges under control, but the way you were sitting with your legs crossed, and your skirt slowly riling up your legs, his sight was glued to your upper thighs.
He felt himself growing hard, and he tried fixing his bulge by slowly moving his legs to make some space but it was not complying at all. He looked at you again but you weren’t paying attention to him, not that he deserved it. You were just looking at your phone, typing at lighting speed, probably texting someone prettier than him and someone who was not staring at your legs and chest right now.
Jisung was deep in thought, thinking how pretty you would look sucking his cock right now, in front of everyone else on the train. You could probably take him all in your mouth (not that he was small, mind you) and make him come fast and hard just as he liked it. Or maybe he could fuck you in front of everyone and make you his, marking every part of your body with his mouth, leaving bite marks and hand imprints on your soft body.
Perhaps he could eat you out on the disgusting train seats, and make you come only with his tongue and fingers, you would scream his name and make everyone look at you two, causing an scene worthy of calling the authorities.
He was leaking, all his thoughts making his brain fuzzy as he felt his thigh getting wet, pulling him away from the best kind of thought he could have in his pathetic life. He subtly looked down at his jeans, the wet spot growing bigger with each second that passed.
He covered the spot with his hand, his gaze back at you again just to see you with your eyes closed and headphones in place. Maybe he could get away with it if you weren’t looking? He quickly scanned his surroundings to see if anyone was sitting near him, but he realized the two seats that were occupied fifteen minutes before in the other side, parallel to his seat row, were now empty.
Jisung breathed deeply, thinking hard about the thing he was about to do, but he couldn’t help himself, he just needed a release soon. It started with his hand slowly rocking on his bulge, looking like he was caressing it, he laughed softly at the thought of that. He felt like a teenager again, rocking his hips up to meet his palm and add more pressure.
He shakily sighed, his hand on top of his jeans not being good enough. Maybe if he could slide them off a little bit, and if you could spread your legs a little more for him, that would be great.
If God was hearing his thoughts, Jisung was grateful as fuck because you uncrossed your legs opening them a little, your white panties making their appearance for him. Your face looked relaxed, your eyes were still closed and your head leaning against the window.
Jisung’s face went red, not doubting this chance, his hand instantly rubbing his bulge on top of the jeans harder.
Quickly, he opened the zip of his pants, as he did his best to slide his boxers a little downwards to free his erection and maintain the jeans in the same place. At this point he couldn’t care less if someone was watching him jerk off to your figure sleeping, but he tried still to be careful, sitting in a way his thigh was covering his cock, so he was hidden between his leg and the window.
He started slow, spitting in his hand silently and grabbing his now very hard cock. He tried his best to not make any kind of sound, slowly jerking himself off, his eyes traveling from your chest to your panties, imagining what he could do to you if you allowed him to touch you.
What he didn’t expect was your eyes opening, looking directly at his cock.
Jisung also didn’t expect your devilish smirk.
He stopped abruptly, his brain hadn’t processed he fact that he got caught with his dick in his hand when you opened your legs further, his eyes instantly going to the wet spot in your panties.
Was Jisung having an hallucination?
“Go on.” Your voice was soft, and he was not stopping now.
You quickly observed your surroundings, Jisung’s eyes wide open while you did it. When you were sure no one was watching you both, you lifted your hips slightly and took your panties off, your underwear in your hand.
Jisung was completely speechless, he couldn’t believe this was happening to him after being the creepiest guy ever, his luck in life ended here. Your smile caught him off guard, because you threw your panties towards him and they fell on top of Jisung’s hand, that was still wrapped around his cock.
“You can use them if you want.” He straight up whimpered at that.
He didn’t waste any time and wrapped the fabric around his cock, and the combination of his leaking cock and some of your fluids made him shiver, jerking off with them.
He was close, you knew that by the way he whimpered with each movement of his hand, getting erratic at the point of making you laugh softly at him.
Jisung’s eyes were rolling back at this point, he only wanted one more thing, but he was afraid to ask you. He kept touching himself with your panties now wet from his leaking cock. But he made sure to look at your eyes, that weren’t looking back at him.
You were staring at his cock.
He felt himself blush at this, how embarrassing of him, getting caught with his dick in hand (hm?) and you encouraging this behavior giving him your underwear. How could you do this to him? Maybe you were a mind reader because the next thing Jisung noticed was your legs spreading further, showing your cunt in all its glory.
Jisung came in your panties at the sight of your pussy with a low moan, spurts of cum ruining the fabric of your underwear. He felt like he was ascending through heaven and being dropped back to earth with a thud as you spoke to him.
“You can keep them, I’ll be going now,” You hummed, grabbing your belongings and fixing your skirt as you gave him one last look, “Lucky for you that you’re cute, don’t you ever do this again.”
091400 © do not copy / plagiarize / repost or translate my work on any other platforms.
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lee-minhoe · 1 year ago
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hanjitonin for @strayklds 💖🎁
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aiyanakopa · 1 year ago
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sometimes you need to make a silly little doodle page for your mental health
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starr-lvst · 11 months ago
ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴀᴍᴇʀᴀ ʀᴏʟʟ .. [ ʙꜰ!ʜᴀɴ ᴠᴇʀ ] ✰
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hangesdarling · 11 months ago
Could you make hange x female reader enemies to lovers with Hange teasing her later
tease — h. zoë
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PAIRING. Hange Zoë x female reader SYNOPSIS. You always find yourself in dissent with the Survey Corps Squad Leader, Hange. CONTENT. 18+, MDNI, vaginal fingering, implied sex, teasing, your usual enemies-to-lovers thing, i suppose WORD COUNT. 1.9k A/N. playful hange, my beloved <33
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The Survey Corps always clashes with the Military Police Brigade in some way or another. The factions never seemed to have a moment where silent resentment didn't boil over. After being given a chance to choose a regiment, you never considered being part of the Survey Corps. Only the bravest or the craziest or the ones with no choice ends up with that fate. You're meant for the inner walls, to fulfill a duty within where you won't have to risk your life in a slim chance that a titan won't devour you in a battle.
You never lifted an eye for those in that regiment, but interesting news always comes up now and then. Not just the newspapers or whispers from other soldiers. You couldn't deny that every time the regiment goes outside the wall, a heavy tone sets in. 
Deaths, corpses, and grieving families. You were too caught up with the fact that you never had to deal with such gruesome things until the fall of Shiganshina.
Military Police began to work closely at times with the Garrison Regiment and the Survey Corps, who had a more appreciated role around this time. A clash between the regiment members occurs now and then, especially you and that crazy Survey Corps Squad Leader who has a propensity for grabbing people's collars.
Maybe you were annoyed at their temper, or how their reckless-sounding plans always turned up effective somehow which would never work out according to the Military Police Brigade's principle. It's way too different.
However, a sudden shift in your relationship occurred when you decided to be snarky one time.
Hange's hand clenched around your collar in a rather strong grip, and honestly, you forgot how you both ended up arguing to that extent. Your face was centimeters away from theirs as you smirked, "You know if you want an excuse to touch me so bad, there are better ways other than grabbing my collar. You could just say so, for example."
"Oh, get over yourself, L/N," Hange huffed, letting go of you. "As if I'd want to do that."
Your subordinates have told you that Hange gets pissed off at the right things and their anger is something to be feared. But it always brings you satisfaction when their cheeks or the tips of their ears redden when they are annoyed. It's cute, you must admit.
"Awww, is the Squad Leader blushing?" you crossed your arms, grinning.
Hange gave you a bright sarcastic smile and responded, "You make the blood vessels on my face dilate and it makes me want to rip your head off, darling."
"See, you're smitten," you chuckled.
Hange huffed this time, deciding it was over messing with you, and headed for the door. "Whatever. Go back to work."
"Hey, you can't command me like that. We're in the same rank!" Your indignant response made Hange smirk but they'll never show you that.
Maybe you don't have intentions to get close to them in a way where they'd piss you off in return first and have their fingers buried inside you the next in a cramped storage room.
"Shhh, quiet down, Y/N... Do you want the others to hear you? You're into that, huh?" Hange smirked, lips grazing the shell of your ear, making sure that every thrust of their digits was deep enough that their knuckles brushed against your folds.
"You might like trying to shut up for once. It looks good on you," you managed to say.
"Do you think I'd have such a pretty MP officer on my lap right now if it weren't for my insufferable, talkative mouth?"
"You know what? I'll bring a gag next time. That'll shut you up."
"And here I thought you can't get any kinkier." Hange playfully bit on your neck, relishing at the sounds you made that were soon muffled by their hand over your mouth.
You mewled and whimpered under their touch, any sense of decorum and authority thrown out of the window. The stuffy air inside the room didn't matter nor did the lack of a window, you drew a breath, head resting on their neck where you could inhale their scent. They remind you of fresh grass and perfume powders from your childhood.
Hange's hand would cradle your head to their chest in every silent intimacy shared in that room, their other hand rubbing circles on your hip in waiting for your highs to subside.
"This won't be a regular thing," you would say but both of you knew it was a lie uttered in an attempt to deny yourself more. Your meetings couldn't stand as infrequent when each day was a reminder that you would see each other again. Every time you stripped off your clothes, you would see every kiss mark and love bite from Hange etched on your skin. Hange knew you wouldn't admit your surreptitious desires even at gunpoint, and that only urged them to rib at the persona you clothed yourself with. A game of who would cave in first.
Some things could only be investigated in proper light when the sky gets dark. With intuition as sharp as Hange's, Erwin knew it would be best to trust investigations to them. From regiment treachery to pilferage that wears away the system, Hange finds the most relevant information in the obscure.
Streets weren't as busy on weekend nights. The village takes rest on those few hours when families are too busy lounging at home to notice dubious operations outside. Hange crept into the darkness, each gray shadow turning a shade darker by their lamplight. Their eyes crossed over the scroll containing all the points that led them here, the gears in their head turning about how they could fully unearth the mystery.
But then, alertness spiked in their veins the moment they heard sharp scurrying footsteps and hasty shadows running in their direction. Their usual calmness escaped them when the shadow held their arms, but their fighting instincts shut down when they heard, "Hange, it's me..."
Hange regained their composure when they saw your face by their lamplight, your chest rose and sank, making Hange wonder how long you've been running. They were taking a clear look at you, eyes momentarily traveling over the scrape on your cheek, and your frantic eyes looking from the direction you came from. But before Hange could utter a question, you abruptly put their lamplight down, quite aggressively that it was almost knocked off from Hange's hands if it weren't for their grip.
Hange felt your finger pressed against their lips as they heard you once more.
"Shut the hell up," you muttered, both in desperation and command and also by the knowledge that Hange was seconds away from running their mouth.
"I haven't said anything," Hange mumbled back.
"Shhhh..." you hissed as voices became audible from the direction you ran from. "They're coming so be quiet.”
Hange couldn't see much from the darkness but their hands knew where your hips were by touch. Their hands settled around them as they asked, "Who's coming?"
You couldn't find the heart to tell Hange that you were spying on fellow Military Police officers to gain evidence of their corruption both in trade and land. People might have coupled you to the elite, high, and mighty commanding rank of the brigade but you're not a filthy traitor of humanity unlike what those other MP officers subjected themselves to.
"I got in trouble," is all you said, your tone unwelcoming to any further questions Hange might ask. You would answer them some time but not now. Not when all the truth you could tell only punctuates that you belong in a rotten, grimy-handed faction.
The footsteps drew close, the familiar sound of an unholstering gun, and a voice posing seniority along with the other two. Hange wasn't a fool and knew they were Military Police officers as well. Their eyes peeked beyond the alleyway, calculating that both of you had nowhere to run at this point but a direction towards danger. No safe options, in short.
Hange turned back to you, eyes grazing at the outline of your figure.
"You know we could be pretending to make out instead of huddling together like a bunch of cows in summer," they proposed, fingers lightly tapping your hip in suppressed nervousness. It was a laughable proposal in a certain context, but it wasn't a terrible one.
"Ugh, what a pervert," you mumbled to yourself, running the idea in your mind in consideration and at the same time cursing yourself for being flustered at such an unlikely time.
"What! I'm just trying to save your li–" Hange would like to offer more protests but your lips crashing against theirs suspended their words, even the thoughts whirling in their head.
They kneaded your hip beneath their hands, teasing the edge where your shirt ended and skirt began. Hange brushed their tongue softly against yours, reveling upon the taste of your mouth they longed to lay claim upon.
The officers only needed a glimpse of your vague outlines moving sensually in that dim alleyway to know what was going on. Unsuspectingly and half-pissed, they only passed by, remembering their authority at the last minute when one of the older men shouted, "Trysting bastards, get a damn room!"
Hange couldn't help but emit a soft laugh as they gently pulled away from the kiss, just from the light shake of their shoulder you could measure how much they were struggling to keep their laughs in. A smile lifted on your lips to its own accord, jabbing at their sides as you say, "shut up, you idiot" despite smiling widely to yourself.
Hange could be persistent without sounding like one. They would nurse the scrapes on your cheeks and knees while nudging you to tell them what happened earlier. Your stories were lacking due to a desire to remain an arcane persona as protection but Hange has an aptitude to string your stories and read between what your words cannot say. You're a person of good intentions, they concluded, hoping their intuition served them right as usual. You spent the rest of the night with Hange, enclosed by both their arms and a blanket. They were not so willing to let you go when early dawn broke, but you gave them a kiss of gratitude, smirking as they blushed profusely. You gathered your clothes and dressed up before leaving, wishing that tomorrow you would see them again for another warm night.
Most inner operations ceased temporarily the day the Survey Corps will retake Wall Maria. You remained stationed in the inner walls, occasionally visiting your office to read through a few reports until a small envelope fell out of the stack you were checking. It was from Hange and they asked a subordinate to deliver it in by the looks of it. You tore the flap and read the small note:
To Y/N,
I'll try to visit you more often. I'm also hoping you'll have some spare time to come over to my place whenever I'm here.
P. S. You never returned my pen but it's yours now, I presume. I found something of interest you left at my place last week. It's inside the envelope.
From Hange
When you shook the envelope upside down, a small button rolled on your desk. It was one of the buttons from your uniform, embedded with the Military Police Brigade logo. You sighed and kept it in your pocket, the memory of why you left such a trinket in their place sinking in and transpiring into a blush on your cheeks. It was a rough night, to say the least.
You kept the letter tucked inside your coat, making a mental note to chastise Hange and tell them not to send such things in the mail even if they want to piss you off so badly. 
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likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated, sweethearts <3
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caffeinateddino · 6 months ago
Pre-Rumbling Commander! Hange x Squad leader, gender neutral! Reader
Warnings: none
Tags: fluff in question, angst, gender neutral Hange and Gender neutral reader, Implications of Poly relationship (?),
i dont know i just love hange so much and I'm sad and i wanna kiss kiss
excuse my flair of dramatic, Hozier is haunting me these days
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The soldiers who had aided Eren's escape were now facing imprisonment themselves. As the last of the onlookers exited the room, Hange’s frustrated voice echoed down the hall. Stepping back inside, Y/n approached the exhausted commander. “Do you think that will keep them in line?” Y/N asked, their tone laced with concern as they walked over to Hange, who looked mentally drained. In fact, it seemed everyone was exhausted these days.
“Probably not” Hange replied, their head resting in their hands. Y/n, the squad leader pulled a chair and sit across from them.
“Hange” They gently reached out and cupped Hange’s face, their thumbs softly caressing Hange’s cheeks. “I’m sorry,” Y/N murmured.
Hange’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“For wh—” they began, but Y/N cut them off gently.
“I know how tired you are,” Y/N said, their voice tender in a way that was both familiar and long-forgotten. It was the softness that used to be so prevalent when their biggest worry was understanding the mysteries of the Titans, before everything became so complicated.
“Can I kiss you?”
Y/N asked suddenly, their eyes searching Hange’s face. Hange’s single healthy eye widened in surprise.
after a moment of hesitation and confusion, Hange gave a hesitant, yet almost imperceptible nod.
Slowly leaning in, Y/N pressed a soft kiss to Hange’s lips. Without pulling away, Y/N lifted their gaze to meet Hange’s. Hange’s single brown eye was fixed on Y/N, their expression unreadable. Y/N leaned in again, planting another gentle kiss, and then another, and another. They continued to kiss Hange softly until they felt the tension in Hange’s shoulders begin to ease. As the tension dissolved, Y/N began to pepper kisses across Hange's face.
To Y/N, Hange's face was the most beautiful sight imaginable—one that deserved a poet's lifelong dedication, a face that could rival the moon in beauty, one that would make the very forests burn with flames of jealousy.
The longing Y/N felt for their commander was beyond the reach of mere words—
it was a depth of feeling that surpassed anything they had ever known.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N murmured again. “I wish there was something I could do to help.” They rested their chin on Hange’s shoulder. “I’m also worried sick about Levi, and it feels like there’s nothing I can do to fix it.” Rubbing Hange’s back gently, Y/N’s tone remained soft.
“You deserve the whole world. I can't stamd seeing you like this” With a sigh, Y/N cupped Hange’s face once more. “I wish we could leave everything behind and find a place where it’s just the three of us,” they said quietly. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted,” they added, their voice barely a whisper as they leaned into Hange once more.
Hange’s face remained expressionless, but their mind was acutely aware. There was no escape, no hidden path, no glimmer of hope—only the crushing weight of an inescapable reality pressing down on them like a shroud. It was a reality they wished were just a bad nightmare.
Hange leaned in and kissed their dear unit leader tenderly before speaking. “I’m worried too,” they admitted softly. “I wish we could leave, the three of us.” They cupped Y/N’s face gently, their calloused fingers tracing over it as if trying to hold on to them, as if afraid Y/N might slip away like so many of their comrades.
“But we can’t,” Hange added after a brief silence, their gaze locking with Y/N’s. Then, they leaned in again for another kiss
Though suddenly, a stern voice interrupted the moment. “Commander Hange, the people protesting in front of the gates are getting out of control. Can you come and check?” A young soldier, entirely unaware of the intimate exchange, stood rigidly by the door
“I’m coming,” Hange replied, standing up and adjusting their collar without meeting Y/N’s eyes. Without another word, they left the room.
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marsbutterfly · 7 months ago
hange clingy headcannons maybe Y/N is equally clingy? Idk i just need that fluffy shit
Headcanons: Clingy! Hanji Zoe
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a/n: thank you for your request, anon ♡ i hope i did it justice. i wanna thank eden for choosing this as the next request i was gonna work on ♡
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, mentions of nudity but no smut, not beta read (we die like men ♡)
/ before the two of you started dating, hanji was scared to show you just how clingy they actually were, but that didn't stop them from being affectionate in "small and subtle ways". well, small and subtle when it came to them, at least.
/ they would always wrap their arm around your waist while the two of you were standing next to each other and talking to other people. or they would wrap their pinky finger with yours as you walked side by side. they would also steal sips of your drinks all the time or take licks out of your lollipop.
/ during one of your friend's house party, they stayed by your side the whole night, protecting your drink, making sure you were having a good time and introducing you to the rest of their friends.
/ they whined for a few minutes, asking you to go with them to get something new to drink but you were in the middle of a conversation, so you simply kissed one of their cheeks and told them "if you go by yourself, I'll kiss the other cheek when you come back." needless to say, they ran.
/ by the time they came back, they could see a random man walking up to you, his lips too close to yours for their comfort and they nearly panicked. they wanted to rush over there, push the man and protect you but they had never confessed their very obvious feelings before.
/ but as they are about to turn away, they notice that you are making your way towards them with a bright smile on your face. "Hey! I missed you!" you say close to their ear, loudly enough so they will be able to hear you through the loud music.
/ hanji doesn't waste any time. they place the drinks down on a nearby table and wrap an arm around your waist and pulling you closer, your lips colliding together in a desperate kiss the two had been longing for for years. the two of you became official after that.
/ it comes to no surprise that hanji gives the best hugs. their long arms can completely wrap around you as they hug you from behind. you'll usually be cooking or doing laundry and you'll feel their body press against your back and you'll laugh softly, nuzzling your head against them.
/ in public, they refuse to let go of your hand. they want to keep you close, always making sure you are safe and within their line of sight while still making sure everyone around the two of you knows that you are their girlfriend.
/ they get so overwhelmingly hot at night that they wake up sweaty every single morning and they feel absolutely awful when you are drenched as well. though, it is quickly fixed by a shower together and it's right back to more cuddles under the cold ac.
/ even when the two of you getting into a fight, hanji still wants to stay as close to you as they can. even if the two of you are mad at each other, not on speaking terms, you will seat on the couch and watch tv and they will sit next to you, scooting closer every few minutes until your legs are touching.
/ hanji absolutely adores when you pepper their face with kisses. they smile every time and they are always saying how much it reminds them of the flapping wings of a gentle butterfly.
/ when they are sleepy? oof, they become more like a koala than a person. they will cling to your arm and whine over and over, their eyes barely remaining open as they force themselves to speak, asking you to come to bed while they rub their face on your shoulder.
/ you are their favorite pillow. they love sleeping on your thighs while the two of you are watching tv together, they love sleeping on your stomach while the two of you lay in the hammock and they absolutely love to sleep on your boobs every night, the sound of your heartbeat lulling them to sleep.
/ sometimes, when you don't feel like walking from the couch to the bedroom, you'll simply lift your arms and make the sleepiest face you can, even if you aren't that tired. hanji will always let out a small chuckle and pick you up in their arms, no matter how much you weight. they are strong, the can carry you like you are a feather.
/ when you first got together, hanji would always pout and tell you, "i'm not a cutie. i'm strong, powerful and confident!" and you would smile and tease them, "and a cuuuuuutiiiieeeeee." it used to make them so embarrassed but, as time went on, hanji started to get more and more open to it, even responding when you would yell a cute nickname to get their attention.
/ you are the moon to their stars. there is absolutely nothing hanji wouldn't do for you. they are constantly checking in on you, texting you multiple times while you are at work. they will send funny memes, cute selfies, spicy pictures but mostly romantic pictures of plans they have for the two of you, even if it's usually just popcorn and wine at home.
/ hanji will kiss you at every single chance they get. though they prefer the deep kisses, the ones filled with passion and tongues twirling around each other during your steamy make out sessions, they can't deny that those little pecks the two of you share so often make their heart light up with joy.
/ when the two of you go out grocery shopping, hanji will cautiously smack your butt as you walk down the isles, making sure to slap it twice so "neither one of them feels left out." they will also brush their arm against your boobs playfully and smirk when you become a flustered mess.
/ they are always following you around the house, wanting to be close to you no matter how much you move around. that being said, you have always enjoyed sitting by the bathtub while they take a bath, or so you did until they invited you to take a bath with them. you haven't shared or bathed alone since that day, not that you are complaining.
/ they had never felt like they could rely on someone until they met you. it's like a part of their life that had always been missing that finally found its way home and their heart could finally stop aching for something they didn't even know they needed.
/ they stare at your lips 95% of the time that you are talking. if the topic of the conversation isn't something serious, hanji will pull you in for a little kiss after a while simply because they can't go on without having the slightest taste of you.
/ hanji tends to get super anxious when you have to go away for a few days for work and they aren't able to go with you. so they will facetime you at every chance they have: while you are driving, while you are eating, while you are in the shower, getting ready for bed.
/ they can barely sleep during the nights where you are away and, if the call happens to hang up in the middle of the night, they will start crying and frantically hyperventilating as they call you back again over and over until you pick up. as soon as they hear your sleepy and concerned voice, they calm down enough to go back to sleep.
/ you are constantly telling each other how much you love each other. wars (not really) have been fought in your household to decide who gets to say "i love you" last before bedtime.
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silentcryracha · 2 years ago
❍ ‗ Golden Hour (H. Jisung) ‗ ❍
Pairings : Jisung x gn Reader
Genre/warnings : fluff and smut. (Unprotected sex, reader receives oral) No plot :) 18+ ONLY
Summary : You and Jisung enjoyed your day off in your own way <3
Word count : 1,5 K
A/n : I have absolutely no explanation or context for this. With this being said, enjoy and stay #h0rny
ps: Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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It was a day off for Jisung, a Sunday specifically, so you decided to enjoy the day to the fullest doing what you like most; chill together sprawled on the couch watching whatever you felt like that day.
You stayed up late the previous night so you allowed yourselves to sleep in the morning. Around noon you woke up, taking your sweet time, and just ate whatever leftover that was left in the fridge.
After that you moved to the couch and he turned on the tv, switching channels a little randomly to see in anything got his interest. one arm resting behind your head on the edge of the couch. You on the other hand cared little for focusing on something specific, so you got caught up scrolling through different social media.
About five minutes later Han huffed dramatically, waving a hand to his face, trying to get some air.
"It's so damn hot today, I'm all sweaty and disgusting" he complained, getting up from the couch and getting your attention.
"Where are you going?" you asked casually, looking up at him. He leaned down again to give you a quick kiss on the lips.
"To take a quick shower. I need to freshen up. It won't take long." he responded, already disappearing in the corridor towards the bathroom. You shouted out a " 'kay" and went back to your business, getting comfortably on your belly and taking up space on the couch.
Han's shower took about five minutes, plus all the hair drying and skin care after, around ten. He hummed softly to himself, deciding to stop by the kitchen to get you both some iced tea. When he came back, he stepped into the living room with a drink in each hand, gaining a smile from you.
"Thank you, baby" you said cutely, making him mirror your smile. He placed them down on the coffe table and plopped down on the couch again. You were still on your belly but now your legs were bent up, kind on carefully swaying around.
"Of course, baby. Thanks, for the air con." he thanked you in return, pointing up to the air conditioner that was now turned on. You hummed, sending him a flying kiss and making him chuckle.
He picked up the remote again, this time finding a live music program that he liked, increasing the volume a little. You turned your head, giving a quick glance to the tv and stretched out your arm to reach the glass of iced tea.
Jisung saw you struggling a little so he leaned in and gave it to you, laughing softly at your pout. You grabbed it from his hand and thanked him in a purposefully cutesy voice, lowkey eyeing him up and down.
"I really do have the sweetest and hottest boyfriend." your words made him smirk a little, shifting the attention from the tv back to you. He looked at you smugly, raising an eyebrow jokingly.
"The hottest boyfriend? Tell me more." you laughed, laying your legs back down to rest on his lap. His hand immediately going to rub your thigh gently.
"Of course! Look at those strong arms in that sleeveless t shirt, or the luscious hair, or that handsome face. The nerdy glasses are just ten extra points." you winked, giving him your best bedroom eyes.
He laughed again, slapping your ass teasingly, but without putting force into it. That made you yelp and laugh at the same time, squirming slightly on him.
"Well, thank you. This boyfriend here is also very lucky, by the way." he responded, his smile still big and smug on his face. You stretched your torso and arm to put the iced tea back on the table before replying.
"Ah, really? And what do you like about me?" you asked, humor in your voice. He suddenly shifted on the couch so that he was kneeling behind you, now both his hands were sliding up and down the side of your legs and hips, almost like a massage.
"Of course your ass, what else" he said it like it was obvious but it's clear that he wanted to tease you. He laughed when your mouth went agape in an overdramatic way, reaching out to give one of his hands a slap.
"You horny bastard" you shook you head, feigning disappointment. Jisung chuckled again, straddling you by putting his knees at each side of your lower body. He then leaned in, his head closer to yours.
"For my beautiful, smart, kind, hot, special baby? Always." the cheesiness made you giggle and hide your face on the couch pillow in front of you. He nuzzled his face into your hair, chuckling with you.
"Ah, you know that you don't get to be all romantic and shit without having payback" he started to leave small gentle kisses on the side of your face, jaw and neck. This elicited a soft sight from you, understanding the mood change.
So you decided to tilt you head to the side, giving him more access. He took the chance and started to slide his hand under your t shirt to touch your naked skin. In return you slowly started to sway your hips, rubbing your butt on his crotch.
He let out a small moan at the action and continued his ministrations, touching your waist, stomach, and then teasing one of your nipples with his fingers. Your breathing started to get a little deeper, and his too.
Quickly enough you managed to turn yourself enough to capture his lips in a lazy, deep kiss. After a couple of seconds though you stopped to take his glasses off and place them on the table nearby, to then go back to his mouth.
At this point you were groping and making out like two horny teenagers but you didn't really care. After some minutes Jisung was fully hard, so he decided to take the action to the next level, detaching himself from you and standing on his knees again.
You were looking back at him with hungry eyes and a glossy, slightly swollen mouth from all the kissing. Without a word he gently slid down both your pants and underwear in one go up to below your knees. You gulped, breathing heavily when he straight up placed his face between your legs and started licking you.
Your back automatically arched, basically pushing yourself onto his face more, making him moan. One of his hands grabbed one of your ass cheeks and the other went inside his own pants to touch himself.
You wanted to reciprocate, or at least touch him too, but when you tried to move he groaned, tightening his grip on your side to keep you still, making you gasp.
"My God, Ji..." you said breathlessly, buying your face in the pillow, gripping it tightly with your hands. He just hummed against you, and kept eating you out like a man starved.
"Pl- ah, Jisung I want to touch you, please" you pleaded. He finally detached himself from you, sliding his own pants and underwear down. Then leaned back with his face next to yours, hovering over you and stroking himself.
"I want to be inside you right now, Is it okay?" he murmured, his own voice dripping with arousal. You nodded quickly, managing to get out a 'yes please'.
Jisung stood back up behind you, wetting the palm of his hand with his spit before making sure that you were ready to take him. After a couple of seconds you felt the tip of his cock touch you, but he played around for a bit before actually entering you slowly.
You both dragged out a long moan, as he stilled inside you. He waited for your sign to move, and you did that by moving your hips around, making him groan. He gripped your waist with one hand, while the other rested on your lower back, pushing you down even further.
His thrusts increased in speed gradually, and after a while you were just both moaning and gasping frenetically. You clenched around him after a particularly deep stroke, making him borderline choke on his spit. That made you involuntarily laugh and you felt his hand squeeze your side for a moment to admonish you.
"Stop that or I'll come quickly than I'd like" he joked, his voice breathless. You smiled mischievously, following his movements with your body, as if to encourage him.
"Do it, come for me" you breathed out. The hand that was previously on your back slid to your front and started to touch you, speeding up your own impending orgasm.
"You first" he replied, his voice deep. The combination of his cock and his hands on you quickly made you reach your release, moaning his name and clenching around him, again.
That definitely did it for him, as he gave another couple of deep and fast strokes and then groaned, coming inside you. He stilled for a couple of seconds before sliding out, a deep sigh leaving both of your lips.
He laid on you, pressing his chest to your back, but still somewhat keeping some off his weight off by supporting himself with his arms. His face buried in your shoulder, and your own hand coming up to stroke his hair with your fingertips to soothe him.
"I'm sweaty again" his defeated tone made you chuckle, your fingers lightly scratching his head lovingly.
"We can take another shower. In a few hours."
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wingsofhcpe · 11 months ago
thinking about how in the manga Hange and the rest of the dead scouts smile at Levi before fading away, meanwhile in the anime Hange looks so pensive and sad instead, gazing at Levi with so much regret in her eyes because she had to leave him alone, because he's the last one now and he has to carry everyone's hearts forward even when they're no longer there with him.
Thinking about how Hange didn't want to leave Levi, how they asked Levi if he thinks their dead comrades are watching them, and Levi did not reply, but then when Hange died he whispers "goodbye, Hange. Watch us."
I am really so not okay over these two, I am absolutely Not normal about levihan and their relationship and how much pain and love there is inside both of them, and how these two -the pain and the love- can coexist so perfectly even after Hange is gone and Levi is the last one of the OG scouts left.
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ihave-atummyache · 3 months ago
i need to put a baby in him.
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