hannahburdy · 7 years
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🏞🚙✨🧡 Heaps of fun last week adventuring with @recordsafari 🤗💕 #fbf #roadtrip #horseshoebend #arizona #beingtouristyandstuff #hangingwithstrangers #tryingnottotrip (at Horseshoe Bend)
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recordofmyreverie · 7 years
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Asheville, NC in April 
(April 17, 2017)
Asheville, NC is one of the most unique and special places I’ve ever been to, and it’s a great place for me to escape to. I’ve been there probably 6 or 7 times now since the first time I went for my 15th birthday and saw the Biltmore Estate with my parents. 
Since I won’t be able to go to Asheville as easily for a few months, I had to have one last road trip before my upcoming flights. I got to see familiar faces and places, and got even more than I asked for. 
On my first night in Asheville, I met up with my friend, Margarita at a Vegan restaurant off of Lexington Avenue called Rosetta’s. The first time I’d been there was when I went with RN and he got a Tempeh Reuben sandwich while I munched on a vegan Pad Thai with apricot dressing that cleverly replaced the fish sauce. Margarita has never had vegan food before, so I thought this would be a good experience for her. She opted for a Vegan burger with vegonnaise, vegan cornbread, and fries, which I thought was a good starting point for someone who still craves meat. She did well, but wouldn’t want to try the vegan cheese because cheese can never be replicated in a way as delicious. I got myself a “Buddha Bowl” which contained kimchi, sprouts, avocado, tempeh, and a ball of brown rice topped with a peanut butter sauce. 
It was beautiful weather outside and the sun was setting at around 7:30 PM. It was funny seeing Margarita wearing a similar military jacket to the one that she wore when I first met her. Her hair was even close to the same length, just a little bit shorter. It was as if we’d come full circle. From when she picked me up at my hostel to when she dropped me off again later that night before heading home, the whole experience was like a deja vu, except I was a lot happier than I was before. 
The last time I saw her in Asheville, I was there because I was depressed. My heart was just ripped out of my chest and I went there to seek some spiritual healing. What I found later was that the best way to heal is to have great friends around you, and to just be hugged. I showed Margarita all the places where I had good memories and met great people like at Dobrá Tea where I met with a psychic or Odd’s Café where  I met several inspiring people who were kind enough to stay and chat a while. It just seems like whenever I’m there something magical happens, but it could be because I look for those magical occurrences. Even if I do, I’d consider myself lucky. 
While we were in the car, she said that while I’m gone, she wants to have a cool experience to tell me about. She asked me how I could just be walking anywhere, and someone would come up and talk to me and usually I’d find out that person had a really cool story to tell. She’s right, that does happen a lot, but it wasn’t always that way. 
When I look back at how I was 5 or 6 years ago, I was extremely closed off. I let nobody into my bubble because I was afraid and I didn’t like who I was. I ate lunch in the library and the art room because I preferred not meeting people. It was intimidating to see cliques and want to break those barriers, and it still is. I hardly ever will join or form any sort of group, and I always strike conversation with someone when they are alone or with one other person. 
Once you erase judgement from a first impression that would prevent you from talking to someone, you find that everyone has the potential to be interesting. What keeps people from talking to each other is either the fear that they are “better” than you or the misconception that you are too good for them. We have to realize that everyone is equal and there is no “better” because everyone is good at something. 
Once I got rid of my fear of talking to strangers, I think people are able to sense that, so more people have started talking to me instead. Ultimately, the message that you send out to others will come back to you. 
I met several people on my trip this weekend including a Ukrainian mother and daughter, a girl from New Jersey who was looking for a place to live, one of the people who worked at the hostel, Jim who came all the way from Connecticut to help his friend move from Asheville to Florida, Paul who came from Florida to look for a roommate in Asheville, a group of foreign exchange students from Germany, a group of vegan anarchists in the park, a yoga teacher on a Tinder date at Dobrá Tea named Krystle, a concert-goer from across the room named Justin, and a guy who needed to sell an extra ticket named Lowell. 
I brought and shared my own food, and in return found free food in the park for an anarchist party function that I was later kicked out of (oops). Then I bought a wig on sale for $20 after taking an Uber to downtown from West Asheville because I needed a new disguise and I knew I would still blend in perfectly despite wearing something so bright (it was a platinum-blonde bob with peekaboo pink hi-lights in the fringe). I wasn’t wearing any makeup, so I waltzed into Urban Outfitters to put on some bright eyeshadow and lipstick from the samples and I found some glasses there for $5. I obviously got some looks in the store, but who’s to care when I won’t be there tomorrow? Plus they were samples, so it’s encouraged for people to try it!
I had about an hour before seeing Explosions in the Sky at the Orange Peel, so I went to Dobrà Tea where I had some delicious Lychee Tea while sitting on tiny pillows on the floor behind beaded curtains. I heard a girl talking about astrology, so I jumped in and asked her what my sign was. She guessed I was a fire sign like she was probably since I took that initiative and was pretty flashy-looking, but I surprised her when I said I was a Scorpio. I could see clearly that she was probably a yoga teacher based off of the way she looked and how she was sitting with perfect posture, and I was right! Her name was Krystle.
A guy named Justin was sitting across from us and overheard me talking about the concert with Krystle. It just so happened that he was going to the same one! Simply putting myself out in the open with these people allowed me a ride to the show from Krystle, a person to enjoy the music with named Justin, an introduction to Justin’s new friend Lowell, and a ride to our next destination at The One Stop from Lowell plus a ride back to my hostel later that night from Justin. I took three rides total from strangers that I had just met that night, and one ride that I paid for by Uber to get to downtown. 
After such an eventful and social night getting to see my favorite band ever plus a new favorite called Thor and Friends, I shared the story of my entire night with the mummy sleeping bag boy, Paul. I finally slept at 3 AM, and then by sunrise I was on the way home to make it in time for Easter Brunch with my family. 
I thought of all the fun I had the night before and the memories were aided by my new Thor and Friends CD blasting on my stereo. I guess the combination of loud music and sleep deprivation plus a wide open road caused me to be halted by a state trooper. Fuck. I got another speeding ticket. After all the luck and great experience I had in Asheville, though, a speeding ticket was not so bad. I didn’t know what I’d be doing after Alaska before, but I guess the answer came knocking on my window in the form of a state trooper telling me I had to be present in court on September 20th. I guess I’ve got to be anchored somehow, otherwise who knows where I’d drift off to.  
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