#handled their dilemma (spoilers: not well) vs how seto just. Does Not acknowledge it ever not even to himself like hes crazy. hes insane.
mekatrio ยท 11 months
long post abt a seto quote surprise surprise
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literally insane crazy that this is like the one (1) and only piece of text EVER that shows how seto had felt knowing that he and his family didnt have a future beyond his teen years, and even this isnt made that clear bc he brings up his own personal feelings abt this matter a total of net zero times like oh my god. like this is a dude that learnt about haruka's mortality way before haruka ever gained the courage to tell it to his friends (which is a big fucking deal considering his death drove ALL of his friends to suicide in different timelines), learned that his and his family's futures were gonna be cut short, and learned that his own DAD was going to be the one to carry that out via violently murdering them all. and hes like. god. anywhere from like 7-14 when he learns all of this and he never confides in Anyone EVER.......
and like the fact that this is the one and only piece of text IN ALL OF KAGEPRO where seto is shown expressing his feelings on this speaks for itself with how he just, bottles up and does not acknowledge his own feelings of despair like you can see his denial of his feeling in his overall demeanor throughout the story, laughing heehee hahaing with everyone at the theme park knowing they'll all die this week like hes crazy. he's crazier than kano bc kano at least breaks down but seto? ohhhh this crazy son of bitch doesnt break down until hes at the absolute limit (surviving after everyone dies + lying to mary for weeks + learning mary had been lying to him as well LIKE). but like the fact he can carry on AFTER HIS ENTIRE FAMILY DIES IN ONE NIGHT speaks volume of just how practiced he is in doing this shit, all of novel 8 seto pov is just Seto Repeatedly Denies That He Feels Grief For His Family ๐Ÿ˜ƒ and thru the most insane way by painting this narrative that he had always valued mary over everyone else, which is FALSE!!! BTW HE IS NOT A YANDERE..... FUCKING GRABS YOU LIKE oh my god hes not a yandere. he doesnt actually value mary over everyone else he is LYING like his whole character is characterized by wanting to change himself so he can support others and this EXTENDS BEYOND MARY.... literally this is the dude who speaks fucking weirdly bc he loved KIDO so much that he changed his speech patterns for her, at 14-ish years old starting looking for work so he could support his family, and he spent a whole night looking for kano.... like he loves his family. throughout novel 8 he's saying that he values mary more than anyone else but his actions? completely says otherwise...
and also the fucking shonen brave lyrics of how he talks about how he cant hear his own thoughts bc other people thoughts keep intruding and knocking on his mind, like not being able to recognize his own thoughts has always been a Thing with him like goddamnit im too sleepy to pull up the novel to grab more screenshots (hence why this post has a grand total of one quote from the screenshot lol), but like towards the end of novel 8 he basically has a moment where he says smth among the lines of like "-my own voice rang out, telling me 'you're wrong'." SOMETHING LIKE THAT. but yeah ignoring his feelings be it by his own accord or bc of the circumstances of his powers, has always been a Thing with seto.... SETOOOOOO
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