#han would be voted off for pissing too many people off
keefscafe · 1 year
watching Survivor with my mom when a fully formed Survivor!AU but with rogue one/broader rebellion members sprang into my mind if only i could write
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auxiliarydetective · 1 year
Who has the biggest Slay™? Poll number 1
Congratulations, you have voted on who will go through the horrors (you have voted, right???) - that means it's now time for the fun part of the Halloween Challenge: Costumes! As usual, I'm an indecisive little gremlin and so I shall now present you with the ideas my brain has come up with.
My beloved judges of style, please decide in the following pageant, based on... How fitting are the costumes? And of course... the funnies. Bonus for style points.
Day Twenty-Eight: Let’s Be Weird Together
We all know of an iconic squad that so many people are just dying to be a part of. Well, it’s your ocs and their friends chance! Day 28 is group costumes!
Gordon Malloy as Han Solo (he gets to be the cool one for once <3)
John LaMarr as Lando Calrissian (ladies' man much?)
Alara Kitan as Leia Organa (girl power dot com)
Raevyn Maumahara as Luke Skywalker (she gets to pass off her baton as a lightsaber, I mean, come on now)
Hannibal as Egon Spengler (aka only braincell)
Face as Peter Venkman (the ladies' man, except a more successful one than Venkman is)
Murdock as Ray Stantz (autistic swag - he has a Slimer plushy that he carries with him)
B.A. as Winston Zeddemore nobody (he insists that he didn't agree to this nonsense and only participates once they let him cut off the sleeves on his flightsuit but he secretly enjoys dressing up)
Kit as Gozer (androgynous as heck, has declared war on gender)
Hogan as Athena (big brain strategy energy)
Newkirk as Hermes (god of thieves)
LeBeau as Demeter (goddess of harvest who is known to become pissed if someone messes with her family)
Carter as Hephaistos (Carter is a blacksmith, except he uses chemicals that go boom in whatever he forges, which creates fire, which Hephaistos is also the god of)
Kinch as Hestia (he is mama bear, period)
Vicky as Aphrodite (her faceclaim is Marilyn Monroe, she is beautiful as all hell - also a known seductress)
Monkey D. Luffy as Mario (he... he IS Mario, okay? Fun guy, red color theme...)
Roronoa Zoro as King Bowser (Zoro would make a great fire-breathing reptile and he deserves to wear leather, spiky bracelets and a choker)
Nami as Princess Daisy (do I need to explain?)
Usopp as Luigi (Luigi is a hero too, okay?!)
Sanji as King Boo (the vibes are there, okay? it would work super well with his suit aesthetic)
Akaito Coraline as Princess Peach (Cora is royalty, okay??? Also, she would love to wear a princess dress even for one day and put SO MUCH work into her costume - alternatively, I could see her as Pauline)
@daughter-of-melpomene @thehedgehogat221b @starcrossedjedis @come-along-pond
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sushiburritonoms · 3 years
DinLuke 10. high school popular kid/nerd au
I've been sitting on this AU Fic request all week because High School was a long time ago for me and I have no idea what all you young people are doing these days. After talking to Dark, I finally came up with an idea based off what I remember from high school in the 1990s. Hence this is one of the more serious ficlets I've done, but then again I've never thought of the high school genre as a happy one? Unless we're talking about Sailor Moon or something (which trust me I WAS TEMPTED).
10. High school popular kid/nerd AU
Warnings: USA centric, Time period appropriate homophobia, homophobic language, school bullying.
This looked so easy in the movies.
Din squinted at his target, readjusted his stance and after a moment, let the small pebble fly from his hand. It made a graceful arch…and landed on the top of the roof instead of hitting Luke’s second floor bedroom window. Again. He groaned.
“I can’t believe you’re the Captain of the football team.”
Din yelped and spun around. Standing directly behind him was Luke’s twin sister, staring at him with an annoyed expression on her face. She was still dressed in the same white cardigan, pink spaghetti strap tank and skinny jeans he’d seen her in at school, and was carrying her silver JanSport bag on her back and her clarinet case in one hand. If looks could kill, Din would be….well. Not dead, but most likely wounded, since the look Leia Amidala Skywalker was giving him was one of distrust and utter annoyance.
A thousand different excuses flew through Din’s head, in one ear and out the other.  Of all the things he could have said, what actually came out was, “I thought you had Jazz Band today.”  Or was it Model UN? Was it Thursday yet?
“It was cancelled. Ms. Junda is out sick.”  Leia used her free hand to push her glasses further up her nose.  “Why didn’t you just use the front door like a normal person?” She shook her head at him and started to walk towards her front door.
Din hesitated.
Leia looked back and rolled her eyes. “My parents aren’t home. My mom has another fundraiser and my dad got dragged into helping. Doesn’t my parasitic twin tell you anything?”
Din frowned. He took AP Bio and that insult made no sense. “Did you two have another argument?”
Leia gave him an incredulous look. “We never fight.”
Not according to Luke, but Din wisely avoided mentioning that.  “My pager got confiscated,” Din admitted. “It went off during history and Mr. Mundi took it.”
“You could have just talked to him,” Leia said. Then she used the palm of her hand to hit her head. “Oh duh, I forgot. You’re too cool to talk to Wormie and Squirmie at school.”
“Hey!” Din walked over to Leia. “I don’t call you guys that.” He hated Luke and Leia’s stupid nicknames. He couldn’t stand the way the other kids treated the Skywalker twins, especially Fett and his gang of morons.
Leia’s hand jingled as she pulled out her house key. “You don’t stop them,” she said quietly as she turned her back to Din. “It’s pretty much the same thing.”
Din felt his heart drop into his chest.  That wasn’t true. Every time he heard his teammates talking smack about other kids he told them off. But apart from Football practice, he didn’t really spend time talking with Fett and his friends. He was too busy working his afterschool job at Blockbuster and helping his foster mom with the other kids.  “I would,” he protested. “If Fett or anyone else ever said anything to my face about you and Luke, I would smack ‘em.”
Leia side eyed him, with her hand still clutching at her front door. “What about Han? Would you stand up for him?”
“Han Solo?”  Din blinked. The infamous dropout of Coruscant High? “I thought he joined a biker gang?”
That was the wrong thing to say. Leia whirled around. “No he didn’t! What is wrong with you!” She swung her clarinet case at Din and he had to take several steps back. “I don’t know what Luke sees in you, you stupid jock!”
“HEY! Shhh! I’m sorry, I’m sorry ok! Calm down!” Din looked around nervously to see if anyone had heard Leia.  He had no idea what he’d done to piss Luke’s sister off. They’d never had more than a few short conversations with each other ever since Din moved into town two years ago.
“What? You don’t want people to know you’re a homo?” Leia shouted at him. She had tears in her eyes. “You afraid you’ll stop being Mr. Popular if they knew you were a gaylord like Luke? Huh? You thick headed, scruffy looking….Neanderthal!”
Din and Leia both froze. They hadn’t noticed the front door opening nor noticed Luke until he was standing right in front of them.  His blond hair was all disheveled and he had an ice pack in one hand and the beginnings of an awful black eye on his swollen face. His lip was cut up and there was blood dotting his green t-shirt.
“What happened!” Din blurted out. He pushed past Leia to hover next to Luke. “Who did this?!”
Luke winced and pulled away before Din could touch his face. “I’m fine.  Will you two get in here before you get outed to the entire town?”
Din opened his mouth to reply but was shoved into the doorframe by a furious Leia.  “I didn’t know it was this bad.” She grabbed her brother’s hand and dragged him into their living room.
“I’m fine!” Luke repeated. “How’d you even find out?”
“Amy told me. She saw the fight.” She pulled Luke over to their couch and nudged her brother into sitting. Din quietly closed the door and watched the siblings from a safe distance. Amy must have been Amilyn Holdo, the school’s resident weirdo.  She was one of Leia’s best friends and another frequent target of the meaner kids in their class.
“Ugh Leia, quit it! Did you skip Jazz Band for me?!”  Luke tried to wiggle away from his sister as Leia fussed over his cut lip.
“I thought it was cancelled,” Din frowned.
“That’s what we’re telling my parents,” Leia muttered.  “But I don’t think we can explain this!”
Luke sighed. “You know they won’t even notice.” He sounded so defeated that Din felt a surge of rage at Mrs. Skywalker and her busy city council career.
“Mom’s gonna notice a black eye!” Leia paused. “Eventually.”
Din counted to three just like his foster mother was always telling him to do. “Will someone tell me what the hell happened?!”
Both twins turned to look at him simultaneously, doing that creepy staring thing that made them frequent targets of the school bullies.  “Greedo,” they both said at once.
Ugh. He really liked Luke, but that was just too creepy. It reminded him of the movie Village of the Damned. “Christopher Greedo?”
They both nodded. “He insulted Han,” Luke protested. “Spreading rumors about him and nobody was saying anything.”
OH.  Now Leia’s earlier comments made sense. “You tried to fight Greedo?” Chris Greedo was infamous for his bad temper, a real ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ type of jerk.
“He keeps spreading that stupid biker gang rumor. Nobody knows what really happened to him.” Luke kept clenching and unclenching his fists--which also looked bruised. “I couldn’t take it anymore.”
Din slowly started to approach the twins, keeping one eye on Leia.  She glared at him but still scooted over so that Din could sit next to Luke.
“What really happened?” He asked gently.  He only hesitated for a moment before he reached over and grabbed one of Luke’s bruised hands.
“Han’s old man threw him out.” Leia answered instead of Luke. “He’s been homeless for the last four months.”
“He’s currently living with Chuy Baca’s family on the East Side,” Luke added. “It’s not fair! Han was so close to finally graduating this year but Leia and I can’t convince him to come back.”
“That’s messed up,” Din said as he looked at Leia. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
It felt like he was being judged by Leia as her brown eyes peered into him. “It’s alright,” she said finally. “Now you do.”
There was a whole lot of school politics that Din didn’t understand, even though he’d been living in Coruscant for two years. He knew that Han, Leia and Luke’s nerdy group of friends were low on the social totem pole and by sheer luck Din’s athletic ability meant he was attractive to the popular group that ran the school.  Boba Fett in particular acted like he was some sort of king and because Din was useful to him he had become one of the ‘cool kids’ for the first time in his life.  Boba had some sort of grudge against the Church that Luke’s parents attended (Church of the Sith Eternal or something like that).  The other kids also picked on Leia because she was at the top of their class and Luke because he was gay. It didn't matter that Leia had garnered enough votes from the underclassmen to become the secretary of the Student Council. She wasn’t liked by Boba, so that meant the Juniors and Seniors had it out for her.
Din had tried to stay out of the politics. He had his Senior year and then he was done--he would be finished with school and aged out of the foster care system.  Maybe he’d go community college (if by some miracle he could find the money) but most likely he’d end up in the military like his foster brother Paz.  He had so many other problems to deal with, from helping out his loving but overworked foster mother to his uncertain future. But now as he looked at the horrible bruising on Luke’s face and the tears that still lingered in Leia’s eyes, he realized he was making a huge mistake. Distancing himself from the twins and taking refuge in his own popularity wasn’t right. Somebody had to stand up to the ridiculous bullies of Coruscant High. Starting with that slimy bitch Greedo.
“Easy, Romeo.” Din felt a pillow smack the side of his head and he looked up to see Leia shaking her head at him. “I can feel the bloodlust from here. Punching Greedo in the face isn’t gonna help Luke and you’ll only get yourself detention.”
“I’m fine!” Luke insisted as he gingerly put his ice pack back on his eye. They ignored him.
“He can’t keep getting away with this,” Din argued.
“I agree but we have to be smart about this. I’ve seen your GPA Djarin, I know you’re not a moron.”
Luke frowned. “How did you see his grades? Are you hacking into Principal Windu’s computer again?!””
Din tilted his head. “You have a plan.”
Leia adjusted her glasses again. “I have several plans, ranging in severity. Some of which hinge on you.”
Luke groaned. “Oh no.”
“Amilyn and I have a plan to take out the worst of Luke’s tormentors…” Leia hesitated for a moment before continuing, “but it depends on if you’re willing to come out of the closet or not.”
“What! NO!” Luke jerked up before Din could say a word. “You can’t Leia, he’s gonna go to the army next year! They won’t take him if he’s out!”
Leia nodded. “We don’t have to use that plan--”
“--I never said I was going to enlist for sure,” Din interrupted. “I’d like to hear all your plans first.”
Luke turned to him with wide eyes. “No! I’m not worth it!”
“Don’t say that!” Leia scoffed. “If anything, he’s not worth it.”
“Hey.” Din frowned.
“He’s about to graduate!” Luke said to his sister. “Why would we drag him down with us when he’s close to getting out of this hellhole!”
“Because you still have one more year and I can’t take this anymore.” Leia was crying now, slow tears dripping from the corners of her eyes. “Luke, please. Let me help.” She turned to Din. “I know you don’t really want to join the army, I heard you talking to Fennec last week. If you’re willing to work on this with me and Amy, I’ll see to it my mom hires you after you graduate.”
Din hesitated. A promise of a job after high school, something that paid more than Blockbuster,  would be a real life changer for him. But there was a problem. “Wait. Will this plan of yours out Luke to your parents? I thought they’d be against it because of their religion.”
This made Leia snort. “Please, my dad is the worst Sith in the world and my mom is only in it for him.  The bonus is that this plan would convince dad to finally leave that cult.”
Luke shook his head. “If Aunt Ahsoka and Ben weren’t enough to get dad to leave, why do you think he’d leave for me.”
Din tightened his grip on Luke’s hand. “Your dad loves you,” he said quietly. “I’ve seen how he interacts with you. I’ve always thought you weren’t giving Anakin enough credit.”
Leia nodded. “We’re almost in the new millenium, lots of people are out now,” she argued. “It's not like how it was when Aunt Ahsoka was outed.”
“I don’t know, this is a lot!” Luke moaned. But he allowed Din to tuck his head onto his chest and to wrap his arms around him.  Din was happy to see Leia smile at them instead of reacting with any sort of disgust.
“Why don’t we just take this one step at a time,” Din suggested.  “Can you call Amilyn over to talk about all these different plans?”
Leia nodded. She wiped her face with the back of her cardigan sleeve and took a deep breath. “I’ll page her. Will you stay for dinner? We’re ordering pizza. Our parents will be out all night.”
“I need to call home, but yeah, sure.” He wasn’t one to turn down free food.
“Coolio. I’ll brb!”  Leia shot up from the couch.  She walked over to her brother and gave him a soft kiss on the head. It meant that she had to lean close to Din and he could smell something sweet and floral in her carefully braided hair.  “We’re gonna be ok, little brother.”
“I’m two minutes older,” Luke griped.  But Din felt Luke relax in his arms.
As Leia left to use the phone in the kitchen, Din slowly loosened his grip around Luke, enough so he could look at his eye. “I thought I taught you to duck.”
“I did! The first time.”  Luke flinched as Din carefully applied the ice pack to his face again.  “I tried to go low like you said, but then Greedo got me with his knee.”
“That bastard fights dirty,” Din growled. He was going to have to create an ‘accident’ for Greedo in the hallway tomorrow. If he called in his favor to Boba, he might even get one of his lackeys to do it for him.
Din felt Luke’s fingers twist into his plaid shirt.  “Let it go. Please. It’s not right if we stoop to his level. And you shouldn’t come out for me, it’ll just ruin your senior year.”
“Who cares about senior year? Why does everyone make such a big deal about it?! Best years of our lives--that’s depressing as shit.” Din raised his hand to Luke’s chin and gently cupped his face. “I’ve been a big fat coward, ok? This is wrong, Luke. There’s nothing wrong with us.”
Luke swallowed. “There’s a big difference between everyone thinking you’re a fag and being in an actual relationship. I don’t know if you or I are ready for that.”
Din knew what Luke meant. He didn’t know any gay couples. Just rumors of various people, like Luke’s aunt, that existed in their town. There was a significant part of him that was terrified of the consequences of Leia’s plan. Would he still be able to play Football? Would his teammates be afraid of him? What if Leia was wrong and Anakin forbid him from ever seeing Luke again?
But then again, Leia was also right. Luke had one year left and what would happen once he was gone and unable to divert the worst of Luke’s tormentors from jumping him in the hallways?  It wasn’t fair to let the injustice in Coruscant stand. Not while he was still around to do something about it.
“I want to take you to Homecoming,” Din admitted. “I want to see you in a stupid rented tux and make out with you in front of Mr. Windu.”  Luke giggled, then winced as it made his lip hurt.  “And Han should be there with Leia so she can finally make him slow dance.” Din’s hands wandered into Luke’s hair as he dragged him closer.
“Han dances like a penguin,” Luke sighed.  He slowly rested his forehead onto Din’s.  “He’s got two left feet.”
“Even better.”  Din carefully kissed the side of Luke’s mouth, careful to avoid his cut.
“Promise me you won’t do something stupid,” Luke pleaded. “We can wait until I graduate and then we can both leave this trash town.”
Instead of answering, Din pulled Luke into his arms and held him close. He looked up and saw Leia return to the living room. He locked eyes with her and nodded.
“I won’t let them hurt you anymore.”
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kpop-rambles · 5 years
Goodbye 2019. Hello 2020.
To celebrate the new year - which a lot of people are celebrating right now, I’m sure, unfortunately not me yet - I decided to create this post. I don’t know how to explain it but if you like kpop, keep reading!
My Top 3 Songs of 2019
1. SKZ - Miroh
This song got me into my now ult group, Stray Kids. Those 9 boys have honestly made this year 10x better for me. Chan’s VLives definitely helped me when I was upset, and the members made me feel emotions by their side. I’m so glad that add of Miroh appeared and I chose to watch it because I may have not gotten into Stray Kids without it. 
2. ATEEZ - Wave
Again, another song that got me into the group. I heard the song in a video where they played huge jenga at Kcon... I think? Anyways, this song is another banger and you completely fall in love with it first listen. You won’t regret listening to this.
3. TWICE - Fancy
I got into TWICE when they released YES OR YES, but FANCY is the song that you can’t not fall in love with. I did on my 2nd listen and man, if you’re saying you didn’t learn the dance and bopped to this song, you are LYING because- let’s be honest - everyone said FANCY SOTY. 
Groups I began stanning in 2019 its felt like forever tho
Stray Kids - March 26th. You think I would forget? 
ATEEZ - August 18th. Another date I remember, because I spent a good 2 hours getting to memorize the members name and faces. Was so happy when I finally did it. 
iKON - Honestly, I was more of a Double B stan since January until Hanbin left. I loved their songs but I never got to know the rest of the members, except for Jinhwan. 
ChungHa - Snapping dragged me in. That’s all I gotta say. Although, ngl, Gotta Go was something I always tried to dance to. 
KARD - Again, Bomb Bomb just pulled me into the fandom. The rest of their discography made me stay. I sang along to Bomb Bomb everyday for a good 3 months. It was honestly EVERYTHING to me and then Dumb Litty came and stole my heart and KARD did it AGAIN.
Mamamoo - gogobebe. Do I really need to say anything else?
GOT7 - I’m pretty sure I got into them because, well everyone knows GOT7. They’re a name everyone knows if you like kpop, so I just wanted to get into them. Eclipse and You Calling My Name are songs I’ll dance and singalong to in the right mood and right part of the song. But their personalities dragged me in. I’m pretty sure BamBam also attracted me when he was on Stray Kids reality show. 
Day6 - Time Of Our Life. I decided to listen to it because Seungmin of Stray Kids was a big fan of them and I was like, it shouldn’t hurt to try. Seungmin made me want to watch and Day6 made me want to stay. They don’t make ANY bad songs. 
Everglow - March 18. Listened to Bon Bon Chocolat when it came out, and I was honestly scared ppl were gonna sleep on them cause ITZY debuted a month before. Fortunately, everyone noticed their talent. 
BigBang - I dunno just listened to one of their songs. And, of course, I fell in love. Too late to stan them while they were active, but I’m expecting something in 2020... just saaying.
NCT - All of the subunits. Honestly there were so many of them, I spent time taking tests to tell them apart. The struggle to stan these boys. Instantly fell in with the Dreamies. And then I found out they weren’t a fixed unit... My heart shattered. It’s still breaking because 4 OF THEM ARE LEAVING. or left. I dunno. 
Tomorrow by Together - They were probably the most anticipated group of this year. I remember ppl hyping them up in October of 2018! Predebut stan right here. (I just remembered that I thought the preview of each member was coming out in age order and thinking that Beomgyu was the youngest. And I was just like WHERE IS HEUNINGKAI FROM?!?!)
ITZY - remember when everyone thought that itzy’s debut was rushed because info about them was leaked. yeah, i forgot too. anyways, again I was a predebut stan. 
(G)- idle - i always listened to their title tracks and I began stanning them during Queendom after their Fire cover im listening to 2ne1 2015 mama fire performance rn lol.... omg bom’s han cover just started playing. spotify is watching me guys.
Somi - Birthday was a bop. fight me. outfits sucked, gotta agree with that opinion I didn’t rlly know much about IOI but I started stanning because Jenchu were fangirling to it i mean jennie twerked for it!
Jimin Park - I’m out here still streaming STAY BEAUTIFUL. honestly she’s so loveable. her personality and her voice are everything. how can you not like her
My Top 5 Groups of the Year
1. STRAY KIDS - A lot of the reasons I luv them are the same as ATEEZ. That’s why ateez are close to being my number one, but honestly these 9 boys are everything to me. 9 or NONE FOREVER. They have been through so much this year and I hope they STAY strong for 2020. In their 2020 seasons greeting they announced a full album next year, so I’m ready to follow these boys on their journey no matter how many stay or leave. I’m a STAY for a reason. 
2. ATEEZ - PERSONALITY. I’m also a sucker for groups that shove their love for each other in your face. 8 makes 1 team, y’know? Hongjoong and Mingi are amazing rappers, Jongho, Wooyoung and San’s vocals tho, Yunho and Seonghwa’s deep voices are the death of me, and Yeosang dancing. They’re talented and luvable and that’s all I need for an ult group. also all their songs are bops
3. Mamamoo - Honestly would’ve tied with Twice but these I’m a sucker for them as ppl as well, and I need that to luv a group. they ain’t fake, they slap information in your face and they are POWERFUL WOMAN. (Not saying twice aren’t ofcourse) And these girls vocals are on POINT. Moonbyul is rapper material, but have you heard the girl song? What an angel. Their songs are all slaps, especially the most recent ones. 
4. TWICE - This was their year? yes or yes. Fancy soty. Feel Special was a great title track, don’t get me wrong, bUT HAVE YOU HEARD THE FULL ALBUM. Every song is my AMAZING. omg rainbow is playing
5. NCT DREAM - These boys stole my heart, I only stanned nct because of them. Honestly seeing the 00 line leave breaks my heart.
My Top 5 girl group and boy group songs
gg songs were honestly so hard to pick, they thrived and SO many good songs were made in 2019. But here is my list. 
1. Fancy - soty
2. Hip - this song was everything from the choreo to the song itself to the girls energy performing it
3. Psycho - came out like last week but it’s in everyone's top 10 of this year. Beautiful song that won’t get outta my head. getwellsoonwendy.
4.Violeta - this is another song that won’t get out of my head. honestly none of these songs will. ok so the final dance part after the drop of violeta pisses me off because the dance could is so powerful and that part comes and it’s such a disappointment but it’s the only part I can do so i shouldn't complain  but the song itself is very catchy. I don’t want these girls to disband even if the votes were rigged because they make a good group and sing bangers. i don't want them to leeeave.
5.Lion - the song is just so powerful. other songs they’ve made are good, but the chorus is usually a disappointment because the pre chorus is so good but EVERYTHING is great about Lion. Didn’t like it at first for some reason, i dunno why, but once you give it a few more listens you’ll fall in love. 
Now onto the boy groups. They made quite a few bangers this year as well.
1. Miroh - It’s my no.1 of the year. watchu expect?
2. Wave - and this is my no.2. Again, what else would I put here?
3. Run Away - what. a. bop. still can’t get out of my head. Crown was a disappointment to me after 1000 listens but not Run Away. A bonus is the Harry Potter references. With that I just was head over heels in love. Txt didn’t fail to disappoint with their comeback even if it was pushed back. 
4. Boom - This song made me fall in love with the talent that NCT DREAM holds despite being so young. Sang along for a few months. Actually, it’s still in my head. 
5. Make It Right - I was doing title tracks for all these but then I realised there has to be an exception because I just really like this song, especially the one featuring Lauv. Boy with luv wasn’t it for me but every other song on Persona is a straight up masterpiece (ok an exaggeration but u get what i mean)
Now onto the soloists (they’re all female, sry not sry)
1. Chica - I was debating whether to put Snapping or this but decided with Chica. Honestly the vocals, the song, the dance, the MESSAGE, is everything. I love it, it empowers woman, it makes ME feel good, and it’s what some people really need sometimes. So, thank you ChungHa. 
2. Gotta Go - another bop by our queen ChungHa, she really ruled this year. I didn’t stan her when it came out but that doesn’t mean I didn’t do the ‘deulshi’ part whenever I heard it. iconic.
3. Twit - Again another iconic bop from this year. (i thought this masterpiece came out last year, i dunno why but it just is so 2018 for some reason? I dunno) Hwasa’s solo debut really was everything. So was Moonbyul’s which unfortunately didn't make it on the list but I would say it’s in between 5th to 7th for me. 
4. Stay Beautiful - Such a beautiful song, it was a shame Jamie had to leave but she left JYP saying that they lost smth PRECIOUS and they would regret it and she conveyed all that in one song without hinting at it. So many quote worthy lyrics were in the song and it just bring up my mood and my standard for vocals. Don’t sleep on this girl, y’all. 
5. Birthday - the song brought out mixed reactions from everyone but i LOVED IT. It did get a bit old but it’s still something you’ll find me singing along to every now and then. 
1. Bang Chan of Stray Kids. I love him. He’s such a great leader, he’s a loveable person, he’s all rounded and he fucks up sometimes but he acknowledges it and fixes it. He went through so much shit this year and he deserves so much more. I, along with many other STAYs are gonna make 2020 a better year for him and all of his group. Stay strong Chan! But besides his personality his stage presence, his rapping, his singing, his producing, his energy, his personality, it all made him someone who was always on my mind. 
2. Yeonjun of Tomorrow x Together. He’s also very well rounded and he really stands out to me from all the other 4th gens. Whenever I see a performance by TXT he always grabs my attention even when he’s not the main focus. I love his dancing, it’s very eye catching to me, along with his stage presence. He never loses his energy on stage and I expect a lot from him in 2020! His rapping and singing are amazing as well, especially for a rookie. Also when they first debuted he cried a lot, which was very heartwarming to me because idols showing emotion other than happy is something I appreciate, because it lets me remember they’re human too.
3. Seulgi of Red Velvet. She’s, again, very well rounded. I’m not really a Reveluv, but Wendy and Seulgi are vocalists who really stand out to me so those to kind of make me want to listen to Red Velvet’s songs. She’s an amazing vocalist, like words can’t express how much a love this woman's voice. Her stage presence is amazing as well, she’s just a really good performer imo.
4. Jihyo and Nayeon of TWICE. First of all I really like their personality and how powerful they are. Honestly a wink from them and I’m falling of my chair. Secondly, I don’t know if anyone's noticed but I really like powerful female vocals, and these two have extremely POWERFUL vocals. Have you heard them sing? Just... POWERFUL, that’s all I can really say to describe their voices. 
5. Mingi and Hongjoong of ATEEZ. They are rapper that are gonna blow away the whole industry with 3racha, I mean they already have. Did y’all see their performance in MAMA. The RAWEST vocals I heard that whole show. They were obviously not lip syncing, you could hear Mingi panting and he didn’t rap a whole line, and I LOVE that because it is RAW and we need more raw vocals or atleast breaths heard when the artists are dancing because it makes the performance more REAL. also stage presence is amazing from these two, they really know how to hype up a crowd. 
sorry my expectations are high for them, but they have stood out tome so much and i couldn’t stand to see them flop. 
1. TOMORROW X TOGETHER - they’ve been on this list quite a lot, and I really appreciate their individual talents along with them as a group. I REALLY want to see them improve and grow more next year because they were really pushed this year, being BTS’s juniors. I’m sure they were really stressed but I want them to become TOMORROW BY TOGETHER not BTS’s juniors. Probably won’t happen in a year but hopefully in the next decade.
2. ITZY - another group really known for theing the juniors of TWICE this time. The title tracks they released so far have all been listen to it the first time, you don;t like it, but listen to it the 2nd time and it’s stuck in your head for the next 7 months. Honestly if they keep going like this, it would be like a ITZY thing, and I honestly wouldn’t mind. 
3. EVERGLOW - i think everyone just saw bon bon chocolat, gave it a listen, and loved it. but i also heard it was produced by someone who helped produce Crown by TXT and Spring Day by BTS, so there’s another reason ppl may have liked it so much. Adios wasn’t a disappointment at all.  Of course, I would also love it if Everglow kept up the “nanana” thing in each of their title tracks.
4. ATEEZ - I don’t think they’ll flop at all next year. I know they just had their 1st year anniversary, but I wouldn’t mind a full album... either way, Imma stick with them because they’ve only released that good shit so far and I’m honestly expecting a somewhat mediocre song at least once in their career next year. Not expecting it though. 
5. ONEUS - I haven’t’t talked about them yet but all of oneus’s title tracks are absolute gold. I am a mess for Valkyrie, Twilight AND Lit. They’re all just AMAZING songs. I mean, what did we expect from Mamamoo’s juniors but. They are REALLY good. Just go listen to all their title tracks rn. 
And finally, wishes for 2020
- Of course, Wendy to recover after her tragic incident at SBS. Again, I hope she recovers well
- Mina to come back from her hiatus, only if she’s ready to, of course
- Of course, 4th gen to thrive along with 3rd gen and 2nd gen groups
- A full album from stray kids (which was confirmed) and again, maybe for ATEEZ? just maybe? 
- More attention for Mamamoo. They are underrated queens. 
- Less hate for Tomorrow By Together. People bash them just because they’re BTS’s juniors. they would be praised a less but definitely not doubted way more if they weren’t under Bighit. Yeah, they get luxuries other groups won’t but that doesn’t mean people should degrade them for it. 
And with that
I wish everyone a Happy New Year. May your next decade be filled with happiness and joy! omg fancy started playing
also i didn’t have time to properly edit this. then again i am a rambling blog, so what are you expecting?
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dxsole · 6 years
New Muse? You Decide!
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//Hey guys! So I’ve been toying around with the idea of a new muse and I have some ideas to bounce around with y’all! Below the cut are some short muse bios & faceclaims; if you can, please just reply in the comments who you would like to see!!
* Yang is going to be added regardless of the votes but she is added below so ya’ll can know a little more about her!
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Viola “Yang” Yates - 43 - Female - FC: Ally Sheedy
(Based on the Yin/Yang killer(s) from Psych)
Secretly born to an esteemed English professor and one of his students, Viola was groomed from a young age to accompany her father in his many murders, the first being the young woman who unfortunately gave birth to Yang. Yang was meant to be his protege, his heir. Years of isolation and her father’s strict upbringing, Yang held onto whatever happiness she could, mainly the few moments of praise her father gave her-- and the eventual set up and murder of her own father, claiming self defense as well as confessing to police all she knew. Due to the fact there was generally little evidence left at her father’s crime scenes as well as no evidence that she actually helped him of her own free will, she was never convicted.
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Detective Lochlan Tracey- 37 - Male - FC: Timothy Omundson
(Based on Detective Carlton Lassiter from Psych)
Upholder of the US Constitution and bad guy bashing enthusiast, Detective Tracey is one hard boiled justice keeper and all around American. Some call him stuffy. Some say he’s too strict about the rules. Some say he likes to throw the book at people a little too often-- and they’d all be right! He will pull his gun out if a squirrel approaches him in a slightly shifty manner! He will give your son a parking ticket for leaving their bike outside a store! He will arrest his date if she makes a weed joke! That’s just Tracey for you.
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Leslie Hoggarth - 32 - Male - FC: Jimmi Simpson
(Loosely inspired by Mary Lightly III from Pysch)
Leslie is your all around loser. Bullied in high school, had braces, took his cousin to prom, etc. But he was smart-- or maybe he just peaked a little later than everyone else. Whatever it was, he managed to get his PhD in criminal psychology but instead of working with people, which was near impossible due to his general demeanor which most call “creepy and unsettling”, he threw himself into the hyperfixation he had as a kid-- trying to figure out cold cases. He has managed to help solve most of them through the phone or via email due to his extensive, almost obsessive knowledge of each case. He likes to solve puzzles, watch obscure movies and only leave his apartment for snack food and the occasion superhero convention.
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Nash Hicox - 25 - Male - FC: Tim Roth
(Inspired by English Pete Hicox from The Hateful Eight and Freddy Newandyke/Mr. Orange from reservoir Dogs)
He’s an asshole. Just a punk kid with no aspirations, no goals, only motivated by a good ass kicking or a few twenties slipped his way. He does anything for cash and always has his nose in one of those get-rich-quick scams or attempting to get other gullible to get into them with him. He lies, cheats, steals and has already managed to piss off everyone in his hometown while also owing them all money. He’s reckless, wild, and currently drifting across America with forty bucks, a bag of kush he paid too much for and a gun he picked up in a bar fight. Hopefully he finds whatever it is he’s looking for.
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Seung Han - 43 - Male - FC: Byung-hun Lee
(Based on Han Cho Bai  from Red 2)
Contract killer. That’s really all anyone really needs to know about him. What he was as a child means nothing. Who his parents were means nothing. Where he came from, why he does what he does, who taught it to him; you’ll never know the answers to these questions. Han has gone through extreme measures to make sure those answers will never be found and nothing but the list of marks is all anyone can ever tie to him. All he wants people to know is that he’s expensive, that he gets the job done and it would be in your best interest not to try and find him.
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Harrison Coen - 54 - Male - FC: John Turturro
Harrison Coen. There’s not much to say about him, truthfully. He’s a high school guidance counselor, sweet, considerate, remembers the names of all the lunch ladies and color codes his files. He’s divorced, currently single and not entirely sure if he’s ready to get back into the dating pool-- Not that there were many takers anyway, Harrison’s what must people would call...dull. Plain. Average-- Most people don’t know that he also is a master thespian and participates in the local Renaissance festival every year! See? He’s so very cool!
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ladyjenise · 7 years
Star Wars as Greek Tragedy
Ok, so this isn’t a meta because fuck that I don’t have time. This is more of a rambling list of observations that I, a person who just happens to have a Classics minor, thinks about the Star Wars in relation to ancient Greek tragedy and what it means for the new trilogy.
Boom: behind the cut
Before I double down on a bunch of ancient Greek shit, a primer: The ancient Greeks wrote a shit ton of plays. We only have a fraction of them today. We know the names of a bunch of them, but don’t actually have the text of most of them. They were based on famous stories the Greeks would have known well (think stories about the gods, Homeric stuff, etc). Basically ancient fan fic in play form.
One of the best known is a trilogy collectively known as the Oresteia. Already we see the connection between ancient and modern Western entertainment. The Oresteia is three plays: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides. It was written by Aeschylus, who was basically a legend in his own time. Only a handful of his plays exist today, and the Oresteia constitute three of them.
The Oresteia is the story of Agamemnon’s return to his family after the end of the Trojan War. You’ll recognize these names from the Iliad, the story by Homer, which was written about 200 years before the Oresteia. Agamemnon returns from war, and shit goes down in his family. A lot of shit. It is a perfect parallel to the new Star Wars trilogy because it deals with a family at war with itself within a time of war, kin murder, and also generational trauma. That is why I wanted to use it as my example.
When I grabbed my copy of the Oresteia from the bookshelf, I found a short line from the introduction by the editor that I found was very apt:
Tragedy is heroic.
An appropriate observation, as I think a lot of people, when they hear “tragedy”, they think “everyone dies”. I mean, they’re not far off the mark. A lot of people die in the Oresteia. Like, A LOT. But the main hero, Orestes, lives. But he goes through a ton of shit to get there. And the ending is basically one of the earliest examples we have of the concept of deus ex machina, which is fun, but not super relevant to my comparison so we’ll leave it there). The Oresteia is about the process of grief and trauma more than anything, and in Orestes’ case, it’s about the search for revenge and justice.
So, who the fuck is Orestes? He’s the son of Agamemnon and his wife Clytemestra. He’s kind of the main character, but doesn’t even show up until the second “act” (which in this case is the second play in the series, The Libation Bearers). His journey is where he essentially tries to bring “balance to the Force” which, in this case, means avenging his murdered father.
Remember how I said a lot of people die in this? It’s basically a sequence of murders that keep making things worse, and everyone’s egged on by various gods. You know how in The Force Awakens, Rey is about to kill Kylo Ren and then the earth opens up and separates them? In the novelization, Rey actually hears a voice telling her to kill him. Is it the Force? Maybe. Anyway, in the Oresteia, various gods intervene in the same way. They’re not always telling people to kill other people, but they cause a lot of shit.
Here’s how it all went down:
Before the play starts (like ten years eariler), Agamemnon sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia.
This pisses Clytemestra off a huge deal. But Agamemnon sails off to war so she’s left to basically plot his death. He returns, and she murders Agamemnon.
Orestes, son of Clytemestra, is pissed, and he plots with his other sister, Electra, to murder Clytemestra.
Lots of murdering of family members all around. Good times.
However, there are two problems: random gods straight up told these people, in some cases, to murder their family, and after Orestes kills his mom, he is hounded by the Furies, who are these vengeful goddesses who torment people who commit blood crimes (basically the personification of a guilty conscious).
The whole thing ends with Orestes on trial, and Athena saves his ass by casting the deciding vote to spare Orestes the death penalty (the deus ex machina).
Now onto Star Wars: just like the Oresteia, you’ve got war, you’ve got inter-generational conflict, you’ve got inter-generational trauma, and you’ve got a powerful, meddling divine forces. You’ve also got a trilogy! How convenient.
The first obvious comparison is between Kylo Ren killing Han and Orestes killing his mom. As Orestes was co-erced into killing his mother by Apollo (and the chorus, and his sister), Kylo Ren is encouraged in his patricide by Snoke. And afterwards, both are pretty much fucked over by it. I’ll paraphrase Adam Driver when I say that matricide and patricide aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, and any student of the classics would know this well.
Since we only have one part of our new Star Wars trilogy, I can’t go too far into comparisons beyond this, but obviously there’s repercussions for Kylo in killing his father, and perhaps the fate of Orestes can give us a clue as to where that path leads. In the third play, The Eumenides, Orestes is chased relentlessly by The Furies who, as I mentioned, were really mean bitches. Their Wikipedia article describes them as “female chthonic deities of vengeance“, which I love. Orestes is only saved through an appeal to Athena, who helps break the blood curse which plagues Orestes.
I imagine Kylo Ren will be tormented by the murder of his father. I imagine Rey and his mother will be the physical form a kind of Furies-type guilt, a constant reminder of what they took from them (a loving husband, a missing father figure).
In the reverse, Rey herself can also form a kind of Orestes-type figure. She certainly will think of revenge, she may even hear the whispers again, telling her to kill, to avenge Han. Perhaps those whispers will come from Luke.
There is also a potential comparison to be made between Orestes and his mother and Kylo and Leia. Orestes was sent away from home by his mother. We are not sure how young Ben came to be with his uncle Luke, but we assume Leia agreed to send her son away as well. I will add that this is where the comparison ends, because in the Oresteia, Clytemestra is, often, a straight-up uncaring bitch who has a lot of emotional trauma she’s carrying around.
I’m not sure where Luke forms in the comparison, because we don’t know what went down between him and Ben/Kylo. Of course, Star Wars isn’t borrowing from one story, but many, so the comparison doesn’t need to be exact. His appearance in the new trilogy is more of an Old Testament type of character, wizened by time and experience, but also angry at the world.
One of the big takeaways I get from the Oresteia, though, is that blood crimes and kin-murder aren’t always a death sentence. Of course, the Oresteia has a really weird ending to modern eyes, but keep in mind that Athena’s intervention in a play written by an Athenian for an Athenian audience was just as much about patriotism than anything else. The ending would have made more sense to the original audience than to us. Therefore, I predict an ending to the current Star Wars trilogy much different from the Oresteia, meaningful to modern Western traditions. However, it may yet be one where Kylo’s own fall becomes a journey to find a greater wisdom and, through that, an answer to his family’s trauma.
Either that or everyone dies, but that would kinda suck.
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exodesmadres · 7 years
Lotto || EXO (1)
Pairing: Suho (Kim Junmyeon) x OC
Characters: EXO, OC, BTS, NCT, SHINee, & Cross Gene.
Genre & Warnings: Violence, Language, Gangs, possible Smut later.
$ o n e $
"Fucks sake, Suho," Baekhyun cursed as the leader stumbled past the front door. His hair was a mess from the dozens of times he had ran a hand through it during the night. His shirt was untucked and blazer hanging on his arm. It was a rarity to see the leader like that, since he was always so clean cut. His right hand man--second in command line--continued, "Hani--your wife--called me about a hundred times because you wouldn't answer your phone and she was worried. Where the hell were you?"
Junmyeon looked up with a blank expression, eyes glossed over, as an aura of brooding darkness clung to the air. "I lost everything, Light." He said in a voice barely above a whisper. He took a few sullen steps to his chair and plopped down on it heavily.
"What?" His friend looked up at him, eyes peeled in surprise.
He couldn't believe that Suho, their leader, had been so irresponsible.
"I lost everything at that fucking casino." Junmyeon repeated.
"No." Baekhyun shook his head in denial. "That couldn't happen. I changed the combination to the emergency safe-"
The leader interrupted him, "Hani told it to me."
Baekhyun brought a hand to his face, immediately bubbling with anger. But he held his tongue for his own safety. Everyone knew that the one thing the pack's leader loved more than money was Hani. Saying something even remotely bad about her would have been the end of him, and he knew better.
"Geez." He exhaled in a frustrated breath, trying to calm himself. Under his breath, he recalled, "That's why she was here the other day, snooping."
She probably had good intentions, but had singlehandedly destroyed them. All of their money had been pissed away by their leader because of his newly acquired gambling addiction.
With a sigh, Junmyeon informed, "Even with the money from the safe, I wasn't able to pay off the debt." The information found  away to amaze Baekhyun even more. Just how much had their leader gambled that their emergency money wasn't enough to pay it off? He didn't even want to know. "They want me to meet with their leader tomorrow, to arrange a form of paying them back. I think...I'm going to offer myself, as slave labor."
"You can't!" Baekhyun objected, taken aback.
"What else can I do, Light?" Junmyeon asked in a tired voice. There was a handgun in the top drawer of his desk and for the slightest flash of an instant he thought about using it.
But that was the coward's way out, and he always detested cowards.
"We'll work something out." His friend insisted in a hurried tone, his mind was wracking for any solutions as his mouth continued to spill out words without thought. "We'll double production, up the protection costs in the neighborhoods, sell some of our properties, I'll even get a proper job. I'm sure the other boys would do the same. The pack--we are one."
He repeated the words that Junmyeon always recited. We are one. The others pretended to scoff and roll their eyes every time he said it because they claimed it sounded corny. But in the back of their minds, they thought the same way. They were there for each other and would always be.
"We won't be able to do it in time." The leader confessed. "They want their money by tonight."
Baekhyun sighed in defeat. "Just...go to this meeting, but don't agree to anything."
Junmyeon nodded.
That afternoon, a black car with bulletproof black tinted windows left the garage of his home. He had returned to his wife shortly after meeting with his right hand person for advice and it was decided that his closest friends and members of the organization would accompany him to see the owner of the casino. Six of them riding in the same car.
As soon as they arrived, both Chanyeol and Kyungsoo stepped out of the car first, guns stowed away beneath their button up shirts, in the waistband of their pants. They stood by the door of the car as the next two made their way outside. Jongin and Sehun were the youngest, and assigned to do most of the grunt work in their organization. Then Baekhyun, the right hand man stepped out, and last their leader--Kim Junmyeon.
People of the high class walked into the casino around them, not even stopping to look at the people arriving in the bullet proof car.
But Junmyeon was immediately recognized by security at the door. One of them spoke into his head set, but nodded his head as the six passed him.
Once inside, they were met with someone that took them by surprise. "Its been a long time, boys. A very long time." He smiled at them, a knowing smile, unfazed by the shock reflected on their faces. They immediately felt unwelcome there, despite seeing someone they once knew and cared about.
"Lu Han hyung." Baekhyun nodded a greeting at him when the others were too shocked to do so.
The older boy bowed his head slightly in a return greeting. When he spoke, he said to them slyly, "Unfortunately, you have to leave two of your people out here. but they're welcome to enjoy the casino." He gestured to the different slot machines and gambling games that could be seen around them.
Junmyeon sighed, but nodded, gesturing to Jongin and Sehun. That was an old trick he and Yifan had often used when they were starting out. Whenever someone visited, they asked the security people and entourage to stay behind, separating the leader from his trusted people, and separating them all from each other. That kept the leader unsure and intimidated, and willing to negotiate because there was no way out otherwise. The two youngest went to sit at some lounge chairs by the entrance to wait for the others to return.
When they reached another check point, he had to leave Kyungsoo and Chanyeol behind, and lastly Baekhyun before he was all alone. He had been taken through a darkened hallway to  a back part of the casino until they reached an office.
Lu Han opened the door, which was guarded by two other people Junmyeon knew--Yixing and Minseok. Both were silent but watched with curious eyes as Lu Han and Junmyeon entered the room.
Sitting behind that desk in the room was a man with a satisfied smirk on his face.
"Suho," He called him by name Junmyeon chose when he decided to get into organized crime. "My old friend."
so this is a fanfic of mine that is posted on wattpad, under the username @/desmadres. and it has been doing quite well in terms of reads and votes. so i thought i would share it on other platforms.
if you would like to read ahead, you can go check out the rest of this story on @/desmadres. ther are currently about fifty six updates posted.
this is of course an au story.
any likeliness with real life events is mere coincidence ;)
thank you. 
i hope you enjoy the story!
also, the wattpad version is very clean since im more self conscious of my writing there because i have many friends. but im going to try to make this one more rated r. so look forward to that.
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mashitandsmashit · 5 years
America’s Got Talent: Champions 2 - Semi-Finals
12: Ryan Niemiller. It's sad that I'm placing one of my favorite comedians in the show's history under a squeaky-voiced kid, but I have to be honest and say that this just wasn't his best material...I'm thinking at this point, he would benefit from moving away from the disability jokes...Find something else to deprecate yourself with...Sorry, Howie, you can use your status as a comedian to try to validate your opinions all you want, but the only real highlight of this set was...well...the set! Seriously, as seen with Greg Morton, Pac-Man makes everything better!
11: Marc Spelmann. Pardon the pun, but the cards were stacked against him tonight from the very beginning! How was he gonna top having Shin Lim make a surprise appearance!? Answer: He wasn't! This wasn't a bad trick, but after seeing what he did last time, this was doomed to be an uphill battle for him...On a side note though, Terry might want to investigate what X was doing in his house with his wife...That recording with her looked suspiciously like a confession tape...
10: Dania Diaz. I suppose her emotional story suckered in the judges, but in my opinion it wasn't nearly as slick or surprising as her previous performance...And knowing that the photo was going to be what ends the trick, I was kinda hoping it would actually appear on one of the cards (as impossible as that might be). What she actually did with it was fine, though she clearly snuck that card into the frame at the last moment just as they took the picture...
9: JJ Pantano. Well, he was a little less annoying this time, and the jokes burned hotter than last week...He even managed to come up with a few clever quips on the spot while talking to the judges, so I guess his dad's not writing ALL of his material...Though I gotta say, his cracks against Alesha seem ESPECIALLY mean! What, did she kill your goldfish or something, kid!?
8: Tyler Butler-Figueroa. Maybe I'm just upset over Brian's elimination, but this kid's sob story is REALLY becoming too much at this point! You recovered! Move on! I guess this was arguably his best violin-playing so far, but it came at the expense of the dancing that helped him stand out (despite the dancing violinists we've seen in the past). This was fine, but he didn't need that singer to back him up...
7: Strauss Serpent. While the showmanship might not have been as strong as last time, it's still worth pointing out how crazy his contortions are, even moreso than last week! I don't think you can GET more insane than what he did tonight! ...Do I want to be proven wrong? I dunno...
6: Duo Destiny. Yeah, I think I'm gonna actually side with Howie here...These two are hella-talented, but it did all feel rather samey tonight...That's the thing about acrobats: It's hard to keep things interesting and surprising throughout this game...
5: Duo Transcend. Once again, they didn't really do anything I haven't seem them do before...But they have earned their advance over the other Duo for having a fun set! Yes, clearly they were playing to Simon's “Greatest Showman” boner, but still, it made it a fun spectacle, and the other circus performers on stage with them managed to not be too distracting...Both of the duos probably ended up in the Save vote because the superfans were very much split between them, but we'll just see how well Transcend does next week without giving too much away about their final ranking...
4: Sandou Trio Russian Bar. Fire: The next logical step for danger acts everywhere since 2006! I might rank them higher, if not for the fact that I'm pretty sure they did this same act when they were on AGT forever ago (albeit with less “Hunger Games” imagery). Actually, it's what they did before resorting to an upside-down piano (as per the tendencies of danger acts on this show: First you do something dangerous, then you add fire, then uuuuhhhh...I guess we can't top it, let's just play some music...poorly!) But again, without giving too much away regarding the final results, their final performance can't be THAT bad...Right? May the odds be ever in their favor...
3: Hans. The commenters are still pissed that an amusing novelty act is outlasting the second best whatever act when the first best is still advancing with him...Some people just don't appreciate variety...I suppose the schtick may be getting old, but it just fascinates me that an act like this can make it so far in a Champions season...Just goes to show how different things work here than on the main show...Whatever...Hans 2020!
2: Marcelito Pomoy. Read the comments on the Youtube videos for all of the other acts tonight, and about 80% of them are about the anticipation for this guy's act instead of the actual act in the video! I haven't seen so much anticipation for an act since Grace VanderWaal! If this was a live season (and I didn't already know the final results), I would say that Marcelito was gonna win! But we'll get to the Finals next week...For now, he's most certainly made a name for himself, and he breathes a new kind of life into the overplayed arias we hear on this show all the time...Best singing duo ever!
1: Alexa Lauenburger. I never thought I'd give a dog act such a high ranking, let alone the top spot in a list ever again! But here we are! Dog acts have become very repetitive in recent years, but this little tween has not only managed to keep all of these fleabags in line, but also has them performing tricks that I've never seen an act like this pull off before, let alone tricks that require the cooperation of several dogs at once! When Howie says that this is the best dog act he's ever seen, I am actually inclined to concur! Also, bonus points for the Scooby-Doo set and Beetlejuice music! These dogs deserve medals and Scooby Snacks!
This was another mixed bag of a show, but at the very least my Top 2 helped stick the landing at the end...No complaints with the final results either, even though many may disagree due to Hans' advance...Putting him aside though, I would say everyone here has earned it to at least some degree...So I look forward to seeing next week's Final!
Speaking of which, here's my “Rooting For” list for the finalists...Mainly based on how much I want them to do well for me...
10: Hans
9: Boogie Storm
8: Silhouettes
7: Alexa Lauenburger
6: Angelina Jordan
5: Tyler Butler-Figueroa
4: Duo Transcend
3: Sandou Trio Russian Bar
2: Marcelito Pomoy
1: V.Unbeatable
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