Trip 65 Carp Fishing - 2019 d
Trip 65 Carp Fishing – 2019 d
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Location – Meadow Lake
Hours Fished – 20hrs
With a few family things on this weekend, I was limited to just one night.  This is no real issue, as I have a week coming up soon, I wasn’t 100% sure of my chances as there had been 13 anglers here last night and only a couple headed for home.  It was looking quieter for Saturday night, but still plenty of time for others to arrive, but hopefully i’ve…
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Trip 79 Carp Fishing - 2019
Trip 79 Carp Fishing – 2019
Location – Meadow Lake
Hours Fished – 74hrs
With a free weekend and a friend kindly looking after the children after school.  I was on my way to the syndicate straight after the school drop off.  I arrived to find only 2 other anglers on the lake, which is a good start, there was no hiding from the wind this weekend as it was going to be every direction possible, but the pressure was low and…
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Trip 76 Carp Fishing - 2019
Trip 76 Carp Fishing – 2019
Location – School Lake
Hours Fished – 3 1/2 hrs
With my car fixed by the garage just before 10am; it would be silly not to make use of the free time today.  As we are having another proper Autumn day, none of this rain rubbish, I was soon down the lake.  I found a few fish in the dead pads and had the rods both out on the spots by 11am, you couldn’t ask for more.
These carp are quite happy to…
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Trip 67 Carp Fishing - 2019
Trip 67 Carp Fishing – 2019
After finishing my one and only job; and the fact I’m driving past the lake, it would be silly not to put a couple of rods out for a few hours.  The only takes I have had had so far have all been around noontime, so it’s got to be done!
Same swim, spots and tactics as always, you just never know.
Anytime spent on a lake is valuable and you can get more information each time, no carp again…
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Trip 66 Carp Fishing - 2019
Trip 66 Carp Fishing – 2019
  Location – Estate Lake
Hours Fished – 5hrs
I’m on the estate lake for my Monday trip and the conditions are looking favorable.  However, I am mindful that there was quite a long gap between my catch’s on this lake and I must not get too overconfident with things.
I’m using 3 rods again today again but may just stick to 2 in the future.  I have grown quite used to two rods after being on my…
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Trip 64 Carp Fishing - 2019
Trip 64 Carp Fishing – 2019
Location – Estate Lake
Hours Fished – 5hrs
With another October rainy day forecast, it certainly wasn’t the weather for gardening – it’s now getting beyond a joke.  However, looking back to when I was younger and out fishing this time of the year, with generally pretty rubbish wet weather gear.  All I remember is that it always rains in October, no real change there then.
I’m on the Estate Lake…
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Trip 3 Perch Fishing - 2019
Trip 3 Perch Fishing – 2019
With a few hours spare (and more to the point I had finally sorted out some perch fishing), I had a go on my local day ticket water.  I took a small rod with a few choices of jig heads and had a play around.
I knew there were perch in here, so I headed for the dead pads and would you believe my luck?  On the third cast into the swim, 1lb 1oz will do me for a starting point.
Not a happy Perch.
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