#hamilton has a lot more nuance and misconceptions and strange rationality
pub-lius · 2 years
Opinion on Lafayette?
*heavy breathing*
i saw this ask in my last class where i can’t use my phone so i sprinted across campus to answer it asap GSJWHWJW
i. fucking love that crusty ass straggot.
he is like one of the few historical men i will defend in most scenarios. i genuinely believe he had the best intentions more often than not, and his biggest fault was how naive he was. i think he was such a nice guy who tried his best, but fucked up very often bc he just wasn’t that smart HSKWBWJ like he was smart but not. in the ways he needed to be smart.
im currently reading a people’s history of the french revolution by eric hazan after reading one of marie antoinette’s biographies just bc it pissed me off how much the author demonized lafayette. the french revolution is my primary example of how his intentions seem totally pure but he didn’t know how to actually execute his ideas properly, and he just assumed everyone else was a good person until he was forced to recognize that’s not always the case. i think he was a “moderate” (meaning that he was in between the left and right) because he saw good in both sides.
also you cannot tell me the reason he was so obsessed with america wasn’t because he lost the comfort of his family at a young age and then found it again when he arrived in america. motherfucker had so many emotional issues
i am obsessed with him. he’s one of my specialties (along with hamilton, washington, and laurens (and previously, burr, its just been a while since i’ve gone in depth on him)). i have two other biographies on lafayette that im going to read after i finish this book and i am so excited. i love lafayette
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