#hamanda week
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um, hi. I was tagged in one of the blogs asking people if they're interested in a new rare pair week . how does it work ? are there rules °^°)?
LWA Rare Pair Week
Is a ship week that includes all the rare ships in Little Witch Academia you may want to post about
It's 7 days were you post stuff about lwa rare ships!
There's a prompt for each day
(besides the last where in most ship weeks it's a free day to post whatever lwa rare ship contrnt you want! So if you want to do something longer you can start now cause its a guaranteed day)
Any art form is allowed
(fanfics, fanart edits cosplay pumpkin carving headcanons etc all time it's not stolen and keeps the topic lwa rare ships so diakko and charoix is a no cause they are too popular but if its diana × akko x amandaits good cause tahts a rare ship)
Your ment totag the creator and use a hashtag
(dont know this year 1 yet)
So they could find your art and reblog it
(Part of what good in ship weeks it let's more ppl find you and let's you find more artists so making sure to tag the creator and use the hashtag importantfor it to happen)
This is the normal for most ship weeks and I have participating in another 1 made by them so I know
Even through Im not on the team ^^
But I assume there will be a more proper rule page later like in most ship weeks
The date is yet to be announced but rn they are just checking to see if there are ppl who wish for it to exist another year
And to share the word it's happening so more will join!!
So pls do share it will help a bunch
In simpler words:
Its like @dianakko-week
But for lwa rare ships
Check out the creator to support and for more future details!!! @achoirnevercomplete
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taniahylian · 5 years ago
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Hamanda week - Day 3: Dancing 
In this case, of course, broom dancing ;)
It’s based on chapter 8 of my Hamanda fic She’s the man. Check it out of you haven’t, you won’t regret it!
I’ll also try to make at least another drawing for the Hamanda week, but I can’t promise anything XD
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splootdoolies · 5 years ago
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@hamanda-week​ Day 3: Dancing
I was already in lov w Amanda, and I fell even harder when i saw her dancing on her broom sfhlcbsau
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marth-98 · 5 years ago
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@hamanda-week Day 2: First Date
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blazestarninja13 · 5 years ago
Hamanda Week [Day 1: Flirty]
FYI: I’ll be posting these both on Tumblr and AO3 so every day I’ll also be putting in an AO3 link for the drabble as well!
Hell yeah kiddos! It’s time for me to serve up the first of my good quality gay content! I just had to start off with puns in this one...
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25257931/chapters/61232263
It was just another day for Hannah England. She was doing her usual study routine in the library so as to not get distracted by anything going on in her dorm room AND a certain American that she was dating. 
 Hannah had been studying for an upcoming magic numerology pop quiz for the last couple of hours. However, for the last half an hour she’d been just staring at her textbook, wanting to just die from how tired she was of trying to solve various different magic equations that were hurting her brain just to think of. 
 She was about to plonk her head down upon her book and use it as a concrete hard pillow when suddenly, a hand was suddenly placed on her left shoulder. She turned around to find exactly who she’d expected it to be, her girlfriend, Amanda O’Neill.
 “Geez, seeing you wanting to doze off during a study session for magic numerology really doesn’t add up to me.”  
 Hannah was both furious and charmed by Amanda’s terrible pun. She wanted to both slap  and kiss her face at that very moment.
 “This is exactly why I came here.” Hannah rolled her eyes. “To not be distracted by you.”
 Amanda simply grinned.
 “You think I’m distracting so you came here to study minus the distractions?”
 At this point, Hannah’s face was going red, both in rage and in delight. She wanted to get back at her handsome yet cocky girlfriend real bad.
 “I mean, if I were studying and you came up behind me, I’d also be distracted by how beautiful you are.”  Amanda smiled as she moved around to the left of Hannah who was still sitting in her chair, blushing harder than ever.
 Hannah needed to get Amanda back by catching her off guard and now, she had just come up with a great idea.
 She stood up from her chair and stood in front of Amanda.
  “Well, my dearest knight in shining armor,” she said smugly. “If you hadn’t come here just now, I would’ve finished my test revision in the fraction of the time it takes you to admit that you like it when I flirt back.”
 Amanda just stood there with a now reddened face. She had just been out-punned by her girlfriend and out-flirted as well. Hannah was right, she loved it when she’d flirt right back at her though she certainly wouldn’t admit as she said.
 “Um, well uh…”
 Hannah knew she had succeeded. She knew that this was all too much for Amanda’s gay little mind to handle.
 “See, now you know how you make me feel when you’re being the smooth and punny one here.”
 Amanda had a mischievous look on her face. She had the best idea ever on how to combat her girlfriend trying to be the better pun and flirt master.
 Suddenly, Hannah was being held bridal style by Amanda who now had a huge shit-eating grin on her face.
 “Let’s just say that this is your punishment for attempting to out-pun and out-flirt me because you know it ain’t gonna happen”
 Hannah sighed. She was now helpless in this situation as she was being held in her girlfriend’s strong arms.
 “I really do hate you sometimes” she grumbled with a slight smile as she looked up at Amanda’s face.
 “Awww, love you too, babe” chuckled Amanda as she grinned back at Hannah.
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blazestarninja13 · 5 years ago
Flirt master has been broken
Imma see how far my lazy ass is willing to go for the hamanda week.
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Day 1: Flirty
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onhirel · 3 years ago
The Fox and the Falcon ch. 7
Winter Break draws to a close, and Hannah and Amanda frantically get their last minute packing done the morning of their return. What starts as a simple complaint about how there aren't teleportation hubs set up in major cities yet prompts a conversation about the challenges and opportunities that will be faced by the witching community. For the first time, Hannah realizes that the future has so many more options than it did before. But for all that, she has Amanda by her side. And with her by her side, was there anything that she couldn't accomplish?
Found on AO3, 3921 words
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chugs-cold-woter · 5 years ago
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@hamanda-week Day One; Flirty 
umm so i can prolly guess that Hannah wouldn’t get Amanda flowers but let me have this ywy and this might be a bit late,,,
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cashmoneyzone · 5 years ago
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@hamanda-week day 7: free day 🎸💌
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dailydianakko · 5 years ago
what ship do you think can dumbass-ly/professionally handle their pda?
Sudianakko is the best at professionally handling PDA. Diana and Sucy have god level damage control abilities.
Biggest dumbass awards go to hamanda. Hannah is a gay panic 24/7, and Amanda wants everyone to know that she’s dating Hannah.
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yaboirezzy · 2 years ago
What Your Favorite LWA Ship Says About You
Diakko - Of course you ship it, it's what the whole series is...
Charoix - You say "ha ha gay old women go brrrrr, I really like them"
Ankko - You prefer hetero ships and that is perfectly fine! (as long as you don't force it to others and others don't force it to you either)
Akkotte - You like to see Lotte keep Akko in check, and of course she do
Suakko - You saw the Sucyworld episode and said "Aw, she actually cares about Akko!", yes she does, also opposites attract
Amandakko - You love to see two dumbasses in love, the soft dumb and the feral dumb
Constakko - Your favorite dynamic is the short genius and the tall idiot
Hannakko - You like the popular Akko rarepair! Nice!
Sulotte - You like to see Lotte keep Sucy in check instead, which is probably for the best let's be honest, and opposites attract again
Lotte x Barbara - You've encountered two Nightfall lovers and you feel happy for them
Jasminlotte - You found this ship during the rarepair week and it's kinda cute also it's an actual beverage!
Lotte x Frank - It's just like Ankko but with Lotte and that one dude you totally remembered... who is he again?
Shroombot - Because them weirdos gotta stick together right? O shit that's the wrong show-
Sucy x Jasminka - Another rarepair week ship, and it's honestly also pretty cute
Diamanda - You like to have two of the gayest girls in Luna Nova be together, and it is great!
Amanstanze - Your favorite dynamic is the short genius and the tall idiot, but the idiot is strong now
Hamanda - You believe that Hannah would fall for Amanda who wore a suit in that one episode, and hey you're right!
Hannah x Barbara - Ah, you're a person of culture I see? (in all seriousness though it's a cute ship ngl)
Akko x Lotte x Sucy - You believe in poly red team supremacy
Amanda x Jasminka x Constanze - You believe in poly green team supremacy
Diana x Barbara x Hannah - You believe in poly blue team supremacy
RGB Team - Leaning more towards family than a full on ship, but you might as well include it
Andrew x Frank - My god these boys are gay! Good for them, good for them
Welp that's all the ship I could find. I apologize if I missed/forgot some or maybe got some of these wrong, I was tired when I wrote these so please don't hurt me
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splootdoolies · 5 years ago
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@hamanda-week Day 2: First Date
Makin’ their way downtown!
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blazestarninja13 · 5 years ago
Floof and fangs!
come on Hannah England has fangs you can’t just expect me to Not do the vampire/werewolf au with Hamanda week
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marth-98 · 5 years ago
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@hamanda-week - [Day One: flirty]
Amanda siendo amanda ¿Que mas se puede decir? Xd
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blazestarninja13 · 5 years ago
Hamanda week [Day 7: Free day (Film Noir AU)
Welp, this is it. The final day of Hamanda week. 
For my free day, y’all are getting a cool 1940′s detective story that I think turned out better than I expected.
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25257931/chapters/61591249
September 14th, 1944
 Detective Amanda O’Neill was in her office, jadedly awaiting a new case. 
 Things had been too quiet lately. Over the past week and a bit, there hadn’t been any reports of crime around the area. At least not reported to the detective anyway, who was currently smoking a cigarette.
 Most of the time, she was called to cases regarding The Appleton Boys, a dangerous and wealthy gang notorious for robberies, shootings (which they called duels if they were out for someone specific) and the occasional murder involvement as shown from the murder of Daryl Cavendish, a wealthy woman who was the aunt of Diana Cavendish, one of O’Neill’s fellow investigators. She had dealt with the gang and their leader, Louis Blackwell too many times to count, she was their greatest enemy and they were hers.
 The private eye had been suspicious that something big was going to happen soon, It just didn’t feel right for everything to suddenly be so quiet after rumors saying the legendary Holy Grail was apparently somewhere in Blytonbury.
 The Holy Grail was an ornate chalice of sorts that was rumored to grant the owner infinite wealth and glory for the rest of their lives if used properly. No one knew how to use it but apparently it was located somewhere in town according to an unknown source that was linked to The Boys.
 Something ain’t right here, The detective thought to herself as she sat back down in her office chair, putting out her cigarette in the ashtray sitting atop her desk. If The Boys are all about riches and glory, why have Louis and his little friends been so silent and invisible?
 These thoughts were haunting her mind a few days now. 
 Her loving girlfriend, Hannah England had been worried that the private eye had been overthinking this whole idea of the boys and the grail. Perhaps she was right and besides, Amanda knew that Hannah wanted the best for her because she loved her and The private eye loved her right back. 
 Hannah wasn’t just beautiful, but she was also clever, caring, and witty. She worked at a small diner that was located downtown. Amanda sometimes liked to visit her when she wasn’t busy with a case. 
 The detective sighed, she knew that she’d get to see her back in their apartment later but for now, she was on the alert of any kind of suspicious activity. 
 That was when the office telephone rang. Amanda picked it up to hear the frantic voice of the town’s main librarian, Lotte Jansson on the other side.
 “Detective O’Neill! I overheard an Appleton member talking about beating some pretty girl up in that nearby alley down Pisces st. Please go there and check it out because it sounded really bad!” 
 “I’m heading there right now.” O’Neill sternly replied, knowing that this was bound to happen soon. 
 “Thank you once again for your services to our town, detective!” Lotte responded with a happy but still nervous tone of voice.
 If this was Appleton she was dealing with, then she’d have to go there armed. So she reloaded her signature revolver and hoped she didn’t have to get into one of their little duels.
 She slid the gun into her holster which was clipped to the front of her body, grabbed her trench coat and fedora, and quickly went out the door. Someone could be in trouble and hopefully, it wasn’t too late.
When she got to the scene, she immediately knew that there was a fight that went on here as seen by the trash cans, a broken window, and a silently crying woman sitting at the end of the alley looking beaten up as seen by various minor cuts and bruises 
 Upon a second glance, Amanda was shocked and immediately angered. 
 The beaten-up woman was Hannah.
 Hannah noticed that the detective was now approaching her. 
 “A-Amanda...” she quietly said as she looked up at the detective.
 Amanda didn’t say a word. 
 She tilted up the auburn-haired woman’s chin, getting a better view of her bloody face that was covered in cuts and bruises. There was definitely evidence of a fight.
 The now silently raging detective delicately thumbed away a smear of blood that was by her frightened-looking girlfriend’s mouth. 
After a brief pause, Hannah’s heart skipped a nervous beat as Amanda’s piercing emerald eyes looked dead in her own eyes. 
 Her voice was tense and quiet, her anger barely restrained.
 “Who did this to you?”
 Hannah could only mutter out one name. A name that the American private eye knew all too well, a name that she didn’t want to hear.
 “Louis Blackwell…”
 Amanda growled deeply.
 “I’m going to take you home, get you some medical help, and go straight to Louis and his friends for their final duel.”
 Hannah gasped. Was Amanda really going to duel The Appleton Boys? She knew that she was a sharp-shooter but would she be able to take on a whole gang?
 “Please don’t go, you’re going to get yourself hurt or worse, killed.” Hannah pleaded as she grabbed the detective’s hand that helped her stand back up.  
 Amanda was determined to go straight to Louis and teach him a lesson. She was going to ensure that he never ever touched Hannah or anyone else again.
 “No, I need to go. I’m not going to let that sick bastard get away with what he did to you.” Amanda spoke softly with pure anger in her voice. “I’m going to make him pay for this…”
 Hannah sadly frowned knowingly at Amanda who was standing in front of her. At this point, there was no stopping her.
 “All I ask of you is to please return.” she softly asked.
 The detective flashed a warm smile. 
 “Trust me, sweetheart, I promise to return,” she said before putting her hand on Hannah’s cheek and pulling her into a passionate yet tender kiss.
 Though she may not have known the full story behind what was going on and if it had to do with the grail, O’Neill only knew one thing, she hoped that she could keep her promise to Hannah.
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unipandalovsu · 5 years ago
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Day 2: First Date
Clothes r such a pain to draw 🙃 I apologize for the typos.
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