All but throwing herself onto the ground, next to the first person she recognised, she tilted her head towards them. "Can you do me a massive favour? Remind me the next time I decide hiking is a good idea... that it is the exact opposite?" Was it a little melodramatic? More than likely, but she'd always been prone to making mountains out of molehills. "Please say your day has been more entertaining, I need to live vicariously through someone else. If it hasn’t been better... I’m okay with being lied to.” 
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shabernathy · 6 years
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-- “LISTEN. i forgot to bring bug spray.” shea grimaced as he scratched incessantly at the few welts already beginning to form on his forearms, slapping another mosquito when it landed on his elbow with a disgruntled sigh. “---did you bring any? they’re swarming me. apparently i just have... enticing blood or something.”
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gemmmmmmahq · 6 years
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“being one with nature for this camping trip sounds great and all but you know what sounds better? s’mores and watching vine compilation videos with titles like vines that cared for me when no one else did.”
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“i swear to GOD if one more mosquito bites me i am going to go insane. do you know how unattractive bug bites are? i gotta get tips from the older guys at work and tips come from me being presentable, and that doesn’t include looking like i have chicken pox. do you have any bug spray? i’m dying out here already and it hasn’t even been that long.”
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emersonbates · 6 years
Emerson had been just watching as everyone worried about what they were going to do for the night. While he was worried, he didn’t think that freaking out about was going to do much for him. When things started to settle, he sat down against a tree and snuggled in with his blanket. He looked up to see someone walking towards him. “Well, this is fun isn’t it?”
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halstonhq · 6 years
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set your alarms -- school’s back in session ! halston high’s school year starts on monday, september 3rd, and that whole first week of school is known as TRIPLE H, or halston high homecoming. at school, every day is characterized by a spirit day, and the downtown area of halston gets crazy busy right around 2pm when all the high school students get out of school and hang out with their friends. expect the chill & grill, scoops ice cream, and the mall to be packed with teenagers !
the main event, though, takes place over that weekend, september 6th - 8th. here’s the gist:
THURSDAY NIGHT ( SEPT. 6TH ) : the football game ! halston high’s falcons vs. lindell high’s lions. the football game is a family event -- EVERYBODY in halston goes to support the falcons ! lindell and halston have been rivals ever since their high schools were built in the same year just a town over almost a hundred years ago. expect a lot of trash talking and a riot of lindell kids if they lose -- which they will ! go falcons !
FRIDAY NIGHT ( SEPT. 7TH ) : the lacrosse game ! if you thought the football game was crazy, the lacrosse game is even crazier. parents & young kids tend to stay away from this one -- the lacrosse players are known for playing dirty and standard game rules tend to fly out the window. the lacrosse game is a chance for whichever team lost the football game to redeem themselves. there hasn’t been a single year in history where there hasn’t been a fight on the field -- and try not to park your car in the parking lot -- if the other team loses, your tires might get slashed !
SATURDAY NIGHT ( SEPT. 8TH ) : the homecoming dance ! held in halston high’s gymnasium, the homecoming dance is a chance for all the students to get together and either celebrate winning the weekend’s games, or party until the losses don’t matter anymore. throughout the whole week, students ask each other to the dance with posters, flowers, and one time there was even a flash mob ! drinking and drugs are strictly prohibited at the dance, and there are chaperones around every corner to keep these kids in check -- but school rules don’t apply at the afterparties, do they ??
it’s gonna be a blast -- just don’t party too hard, you’ve got school monday morning !!
if you’d like your character to be a chaperone at the dance OR if your character is on one of the sports teams, please message the NEWS BLOG -- if you have any questions about the event, please message the main !!
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lorelshalston · 6 years
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“you know what’s funny? this carnival seems like it’s been around for so many years, and each year it just seems like it gets more and more dangerous.” the female shrugged as the person across from her mentioned the fire at the entrance. “anyways, onto hotter news, i’ll be working the kissing booth a few nights this week. you gonna come visit me?”
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becksummers-blog · 6 years
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“help me decide,” beck began, hands stuck into his pockets as he considered his options of what to do. “i was thinking of maybe going canoeing or kayaking, to get some time on the water and explore-- plus it’s a good workout-- or maybe going for a hike, for the same reasons, really, minus the water. or fishing, because, as i’m told, that’s quite an american thing to do while camping,” he noted, head nodding side to side with each option he thought aloud. the brit had never been camping there in the states, having only ventured on such an excursion during the mild english summers with university mates. “or, i mean, if you have any suggestions, ‘m all ears.”
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ezraarcher · 6 years
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-- “ALRIGHT, TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT, KID ---- i’m on grill duty today and i got it all. hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages, bean burgers, vegan bean burgers, grilled tofu patties, turkey burgers, there’s a thing of buffalo cauliflower over there ---- my wife made that ---- i got corn, too, and drinks are in the coolers.” with a triumphant smile, he rested a fist against his hip, a spatula in his other hand ready to wholeheartedly take on the stereotypical camping dad role.
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anniewhitlock-blog · 6 years
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-- “BEAUTIFUL, ISN’T IT?” annie asked with a sneer as she watched the fireworks she’d lit just moments ago begin to go off, sending rocket after rocket of fiery explosions in all directions. the entire town on a camping trip in the woods gave her plenty of space and time to wreak absolute fucking havoc on the entire population -- it was only right for her to start with her favorite method: fireworks. she laughed as one of them flew towards a group of teenage girls, watching them scatter and shriek as a result. 
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jackaberncthy · 6 years
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jack took a deep breath and took in his surroundings, grinning as he looked around at the surrounding rides, booths, and games. the carnival has been, and still is, his absolute favorite thing about halston. it was a chance for the community to come together, meaning it was a chance for him to get to know the community better. jack had been walking around, shaking people’s hands and answering all the usual questions (how was your semester? any plans for the summer? got a girlfriend?) when he saw the only person in halston that he’d been keen on avoiding –– sara. his heart dropped in his chest as he watched her for a moment and he knew she hadn’t seen him yet. he took his chance. jack ducked behind a dip n’ dots cart as fast as he could, but didn’t see the extension cord on the ground and tripped –– landing face first on the ground. “shit,” he muttered as he pulled himself up. if sara hadn’t seen him before, she definitely did just then. @sarapricilla
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shabernathy · 6 years
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-- SHEA had NO idea how he got suckered into this. somehow and for some ( stupid ) reason, his boss had managed to secure a booth at the annual carnival and had ever-so-politely asked for employees to work a night or two. see, as a barista, his job was to make a variety of drinks on any given day; but this wasn’t a typical shift, and his boss had decided that, in order to entertain tired parents whose kids were refusing to get off the carnival rides and teenagers who just wanted something pretty to post on instagram, the only thing they were going to offer at the carnival was fancy lattes with cream poured into them to create designs like birds, flowers, hearts, or perfectly-symmetrical swirls on the top. all the customer had to do was tell the barista what design they wanted. that’s how shea ended up slaving in front of a row of latte machines making latte after stupid fucking latte until his hands felt like they were going to snap off. the only thing powering him through was the promise of a hundred-dollar bonus per night he worked, and even that was starting to lose it’s worth. after handing off another half-assed latte with a heart design on top, he turned around to face the growing queue of people, leaning his forearms on the cold metal of the booth and raising his eyebrows at the next person in line, tired eyes begging for help ( or at least a tip ). “what can i get for you?”
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ofeclypse-blog · 6 years
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         “uhmmm        now i don’t mean to sound rude or anything but you’re not looking so great right now. is the heat getting to you?? do you need some water cause i’ve got some right here,” she holds the plastic bottle out to the other, worry evident in her visage, “it’s pretty hot out here. i don’t want you to faint or anything, that wouldn’t end well for any of us.”
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halstonnews · 6 years
the ferris wheel has malfunctioned..meaning it’s unable to move and passengers on it are stuck with it until help arrives. reports say it’s going to be a few hours..so sit tight. hope it’s not with someone you hate. 
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dcltarchr-blog · 6 years
“god, getting the flu in the middle of the nowhere sucks. i missed, like, everything. what’s everyone freaking out about?”
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halstonhq · 6 years
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adults –– now it’s your turn ! a new family has come to halston and opened one of the country’s most well known jewelry shops. to celebrate this opening, they have sent out invitations to all of halston’s citizens 21+. the gala takes place on october 31st at katrina’s on main street. masks will be provided upon entering to give the event a bit of an extra halloween feel. there will be booths set up inside to purchase any form of jewelry –– from watches to rings to necklaces. along with these booths, there will be an open bar and a dance floor. seems like a lot of halston’s parents are going to have to grab some babysitters...
this event starts at midnight on wednesday, october 31st and lasts until midnight on friday, november 2nd. this gives our members some time to go to their own halloween celebrations and also be involved in ours. this event is 21+, but just because your muse is 21+ does not mean they have to attend, like always. for all muses under 21 and not attending, guess you’re going to have to find another party to attend.
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