#halloweentownfm : intro
catarinaibarra · 1 year
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〈 TESSA THOMPSON / CIS WOMAN / SHE/HER / 35 (1025) 〉is that CATARINA IBARRA i see coming through the portal? not surprised, i’ve been seeing the REAPER around these parts for TWO HUNDRED YEARS. i don’t know much about them but the great pumpkin says that they have a habit of being GRUMPY but their PROTECTIVE ways makes up for it. i’ve seen them working as a OCCULT RESEARCHER at OCCULT SOCIETY but everyone says they like to hang out at THE FLOUR GARDEN. alas, i guess we’ll find out more about them as time goes on but they already give me the vibes of STRINGS OF FATE, INK STAINED HANDS, LASTING MEMORIES OF LONG GONE SOULS, COMFORT IN LONELINESS, ANCIENT SILVER BRACELETS.
Penned by Mands, she/her, 26, GMT-3
NAME: catarina ibarra
FC: tessa thompson
SPECIES: reaper
GENDER: cis woman
PRONOUNS: she/her
SEXUALITY: bisexual
OCCUPATION: occult researcher at occult society
POSITIVE TRAITS: protective, resilient, loyal, prudent
NEGATIVE TRAITS: grumpy, wary, fatalist, reserved
INTERESTS: history, storytelling, sweets, storms, dogs, cats
DISLIKES: surprises, loud noises, living in apartments, geese
( tw: death )
Catarina's memories of human life are blurry and few. She knows she was born in the year 998, and she remembers a community of people around her. The Ibarra family had five children, with Catarina being the middle daughter. The names of her parents, siblings and extended family escape her now, but their faces are still clear. They were close and caring, and she stills has love for them.
She vaguely remembers the day of her wedding, and a house built with her spouse near her childhood home. She remembers being happy. And then, she remembers getting sick. She doesn't remember dying, only what happened next.
When she woke up as a Reaper, Catarina was confused. She tried to find her way home, but soon found out what her duty now was. She took it seriously, though not without grief, and did her best to accept and understand her new role in life.
For centuries, she had no ties to any place or person. Catarina appreciated the snippets of life she got to see even while bringing death, and all of her free time went to knowing more about humans and their creations, though it was difficult to be permanently apart from them. Her time was now limitless, and she dedicated it to knowledge.
About two hundred years ago, Catarina decided to move to Halloweentown. She had heard of it for decades, and the possibility of establishing connections with other supernatural beings and building a home was too tempting. Being around for over a thousand years, felt that everything was temporary, but Halloweentown offered some sense stability.
She built a home in the town and soon started working as an occult researcher at Occult Society. She still visits the human world often, as her role as a Reaper requires, but she is in Halloweentown most of the time.
( tw: death )
Catarina sees death as an essencial part of existence, though sometimes the task to end a life can be taxing for her. In over a millennium, she has rarely intervened in any way. To her, her personal feelings are also a natural part of the job, and they should never tangle the lines of fate.
Her actions as a Reaper remain neutral, even when devastating or contrary to her wishes. She accepts tragedy as a painful but unavoidable part of life. The same can't be said about her opinion on cruelty, but she carries that weight on her own, separate from the job.
Every life, human or otherwise, is precious. She remembers the faces of each soul she took, though their names might be long forgotten.
Catarina enjoys learning about cultures and the stories of people. It keeps her connected to humanity through time.
She is passionate about the preservation and remembrance of history, as something invaluable on itself and also necessary to guarantee a better future.
She has seen and experienced plenty of suffering over her extended existence. She mostly keeps that to herself, believing that she shouldn't burden others with what haunts her.
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