#halloweentown fanfiction
cecexwrites · 1 year
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The Crane Institute
Welcome to the Crane institute, the premier school for young witches, werewolves, vampires and more who seek to further their education after high school. A safe place for anyone who's grasp on their abilities is shaky, you will learn not only control, but how to thrive in your power.
Story coming soon
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sivilvendetta · 11 months
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How it actually went down
Scene from Spook's Season (Jack x Reader Fic)
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rainbows-fanfics · 2 years
(It's me, ask ls&b!) Prompt: Adoption 🤣
Jack Skellington paced near the front door of the Skellington Manor, exhaling as he fiddled with the button on his jacket. He was unsure of what to do with his hands as he clasped and unclasped them several times. Zero watched him from the floor inquisitively, wondering what could’ve driven his master to such restive behavior.
The skeleton stopped in his tracks and sighed gratefully when Sally entered the room. She wasn’t acting any better herself, chewing on her lower lip when she approached her husband. The thread on her wrist had been recently loosened from her toying with it. He noticed this and surfaced the needle and thread from his suit’s pocket, fastening the seam with tense fingers. She thanked him when he was done. 
“Are you…ready?” She asked meekly. He swallowed the knot in his throat. 
“I believe so. Are you all freshened up?” 
“Yes.” She reached for his hand and clutched it firmly. “We should go now, while they’re still expecting us.” 
“Alright,” He sucked in a breath of air, crouching until he was eye-level with their dog. “Zero, can you guard the house? We may be gone for a while.” 
The ghostly apparition whined. He wanted to know what was going on. Jack and Sally exchanged a nervous glance. They’ve been dancing around the subject for awhile, but finally had a discussion about the possibility of adopting. Seeking out a little monster-in-need was an option they were willing to try, in order to expand their little family. 
However, they were uncertain how it would go. Jack couldn’t live with the guilt if he told his pet to expect some new company, then came home empty-handed. He ruffled his dog’s hair with a bony hand, smiling as he played with his floppy ears. 
“Don’t worry, boy! We’ll be alright. Take care of Ophelia while we’re away.” 
He gave him a final pat and met his wife by the door. They left the Skellington Manor together, climbing down the steps and closing the tall gate behind them. They held each other’s hand while they walked, exchanging pleasant greetings to the citizens around them. The moment they were alone, the nervousness returned to their features.
“Jack, what do you know about the orphanage?” Sally whispered. They were keeping their voices low so as to not attract any…unwanted eavesdroppers. 
“It’s a wonderful place, really. I visit every now and then to read books to the young ghouls.” He stopped to wave at a passing ghost. “Halloween Town has a tight community. There aren’t many children who aren’t taken care of around here. But things tend to happen, as they usually do…and some young souls find their way here with no one to take care of them.” 
She held a hand to her lips. “How awful…” 
“The Mayor and I had an orphanage built the moment we could. I wasn’t happy knowing there were children sleeping on the streets at night.” He frowned as his grip unconsciously tightened. “That issue was taken care of. Now they have uncomfortable beds and moldy bread to eat for a lifetime!” 
They continued their way, remaining on the sidewalks as they approached the Residential hill. It wouldn’t be long before they were there. They called the place a week ago and informed them they were interested in meeting with plausible candidates. They left the moment they were told that things were ready.
“So…you know the little ones there, right? Are there any you’ve had your eye on?” 
“They’re all wonderful, Sal. They deserve loving homes, each and every one of them. But I think there are a few in particular you’d like.” 
Her expression lit up at this news. “Really? Like who?”
“You’ll see,” He winked, intertwining their fingers once more. 
They looked up at the same time and found a large building staring right back at them. The sign outside read: 
The moment they walked through the doors, a collection of children’s shrieks and gasps sounded around the room. A group of young monsters immediately flocked to Jack Skellington, outstretching their short arms and latching onto his legs. They giggled as they climbed on him, treating the tall skeleton like he was a jungle gym. 
“Jack! Jack!” “The Pumpkin King!” “The King!” 
Sally found this an opportune time to tease him. "It looks like someone's popular around here."
He gave the love of his death a knowing glance. He began gently plucking children off of his body one-by-one. They protested and clung onto him tighter. The ragdoll giggled as she had to watch the most terrifying man in all the Holiday realms struggle to remove the laughing toddlers that were clutching at his arms.
"Read to us! Please!" "Pretty please!" "Come oooonnnnn!" 
"Children! That's enough!" A feminine voice disrupted. Everyone's heads snapped upwards to find a woman standing in the doorway. "Please give Mr. Skellington his space..!"
The little ones whined as they reluctantly climbed off of him. Jack rolled his shoulders gratefully, sighing in bliss when his bones popped. The woman stepped forward to meet with them. She was a large corpse wearing a small pair of glasses and had stringy black hair tied back into a bun. She was currently holding a clipboard in her hand.
"Your royal highness," She curtsied to Sally first, who waved her hand.
"That's all right; you don't have to worry about formalities with me."
Jack rested a bony hand on the small of his wife's back. "Sally, this is Enid, the primary caregiver of the orphanage."
She adjusted her glasses with a relieved smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Skellington..!" She looked down at the clipboard and grabbed a pen from her pocket. "Let's get started, shall we?"
Enid began walking forward and the children stepped out of their way. The Pumpkin Queen looked at the small figures they passed by, attempting to memorize each of their little faces. 
After filling out paperwork, the couple were told to sit and wait while Enid prepared things. Sally took this time to get a good look at the photos and papers hanging in the room. There were pictures of the orphans together and crayon drawings clipped on a line with clothespins. She smiled when she saw one crude doodle of Jack breathing fire, like he always did on the yearly celebrations. 
"It looks uncomfortable here," She complimented. He nodded in pride.
"You should see this place on Halloween…! The little ones make their own costumes and run a parade around town.” 
"I wish I knew about all of this sooner…"
Jack looked away and pressed his digits together. He was sitting upright in his chair, resting one long leg over the other. She noticed he was tense and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. She tried to think of something positive to say.
"Everything seems promising. I thought there would be more trouble…"
He chuckled. "I'm pretty sure they would give any King and Queen the clemency we got."
"Are you still nervous..?"
He bowed his skull. He could never hide anything from her. She could read him like an open book, no matter how he disguised himself. "I never was about the paperwork…I do that for a living. But I just feel…"
His words trailed off, unsure of how to finish. She leaned over and pecked him on the cheek.
"You'll be a great father, Jack."
He sighed. How her voice easily consoled him. "I worry I'll be too busy. Halloween is a 365-day job, after all…"
"Do you remember when we were dating, and you made time to meet me at the Spiral Hill every week?" He nodded his skull, his rib cage fluttering at the memory. "You have your priorities. You'll do just fine." 
He moved his hand to hold hers, relaxing his posture. Before anything more could be exchanged, the door opened. Enid came in with the first interviewee. The King and Queen perked up in their seats when the child sat across from them. 
They heard from several orphans, who told the two all about themselves and what they were good at. Sally's phantom heart ached when she listened to the stories on how they wound up here. Some were victims of accidents, others passed on early due to sickness, and a few couldn't even remember what happened to them. She felt a mixture of emotions when they were left to ponder on their decision. 
"...What do you think?" Her husband inquired quietly.
"They're wonderful, like you said. I wish we could give all of them a home." She responded a little sadly. "I don't know if I can pick one."
He paused. "Nothing says we can't choose *more* than one, if that’s what you’re worrying about."
Her eyes widened. "You'd be fine with that?"
"It depends," He replied carefully. He folded his hands together. "Who did you like, Sally?"
Isabella came to her mind. A little girl stumbled in not too long ago, a small banshee with an artificial leg. Sally related to her troubles with walking and what it was like to have a ‘detachable’ limb. She wound up at the orphanage when her parents disappeared in the human world one night. She sought refuge back in Halloween Town. She had long, white hair with pale skin and concealed her dress with a black cloak. Sally inquired about the pendant she wore around her neck - and learned that it was a family heirloom. 
She asked Jack what a banshee was. After learning more about her kind, she wished to care for this spirit who had been left alone. 
She wrung her hands together as she thought about it. “I adored Isabella. How do you feel about her?” 
“I like her. She was rather shy of me when I first saw her here. But I remember her telling me that she’s always wanted to have a cat.” 
“She would love Ophelia. I think we should take her in…she would do wonderful on Halloween, with those shrieks of hers..!” 
“I agree,” He grinned as he reached for the folder they were given, flipping to Isbella’s page. They took some time looking over her information. Jack looked up from the laminated paper. “-And you’re sure you want to do this, Sally..?”
“Of course I am. I’d love to help someone find a new, loving home, like how I did.” She reached for his hand and squeezed it. Her confidence fell as she looked away. “Are you positive you want this, too..?” 
He closed the folder with a satisfied smile, earning a delighted look from the Pumpkin Queen. “Absolutely.” 
The process went smoothly, with Enid more than happy to file what was needed to have Isabella officially adopted. Some of the children were disappointed not to be taken by the King and Queen, but others felt ecstatic for her. The banshee was given a heartfelt ‘goodbye’ from her peers. Isabella was a little nervous, but the two newly-parents were keen and gave her the time needed to process this change. 
When they led their new addition to the Skellington Manor, Isabella was skipping in her step, excited to see her new home. Sally couldn’t help watching the scene with pride, her leaves feeling swollen as they fluttered inside. 
“When we have more experience…I think I’d like to come back and adopt more.” She confessed.
Jack quietly agreed as they climbed the staircase together and opened the doors for her.
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echoes-fandoms · 14 days
My Top 100 Ships (#39: Jack/Sally)
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Source: The Nightmare Before Christmas
When Did I Start Shipping Them? At the tender age of seven years old! I wasn't allowed to watch the film before then because Oogie Boogie was too scary. I personally fell in love with Jack at his first appearance, but he was so good with Sally that I never resented her for having him.
Why Do I Ship Them? I think they're interesting!! The fact that Jack has to contend with this hero worship from the town and feels isolated from most of the others because of that. And he keeps Sally at arm's length for a while, overlooking her genuine emotion, but finally gets his act together. I know it's a simple Disney relationship but it just gets me somehow.
Favourite Fanfiction Tropes/Staples? Oh, the fanfiction for these two is a mess. But I love anything longer than 30k so that I can settle into someone's world building. Writing in Halloweentown is obviously a challenge because it's such a 2D setting, so I'm very impressed by authors who can keep the whimsical childhood parts of it but also create deep and interesting relationships against that backdrop.
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agerefandom · 1 year
Fic Requests OPEN! (July 11th 2023)
Hi all! I've already got about 50 requests around in my inbox (headcanons, moodboards, and art) but I'm having a lot of fun just picking and choosing what I feel like doing, so I've decided I'll open up fanfiction and headcanon requests as well to make it even more wide open!
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Just a few things to mention:
1- please make sure you're requesting from my list of fandoms (or something I've previously talked about before, like V for Vendetta or Black Butler) (there's also no harm in asking if I know a book/fandom I haven't already mentioned, just don't dive into a request without double-checking I can actually write it!)
2- I will not be doing all of the requests! I will do as many as I can, but I don't always have energy or inspiration for every request! Please be nice about this, I promise I'm doing my best!
3- I'm also not going to do them in order because I'm jiving on the chaos :P
4- I'm going to make two little quirky options to help requests get filled if my inspiration is running thin!
If you would prefer to get a little drabble than nothing at all, send a ☂️ emoji with your request! I'll still try to write it but if I run out of energy, I'll write it more casually (and you can still resend it when requests open again in the future).
If you're okay with me fiddling with the request (ie. setting it in an AU or something), send a 🪶 emoji! Sometimes when a request is very simple, it makes me get stuck, so I might add in new elements or prompts to get me started.
5- If you're not sure what to request I've put a special little list under the 'read more' of fics I'd really like to write, but I have so many and I love doing requests, so I probably won't write them unless someone else wants to read it! So if you like any of these prompts please send them my way (and feel free to suggest any additional elements you'd like to see in them!)
Please don't limit yourself to those at all: I'm constantly excited by the new ideas that people throw my way!!
Fanfics I'd really love to write:
More Calvin and Hobbes content
regressors!Trevor and Alucard being chaos gremlins
L regressing while chained to Light (or vice versa)
A regressor stumbling into Halloweentown
regressor!JD with cg!Veronica
regressor!Jon and Michael
caregiver!Skulduggery with regressor!Valkyrie
regressor!Dean whump/hurtcomfort fic
regressor!Bella joining the Cullens' regression time
Dave regressing at home and trying to avoid Bro
John taking care of Vriska
regressor!Natasha with Pierre and Helene
deaged/regressor!Shigaraki with caregiver!reader (this would have ~5 chapters in all, I have a plot ready)
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anauthore · 1 year
Hello all! 
First things first, thank you. If you've read, liked, commented, or talked about this story in any way shape or form, you have supported me in some way, and I appreciate that more than anything. My story, which started out as an opening chapter describing an idea that was one of complete randomness, suddenly grew a following. Every day I was getting notifications about a comment, a heart, a message, a follow... all because of a measly fanfiction I didn't even take the time to properly plan out.
You all have given me a platform, even if it is small- and quickly I rushed to pump out more content, hoping to feed the crowd and make them happy. At first, I wanted to create a story- but, it had no clear path, and so I picked it with less than average enthusiasm. On the spot I had to create something that worked, which wasn't at all how I was used to writing. I thought of it as a good on-the-spot exercise, to help grow my writing style and skill, but by Chapter 4, it became draining and anxiety inducing. I started rushing the progress of our characters and their interactions, and the comments about that in particular started to stick out in my mind. I started to over criticize, spending hours writing out a chapter only to delete it all and start over. I was convinced that, no matter what I did, it wouldn't be an acceptable direction for the story to go in. 
And then I realized, I was right. But for a different reason.
I realized that my heart wasn't in it anymore. That all of my ideas sounded wrong because they were. Nothing connected back to the first, or even second, chapters because every chapter was written separately- and there was no planning beforehand, so planting seeds in the beginning had been a step I skipped in the writing process.
I wanted to do you all justice. I wanted to make the chapters connect, to give it a plan and a sense of direction instead of uncertainty, to really make it a slow-burn. That's what I will do. But to do that, I need to re-write some things. In fact, I need to do a LOT of editing, reworking, deleting...
And to do that, I must go on an official hiatus with this story. I need to take some time to plan out a path for our main characters, to rework what I can, and get rid of what I can't, as well as start writing a cohesive story. That's why I'm making this announcement- to let you all as the readers know what I'm doing, and what's to come.
This story will be finished- and it will be better than ever. I just hope that you all will remain there with me.
Until the next update, AA
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clambrulee · 10 months
Tagged by pinkie-satan 💞
Last song: Science-The birthday massacre
Song stuck in head: I saw that gosick pic I reblogged earlier and now the op is in my head ☠️ Destin histoire is the name of the song. I forgot who sings it.
Favorite colors: pink, black, purple, mint green, slime green, yellow orange
Currently watching: Darkwing duck. And those two gay episodes of Fionna and Cake. 10 times. For research purposes. ( For the gays )
Currently reading: gay fanfiction
Currently craving: another 3 days off in a row
Last movie: Halloweentown II
Sweet, spicy or savory: Sweet
Relationship status: Single
Current obsession: Fixated on gumlee and bubbline @ the moment but idk that I’m gonna make a ton of content for them
Three favorite foods: I don’t know dudes. I tend to eat the same crap until I get bored these days and a lot of stuff upsets my stomach so I have to pick and choose things that don’t hurt me. I like pizza though.
Last thing I googled: umm. Fanmade gumlee keychains. Most of the super cute ones are sold out 🥲 the one I found that isn’t sold out you need to sign up for the website the user’s store is on first and when I tried google was like “uhhh google blocked this site because their url isn’t secure enough die loser 🤪”
Dream trip: Shirakawa go 🥂
Anything you want right now: to be able to do things again lol.
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potter-solomons · 2 years
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I posted 3,357 times in 2022
That's 988 more posts than 2021!
885 posts created (26%)
2,472 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,534 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#tom hardy - 2,099 posts
#facepuller - 1,003 posts
#alfie solomons - 675 posts
#peaky blinders - 361 posts
#tommy conlon - 205 posts
#tom hardy fanfic - 193 posts
#eddie brock - 180 posts
#tom hardy fanfiction - 176 posts
#warrior - 148 posts
#bane - 137 posts
Longest Tag: 85 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
When he got dat mouth.
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See the full post
239 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Mighty good man.
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See the full post
262 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
pumpkin spice or gingerbread // horror or supernatural // hocus pocus or halloweentown // painting pumpkins or carving jack-o-lanterns // vampires or zombies // beanies or scarves // oversized sweaters or favorite sweatshirt // orange or black // apple pie or sweet potato pie // corn maze or haunted house // apple picking or bobbing for apples // trick or treating or staying in // diy costume or store bought costume // cinnamon or nutmeg // hot cocoa or apple cider
@hecatemoon87 @darklydeliciousdesires @buttercup32sstuff @kento-p
285 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
My heart 💔💔💔 spent my childhood with you Leslie Jordan aka Beverly Leslie.
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See the full post
362 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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551 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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foxesandmagic · 2 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @wordspin-shares - thank you.
Favourite colour: Blue.
Currently reading: A Rivers of London book by Ben Aaronovitch.
Last song: Um, I can’t actually remember. I think it was a cover of Feel Good Inc - originally by The Gorrilaz. 
Currently working on: My Stranger Things fanfiction A Knife’s Edge.
pumpkin spice or gingerbread // horror or supernatural // hocus pocus or halloweentown // painting pumpkins or carving jack-o-lanterns // vampires or zombies // beanies or scarves // oversized sweaters or favourite sweatshirt // orange or black // apple pie or sweet potato pie // corn maze or haunted house // apple picking or bobbing for apples // trick or treating or staying in // diy costume or store bought costume // cinnamon or nutmeg // hot cocoa or apple cider
Tag List (If you want to be added to, or removed from, this list at any point, just let me know; I’m only working with a general tag list at the moment): @illegalcerebral, @heirsoflilith, @malice1329, @heresthefanfiction, @emilykaldwen, @fanficanatic-tw, @andromedalestrange, @prematuremidlifecrisis, @noratilney, @sentineljedi, @that-demigirl, @fiercefray, @trash0saurus, @missemmalie, @darknightfrombeyond, @hiddenqveendom, @mystic-scripture, @the-witching-ash.
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cecexwrites · 2 years
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Toil & Trouble Halloweentown
Welcome to the Ichabod Crane Institute for Troubled Teens, a second chance school for Witches, Werewolves, Fae and the rest. Has your little monster nearly exposed the entirety of Halloweentown to the humans? Have they used magic to blow up a classmate? Bitten and drank from all the neighborhood dogs? Then The Crane Institute is the school for you. With a team of highly trained professionals, we are prepared to teach your children how to survive in the normal human world.
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sivilvendetta · 11 months
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to spam.
Finished up some doodles for my last few chapters of Spook's Season!
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I posted 1,581 times in 2022
15 posts created (1%)
1,566 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 355 of my posts in 2022
#video - 70 posts
#mood - 18 posts
#lol - 11 posts
#hermitcraft - 10 posts
#minecraft - 9 posts
#parker posts - 8 posts
#b. dylan hollis - 6 posts
#omg - 5 posts
#merlin - 5 posts
#it's one of the screenshot posts! - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#i know how but my keyboarding teacher was so boring that i dont use home row keys out of sheer spite fifteen years later
My Top Posts in 2022:
Some days, when my mental health is bad, I have to remind myself that my husband and I are in the same boat of struggling with Doing Tasks
I have to remind myself that even though we’re equal partners, that doesn’t mean we’re equal all the time. There will be days where he has to put more effort forward to help me, and there are days where I put forth more to help him
I have to remind my brain that the anxiety-induced overgeneralizing making me think I have been putting forth more effort for longer than he has and it’s his turn to finally do something around the house and help me is a cognitive distortion
That doesn’t mean I can just snap out of it, but it helps me be patient with both him and me
Tonight is one of those nights
4 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Am I writing fanfiction for my own DnD character?
Yes. Yes I am.
Am I complaining?
4 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
Guess who might have COVID -_-
I mean, I’ve managed to go this long without catching it and now I feel like I’ve got a crummy head-cold but my husband had to take a test for work and his was looking like it was positive and I know he got me sick
At least we’re both vaccinated and the symptoms aren’t terribly bad atm
But we’re gonna get one of the longer tests to make sure
8 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Still laughing my head off at how unprepared the Empires SMP was for Hermit Efficiency™
Seriously every time an Empires player stops by the Hermit area they always are like “wtf how did you get this set up so fast?!” And my husband and I look at each other and say, “They’re Hermits!”
19 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Nightmare Before Christmas sequel/remake where Halloweentown preps to defend against Christmastown because Christmas keeps invading their month
152 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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luciusspriggss · 2 years
Tagged by @legitcookie
Last Song: Come Alive - Leona Lewis
Last Movie: Halloweentown High
Last Show: Doctor Who (Currently rewatching and on season 2)
Currently Watching: The Magicians, Doctor Who, Murder She Wrote, and Glee
Currently Reading: Gentlebeard fanfiction, Come As You Are, and We Are Not Broken
Currently Working On: My spatial analytics homework.
Favorite Color: All of them. It's circumstantial really.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Spicy 100%
Coffee/Tea/Cocoa: All three because I'm a beverage kind of person
Craving: and iced mocha.
Tagging: Anyone who would like to do this.
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nightndaydreaming · 3 months
Fun fact:
I wrote and sold Halloweentown fanfiction in 3rd grade
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little-big-batbag · 4 months
I've talked about my complicated feelings about nostalgia before, elsewhere, but I've felt this sudden urge to talk about it again. I'm writing this opening thing on Saturday, June 8th, 2024 at 5 am after looking at what AO3 has to offer in terms of Halloweentown fanfiction. Strange, I know.
But it got me thinking, because there was a character I didn't recognize - Ethan whatever - and remembered how some time ago (within the past few years, I don't remember when exactly) I found out, I think maybe from Defunctland's Disney Channel Theme doc, that there was a fourth Halloweentown film. Apparently judging by me not remembering Ethan I don't remember the third one either.
But I remember seeing the promo poster for Return to Halloweentown and getting this pang of something I can only really describe as nostalgia.
My relationship with nostalgia is. Rough. I don't like the feeling. It makes me feel lonely. Am I the only one who still enjoys this thing? Logically, I know I'm not, I can go on the Internet and chances are still find people talking about, say, Super Smash Bros. Brawl for instance, or LittleBigPlanet Karting, or whatever. I've also been watching Keyan Carlile's videos on the Suite Life and Wizards of Waverly Place, and, well, feeling it too. With the former I mainly only remember the crummy movie though.
But I remember in that instance, seeing that poster, feeling something like that. Which doesn't make sense, because I don't remember that film. I don't think I've ever seen it.
It's just a remnant of a bygone era I was barely a part of.
I don't really know where I'm going with this, which is typical of me, so. I guess it was just something about the design of ads way back when.
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We did it folks!
I survived another October without writing Halloweentown fanfiction.
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