#halcyon mcshovel
joutacujo · 4 years
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Friend’s sona Creek and my sona, R Hal! He gets a proper peccary form for once!
Cute bbies
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leathersandsours · 5 years
Burn it to the Ground
Night threw it’s shadowed cloak over the garden as the moon rose over the trees. Pinatas were settling down to sleep while the nocturnal ones rose in a chorus of yawns and stretches. The night was peaceful and quiet... almost too quiet. Though the garden was bustling, surrounding wilds were silent. Where were all the non residents?
Dark shapes moved among the undergrowth. A quiet snuffling and snorts echoed loudly in the dead silence. Sharp, hate filled green eyes glared out from past garden’s edge. The Tower of Sour was unfinished. This was their time to strike. 
Like a symphony of war drums, the herd charged across the boundary with a clamor of squeals and roars. In an instant the garden was in chaos. Pinatas shrieked as they dodged out of the way of the charging sour twixarry. There was a loud crash as one barreled over a small pinata house, smashing it to pieces. 
Among them was a group of smaller, younger ones who headed for the storage house. One of them seemed deformed in the faint moonlight, hooves splitting like fingers as it pulled open the door and rummaged through the contents. A sour growled and shoved at them impatiently, causing the creature to snarl back; a humanoid face seemed to glare out from underneath the papery pelt. 
There was a warning squeal from one of the herd as they spotted the gardener running towards them. 
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leathersandsours · 5 years
Shopping for Fifteen
Seeing Hal around town wasn’t an unusual thing nowadays with him making friends and getting out there more. Neither was seeing Macarena sitting on his shoulder as happy as can be.
What was weird was the sling strapped across his chest and the bundle it held. One arm was full of groceries while the other was looking at a written list. Whatever was strapped to his chest moved now and then, making soft, chirping noises. He’d look down from his list to coo and hush it, occasionally dipping a hand into the folds of fabric to stroke whatever was in there. 
Curious folks would walk by, trying to peer into see what he had. Nobody was brave enough to actually ask him however as he’d give a protective glower at those who drifted too close. 
Pushing open the door to the Inn, the biker took a seat at a table for once. Hal placed the bags beside him while Macarena sat on the other seat adjacent to him. An arm moved to support the sling while he took a look at the menu. “Can they eat fries....?” 
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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Yappy Bappy
art by @zwanteer
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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can’t stop won’t stop
Menace @dastardlydeedsdoer / @shortlifelongart
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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Angry baby squad 
Menace @dastardlydeedsdoer
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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Current version of fully sour Hal’s design. Honestly I struggled a lot with it, but decided to go for a real cowboy look as he did grow up country and being a poacher fits with like the “cattle rustler” look.His baton is now a whip (seen across his torso) and his mask is supposed to resemble a sugar skull, but I’m not too great at complicated designs. 
Also steel hoof boots bc its great. 
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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menace @dastardlydeedsdoer / @shortlifelongart
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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By some unfortunate stroke of luck or for the amusement or whatever god watched over Pinata Island, Halcyon found himself in the body of something small, chubby and full of hunger.
.. well at least Renard thought he was cute. Little victories and all. 
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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Untrust Us
art by @zwanteer go follow that ho she does great shit
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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warm up sketch that went out of hand
Menace @dastardlydeedsdoer / @shortlifelongart
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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just a quick headshot sprite I felt like doing 
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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art by @zwanteer
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joutacujo · 4 years
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did it with most of my sonas. There’s a few I’ve either forgotten or just haven’t designed yet 
edit: name key
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leathersandsours · 5 years
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found this in my discord chats
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