awesomebeasy · 6 years
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A wizard’s apprentice sets out to fight a dragon to save the young girls of a far away kingdom. My god the 80s, Hensony-ness of it. (The scenes at Craggenmore reminded me of Hensen’s The Storyteller show) The smoke/drum entrance, was it supposed to happen like that? or was Ulrich supposed to walk Through the smoke to make his entrance? Holy young #PeterMacNicol (8 yrs before Ghostbusters, 12 yrs before Addams Family Values) - his first film and first leading role! The revelation of (spoiler alert) Valerian being a girl was a bit predictable, but the build up to the full reveal of the #VerminthraxPejorative - seeing only bits and pieces and then finally the whole thing - was teased out nicely. The baby dragons reminded me of the dogs from Ghostbusters (oOoOoOo 😯 foreshadowing for MacNicol!), and the Urlanders depiction of dragons just made me laugh. Why did no girl ever just shimmy up the pole and at least unhook the chain attached to her shackles and run off? I liked the music from the feast better without the flutes but that might just be me, and the sound of the cave (the footfalls and dripping water) 👌🏼👌🏼. The kings want/desperation to save his daughter rang false - he just seemed so indifferent to everything. #FunFact: after seeing this movie I found both a dvd and a copy of the book based on the movie and a Half Price Books in Madison. (didn’t buy either, had no money 😕) #ssmovieof2018 #action #adventure #fantasy #dragons #CaitlynClarke #RalphRichardson (my god that whole ending) #JohnHallam (he looked like Sly Stallone) #PeterEyre #AlbertSalmi #SydneyBromley (aww Hodge) #ChloeSalaman #EmerysJames (that weapon he made 😮) #RogerKemp #IanMcDiarmid writers: #HalBarwood, #MatthewRobbins (written by) director: Matthew Robbins movie of 2018 number 39) #Dragonslayer https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq8pn1unP9t/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vgdxbutuc83z
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