#haj//ime hin//ata
Do you have any Nag//ito or Haji//me wg hcs? I'd love to hear them, especially any Nag//ito ones
Oh, of course!
Initially started eating more to start recovering after he gets treatment for his lymphoma
One of his favorite things to do is go to stores and pick out snacks he’s never tried
This very quickly leads to a habit of habitual snacking, even when he isn’t hungry
And that leads to him getting a sweet tooth and buying more sugary and high calorie snacks
It takes a little bit, but he does begin to get a bit of a belly, which he honestly doesn’t know how to feel about at first, but he realizes that it actually makes him not look like a twig, so he decides to keep going.
After he realizes he likes gaining weight it starts to happen a bit quicker. He almost always has some sort of snack on hand.
After leaving the Neo Genesis program and fusing with Izuru, he realizes that one of his ultimate talents is ultimate chef like Teruteru.
He quickly develops a hobby for cooking and baking, which helps him get his mind into focus.
Of course, since he doesn’t really cook or bake for anyone else in particular, he’s usually his own taste tester. He’s known to eat multiple plates so he gets the taste exactly how he wants it.
When he notices his weight gain, he really doesn’t mind that much, because who’s gonna say anything mean to him about it?
And throwing a bit of Haj//ime x Nag//ito in there:
Once Nag//ito starts dating Haj//ime he also becomes a taste tester for Haj//ime’s food.
Haj//ime is very encouraging to Nag//ito and definitely enjoys having more of Nag//ito to love.
Haj//ime will sometimes make big dinners for the both of them, and they both end up stuffed afterward, leading to sleepy cuddles on the couch afterward.
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