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#Repost @dieselman264 ・・・ Rough week at the firehouse and long hours at the part time gig...wasnt really feeling it but that is when you dig down deep and get work done. I dont train for me...I train for we... Team Fire and Fuel Apparel Post 🚒💦🔥Firefighter Athlete🔥💦🚒 A team united by the common goal of helping our fellow man. WWW.FIREANDFUELAPPAREL.COM @fireandfuelapparel @getfirefighterfit #fireandfuelapparel #fire_fuel #firefighterapparel #firefighterfitness #fitness #fitforduty #teamfireandfuel #smoothisfast #reducelodd #firerescue #firefighter #getfirefighterfit #getfit #firefightercombatchallenge #thinredline #picoftheday #instadaily #instagood #thefirsttwenty #onpointsupplements #555fitness #CrossfitReston #HaixNorthAmerica #Backdeckgrilling #ScottSCBA #Blastmask #FRDWellfit #Fittofightfire #31For31
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