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forms-and-phyla · 2 years ago
Phylum #23: Gastrotricha, the hairybellies!
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One more phylum of meiofauna, microscopic critters living in interstitial spaces! At most a few millimeters but often much smaller, hairybellies are named after the many cilia on their flat ventral surface!
These cilia work in tandem with adhesive tubes - especially on their characteristic forked tail, with which they crawl and slide inbetween sediments to eat, well, the kind of food a tiny guy would eat. Diatoms, bacteria and various kinds of organic matter are on the menu!
As often with these tiny critters, the rest of the body is quite simple - no circulatory or respiratory system, although a roughly differentiated head is visible. The latter often bears sensory cilia - microscopic whiskers! And they have scales covering their back - which is pretty unexpected for an animal that tiny!
Living gastrotrichs are divided in two groups. The chaetonotids have successfully reached both marine and freshwater environments, while macrodasyids stayed mostly marine, but developed two pores on either side of the neck, through which they shoot out water while eating. While extremely commonplace in today's sediments, they unfortunately lack a fossil record, making their relationship with other phyla yet more mysterious!
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megustanlasnueces · 2 months ago
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Mi posteo anual en Tumblr.
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
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Doodles of a Springtrap not covered in scars and burns, before he became a murderous leader. Probably his deputy era considering he’s starting to hate Hairybelly right here.
Pathetic little gay cat pissed off that they both have kids now and he can’t be pathetic and gay with his best friend anymore.
He really looks like he smells ngl
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bearcubbelladonna · 2 years ago
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Performing at 37th and Zen
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bestanimal · 7 months ago
Round 1 - Phylum Gastrotricha
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(Sources - 1, 2, 3, 4)
The Phylum Gastrotricha, animals commonly referred to as hairybellies or hairybacks, are a group of microscopic, cylindrical animals.
They are widely distributed and abundant in both freshwater and marine environments, though some species can be found on land living in the film of water surrounding grains of soil. Though simple, they have a head region, with a brain and sensory organs, and a trunk with a simple gut and reproductive organs. They anchor themselves to the substrate via adhesive glands and use cilia (said “hair”) to move around. They feed on detritus and have a lifespan of just a few days. Nearly 800 species of gastrotrich have been described.
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Propaganda under the cut:
Fertilized eggs leave their parents by bursting out through the skin, which then repairs itself. Pretty metal tbh
Some species are capable of laying eggs that remain dormant during times when the young would be unlikely to survive, but are also capable of laying normal eggs in times of plenty.
Baby gastrotrichs just look like miniature adults (or, miniature miniature adults), and reach sexual maturity in about three days.
One species has lived up to 40 days in a lab, producing 4-5 eggs during the first 10 days of its life.
Basically a whole phylum dedicated to living fast and dying young
Idk they’re kinda cute
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forms-and-phyla · 2 years ago
Introducing Life, One Phylum at a Time
Welcome to Forms and Phyla! Each day, a short presentation of one of the animal kingdom's 32 described phyla, highlighting its diversity and uniqueness!
Watch the tree of life - and the blog's profile picture - light up before your eyes, as a new facet of animal diversity is revealed each time!
Click here for the latest post (Gastrotricha, the hairybellies), or see below for the list of posts!
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
Here’s a big dump about my fnaf warriors au bc I never talked about it here.
Springtrap (obv William) was a very manipulative and charming deputy that got his leadership by murdering the former leader of his clan. The clan did not know and actually highly respected him, but StarClan refused to give him his lives. So he stole them from the kits in his clan.
Foxbite (Mike) was a warrior apprentice but was forced to change to a med cat when his first battle after his siblings’ deaths made him freeze up and almost getting him killed. The dumb dumb got that big X shaped scar from that battle and afterwards, Springtrap decided it was funny and silly to give him his warrior name. Based off of how he got his brother killed in a dog attack. Later Foxbite was exiled by Springtrap after he found out what he was doing to the kits in the area. He ends up shacking it up with Jeremy Ravenpaw and Barley style while they plan on how to assassinate his fuckinng dad.
Springtrap also gets exiled himself by the Clan when shit starts hitting the fan and they figure out he’s murdering the clan’s kitties. After that, he moves on to create this rogue filled “clan” that’s basically the animatronics as murderer kitties. How else baby.
Adding a few extra things, Batpaw (Cassidy) was Springtrap’s former apprentice before he killed her. She was groomed into the same violence as Springtrap, but she wasn’t willing to kill kittens so he killed her.
Hairybelly (Henry) becomes an impromptu leader after exiling Springtrap and his cult. Idk if I want to give him the star suffix but it would be funny to call him Hairystar lmao.
More kitties to come
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fatdancer2018 · 11 months ago
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#big #workout #chestday #bulking #fatdancer #exdancer #bigbelly #belly #hairybelly #bellybutton
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hairyboysarehot · 10 months ago
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bulliness · 11 months ago
#hairy #belly #hairybelly #bodyhair #hairymanbellybodyhairstomachhairbellysoft #horny
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benkaadee · 11 months ago
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Have a nice Saturday 🤗
#hairy #furry #hairybelly #furrygay #muscledaddy #gaydad
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
Fnaf Cats Allegiances
That was something in warrior cats right??? Anyway this is just all the characters I have so far and a little about them just cause it’s easier to understand them once you know who is what.
Also this is basically a replacement post from the one earlier that just had a few things dumped in it. This is not all of them I still have a few I wanna draw but yeah
Warnings for general death, violence, child abuse ig if you wanna call it that, and cannibalism
Springtrap (William) was the leader of whatever Clan this is idk. Just a general Clan ig. As a Deputy, he killed their previous leader (I call them Fallenstar cause they are unimportant and just here to die) and went on to become leader of his Clan. Except StarClan knew exactly what he had done and denied him lives. So he went back to the Clan, claimed StarClan denied him leadership, but he was still loyal to his Clan and took the leadership position without the change. Springtrap didn’t really accept that he was not given the nine lives he believed he deserved and so he took them from kits, eating the evidence and claiming each one was killed by the same foxes that killed his own kits.
Hairybelly (Henry) was Springtrap’s deputy. They grew up in a time in the Clan where there wasn’t many kits being born, so they bonded as the youngest few cats for a long while. From then on, they continued to be close friends into adulthood and when they both became fathers. Many of his kits died just after they were born from a number of issues, but two survived. We all already know Springtrap kills Charkit, leaving him just one kit (Sunnykit is his name) that he was fiercely protective of. And when many kits started disappearing, he was so distracted trying to keep his remaining kit safe that he almost didn’t see the connection Springtrap had with all the deaths.
Foxbite (Mike) was originally a warrior apprentice, but on a stupid bet with his denmates, he led his younger brother Cryingkit out of the camp and daring him to go into an abandoned fox den. When Cryingkit ofc refused, he grabbed him by his little baby scruff and threw him inside. It wasn’t as abandoned as originally thought and a fox easily killed the little guy and gobbled him up. After that, Foxpaw couldn’t stomach seeing all that blood and gore again so he was forcibly given a different job that also handled blood and gore. Springtrap had given him the awful name Foxbite as a mockery and then later, when the Clan was starting to get suspicious about all the kittens disappearing, he placed the blame on Foxbite and exiled him.
Charkit, Cryingkit, and Lilykit are the first victims of Springtrap’s gross cannibalism mess. Charkit was murdered first out of jealousy and cursed to be a wondering soul, but then after Springtrap was denied by StarClan his nine lives, he figured out a way to get the lives he desired using Charkit’s soul. It’s not uncommon for cats to eat their dead kittens, but it is wildly uncommon in Warrior Cats which is weird because they are feral cats so.
Anyways Cryingkit we know how he died, but he ended up becoming a “sort of” vengeful spirit to Foxbite. Really he would just haunt the poor dude with visions and dreams of blood and gore, but he was also aware of what their father was doing, so he often used those dreams to show Foxbite what will happen to other kits if he doesn’t stop Springtrap.
Lilykit (Lizzie) died the day she was supposed to become an apprentice. Well, she was littermates with Cryingkit, so technically they were both supposed to become apprentices, but he didn’t make it to the day. Lilykit had followed her father out of camp one day, seeing him leading another kit out. She didn’t see the kill itself, but she did find her father after it was done. He was covered in blood and thought she had witnessed the deed, so he had killed her to cover his tracks. Later, she was the first kit to find out how to possess other cats.
Suzie, Bearkit, Harekit, Finchkit, and Batpaw are the five missing kits. Suzie was a kittypet that her owners thought could be an outdoor cat, only for her to get killed. Bearkit and Harekit are brothers that Springtrap was able to lure out and kill. Finchkit was another he lured out and then chased until he couldn’t run anymore, deliberately injuring his back legs so he couldn’t escape. Springtrap had waited until Batpaw (Cassidy) arrived before killing him. He had offered his apprentice the kill as a symbol she was loyal and would soon be ready to take the deputy position when she is ready. She had refused, Springtrap killed Finchkit, and then hunted Batpaw down and killed her.
Jeremy is a rogue that lived in a barn with his little sister Suzie. Technically he is a kittypet, but he is a completely outdoor cat outside of a few occasions, so he’s more of a rogue than pet. He was worried for his sister when she went missing, but had no reason to believe she was dead until Foxbite and Hairybelly showed up and told him all this crazy shit about his father and the weird forest cats that always tried to fight him. He helped the two of them with shelter while they planned to kill Springtrap, but he did get into a bit of trouble himself.
Vanny is another one of Springtrap’s kits, this time a bastard child of another kittypet. She came to join the Clan to become deputy after Hairybelly left. Despite distrust from the warriors (animatronics) of the Clan, she was very competent and an overall very strong leader. After the numerous attempts to be killed by Foxbite and Hairybelly, Springtrap was blinded and heavily scarred and needed Vanny to take over most of the hard work. She continued his legacy killing kits to give him more lives even when Springtrap didn’t act like Springtrap anymore.
Thunderfoot (GR Freddy) is a decent of Hairybelly (probably from Sunnykit depending on what I want to do) and he knew there is some dark history surrounding the young kits of his Clan. There were not a lot of kits born now, lots of numbers dwindling because of it, but he didn’t understand why. When a scarred and scrappy kit arrived claiming to be a part of this Clan, he took him in, being an early “mentor” to the kit. But then, friends and family started acting strangely around the kit, and he ended up having to save the kit from getting killed by so many warriors in his own Clan. Even the deputy he once trusted was hunting him down.
Wolfstone (Roxie) is a queen of the current Clan. There’s not much use for a queen without kits, but she did have kits before. She had kits with a rogue, the first litter in moons. But one night, her deputy came into the nursery and killed several of them while she fought to protect them. She had woken to three of her kits already dead, but she grabbed her fourth and ran out of the camp to save her. She had found her mate and left the last of her kits with him before going back to her Clan, determined to reveal what had really happened to her kits and kill the one responsible. It didn’t go as well as she had hoped and she was left heavily injured and blinded. She was forced to stay a queen in the nursery as a cruel punishment for the death of her kits.
Dirtkit (Gregory) and Carrotkit (Cassie) are two displaced kits from whatever Clan this is. Dirtkit was the secret kit of another warrior and Carrotkit was the last kit of Wolfstone. Carrotkit had befriended Dirtkit after hearing stories of forest cats that she has heard her father tell her about her mother. They were both determined to go find the Clans to be reunited, but Carrotkit’s father had kept her from going with Dirtkit. It wasn’t until he came back to bring her there did she go along. But something was off about Dirtkit. He didn’t seem right.
Chickadeetooth (GR Chica) and Lizardclaw (Monty) are some of the loyal warriors to Vanny and Springtrap. Chickadeetooth is Thunderfoot’s sister and a close friend to Wolfstone (before she tries murdering kits lol) and Lizardclaw is just an average warrior that is just a little too desperate for a fight and some blood on his paws. They both get what’s coming to them.
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fatdancer2018 · 1 year ago
 #workout #bloatedbelly #full #fatdancer #exdancer #belly #bellybutton #hairybelly #bigbelly
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