#hair loss treatment cork
thehairclinichlcc · 1 year
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getheeheed · 3 years
I finished the stupid Neloth fic, @otvlanga come get your man, fellow rat wizard enjoyer. It's an x reader, and I used they/them for the character. I don't write often, so popping out almost two thousand words seems like a lot to me lol, and it's definitely a little sloppy. I had fun writing it tho and at the end of the day that's all that matters to me. Not Safe For Work stuff under cut, if I'm missing any warnings let me know and I'll add them as soon as I can.
Warnings: nsfw, voyeurism (slight), kind of graphic anal sex
All he wanted was a damn bath. Everyone seemed extremely adamant on getting on his nerves today, more so than usual, so what better idea to help him relax than a nice, hot bath, right? Wrong. You see, Neloth had forgotten one small detail, and it went by the name of [name]. And that little detail was currently occupying his bathtub, not even paying any mind to the fact that someone had entered the room. So there he was, standing in his bath robes, staring at the Dovahkiin, naked as the day they were born, going about washing themself, and the poor elf just couldn't look away. He knew, deep down, that it was wrong, that he should've immediately turned and walked in the opposite direction, but at that moment he didn't really care. Instead, he settled on closing the door behind him, and, as quietly as he could, lower himself to sit on a stool, eyes still fixed on the figure before him.
They seemed truly relaxed, something Neloth had never known them to be, as they dragged the sponge along their arms, carefully going over any new scratches or cuts and coating them in a thin sheet of soapy bubbles, slowly scrubbing the dirt and grime away. It was kind of fascinating, really, watching them twist and turn, trying to reach every spot on their back, but they got it eventually. Going from their back to the front of their torso, he felt a bit disappointed when they moved the sponge down, where the bathtub blocked his vision. So he settled, instead, for how the light reflected off their damp chest, until they lifted a leg up, making all the harder to access areas available for both their sponge and his eyes. He was enchanted, leaning forward to rest his chin on his knuckles, from the way their hand was moving up and down and up and down their calf, and then onto the next leg, repeating the movements. They then put the sponge down and took a cup in their hand, filling it with water and rinsing themselves, putting it down when they were done and getting up.
They reached for a small towel, drying their hair and face with it, then throwing it around their shoulders, and finally stepped out of the bathtub, dripping water on the floor. Neloth now had a view of, well, everything. The multiple scars adorning the Dovahkiin's body, their muscles flexing and contracting as they moved to grab a bigger towel to dry themselves off, starting with their arms, then moving down to their legs. The elf followed the movements, trained eyes making note of every single detail on their torso, moving down to where a dragon's jaws had left quite the scar on their abdomen, and right below that lay their- "Neloth?" The elf froze, quickly shooting up. Both stood there, dumbfounded for a second, one person left with a slightly open mouth, the other clutching a towel just above their knees.
"I…. I don't have an excuse." "No, you don't," [name] said plainly, lifting the towel to wrap it around their torso, taking note that Neloth's gaze still lingered downward for a bit, before turning to look up, "An explanation, maybe?". Neloth thought for a second, opening his mouth to speak, then immediately closing it, shaking his head and frowning. "No, I can't seem to find one," he said, still searching his mind for a crumb of reason behind his actions, when the other person took a step towards him, "What are you doing?" "I should be asking you that, you're the one that was watching me at my most vulnerable, and then offered no explanation whatsoever."
They were pushing, adding to the ever so growing tension between them. It had been there since the start, but now it was most unbearable. Neloth was (both literally and metaphorically) against a wall, he had to break sooner or later. "I- well- I don't-" Their bodies were inches apart. "I mean, if you had asked, I would have let you join." Silence. Did they push too far? Had they crossed the line? Their mind almost didn't register the hands grabbing at their hips, the small distance between their bodies closed, mouth pressing, no, more like crashing on theirs. The tension finally broke, and they kissed back with all they had, one hand coming to rest on his nape, the other sliding in his robes and up along his back, pulling him as close as possible.
He was sloppy in his movements, having not touched another person this way in over a century can do that to someone, but his enthusiasm and teasing hands made up for it. Well, not really. The teasing was maddening, the way his hands massaged up and down their sides, the small bites on their lips as they kissed, it drove them insane, so they retaliated by moving a hand to rest on his ass and placing their lips to his neck, nipping and sucking until they found the spot that made him moan. His hand immediately shot up to stifle the sound, but it was already out, and the Dragonborn pulled away to look at him with a smug expression. "I usually hate it when you're loud, but, I don't think I mind this". He glared daggers at them before shifting them so that their back was against the door, yanking their towel off in the process, and going on to give them the same treatment, with a few additions.
While his mouth was busy with their neck, his hands went down to hoist their legs up to his waist, grinding his hips on theirs. They threw their head back, hitting the door, a long moan drawn from their throat as they moved their hips with his, throwing their hands to his chest to claw at his robes. "Gods… Neloth, please…" they breathed out and he suddenly stopped, snapping out of his trance when he realized they were still in the bathroom, "Not here, come on".
Neloth practically dragged them to his room as fast as he could, lest someone else lay eyes upon his Dragonborn. As soon as the door closed, he crashed his mouth on theirs again, hands roaming their naked frame, slowly moving them towards the bed. Their hands worked fast, undoing his robes and helping him shrug them off, revealing his toned body as well as his already hardened cock, then pulling him down with them on the mattress. "[Name]... what did you do?" he managed to ask through kisses, "What do you mean?" "I haven't been able to finish a single project in the past three months, all because of you," he kissed the corner of their mouth, "every time I try to focus you creep into my thoughts," he moved to their jaw, "when someone mentions you my breath seems to hitch," he nipped their neck, "you must've slipped something in my tea when I wasn't looking or cast a hex or- I don't know, what did you do you little-" "Neloth." He turned to look at them, "What." "Shut the fuck up." And with that, they took his face in their palms and slipped their tongue in his mouth, soliciting a deep groan from the elf.
His hand shot out to the side, scrambling to open a drawer on his nightstand and retrieving a vial containing a questionable liquid, as well as a towel. "What's that?" "Lubricant," he replied, pulling the cork off and pouring some in his palm, "turn around, on your knees. Oh, and put this under you, will you?" he handed them the towel and they complied, confused, if a bit curious to see what would happen next. Once they were in place, he set the vial down, rubbing his hands together and gently massaging their ass, thumb brushing over their hole, making them gasp. "Take a deep breath," he said before slowly pushing a middle finger in, drawing out a long moan from the [race] and getting them to arch their back. "So needy, we've barely even started," it was his turn to be smug and they didn't even get to reply before he started moving the finger inside them, grazing their insides and adding another one, now scissoring them open. The whole time they were gasping and writhing under his grasp, trying to keep quiet in fear of being found out, and he added a third and final digit, slowly preparing them for what was to come before removing everything, making them whine at the loss.
"Sweet gods, Neloth, please…" the Dovahkiin groaned out, desperation quite evident in their voice, "Would it kill you to be a bit more patient?" Neloth questioned, taking the vial in his hand again and pouring out a generous amount, slicking his cock and positioning himself over the [race]. He placed his tip at their entrance, making them shudder, before pushing it in with an exhale, pausing to get a better hold of their hips before pushing himself in entirely, drawing out long moans from the both of them. Neloth gave them a few seconds to adjust to the feeling, and let the pain recede a bit, before he started slowly moving in and out, grinding his hips against their ass, cock never moving entirely out yet always pushing in to the hilt.
The Dragonborn groaned and writhed under him, a bit overwhelmed from the sensation, but they certainly weren't complaining, and as Neloth picked up the pace a little more they were gasping and moaning out in pleasure. Soon he had them screaming out his name, his hips snapping forward to thrust inside them deeper and harder, and it wasn't long until they came. Neloth himself wasn't that far behind, with one final thrust he released inside them with a loud moan, thick cum coating their insides, some spilling out and on the towel as he pulled himself out. When he was finished, he procured a smaller towel from the nightstand, cleaning himself and the Dragonborn best he could and putting the dirtied towels away, and laid down, pulling them with him in his arms, their back against his chest. They were both panting and covered in sweat, his skin was pleasantly warm against theirs, they noted. He also seemed softer, more relaxed than they knew him to be. Turning around in his arms, they wrapped theirs around his torso and placed their forehead against his chest. He pulled the covers over them and held them closer, kissing the top of their head. It was strange, coming from him, but they didn't mind, it was a nice change.
"We should probably have showered before crawling under the bed," they remarked, closing their eyes, "Probably. But I'm tired". "That's new," they replied, "Oh, shut up." And with that, they slept. When morning came, Varona was very puzzled as to why Neloth hadn't yelled for her yet, until she found the Telvanni in his bed, the Dragonborn in his arms, dead asleep for the first time in years. She let them be, making sure to warn Talvas not to enter the room, before setting off to make some canis root tea for when the elf awoke.
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96harmony96 · 3 years
Chapter 5
I had a vicious hangover on Saturday morning and figured it was no less than I deserved. As much as I’d resented Lauren’s insistence on negotiating sex with as much passion as she would a merger, in the end I’d negotiated in kind. Because I wanted her enough to take a calculated risk and break my own rules.
I took comfort in knowing she was breaking some of her own, too.
After a long, hot shower, I made my way into the living room and found Cary on the couch with his netbook, looking fresh and alert. Smelling coffee in the kitchen, I headed there and filled the biggest mug I could find.
“Morning, sunshine,” Cary called out.
With my much-needed dose of caffeine wrapped between both palms, I joined him on the couch.
He pointed at a box on the end table. “That came for you while you were in the shower.”
I set my mug on the coffee table and picked up the box. It was wrapped with brown paper and twine, and had my name handwritten diagonally across the top with a decorative calligraphic flourish. Inside was an amber glass bottle with Hangover Cure painted on it in a white old-fashioned font and a note tied with raffia to the bottle’s neck that said, “Drink me.” Lauren’s business card was nestled in the cushioning tissue paper.
As I studied the gift, I found it very apt. Since meeting Lauren I’d felt like I’d fallen down the rabbit hole into a fascinating and seductive world where few of the known rules applied. I was in uncharted territory that was both exciting and scary.
I glanced at Cary, who eyed the bottle dubiously.
“Cheers.” I pried the cork out and drank the contents without thinking twice about it. It tasted like sickly sweet cough syrup. My stomach quivered in distaste for a moment, and then heated. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and shoved the cork back into the empty bottle.
“What was that?” Cary asked.
“From the burn, it’s hair of the dog.”
His nose wrinkled. “Effective but unpleasant.”
And it was working. I already felt a little steadier.
Cary picked up the box and dug out Lauren’s card. He flipped it over; then held it out to me. On the back Lauren had written, “Call me” in bold slashing penmanship and jotted down a number.
I took the card, curling my hand around it. Her gift was proof that she was thinking about me. Her tenacity and focus was seductive. And flattering.
There was no denying I was in trouble where Lauren was concerned. I craved the way I felt when she touched me, and I loved the way she responded when I touched her back. When I tried to think of what I wouldn’t agree to do to have her hands on me again, I couldn’t come up with much.
When Cary tried to hand me the phone, I shook my head. “Not yet. I need a clear head when dealing with her and I’m still fuzzy.”
“You two seemed cozy last night. She’s definitely into you.”
“I’m definitely into her.” Curling into the corner of the couch, I pressed my cheek into the cushion and hugged my legs to my chest. “We’re going to hang out, get to know each other, have casual-but-physically-intense sex, and be otherwise completely independent. No strings, no expectations, no responsibilities.”
Cary hit a button on his netbook and the printer on the other side of the room started spitting out pages. Then he snapped the computer closed, set it on the coffee table, and gave me all his attention. “Maybe it’ll turn into something serious.”
“Maybe not,” I scoffed.
“I’m not looking for happily-ever-after, Cary, especially not with a mega-mogul like Jauregui. I’ve seen what it’s like for my mom being connected to powerful men. It’s a full-time job with a part-time companion. Money keeps Mom happy, but it wouldn’t be enough for me.”
My dad had loved my mom. He’d asked her to marry him and share his life. She’d turned him down because he didn’t have the hefty portfolio and sizeable bank account she required in a husband. Love wasn’t a requisite for marriage in Sinuhe Stanton’s opinion and since her sultry-eyed, breathy-voiced beauty was irresistible to most men, she’d never had to settle for less than whatever she wanted. Unfortunately she hadn’t wanted my dad for the long haul.
Glancing at the clock, I saw it was ten thirty. “I guess I should get ready.”
“I love spa day with your mom.” Cary smiled and it chased the lingering shadows on my mood away. “I feel like a god when we’re done.”
“Me, too. Of the goddess persuasion.”
We were so eager to be off that we went downstairs to meet the car rather than wait for the front desk to call up.
The doorman smiled as we stepped outside—me in heeled sandals and a maxi dress, and Cary in hip-hugging jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt.
“Good morning, Miss Cabello. Mr. Taylor. Will you need a cab today?”
“No thanks, Paul. We’re expecting a car.” Cary grinned. “It’s spa day at Perrini’s!”
“Ah, Perrini’s Day Spa.” Paul gave a sage nod. “I bought my wife a gift certificate for our anniversary. She enjoyed it so much I plan to make it a tradition.”
“You did good, Paul,” I said. “Pampering a woman never goes out of style.”
A black town car pulled up with Clancy at the wheel. Paul opened the rear door for us and we climbed in, squealing when we found a box of Knipschildt’s Chocopologie on the seat. Waving at Paul, we settled back and dug in, taking tiny nibbles of the truffles that were worth savoring slowly.
Clancy drove us straight to Perrini’s, where the relaxation began from the moment one walked in the door. Crossing the entrance threshold was like taking a vacation on the far side of the world. Every arched doorway was framed by lushly vibrant striped silks, while jeweled pillows decorated elegant chaises and oversized armchairs.
Birds chirped from suspended gilded cages and potted plants filled every corner with lush fronds. Small decorative fountains added the sounds of running water, while stringed instrumental music was piped into the room via cleverly hidden speakers. The air was redolent with a mix of exotic spices and fragrances, making me feel like I’d stepped into Arabian Nights.
It was this-close to being too much, but it didn’t cross the line. Instead, Perrini’s was exotic and luxurious, an indulgent treat for those who could afford it. Like my mother, who’d just finished a milk-and-honey bath when we arrived.
I studied the menu of treatments available, deciding to skip my usual “warrior woman” in favor of the “passionate pampering.” I’d been waxed the week before, but the rest of the treatment—“designed to make you sexually irresistible”—sounded like exactly what I needed.
I’d finally managed to get my mind back into the safe zone of work when Cary spoke up from the pedicure chair beside mine.
“Mrs. Stanton, have you met Lauren Jauregui?”
I gaped at him. He knew damn well my mom went nuts over any news about my romantic—and not-so-romantic, as the case may be—relationships.
My mother, who sat in the chair on the other side of me, leaned forward with her usual girlish excitement over a rich, handsome man. “Of course. She’s one of the wealthiest women in the world. Number twenty-five or so on Forbes’s list, if I’m remembering correctly. A very driven young woman, obviously, and a generous benefactor to many of the children’s charities I champion. Extremely eligible, of course, but I don’t believe she's straight , Cary. She’s got a reputation as a ladies’ pleaser.”
“My loss.” Cary grinned and ignored my violent headshaking. “But it’d be a hopeless crush anyway, since she’s digging on Camila.”
“Camila! I can’t believe you didn’t say anything. How could you not tell me something like that?”
I looked at my mom, whose scrubbed face appeared young, unlined, and very much like mine. I was very clearly my mother’s daughter, right down to my surname. The one concession she’d made to my father had been to name me after his mother.
“There’s nothing to tell,” I insisted. “We’re just…friends.”
“We can do better than that,” Sinuhe said, with a look of calculation that struck fear in my heart. “I don’t know how it escaped me that you work in the same building she does. I’m certain she was smitten the moment she saw you. Although she’s known to prefer blondes…Hmm…Anyway. sHe’s also known for her excellent taste. Clearly the latter won out with you.”
“It’s not like that. Please don’t start meddling. You’ll embarrass me.”
“Nonsense. If anyone knows what to do with men, it’s me.”
I cringed, my shoulders creeping up to my ears. By the time my massage appointment came around, I was in desperate need of one. I stretched out on the table and closed my eyes, preparing to take a catnap to get through the long night ahead.
I loved dressing up and looking pretty as much as the next girl, but charity functions were a lot of work. Making small talk was exhausting, smiling nonstop was a pain, and conversations about businesses and people I didn’t know were boring. If it wasn’t for Cary benefitting from the exposure, I’d put up a bigger fight about going.
I sighed. Who was I fooling? I’d end up going anyway. My mom and Stanton supported abused children’s charities because they were significant to me. Going to the occasional stuffy event was a small price to pay for the return.
Taking a deep breath, I consciously relaxed. I made a mental note to call my dad when I got home and thought about how to send a thank-you note to Lauren for the hangover cure. I supposed I could e-mail her using the contact info on her business card, but that lacked class. Besides, I didn’t know who read her inbox.
I’d just call her when I got home. Why not? She’d asked—no, told—me to; she’d written the demand on her business card. And I’d get to hear her luscious voice again.
The door opened and the masseuse came in. “Hello, Camila. You ready?”
Not quite. But I was getting there.
After many lovely hours at the spa, my mom and Cary dropped me off at the apartment; then they headed out to hunt for new cuff links for Stanton. I used the time alone to call Lauren. Even with the much-needed privacy, I punched most of her phone number into the keypad a half-dozen times before I finally put the call through.
She answered on the first ring. “Camila.”
W that she’d known who was calling, my mind scrambled for a moment. How did she have my name and number in her contact list? “Uh…hi, Lauren.”
“I’m a block away. Let the front desk know I’m coming.”
“What?” I felt like I’d missed part of the conversation. “Coming where?”
“To your place. I’m rounding the corner now. Call the desk, Camila.”
she hung up and I stared at the phone, trying to absorb the fact that Lauren was moments away from being with me again. Somewhat dazed, I went to the intercom and talked to the front desk, letting them know I was expecting her and while I was talking, she walked into the lobby. A few moments after that, she was at my door.
It was then that I remembered I was dressed in only a thigh-length silk robe, and my face and hair were styled for the dinner. What kind of impression would she get from my appearance?
I tightened the belt of my robe before I let her in. It wasn’t like I’d invited her over for a seduction or anything.
Lauren stood in the hallway for a long moment, her gaze raking me from my head down to my French manicured toes. I was equally stunned by her appearance. The way she looked in worn jeans and a T-shirt made me want to undress her with my teeth.
“Worth the trip to find you like this, Camila.” sHe stepped inside and locked the door behind her. “How are you feeling?”
“Good. Thanks to you. Thank you.” My stomach quivered because she was here, with me, which made me feel almost…giddy. “That can’t be why you came over.”
“I’m here because it took you too long to call me.”
“I didn’t realize I had a deadline.”
“I have to ask you something time-sensitive, but more than that, I wanted to know if you were feeling all right after last night.” Her eyes were dark as they swept over me, her breathtaking face framed by that luxurious curtain of inky hair. “God. You look beautiful, Camila. I can’t remember ever wanting anything this much.”
With just those few simple words I became hot and needy. Way too vulnerable. “What’s so urgent?”
“Go with me to the advocacy center dinner tonight.”
I pulled back, surprised and excited by the request. “You’re going?”
“So are you. I checked, knowing your mother would be there. Let’s go together.”
My hand went to my throat, my mind torn between the weirdness of how much she knew about me and concern over what she was asking me to do. “That’s not what I meant when I said we should spend time together.”
“Why not?” The simple question was laced with challenge. “What’s the problem with going together to an event we’d already planned on attending separately?”
“It’s not very discreet. It’s a high-profile event.”
“So?” Lauren stepped closer and fingered a curl of my hair.
There was a dangerous purr to her voice that sent a shiver through me. I could feel the warmth of her big, hard body and smell the richly musky scent of her skin. I was falling under her spell, deeper with every minute that passed.
“People will make assumptions, my mother in particular. She’s already scenting your bachelor blood in the water.”
Lowering her head, Lauren pressed her lips into the crook of my neck. “I don’t care what people think. We know what we’re doing. And I’ll deal with your mother.”
“If you think you can,” I said breathlessly, “you don’t know her very well.”
“I’ll pick you up at seven.” Her tongue traced the wildly throbbing vein in my throat and I melted into her, my body going lax as she pulled me close.
Still, I managed to say, “I haven’t said yes.”
“But you won’t say no.” sHe caught my earlobe between her teeth. “I won’t let you.”
I opened my mouth to protest and she sealed her lips over mine, shutting me up with a lush wet kiss. Her tongue did that slow, savoring licking that made me long to feel her doing the same between my legs. My hands went to her hair, sliding through it, tugging. When she wrapped her arms around me, I arched, curving into her hands.
Just as she had in her office, she had me on my back on the couch before I realized she was moving me, her mouth swallowing my surprised gasp. The robe gave way to her dexterous fingers; then she was cupping my breasts, kneading them with soft, rhythmic squeezes.
“Shh.” sHe sucked on my lower lip, her fingers rolling and tugging my tender nipples. “It was driving me crazy knowing you were naked beneath your robe.”
“You came over without—Oh! Oh, God…”
Her mouth surrounded the tip of my breast, the wash of heat bringing a mist of perspiration to my skin.
My gaze darted frantically to the clock on the cable box. “Lauren, no.”
Her head lifted and she looked at me with stormy green eyes. “It’s insane, I know. I don’t—I can’t explain it, Camila, but I have to make you come. I’ve been thinking about it constantly for days now.”
One of her hands pushed between my legs. They fell open shamelessly, my body so aroused I was flushed and almost feverish. Her other hand continued to plump my breasts, making them heavy and unbearably sensitive.
“You’re wet for me,” she murmured, her gaze sliding down my body to where she was parting me with her fingers. “You’re beautiful here, too. Plush and pink. So soft. You didn’t wax today, did you?”
I shook my head.
“Thank God. I don’t think I would’ve made it ten minutes without touching you, let alone ten hours.” She slid one finger carefully into me.
My eyes closed against the unbearable vulnerability of being spread out naked and fingered by a woman whose familiarity with the rules of Brazilian waxing betrayed an intimate knowledge of women. A woman who was still fully clothed and kneeling on the floor beside me.
“You’re so snug.” Lauren pulled out and thrust gently back into me. My back bowed as I clenched eagerly around her. “And so greedy. How long has it been since the last time you were fucked?”
I swallowed hard. “I’ve been busy. My thesis, job-hunting, moving…”
“A while, then.” sHe pulled out and pushed back into me with two fingers. I couldn’t hold back a moan of delight. The woman had talented hands, confident and skilled, and she took what he wanted with them.
“Are you on birth control, Camila?”
“Yes.” My hands gripped the edges of the cushions. “Of course.”
“I’ll prove I’m clean and you’ll do the same, then you’re going to let me come in you.”
“Jesus, Lauren.” I was panting for her, my hips circling shamelessly onto her thrusting fingers. I felt like I’d spontaneously combust if she didn’t get me off.
I’d never been so turned on in my life. I was near mindless with the need for an orgasm. If Cary walked in right then and found me writhing in our living room while Lauren finger-fucked me, I didn’t think I’d care.
Lauren was breathing hard, too. Her face was flushed with lust. For me. When I’d done nothing more than respond helplessly to her.
Her hand at my breast moved to my cheek and brushed over it. “You’re blushing. I’ve scandalized you.”
Her smile was both wicked and delighted, and it made my chest tight. “I want to feel my cum in you when I fuck you with my fingers. I want you to feel my cum in you, so you think about how I looked and the sounds I made when I pumped it into you. And while you’re thinking about that, you’re going to look forward to me doing it again and again.”
My sex rippled around her stroking fingers, the rawness of her words pushing me to the brink of orgasm.
“I’m going to tell you all the ways I want you to please me, Camila, and you’re going to do it all…take it all, and we’re going to have explosive, primal, no-holds-barred sex. You know that, don’t you? You can feel how it’ll be between us.”
“Yes,” I breathed, clutching my breasts to ease the deep ache of my hardened nipples. “Please, Lauren.”
“Shh…I’ve got you.” The pad of her thumb rubbed my clitoris in gentle circles. “Look into my eyes when you come for me.”
Everything tightened in my core, the tension building as she massaged my clit and pushed her fingers in and out in a steady, unhurried rhythm.
“Give it up to me, Camila,” she ordered. “Now.”
I climaxed with a thready cry, my grip white-knuckled on the sides of the cushions as my hips pumped onto her hand, my mind far beyond shame or shyness. My gaze was locked to her, unable to look away, riveted by the fierce masculine triumph that flared in her eyes. In that moment she owned me. I’d do anything she wanted. And she knew it.
Searing pleasure pulsed through me. Through the roaring of blood in my ears, I thought I heard her speak hoarsely, but I lost the words when she hooked one of my legs over the back of the couch and covered my cleft with her mouth.
“No—” I pushed at her head with my hands. “I can’t.”
I was too swollen, too sensitive. But when her tongue touched my clit, fluttering over it, the hunger built again. More intense than the first time. she rimmed my trembling slit, teasing me, taunting me with the promise of another orgasm when I knew I couldn’t have one again so quickly.
Then her tongue speared into me and I bit my lip to bite back a scream. I came a second time, my body quaking violently, tender muscles tightening desperately around her decadent licking. Her growl vibrated through me. I didn’t have the strength to push her away when she returned to my clit and sucked softly…tirelessly…until I climaxed again, gasping her name.
I was boneless as she straightened my leg and still breathless when she pressed kisses up my belly to my breasts. she licked each of my nipples, and then hauled me up with her arms banded around my back. I hung lax and pliable in her grip while she took my mouth with suppressed violence, bruising my lips and betraying how close to the edge she was.
she closed my robe; then stood, staring down at me.
“Seven o’clock, Camila.” sHe reached down and touched my ankle, her fingertips caressing the diamond anklet I’d put on in preparation for the evening. “And keep this on. I want to fuck you while you’re wearing nothing else.”
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autorepliicant · 4 years
Semi plotted starter for @undeadunalive​ ♥ “Can't you really remember anything at all?” asked the blonde healer in a calm tone when he was near a hospital bed and carefully observed his patient while he read his file with the symptoms in his hand. As so often, Madame Pomfrey had done an excellent job, Simon had such enormous respect for this woman and her craft and it was such an honor for him to learn from her. In this case too, The blondehaired was very close to her, listening to her tips and instructions on how to administer the right medicine and assess the doses. He had returned to Hogwarts for several years after graduating over ten years ago. But he was drawn back to school, to this very school, if he didn't work outside as a nurse in the Muggle as well as in the wizarding world at St. Mungo's Hospital. It was already a bit late and some students were still in the great hall to have their dinner. The student who was brought in showed signs of intoxication that were not life threatening but initially asked questions about what the cause was and what remedy was used. Simon was only thinking of a stupid boyish prank that went a little too far, an illegal potion that had been mixed up badly in a secret mission to the potion room. The boy, who were at the age of 15, has been brought in with signs of delirium and hallucinations, which in botanical terms was always a sign of an overdose of Belladonna. The boy was doing better with the treatment, but it seemed that this type of overdose had a stronger aftertaste because of memory loss, which was probably still related to the severe delirium. He smiled at the student and put the file aside, talked to him for a while and gave him a glass with dark liquid, it was medicine consisting of the antidote physostigmine, for detoxification, which tasted slightly sweet and metallic. It would be the best if the student would spend the night at the supervision of Madame Pomfrey.  As much as she acts obediently, but could obviously be sloppy and sneaky if she did not like to talk about a topic, she was very passionate about her work and had no time for fuss. Although this increased as she got older, the healer didn't want to know anything about it at first, even jokingly but nevertheless with a serious undertone said to Simon that he would never tell her when to go to sleep or when to rest just because she had reached a certain age. Simon knew her behavior at best, she was a very loving and responsible woman and he wished one day to be able to follow in her footsteps. Soon enough, the night turned to the lands and Madame Pomfrey assured Simon that he could retire back to his room and that she would do the last few things and take care of the students. The blonde was carrying a couple of smaller bottles and cork glasses in his arms, some were empty, the others were full, because he wanted to do a little more medicine that night - he also carried some small books and dried plants wrapped in paper. He left the hospital wing and walked quietly along the stony, old hallways of the castle, only the sound of muffled voices could be heard in the background. As much as Simon enjoyed life in this castle, the many students and teachers who hurried around during the daytime, but he just as much loved the silence of the night. For a moment the healer got caught in his thoughts, his head turned to the old windows, looked at the stars, the tops of the trees from the Forbidden Forest, felt its activities - as he was in a curve of the corridor and in his carelessness seemed to collide with something or rather someone. The young wizard tensed up for a moment and a small bottle fell to the floor because of that. “Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention, I didn’t hear you.”, Simon apologized, obviously embarrassed, as he pulled out his wand and whispered the spell Reparo as the bottle reassembled and flew back into his arms.
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Blue eyes gazed into the face of the person with whom he surprisingly collided and said nothing for a few seconds, but smiled at the brown-haired, taller male. “I'm not sure, but I don't think I've ever really seen you active in the castle, you're a professor too, aren't you? It's my fault ... sometimes I sink a little too much into my work and thoughts, it quickly fades something out.” the wizard noticed that he was talking like a river and stopped abruptly. “I'm... I’m sorry, I hope you're not angry about my clumsiness.”
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tajsha25-blog · 6 years
The Small Town Of Ringaskiddy
If you use Levitra, Cialis, or Viagra, you may have heard about the possible effects they can have on your vision. Unfortunately, the extended use of testosterone treatment results in many side effects in some cases that include hair loss, enlargement of clitoris, lower voice, etc. Such a treatment must be done under medical supervision only. In one of those classic blunders - remember the discovery of penicillin - the drug being tested lacked effectiveness for its intended purpose but had a side effect of increasing blood flow to the male reproductive organ. Taking alpha-blockers and Viagra at the same time increases the risk of side effects such as low blood pressure levels and dizziness, which is why the lower dose may be more suitable. In addition to those products which label themselves as Viagra there are also those products which are legitimate products, like Levitra and Cialis. While the number of applications is low in overall terms, the legislation has resulted in drug authorisations in clinical areas of unmet need,” according to the Health Products Regulatory Authority. In the first approval of its kind, the panel of Food and Drug Administration advisers voted 18-6 in favour of Sprout Pharmaceutical's daily pill, flibanserin. There is currently no effort to reclassify Viagra as an over-the-counter drug in the U.S. Viagra is 60% effective for ED: A latest study in the UK has documented that this medicine is effective for about 80% in male personalities with different ED symptoms. For all outcomes, study results were neutral, showing no beneficial effect of sildenafil on heart failure patients. Although sildenafil and other PDE-5 inhibitors are not labeled for heart failure, it is possible that some clinicians may be prescribing these drugs for their heart failure patients based on the results of preliminary studies, which suggest a benefit. Though it’s uncommon, sildenafil is known to cause temporary visual changes such as changes in color, blurriness or vision loss, according to the US National Library of Medicine. Physically the cause can be medication, drugs, alcohol, overweight or hormonal issues. The advice is that these can be absorbed too quickly, risking a sudden reduction in blood pressure. It was licensed as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and research continued into its effects on the heart, leading to the discovery it can effectively treat a type of high blood pressure called pulmonary hypertension. The nitric oxide can also help with angina, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems, according to the study, which was paid for by the U.S. Whilst he may gasp a few breaths he has no cardiac output- no blood is leaving his heart- he is pulseless. People with an APC genetic mutation might develop hundreds of colorectal polyps, which may eventually result in cancer. If you consult your doctor regarding this, he/she may prescribe to you the more pure form of Yohimbe, as several doctors prefer the more pure herb more, because it is guaranteed to be pure and effective. Not only this, but his son's life could have been put in danger, the father told The Comet newspaper on Monday. It is the only test of its kind to show this, which makes drawing any conclusions a dubious affair. This unable the sufferer to get through the routine activities, both the personal as well as the professional life goes for a toss. There is no strong difference between a rural and an urban life living pattern. There are several options that can improve the situation. There are many theories regarding why this happens. This way starts the mechanism of uncontrolled nocturnal erections which is one of the things many male affected by erectile dysfunction are striving to get back. The small town of Ringaskiddy, County Cork made the news just two weeks ago over reports that men in the village were plagued with constant erections due to fumes at a nearby Viagra factory. However angina, which occurs at rest particularly at night around 2.0am waking the patient, is due to vasospasm and is termed angina decubitus. Businesses can get myopic when sometimes what they need was to enact a broader, systemic change. We don't know why, and the reasons need further investigation. He doesn't know my son's medical history. Of course, the one who is stronger in spirit! The restaurants offer meze, meals and musicians at your table; the bars offer stools where you can park, people watch and enjoy a chilled Efes beer. His tinted vision has not improved more than a year after his initial diagnosis, despite various treatments. The exact process by which cyclic GMP benefits the intestinal lining is still being investigated, canadian pharmacies online prescriptions but the research so far suggests the chemical suppresses excessive cell proliferation - the formation of new cells - in the gut. The study revealed that Viagra increased cGMP, which, in turn, suppressed some of the cells that were proliferating in excess in the gut. The Repurposing Drugs in Oncology project, an international collaboration between the Anticancer Fund, Belgium and USA-based GlobalCures, published the study Wednesday in the journal Ecancermedicalscience. Repurposing has potential benefits beyond reducing cost, Murray says. ACC13 for the latest news from the meeting. Metastasis accounts for the vast majority of deaths to cancer and is the main reason that the disease is so serious. Sah Bar: Hidden away from the main Tramway Street, this bar is rocking the alley in the summer, and warm and intimate by the fireplace in the winter.
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"From This Pain, I Will Rise" Curse Jar
A Curse Jar To Help to Return The Pain Felt By The Victim to Their Abuser
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A Glass Jar (Must have a lid or stopper)
A Taglock (an item that belonged to them, a picture of them, a lock of hair, etc)
Black Salt (banishing, protection from further attacks by the abuser)
Lavender (depression, lack of sleep, restlessness)
Cinnamon (protection, binding, chaos)
Onion (causes strife)
Lemon (sourness, bitterness)
Hot Paprika (chaos, pain)
Cayenne Pepper (chaos, pain)
Ginger (bitterness)
Rosemary (taint their dreams, nightmares, cloud their vision)
Spit (disrespect, mainly for DNA connection) 
Black string (death, loss, mourning, depression, obscure their vision, bring out the worst, drama)
White candle (protection for caster/victim also can cause the abuser to have lack of ambition, blank their mind, disappear, make them (or yourself to them) invisible, push away their family)
All ingredients can be substituted out as the caster sees fit.
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Place their taglock at bottom of the jar before covering it completely with black salt.
Next layer each ingredient on top of the other while focusing on the pain they caused. The order is as follows: first lavender, then cinnamon, onion, lemon, hot paprika, cayenne, ginger, rosemary, and spit if you feel comfortable doing so.
Put the lid on the bottle or cork it before wrapping the black web that represents the poisonous fate that will befall them.
Seal the jar with the white candle wax and wait for it to harden.
Place the jar in the deepest dark corner of your room/closet or the basement before taking a deep breath because you deserve it. It can also be placed in the abuser’s home if it is safe to do so.
Follow up with some self care and/or favorite cleansing method.
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My Notes on What I Did:
For my taglock, I used my father’s sheet music copy of Every Breath You Take by The Police since he used it to get laid for the first time. I decided to do so since he’s always cared more about his ladies than his own kid.
I also used my spit because we share some of the same DNA sadly. Hopefully it will add the extra kick to this spell on this Father’s Day Eve. Be careful when spitting into the jar if you’re using spicy ingredients because putting your lips on the rim after pouring it in can cause an uncomfortable burn (I accidentally did this because I’m exhausted from work).
I hope that you found something that you could also use to help you heal from whatever occurred in your life and I wish you all the love and luck in the world. Feel free to adjust/change this to your magickal and personal needs. Do not be afraid to reach out if you feel you are alone or have any questions. ❤️
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HIV/STIs increase in MSM: National Outbreak Response Group In response to the national increase in Ireland of HIV and other STIs seen in men who have sex .
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setgefeigw-blog · 7 years
3 small TIPS for solving periods of sleepiness
For women, irregular menstruation, premenstrual syndrome is nothing new. Especially before menstruation, acne, lumbar pain, mood irritability, premenstrual syndrome is common. However, in addition, there are some women in the menstrual period after the emergence of drowsiness phenomenon, and this is what happened? Chinese medicine believes that sleepiness is mainly caused by the spleen deficiency and dampness, deficiency of Qi and blood, loss of kidney essence, the following three prescription, caused to the above three cases of menstrual lethargy.
By 1, due to the drowsiness caused by spleen deficiency and dampness: most body fat, often accompanied by edema, moving the asthma, poor appetite, epigastric fullness, leucorrhea, high viscosity and density. The occasion of mental exhaustion, head such as wrap, heavy limbs, sleepiness. Greasy tongue fur, pulse moisten relief.
Prescription: "doctors" solutions available too dull powder in the treatment of patients. 12 grams of Atractylodes rhizome and dried tangerine peel, 10 grams of patchouli, magnolia bark and Acorus calamus, 3 slices of ginger and 10 dates of red dates. Take a daily dose of water, take the medicine 5 days before and stop taking it.
2, by the lack of blood caused by the line drowsiness: more commonly seen in weak women, manifested as less gas, lazy speech, fatigue, dizziness, dizziness, palpitations anxiety. Menstrual quantity is little, color is weak, quality is thin. The occasion for each meal especially be sleepy straws. Sallow complexion, pale tongue with white fur, thin and weak pulse.
Prescription: can use traditional Chinese medicine prescription Shiquandabu Decoction treatment. Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, Radix Glycyrrhizae, Radix Angelicae sinensis, Radix Paeoniae Alba and Radix Rehmanniae Preparata 10 grams each, Astragalus 30 grams, cinnamon and Chuanxiong 3 grams each. Take a daily dose of water. Before menstruation begins to appear lethargy, take medicine, take to menstruation clean, it is advisable to use 5~8 agents every time.
3. Lethargy caused by kidney essence loss: more common in women with frequent abortions. The main clinical manifestations were fatigue, good sleep, tinnitus, deafness and dull facial expression. Daily energy is not supported, yaoxisuanruan. More menstruation, less menstrual volume. Pale tongue, thin white, pulse.
Prescription: kidney deficiency for patients who, most of the course is difficult to be treated by Yili, overnight more, the use of hechedazao pill, enjoin patient long-term use, effect is satisfactory. Ziheche prescription: 30 grams, 24 grams of rehmannia, fried eucommia, aspartame, ophiopogon root, Achyranthes 10 grams, 10 grams of tortoiseshell, cork 6 grams. Grind together fine end, refine honey is bolus, every pill weighs 10 grams, take a pill sooner or later.
A small TIPS that solves periods of sleepiness
Women who have periods of sleepiness and sleepiness should pay attention to strengthening physical exercises, such as jogging, playing ball games, Tai Chi and so on. They should choose a kind of exercise that they enjoy and insist on it for a long time. In the diet should eat less sweet and high fat food. The summer may be appropriate to eat some watermelon, winter can eat a little sweet radish, usually available Chixiaodou, barley kernels porridge to drink. Generally speaking, women who have been subject to drowsiness can receive satisfactory treatment as long as they pay attention to life and take medicine regularly under the guidance of doctors. Mainly from the following 4 aspects conditioning:
1, strengthen physical exercise. Such as walking, Tai Chi, allowing the blood to flow, the human body Yang Chong Sheng, which can aid the treatment of sleepiness.
2, grasp the law of sleep. The best around 10 bed, don't overwork, to prevent damage to the spleen yang, Yang weak cause drowsiness.
3, eat light digestible food. Drink yam porridge, barley porridge, food and frozen drinks no spicy, cold or greasy and difficult to digest. Yam porridge practices: take raw yam 50 grams, rice 50 grams; cut yam into thin slices, add rice and water, the amount of porridge cooked with, sooner or later consumption, there is the effect of spleen and stomach, governance, lack of temper lethargy best.
4. Simple point massage. Acupoint massage for daytime lethargy, drowsiness effect.
(1) Fengchi, Fengfu: refers to the rubbing method, methods should be balanced, without a strong stimulation to gently air sense as well, with the effect of xingnaokaiqiao. Fengchi: the depression of the skull and spine in the intersection; Fengfu: after hair middle straight 1 inches.
(2) Zusanli and Sanyinjiao: the technique above, the strength can be larger, with the effect of strengthening spleen and eliminating dampness. At the bottom of the knee lateral: 1 fingers; Sanyinjiao: in the medial lower leg, ankle tip 3 inches.
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Ye Olde Nettle
When you’re a child, the only thing you’re interested in is to get on with the stuff you like to do, like climbing trees, jump over fences, play tags on rooftops, collect tadpoles… I know, I know, I’m talking ancient history here, as today kids’ thing is online gaming, instagramming, texting and such, but the principle is there.
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Any hindrance to your childhood pursuit of happiness is perceived as unfair, malicious and utterly pointless (“I wish I was dead and then you’d be sorry…”)
During my early years  I often pondered about this or another unpleasantness in my life. I was trying to find the sense in existence of barbed wire, mosquitos, younger brothers and nettles.
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As I was growing up, things were becoming clearer. For a time, I thought that the sole purpose of the existence of barbed wire on fences was to make mothers stop dolling up their daughters in pretty dresses, blouses and skirts. Time after time I was coming home in shredded skirts and dresses, until my mum finally gave up. It was leggings and shorts after that.
Some time later I discovered that younger brothers kinda grow on you. Eventually I stopped moping around for getting a baby instead of a puppy – or, even better, a horse. There was still a problem of him following me around like a – well, puppy – so I waited patiently for my chance. When he was old enough (about 4 or 5) I showed him a picture of T. Rex. Then I took him outside and pointed to a small hole in the ground (my favourite when playing marbles) and told him that it was where T. Rex lived. Not only did he stop following me around, he was petrified of going out whatsoever. Later still, when he stopped grassing my every little transgression and blaming me for his own ones, we even started talking to each other and occasionally having fun together. By the time we were semi-adult we started even liking each other. So, basically, I admitted to myself that baby brothers are OK and stopped wondering why they existed.
Nettle, of course, was one of the major annoyances in my childhood. Although I’m fortunate enough to have quite tough skin so nettle, or bee stings, even wasps only cause mild redness and itchiness that lasts a day or two, it was still not fun to brush them lightly while whizzing around having fun. Furthermore, my best friend was very sensitive to everything; nettle would cause swelling and blisters lasting for a week or two, and wasp stings… Whoa!
So, understandably, I detested nettle with a passion. I hated even the fact that the most frequent shampoo in our house was the one with nettle extracts (my mum still swears by it).
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However, when I started developing interest for plants I discovered that this nasty nettle is actually quite an amazing plant. Every single part of it – root, stalk, leaves, flowers – is beneficial. It is not only edible, but quite tasty too. It’s packed full of iron (almost ten times more than spinach) and vitamin C, as well as various minerals and trace elements. I suppose poor old nettle had to develop some sort of defence, otherwise it would be eaten to extinction by herbivores.
As food, you can use it virtually everywhere you use spinach. Well, maybe it would be a good idea not to do the substitute if you eat your spinach raw, in salads or sandwiches. If you do, please make a recording and post it online. I’m sure it’ll go viral like the video of the eejit who lit a firecracker while holding it in his teeth.
Actually, now I’m thinking about it, I’ll make a post about nettle as food (maybe the next one), with a few of my favourite recipes.  Meanwhile, here’s a link to a quite nice article about nettle: http://www.countryfile.com/countryside/ten-unusual-facts-about-nettles .
Stop prattling about and get on with nettle’s remedial properties, I can hear you grumble. Here goes…
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Nettle (its posh name is Urtica dioica) is an excellent diuretic; if you have high blood pressure caused by water retention, nettle tea will help a lot. Be careful, though: if you’re already taking pills you might achieve a double whammy resulting in low blood pressure.
If you’re having difficulties with passing water, either because of the urinary tract infection or because of benign enlargement of the prostate, nettle root is the thing to go for.  You can make tea or use tincture.
Tea: boil ½ litre (approx. 17 fl oz) of water and pour over 2 tbsp of chopped nettle root. Cover and leave to soak 10 minutes. Take 4 cups of this tea daily.
Tincture: add 30-40 drops to a glass of water; take 3-5 times a day.
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For frequent nosebleeds and intensive period bleeds, as well as for hay fever, acne, eczema and gout use nettle leaves tea:
Pour ¼ litre of hot water over 1 tsp of dried nettle leaves. Cover and leave for 10 minutes. If you use kettle to heat the water, wait a minute or so after water boiling, then pour on the leaves. Take a cup of this tea 3 times a day. You can use tincture instead of leaves - 1 tbsp of tincture in a glass of water. The tea also helps with mouth ulcers and gum inflammation, as a mouth rinse.
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Tea prepared from the whole plant is good for getting rid of lung phlegm and cleansing of stomach, liver and guts. This is how to make it:
Finely chop the whole plant. Put 3 tbsp of chopped plant in 2 litres (3.5 pints) of water to soak 10-15 hours. After soaking bring to boil and simmer, covered, for ½ hour. Leave to cool, then strain and take a cup 3 times a day, before meals.
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I’ve mentioned nettle tincture; here’s the recipe:
Use the root collected either in spring or in the autumn. Wash the root well, pat dry and chop finely. Fill ¾ of a bottle or a jar with chopped root, then add rakija (or vodka) to the top. Cork well and leave in dark warm place for a month. Then strain it into a clean bottle/jar (preferably coloured) and keep in dark place, at room temperature. I haven’t made tincture for a couple of years, but when I did, I kept it in a deep drawer in my bedroom.
Nettle tincture is very good for treating hair (more about it below), as well as for treating children anaemia (especially if the kid refuses to drink nettle tea). In this case you’ll want to reduce the amount of alcohol in the tincture. I mean, let’s say you massage your scalp with tincture in the morning and then go to work... and your boss smells alcohol on you on daily basis... You get my drift? Not to mention nosy neighbours reporting you to Social Services for giving your kid something containing alcohol.
To reduce the amount (and smell) of alcohol, once the tincture is strained, just boil it a bit - most of alcohol will evaporate quickly.
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Nettle is brilliant for treating hair: not only it makes it stronger and thicker, but also gives a wonderful healthy shine.
We all lose hair all the time but it also keeps growing. Some people, however, simply have thin and/or weak hair; sometimes an illness or a lack of vitamins, trace elements and such can weaken the hair. Sometimes there’s nothing wrong with one’s hair but one wants it improved anyway. In all these cases nettle is a great helper. This is what needs to be done to stop hair loss:
Simmer approximately 20g (around 3/4 oz) chopped nettle root in ½ litre water for 10 minutes. Strain and mix with a few cups of nettle leaves tea. After washing hair, use this mixture as the last rinse. In addition, use the tincture to massage the scalp daily.
Keep in mind: if you’re genetically predisposed to hair loss (e.g. your dad, granddad and both uncles went bald before they were 40), this treatment will NOT stop it. It will slow it down, though, but the rate varies from person to person.
I was lucky enough not to have problems with dandruff, but a few friends told me that tincture worked for their dandruff problems, so have a go...
For general hair care, to make it soft, supple and shiny (basically, what Pedigree Chum does for dogs if we are to believe the ads) do this:
Put 5 litres (10.5 pints) of water in a large pot. Add several handfuls of nettle (fresh or dried leaves and stalks) and, on low heat, bring to boil. As soon as it starts boiling remove from heat and leave for 10-15 minutes. If you’re using nettle root, leave a handful of root in cold water overnight. The next day do the described preparation. Use this to slowly rinse-cum-massage your hair after wash, leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse well.
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I’ve mentioned earlier that the tea made from nettle leaves is good for treating skin problems. You can keep it in the fridge for up to 3 days and apply the same way as cleansing lotion, using cotton wool. Ideally, you’ll be drinking freshly made tea 3 times a day (same with hair treatments, I forgot to say). 
If you want to treat all of your skin, then have a nettle bath: put a mug of nettle (whole plant or leaves + stalks) in a large pot and pour hot water on it. Leave for about 15 minutes. Use the time to fill your bath with warm water. Strain your nettle tea in the bath water and get in straight away. Soak for 15-20 minutes. Don’t rinse the bath water off - just pat yourself with a towel. You should stay inside for about an hour if it’s cold outside.
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A few warnings:
1. Although you can use nettle tea and tincture all year long, very rarely people might get oversensitive to nettle if using it for a long time. This can manifest as allergic reaction, digestive problems or diarrhoea. If you want to make sure it doesn’t happen to you, simply make pause in using it – e.g. use it for 3 weeks, then pause for a week, then use for 3 weeks… you get a pattern, right?
2. I’ve never heard about any problems with using nettle preparations in pregnancy and during breast feeding period. As a matter of fact, a few women I know used to drink nettle tea in pregnancy as they became anaemic. However, I’d always advise to check your blood results with your doctor and follow his/hes advice.
3. Nettle tea is really good for treating anaemia in children, as well as for strengthening their immune system. But, sometimes, kids are too finicky and won’t drink it. If this is the case, 10 drops of the tincture in a glass of water or their favourite juice should be alright. Keep in mind: I said “juice”, so no colas, fantas etc. - strictly non-fizzy drinks.
4. Being strong diuretic, nettle might slightly change the colour of urine or make it look cloudy. It should not worry you, it’s just a sign there’s lots of toxins and metabolic leftovers clearing out of your body. As they are getting reduced, your urine will get clear.
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There are loads more remedy recipes where nettle is one of ingredients, but I want to go through some major plants just on their own before I start with mixtures.
So, there you are: from dreaded childhood nuisance to really great and useful stuff.
Still wondering about mozzies, though…
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thehairclinichlcc · 2 years
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All You Need To Know About Tinnitus Causes And Symptoms
That irritating sound that only you can listen to is enough to drive everyone insane. Though medical professionals may well not think that it is as critical as other problems this sort of as cancer or diabetic issues, tinnitus can basically be debilitating for the sufferer. There are quite a few cures for tinnitus with varying levels of success but in advance of searching into procedure, it is vital to comprehend this situation.
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is regarded additional as a symptom of a further difficulty in the entire body than as an actual ailment. These are noises that you hear each and every now and then or frequently devoid of a supply and that can disrupt your slumber designs or your focus. The noises can fluctuate from buzzing, hissing, whistling, ringing, chirping, whooshing, squeaking, roaring, and many others. What is frustrating is that only you can listen to these sounds in most scenarios.
The only time that another person generally a physician may perhaps be equipped to listen to these appears is when you undergo from pulsatile tinnitus which will involve you hearing the seem of your heartbeat. Making use of a listening to unit hooked up to your ear, the health practitioner may well be ready to hear these seems much too.
Pulsatile tinnitus will cause include things like suffering from anxiousness or anxiety, suffering from substantial blood strain, possessing arterial destruction, melancholy, the final result of capillaries that are malformed, obtaining suffered from neck or head tumors, and many others.
What Results in Tinnitus?
Apart from pulsatile tinnitus leads to discussed earlier, there are many results in for tinnitus. Why are you listening to these noises? What can be performed to remove them? These are all legitimate issues when you are hearing these noises frequently and no person else is and do not know what to do.
The results in of tinnitus can be as easy as obtaining impacted earwax or an ear infection and the moment this earwax or ear an infection is dealt with, the noises may well go away.
Other will cause may perhaps be the final result of drug use which is a typical lead to of tinnitus. There are a whole lot of in excess of the counter or prescription medications that can bring about this ringing in your ears. You will need to evaluate the drugs you are having and talk about them with your doctor if you are struggling from tinnitus.
Frequent culprits consist of aspirin, quinine, diuretics, ibuprofen, some antidepressants, etcetera. When significant dosages may perhaps lead to this problem, even very low dosages may well have an effect on some folks. You will have to discover other alternatives if the medication you use on a consistent foundation are creating your tinnitus.
Other causes of tinnitus consist of but are not minimal to very loud noises which can damage ears triggering listening to loss and improve the danger of acquiring tinnitus. Loud noises that can effect the ears consist of listening to iPods or other music devices at incredibly large volumes, electrical power equipment, leaf blowers, vacuum cleaners, blenders, garden mowers, etcetera.
Head accidents can also improve the chance of creating tinnitus. This is 1 of the explanations that athletes are very vulnerable to this issue specifically football players who are a fantastic threat of suffering head accidents in their occupation.
If you experience from listening to decline due to advancing age, this hearing decline could lead to tinnitus. If the bones in the middle of your ear stiffen, your hearing can be affected which might bring about tinnitus.
Meniere's sickness which is when the fluid level in the center of the ear rises abnormally creating ear tension is a different cause of tinnitus but to a lesser diploma considering that this is a fairly unusual condition.
Acoustic neuroma could be a further cause of tinnitus. This represents a benign (noncancerous) tumor that might acquire in the cranial nerve which starts from the brain to the inner ear and is responsible for hearing as effectively as maintaining stability. When you have this problem, it might guide to the progress of tinnitus but only in just one ear.
TMJ disorders may possibly also improve your possibility of acquiring this situation. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are the joints on each and every facet of your head that enable you to open up and shut your mouth, go your jaw from side to facet, try to eat, and so on.
There are quite a few other leads to of tinnitus and in lots of instances, the physician could just have no strategy why you are struggling from this situation.
For any tinnitus sufferer, it is incredibly critical to agenda an appointment with a professional so that he or she can rule out that you are struggling from a treatable affliction. In addition to the noises, this situation may well result in soreness and soreness.
Tinnitus Hazard Things
1. Age
As hearing declines with age, it may perhaps boost the possibility of building this ailment.
2. Gender
While girls and small children may perhaps be impacted by tinnitus, men are extra most likely to acquire this issue. About a single in 8 gentlemen between the ages of sixty five and seventy 4 suffer from this ailment.
three. People who smoke
Possibility of creating tinnitus is elevated when you smoke.
four. Loud noises
This is the most popular trigger of tinnitus. Exposing you to loud noises may well consequence in the problems of the very small sensory hairs in the ear that are accountable for transmitting audio to the brain. At the time destroyed, these hairs are unable to be fixed.
five. Cardiovascular troubles
Possessing high blood pressure or ruined arteries which influence blood movement like that in the inner ear can raise the hazard of producing this affliction.
What Obtaining Tinnitus Can Do
This is why wanting into the many tinnitus treatment method selections and not supplying up hope for a treatment is so critical due to the fact of the adhering to outcomes that tinnitus may have on your everyday living.
Tinnitus can have an impact on your cognitive ability and you may possibly undergo from memory difficulties and have trouble concentrating on the task at hand. You may possibly also experience from stress, anxiety, exhaustion and have hassle sleeping due to the consistent sound or you might rest only to be woken up by these phantom noises in your ears. You may well also turn out to be irritable which is comprehensible with lack of slumber or basically the regular sounds in your ears.
Avoiding Tinnitus
one. Keep away from loud noises and use ear protectants when you expose you to loud noises from songs, at the airport, from power equipment, blenders, vacuum cleaners, garden mowers, etc.
two. Understand to manage chronic strain by way of respiratory routines, therapeutic massage, leisure therapies, workout and lots of other means that can help you cut down the sum of pressure that you might be less than.
three. Get on a cigarette smoking cessation application to get rid of a cigarette smoking practice.
four. Limit or minimize alcohol consumption which affects your blood stream together with that in your inner ear. Take into consideration eradicating caffeine also as it could have a comparable impact on your blood stream.
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