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freelance-informatique · 8 months ago
OM : Benoit Payan, maire de Marseille, s'oppose à la signature de Youcef Atal
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Benoit Payan, maire de Marseille, ne veut pas de Youcef Atal. L'Olympique de Marseille (OM) a à peine conclu avec Youcef Atal un contrat d'un an, assorti d'une option pour une année supplémentaire. Mais cette signature risque de ne pas aboutir à cause de la condamnation du joueur. Youcef Atal : Benoit Payan, maire de Marseille s'oppose à sa signature Benoit Payan, maire de Marseille, s'oppose à la signature de Youcef Atal par l'Olympique de Marseille (OM). Youcef Atal a été condamné à huit mois de prison avec sursis pour incitation à la haine après avoir partagé une vidéo d'un prédicateur qui prônait la violence contre les Juifs. Cet incident a mené à son licenciement par l'OGC Nice. Un épisode qui a laissé le joueur sans contrat et en quête d'une nouvelle opportunité. L'OM, en quête de renforts, voit en Youcef Atal une option intéressante, mais cette décision est loin de faire l'unanimité. Lire aussi : Jim Ratcliffe, propriétaire de l'OGC Nice, entre dans le capital de Manchester United  La position ferme de Benoit Payan : Un non négociable Le maire de Marseille, Benoit Payan, s'oppose fermement à cette éventuelle signature. Lors d'une interview sur Radio JM, relayée par La Provence, Benoit Payan a clairement exprimé son désaccord. Pour lui, toute forme d'antisémitisme ou de racisme est inacceptable dans le sport. Il insiste sur le fait que de tels comportements ne doivent en aucun cas être tolérés au sein de l'OM. Benoit Payan veut promouvoir l'importance des valeurs communes dans le sport, telles que l'unité et le respect, peu importe la religion ou les croyances des supporters. Un joueur qui ne partage pas ces valeurs fondamentales n'a pas sa place à l'OM a-t-il ajouté. Le maire a l'intention de contacter directement le président de l'OM pour discuter de cette situation. Voir également : Ribalta dit adieu à l'Olympique de Marseille ! Les conséquences pour Youcef Atal Youcef Atal a déjà subi des conséquences suite à ses actions. Son licenciement par l'OGC Nice et sa mise à l'écart montrent les répercussions possibles pour tout athlète qui dépassent les limites de l'éthique et de la morale. La réaction de Benoit Payan renforce cela, en montrant que la société, et par extension le sport, ne tolère plus les dérives haineuses. Cette affaire dépasse largement le cadre sportif et touche des questions éthiques et morales profondes. La controverse entourant Youcef Atal pourrait aussi avoir un impact sur l'image de l'OM. Le soutien public du maire de Marseille à une position de tolérance zéro contre la haine et la discrimination pourrait donc peser lourd dans la décision finale du club. Read the full article
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luckyarcadedelusion · 3 years ago
If you have any feedback you’d like to share with us, we’d love to hear from you. Please use the form below and we’ll endeavour to get back to you as soon as we can. If you have a product-related enquiry, please get in touch with your nearest Haines Signature dealer.
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naspn360 · 5 years ago
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Haines is a census-designated place located in Haines Borough, Alaska, United States. It is in the northern part of the Alaska Panhandle, near Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. Haines is served by Haines Health Center, the only primary health clinic in the area. The facility is part of the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium, or SEARHC, a non-profit tribal health consortium of 18 Native communities. Norton AntiVirus is an anti-virus or anti-malware software product, developed and distributed by Symantec Corporation since 1991 as part of its Norton family of computer security products. It uses signatures and heuristics to identify viruses. Other features included in it are e-mail spam filtering and phishing protection. In the annual report, Norton found that a shocking two-thirds of all Internet users globally had been victims of cybercrime. Norton is proud of their Norton security solutions who keep one step ahead of cybercriminals and on the leading edge of emerging threats. By the time news of a computer virus breaks to the public domain, They already have been working on ways to defend you against it
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starrymused · 5 years ago
Takes place before he reunites with Walter White and begins their partnership. Jesse was cooking Methamphetamine with Emilio Koyama and using chili powder as their signature formulation. It 
It takes place during the entirety of Breaking Bad. Jesse is still a Methamphetamine cook that partnered up with Walter White to create the popular blue meth known as ‘Blue Sky’, which is 99.1% pure. The two of them experience the criminal world together and it ends up tearing them apart and killing their associates along the way. Jesse ends up enslaved by Nazis who keep him as their personal meth slave for six months. 
Jesse’s time while enslaved by the Nazis. They keep him cooking meth for them by threatening to kill his ex-girlfriend’s son. They also frequently torture and abuse him. During this time, Jesse relies on Todd (who killed his ex-girlfriend) as his primary “carer”. Jesse is a broken man who had no choice but to do what he’s told.
Takes place during the events of El Camino, picking up right after where Breaking Bad ends. Jesse manages to escape captivity and goes on the run.
After having his identity changed by Ed, Jesse settles near a small town in Alaska called Haines. During this time he goes by the name Joel Driscoll. Other parts of his identity have been changed: he has a new social security number, new names for his parents, and his birthday is now June 10th instead of September 24th. He lives alone, apart from his massive, one-eyed Alaskan Malamute called Chewie (STAR WARS, BITCH), in a cabin in the woods, which is a twenty-minute drive from the town.
He gets an apprenticeship and eventually becomes a carpenter. He then becomes the manager after his mentor (an elderly gentleman) retires. He checks on Jesse every so often, but it’s more to see him than to talk about the business; he knows Jesse has everything covered. Living in solitude, he becomes a bit of a mystery to the locals but they are always friendly to him. However, despite feeling like he belongs and being kind to everyone he interacts with, Jesse doesn’t allow anyone too close after the losses and hardships he has experienced in life.
[ AU ]
Splits off from Season 2, episode Down. His parents do not find Jesse’s meth lab, and therefore there’s no reason to kick him out of his aunt’s house. He does not meet Jane due to this. Walt is trying to earn his family’s trust after the fugue state. The RV remains hidden at the lot, as they don’t have the cash to get it back out again. A mob boss named Sterling Addams and his gang slip into town, working to expand their empire. He ends up in contact with Mike, who acts as a go-between. Sterling proposes to basically take Fring’s product and pass it up towards New York for a slice of the profits. Jesse and Walt decide to use Jesse’s friends as dealers. The plot continues as normal; the main difference is Jesse isn’t homeless and doesn’t meet Jane. 
Saul meets with Walt & Jesse to talk distributors. He says there are two options. One is Sterling, who is extra risky but seems genuinely interested in Blue Sky and has put out feelers looking for them. The other is Gus Fring. Walter goes to meet with Frin while Jesse goes to meet with Sterling.
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itwasjustlikeinthemovies · 6 years ago
Chapter 1 - Hangover
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Octobre - 7h28
“Plus jamais, je dis bien plus JAMAIS, je bois comme un trou lorsque je dois ouvrir le lendemain le café à 8h, 8H?! Mais tu te rends compte?!”
Jillian était exaspérée. Elle se demandait pourquoi elle avait accepté d’organiser l’exposition d’un jeune peintre du quartier aux goûts légèrement douteux aux aurores, qui plus est un dimanche. “Mon esprit est plus éveillé à la créativité le matin”, lui avait-il dit. Bullshit. Elle avait accepté avec grand plaisir, ses fins de mois étant difficiles, mais se maudissait d’avoir fait ce choix si stupide.
Ouvrir ce café en plein coeur de la capitale britannique n’avait pas été une mince affaire. Après avoir travaillé en tant que journaliste quelques années, la jeune femme avait eu besoin de changer d’air. Ce métier ne lui plaisait pas : être mal payé pour passer ses journées en rush et être traité comme de la merde car soit-disant tu n’es encore “personne” dans le milieu a été une douche froide pour Jillian. Sur un coup de tête, elle a décidé de tout plaquer du jour au lendemain, de redéménager à Londres après une escapade à Dublin et de réaliser un rêve de gosse : ouvrir son propre salon de thé baptisé “Andromeda”. Les débuts ont été chaotiques, notamment au niveau du budget, mais après moultes péripéties et divers rendez-vous à la banque, elle a enfin eu l’occasion d’accomplir sa destinée.
Andromeda est un adorable mix entre un salon de thé et un bookstore, au charme ancien et lyrique. Jillian y propose plusieurs types de gâteaux, des thés en tout genre et mets à disposition des livres pour ses clients. Quelques fois, elle organise aussi des évènements comme des soirées jeu de rôle ou des expositions afin de mettre en avant des artistes (peintre, musicien, etc).
Malgré les difficultés, la jeune Irlandaise n'échangerai pour rien au monde son “bébé” comme elle aime l’appeler. Même si l’argent ne coule pas à flot, que parfois les clients sont d’une humeur exécrable et que la concurrence fait rage, sa passion et détermination sont plus forts que tout.    
“L’avantage, c’est qu’il te paye double !” Répondit Kat assise sur le comptoir, grand sourire collé aux lèvres et la bouche pleine de pâte à cookies. La jeune femme connaissait bien Jillian et trouvait toujours les mots qu’il fallait pour la rassurer, enfin presque. Meilleures amies depuis le lycée et maintenant colocataires, elles étaient inséparables malgré parfois des hauts et des bas et se connaissaient par coeur.  La jeune rousse leva ses yeux au ciel.
“Kat, rends moi la pâte à cookies...” Lâcha-t-elle, crispée. Son amie lui tendit le bol et se releva.
“Mais c’est beaucoup trop bon la pâte crue!” Jillian lui tira la langue en guise de réponse et se remit au travail. Elle devait finir cette fournée avant que le peintre et les premiers clients n’arrivent. Kat lui donna un coup de main et les deux amies se mirent à étaler la pâte.
“Eh au fait, c’était pas un peu chaud hier, entre toi et Eliott…” Se renseigna Jillian, un petit sourire au coin des lèvres. Les deux jeunes femmes étaient sorties la nuit dernière avec leurs amis pour fêter la signature du nouveau contrat d’Eliott pour son prochain rôle au cinéma. Kat plissa les yeux.
“Comment ça?”
– Well well, madame, vous étiez très proches c’est tout ce que j’ai à dire!
– Jillian.
– Quoi ?!
– On parle d’Eliott là !
– Et ?
– Et rien, c’est Eliott ! On se connaît depuis toujours et on est juste amis. AMIS ! On a toujours été proches physiquement ET mentalement.”
Jillian pouffa. Elle n’y croyait pas un mot.
“Si tu le dis. Mais en attendant, certains regards ne trompent pas…
– Gngngnngngngng. Fut la seule réponse de Kat à propos de cette fameuse soirée et décida de changer de sujet. Et toi d’ailleurs, côté coeur ça en est où?”
La jeune rousse soupira. L’amour, l’amour… Elle n’en menait pas large. Après plusieurs échecs amoureux et des rencontres très spéciales, Jillian avait abandonné. Cela faisait longtemps qu’elle n’avait pas connu cette passion malgré quelques tentatives et discussions sur des applis de rencontre. Des années à attendre que ce quelqu’un de spécial pointe le bout de son nez. Mais en vain.
“La routine.”
Kat piqua un morceau de pâte à cookie.
“Te faut vraiment un mec.” Déclara-t-elle, la bouche pleine. Jillian souffla.
“Mais j’ai pas le teeeemps ! Je dois repeindre le café, m’occuper de mes factures, refaire la carte, tester de nouvelles recettes, aaaaargh !
– Des excuses, toujours des excuses ! Il faut juste te lancer ! Tiens, ce mec là qui vient souvent à ton café et qui te regarde tout le temps.
– Attends. Romuald?
– Yes, R-O-M-U-A-L-D ! Le fameux ! Le seul et unique Romuald !  Lança-t-elle, des étoiles pleins les yeux.
– Hors de question !
– Mais tu le connais même pas !
– Non mais tu l’as vu ?! Il s’habille comme un plouc, ne prend probablement jamais de douche et passe son temps à me parler d’arbres ?! Et ses cheveux…
– Bah quoi ? Il est roux, comme toi !”
Kat rit aux éclats. Elle connaissait bien la situation dans laquelle Jillianse trouvait et avait tendance à beaucoup s’en amuser. De son côté, l’amour n’avait pas toujours été tendre envers Kat. Elle eut quelques relations vraiment sérieuses mais se sont toutes finies sur un échec, une trahison ou même parfois sur une haine réciproque. Sa dernière relation l’avait anéanti, ayant découvert au grand jour le véritable visage de celui qu’elle aimait tant. Ouvrir les yeux sur une personne que tu pensais connaître et en qui tu as donné toute ta confiance a été l’élément  déclencheur : elle avait très vite appris la leçon et ne laisserait plus personne percer la carapace solide qu’elle s’était construite au fil des années. Kat avait donc décidé de laisser faire la vie, de se laisser porter par le flot et de profiter pleinement de sa vie de célibataire.
“C’est vrai, que c’est pas le meilleur choix. Mais à un moment, faut plus faire la difficile !”
Jillian fixa son amie, blasée.
“Je ne dirais rien de plus.”
Kat lui tira la langue tandis que la jeune rousse enfournait les cookies. Elle se redressa et entendit la clochette de la porte d’entrée. Déjà 8h?!
Heureusement ce n’était que Nine et Mia, Nine étant une amie proche de Kat. Les deux jeunes femmes s’étaient rencontrées à la fac, lors de la première soirée d’intégration. Elles avaient de suite accroché et passé la soirée à discuter Harry Potter et musique autour d’un mélange de bières et de cidres. Elles s’étaient découverts de nombreux points communs et sont donc restés en contact et très bonne amie même après la remise des diplômes. Nine était une des rares personnes rencontrées à la fac en qui Kat pouvait avoir confiance et avait pu s’ouvrir.. Quant à Mia, elle était la meilleure amie d’enfance de Nine et avait déménagé récemment à Londres afin de lancer sa carrière de dessinatrice et de changer d’air.
“Hello les girls ! On est là pour vous donner un coup de main!”
Jillian leva les bras au ciel pour remercier sa bonne étoile ou un quelconque dieu veillant sur elle. Elle accueillit les deux jeunes femmes et leur confia des tabliers.
“Merciiiii ! Hop hop, on a du travail!”
Quelques heures plus tard, le salon de thé était bondé. Étonnamment, le peintre ramena une assez large clientèle, de jeunes artistes à retraités, en passant par des familles en visite dans le quartier. Les gens riaient de bon coeur et  semblaient intéressés par ses oeuvres. Jillian reçut beaucoup de compliments sur les pâtisseries et sur la décoration du salon de thé. Soulagée, elle comptait sur le bouche à oreille pour faire connaître et développer son bébé. Les quatre acolytes furent rapidement débordées par la charge de travail et rushèrent le service.
La clochette retentit à nouveau alors que le salon de thé était plein.
“Désolée, on est comp-... Oh salut !” Lança Mia aux deux nouveaux clients qui se trouvaient être Eliott et son meilleur ami John.
“Hello loves! On peut prendre un petit café, au vu de la soirée d’hier ET du réveil de ce matin très très compliqué? Sachant qu’Eliott a “endommagé” la machine à café...” Demanda John, les yeux reflétant un clair manque de sommeil et jetant un regard accusateur à son meilleur ami. Mia acquiesça en souriant et les conduit au comptoir. Ils s’installèrent sur deux petits tabourets fraîchement libres.
Les deux garçons regardèrent machinalement la carte.
“La même chose que d’habitude ? Leur lança Jillian
– Un triple espresso, ça existe ? Supplia John.
– Je vous fais ça !” Se moqua Nine.
Eliott gardait sa tête entre ses mains, un mal de crâne lui monopolisant l’esprit. Il releva les yeux lorsque Nine leur apporta leur boisson et croisa le regard de Kat qui lui fit un grand signe de main.
“Hey mec, remis d’hier soir?” Lui lança-t-elle, tout sourire. Elle s’approcha des deux jeunes hommes et leur fit la bise.
“Pouah c’était ouf, première fois de ma vie que je fais un blackout ! J’ai dû trop mélangé d’alcool, la faute à Jillian ça ! Quelle traîtresse !
– Surtout et je dis bien SURTOUT, mélangé avec ce que te fournit Eliott... Après, j’y suis pour rien si tu es faible !”
Elles rirent de bon coeur tandis que Eliott affichait un sourire crispé. John jeta un coup d’oeil à son ami, désemparé.
“Mec, je crois qu’elle se souvient vraiment de rien.”
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anachef · 6 years ago
Captain D’s Accelerates Florida Growth With Signing of Two New Franchise Development Agreements
Leading Fast Casual Seafood Restaurant Propels Ongoing Development in the State
Nashville, TN  (RestaurantNews.com)  Captain D’s, the nation’s leading fast casual seafood restaurant, announced today the signing of two new franchise development agreements that will accelerate its ongoing growth in Florida. The brand has continued to identify the state as a key region for development, opening a new restaurant in Orlando this January, with two additional locations in the pipeline slated to open before the end of the year. Additionally, the two new agreement signings come on the heels of the company’s development deal with Harborside Holdings Corporation earlier this year, which will propel its expansion in South Florida with three new restaurants. This surge in franchise development showcases how Captain D’s strong unit economics and unique positioning within the fast casual segment are continuing to attract best-in-class operators interested in diversifying with a leading franchise concept.
As part of Captain D’s development in Florida, Wanda Davis and Toks Achebe of Crossroads Portfolio Inc. have signed an agreement to open a new location in the greater Jacksonville-St. Augustine area, with sights set on Palatka. The duo has extensive restaurant and franchise industry experience, owning and operating Bojangles’ and McDonald’s restaurants throughout Georgia. This will be their first Captain D’s franchise.
“We chose Captain D’s as our newest franchise endeavor because it perfectly complements our current portfolio and the company has consistently proven itself as a leader when it comes to innovation and support,” says Wanda Davis. “From the very beginning of the process, we felt truly taken care of in every way. From the royalty incentive program to an updated kitchen package that greatly reduces development costs, Captain D’s mutually invests in its franchisees and ensures that they’re set up for success.”
In Polk County, Captain D’s growth is being spearheaded by new franchisees, John and Jeanne Gaskins, who have signed an agreement to develop a new restaurant, targeting Haines City. John is a veteran of the U.S. Navy, serving as a petty officer second class from 2001 to 2007. Today, he and Jeanne are managing partners and proprietors of a Lakeland-based company, overseeing the design, development, operations and sales of multiple restaurant concepts.
“Throughout our 50-year history, we’ve maintained the belief that our franchisees make up the backbone of our company, which is why we’ve continually developed programs and invested in innovations that will help them achieve optimal success. Captain D’s ongoing evolution and refusal to remain stagnant has been key in attracting best-in-class operators and giving confidence to our existing franchisees,” said Brad Reed, chief development officer of Captain D’s. “We’re thrilled to be growing so rapidly in Florida and are looking forward to having Wanda, Toks and The Gaskins’ leadership and expertise fuel these efforts.”
With more than 530 restaurants in 22 states, Captain D’s is the fast-casual seafood leader and number one seafood franchise in America ranked by average unit volume. The company is currently seeking multi-unit operators to join in the brand’s rapid expansion. For more information about franchise opportunities, visit http://www.captaindsfranchising.com or call 800-314-4819.
About Captain D’s
Headquartered in Nashville, Tenn., Captain D’s has more than 530 restaurants in 22 states. Captain D’s is the nation’s leading fast casual seafood restaurant and was named the #1 seafood chain in the QSR 50, ranked by AUV. Founded in 1969, Captain D’s has been offering its customers high-quality seafood at reasonable prices in a welcoming atmosphere for 50 years. Captain D’s serves a wide variety of seafood that includes freshly prepared entrees and the company’s signature batter dipped fish. The restaurants also offer premium-quality, grilled items such as shrimp, Tilapia and Salmon, as well as hushpuppies, desserts and freshly brewed, Southern-style sweet tea, a Captain D’s favorite. For more information, please visit www.captainds.com.
Contact: Caitlin Willard Fish Consulting 954-893-9150 [email protected]
source http://www.restaurantnews.com/captain-ds-accelerates-florida-growth-with-signing-of-two-new-franchise-development-agreements-031219/
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Signature Global The Millennia Project Sector 37D Gurgaon
Signature Global The Millennia Overview: SIGNATURE GLOBAL - Jahan Ek Soch Hain Lakshya Ke Saath ( har Parivar Ek Ghar). Signature Global Affordable housing project The Millennia Sector 37 D Near Pataudi Road and Dwarka Expressway Gurgaon, Project Designed by Hafeez Contractor.
Signature global the millennia 37D current affordable housing projects in Gurgaon is ideal for those who choose to surround themselves by abundant greenery with the soothing sounds of nature. To this Huda affordable housing Gurugram, Haryana our commitment for the environment with a large number of trees to be planted all across the campus to make it lush green occurrence will make Signature Global Affordable Housing a unique project to experience.low budget flats in Gurgaon depicts our commitment to our customers by bringing them a beautiful set of homes that symbolize a wonderful, new way of life.Signature Global Sector 37d upcoming affordable housing scheme in Gurgaon is Near Pataudi Road on 75-meter wide intersection Road of 37d and 37c.Affordable housing in Gurgaon Project of 9.78 Acre with in your reach Near Hero Honda Chowk and Gurgaon Rajeev Chowk. Signature Global Affordable Project The Millennia in Sector 37d spans over 10 acres (approximately) of land comprising multi-storey apartments, part of a grand plan that covers luxurious living, relaxing bodies of water with landscaped gardens Along with the great life of Gurgaon. The project was developed under the Haryana Govt affordable housing scheme Haryana 2013. The Millennia 37d is for those who can easily find the pleasure of living in the home in a true way. The apartments are awarded creative excellence, making this project the perfect residence to live. Landscaped apartments make the place a distinct and comfortable living destination for you and your family. Signature Global The Millennia is easily connected from Manesar, Delhi, Cyber City, Dwarka, etc. with facilities world-class jogging track, cycling track, swimming pool, Creche Area, Club, Badminton Ground, Tennis Court, Food Court, Clinic Park and So many other modern services Features of The Millennia Project sector 37D: • Consummate Vastu Shastra • • 90% Home Loan Finance accessible from every single driving bank. • All Amenities like-Power backup, Securities, Open Area, Kids Play Area. • Zero –Service Taxes. • Comprehensive estimating in view of cover range at (Rs. 4000/ - sq. ft in Gurgaon) as it were. • • Balcony Charged at 500/ - per sq. ft. as it were. • Installments arrange spread proportionately more than 3.5 years. • Zero maintenance charged by the developer for 5 years post-delivery. • Gated community with 24*7 security. • Gated Community having one Community Hall of at the very least 2000 sq. ft and one Anganwadi cum Crèche play school of at the very least 2000 sq. ft range. • Having Daily Needs retails shops inside the societies. • Having High-speed elevators or lifts for every high-rise towers. Location Advantages: • Nearby from the Hero Honda Chowk. • Near Pataudi road. • Near National Highway NH-8 (width 150m/60m) • Near Mehrauli-Gurugram road. • I KM from existing Sector 9 and 10 of Gurugram. • Near Sector 21, Dwarka Metro Station, connecting to the blue line. • 15 minutes’ drive from IGI Airport. • Two minutes drive from Dwarka Expressway. • All amenities like Schools Hospitals, Shopping Malls, and Entertainment Hubs exactly at the walking distance. Payment Plan: • Linked Stage On Booking 5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 15 days of an offer of allotment 20% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 06 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 12 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 18 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 24 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 30 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 36 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. Contact Details : +91-7065 742 742
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itsmillennia-blog · 8 years ago
signature global the millennia
Signature global the millennia SIGNATURE GLOBAL - Jahan Ek Soch Hain Lakshya Ke Saath ( Har Parivar Ek Ghar). After successfully managing the 7th housing project, Signature Global has launched the new 8th project which is a progressively and extremely affordable housing project Signature Global The Millennia 37D sector, Gurgaon. It offers 2bhk and 3bhk affordable flats at the affordable price. The project location is extremely amazing and encompassed by numerous lavish activities like Ramprastha Edge Tower, BPTP Township, Takshila statures, ILD Township Sector-37 D Gurgaon near Pataudi Street and Dwarka Expressway Gurgaon. Signature Global Affordable Project The Millenia in Sector 37d spans over 10 acres (approximately) of land comprising multi-storey apartments, part of a grand plan that covers luxurious living, relaxing bodies of water with landscaped gardens Along with the great life of Gurgaon. The project was developed under the Haryana Govt affordable housing scheme Haryana 2013. The Millennia Sector 37d is for those who can easily find the pleasure of living in the home in a true way. The apartments are awarded creative excellence, making this project the perfect residence to live. Landscaped apartments make the place a distinct and comfortable living destination for you and your family. Signature Global The Millennia is easily connected from Manessar, Delhi, Cyber City, Dwarka, etc. with facilities world-class jogging track, cycling track, swimming pool, Creche Area, Club, Badminton Ground, Tennis Court, Food Court, Clinic Park and So many other modern services Features of The Millennia Project Sector 37D: • Consummate Vastu Shastra • • 90% Home Loan Finance accessible from every single driving bank. • All Amenities like-Power backup, Securities, Open Area, Kids Play Area. • Zero –Service Taxes. • Comprehensive estimating in view of cover range at (Rs. 4000/ - sq. ft in Gurgaon) as it were. • • Balcony Charged at 500/ - per sq. ft. as it were. • Installments arrange spread proportionately more than 3.5 years. • Zero maintenance charged by the developer for 5 years post-delivery. • Gated community with 24*7 security. • Gated Community having one Community Hall of at the very least 2000 sq. ft and one Anganwadi cum Crèche play school of at the very least 2000 sq. ft range. • Having Daily Needs retails shops inside the societies. • Having High-speed elevators or lifts for every high-rise towers. Location Advantages: • Nearby from the Hero Honda Chowk. • Near Pataudi road. • Near National Highway NH-8 (width 150m/60m) • Near Mehrauli-Gurugram road. • I KM from existing Sector 9 and 10 of Gurugram. • Near Sector 21, Dwarka Metro Station, connecting to the blue line. • 15 minutes’ drive from IGI Airport. • Two minutes drive from Dwarka Expressway. • All amenities like Schools Hospitals, Shopping Malls, and Entertainment Hubs exactly at the walking distance. Payment Plan: • Linked Stage On Booking 5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 15 days of an offer of allotment 20% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 06 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 12 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 18 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 24 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 30 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. • Within 36 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. Contact Details : +91 7065 742 742
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asignatureglobal-blog · 8 years ago
signature global the millennia project sector 37d gurgaon
SIGNATURE GLOBAL - Jahan Ek Soch Hain Lakshya Ke Saath ( Har Parivar Ek Ghar). Signature global the millennia Signature Global comes up with the new project which is one progressively and tremendously affordable housing project Signature Global The Millennia Project Sector 37D, Gurgaon. It offers 2bhk and 3bhk affordable flats at the affordable price. The project location is extremely amazing and encompassed by numerous lavish activities like Ramprastha Edge Tower, BPTP Township, Takshila statures, ILD Township Sector-37 D Gurgaon near Pataudi Street and Dwarka Expressway Gurgaon. Signature Global Affordable Project The Millenia in Sector 37d is spread over 10 acres (Approx.) of land comprising of Multistory Apartments, part of a grand plan that covers Luxurious Life, soothing water bodies with landscape gardens along with the best grand life of Gurgaon. The project is Developed under the Haryana Affordable Housing Scheme 2013 of Haryana Govt. The master plan of Signature Global The Millennia project sector 37d includes a large amount of desired services that cooperatively promise a serene lifestyle. Secured Dedicated playground and Creche Area has been provided for children. Signature Global (India) Pvt. Ltd. now offers 2 BHK, 2 BHK Flats plus study, created with full Attention to ventilation and light, which you might have imagined of in a flat. In Affordable Project in Sector 37D Complete electric supply has been provided with complete safety via first class wires and PVC conduits. Security and Safety are certainly one of the biggest concerns while buying a Flat. Owing to its safety types, Signature Global Sector 37D is a safe haven for you and your family. Gurgaon which is additionally known as Gurugram and now it’s become affordable for all, Gurgaon’s vicinity to South Delhi, one of the posh locations in Delhi. Features of The Millennia Project Sector 37D: Consummate Vastu Shastra  90% Home Loan Finance accessible from every single driving bank. All Amenities like-Power backup, Securities, Open Area, Kids Play Area. Zero –Service Taxes. Comprehensive estimating in view of cover range at (Rs. 4000/ - sq. ft in Gurgaon) as it were.  Balcony Charged at 500/ - per sq. ft. as it were. Installments arrange spread proportionately more than 3.5 years. Zero maintenance charged by the developer for 5 years post-delivery. Gated community with 24*7 security. Gated Community having one Community Hall of at the very least 2000 sq. ft and one Anganwadi cum Crèche play school of at the very least 2000 sq. ft range. Having Daily Needs retails shops inside the societies. Having High-speed elevators or lifts for every high-rise towers. Location Advantages: Nearby from the Hero Honda Chowk. Near Pataudi road. Near National Highway NH-8 (width 150m/60m) Near Mehrauli-Gurugram road. I KM from existing Sector 9 and 10 of Gurugram. Near Sector 21, Dwarka Metro Station, connecting to the blue line. 15 minutes’ drive from IGI Airport. Two minutes drive from Dwarka Expressway. All amenities like Schools Hospitals, Shopping Malls, and Entertainment Hubs exactly at the walking distance. Payment Plan: Linked Stage On Booking 5% amount of the total cost of the flat. Within 15 days of an offer of allotment 20% amount of the total cost of the flat. Within 06 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. Within 12 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. Within 18 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. Within 24 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. Within 30 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. Within 36 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat. Contact No.: +91-7065 742 742
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freelance-informatique · 8 months ago
OM : Benoit Payan, maire de Marseille, s'oppose à la signature de Youcef Atal
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Benoit Payan, maire de Marseille, ne veut pas de Youcef Atal. L'Olympique de Marseille (OM) a à peine conclu avec Youcef Atal un contrat d'un an, assorti d'une option pour une année supplémentaire. Mais cette signature risque de ne pas aboutir à cause de la condamnation du joueur. Youcef Atal : Benoit Payan, maire de Marseille s'oppose à sa signature Benoit Payan, maire de Marseille, s'oppose à la signature de Youcef Atal par l'Olympique de Marseille (OM). Youcef Atal a été condamné à huit mois de prison avec sursis pour incitation à la haine après avoir partagé une vidéo d'un prédicateur qui prônait la violence contre les Juifs. Cet incident a mené à son licenciement par l'OGC Nice. Un épisode qui a laissé le joueur sans contrat et en quête d'une nouvelle opportunité. L'OM, en quête de renforts, voit en Youcef Atal une option intéressante, mais cette décision est loin de faire l'unanimité. Lire aussi : Jim Ratcliffe, propriétaire de l'OGC Nice, entre dans le capital de Manchester United  La position ferme de Benoit Payan : Un non négociable Le maire de Marseille, Benoit Payan, s'oppose fermement à cette éventuelle signature. Lors d'une interview sur Radio JM, relayée par La Provence, Benoit Payan a clairement exprimé son désaccord. Pour lui, toute forme d'antisémitisme ou de racisme est inacceptable dans le sport. Il insiste sur le fait que de tels comportements ne doivent en aucun cas être tolérés au sein de l'OM. Benoit Payan veut promouvoir l'importance des valeurs communes dans le sport, telles que l'unité et le respect, peu importe la religion ou les croyances des supporters. Un joueur qui ne partage pas ces valeurs fondamentales n'a pas sa place à l'OM a-t-il ajouté. Le maire a l'intention de contacter directement le président de l'OM pour discuter de cette situation. Voir également : Ribalta dit adieu à l'Olympique de Marseille ! Les conséquences pour Youcef Atal Youcef Atal a déjà subi des conséquences suite à ses actions. Son licenciement par l'OGC Nice et sa mise à l'écart montrent les répercussions possibles pour tout athlète qui dépassent les limites de l'éthique et de la morale. La réaction de Benoit Payan renforce cela, en montrant que la société, et par extension le sport, ne tolère plus les dérives haineuses. Cette affaire dépasse largement le cadre sportif et touche des questions éthiques et morales profondes. La controverse entourant Youcef Atal pourrait aussi avoir un impact sur l'image de l'OM. Le soutien public du maire de Marseille à une position de tolérance zéro contre la haine et la discrimination pourrait donc peser lourd dans la décision finale du club. Read the full article
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luckyarcadedelusion · 3 years ago
We’ve put together these frequently asked questions to help you find the information you’re after about Haines Signature Boats, our range of fishing, cruising or sports boats and more.
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SIGNATURE GLOBAL — jahan ek soch hain lakshya ke saath ( Har Parivar Ek Ghar).
signature global the millennia
After successfully managing the 7th housing project, Signature Global has launched the new 8th project which is a progressively and extremely affordable housing project Signature Global The Millennia Sector 37D, Gurgaon. It offers 2bhk and 3bhk affordable flats at the affordable price. The project location is extremely amazing and encompassed by numerous lavish activities like Ramprastha Edge Tower, BPTP Township, Takshila statures, ILD Township Sector-37 D Gurgaon near Pataudi Street and Dwarka Expressway Gurgaon.
Signature Global Affordable Project The Millenia in Sector 37d spans over 10 acres (approximately) of land comprising multi-storey apartments, part of a grand plan that covers luxurious living, relaxing bodies of water with landscaped gardens Along with the great life of Gurgaon. The project was developed under the Haryana Govt affordable housing scheme Haryana 2013.
The Millennia project sector 37d is for those who can easily find the pleasure of living in the home in a true way. The apartments are awarded creative excellence, making this project the perfect residence to live. Landscaped apartments make the place a distinct and comfortable living destination for you and your family.
The Millennia Project in Sector 37D Complete electric supply has been provided with complete safety via first class wires and PVC conduits. Security and Safety are certainly one of the biggest concerns while buying a Flat. Owing to its safety types, Signature Global Sector 37D is a safe haven for you and your family.
The master plan of Signature Global 37d includes a large amount of desired services that cooperatively promise a serene lifestyle. Secured Dedicated playground and Creche Area has been provided for children.
Signature Global The Millennia is easily connected from Manessar, Delhi, Cyber City, Dwarka, etc. with facilities world-class jogging track, cycling track, swimming pool, Creche Area, Club, Badminton Ground, Tennis Court, Food Court, Clinic Park and So many other modern services
Features of The Millennia Project Sector 37D:
· Consummate Vastu Shastra 
· 90% Home Loan Finance accessible from every single driving bank.
· All Amenities like-Power backup, Securities, Open Area, Kids Play Area.
· Zero –Service Taxes.
· Comprehensive estimating in view of cover range at (Rs. 4000/ — sq. ft in Gurgaon) as it were. 
· Balcony Charged at 500/ — per sq. ft. as it were.
· Installments arrange spread proportionately more than 3.5 years.
· Zero maintenance charged by the developer for 5 years post-delivery.
· Gated community with 24*7 security.
· Gated Community having one Community Hall of at the very least 2000 sq. ft and one Anganwadi cum Crèche play school of at the very least 2000 sq. ft range.
· Having Daily Needs retails shops inside the societies.
· Having High-speed elevators or lifts for every high-rise towers.
Location Advantages:
Nearby from the Hero Honda Chowk.
Near Pataudi road.
Near National Highway NH-8 (width 150m/60m)
Near Mehrauli-Gurugram road.
I KM from existing Sector 9 and 10 of Gurugram.
Near Sector 21, Dwarka Metro Station, connecting to the blue line.
15 minutes’ drive from IGI Airport.
Two minutes drive from Dwarka Expressway.
All amenities like Schools Hospitals, Shopping Malls, and Entertainment Hubs exactly at the walking distance.
Contact Details : +91–7065 742 742
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itsmazhar-blog · 8 years ago
Signature Global The Millennia™ Project Sector 37D Gurgaon
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Signature worldwide, 21st-century land organization driving with their own particular standard, some worldwide viewpoint and sustained the Indian qualities.
SIGNATURE GLOBAL which stands up for triple "R" (Realty, Reliability, Responsibility).
SIGNATURE GLOBAL - Jahan Ek Soch Hain Lakshya Ke Saath ( Har Parivar Ek Ghar)
In today's era, the major problem of our government is population growth and because of this cities become more crowded and give them a better life with all the comforts this is a real challenge. Social housing is also one of the parts of that. Today, providing affordable housing to everyone is a problem. To solve this problem, our land organization Signature Global takes a stand and comes up with the affordable housing scheme under the Haryana government scheme.
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Therefore, after successfully managing the last seven projects now Signature Global looking forward to the new eight projects Signature Global The Millennia Project Sector 37d which is located in Gurgaon location. Today in South Delhi Gurgaon is the best place to invest and this is also one of the posh areas.
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Signature Global has always launched every project according to the convenience of the people. So here we are again with our new project The Millennia Project Sector 37d near Pataudi Road and Dwarka Expressway, Gurgaon.  It offers 2bhk and 2bhk plus study room apartments at the affordable price.
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The Millennia project sector 37d is located in Gurgaon and the location of this project is incredible. All others lavish projects are nearby this location like BPTP township, Ramprastha the edge towers, Apex building pvt., Taksila Heights and also this project is connected with NH-8.
Our vision to develop 20,000 housing units over the coming years and all ongoing projects are located in prime areas of Gurgaon and we also keep you up to date with all the information about what you need.
The logic of Signature Global Group is straightforward – uniting the best and brightest personalities in the business to make a group that has confidence in the limitlessness of potential outcomes. Our sustaining soul empowers our kin, to develop and understand their maximum capacity. Also, as our kin develop, so do our abilities, our inventiveness and designing aspirations alongside our customers and their joy.
As a youthful organization, regardless we have far to go. Be that as it may, our establishments are solid as is our assurance to succeed. The following decade will be one of sensational development in the Real Estate part and we guarantee to draw the Signature Global Group Mark profound into the records of private and business engineering in India.
Features of The Millennia Project Sector 37D:
Consummate Vastu Shastra
90% Home Loan Finance accessible from every single driving bank.
All Amenities like-Power backup, Securities, Open Area, Kids Play Area.
Zero –Service Taxes.
Comprehensive estimating in view of cover range at (Rs. 4000/ - square. ft in Gurgaon) as it were.
Balcony Charged at 500/ - per square. ft. as it were.
Installments arrange spread proportionately more than 3.5 years.
Zero maintenance charged by the developer for 5 years post-delivery.
Gated community with 24 X 7     security.
Having Daily Needs retails shops inside the societies.
Having High-speed elevators or lifts for every high-rise towers.
Location Advantages of The Millennia Project:
Nearby from the Hero Honda     Chowk.
15 minutes’ drive from IGI     Airport.
Two minutes drive from Dwarka     Expressway.
All amenities like Schools     Hospitals, Shopping Malls, and Entertainment Hubs exactly at the walking distance.
Proposed Metro Station on     Dwarka Expressway.
Payment Plan:
Linked Stage:
On Booking 5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 15 days of an offer of allotment 20% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 06 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 12 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 18 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 24 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 30 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 36 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Contact Details: +91-7065 742 742
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ourmorningstarr-blog · 8 years ago
Signature Global The Millennia™ project Sector 37d, Gurgaon (Gurugram)
SIGNATURE GLOBAL – Jahan Ek Soch Hain Lakshya Ke Saath ( Har Parivar Ek Ghar).
In today's era, the major problem of our government is population growth and because of this cities become more crowded and give them a better life with all the comforts this is a real challenge. Social housing is also one of the parts of that. Today, providing affordable housing to everyone is a problem. To solve this problem, our land organization Signature Global takes a stand and comes up with the affordable housing scheme under the Haryana government scheme.
Therefore, after successfully managing the last seven projects now Signature Global looking forward to the new eight projects Signature Global The Millennia Project Sector 37d which is located in Gurgaon location. Today in South Delhi Gurgaon is the best place to invest and this is also one of the posh areas.
Signature Global has always launched every project according to the convenience of the people. So here we are again with our new project The Millennia Project Sector 37d near Pataudi Road and Dwarka Expressway, Gurgaon.  It offers 2bhk and 2bhk plus study room apartments at the affordable price.
The Millennia project sector 37d is located in Gurgaon and the location of this project is incredible. All others lavish projects are nearby this location like BPTP township, Ramprastha the edge towers, Apex building pvt., Taksila Heights and also this project is connected with NH-8.
Our vision to develop 20,000 housing units over the coming years and all ongoing projects are located in prime areas of Gurgaon and we also keep you up to date with all the information about what you need.
Features of The Millennia Project Sector 37D:
Consummate Vastu Shastra
90% Home Loan Finance accessible from every single driving bank.
All Amenities like-Power backup, Securities, Open Area, Kids Play Area.
Zero –Service Taxes.
Comprehensive estimating in view of cover range at (Rs. 4000/ - square. ft in Gurgaon) as it were.
Balcony Charged at 500/ - per square. ft. as it were.
Installments arrange spread proportionately more than 3.5 years.
Zero maintenance charged by the developer for 5 years post-delivery.
Gated community with 24 X 7     security.
Having Daily Needs retails shops inside the societies.
Having High-speed elevators or lifts for every high-rise towers.
  Location Advantages of The Millennia Project:
Nearby from the Hero Honda     Chowk.
15 minutes’ drive from IGI     Airport.
Two minutes drive from Dwarka     Expressway.
All amenities like Schools     Hospitals, Shopping Malls, and Entertainment Hubs exactly at the walking distance.
Proposed Metro Station on     Dwarka Expressway.
Payment Plan:
Linked Stage:
On Booking 5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 15 days of an offer of allotment 20% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 06 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 12 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 18 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 24 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 30 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 36 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Contact Details: +91-7065 742 742
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ourmaan-blog1 · 8 years ago
Signature Global The Millennia Project Sector 37d Gurgaon
SIGNATURE GLOBAL - jahan ek soch hain lakshya ke saath ( har parivar ek ghar).
The Millennia Project Sector 37d
Signature Global comes up with the new project which is one progressively and tremendously affordable housing project Signature Global The Millennia Project sector 37D, Gurgaon. It offers 2bhk and 3bhk affordable flats at the affordable price. The project location is extremely amazing and encompassed by numerous lavish activities like Ramprastha Edge Tower, BPTP Township, Takshila statures, ILD Township Sector-37 D Gurgaon near Pataudi Street and Dwarka Expressway Gurgaon.
Signature Global Affordable Project The Millenia in Sector 37d  is spread over 10 acres (Approx.) of land comprising of multistory Apartments, part of a grand plan that covers Luxurious Life, soothing water bodies with landscape gardens along with the best grand life of Gurgaon. The project is Developed under the Haryana Affordable Housing Scheme 2013 of Haryana Govt.
The master plan of Signature Global 37d includes a large amount of desired services that cooperatively promise a serene lifestyle. Secured Dedicated playground and Creche Area has been provided for children.
Signature Global (India) Pvt. Ltd. now offers 2 BHK, 2 BHK Flats plus study,  created with full Attention to ventilation and light, which you might have imagined of in a flat.
In Affordable Project in Sector 37D Complete electric supply has been provided with complete safety via first class wires and PVC conduits. Security and Safety are certainly one of the biggest concerns while buying a Flat. Owing to its safety types, Signature Global Sector 37D is a safe haven for you and your family.
Gurgaon which is additionally known as Gurugram and now it’s become affordable for all, Gurgaon’s vicinity to south Delhi, one of the posh locations in Delhi.
Features of The Millennia Project sector 37D:
·         Consummate Vastu Shastra 
·         90% Home Loan Finance accessible from every single driving bank.
·         All Amenities like-Power backup, Securities, Open Area, Kids Play Area.
·         Zero –Service Taxes.
·         Comprehensive estimating in view of cover range at (Rs. 4000/ - square. ft in Gurgaon) as it were. 
·         Balcony Charged at 500/ - per square. ft. as it were.
·         Installments arrange spread proportionately more than 3.5 years.
·         Zero maintenance charged by the developer for 5 years post-delivery.
·         Gated community with 24*7 security.
·         Gated Community having one Community Hall of at the very least 2000 square. ft and one Anganwadi cum Crèche play school of at the very least 2000 square. ft range.
·         Having Daily Needs retails shops inside the societies.
·         Having High-speed elevators or lifts for every high-rise towers.
Location Advantages:
·         Five minutes’ drive from Hero Honda Chowk.
·         20 minutes’ drive from both IGI Airport and Dwarka once Dwarka-Manesar Expressway and in future Metro will be operational.
·         1 KM far from Dwarka Expressway – One of the Hottest venture areas in India. 
           A 10-minute drive from IGI airplane terminal.
·         All amenities like Schools Hospitals, shopping Malls, and Entertainment Hubs exactly at the drive of 15 Minutes.
·         Proposed Metro Station in Dwarka Expressway.
Payment Plan:
·         Linked Stage On Booking 5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
·         Within 15 days of an offer of allotment 20% amount of the total cost of the flat.
·         Within 06 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
·         Within 12 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
·         Within 18 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
·         Within 24 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
·         Within 30 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
·         Within 36 months of allotment 12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Contact No.: +91-7065 742 742
0 notes
itsmazhar-blog · 8 years ago
Signature Global The Millennia™ project Sector 37d, Gurgaon (Gurugram)
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SIGNATURE GLOBAL – Jahan Ek Soch Hain Lakshya Ke Saath ( Har Parivar Ek Ghar).
In today's era, the major problem of our government is population growth and because of this cities become more crowded and give them a better life with all the comforts this is a real challenge. Social housing is also one of the parts of that. Today, providing affordable housing to everyone is a problem. To solve this problem, our land organization Signature Global takes a stand and comes up with the affordable housing scheme under the Haryana government scheme.
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Therefore, after successfully managing the last seven projects now Signature Global looking forward to the new eight projects Signature Global The Millennia Project Sector 37d which is located in Gurgaon location. Today in South Delhi Gurgaon is the best place to invest and this is also one of the posh areas.
Signature Global has always launched every project according to the convenience of the people. So here we are again with our new project The Millennia Project Sector 37d near Pataudi Road and Dwarka Expressway, Gurgaon.  It offers 2bhk and 2bhk plus study room apartments at the affordable price.
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The Millennia project sector 37d is located in Gurgaon and the location of this project is incredible. All others lavish projects are nearby this location like BPTP township, Ramprastha the edge towers, Apex building pvt., Taksila Heights and also this project is connected with NH-8.
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Our vision to develop 20,000 housing units over the coming years and all ongoing projects are located in prime areas of Gurgaon and we also keep you up to date with all the information about what you need.
Features of The Millennia Project Sector 37D:
Consummate Vastu Shastra
90% Home Loan Finance accessible from every single driving bank.
All Amenities like-Power backup, Securities, Open Area, Kids Play Area.
Zero –Service Taxes.
Comprehensive estimating in view of cover range at (Rs. 4000/ - square. ft in Gurgaon) as it were.
Balcony Charged at 500/ - per square. ft. as it were.
Installments arrange spread proportionately more than 3.5 years.
Zero maintenance charged by the developer for 5 years post-delivery.
Gated community with 24 X 7     security.
Having Daily Needs retails shops inside the societies.
Having High-speed elevators or lifts for every high-rise towers.
  Location Advantages of The Millennia Project:
Nearby from the Hero Honda     Chowk.
15 minutes’ drive from IGI     Airport.
Two minutes drive from Dwarka     Expressway.
All amenities like Schools     Hospitals, Shopping Malls, and Entertainment Hubs exactly at the walking distance.
Proposed Metro Station on     Dwarka Expressway.
Payment Plan:
Linked Stage:
On Booking 5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 15 days of an offer of allotment 20% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 06 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 12 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 18 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 24 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 30 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Within 36 months of allotment     12.5% amount of the total cost of the flat.
Contact Details: +91-7065 742 742
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