skylarmoon71 · 1 year
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds) Chapter 31
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There’s a hollow knock on your door, and you furrow your brows as you open the door.
“I usually make a more gracious entrance, but since we entered the veil things have changed. So I thought I’d be more careful this time around.”
He’s standing there, and you can’t stop yourself. You rush into his arms. He’s startled to say the least.
When you pull back he can see the distress.
His paternal instincts take control, and he closes the door, usehring you to take a seat.
“What’s wrong, did something happen to Hotchner?” You shake your head.
“Hotch is fine. So is Jack and Hailey. Everyone is fine.”
You’re smiling, and he’s relieved. But you’re still wearing that pained expression. One he’s grown used to. He understands now.
“I wish I could tell you that it gets easier. Seeing him everyday, not being able to remember a thing. I can’t think of any greater pain. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. “
“I knew what I was doing. I’ll learn to live with it. “
He knows the reassurance is said so he won't worry.
“Actually dad, there’s something I wanted to ask you. I know you said none of them would remember but Jack he..he remembers everything. He’s also found a way to get through my barrier. It was…just like Hotch used to do.”
Manchester took a pause.
“Are you serious?” You nod.
He looks down.
“That’s incredible. It’s not exactly unheard of. Children are anchors for all kinds of power. Still, this is outside the field of seeing apparitions. He’s able to communicate despite the change in reality.” Manchester swallows.
“If he’s capable of that as a child then…”
It dawned on him that maybe Hotch would regain his memories. When he looks back at you, he stops himself. There was no use in giving you false hope. Especially when you seemed to already be at your limit. Maybe he could give you some practical advice.
“Why not pursue Hotch right now. It’s true that you brought back Hailey, but they are divorced here.”
“I’ve thought about it.”
It didn’t seem right. The whole purpose of this was to give him back his family. There was a chance that he could mend things with his ex wife. If so, you didn’t want to get in between that.
“I think the best thing for me to do is keep my distance. If it comes down to it, I may just end up transferring to a different division.”
“But you love this job, and your team.”
“Isn’t that how the saying goes? If you love something, then you let it go.”
“What jackass came up with that? You think I would have won over your mother with that half baked attitude. “ You smile. This is the first time he’s mentioned her in such a light.
“You know, you never really told me how you snagged mom. I mean she was beautiful. I can’t really see her going for such a gangster.”
“Hey, I was very meek in the old days, you know. “ His defensive reply causes you to laugh.
“To be frank she spent quite a bit of time chasing me. I was unapproachable, and blunt.”
“You, unapproachable, I can’t even picture it.”
“Hah ha, hilarious.”
He’s wearing the biggest smile.
“I hope you don’t have any plans, because this is a long story.”
You pull your legs onto the couch.
“I’ve got the time.”
“I’m sorry I kept him up so long.”
Hailey shook her head.
“It’s alright. Jack loved it. It’s nice having his dad around so often.”
Now that Jack was fast asleep, Hotch took a seat on the couch. They’d fallen into a routine that worked for both of them. Despite the separation, Jack seemed like the balance between them both. Hailey walked over handing him a glass of water, and he took it happily.
“Thank you.” She took a seat and he drank it.
“So, Ms. Black.” Hotch lowered the glass.
“She’s a good agent. Jack is also taken with her. Not something I really saw coming.”
“What about you?”
“Me?” Hotch wasn’t fully sure where this conversation was going.
“You don’t think she’s intriguing.”
“Hailey.” She smacked his shoulder playfully.
“Aaron, we're not teenagers. You can tell me if you’re interested in someone. I won’t block you on facebook.” He smiled at that.
“We work together, I’m also her superior. I’m not sure it would be very professional of me to even entertain that thought.”
“So you’ve thought about it!”
It felt like he was digging himself into a deeper hole. Hailey laughed this time.
“You know, for a profiler, you’re very easy to read.” She said between giggles.
“All jokes aside, I want you to be happy Aaron. I know I never made it easy, but you’ve always been there when it counted. You’re a good person, you deserve to have happiness. Something I couldn’t give to you.”
“I was happy, Hailey. “ His eyes are so sincere.
“I was rarely ever unhappy with you and Jack.” Hailey wipes at her eyes, and she leaned over, pulling him into a hug. He returns it.
“It’s time for you to be happy again. Jack and I will be fine.” 
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skylarmoon71 · 1 year
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)- Chapter 29
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“Oh, it’s like he gets cuter every time!” Garcia gushes.
Jack runs right into Garcia’s awaiting arms giggling. Hailey smiles from her spot, adjusting the bag on her shoulder.
“Thank you for doing this Aaron.” He shakes his head.
“Take your son to work, I’d never miss it.” She smiles, and he returns it.
“S-Sorry I’m late!”
The female voice calls from the elevator. Hotch turns, and so does the rest of the team. Morgan laughs.
“You’re good, we’d hate to watch you fall because of your eagerness.” You flush. He was right. When Hotch informed everyone he’d be bringing Jack to work today, you were ecstatic.
“Look what I got.”
It’s a makeshift FBI badge. There’s a little clip, much like the ones you wear. Jack pulls away excitedly. Running to your side. You lean down to give him the little toy.
“Aunty (Y/N)!!”
You’re a bit stunned when he wraps his little arms around your neck, hugging you happily. Everyone looks relatively surprised. This was your first meeting, yet he was acting like he’d known you for a while now.
“I missed you.” He whispers.
You pull back to stare at him. It was strange, it was almost like he remembered you.
“Thank you for saving my mommy.”
You gape.
“Jack you’re…”
He nods, with a grin. You’re astonished. You can’t stop the smile that spreads on your lips.
“You’re welcome.”
“Are you guys speaking telepathically?” Morgan jests.
Jack places a finger on his lips.
“Shhhh, it’s a secret.”
They start laughing. Hotch’s stare has now settled on you.
“It’s nice to meet you Ms. Black. Aaron has told me a lot about your work on the team. Jack also seems to be in love with you." Hailey giggles. You stand, reaching over and shaking her hand. She pauses for a moment, like she’s studying you. The smile on your face is brilliant, and Hailey finds herself smiling too.
“It’s nice to meet you too. May I just say that you are beautiful. Hotch’s description doesn’t do you justice. I see where Jack gets his looks from.” Hailey blushes at the compliment.
“Well thank you. I like her Aaron.”
Laughter fills the hallway, and Jack takes your hand.
“Can you show me around Aunty (Y/N).” You look back at Hotch and Haliey. They nod, and Garcia gasps dramatically.
“I’ve been betrayed.”
He shakes his head cutely, and she waves. You attach the little badge to his shirt. You both take off as the team slowly disperses. Hailey is standing there watching you chat happily as you walk down the hallway.
“Aaron, maybe it’s just me but there’s something about her. "
Hotch listens attentively.
“It’s hard to explain. It’s similar to what I felt like when Foyet was…” She took a breath, and Hotch rests a hand on her shoulder.
“I don’t know what it is but I just feel as though I can..”
“Trust her.”
Hotch finished.
If Hotch felt the same, then her gut had to be right.
He didn’t need to question it anymore. Of course when you joined, he was on edge. This was Strauss’s doing. But he could not feel any ill will from you.  You got along with the team beautifully. Like you’d know them all your life.
“Maybe she’s a guardian angel.” Hailey jokes.
Hotch smiles.
“Maybe she is.”
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