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wrenanigans · 7 months ago
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Been a while since I did a Picrew chain, and since cbrfufu is back at it again with another awesome maker, I wanted to share it!
Find it here: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1712061
No pressure if you were tagged, and feel free to join if you weren’t!
@bucca2 @vesselrae @feeble13 @dekarios @azuredrg @iloveyouspaceship @youcanchangetheseright @cylleona @imjestergirl @hailedmercury @tavs-brainworm @austinwehaveaproblem @katerina-khimera @pvremichigan
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hpowellsmith · 3 months ago
reply from @hailedmercury in answer to the question:
Do you prefer expressing your MC's sexual/romantic orientation via who they do/don't romance, or specifying via a choice? Bonus: would you ever enjoy setting an orientation at the start and having the opportunity for it to shift during the game?
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Yeah, I tend to go for bi generally because that matches how I am in real life, and it's more flexible when choosing romances in-game. But I don't enjoy when that fixes gender-selectable characters to particular genders, because there are times when I prefer certain kinds of characters to be male, female, or nonbinary. (In general I don't love an orientation-question being tied to gender-selection, but I probably have enough thoughts about that to make a whole other post!)
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cherubicwitch · 9 months ago
I was tagged by @shivasdarknight (forever ago but dw abt that ^^;)
Make yourself in this picrew, and then post the last song you listened to.
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as per the little emo bitch I am, I still listen to mcr in the year 2024 🖤 honestly I only listen to my own music when im alone in the car, which has been a Lot More lately.
this is fun and cute! ty for including me (:
tagging (no obligations to do this, I just wanna include others for a little picrew/music fun if they felt like it ☺️): @dannydevitorito @cutestdoughboy @emcapi @emet-selch-apologist / @trashybutnottootrashy @hailedmercury
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umbralastra · 2 years ago
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Went to lurk at the lovely Glitterhall! Really enjoyed the music and the vibes! Thanks so much for hosting @bramdreamshade !
Got to meet @/e-dragoons and @/hailedmercury as well :D
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kibibarel · 8 years ago
We adopted a puppy that my dad named Kimber and my mom keeps calling Kimmy, so I guess I have a dog with your name now. So that's a little weird
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the-artificial-human · 8 years ago
@hailedmercury brought her puppy to my house today
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hailedmercury · 8 years ago
Streaming JackBox games from my America Day party!
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robotseverywhere · 8 years ago
hailedmercury said: Ooooh. If you play the Awakening DLC for Origins, that’s where you first meet Anders. Your warden is the one who recruits him into the wardens! (If they didn’t die at the end obvs) He’s a tad dramatic in DA2, lol. I’ve never been able to romance him bc he was already My Son due to Awakening
aww thats cute. also i just ran into cullen which was nice to see him again, even if hes still kind of a paranoid stick in the mud.
seriously tho, cat lover = best character. 
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the-artificial-human · 6 years ago
DM Problems: I have to start writing indepth backgrounds for throw away NPCs who literally are only there to be like, “Oh that thing/place is that way” because everyone keeps focusing on these NPCs and not the actually important NPCs and asking absurd questions
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the-artificial-human · 4 years ago
@hailedmercury aren’t these from the website your coworker just....printed out and left on people’s desks?
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monroe-militia · 10 years ago
But the real question about the Sims is: Are you going to post pictures of them?
Possibly. Maybe once I finish my homework... But probably at some point.
There's definitely some that I like a lot better than others. (I'm very not happy with Bass's hair situation and how he doesn't look like himself) And because I based it off of the AU I'm writing with Serin, some of them have tattoos.
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the-artificial-human · 7 years ago
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Source If you want more facts, follow Ultrafacts
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sircruxie · 11 years ago
Yo, do you still do art commissions for Gaia gold? (And if not, is there anything else, other than my love, that I can bribe you with to draw three avatars for me?)
Of course. I just finished a commission not too long ago. c: I wouldn’t mind drawing three avatars for you, Dear. PM me the details on Gaia and I’ll get right onto them.
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clockworkandcupcakes · 9 years ago
DA protaganist asks! #1-3, 15 & 16
1. - 3. How your characters react to each other.
I have two main Warden Playthoughs: Aeon (male elf mage) and Moira (female human mage). One Hawke, who was Sarcastic/Diplomatic. Two Inquisitors, a male Adaar Mage, and female Lavellan mage.
Aeon is snarky, doesn’t like the chantry, doesn’t like politics, and would rather throw poisons and fireballs everywhere and just be done with it. He gets along great with my Hawke.
Moira is practical, diplomatic, and charismatic. She believes there should be a balance between the chantry and the circle, she hangs back and supports her party with healing and uses armor spells. She respects Hawke for what he did to help his city even if it meant allying with unsavory partners that resulted in an all out war. She believes his intentions were good, but his friends got out of hand. She can relate.
Aeon and Lavellan would get along great because they have the same views towards politics and would like sharing stories about both being Dalish mages who rose to power just to tell the humans to go fuck themselves.
Moira, as queen, is fond of Lavellan and the way she handled the situation in Redcliffe. She doesn’t agree with her political stances, but likes that she’s willing to help broker peace regardless.
Garret Hawke would have loved to meet Aeon after hearing stories of his adventures. He was proud to hear that another mage was responsible for saving his homeland. The two would get along great and probably spend time showing off their boyfriends to each other.He would probably be more intimidated by Moira, seeing as she came up from the circle, became a Grey Warden, killed a dragon, and then became queen all in about a year. Also, she carries herself with a lot of dignity that Garret just flat out doesn’t have. (Picture: Iron Bull whenever he’s around Vivienne)Garret would probably have liked both the inquisitors. It’s basically a big mage rigths activist meeting at the point. And then there would be plenty of story exchanges made to sound much more impressive by Varric.
My Adaar would have liked to work with Aeon but would be intimidated by his aggressive nature. They might not have been good friends, but they both support Mage rights and hate human politics, so there’s that.He probably would have been wary around Hawke after hearing about the Arishok battle and just how strong that must make him, and he definitely didn’t approve of what he let his boyfriend do to the Chantry.
My Lavellan would have agreed with Anders and probably not thought twice about the repercussions until it was too late. That being said, she would have been just as good a friend with Hawke as Anders. She might not get along with Moira that much because she never got along with Vivienne and Moira reminds her too much of the same personality at times. They can agree that mages shouldn’t be persecuted but that’s about where the cordiality stops.
Question 15 – Would your characters have the same alignment?
(I’m assuming classic DnD alignment?)
Aeon – Chaotic Neutral // Moira – Lawful Good
Hawke – Chaotic Good
Adaar – True Neutral // Lavellan – Chaotic Good
Question 16 – Would your protags have the same Hogwarts house?
Aeon – Slytherin // Moira – Gryffindor
Hawke – Gryffindor
Adaar – Hufflepuff // Lavellan – Ravenclaw
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kibibarel · 11 years ago
One of my neighbors used to have a deer farm (he used to just collect the antlers when they shed them and make crazy woodsman crafts or something) so there were deer in my backyard literally all the time. You could see the bucks fighting each other and all the little babies. It was neat.
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robotseverywhere · 8 years ago
hailedmercury said: You gotta mod the poop out of it, bro. My Hawke is pretty handsome, imo (still not really… Pretty, though tbh)
the only game i’ve ever modded is minecraft dude i dont understand all this fancy customization mumbo jumbo
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