#haikyuu sesason 4
ninliane · 5 years
then say my name | osamu miya x reader
huhu i know i still have requests to do but i was working on this for a week in class and wanted to share it with you guys :>>
anyway i know i said i was falling for atsumu, but osamu attracted me more haha, he seems a bit ooc here but i’ll try to fix it in the future. for now my priority in writing will be requests!
this story has now been given artwork by vn_vannies on twitter! it’s after the story down below i commissioned her to draw one scene from this story :)) 
“What must we do to get you to play a match with us?” the captain of Inarizaki asked. 
“Sorry, we’re just too busy with other practice matches,” Kuroo responded. Taketora went up to Kuroo and whispered, “Hey Kuroo, aren’t they the powerhouse school of the Hyogo prefecture? We saw them at Nationals.” Kuroo sighed and faced him. “I really wish we could but after Nationals, a bunch of other powerhouse schools wanted matches.” 
The captain gave in. “Alright, it was worth a try,” he looked up to Kuroo. “It’s been a pleasure seeing you play, we hope to play against you someda-” 
“Hold on,” a certain blond holds up his hand. “Now now Kita-san, don’t say such things! I’m sure there are other ways on convincing the-aCHJ” 
“Don’t do anything stupid you dumbass.” a silver-haired male said as he wacked his brother's head. 
“I’m gonna kill yo-” 
“Our bus is here,” Kita coughed. “Goodbye to you, and best of luck.” Aran bowed as did the opposing team
All of them were boarding the bus and putting their stuff in until Atsumu was the last one outside. He stood up and looked back. “Get yer ass up here, Sumu” his brother called out from the window. 
“Oh, but I forgot something,” that only gained an irritated look from his twin. Thinking he was going back in the building the team moved aside. Smiling as he was walking he made eye contact with a certain manager, swiftly grabbed both of her arms, dipped her, and pressed his lips onto hers.
The kiss lasted for quite a while, but everyone was too astonished to move. He swiftly pulled back, smiled, and winked at her. Kuroo’s face scrunched and by the time he yelled in surprise, Atsumu was back in the bus already waving at them. “See you on the court!”
The entire team screamed in shock. “WHATTT?!?!” Taketora screamed, “HOW DARE THEY ADVANCE ON OUR MANAGER!!” “(Y/N)-chan! (Y/N)-chwauwnnnn!!!” Lev ran up to her holding her should and having tears on his eyes, “are-are you okay?” “Oi! Kuroo-san and Yaku-san are going somewhere!” Shibayama yelled. “Someone stop them!” 
“Well, you’re welcome!” Atsumu said as he stood up in the bus, his hands up and eyes closed, “looks like we’re getting a practice ma-gehck!” 
“You actual stupid dumbass,” Osamu said after hitting him on the head. But oh he was not done as he kicked his stomach. “You didn’t have to do that to her.”
 Meanwhile, the team wasn’t doing anything about it because they did indeed think that Atsumu has gone too far. They felt lucky to have Osamu reprimand him for his actions.
 Coughing as he got up and weakly smiled and chuckled, “W-what’s it to you ‘Samu?..ya like her or someth-geCK” and the grey-haired spiker finished him off by kicking his face. 
“I’ll carry him home don’t worry about him,” Osamu said picking up the unconscious setter and placing him on his seat next to his. “Not like we were in the first place..” one of them spoke.
“Samuu…” the blond groaned. “Gimme the ice,”
 “You can get the ice yourself.” 
Osamu thought about what his twin had said though. Did he like Nekoma’s manager? Well yes, you could say that she was charming in her own way. So that’s why during the practice match between Nekoma and Inarizaki, he approached her with a calm and demure smile.
 “Oh, Miya-san,” their manager turned around. The spiker shook his head, “Please, call me Osamu, my idiot brother might get confused again.” he gestured to the setter. (Y/N) giggled, “Sure,” she flipped back the pages of her clipboard and tucked it under her arm. “So how long are you here in Tokyo?” 
“Around one more week, since we lost to Karasuno we’re here for a few more days,” “You gonna play at that time?” Osamu shrugged, “I dunno, maybe just a bit.” (Y/N)’s smile grew, “They why don’t I show you around!” Osamu looked taken aback, “Really?” She furiously nodded her head and grinned. ‘Cute..’ he thought. 
Returning with a soft smile he responded, “Yeah sure, that would be great.”
“Hahh, we’re finally done.” Taketora said stretching and turning around, “It’s only 1:30, you guys wanna go out?” “Sure!” Inoka said, “Yeah, why not, it would be a nice bonding activity.” Kai smiled. 
“Kenma, you’re coming,” Kuroo said looking at the setter who was trying to escape, looking defeated and all. Kuroo turned to their manager “(Y/N)-chan, you in?”. She showed a remorseful smile, “Awe, sorry guys I really wish I could but I made plans after practice.” “Oh? Going shopping?” Yaku asked. “Mm yes and no.” she shrugged. 
“Oh~? Is a date?” Kuroo teasingly asked. (Y/N) paused for a while as if in thought, giving a small smile as she spoke, “Yeah, if you think about it, kinda.”
 “Wait what.” Kuroo immediately went pale as did the rest of the team.
“EH?! (Y/N)-chan you’re going on a date?!” Lev asked, “With who??” Yaku followed up. (Y/N) frowned and reluctantly faced the door. “Mm, no! You guys are gonna get all weird if I tell you who the guy is. Besides it’s not like it’s a romantic date, I’m just showing him around..” Kuroo stumbled forward and grabbed (Y/N)’s shoulders. “Do we know him?!”
(Y/N) shook her head. “Ah, I mean yeah I guess you do but..” (Y/N) shook him off and opened the door, “If you guys are that worried we’re just gonna be in the plaza near the market. See you tomorrow.” the door closed.
Immediately after that action was done Kuroo turned around, “We’re going after her.” “Eh, why?” Kenma asked, “It’s her date we shouldn’t get involved.” “But what if something bad happens to her?” Kuroo shot back.
 “I think she’s smart enough to know when to flee a scene.” “I don’t like this either” Yaku frowned. “Me too!” Lev added in. “Argh, my sister just texted she needs help in doing the chores.” Taketora looked at his phone. “Okay! Lev, Yaku, Kenma and I will go!” Kuroo said standing up while grabbing Kenma’s hoodie. “What? But I said-” “Send in reports Kuroo-san!” Yamamoto yelled
“Oi, Samu, where are ya going?”
The silver-haired twin shrugged his brother off, “None of your business.” Kita walked into the living room and asked, “Osamu-kun, where are you going?” “Just out to the nearby plaza.” 
“Oh, so you respond to him you jerk.” Atsumu thought out loud. “Plaza? Why?” “Just meetin’ someone there, I won’t have dinner here, I’ll be back before 10:30.” and he left before the two could ask any more questions. 
“Going to meet someone? Who do you think it is?” Kita asked Atsumu, “Dunno, can’t be any relatives, we don’t have any here in Tok..oh my gosh.” Atsumu sat up in sudden realization and faced Kita and Aran who just walked in.
 “He’s going to meet the girl from Nekoma.” “The girl?” Aran asked. “Oh, you mean their manager, the one that you kissed and didn’t even apologize for which got us an earful from coach,” Kita spoke glaring at him. 
“Ya, ya , her.” Atsumu spoke unfazed. “I saw them talkin’ together a whole lot yesterday..she’s probably the one he’s meeting.” Aran smiled, “And why are you so worked up about it, Atsumu-kun?” Atsumu pouted, frowned and walked away to the shared room of the team, “I’m going out too.” “Don’t get caught,” Kita told him, not tearing his eyes away from the newspaper.
“I hope I’m not here too early..” he thought. He got off the train and made his way up the stairs that were outside the station. As he walked up the stairs he remembered, “Ah..I don’t think I got her number...what if I don’t find he-” 
“Osamu-kun!” a sweet voice interrupted his thoughts and he looked up to a girl smiling and waving at him. She was wearing a green beret on her head and her hair was parted to her left; a blue and white striped T-shirt that was covered by an unzipped white jacket, she wore a checkered skirt with brown shoes and white socks. 
It stunned Osamu for a brief moment. “Hey,” she said catching her breath, “Sorry, I’m really early to these things haha.” Osamu smiled and shook his head. “No worries, you look pretty.” 
‘What the hell did you just say,’
“Oh! Awe, really? Thanks! I just got this two days ago haha” she said smiling
‘Oh, she liked it’
“Well,” he started, trying his words, “where are we going, Ms. Tokyo?” (Y/N) giggled at the nickname, “Let’s go to the food stalls first! There’s this karaage chicken vendor that’s so so good!” The spiker nodded and followed her. While walking the two engaged in conversation, unaware that five other volleyball players were following them. 
“So, you don’t seem Japanese yet so speak it well, where are you from?” he asked. “Oh you noticed. I’m from  (country), I’m (nationality).” After they had gotten their food, (Y/N) hummed and took a small bite, and blew on it. “Cat’s tongue?” he observed while smirking.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes with her and jokingly elbowed him, only to earn laughter from the spiker. While munching on her chicken, (Y/N) asked. “Hey! There’s an amusement park here! You wanna go?” “Yeah sure, why not.” The pair threw their cups in a nearby trash bin, still unaware that they were being followed...well, the spiker had a hunch. 
This irked his mind and looked around, only to be pulled back to reality by (Y/N)’s voice. “We’re here,” (Y/N) spoke. Like a gentleman, Osamu paid for the tickets, even though the girl insisted. Once they were inside he turned to her. “So which one do you want to go to fir-” “Manager-chan!” 
‘I’m going to murder him.’ 
“Oh, M-miya-san!” (Y/N) said surprised, “What are you doing here?” “Yeah, what are you doing here, Sumu?” the younger twin emphasized. Not wanting to lose his cool in front of (Y/N), it took him every last nerve in his body to restrain him from beating the crap out of Atsumu. “Oh, I was just in the area and heard a pretty voice and decided to follow it.” winking at her. 
‘Don’t, Don’t, Don’t, Don’t, Don’t, Don’t-’
“Ah! (Y/N) you were meeting with them?!” 
‘You have literally got to be kidding me.’
“Kuroo?!” (Y/N) said now frowning, “What are you-” “(Y/N)-chan you’re okay!” “Lev?!” (Y/N) shook her head, “Okay is anyone else within the vicinity a volleyball player?!” Yaku and Kenma stepped out. (Y/N) put her hands on her cheeks, “You’ve gotta be kidding.” 
“Hmm, Nekoma’s captain..I thought you guys had a practice match.” Atsumu said, “And I thought you guys were too busy losing to still be here?” Kuroo challenged. The latter was engaged and the other three Nekoma boys had gotten distracted by a ride.
 Without saying a word, Osamu grabbed (Y/N) and swiftly pulled her through the crowd behind an empty booth. “Wha- Osamu-mmf” 
“Shh..” he whispered, covering her mouth with his hands.
 It was a very thin gap so the pair were much too close for “friends”. (Y/N) blushed in the process as he slowly removed his hand from her mouth. As if suddenly realizing what he’s done, he widened his eyes and stuttered. “O-oh my gosh, (Y-” he held back from saying her name, “I’m so so sorry.” 
(Y/N) laughed a bit and caught one of his wrists. Confused he just stared at her, an unkown certain heat slowly rising to his face. She didn’t say anything and only smiled and she ran out of the gap. 
They made their way through the crowds. Luckily the Ferris Wheel where she was headed to had a short line and she managed to get in a capsule as the door closed.
Once the two were in the capsule, they rested on opposite sides of the seat. “S-sorry, I saw them looking for us and this was the only solution,” she said laughing a bit. Osamu looked at her and kept silent; he rested his elbows on his thighs and bent his head down. 
“Osamu-kun?” When she had said that he brought a finger to her lips. “Osamu..just Osamu..” he breathed out. (Y/N) paused for a bit before returning the action of her finger on his lips. Taken aback the spiker looked and her as she smiled. 
“Then say my name.” 
“..what?” not moving from her original position she stated, “You haven’t said my name at all during this date.” The grey-haired teenager felt his heart race. 
‘She considered this a date?’
“Go on,” she encouraged. Unknowest to the both of them a string of sparks flew upwards and exploded right outside their capsule. Fireworks. 
This took (Y/N) by surprised as she yelped and instinctively threw herself and the nearest object to hold on to...which at that moment happened to be the spiker. She held herself to his chest, her eyes shut and Osamu leaned against the wall of the capsule in surprise, it took him a few second to figure out where to put his hands and after enough quick deliberation, decided on wrapping his arms around the girl who was sitting on his lap.
They were in that position for a good forty second before (Y/N) realized what position she was and pushed herself away but putting her hand on his chest, though still on his lap. “O-oh gosh, Osamu I’m so sorr-” 
He pulled her back to his chest, this time hugging her even tighter.
 He didn’t know how this would affect him after but right now he didn’t care, he was happy with this. “I like it..when you say my name..” his mouth that was now close to her ears muttered. She shuddered from the hot breath but relaxed soon after. “...(Y/N).” His doubts were eliminated as soon as he said that, as she hugged him even tighter and smiled to herself. 
They stayed like that in complete silence but both were happy. When the capsule finally arrived towards the lower levels, (Y/N) shifted herself away from the spiker and moved to sit beside him. “(Y/N)..” Osamu spoke. 
The manager would still get shudders every time he spoke her name. “I’m really glad I came to Tokyo, not just this but also for Nationals. I got to play so many more teams and it was honestly a once in a lifetime thing.” (Y/N) nodded, “Then I better see you next year as well,” Osamu gave a small smile and nodded back.
The pair had stepped out of the capsule only to find Atsumu waiting outside for them. “What the hell samu?! Why did you just leave-” “
That’s none of your concern, Tsum-Tsum.” he said putting a hand on his twins’ shoulder. He then looked behind and flashed a small smile at the girl, “Let’s go, (Y/N).”
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heads up, every osamu story i write is in the same universe, they’re kinda like continuations of each other hehe. its not necessary to read the others and these can be read individually, but i promise you its worth it at the end :D
this is story 1
story 2
story 3
story 4
story 5
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fantastikceo · 4 years
Haikyuu!! 4.Sezon Part 2 11
Haikyuu!! 4.Sezon Part 2 11
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