#haikyuu is awesome
hypermusiced · 2 months
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currently crazy obsessed with beybuniki’s bokuto design so i wanted to draw the silly too..
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haikyuu-moments · 3 months
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apparently-artless · 1 year
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DAY 19 of 30-DAY CHALLENGE HAPPY HAIKYUU DAY!! [8.19] dedicated to @xxnothingbutstrangerxx
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marcelineuntitled · 3 months
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silly little drawing of these two :))
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mo-im-wald · 2 months
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Can we please talk about Daichi being the oldest of five?! He is such a big brother.
This holds a special place in my heart. I am the oldest of four so I can feel his pain and joy XD
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I feel like he would be super gentle with his sisters and quite strickt with his brothers but maybe that’s just me projecting :D
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morgan-lowell · 2 months
Just thinking about everyone thinking “are the miyas gonna do the minus tempo back attack reverse again??” And Suguru Daisho being like “there’s no way they’d do the minus tempo back attack reverse again, too risky” and the miyas all like “we might just do the minus tempo back attack reverse again” and Kita thinking “they’re definitely gonna do it again” BUT THEN Osamu says “SIKE!!” And sets to Aran and Kita just smiles
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nartml · 3 months
Daichi is ridiculously slept on, and easily one of, if not the most, underappreciated character in the show.
I think, by this point, and because of the countless times it has been stated, most people understand that he's the backbone of his team.
But I get the feeling, that most people think this statement is true because of his numerous, incredible receives, which have saved karasuno's ass more times than I can count.
And it is.
But it's so much more than that.
Daichi was there since day one. And that made all the difference.
Yes, Suga and Asahi were also there, but the thing is, I don't think that they would've been able to build up the enthusiastic, optimistic environment that welcomed the new first years in the beginning of the show.
When Daichi first came to Karasuno, because he, much like Hinata, had seen them on TV, the team was nonexistent.
Nobody particularly cared about volleyball in the same way that Daichi did.
Not even the captain at the time, who, despite proclaiming that they'd make it to nationals, never seemed to put in the extra work required to actually do so.
Daichi, however, made the first step when he looked the others in the eye and begged them to let him stay and practice more.
Asahi and Suga immediately joined in, but to this day, I don't know if they would've been the ones to ask first, had Daichi not been there.
It was made clear that they'd all be the only ones who practiced and practiced after hours, every day, and kept it up even though everyone else thought it was entirely pointless.
Daichi found Kiyoko, hoping she'd accept to be the club manager.
Daichi took on the role of the coach, at least with Suga and Asahi, who were more than inspired by his fierce love for the game, and his insistence that it was up to them to make something of Karasuno.
Because he knew that there was no way it would become great again if they only cried about how they're not talented enough, and waited around for the day when greatness just fell back into their laps.
His passion spread to everyone on the team, but of course, by the time the rest of the guys started caring, it was far too late.
Regardless, his determination, along with his amazing people skills, definitely inspired the new first years, especially Tanaka and Nishinoya.
Two guys that are undoubtedly skilled, and share their love for this sport with their upperclassmen.
Together they practiced, and honed their skills, and ultimately built up the team that would welcome the volleyball idiots, and two other good, but neutral towards the game, players.
Were it not for Daichi's relentless effort, especially during the moments where it seemed woefully pointless, Karasuno would have never achieved everything that it did; both during and after Daichi, Suga, and Asahi.
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izufeels · 1 month
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tsuumei · 2 years
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Thank you for 2022!!! There was so much that happened and not enough art 🥹🥹 but here we are in the new year!! 2023 LETS GOOO!!! ONTO MORE ART AND MORE SPICE! 🌶️🌶️🔥🔥🔥
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infinitemilk · 1 month
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zentriii · 4 months
Most of the time? Atsumu's just a guy who acts before he thinks. Doesn't think before he acts. However that saying goes.
What feels good? What's easiest? What does he want?
Those aren't questions he writes down like life's an exam. They're simple urges that guide his actions during a typical day. He’s not a fan of overthinking the details.
He's been doing well enough for himself, so why fix what's not broken?
Unfortunately for Atsumu, there are times when this goes around to bite him in the ass. Covered in flour and three seconds away from screaming, well, he's shaking his fist at his past self again.
He sets the bag down onto the counter and peers in- great. Just what he was hoping for, there's not enough left.
Atsumu kicks the small pile of flour that was making itself comfortable laying on his feet and puts his thinking cap on. He’d wallow for a bit, but it’s too late at night for him to feel frustrated for long. It’s already half gone, slipping through him like a ghost. What's next?
Staring forlornly at the spilt four, he knows he has to throw it out. Sure the floor looks clean, but he hasn't swept in a week or mopped in. Actually, he's not finishing that thought. In too long's good enough.
He quickly sweeps up and takes a wet cloth for the bits that were left. Atsumu didn’t have the energy to chase the stubborn line the spade leaves behind forever. The recipe called for two cups of flour and he knows from just the look of it, there's not enough left. Fuck.
Alright so he needs flour. That's his solution. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with any steps he's willing to take.
Atsumu can feel the flour under his clothes, there isn't a damn way in hell he's going out in public looking like a hot mess. And honestly, it's the middle of the night. The clock above the stove helpfully supplies the time and puts the final nail in the coffin, 4:23AM. Even if there's a place open, it's nowhere near close enough. Not only would their PR manager have a fit if he got caught, he'd get clowned on by everyone until the day he dies for it. His friends and family don’t need that sort of ammo on him, they’ve already got enough as it is.
Atsumu shakes some of the flour out of his hair, if he's lucky one of the college students across the hall should be awake. It's midterm season, if his brother's grumbling over their last call is reliable. He stares mournfully at his apartment’s door. Hopefully the friendly one answers, because he's not looking forward to explaining himself to the one with the death glare.
The one with the death glare opens the door because of course the gods were laughing at Atsumu, of course they were. The words he had prepared die on his throat but thankfully Tall, Dark, and Brooding doesn't give the silence time to become awkward.
“Can I help you?” Grumpy-san asks, attempting to incinerate Atsumu with his eyes alone. Sadly for the poor guy, Osamu's been trying to do the same since the moment he came out of the womb, Atsumu's immune.
“D’you have any flour by chance?” Atsumu asks sheepishly, playing up the charm. He gestures vaguely to the mess on himself, “I kinda had a bit of an accident in the kitchen.”
“I can see,” The man drawls, not giving Atsumu an inch.
“What do you even need it for at,” he glances at his phone, “four-thirty in the morning.”
The Man with Moles glares at him, like he's a ten year old inconveniencing his teacher by asking to use the washroom.
“I'm baking cookies, would ya like some when they're done?” His voice is saccharine and his smile fake. Atsumu hopes his neighbour doesn't take him up on the offer. Who would want to spend more time with a guy that looks like he could make you shit yourself if he tries? So obviously, the hot stranger agrees.
“Are you going to poison them?” He asks Atsumu, and interrupts before he can answer, “Actually no, I don't care. They just better not taste like shit.”
He slams the door in Atsumu's face, which, rude, but gives Atsumu a chance to process what the fuck just happened. Ah well, a few cookies is a small price to pay, maybe he could even weasel a name out of Eye Bags for Days, it’s getting tough to keep coming up with names for him. A small part of him is offended at the lack of trust in his baking skills, but he’s aware of how he looks right now. Atsumu wouldn’t trust a stranger in sweats, knocking at his door at ass-o-clock, asking for flour cause he got it all over himself.
The door opens as abruptly as it closed, and a container of flour finds it way into Atsumu’s hands, damn, Curly Hair works fast. “Don’t come by again for another 10 hours at least. Good night.”
With that he nods a goodbye and Atsumu still feels stuck reeling. His Ma raised him with manners though, even if he deigns to ignore them most of the time, so he chirps a quick, “Thanks! Ya saved my life.”
His gratitude is sincere, his words, less so. It doesn’t matter much as his fellow insomniac’s eyes are bleary with sleep. Glaring must be exhausting. He grumbles something Atsumu can’t pick up, and closes the door, Atsumu takes that as a courteous you’re welcome or anytime, even if he’s not tired enough to actually believe it. The guy should’ve spoken more clearly if he didn’t want people putting words into his mouth.
Still mostly dusted in flour, Atsumu walks back to his place. A little lighter with the container of flour weighing him down, a little nervous to see the man again, a little annoyed at his curt responses. At least he’s interesting, Atsumu can’t stand boring people. He’ll just overlook the guy’s prickliness as sleep deprivation, he’s a kind guy like that.
updated vers on ao3
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gansey-like · 4 months
haikyuu!! dumpster battle was so good!! i loved the animation. the pov shots following the ball were super cool and obviously unique to the movie. definitely not something they could've feasibly done in an episode format.
i haven't reread the manga in a while (though i'll for sure be reading again tonight), but the main thing that stood out to me was missing the coaches backstory. i think that was a reasonable exclusion all things considered.
i LOVED kenma and hinata's "we're just friends" while holding knives to each other's throats. that was a great execution of an iconic panel. kuroo and tsukki's banter was top tier along with bokuto's commentary! the cameo's of lots of characters really made me smile.
i'm for sure worried how they plan to wrap it all up in just one more movie...i was really hoping this film might cover just a few more chapters...we'll see!
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freakurodani · 1 year
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scary-monsters · 6 months
i am once again expressing my gratitude towards the wide range of artists who drew diego years and years ago 🙏🏻 digging through the tag when i need to fill my queue is such a treat, seeing everyone's different interpretations of him and everything is just SO FUN
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marcelineuntitled · 3 months
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i was planning on doing something else with this composition-wise, but now i don't think i will, so here!
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karlyboyyy · 2 years
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The intensity in their eyes, man… *shivers*
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