#haikyuu angsr
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hihello-pinky ¡ 3 years ago
After dating for six years, Miya Atsumu is beginning to have reservations about his relationship with Sakusa Kiyoomi.
Atsumu x Sakusa, post timeskip Warnings: one mention of sex, nothing else
Listen to Honestly by Monsta X (Narr. by Sistar's Dasom) while reading. Maybe look up the lyrics after.
Originally posted on AO3. Read below if you don’t want to redirect there haha.
The day Atsumu Miya asked Kiyoomi Sakusa out, he was nervous to the point that he almost puked. He never felt that nervous before; never before a volleyball match, never whenever their parents scolded him and Osamu for staying out late. So, when the curly-haired man agreed to go on a date with him, the relief that washed over Atsumu was as big as an ocean. One date prompted another one and another and another… until one night, after watching a movie about best friends loving each other but never finding the right chance through the years, Sakusa asked Atsumu if he would like to come inside his apartment. Atsumu was elated. Who was he to decline? Thus, the dates escalated to sleepovers and sooner than later, the two made their relationship official. The sound of his phone chiming catches Atsumu’s attention, breaking him out of his trip down memory lane. [ keiji said yes! ] It’s from his brother Osamu. Tonight’s the night he planned to propose to his boyfriend, Akaashi Keiji. Atsumu remembers how his twin had been nervous, afraid that his boyfriend will say no. It’s his brother’s proposal that made him think back on his own relationship in the first place. He quickly typed a response. [ congrats, bro – from the best man (in all aspects) ] Osamu and Akaashi, after meeting shortly after they graduated from college, began dating when they were twenty-five, three years after Atsumu and Kiyoomi became a couple. When his brother had brought the proposal up, Atsumu inwardly sighed. He already knew that their family and friends will start asking him questions. You’re the older twin, aren’t you supposed to get engaged first? You and Kiyoomi are dating longer, are you really not ready to tie the knot yet? Atsumu groans at the thought. He reminds himself that his problem is not about Osamu. It’s Kiyoomi. For, despite dating for the last six years, he can’t see a future with Kiyoomi. He looks at his laptop screen, brightness turned into the lowest setting, afraid that someone might see what he’s Googling: How to break up with your boyfriend of six years? Atsumu cannot remember when he had stopped feeling a rush of emotions whenever Kiyoomi looked at him. He cannot remember the last time he truly felt happy spending time with the man. Hell, even when it came to fucking, his orgasms take too long to come. So here he is, in the living room of the apartment he rented with Kiyoomi, in the middle of the night, searching for ways on how to break up with the man sleeping peacefully in their shared bedroom. He had told Hinata about it but the younger man only shrieked in alarm, saying it’s a mistake, that maybe it’s just a rough patch; he shouldn’t make rash decisions. But rough patches are supposed to be two-sided. Atsumu can tell that Kiyoomi is still stupidly in love with him. But he, he wants to leave. After all, what’s the purpose of staying in a relationship when you’re no longer happy?
The next morning, the smell of freshly baked toast wakes Atsumu up. He almost sighs; of course, Kiyoomi just had to recreate the first breakfast they had when they moved in together. He takes his sweet time stretching before going to their bathroom and as he sees every day since living with Kiyoomi, his face wash and toothbrush are already waiting to be used. Atsumu smiles at the gesture, trying to search within him the familiar wave of happiness that kept visiting him for months after they began cohabiting. Empty. He can’t feel anything at his boyfriend’s action. He quickly finishes up in the bathroom before going out to meet his boyfriend. “Good morning, sweets,” Kiyoomi greets, bringing a glass of freshly made orange juice to the square table. Atsumu looks at his boyfriend whose arms are open for a hug. When he first met the man, he never thought he’d see this side of him. Kiyoomi Sakusa had been a stoic man and while most days he remains his unbothered self in front of others, Atsumu had crawled his way inside the man’s heart and soul. Kiyoomi Sakusa was a tough shell to crack but Atsumu managed to do it. Maybe now that he’s unraveled everything inside the man who had captured his attention that first time he attended Nationals in his high school year, Atsumu is lost. Still, he moves closer to the man and hugs him back, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. “Morning, sweets.” They take their places at the dining table and begin to eat. Kiyoomi rants about a distant relative’s eighteenth birthday that Komori is forcing him to attend. In the past, whenever Kiyoomi tells stories or just rants like how he’s doing right now, Atsumu listens with delight. But now he’s just nodding along. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel nothing when I see you. He doesn’t let the thoughts escape his mouth. Instead, he says, “Osamu finally proposed to Akaashi.” Kiyoomi’s brow perks up in interest. “Bokuto is probably going to throw a fit at practice. Something about how his best friend is all grown up now. Remind me to steer clear from him.” Atsumu almost smiles. He takes a long time to drink from his glass, wondering what his boyfriend must be thinking. Though Kiyoomi has never made anything remotely suggestive about marriage, he knew it must have crossed the curly-haired man’s mind at least once. After all, the man mentioned to him that he dates not for fun. Sakusa Kiyoomi is a man who dates to marry. And what about Atsumu? Sure, he can picture himself as a husband in the future, taking care of kids, just doing whatever the hell husbands and dads like to do. But the thing is, he just can’t find it in his heart to care about it at the moment. There are just too many things to focus on, surely, love can wait, right? “So, when’s the party?” Kiyoomi’s question brings Atsumu back to their table. “What makes you think there’s a party?” The only response of his lover is a “duh” stare and this time, Atsumu actually laughs. “I don’t know yet… maybe next weekend.” “Okay,” Kiyoomi says, “I’ll save the date.” Atsumu doesn’t reply and they finish their breakfast in silence.
Atsumu is a loud person himself so being teammates with Bokuto is like having a taste of his own medicine on a daily basis. As soon as he entered the gym, the older man goes towards him, his arms wide open. “’Tsumu! Akaashi is getting married!” “I know very well, Bokuto-san,” he replies. “As far as I remember, it’s my brother who asked to marry him.” Bokuto laughs. “I can’t believe it! What gifts should I get them?” Atsumu raises an eyebrow. “There’s no wedding yet, why are you fretting about a gift?” “Well, there is going to be an engagement party, right? I should impress the couple so I’ll be the best man.” “Sorry to break it to you, Bokuto-san, but I think Atsumu is going to be the best man,” Kiyoomi interjects as he passes by the two of them. “Sakusa!” Bokuto whines as he begins walking towards the center of the gym. “There can be two best men!” “Eh?” Hinata joins them. “Then you’re going to be ‘better’ men, not best. Isn’t best a superlative word?” Bokuto makes a face at the bright-haired man. “So now you know your English, Shoyou?” The remark makes them laugh. Atsumu meets Kiyoomi’s eyes. During other times, he would wink at his lover but the moment their eyes meet, Atsumu’s laughter dies down and he awkwardly looks away, missing the confusion on Kiyoomi’s face. Practice was uneventful. Atsumu’s serves are as good as they can be. Sakusa played as great as ever. Ever since they began dating, the two have established that they would act professionally around each other during practices and games. No PDA, no special treatments. So far, the two have succeeded in making their relationship separate from work. Which is why Atsumu is surprised when Meian asks him to stay behind after practice. “What it is, captain?” The older man is sweating and Atsumu feels a little bitter about how he still managed to look good, the beads of sweat only making him manlier. “Are you and Sakusa having problems?” “Huh?” “I don’t know,” Meian says. “I noticed you barely set for him; I can even go as far to say that you’re avoiding him.” Atsumu lets out a shaky laugh. “I don’t know what you want me to say.” “You’re two of the best players of this team,” Meian says matter-of-factly. “I just don’t want your personal relations to get in the way. Whatever issues you’re having, I hope you can work it out.” Maybe it’s the tiredness, maybe it’s the way Meian spoke so kindly, that Atsumu broke. “I’m having thoughts of breaking up with him.” The moment the words leave his mouth, Atsumu wants to take them back. It’s as if saying the words make them real. His captain masks his reaction under a neutral expression. “And why do you want to break up?” Atsumu shrugs. “I just don’t feel anything when I’m with him anymore. No more excitement, no more thrill. I’m starting to get bored.” At that, Meian laughs. “So, because you’re over the honeymoon phase, you want to end things? A relationship is not always rainbows and fun, Atsumu. There will be dull and still days. Have you brought this up to Sakusa?” His only answer is a guilty look, making his captain sigh. “Look, don’t make rash decisions based on your emotions, or lack of it. Think back to what Sakusa and your relationship mean to you.” Atsumu thanks Meian before joining the rest of the team in the lockers. He changes into his spare clothes while Sakusa waited for him, already packed up. Living close to the gym, the two has made it a habit to take showers at home. On the ride home, Atsumu steals glances at his boyfriend and he gets called out for it. “Please focus on the road while driving,” Kiyoomi says while his eyes are focused on his phone. Atsumu clears his throat. “Are you not going to ask me?” “What?” “Why captain asked me to stay behind after today’s practice.” “Is it any of my business?” It’s an innocent question and Atsumu feels guilty because Kiyoomi is right. Whatever problem Atsumu is having, he brought it upon himself. Kiyoomi is only a victim of his indecisiveness. “No,” he replies. Kiyoomi surprises him with a gentle touch on his arm. Atsumu shoots him a look and the man smiles at him. “If you need to talk about anything, you know I’m here, right?” Atsumu nods without saying anything, letting the guilt envelope his heart.
Osamu looks so happy. As he watches his brother bring up a linked hand with Akaashi in front of the party, Atsumu wonders if that’s how he looks like to other people when he’s happy. It’s been a week since the engagement and as much as he wanted to skip the celebration, he couldn’t come up with an excuse not to attend. So here he was, forcing a smile whenever someone jokingly brings up how he’s next in line to get engaged. As the engaged couple gets whisked around the room by friends and relatives, Atsumu clears his throat, ready to tell Kiyoomi that they should be heading home soon. But before he can say anything, his paternal grandparents take the vacant seats at their table. Atsumu inwardly groans, he’s been avoiding them in particular throughout the evening. “Well, it’s my first grandson and his boyfriend,” his grandfather says with a hint of resentment in his voice. When Atsumu came out to the family, the old man had been angry, saying something about how he’s the first grandson and how he should continue the family lineage. He found it unfair, because the old man had been accepting of Osamu when he came out a year before. Damn expectations about first grandsons. If only Osamu was born seven minutes earlier… Atsumu forces a smile. “Hi, Gramps and Grams. Long time, no see.” “You’re not visiting us anymore, Atsumu,” his grandmother says softly. “I miss you two.” Where his grandfather is resentful, his grandmother is accepting. After all, he has known that his grandfather’s favorite is Osamu while his grandmother favors him a little bit more. He watches as Kiyoomi leans across the table to kiss his grandmother’s cheek. “We’ve been busy these past few months but we’ll make sure to visit once we’re off-season.” A smile at him. “Right, sweets?” “Yes,” he agrees, but he cannot help but hear his Gramps mutter something under his breath. As it turns out, all three of them did not miss it, for his Grams glares at her husband. “Will you stop? You’re being unfair to Atsumu. You’re all supportive towards his brother but you’re acting like this towards him and his boyfriend. Can’t you see how much our grandson is madly in love with Kiyoomi? Should I be honest? Atsumu thinks as he hears the last sentence. Grams, honestly… I’m not sure if I’m still in love with Kiyoomi. He decides to keep his mouth shut as he listens to his Gramps repeat his speech about being the first grandson in the family. Below the table, Atsumu feels Kiyoomi’s hand searching for his. He contemplates distancing his but he remembers Meian’s words from last week. He meets Kiyoomi’s hand and intertwines their fingers together. He feels a squeeze, and he’s surprised how the gesture still manages to calm him, even a little bit. His grandfather’s reply surprises him. “Of course, I can see!” The man lowers voice as he looks straight at Atsumu. “He loves him so much and it’s a slap to my face that my first grandson won’t bring me children that are my blood. Of course, I will soon come to terms that he’s in love with a fellow man. But as long as they’re not married yet, I will keep acting disgruntled.” The old man’s wife giggles and even Kiyoomi tries to stifle a laugh. Atsumu looks around the table. Are his grandfather’s cheeks actually reddening up? In embarrassment? The three then turn their eyes on him. He shrugs. “What can I do? I got Gramps’ hardheadedness so who am I to complain?” That evening, on the drive home, Atsumu gets surprised when Kiyoomi raises a question. “So, your Gramps says he’ll only approve us once we get married.” Atsumu gulps. Should I be honest? “Kiyoomi, honestly–” “’Tsumu,” his lover interrupts him. “I noticed it tonight. You’re uncomfortable whenever someone brings up marriage to you.” He cannot fathom from the voice and tone what the other man is feeling. “And what do you feel about me being uncomfortable?” The question hangs in the air and Atsumu almost gets distracted from driving. He’s about to follow up on it when Kiyoomi finally answers. “Honestly? I’m just trying to convince myself that your discomfort roots from the idea of marriage itself, not the idea of marrying me. You never really told me how you feel about marriage but I know I told you, at the beginning of our relationship, that I only date to marry. “You continued to pursue me, and we’re on our sixth year, going on seven, so it’s either you changed your idea about marriage or you changed your heart about me.” When he doesn’t respond, Kiyoomi laughs – Atsumu’s favorite sound – and says, “Foolish of me to think of that, right? Why am I even doubting your love for me?” Luckily enough, they already arrived at their parking. Atsumu turns the engine off and faces his boyfriend. “Kiyoomi, honestly…” he trails off as he looks at the man and a rush of emotions comes to him. It’s as if he hasn’t really looked at him for a long time now. It’s as if it’s the first time he’s seeing him. Wrapped around Kiyoomi’s right wrist is the beaded bracelet that he had gifted him for their first anniversary. He senses the faint smell of his favorite perfume on the man, and as he looks at the phone that the man is holding, Atsumu’s heart almost jumps. It’s a clear case, with a polaroid of them at the back. Realization dawns upon Atsumu: He cannot bear to lose Sakusa Kiyoomi in his life. The thought alone scares him. Why did he even think of separating with him? He clears his throat as he feels the heat building up behind his eyes. “Honestly, Kiyoomi, I’m the foolish one.” A fool for having thoughts of breaking up with you. A fool for taking you for granted during the past few weeks. A fool… “Atsumu?” His name being called by Kiyoomi’s gentle voice breaks Atsumu out of his thoughts. “Yes?” He receives a confused look. “You were saying you’re the foolish one and then you spaced out.” “Sorry. It’s just… never mind…” Kiyoomi inches closer to him and before the man can stretch his arm, Atsumu reaches for his hand. He clasps their fingers together; his thumb immediately begins to rub circles on the back of his lover’s hand. They’re quiet for a while, just sitting together in the car, enveloped by silence. “What are you thinking?” Kiyoomi finally asks. That it’s not yet the end, Atsumu thinks as he looks down at their intertwined hands under the dim lights. I’m sorry for entertaining the thoughts of leaving you. I hope I remember how it is to be in love with you. Atsumu leans across the small space between them and plants a soft kiss on Kiyoomi’s temple. “I’m thinking we should watch one of our go-to good movies.” Kiyoomi hums. “The Proposal or Notting Hill?” A kiss on his other temple. “The Proposal.” “Okay. ‘Tsumu?” “Yeah?” “I love you.”
Atsumu smiles at Kiyoomi before planting a kiss on his forehead. His pulls his lips a few millimeters away before whispering something to Kiyoomi, causing his lover’s arms to wrap around him.
I just got inspired by Monsta X's song, Honestly, and went ahead and wrote something about it.
If you're too lazy to look up the lyrics: it's basically about a man's thoughts of how he doesn't love his partner anymore, and the partner remaining oblivious at the time. It becomes hopeful towards the end as the man realizes it's foolish of him to think of those thoughts, so he goes on feeling guilty. At the end, when his partner asks him about what's on his mind, he says he's thinking of nothing and proceeds to ask them out to a movie.
I hope you still liked it!
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dqrkerstqrs ¡ 4 years ago
truth or drink!
this is based off the cut’s truth or drink series!!
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oikawa : hi!
you : hi, uh- my name’s y/n.
oikawa : i’m oikawa, and we… met on tinder.
you send a death glare in his direction and oikawa smiles sheepishly. as this happens, the text that hovers above the two of you says, ‘these “friends” will ask each other a set of random questions. they can either answer the question or take a shot.’
oikawa : i'm jokiiing- stop looking at me like that-
you : we met in high school.
[are you… friends with benefits?]
you : yeah.
[what does that mean?]
oikawa : we’re best friends. but we also fu-
you step on his toes immediately, making him wince and pause in the middle of his sentence.
oikawa : ow, ow, fine- we sleep with each other.
[how often do you sleep with each other?]
you : next question-
oikawa : every day. they just can’t get enough of me-
he sends a wink to the camera while you groan.
you : tooru, stop exaggerating this or i swear-
oikawa : you wanna go first?
you shake your head, motioning for oikawa to take a card.
you : no, you go.
oikawa hums, his knees bumping into yours when he shifts in his seat and reads out the card.
oikawa : hm… what should we call our relationship?
you : um… we’re friends, i guess?
oikawa : best friends.
you :
oikawa : that fu- sleep with each other.
you narrow your eyes.
you : did you really have to add the best friends part?
his brown, fluffy hair bounces as he nods.
you : … i don’t know what you’re talking about, iwaizumi’s my best friend.
you stick your tongue out at him. oikawa shakes his head in denial.
oikawa : they’re lying. we’re best friends.
you roll your eyes playfully. widening his grin, oikawa knows he has won when he sees you try to fight off a small smile.
you : next question.
oikawa : your turn.
you : oh… this one-
oikawa chuckles at the groan you let out.
you : let’s just drink.
oikawa : nooo, what’s the question anyways?
you avert your focus on oikawa, who was blinking way too innocently for your liking. you furrow your eyebrows at him. he smiles with an eyebrow raised.
you : on the count of three, name who likes who more in this relationship?
he snorts, attempting to pass it off as a cough. you grumble under your breath.
oikawa : isn’t it obvious?
you : i hate you.
oikawa : it’s clearly y-
you : no, wait- ugh, fine. let’s just say it on the count of three.
oikawa : fine. one.
you : two.
oikawa : three.
you and oikawa : you.
oikawa has a gleaming white smile carved onto his face while you fold your arms and huff in annoyance.
you : see-
oikawa : well… you did confess to me that one time-
you : i was drunk!
oikawa : well, you know what they say, drunk minds speak sober minds.
you :
oikawa : you even told me how hot you think i am~
oikawa leans forward and rests his chin on the palm of his hand.
you: well- uh- well, i wasn’t the one that got jealous of iwaizumi!
you flick his forehead.
oikawa : ow-
he flinches and moves away to lean against the back of his chair.
oikawa : i mean, to be fair i didn’t know you and iwa are that close to each other!
you recall the amount of times iwaizumi has comforted you whenever you see oikawa leave parties with someone else that’s not you. you purse your lips as the memories come rushing in, unaware of how oikawa’s grumbling under his breath.
you : we are close to each other! you’re just never there when we talk.
oikawa’s jaw slackens. you laugh softly, quickly pushing the memories to the back of your mind before it brings your mood down.
oikawa : you guys hang out without me?
you : yes? why, are you jealous?
you smirk at him before turning to the camera. you miss the flustered expression on his face that was gone within a second.
you : he’s so jealous.
oikawa : am not!
oikawa : so…
y/n : so…?
oikawa : this one’s interesting.
you tilt your head, wordlessly asking him to read out the question.
oikawa : does it hurt your feelings when i sleep with other people that aren’t you?
your eyes widen a fraction.
you : … does it hurt your feelings?
oikawa : no, it’s my question. you answer.
you : um…
you avoid his eyes, opting to look down at your shoes that are sandwiched in between his.
you : it might, i guess.
oikawa : … you guess?
you : i mean, i’d definitely hate it if you were hooking up with your ex. you know how much i hated them.
both of you wince at the memory of his toxic ex, and oikawa scratches the back of his neck sheepishly.
you : you should’ve-
oikawa : i know. i should’ve listened to you.
you : mhm.
oikawa : well, i’m not hooking up with anyone else.
you : you’re… not?
oikawa : it’s, uh… it’s been a while.
you look back up just in time to see him shrug.
[ask him when was the last time he slept with someone other than you.]
you : oh, uh, when was the last time you slept with someone other than me?
oikawa : uh…
you notice how oikawa’s avoiding your eyes.
you : was it… recent?
oikawa : it was last summer, i think. so, no? not recent?
[were they cuter than y/n?]
you briefly glance at the director, nervous of what oikawa’s about to say. to your relief, he shakes his head.
you : … no?
oikawa : no.
you : this one…
you blink at the words before you, rereading it mentally over and over again.
oikawa : what is it?
oikawa leans forward onto his elbows, adjusting the glasses that rest on the tip of his nose. you swat away the hand that tried to reach for your card.
you : where… is the weirdest place we had sex?
oikawa : oh, definitely th-
you : NO, tooru-
oikawa : what-
you : we’re drinking.
oikawa sighs in faux disappointment. you stare daggers at him, and he pretends he doesn’t see. you step on his shoes again for his attention, and the yelp he lets out elicits laughter from the crew. the shot cuts to both of oikawa pouring you a shot of liquor and both of you downing the shot.
oikawa : … it was fun, though.
you : shut. up.
oikawa : would you have a threeway with me?
pausing from rearranging the cards that were haphazardly strewn across the table, you hum in thought.
you : sure.
not expecting the straightforward answer, oikawa almost chokes on his own spit.
you : what?
oikawa : you’re joking… right?
you : … yeah? duh? it’s not like i’ll reveal the answer in front of these cameras.
oikawa : o-oh. yeah. okay.
you : were you… expecting me to say yes…?
oikawa : no. definitely not.
you blink at him when he answers a bit too fast. he blinks back at you. a few moments pass, and oikawa clears his throat to get rid of the unnamed tension in the air.
oikawa : so… we’re drinking to this one?
you : um… yeah.
both of you down the shot in awkward silence. you don’t think about how it’s probably not the alcohol that’s painting his face red.
you take one of the last two cards in front of you.
you : oh! i’ve actually been wanting to ask him this myself.
oikawa : hm?
you : so, tooru… when are you going to introduce me to your parents?
oikawa scratches his chin in contemplation.
you : they’d love me, y’know?
you grin playfully. oikawa smiles, and the sincerity behind it throws you off.
oikawa : they probably would. even my sister loves you.
you : oh, i know. once she told me that she’d replace you for me with no hesitation.
oikawa : that was so uncalled for-
you laugh. oikawa smiles. you think it’s from the memory, but it’s really from the sound of your laughter.
oikawa : whatever, takeru’s on my side.
you glance at the cameras with a knowing look on your face. oikawa silently watches you as you mouth ‘no, he’s not’ to the camera, the corners of his lips tugging upwards at the sight.
you : so?
oikawa : … huh?
you : when are you introducing me to your parents?
oikawa : oh.
you :
oikawa : when you date me.
taken by surprise, your mouth forms an ‘o’. oikawa laughs.
you : that’s- that’s foul! i wasn’t expecting that- stop laughing!
[what makes your relationship that much different from someone who says they’re in a committed relationship?]
you : well… hm…
oikawa : it’s not that much different, to be honest.
you : actually, yeah.
oikawa : the difference is just that one of us wouldn’t commit.
oikawa stares at you pointedly. you purse your lips.
you : i… i don’t know… well, i was young. and insecure. and he had fans that i don’t wanna mess with. has, actually. so i just thought it’d be bad if we got into a relationship.
oikawa : … thought?
you :
oikawa : you thought it’d be bad? so… you don’t think so anymore?
you : … keep that up and it’s gonna change to think.
oikawa raises his hands up in defense. this time, oikawa lets you see the sincere (you’re not sure but, lovesick, perhaps) smile he has been sporting every time you’re turned away from him.
you : last one?
your head whips to the crew standing behind the cameras. they nod in response.
oikawa : my turn, right?
you : mhm.
oikawa takes the last card. his eyes scan the words before him, before looking up and boring a hole into your skill with his gaze.
oikawa : do you love me?
you :
oikawa :
you : yeah.
oikawa :
you : yeah, of course.
oikawa : like, in a… i-want-to-be-your-significant-other kind of way or…
you : do you… want me to be…?
oikawa : did i not make that clear enough?
silence hangs heavy on your shoulders, and you look away from his intense stare. you blame the two shots of alcohol for the sudden surge of boldness in oikawa’s behavior.
you : at least… at least take me out on a proper date first–
oikawa : okay, then it’s settled. i’m picking you up this friday. okay?
you finally muster up the courage to look back at him.
you : … okay.
it’s silent for a few seconds, but it’s not like last time. it’s comfortable. warm. you return oikawa’s smile.
oikawa : did we just have our ‘the fault in our stars’ moment?
you : that’s it, you ruined it.
loud laughter from the crew is heard as the scene fades to black. the director shouts ‘it’s a wrap!’ as oikawa apologizes a multitude of times, telling you he’ll treat you for a week in exchange for your forgiveness. you forgive him. oikawa shouts ‘yes!’, clamping a hand over his mouth when he realizes he’s being too loud, and you laugh at his antics.
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special cut!!!
oikawa : read the last booty call i sent you.
you : oh my god.
you pick up your phone that has been sitting on your lap, sighing.
you : see, here’s the thing about oikawa tooru.
oikawa chuckles.
you : he doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to these things. he just… straight up tells you what he wants.
you scroll through the endless sea of chat bubbles, looking for the texts that he sent a few days ago. and when you finally found the text you were looking for, you look back to oikawa’s expectant eyes.
you : are you sure you want me to read this?
oikawa nods, pressing his lips together to stifle the laughter bubbling up his throat. you look at the director.
you : i think you might have to bleep this out…
[that’s okay. let’s hear it.]
you take a deep breath.
you : keep in mind i was at work when he sent this. okay-
you clear your throat.
you : tuesday, 1 pm. can i come over tonight? i want you to-
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i hope you liked it!! i’ve been inspired by so many amazing writers on here like @kybabi and @bellesowl​ so don’t forget to check their blogs out too!
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