#hahahaha omg I'm dying he's so stupid i love him
dear-mrs-otome · 1 year
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Silvio, in Emma's POV: I was out late drinking. For business. Business.
Silvio, in his own POV (AKA in actuality): drowning his sorrows and getting called out by local bartender after Emma told him to move out
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lutawolf · 1 year
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 4
If you haven't read the others, they can be found here.
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Ahhh, nothing gets me going like a sub wearing what their Dom picked out. That subtle ownership. Why yes, I do pick out all my husband's clothes except the dreaded work clothes. I refuse to take the blame for those tacky things.
Right off, we can easily see that this is not an M/s situation. The fact that Segasaki is asking Yoh what he wants to do, tells us exactly what we need to know. Yoh is explaining what he is going to do. That is not something a slave would ever even think to do. We can easily tell that he is a subby sub though, cause when Segasaki brings out the Dom, Yoh eases back.
OMG, that chin grab! @bl-bam-beyond pretty please gif that chin grab.
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That chin grab with the "No." Ugh, how all my lovely subs doing? Are you still here? Have you been able to finish the show? Or are you stuck here on rewind?
Yoh actually questions Segasaki as to why not. Anybody still thinking Yoh a slave? Cause not to be rude, I can't fix stupid. This boy, a brat. Fuck, this whole scene is really showcasing their dynamic. "But we made a promise." "Tell her that you can't go anymore. Do it. Do you even know why you are in this house." And once again, we're back at the misunderstanding stage.
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A fangirl, I see. OMG, this is adorable. Yoh is like, sure. Let's look at the tie of my Dom, bestie.
Yoh calling with Segasaki standing over him. This episode is killing me in the best possible way. Don't revive me! (No! I have not taken my ADHD meds, don't judge me!) "I was ordered to stay home." Hahahaha! Then the ahhhh, after he tells her that he will make it up to her. Letting you know he was likely just punished by Segasaki. Yes, my mind went here.
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Then the reward of the head pat, "you did good."
She showed up to check on him! Woot! Haha, she is about to find out who is boyfriend is. Hahaha. I'm dying. Meanwhile, his boyfriend is like, "guess it's time for a face off." Ya'll I'm not okay. I'm laughing so hard.
And Yoho stepped over a line and got put in his place. But he is too busy having a crisis to care! 🤣🤣🤣 Her face is my favorite.
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That effortless lie. He wasn't feeling well. Uh huh. I love these two dumbass friends. I need sake too!!! I'm dying. Shit, I can't breathe through the laughter.
Now it's Yoh's turn to be jealous. Ahh, he got drunk and fell asleep on the floor. The places we find comfortable when we are drunk.
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Nope, he doesn't want to go to the bed. I love the outer dialogue we are getting. I really enjoy that we get Yoh's side of things and from his perspective, but this rounds it out a bit for me.
And look at that beautiful smile when Segasaki finds out she's married. "Are you in your rebellious phase." Does this sound familiar to certain people whom I will not mention by name!?! Hmmm! Brats! Stop breaking my heart! Make him stop Segasaki, make him stop!
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Fuck, I love these two so much. Everything he is describing is very much a Brat Tamer. Bossy but gentle. Controlling but caring. Charming and unreasonable. Brat Tamer.
The way his squishes Yoh's face! Ahhh, these two are gonna kill me!
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"It would be nice if you stayed drunk forever." Because of the honesty. Segasaki likes Yoh's quirks, but he also wants the honesty and the connection.
I need the curry story now! But apparently, I must wait. Heavy sigh.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know in the tags if you did. 💜💜💜 See you next time.
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watchingspnagain · 1 month
Rewatching The Real Ghostbusters
Welcome to “In Which Dean Gets Hangry and Clenches His Butt Cheeks, Sam’s a Better Boyfriend Than God, and the Boys Go Meta: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e9: The Real Ghostbusters.
Whatsherbucket (who is now, apparently, sort of Chuck’s girlfriend), calls the boys with an emergency, but when they show up at the hotel, they discover it was a ruse to get them to participate in a LARPing convention based on the Supernatural books. They find themselves surrounded by people dressed up as and pretending to be Sam and Dean, plus people in monster costumes. Chuck’s there, too, of course, although he’s not having a good time (stage fright, plus girlfriend trouble - WHB is still hung up on Sammy). The boys are sort of confused, and very horrified, and pretty darn angry. And then people start dying, for realsies. A couple of the LARPers end up helping them, sort of, to find the ghosts responsible and dispose of them, and the boys come a little bit to terms with the idea of others seeing their lives as enviable. Chuck promises not to write any more books, and WHB turns out to be an unexpected source of quality info: she knows who has The Colt.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
I hate Chuck but I NEED that jacket
Dean’s eyeroll
I'm with Dean on the eyeroll
I enjoy this ep but Becky makes me want to put a swizzlestick in my brain
OMG Sam's little startle at the scarecrow
omg Sam getting startled by the scarecrow
were there actual conventions going on by this time?
I thiiiink so?
the boys' reactions. i love it
omg Dean looking at Sam
 “for food and shelter?"
fuck you, Chuck
I'd feel bad for him if I hadn't seen the rest of the show
"leave this to the grownups" Dean, honey. come with me, we're gonna get cookies
Dean is DONE but he also wouldn't mind the gift card to Sizzler
Dean’s into the sizzler card
OMG the low voices with the dudes
"how'm I supposed to vanish?"
I love the meta
it’s pretty clever
this is two meta eps in a row
they’re softening us up for the hard shit on the way
"but you seem different"
"I don't have time to play Star Wars, guys" look, Mr. Meanie
“you have no idea"
"off limits to nerds" He's funny and it annoys me that he's funny because he's a jerk
he deals with the public. I’m willing to cut him some slack
"if it's just me, I look stupid" and then his boyfriend's eyebrow raise
these two are adorable
"stay in character" and all he does is lower his voice haaaaahahahahaha
omg their gleeful giggles and smiles
okay ew
I hate scalping stuff
ew, Becky
Dean does NOT like it when people go after kids
he does not
"give me the map, chuckles" "you're the chuckles, chuckles" LOLOLOL
omg Sam really wanted to say “cool it” HAHAHA
they're Rufus and Bobby, omg
Dean. Don’t yuck their yum
but also: FUCK 327
"i don't think they care because they're FICTIONAL CHARACTERS"
"you wanna win the game, right?" he's so snarky
he really is
someone needs to feed him
he does seem a bit hangry
aw, he paid for their drinks
I never noticed before they repeated the pouring the shot... shot and first it was Dean and then it was the dude playing Dean
“screw you very much"
"i'd say no" OH JUST WAIT, CHUCK
gratitude and a sandwich
OMG FRITZ read something else
I kind of love Fritz
i do too honestly
welp bye Fritz
poor Fritz
poor Fritz indeed
"how do you feel about angels?" ONE OF THEM SHOULD BE IN MORE EPISODES
"just give her the puppydog thing, okay?"
aw, these guys are ADORABLE
Dean, don’t call a grown woman sweetheart
omg he called her sweetheart
there is one man who's allowed in my book, and it's Dean Winchester. everyone else is on notice
because he's DEAN
I assume people have made much of the virginity anecdote and Chuck being god?
I... don't know
I know a lot has been made of him later claiming to have had both boyfriends and girlfriends
i don’t remember that! Ha!
omg Barnes and Damien believing in ghosts but not Dean
YES and Dean’s eye crinkle when he smiles at them
"who wouldn't want that?"
his reaction is so WEIRD
“howdy partners” oh Dean. relax your butt cheeks
omg Sammy don’t make me smack you upside
omg Sam's face when she says didn't you read the book
it’s about ding dang time
omg that Dean smile SHIT
"it's not jumping the shark if you never come back down" haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha
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alkhale · 5 years
Hello hello miss!... Uh, I think that's how you identify??? If not, please tell me!!! I don't wanna misgender you on accident or something Q-Q Anyways, I've been reading Memo, and I! Really love Hoku, and the way she interacts with the world, and her relationships with everyone, it's just really well written. Plus, she sounds REALLY pretty and I'm weak for that. That aside, are you up for getting ideas for Memo!AUs people've had, or headcanons? If not it's cool, just wanted to ask :> ~ Vira
omg u good, dw anon. 
I’m guilty of already having a lot of AU ideas for Memos and I might just start a story on AO3 for a collection of them so they don’t clutter the actual story or I can go more in depth or explore some other things hahaha. I’ll start putting them in little omakes and stuff, but Memos chapters have been hella long so I’m worried about overbogging stuff but y’all seem chill with these crazy counts so i hope u don’t mind
- School AU, this one’s just fun shenanigans and I love modern AUs. School Council President Sabo, Ace being Ace, Hot teacher Shanks, for some reason Kid and Hoku both have the same art class in basic architecture and metal welding because he’s a grease monkey and Hoku likes designs. Straw Hat crew in school, Brook’s a popular soul musician. Franky and Robin are teachers. 
- MODERN AU. I have so many ideas i wanna hash out for different Modern AUs, hahaha, i’m so attracted to these and was this close to writing it out instead as its own kind of story but Memos won over. 
ASL+Hoku living together and their daily life (together its HASL like hassle and that’s exactly what it’s like with these idiots)
Started to live together once Ace and Sabo were in their third year of high school, it’s been awhile now. (Hoku’s family passed away when she was young, Garp was doing marine work stationed in Hawaii and took an interest in her but before he could find her, she went to live with ‘someone else’ until he managed to shove her in with Luffy, she’s technically an emancipated minor)
Ace is a construction worker/part time fire fighter and picks up all sorts of odd jobs and errand runs.
Whitebeard took him in on several occasions when stuff happened. Ace is super close to the group even though they’re lowkey high profile crime bosses. Marco’s a doctor underground and professional, Thatch is a chef (whitebeard’s crew always sends gifts and visits and hooks them up with deals at random places)
“Ace! Can you call Marco? I think Hoku’s anemic again.”
“I swear to god, put down that phone he’s going to give me all those pills and I don’t wanna pay the hospital bill–”
“But it’s free.”
“God damn it.”
Sabo works for a high fashion brand design/political activist group (somehow these two meshed and Dragon runs both so)
Hoku and Luffy are students almost finishing up with high school. 
Sabo is designated most put-together-has-his-shit-ready, if you can’t find your paint brushes Hoku, ask Sabo. Ace, Sabo put ur laundry away already. He’s usually in charge of meals and making sure the bills get paid. (Their apartment is spacious but a little dingy and random stuff breaks or falls apart but Ace and Hoku are really handy and always fixing shit)
Ace can only make pasta and grilled foods. He’s great with the barbecue. Luffy can’t cook. Hoku cooks pretty damn well but she’s clumsy in the kitchen so she tries to cook before Sabo or Ace get home and they scream something about her cutting off a finger and needing stitches again
House is always decorated with flowers or something nice like a painting or photos or tapestries. Hoku always does that.
They have a small garden plot by the apartment complex. Hoku and Sabo take care of it. Ace and Luffy eat from it a lot and run out animals trying to steal the tangerines from the tree Nami’s adopted mom gave them as a house warming gift.
The three of them fill out a lot of her pages in her sketchbooks and easels. “Is that Sabo again?” “Yeah, he fell asleep reading and he looks too perfect so I wanted to draw it.” “That kinda pisses me off.” “Me too, we’ll do something about it when I finishl.”
Her art classmates are always super eager to see her stuff and ask about the hot older guys in her drawings and please ask them to model. Hoku relents. Ace comes in to model because he gets paid. That’s a story for another day.
Hoku has regular poker nights for awhile now with a group of people Ace and Sabo didn’t think about (they always thought it was the girls or some friends like their friend group) until one night Luffy goes to hang out with the others and they’re like?? Hoku??? and Luffy’s like?? Hoku doesn’t do poker nights with us you dummies.
This sends them into a panic attack and Sabo has Hoku’s location at all times because he did something permanent to her phone (Hoku does not know this) and they visit (stalk) her at one of her poker nights. Find out its in some weirdly shady fancy club body guarded by a bunch of ridiculously macho looking guys (it’s actually Daz, Vergo and some others) They stake out and froth at the mouth, nearly dying when they see Hoku walk out surrounded by GIANT MEN DOUBLE HER SIZE AND AGE, HOKU HONEY, WHAT? It’s Crocodile and Doflamingo, usually Mihawk, and sometimes Jimbei comes.
Hoku’s like ?? I’ve played poker with these guys for forever. (They’re big crime syndicates and totally into illegal business and Sabo knows this and Ace is ready to murder) but apparently Hoku weaseled her way in and she’s a good player so they have fun and like gambling with her. They always suggest taking her to Vegas with them because they’re high rollers but Hoku’s always like nah i got school and work.
Sabo and Ace after herding her home try to convince her to stop meeting with them and Hoku’s just like lmao no and takes out huge wads of cash from her pockets. “They’re ridiculously rich and I win a lot.” They also pay for a lot of good food and Hoku’s not about to pass that up. (She sneaks leftovers for Luffy all the time ((but the older men already know and usually just have shit boxed up for her anyway))) 
“But they’re older men and dangerous!”
“It’s not like I’m going on a date with them. It’s just gambling.”
“You like older men!”
“Oh, yeah, huh.”
Law and Kid are classmates and Luffy and Hoku hang out with them a lot when its not with their crew and Ace and Sabo are always like cant you hang out with better people. Kid and Law never feel welcome in their house but Hoku’s just like dw if they bother u i won’t talk to them and then they get upset and yada yada. Doesn’t stop Ace and Sabo from being super mean looking and scary. Kid and Law are hard to ward off, unfortunately.
Law’s studying to be a doctor, well on the way. Kid’s a mechanic and works at a shop and does street racing. Hoku wants to design a car interior for him.
People always say Sabo seems like the prim and perfect gentlemen of the three and he’ll make a good husband and they just laugh and Hoku tells Koala and she laughs because they always wave their hands and say nah nah, Sabo’s secretly the most sneaky and lowkey scary/sadistic/a tease out of all of them, don’t let the pretty face fool you
(and he really is, sometimes he makes Hoku beg for the pretty cakes he brings home from work from clients because he thinks its cute when she’s trying to reach them over his head)
Shanks is a famous traveler/explorer, always known for doing crazy stuff and his team of explorers climb mountains, explore caves, travel all around the world and take beautiful shots and Hoku and Luffy always tune in. Shanks saved Luffy once from a freak accident and he’s his hero and Hoku has such a hopeless crush on him.
Modern AU where Law is Luffy’s partner in college for a project and he goes to Luffy’s house. Hoku’s a TA for Shanks and stupidly stupid for him and Law meets her and feels things.
Modern AU where Strawhat crew goes on a road trip.
Monsters AU. Hoku’s a ghost.
Hanahaki AU. Red flowers.
Marines AU.
Genderbent AU.
Some other ones but i gotta go finish that essay i mentioned hahaha, hope these were fun! the modern HASL one ran away with me
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maybegeunyang · 7 years
Diamond Edge Singapore 170929; ily
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I am a blessed carat 💕
yup I'm still salty from last year but omo he looks amazing and that eye contact is real
I managed to say thank you to him in chinese my tears are coming
okay his eye contact was freaking sincere my good he look better irl really
Jihoon - cutie patootie with stupid hair cut but this year he became more confident although that cute smile remains JIHOON ILY HE SAID THANK YOU AND I THINK I DID TOO
Seokmin - SUNSHINE BB IS HERE okay his smile is always amazing and he said thank you to us HE LOOK FUCKING GORGEOUS TODAY ALSO FK ME
Seungkwan - seungkwan I finally looked at him properly!!!! He look way slimmer istg his skin condition doesn't seem great but he still looks awesome and that smile BOO WE LOVE YOU AMAZING CUTIE
Jeonghan - I FINALLY RMB JH TOOOOO dam he fucking good looking those eyes are unreal and freaking flawless face my god his hair is great too really
Wonwoo - HE IS HAPPIER TODAY!!!! He has a cute pink mark on his palm and he initiated the high five!! With like abit of strength I was quite shock tbh AND HE LOOK SO FUCKING HOT TODAY LIKE EVEN HOTTER HOW TF DOES HE DO GHAT we didn't really eye contact im sad but he's happy so that is all that matters I'm still a happy child who hi touch wonwoo bb
Hoshi - FK ME THAT EYE CONTACT hoshi is still my ultimate for hitouch istg I was so scared he wouldn't be this time round but HOLY FUK HE IS is less intense then last year but has this gentle vibes and it's more than 1 second also even as I move on to the next member I look back and we still manage to eye contact again FML HOSHI I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU SO MUCH
Mingyu - HOT BOI ALERT as if people don't already know HE LOOK SLIGHTLY UNREAL TODAY but mingyu is mingyu who is cute af when he smiles and hot af with his face and he still freaking tall like welp the rest I can't tell but he totally bent down for CARATS HAHHA
Vernon - HE FUCKING GREEK GOD LA PLS usual Vernon being a meme and he just look flawless man I mean CHWE HANSOL
Chan - he really glow up man CHAN HOW doesn't really look like wonwoo anymore but a vibe of his own and he looks great
Joshua - wasn't extra but his face MY GOD I took a good look at him my god that eyes and nose Joshua what are you that gentle smile too seriously I'm dead
They all looked more human this year hahah as in it's less porcelain like which make them even hotter if that's possible even
Except mingyu who look unreal cos his eyes my god I never knew his eyes before today then BUT HE STILL HOT AF (cos last year he was bf material cute kms) WE ALL KNOW
FAN PROJECT was successful thanks to the seating area people I'm so fucking glad and the banner that most people held up during healing the boys totally saw
I'm sure we left a better impression this year and for that I can Rest In Peace for fucking ever
Anyway; I feel really emotional right now cos this concert is likely my last
I'm growing up and my age is less appropriate for this now...
I fucking love seventeen and do NOT want to give them up
Now I'm just a ball dying to be saved I miss them so much already
Good job boys remember that we love you a lot thanks for always giving your hundred percent, we really will always be here
Albeit I might not be physically but I really will stick through til the end which I hope there isn't actually one
I really really love and appreciate you all so much, rest well for now and all the best for the rest of the tour. 💗💙💜
I hope to meet you all again somehow, someday.
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I'm so embarrassed .. not for myself and what I've done but everything around me.. the people ....
They literally have so many murder, rape, their charges... Fullly I mean fully corrupt ..
I've never seen so many incestual, child rapes done by the same people who say who did that.. lmao wtf .. the American government I'm living under is not the American government it's literally nothing but people letting people die, and be decieved and attacked by other people like wtf .. I have literally witness these people shut down all of their operations and live at home...
I've literally have worked from scratch under abusive people who did nothing but steal my money, my resources and everything ... Back to back... It's been over how many centuries so far...
They forced me to have sex with them and to fall in love with them... Like who the fuck is birthing these people and doing this massive mind control... And how the fuck are these people looking at me arguing with me .. like hey why don't you help us .. do what we say... Like wtf. You just murdered me... Some people just died here and you just returned ... No injuries nothing. Like wtf . How fucking embarrassing for me ..
My real breathing life, real injuries. All of Florida, all the way upstate... All throughout America, literally trafficking me... Watching me be raped next to other people who were guilty of crimes and their friends...
Who volunteers to watch , witness or allows or even suggests to have me an innocent person be victimized for almost more than a good 400 years... These people died and came back to life right afterwards .
I get robbed and raped by my bullies and strangers... All for them to have these stupid fucking reanctments of some civil rights leader lmao... Wtf... LMAO meaning laughter.. laughing my ass off... Wtf meaning what the fuck...
My name is Max.. or Maxali... Lol... I don't even prefer a name... Just know I'll die any single day .. have my soul and life erased permanently... Or just completely leave this government that's running under more than several levels of rapist, child rapists, Petty theieves, slave owners and more .. and truthfully I've been the only person to go through this alll... Throughout ... Every single moment.. every year . Every decade... No one have truthfully shed a tear for me .. hurt for me anything ... They've sat around fake cried and attacked me the next day...
I literally get raped, forced into slavery in this word. Where every single individual goes through schooling .. with all that protection and militant order happiness and conditioning... With all the good things of the world... And each given the chance to add on or master skills ...
I don't even know what I've given... Or done ..
But I spent more than almost 16 lifetimes being murdered and abused raped and stolen from.... By these people claiming their my family, police force and government... It's so embarrassing. And weird . It's like the childish teaching or negative one .. but like really. Like woah .. y'all sick as fuck.. you seriously , lie, and fake everything.. they have been so happy watching me be abused raped and murdered.. and reancting all the murders they've seen... I've given so much of my education and others to these people not having to kill someone or hurt someone .. they did not care at all...
They fullfledge.. have spit and destroyed all of America.. just murdering stealing stalking people lying.
These people have fully destroyed every good American vaule and will contiously hold innocent Americans hostages and pretend to be Americans... Like wtf ..
From jokes and alittle horseplay to these people showing pride by murdering people, and not caring and being applauded in public...
I'm so confused .. like America fully has lied .
It's sick. There was never a belief or chance that someone who sacrificed their health or time or anything for them was gonna ever be happy again.. literally never ..
All the preventative methods. Literally so many boundaries naturally there to give people happiness . And you just speak to them and communicate and these people are just like I'm gonna kill you.. wtf . I hate you all...
You will lie to a person and watch him die over and over again and as soon as he says I hate you.. you are offended.. you hated him.. you've been hated him... America has sat back and watch this allow this... Like OMG if I was an alien or foriegn country just watching SMH.. the amount of murders and innocent people dying and whites and blacks stealing shit like bitch wtf hahahaha... They said out this lightweight as one and two together ... And that's it ..
They simply said ... Put a fucking seed in a ground, put some other things and that's it.. y'all mad this life hard as fuck.. just to get what pussy... LMAO like what else did you want..
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