sehyunie23 · 3 months
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Ditto - Haerin
"I like you Y/n... I admire you, for what you do and just how you act. I've been keeping this for a long time so yeah hehe~ I hope you take my confession," Haerin said to me.
"Good, now how do you feel?" I asked the girl in front of me.
"It felt good! I just felt like I have this incredible confidence flowing inside me!" Haerin said proudly which made me smile.
"Uhuh~ so, here's the question. Will you do it?" I asked. Haerin then puts her hand on the table while she thinks.
"Hmmm~ I don't know. I mean, practicing is one thing, but saying it directly to him, it's just like hard you know?" Haerin said a little bit sad.
"Yeah, I understand that but look on the bright side, you are in a group with him on a school project! Don't be sad Haerin~ all will be fine," I said, giving the girl some confidence.
"Yeah, you're right. I still have some time," Haerin said to herself, probably cheering herself up which is a good thing.
"Now that we are finished with that, could you tell me again how did you know that your feelings for him are like, you know, real?" I asked and Haerin smiled again.
"Well~ it all started like this,"
--- flashback ---
Haerin POV
Going on a trip with my family is something quite special for me. A time where we can bond, see, and catch up with each other.
Truthfully, there is nothing planned for our trip today, we will just go with the flow as they say because sometimes, something unplanned will leave the greatest memories. Well, that is what I believe in.
Moving forward with the day, my family and I are now in our car, seeing the trees and the neighborhood as we pass the road we are taking. 
Comfortable as my brother is driving, I begin to enter a trance. A trance where I can peacefully talk to myself, admiring everything that we pass by.
Honestly, who doesn't like road trips? I like road trips.
Anyways, being in my comfort for about an hour, we then saw a place from a glance where giddy, happiness, and excitement combines. Once we saw the place, me and my family members glanced at each other, probably thinking the same... Go to the Amusement Park.
We then parked our car nearby and the adrenaline is slowly pumping in my body. I unbuckled my seatbelt and went out of the car to see the rides and stalls that offer different varieties.
Amusement parks brings me joy, it just takes out the sadness in my life. From the rides to the mini-games, it will guarantee me fun.
Walking in the crowded pathways I see some kids dragging their parents and people in cute costumes. The overall atmosphere makes me happy, truly one of the happiest places on earth.
I then see a rollercoaster that looks awesome, telling my plan to my family, they allowed me to go and immediately, I queued up for the ride.
The queue for the ride is not that long. Once the previous trip of the ride comes to a stop, the line starts to move, allowing new people to experience the ride.
Rollercoasters are a must when you come to an amusement park, not only that it is fun, the joy and the excitement will top our feelings.
The staff that is in charge of the rollercoaster ride then guided everyone, informing everyone to fasten their seatbelts.
I sat on the second train and fasten my seatbelt. Being giddy, I just look around with all smiles and then, a man sat beside me. Looking at the man, my eyes widen as I know him.
"Mark?" I said and the man, or Mark then looked at me, quite surprised as well.
"Oh my, Haerin? Is that you?" Mark retorted making me giggle.
"Hehehe, fancy seeing you here though, also, be my seatmate~," I cooed making Mark laugh.
"Hey, we are seatmates in school, and now until here, we are seatmates," Mark stated.
"Coincidence?" I said and looked at Mark.
"I want to call it fate~ *winks*," Mark said, making me scoff at the guy 
"Flirt," I scoffed and then we looked at each other. Seconds passed until we laughed at nothing, but the two of us are sure enjoying each other's presence.
After some time, the ride then starts to move. 
We all know the typical rollercoasters, slow at the start as the train starts to climb until... Free fall!
We can relate to that. But something everybody would not relate to, when it comes to riding a rollercoaster is holding someone's hand. Yes.
I held Mark's hand.
Mark didn't notice this yet but the warmth I immediately felt, the sense of joy, butterflies, and likeliness, it rushes in me.
Forget the ride, I'm holding a hand... his hand. 
Mark sure is my seatmate but he is also my great friend. We've known each other for quite some time now and our friendship just strengthens when we became classmates.
The school projects we are involved in, nearly similar interests, and the way he portrays life, he just amazes me. 
The admiration that I have for him is so great that this friend of mine that is dear to me, I begin to have some feelings for him as well.
Having a crush on a stranger is one thing, having a crush on your friend on the other hand is another. 
Having a crush on your friend is like having a make-it-or-break-it moment. Lucky when I confess and he accepts it, but what will happen if he rejects me?
Will things around us be awkward? Will our friendship still be strong?
The tug of uncertainty surrounds me. The what ifs as others say. The ride is nothing on me now. What I'm more focused on is I'm holding his hand.
I looked at Mark who is clearly enjoying the ride, the wind blows his hair, smiling, and screaming in joy and excitement.
At that very moment, I saw his smile. I've made my decision. I like the boy who is beside me, my friend, my buddy.
--- flashback end ---
"Like damn. The moment you knew you liked him is when you two are on the rollercoaster together?!" I exclaimed as Haerin just blushed at her seat while tapping her drink.
"Wah~ this is sweeter and cliché than I expected," I giggled as Haerin eyed me and gave me a playful smack to my arm.
"Hehehe, look at you~ but damn. Why not confess now then?" I asked.
"Pabo. You know him too and you know! Sometimes he will be giving signs and sometimes not!" Haerin stated to me.
"And your point here is?~" I asked, waiting for her response.
"I can't understand him..." Haerin said which quite surprised me.
"Oh... Well, that's something not extraordinary considering him but yeah. To make this all have sense, you're thinking if he is giving you or others a signal to love him or not, making you stay in a line where you are confused about your next move?" I summarized and Haerin just nods.
"To make it short, yeah. That's where I am right now," Haerin deadpanned as I giggle at the girl.
Haerin POV
Opening my eyes and seeing the dark surrounding my room, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, letting my yawns be free. After seating for a couple of minutes, I went out of my room, and then, my cat Taro went to me.
I picked up Taro and the cat just purrs in my arms. Stroking the cat's fur, I just let the peaceful silence takes place until my alarm rang. 
Taro jumps out of my arms and curled herself on my bed.
Letting my cat be, I went out of my room, takes out some bread, and made myself a drink which is mocha, my favorite.
After my little breakfast, I readied myself for school. I replenished Taro's food supply for her automatic food dispenser before going to the cat, rubbing her soft fur, and saying my goodbye.
I then left my apartment then went to the bus stop. Seeing my bus is already loading up passengers, I ran fastly just in time to enter the bus and find a good seat for my mini journey.
10ish minutes passed and I arrived at my stop. The bus stops and I went out of the bus to take a short walk to my school.
Seeing the blooming flowers, pairing that with the cool gentle breeze of nature along with the bright sun, it's close to my definition of perfection.
Entering the school campus, the natural chattering of everyone is heard, some students running, and some just munching their food. A typical day in my school.
I then walked straight to my classroom and there I see some of my classmates and him, Mark, seated beside my seat. 
Happiness starting to run through me, I let myself calm and walked to my seat. Mark then noticed me as he smiled and waved at me. 
I reciprocated his actions and sat on my seat, from there, we talked and soon after, our teacher entered our classroom and started our lecture.
After our classes, my groupmates are now in the house of one of our members as we agreed to work on our shared project.
Our project is like mini-engineering stuff for us to understand the fundamentals of engineering itself.
"So we put this wire here to connect it from the sensor?" My classmate Minji asked.
"Wait, that wire is for the sensor to the power source," Hanni butted in.
"Wait wait, this wire is too thin to be placed on the power supply," Mark said.
"Then, let's agree on it, let's use this wire for our sensors?" Haechan asked us all.
We all nod at Haechan and he connected the wires to it's place.
After about a couple of hours of making our project, we decided to call it a day. We all thanked each other and went on our separate ways, while I on the other hand, Mark was with me as our home is in the same direction.
Mark and I walk under the moon and stars from above with peacefulness surrounding us. 
I looked at Mark and asked myself. Should I confess?
Confessing to someone you like may be quite stressful for some, but regret is more of a loss than acceptance.
I decided to gather up my courage and face this thought of mine.
"Mark," I called him.
"Ne?~ What is it Haerin-ah?" Mark stopped walking as he looked at me.
"I like you Mark... I-I admire you for what you do and just how you act. I've been keeping this for a long time so yeah hehe~ I hope you take my confession," I said full of hope.
I then looked back at Mark as he looks at me. These are the time when silence is like deafening. Mark gave me a small smile as I await his answer.
"Haerin-ah," Mark said.
"N-ne?" I answered.
"Haerin- ah you're a nice and beautiful girl, but... I am dating Danielle now. I'm sorry if I will reject you but, I hope we can stay as friends?"
"O-oh, is that so? Hehe, I- at least I released this feeling building inside me hehe. I- I thank you for being honest," I said, preventing the tears fall out of my eyes. 
Mark smiled apologetically and we continued our way to go home until Mark and I part ways. We said our goodbyes until I am left alone.
Not even hesitating, I decided to take a detour. Instead of going to my apartment, I decided to go to Y/n's apartment.
Walking at a faster pace, I reached Y/n's doorstep in no time. I knocked at his door and Y/n immediately opened it for me.
I immediately hugged Y/n and cried as my emotions begins to grow. The sadness, disappointment, and even some shame come up to me.
"Woah, Haerin-ah, what happened to you?" I heard Y/n say as he hugged me back.
I was cooking my dinner until Haerin knocked on my door and cried on my shoulders. After calming the girl down, Haerin told me that she confessed to Mark but got rejected by him because he have a girlfriend already.
I calmed down the girl who is clinging to me as she sniffles and wipes the last tears that went out of her eyes.
I patted her head and hummed music just to calm her down quickly. Haerin was looking at the show, sometimes giggling when the show throws jokes and funny scenes.
But while Haerin is watching the show, I was watching her. 
Her beauty, her smile, her wit, and her cute habit of staring at people cutely, even sometimes mimicking thing that she saw. The way I unexpectedly fell for her charms. 
Funny that the very same scenario is happening to me. Haerin fell for a friend, I fell for her.
I've been with her too, we bonded and shared laughs as well but, I think she has no interest in me...
Looking at the show, I just smiled at myself and accepted my role in her life. A reliable friend that she can lean on and a crying shoulder where she can find comfort.
"Y/n," Haerin called me.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"I wish the person we love can love us back..." Haerin softly muttered as she snuggles at my hug. 
I smiled hugged her a little tighter and lean my head on hers.
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